Vivienne has been involved for most of her life in understanding how human consciousness and spirituality are intrinsically linked and how we humans can grow and become exponentially more knowledgeable of who we are. This is a landmark breakthrough
Being sensitive to our bodily responses.
Have you ever intuitively tuned into your gut when in a situation where there may be danger, or a sense of risk? Well scientists have finally realised that there is a connection to a gut brain - and of course we have known that there has been a connection to the heart brain for many years now - when Joseph Chilten Pearce mentioned it 40 years ago.
Science finally makes the connection.
After many years of seemingly disconnected research, scientists in Australia have pieced together much of the desperate data on the human body to realise that embedded deeply with us all are specific organs of intelligence. This research has substantiated this gut brain and come out with a process called multiple braining and there is quite possibly more of these brains embedded in the human body.
Working with your brains them as against them where you get mixed signals.
Remember the statement I had a gut feeling, or I felt it in my gut. or My heart said Yes and my head said No!
There is a few minutes scientific practice that allows us to bring all three m brains to align together - where you will end up with a win win win situations because all brains will be synchronised and working.
With more research future findings that will probably show that the ‘vegas nerve’ will be a brain and possibly the 'reproduction system' will have a brain as well.
Plus a learned process to being able to align them …
So this is a new modality with plenty of room for far more research and develop it a lot further.
The practitioners involved in this new modality have a keenness to really advance this science into assisting the growth of consciousness.
These ‘M braining’ trainers and master trainers - ask this question every day - ‘How can I be the most compassionate creative courageous self today?’
Compassionate being related to the heart, creativity, to the brain and courageousness aligns to the gut. Thus by first aligning all brains through a simple exercise they become far more congruent and intuitively there life processes tend to be more harmonious and successful, due to their ‘mindfulness’.
At present stress is a major escalating global problem and with it can come addictions - that we involve our self in, thinking that drink and drugs can give us some sort of temporary relief - then there is now an increase in screen addiction - people staring into screens including pornography and now more drama - distractions - and a big one - the lack of self love, especially for the young - they can give out to other people but they can’t receive love for themselves- there is too much self-depreciation to the extent that so many young people doing self harm to themselves …
Next to climate change and what is happening within the biosphere, and the continuing societal unrest and need for peace, renewable fuel is the biggest challenge we face in our lifetime….. renewable transport fuel…. For us to commute, keep warm and lighten our night and our life - make no mistake there is not another challenge that will affect mankind as much as this.
Electric Cars, Trucks and Airplanes, wherever there is independent transportation - are all part of this chain.
Recently with close to 400,000 pre orders for new electric Tesla cars with $1,000 down, equalling $400 million dollars this is enabling Elon Musk to adroitly bring the components together to out flank the fossil fuel industry and their captive car manufacturers. This bringing a new era of clean safe energy that will dissipate the dark shroud of toxic molecules from being the epitaph for our civilisation - by endeavouring to break free of ‘a sector’ of the 1%.
This technology and knowhow is actually here today, yet 99% of our planetary population don’t know it. Yet the 0.0001% of fossil fuel corporations, who do know it - don’t like it … because it is a disruptive technology and they stand to lose.
We need an educated planet with the will to make the shift that we so urgently require.
Electric Vehicles.
Most probably, the best thing that ever happened was that the oil Corporations and their ‘compliant auto manufacturing’ Corporations, killed the prototype 1st Generation EVs “Electric Car” back in the late 1990’s. If this had not happened we would not have Tesla today as by doing so, this gave rise to Tesla Motors that is now disrupting the car industry … their goal is not to make expensive cars for ‘rich people’ - but to transform the ‘transportation economy’ to an electric fuel economy, powered by renewable energy.
The Nissan LEAF for example, is just a compliance car… a gasoline car converted to be electric. It complies with the laws in California, Europe and Japan, but the LEAF is not a compelling EV, the Tesla Model 3 is a very, very, very compelling car…. that happens to be Electric and silent.
This engaging interview covers:
The various Electric ‘EV’ type vehicles that are available here in NZ today.
That Whangarei, having the highest number of EV’s per capita in NZ is positioning to be the EV hub of New Zealand with the installation of five DC 50 kW Fast Chargers throughout Northland.
Why Tesla has got a jump on the field? Silent - power - (please listen to the free download).
Today, Los Angeles is seen as ‘a city of electric vehicles.’ A large growing market for EV’s.
