
GreenplanetFM Podcast

Dedicated to interviewing leading edge experts, practitioners in their field, and people who are living examples of sustainability. Covers environmental subject matter that is not readily discussed in depth in mainstream media.
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Now displaying: 2011
Jun 23, 2011

Rod Oram, Business Journalist covers the spectrum of business and how it relates to everything.

Stating that New Zealand in many ways is only a reflection of what's happening around the world.

Covering: Our current economic model that has hit the wall - environmentally, socially and economically which he says sounds pretty dire ... both Government and business get very low marks for lack of vision and innovation.

Clean green image - we are pushing our luck ... We are too casual as to how we treat the environment.

Organic food growing is definitely the best process as it mimics natural process but ... how easy is it for NZ to convert, and would we obtain the volume of produce required?

We are the only developed country with no emmission standards for cars and trucks and having the oldest fleet in the world too. Why?

Plus forestry, huge challenges - how much carbon is stored in a tree? How is this calculated? Could we plant gigantic forests that all New Zealanders have shares in, for a nationwide superannuation scheme?

The role of communities and leadership is where we are heading, local leadership can impel Governments to follow, as they will not really lead, but if they do their pattern is to force things onto people. We need to learn the nature of how organisations work and how the nature of leadership works within this context.

Grass roots change is becoming very important, where we the people can instigate change via the Government because they have been given a mandate to legislate the changes needed - but it has to come from us.

Then get countries overseas to do the same - then global change becomes possible.

We also need to trust each other more in our relationships with each other.

Covering New Zealand's current debt and the TPPA The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement, and that we need a country wide debate on it.

:- An important overview by a very keen voice of balance and reason.

Jun 16, 2011

This new magazine recently launched to fill the void left by the Healthy Options publication being forced off the market by vested interests here in NZ.

The New Zealand Journal of Natural Medicine explores a wide range of topics that are relevant to maintaining or regaining good health.

These include nutritional healing, herbal medicine, New Zealand native Rongoa, exercise, homeopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, massage and many other modalities that can contribute to improving people’s health.

This in depth interview covers:

•  Radiation protection as a response to the Japanese nuclear reactors leaking radiation into the Pacific ocean and atmosphere and the benefits of using tumeric as one method, which incidentally is used in curries being a very good antioxidant. Iodine is another radiation protector.

•  Also discussed is, thermography, a benign non invasive test for breasts, that is far better for woman to have as apposed to having a mammogram, which is essentially an X-ray of the breast, where women are exposed to a small amount of radiation. But this method is not being supported by the Health Dept here in NZ, where both methods could supplement each other.

•  Raising a Vaccine-Free Child  which leads to the NZ Health Select Committee report on how to increase immunisation completion rates that have a number of coercive recommendations. And that the Department of Health here do not always tell the truth and censor vital information that parents and Doctors NEED TO KNOW. See also: for information on this issue.

•  EECP therapy. A procedure that grows new blood vessels. Recent data in 2005 documenting the effectiveness of Enhanced External Counterpulsation (EECP) for the treatment of angina has failed to bring this apparently effective procedure into the mainstream of cardiology practice. Why are cardiologists avoiding this safe, noninvasive treatment like the plague?

A well balanced assessment by a healer, who appreciates the good work of doctors and nurses who want to serve the sick and unwell.

Jun 9, 2011

There are many methods to treat cancer today that cover the full spectrum, from surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and drugs, to a vast array of holistic modalities and natural therapies, to visualisation and spiritual healing.

By bridging all medical methods, Grace collaborates with oncologists in an endeavour to find the best outcomes for patients.

With a marked increase in cancer across the human race, we inherently know that the pollution of both mind, body and planet, is totally related. However, we also know that cancer can attack anyone at any age, for no known reason and with no warning.

Listen to an exceptionally dedicated and connected healer who has worked with over 13,000 patients sharing her gifts and goodwill to empower them and their loved ones on this journey to deliver and cure us from this debilitating syndrome.

