What is happening in Russia at the moment, since the Anastasia series of Ringing Cedars books?
What is a Dolmen? Are they an extension of an ancient Vedic culture and are these monoliths really 7,000 - 9,000 years old, and how come they are reflected in the constellations of the night sky?
What type of schooling are the children in this particular area of Russia experiencing, relating to 'how does a human being live on a planet?'
What is happening at the many summer Eco Festivals across the face of Russia? Where people go back to the land to reconnect and seek community.
8 years ago Tim experienced a profound dream whilst camping between, of all things, two cedar trees, when attending a gathering of Dances of Universal Peace. This dream compelled Tim to travel to Russia for one month to investigate what it meant and along the way he discovered something extraordinary and magical.
In what has been called the defining decade, there's a growing sense of the need to reappraise our current global situation, and to question many of our prevailing assumptions. What if we really are the people we've been waiting for?
Christopher Le Breton is uniquely placed to make a difference at the interface of environment and development, having been an environmental project officer in the European Commission in charge of projects in the former Soviet Union. He was also a European Union environmental adviser and capacity-builder on the ground in Serbia. He has lived, worked, and travelled in 97 countries around the world, engaging at all levels, from Government to grassroots, from private sector to not for profit sector.
Christopher walked away from this lifestyle, sold his house in London, and set out to bike the world giving Awakening the Dreamer Symposiums as he went. After completing 75 educational workshops in 7 countries over years, including 50 of them cycling through Australia and Indonesia, Christopher Le Breton has settled in New Zealand.
He had been able to implement a number of projects in 10 countries over 7 years, inspiring people to create thriving, dynamic projects in their communities. These projects are boosting, for instance, local economies in Australia, saving indigenous wisdom in Indonesia & Ecuador, saving orangutans, and addressing climate change in Indonesia. On leaving Ecuador recently an indigenous elder asked Christopher to go back and change the dream of the modern world – that is to wake every one up!
Here in Aotearoa New Zealand, Christopher has set up Earth Partners Trust in partnership with tangata whenua, promoting the concept, understanding and implementation of Kaitiakitanga, guardianship and stewardship of the environment for the current and the next seven generations.
This wide ranging interview covers many interlinking and overlapping subjects, including; Consciousness, New Paradigm, Quantum Realities, Space Time - ET’s and UFO’s - Trans Pluto, Mother Earth, Sustainability, Ecological Awareness, Co-creation and Co-operation.
When we sleep at night we basically disconnect from our outer realm and bodily sensations and enter what JJ Hurtak says is ‘an ocean of consciousness, swimming in hyperspace’ - that our consciousness is not localised in our body it is open to a vast plethora of dimensions - as the Australian Aborigines aptly named the 'dream time.'
That there are many levels of sleep. Beyond rapid eye movement and all the analysis that has take place, and the usual mixed messages of dreams we experience, we can tap into other realms that are available to us every night. JJ Hurtak mentions the dreams of Joseph when back in Egypt and his ability to interpret them for the Pharaoh. So there is a long history of the potency of dreams, however with present day humanity, especially in the western world, we are awash in things, data, distraction and consumerism and rarely take the time to cultivate our inner being, and the levels of unconsciousness that may be just waiting to be acknowledged.
Desiree, also mentions how dreams can give us warnings and predictions and tells of one, as well as experiences of déjà vu.
“You cannot insert a gene you took from a bacteria into a seed, and call it life. You haven’t created life, you have polluted it.”
~ Vandana Shiva.
The UN Food and Agriculture Organization's definition of 'forest' includes commercial plantations of fast growing trees - often replacing biodiverse native forests relied on by local communities.
Perhaps this shonky description of a forest is really to accommodate industry, carbon sinks for emissions trading, and making money from climate change.
Forest conservation has been thought to be the simplest way to fight climate change, particularly in New Zealand, where cars and cows are incredibly effective carbon producers.
Have we now reduced the description of forests to ‘any area covered by trees’, discarding the structural, functional and biological diversity of non-tree elements that make up a forest, as well as the cultural importance of the interaction between forests and communities?
Drawing parallels between the treatment of workers and the treatment of natural systems, Gary Cranston talks about how the privatisation and the commodification of natural systems is being dressed up by polluters as a solution to climate change, and how these solutions must be replaced by solutions designed and implemented by and for those most threatened and least responsible for causing climate change itself if we are to realise an effective response to today's crisis of climate change and capitalism itself.