The benefits beyond electricity and silence are:
The Nissan Leaf for example, has few moving parts, so less wear and tear and when it is service time, it has such a quick turn-around-time, that the company servicing the vehicle cannot make money because of there is little to go wrong. Whereas with an internal combustion engine, there are belts, spark plugs, filters, hoses, batteries, radiators etc etc. This is where conventional car service departments make their money. Nissan withdrew its Nissan Leaf from sale in NZ last year, because it was not a money maker for them.
Driverless - This is coming - 10 to 15 years time all trucks and a large number of cars will be navigating themselves around a street or road near you.
Compatibility of charging stations. This is still being worked out just like the old VHS and Beta video recorder battle and Apple versus Microsoft. However there are ‘add ons’ and extra inter connecting cables that you can easily stored in the boot.
How long to charge? Fast charge on the road 30 minutes. The Tesla range is from 335 ks to 400 ks - with battery improvements continuing to improve.
Battery pack on a Tesla can be changed if needed in around 2 minutes.
Petrol milage versus electric milage ? To get where you wish to go, the cost is equivalent to around 33 cents a litre of petrol.
Education is going to be the big thing and Joe mentions how schools are getting interested in showing their students
What sort of Governmental support so far - what more could they do? Please listen to the interview.
Air NZ has a growing fleet of electric cars with 76 as of March 2016. Saving about 65,000 litres of fuel per year.
The old fossil fuel lobby are very worried that electricity is going to encroach on their customer base.
What are the challenges?
Vector here in NZ has been a keen Tesla follower and are interested in large battery packs. Because power use in NZ’s cities, surges especially in Auckland around 5.30 to 7.30 pm at night and other extraneous gas of oil generation is kicked in to cover this spike, now Vector are looking at deploying these large lithium battery packs to cover this contingency.
Tesla has moved its factory to where the lithium mines are in Nevada so that the supply chain is kept to a minimum.
Note that lithium can be recycled.
What sort of future do you see here in NZ?
What sort of future do you see for our planet?
We end with Joe, stating that we have to really get out and support this clean, silent energy and both talk and use this technology. The fossil fuel dinosaur is vehemently against it and like the electric car recall in the mid 1990’s where all but a few cars were were repossessed and crushed, the oil lobby could still do it again.
Once we embed electric cars into the public consciousness - this will be pivotal in bringing a paradigm shift into being on our planet. Opening up a totally new era.
A very intriguing interview with loads of optimistic and positive information.
Joe Camuso, originally from the USA, having lead a very interesting life for himself and now he with a family has started New Zealand’s first electric vehicle (EV) taxi business and is a founder and shareholder in Blue Cars, NZ’s only 100% Electric Car rental company.
The financial system that is enslaving us gets its power from our passive consent. Money is created by private-sector banks out of thin air, and then we pay interest on that!
Each time a bank makes a loan, it essentially creates money as debt.
This system results in problems such as increasing levels of household debt and inflating property prices.
It ensures a rapidly widening income gap.
In New Zealand we are allowing our children to go into debt slavery!
First they have student loans; then they may have a mortgage, and then they are expected to save for their retirement.
If we continue with this system we will fail as a society.
In this interview Don Richards, co- founder of Positive Money New Zealand, talks with Lisa Er about the problems and the solutions.
Positive Money New Zealand began when Sue Hamill and Don Richards had the current debt based system explained to them in 2010, while watching, “Money as Debt”. When they learnt that New Zealand operated under the same system - they customised the UK campaign to the New Zealand situation.
Don explains how new money is introduced into the economy by private banks as loans and is shown by water coming though the tap.
As they create the money themselves, the only constraint is people’s ability to take on higher and higher levels of debt. This created money distorts the property market and allows house prices to increase year in and year out, irrespective of demand.
Banks make enormous profits from money creation – more than $5,000 million dollars each year - $10 million dollars a day and most of that money disappears overseas. Imagine what we could do with $10 million dollars a day. It is a huge drain on our economy.
There is however a bigger problem. When people repay their loans, that money disappears from the economy, which is represented by money going down the drain.
Loan money that is repaid to the banks cannot then be lent out again because as the original loan money was created from nothing it must return to nothing.
In banking terms money is “destroyed” when people repay loans. This is ridiculous and is probably what the former governor of the Bank of England, Sir Mervyn King, was alluding to when he said “Of all the many ways of organising banking, the worst is the one we have today”.
For our economy to work, more people must get into debt than get out of debt.
In times of recession, people take out fewer loans as confidence in the future declines, and more people repay their loans. The banks also get nervous as their confidence in people’s ability to repay loans diminishes and they lend out less money.