Covering the need for love, supportive family, de-stressing, clearing toxic relationships, to practical steps such as diet, exercise, meditation, prayer, yoga, and positive thinking.

Also mentioned is the impact of cosmetics, air quality, agriculture, food chain issues such as hormones, pesticides, electromagnetic influences etc.

Grace also teaches patients how to spin gold from straw and turn cancer into a transformative process and experience?

This very clear and inspiring interview, is a must for any dear family member, friend or associate who at this moment may be struggling to heal and recover and I wish to encourage you to pass this information to those whom you feel could benefit from Graces goodwill.

Jun 2, 2011

Is famine coming our way, as food prices continue climbing at the same time as fuel prices? Are we entering a increasingly insecure world?

Realising that a billion people, a very large part of the global family here on earth are going to bed hungry, Oxfam in around 40 countries, has initiated a giant global campaign called GROW which is an intelligent response to the hunger that people are suffering from at this very moment.

Where recently hunger has been declining, it has since 2008 risen dramatically, where in 23 countries there have been food riots and major protests in 61.

This is coming at a time of Peak oil, but Peak Agricultural Land Use was reached in around 1999 to 2001 and has been in actual decline ever since.

This is a critical issue that deserves serious attention, attention in the world already in the grip of multiple, economic, environmental and societal challenges.

Note that the average NZ family spends 16% of its income on food, whilst in the developing world 50% of a families income is spent on food. If our food price doubles we spend 1/3 of our income on food, if theirs doubles there will be nothing left - only hunger. Yet, we in the West suffer from the strange predicament of obesity and diabetes, whilst the developing world, actually starve.

Good safe food, like good clean water needs to be a human right, yet global food growth has been flat lining for the last 30 years and is of increasing concern.

At the same time woman's emancipation, education, and her need for control over her destiny and reproductive system, have to be supported, particularly in patriarchal and developing world societies. 

With the GROW campaign, food has to be good, G E Free, preferably organic, fairly grown, harvested and paid for, and all people in the supply chain have to know where it comes from and how it was produced.

The aim of Oxfam in this worthy initiative is to enable all peoples as well as the developing world to start growing food more easily and every day and healthy food at that, resulting in healthy bodies, that empowers the family and bringing them closer together, saving money across the board, especially in the health systems, prisons, and the work force.

Statistics show that the more access to education and the more woman are empowered and have the ability to feed oneself, the smaller families can become.

Oxfam in taking this initiative is acting both ethically and strategically to avert a new age of crisis.

Learn from a very coherent and articulate communicator of how Oxfam a Non Governmental Organisation is mobilising globally to meet the challenge of encouraging the localisation of growing food, even here and in so called developed countries.

Starting off this global GROW campaign first, here in NZ on the 1st of June.


May 26, 2011

Listen to a very lucid and eye opening critique on the state of Auckland, our new Supercity

Mels Barton is the editor of the Glen Eden Guardian, Secretary of the Titirangi Ratepayers Assoc, Trustee of the Ecomatters Environment Trust, and the Weed Free Trust, the Secretary of the Friends of Regional Parks, the National Coordinator of Sea Week, plus President of GAG (the Grassroots Action Group), Mels has her finger on many pulses.

Find out how the elected council representatives are being totally overloaded with information and data, then expected to vote on issues that they do not have the necessary time to research. For example, having to attend a council meeting in two days time, but given a 500 page dossier to read and fully understand.

Note, that where once our democratic process was to vote in a full council who managed the ongoing affairs of the city, today Auckland appears to have a two tier system that operates with a corporate model embedded in all aspects of council, and that elected council members are often dependent on council staff for information, who may have mixed loyalties with how the business of council is run.

The message being heard is the urgent need for transparency in all aspects of the democratic process,  ‘if we the people are to have our elected servants serve our express wishes for self governance, these servant have to be seen to be acting on behalf of the wishes of the people.’ Be it at local or at a national level.

An insightful interview, that ends with very good news that trees and stands of trees in the Auckland regional council areas, plus Waitakere and the Northshore have been saved from the axe.

