In 2016 Christine Jones is coming to live in NZ, to assist farmers and soil scientists understand how biological agriculture can resolve pollution challenges caused by excessive use of nitrogen and phosphorous fertilisers. She says improvements to soil function will help restore waterways without any need to reduce the number of cows. At the same time, the cows will be healthier!
The book, The Catch:
The awakening in NZ at both Government and industry level that we have to totally change our fishing practices to conserve local and world fishing stocks.
That citizen initiated groups in NZ can make a difference if we commit to organise and make our voices heard.
This is about the exploitation of NZ waters by overseas fishing corporations.
The exploitation and near on slavery of crews working on these boats in NZ waters.
The vacuuming up of the last remaining tuna and large fishing stocks in the Pacific ocean, that last fishery on earth.
Of corruption and irresponsible attitudes at virtually every level in the worlds fishing fleets.
We have to act now.
Part I - (What is a Geomancer and Geopathic Stress)
Nicky describes what a ‘Geomancer’ is and how that relates to what she does. She has the ability to detect ‘Earth Energy’, particularly the Magnetic fields around the earth, also Geopathic Stress caused by underground water, and how this affects your health.
Part II - (Is there any science to go with it and how does it work?)
John asks Nicky if she can explain exactly how she dowses a house.
She explains how she grids through a house or an office or apartment even 40 stories up in an apartment this energy can be detected. So by gridding through the property, she can identify where exactly the noxious energies are.
Part III - Diseases
John is interested in what other diseases are linked with Geopathic Stress.
He asks what about things like ‘Chronic Fatigue’?
Nicky gives an example of a case study she has dealt with of Chronic Fatigue and it was the ‘office’ situation rather than a bed that lowered the immune system that caused this. John asks are there other diseases and also do you have situations where you can’t fix a situation?
Part IV – The Journey work
Nicky has been practicing ‘Journey’ work since 2004 from Brandon Bays. (
She uses this process to help people to deal with health issues based on the ‘Journey’ that Brandon developed over many years.