Governments make matters worse by introducing austerity measures, cutting back on their spending. This further reduces the amount of money in the economy, prolonging any recession.
When confidence picks up, people take on new loans faster than the old ones are repaid, banks become bolder and lend more and the government spends more, creating a boom. This is the boom and bust cycle which is an artificial construct based on a flawed monetary system.
Positive Money’s Solution
The Positive Money solution would have the Reserve Bank issue our money supply debt free and they would take control of the tap.
The money being introduced into the economy by the Reserve bank could be spent by the government on infrastructure projects such as hospitals, roads and bridges or new schools and the need to government debt would disappear.
Our government debt is currently $110, thousand million dollars and the Government pays Five Thousand Million Dollars in interest alone each year. This equates to 14 Million dollars a day that it does not need to spend.
When you add the principle repayments that do not need to be made, the amount of available money is staggering. Imagine what we could do with all of that extra money.
There would still be a place for private banks though. While they could no longer create money from nothing, they would have to attract deposits from those willing to invest.
In this way loans from the private banks, once repaid would be available to be lent out again, thereby putting a plug in the bath.
The boom and bust cycles would smooth out and the available money in the economy would rise.
With more money in circulation New Zealand would move from a low wage economy to a high wage one
Governments from the left could use the additional money to increase social services and provide a Universal Basic Income or pay off the student loan debt.
Governments on the right could use it to pay down the Government debt and reduce taxes.
We would no longer need to engage in risky offshore drilling or engage in fracking, or mining in our conservation estate to grow our economy – it would grow organically. There would be money for free education, proper schools, affordable health care, a decent retirement income…
The International Monetary Fund paper that was mentioned in the Seven Sharp clip endorses a similar solution. Here is a quote straight from the paper:
the benefits would be: dramatically reduced public and private (net) debt levels (because money creation no longer requires simultaneous debt creation), better control of business cycle fluctuations, complete elimination of bank runs, output gains of 10% and inflation can drop to zero without posing problems for the conduct of monetary policy.
Not only would the New Zealand economy thrive, individuals and families that are struggling to make ends meet under the current system would prosper.
About Positive Money New Zealand
Positive Money New Zealand is a campaign to move New Zealand from a debt-based economy to one that operates with a full reserve in which money has been issued debt-free and interest-free.
This will free the nation and its people from the crippling effects of ever increasing interest bills - that keep the majority of people on the debt treadmill.
The campaign is based on one that has been running in the UK called Positive Money - which started in May 2010 as well as a similar one in the United States called the American Monetary Institute - which began in 1996.
Positive Money New Zealand is now part of a global network of organisations dedicated to reforming our banking system.
About Don Richards
Don lives in Whakatane and is married to Sue Hamill - the co founder of Positive Money New Zealand. He has two daughters from a previous marriage and became a grandfather in May 2011.
Don has worked in a number of key industries during times of significant change in New Zealand’s recent history. He was employed by BP Oil New Zealand, working in their Retail Strategy unit during the deregulation of the New Zealand oil industry in the late 1980's.
He also worked for Standards New Zealand in the late 1990's as it grappled with the transition from state funding to the user-pays model. In addition, Don worked for the New Zealand Dairy Board, leading up to the formation of Fonterra and beyond. Don then worked for BRANZ (Building Research Association of New Zealand) for 11 years as their Quality and Environmental Manager prior to moving to the Bay of Plenty.
He now works as a Director for Simple, Effective Solutions that offers consultancy services for Health and Safety, Environmental and Quality Management systems.
Don has also taken on a number of community based projects including organising clean ups of Wellington harbour which started in 1997 and continues to this day. In 1999 he was awarded the title of Conservationist of the year for his efforts. In addition, he organised street parties for his neighbours and ran a campaign to stop whaling in the southern ocean - called Friends of Tangaroa.
Links mentioned in the interview:
Bryan Gould article in The Herald.
The Secret of Oz
This interview was sponsored by The Awareness Party
I knew this was going to be an insightful interview, because Guy had already laid down the parameters of his argument: In just 10 years time humanity would become extinct on our planet.
In the intro before we went to air - I asked Guy if he was open to me looking at ALL possibilities and to even humour me in my indulgences.
So read on dear reader - this is a very unique interview and I will summarise what subjects I was unable to totally cover at the end.
I knew this was going to be an insightful interview, because Guy had already laid down the parameters of his argument:
That in 10 years humanity on our planet would become extinct.
Well, I am 12 years older than Guy and have heard statements like this before... but 10 years!