From 1 January 2012, following the National government’s 2009 changes to the Resource Management Act, the only way to protect trees on private land was to have them scheduled (listed in the District Plan), a very prolonged and labour intensive practice.

Fortunately, the above changes have been overturned by our Judicial system who have recognized the short sightedness of this hurried 2009 legislation.

May 19, 2011

One of the greater challenges for both the individual and groups of human beings today, is to find a way to organize ourselves to plan and build a successful business, or community initiative and (if viable) actually make it happen - every time, with easy to use templates.

Dana Darwin, originally from Canada, now domiciled in NZ is a Founder of Platform One Foundation Charitable Trust, which is the umbrella organisation that supports the platform network of villages. He is also a Core member of a NZ based global Person-to-Person network actively developing and implementing a bottom up system model of organisation for businesses and communities. Bottom up, means from the grass roots up.

Dana is actively engaged with many organisations including Solar Industries Association, Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority, Auckland City Council, and closely aligned and working with a large NZ based group of companies and business professionals delivering positive results in the sustainability arena.

With a very broad work experience from commercial fisherman, logger, machinery operator, boat captain, builder, establishment of and living completely off grid, saw milling, extensive blue water sailing, commercial diving, farming including animal husbandry, organics, market gardening, food processing, tree planting, subdivisions, consent processes, consulting and project management services, facilitation, IT systems architecture, and business development, he understands the pitfalls and challenges when shaping a system that has to be robust and reliant as we look towards an unsure future in the world of today.

Listen to a strong and enthusiastic committed person devoted to our natural environment, supporting Youth (and of all ages) sustainable Energy conversations of all kinds, personal and community spiritual evolution, creating engagement tools, that provide value to the individual while supporting our global community. Providing Clarity, Consistency and Being, his is the voice of Leadership amidst the clamor of global awakening.

dana(at)        Web site launching late June.

May 12, 2011

The Good, the bad and the ugly, in reverse order.

Why is it that the NZ Govt and a number of Departments plus some businesses here have no interest at all in GE Free NZ, Nuclear Free NZ and Clean Green NZ?

Why do they seem to want the swamp of sameness for our unique situation, by not positioning us to possibly be the only organic country on earth with a massive marketing (and moral) advantage?  An Ark no less.

And why is it that the NATIONAL government has done away and cancelled the - 100% Pure NZ - campaign and white washed it to now be - The New Zealand 100% Pure You - campaign, which does away with our country and landscape being 100% PURE and is just a play on words.

Meanwhile, the 100% pure visitor, can unknowingly breathe in more uncontrolled exhaust fumes, drink more chemically treated and sanitised water and presumedly consume in the fast coming future, locally grown non organic GE food! Becoming instead a 100% laboratory experimental tourist.

Why are we selling our pristine landscape out, our principles and our ethical ideals?

And our children and grandchildren!

Hear a very coherent and passionate statement of the deplorable situation in this country of insider connivance to want to sully our food chain, and extend it into the animal kingdom as well as forestry.

However we have allies!

Note that the Vatican in January 2011 stated that:

There was no truth in claims the Holy See approved of biotech crops. Cardinal Peter Appiah Turkson, a Ghanian who heads the Vatican's key office for Justice and Peace, likenend the economic dependence on big corporations that GM crops bring, to a new form of slavery.

And listen to how the people of Northland and the Whangarei City council are resisting and that Whangarei District Councilors have voted to unanimously reject the outdoor use of genetically engineered (GE) crops and animals in the District.

The historic vote rejecting the outdoor planting of GE crops and trees reflects the concerns of communities about the lack of protection afforded by central government in relation to GE and land use.

The Communities, ratepayers and consumers have realised their basic right to protect the food system and environment, and that is what the decision supports.

This is where all New Zealanders need to rally behind the people of Northland and extend this GE free notion all the way down the country.

May 5, 2011

This weeks interview is very disturbing and it will alarm you. Little do we know the extent of what is happening as rapacious big business, with industry insiders, compliant and or silent media and gagged politicians see off New Zealands assets and sovereignty in what is a shocking expose of corporate takeover in this country.   It’s unprecedented!

