Warwick, a New Zealander, has spent 20 years developing a world leading technology that under one umbrella eliminates industrial and household waste, turning it into a valuable resource for manufacturing many different products, but most important it recovers the energy from waste.
This system is a global first and is so necessary for today, as one of the greatest attributes of this system is that it reduces CO2 and methane going into the atmosphere from landfills. By doing this he is able to eliminate all landfills.
Warwick worked with scientists on floating Arctic ice ‘islands’ for two years, which have subsequently melted.
He has first hand experience on declining polar ice due to warming of the world’s oceans, which are reaching a critical threshold.
He sees the elimination of methane gas, a super potent greenhouse gas from landfills and atmosphere as a major step to remediation and sustainability.
This open, light hearted discussion invites listeners to join in an event that brings forth a collective of metaphysicians, healers, artists and indigenous ecological ideals of how as one seamless organism we can anchor a vision of an open, bio-harmonic lifestyle and community.
With a holistic understanding that integrates scientific principles people are awakening to the need to creatively build community into a dynamic field of possibility. And that 'cultural creatives' need to be communing together.
What are these foundations? - These Platonic building blocks and of how we individually and collectively weave the various strands of our potential into a localized Auckland area group that will empower us to manifest answers, solutions and connection for today and tomorrow.
And how does 'Kawai Purapura' as a venue in a glade of exquisite beauty, facilitate a unique event such as this to be the forerunner of spontaneity, joy and heart resonant connection and well being?
Where we can embrace new friends, kindred spirits and change-agents and celebrate, meditate, pray and play, sing and soar.
Walking Our Wisdom 'WOW'
Kawai Purapura Albany - Summit, Symposium and Gathering of All Beings
The coming together in celebration of community and sharing of gifts, knowledge, information and spontaneity of what is Wisdom?
Be inquisitive! 'WOW'