Huge areas of land are being sold off to overseas interests, businesses too, and the NZ public is completely unaware.

Representatives of Government are secretly negotiating agreements and treaties, that do not have to be ratified by Parliament, (unlike America, where they have to go before Congress) that when signed, locks NZ into contracts that will be impossible to withdraw from.

As for our military relationship with the USA, listen for some very secretive info that we know nothing about. And what wiki links says about insiders in NZ, who are working against our sovereignty and security and not in the interests of our people as a whole.

Why the secrecy?

Listen to Murray’s passionate overview of what is happening right at this very moment on:

  • The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement and the dangers it poses to the NZ economy and to our very democracy.
  • The National government if it remains in power have stated it will continue to Privatise our Public Assets.
  • The relentless takeover of NZ businesses and land by transnational corporations.
  • The re-absorption of NZ into the US Empire.
  • And, most, importantly, how the New Zealand people can fight back; it's too crucial to be left up to the politicians.


OF INTEREST: Since the devastating Christchurch Earthquake, community groups from the grass roots up are making a very significant impact by working with locals to support them with repairs, food, health, energy and general goodwill.  It is grass roots organizations that are the essential key to community coming together.


Apr 28, 2011

Listen to a heart felt story of connection with water and its sacredness.

Hear his greetings of goodwill and tears, how indigenous peoples respond to water that nourishes  – our living planet PapaTuanuku our sustainer.

Though the Earth is in trouble, it is we humans who need healing. Our planet, though continually abused, sings us awake every morning by birdsong, and flowers opening.

We are the water carriers, water vessels shaped as clay, and as man and woman, we need to come back together to coalesce in aroha.

Mike has a local river called Tara ariki, passing by his house, this is his connection. Where once gold and silver miners polluted these arteries, Mike has been the river's advocate -- one man's journey to stand for the creeks, rivers and streams for 25 years, to clean up what are sacred waters.

As an avid clay worker, he uses this medium to express his connection with Mother Earth and the beings that share this world.

A passionate man calls to reconnect with the water and the song in our being -- and the water outside our being -- and become one with the great cycle of existence with family and community.

Apr 21, 2011

What makes a young New Zealander want to have his own radio show that after less than a year is on 24 radio stations, 23 of them outside of New Zealand?

How is it that other non mainstream media is making inroads towards the populace who are fed up with mainstream media, because of the lack of real news, depth and background information and that there are fewer and fewer NZ journalists and actual news services in this country?

To have a revolution in ‘consciousness’ within society, you first have to have a revolution in media to facilitate the revolution in the mind that translates to the revolution on the street – that is the goal of Vinny Eastwood of the Vinny Eastwood - NZ’s leader at the forefront of Guerilla media – leading people with insightful news and comedy at the cutting edge of what’s happening here in NZ and exploring the underbelly of NZ politics, media, justice, corporate fraud and take over and anything else that links into the shadow and helps us to see the lighter side of genocide!

Why is it that a growing number of global citizens are wanting to know more about grass root situations, localized community and self sufficiency and in particular at the other and of the spectrum, what the New World Order really means? And that as things get better and better, things actually get worse and worse! 

Why are solutions not being actively sought from the community, or supported by mainstream media, with more positive feedback, yet bills are now being rushed and rammed through Parliament under urgency? Why the urgency?

With talk of Corporate takeover from the forced amalgamation of Auckland as a super city, to the mining of giant deposits of a massive lignite coal field in Southland, to oil and gas exploration off the East Coast of NZ, the continued sneaking in of genetic engineered organisms into NZ, and the recently passed Copyright Bill, with a Security and Intelligence Bill hovering over us, the ordinary NZer feels that we as a small country are under assault from the machinations of big business and offshore manipulation of our Sovereignty.

Hence the rise of guerilla media and alternative news to say that there is another way at perceiving what is maybe  … or actually - really going on.

Apr 14, 2011

Imagine New Zealanders being able to have easy access to a huge nationwide network of every health and healing modality available.

From Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Osteopathy, and Naturopathy, plus Massage, Aromatherapy, Iridology and Chiropractic. Today we have Alexander Technique, Bowen Therapy, Hellerwork and Rolfing plus Feldenkrais as well as the tried and true herbal elixirs, potions and tonics and many methods to detox us and eliminate poisons from our body.

Going further, we also have vibrational healing, like Bach flowers, and plant and crystal essences, and even colour therapy, plus medical intuitives and many variations of hands-on spiritual healing.

Why have so many methods of healing? Because the current allopathic medical model is failing us due to it’s near total emphasis on selling us drugs and pharmaceuticals and treating our body as a machine with no soul.

With 9,000 certified holistic health practitioners and healers in NZ, listen to how they are organising themselves into a vast community network to be able to efficiently and effectively play a critical if not a pivotal role in keeping us healthy and focusing on preventative methods and thus being at the ‘top of the cliff' and not the 'ambulance at the bottom of the cliff’.

This is where personal responsibility for ‘one’s health of one’s temple’ is taking us during these times of awakening to our body, mind and spirit.

GreenplanetFM 104.6 Thurs 8-9am 14th April

Jonathan Callinan The Wellness Directory
Expert Practitioners @ Your Fingertips

Apr 7, 2011

Do you receive signals from the Earth to be aware of future events?

Is the food you eat abundantly nutritious?

Our planetary biosphere is in greater peril than ever. While climate change is the greatest challenge of our time, it also presents the greatest possibility - an unprecedented opportunity to build a healthy, prosperous, clean energy economy, now and for the future.

The desire to generate a balance of living has motivated Tim to change his life and speak out about the lack of balance on Earth today. Covering the Earth's cycles, natural farming to restoring the acoustical vibration of nature.

What would it take for farmers to be in communion with the rhythms of the earth and nature?

From 3am to 3pm the earth is exhaling (outward energy).  This energy has an effect on every thing on this planet.  From 3pm to 3am the earth is inhaling (inward energy).

For example; have you ever noticed a stream or a creek running in the morning when it is pouring down rain, will run extra fast and higher and it can still be pouring down rain in the afternoon but the creek has gone down and is not as high.  This is because the earth has an outward energy in the morning, so the water runs off the earth quicker and in the afternoon the earth has an inward energy so it is pulling the water down soaking it into the earth.

What is the significance of these two forces?

WE HAVE CHOICE. We can maintain the consumption of life or we can be the Celebration of Living! Which one will you choose?


Australian Access Consciousness Facilitator & Sustainable Farming expert ~ Tim Bothams will facilitate an evening of gifting you tools and questions that can be applied immediately to have you access a greater sense of peace amongst the chaos that is currently occurring.

When: One night only! Saturday 9th April 7 pm -545 Parnell Rd Auckland

Location / Venue: Parnell Community Centre,  545 Parnell Road

Cost: Adults $75, youth 16-19 $38, 15 & under no fee to attend.

Call Sharon to register: 0212 442811  -

Mar 31, 2011

This morning we continue last weeks forthright discussion with Dr Bruce Lipton, Norma Tarango and myself weaving a raft of subject matter that looks at emergent humanity within the cultural creative movement - that includes the holistic, green, social justice, metaphysical, potentials, spirituality, peace movement and more.

Covering Gaia, sacred connection, planetary restoration, indigenous understanding, humanity, quantum consciousness, conscious parenting, personal responsibility and community empowerment.

The urgency being - we need to do this daily by thinking it, talking to our family, engaging our neighbours and connecting with our community.

The new evolution is that each human being, individually is an entity unto themselves – and  now science is recognizing some thing called a super organism - where each human is a cell in the body of a much larger organism called Humanity – and now humanity is set to evolve to a different level and this is in regard to relationship and family and each other - to unity and community.  From the local to the global  - it is Conscious Evolution and an Awakening Earth!

Mar 24, 2011

This delightful conversational riff spontaneously occurred between Bruce Lipton, Norma Tarango and myself as part of Green Planet FM’s ongoing relationship with what concerns our planet.

We found ourselves impassioned about systems of governance and the corporate take over model, and how it impedes the development of community and its needs for energy, health and food independence.

Food, money, wellbeing, and indigenous values are also reflected in this interview as part of how we can live on Gaia - in greater harmony.

What is poignantly addressed by these two Americans is how and why New Zealand should resist corporate power and control and avoid emulating the collapsing systems of the United States.

Dr. Lipton describes this dominance as a serious ailment that is leading us into  systemic patterns of total breakdown. Both Norma and Bruce speak to what comprises  a healthy, cohesive and sane society as grassroots community endeavors  - beating as one heart.  Being thoughtful witnesses to what is happening in America they make a compelling argument for New Zealand’s capacity to act in greater community fashion.

This powerful insightful interview shows how friends and family too can spontaneously evolve by having these types of conversation to mobilize their commitment to creating a world that we all want to live in and is sustainable.

As mentioned:
TONY BENN British Labour Cabinet Minister, a vegetarian since the 1970s.

Mar 17, 2011

What if 98% of Health Care could recede and go away, and knowledgeable self-care could replace it. What would we do with US$1.6 trillion in savings? - Mother Nature's strongest medicines are waiting for you (in exactly the right doses and without any side effects) - in whole foods.

Don Tolman has had privileged access to private museums, rare books collections, and ancient manuscripts, and has rediscovered the secrets of health & vitality lost to humanity for millennia.

Listen to Don Tolman and learn of the whole food wisdom of the Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Hebrews, Chinese, Native Americans, Incas and others who through time treated themselves to high vitality and longevity using plant whole foods.

Jan 12, 2011

As an emergent species, the human race has slowly evolved to where we are today - to a point of crises and opportunity.

Little do we know of the seed that carries our physicality forward, the encoded DNA that over eons has impeccably replicated itself in a continuous re-generational sequence - and it has only been in the last few generations we in the Western world have come to a greater understanding of our connection to bloodlines and whakapapa.

What we have found is that we in many differing ways have been programmed by our immediate ancestors and survival situations, to belief systems that are now seen in many ways as outmoded - ways of thinking, that do not serve the spirit of unity, of family, iwi and community all the way to a globalised family of humanity.

Old patterns, of control, patriarchy, victimhood, want, 'sin' and fear are on one hand, falling away yet on the other hand the old virtues that have been around for millennia, but have been subsumed or forgotten are re-emerging to remind us of Love, aroha, goodwill, co-operation, courage and community to embrace latter day vernacular of innovation, solution, personal empowerment, higher consciousness, and connection.

These are the spring board of our next evolutionary step into a global spirituality.

And there are many differing ways to access this new way of knowing.

Ojasvin Kingi Davis is Maori from the people of Ngaitupoto, Ngatihine, Ngapuhi of Aotearoa, New Zealand. His bloodline and family traditions reaches back to the stream of Waitaha and Waiomu. In his upbringing and studies he was uniquely immersed in his living culture. Since 1998 he studies the Yoga of Integral Learning. Ojasvin became a fully certified teacher for Yoga of this system of the school Min-I.L.I.T.

With his partner Iris Häusermann Davis who was  born and raised in Switzerland and whose parents presented her with an artistic upbringing that connected her to nature through the Waldorf School of Zug. Continuing on she became a public teacher before she studied theater and dance in Zürich.

For six years she is co-working with Ojasvin around the world and has co-created with him the integral learning programme of Grandmothers Healing Haka. Since 2003 Iris has studied the Yoga of Integral Learning and is a certified teacher of the basic Elements from the school Min-I.L.I.T.

The key to it all is the realisation that we are all part of a greater whole, we are one human race awakening to our connection to a larger human organism coming together to see that we individually and collectively are immense and potent beings. That our similarities and virtues are far more compelling than our differences and that in the spirit of Aroha and kaitiakitanga (guardianship of the biosphere) we can individually and collectively shape our future on this living planet papa-tuanuku - Mother Earth that science is slowly awakening to realize is - sentient.

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