Then he opened the door to take him up on his following statement on his website: Nature Bats Last. (
As always, I’m open to alternative views. In fact, I’m begging for them, considering the gravity of this particular situation.
I was ready for Guy, but I needed another hour to be able to build out a more compelling case for a global shift in consciousness. Or to at least seed the ideal.
One of my first interviews (that I do not have a record of) was with NZ’s top scientist for 2004, Peter Barrett. At that time he was Director of the Antarctic Research Centre at Victoria University of Wellington.
In his acceptance speech for the Marsden medal for exceptional scientific achievement he stated: “We have to change our ways because continuous growth and business as usual on our planet, will cause us to become extinct within the next 100 years."
Well, the status quo in Wellington were not happy and he was asked to recant and offer up another statement, which he duly did, and stated: “the end of civilisation as we know it!"
That same year I also interviewed James Lovelock, instigator of the Gaia hypothesis, that our planet is a super organism. He too implied that we had reached a tipping point.
His two subsequent books The Vanishing Face of Gaia and The Revenge of Gaia were grim and pessimistic outlooks at what was happening due the sustained abuse and avarice that we humans have been engaged in, especially over the last 70 years in exploiting our great sustainer.
He too said that we would not make it into the next century.
He said “Enjoy life while you can. Because if you’re lucky, it’s going to be 20 years before it hits the fan.”
That was early 2008, however he later stated in 2012 that he was an alarmist. He still maintains that by the end of this century 80% of the population will be wiped out.
When hearing Guys pronouncement last week that "humanity would become extinct in 10 years time", I was already case hardened. As a ‘trooper’ it did not phase me - I was/am ready.
I've been steeled for this since 1975, when I read the Doomsday Book by a Gordon Rattray Taylor. This book covered the fate of what we as a humanity were doing to our planet.
In one nights reading it shocked the daylights out of me altering me substantially to this day.
His foreboding narrative of the future of Planet Earth painted a collision course with the death of humanity, into a morbid, lifeless, Martian outlook.
So I opened up with the recent Paul Henry morning TV3 show where ‘NZ’s loose canon and fervent denier of so many things’ was totally gob smacked.
For this was the first time of hearing of his 10 years death sentence to his future dreams, unfinished diatribes and indulgences. He was like a goldfish blowing bubbles, yet looking very closely at Guy, you could see his eyes intently staring out at the world.
The original 4 minute sound bite interview turned into a 10 minute one, as Paul wavered all breaks for advertising. He wanted more information about his starkly shortened future!
In short, Guy maintains that planetary temperatures are all locked in already. We have blown the thermostat of our planet and we can’t do anything now.
It’s like giving the command for an oil supertanker that has been at top speed to stop! This takes something like 120 miles or so to bring it to a complete halt, as its momentum is so powerful.
Guy encourages us to go back to the land, take action and protest this takeover, such as in South Dakota at Black Rock.
“It’s the right thing to do”, he says.
People today suffer from NDD or ‘Nature Deficit Disorder’. We have lost our connection and don’t know where much of our food comes from. Hence our lack of consciousness of our living planet.
There are always consequences. Year after year we have failed to solve the problem of growth at all costs. Not to mention the poisons we produce due to extraction of resources from the bounty of the land we inhabit.
We have had the warnings time and time again and we took no action.
We have all been born into the situation to find we are now born into captivity!
Lack of Connection
Kevin says the 1% are not burdened with empathy, to care about what they do. It’s a huge social disconnection that when they make decisions, they hurt the world.
My question to Guy:
Do you think we have sociopaths running the high end of our planet?
Yes, we have. He could argue that we are all part of the problem because we (in my words) have all become consumers, consuming ourselves and our common future. That basically 95% of us always vote on our bank balance and what’s in it for Me?
Kevin then jumped in and stoically stated that he wanted to be the last person planting the last tree on our planet, before the lights go out. I then leapt in and said I would be there with him! Ready to eat of the fruit of that tree!
We are Slow Learners
Then I introduce the concept that:
50 Years ago we heard that we would destroy our civilisation possibly in around 100 years or so - if we did not change our ways.
20 years ago they revised it to possibly 40 years
15 years it was down to 30 years
Now Guy today is saying about 10 years to go...
It nearly rhymes with.
50 years ago the human race were only using 10% of their potential
20 years ago they then said it was 7%
5 years ago it was down to 5%
2 years ago it was we were only using 2% of our potential
So we are using less and less of our potential … to find out we're using less and less of our potential …
What is going to happen in 5 years time?
Guy jumped in and said yes, we have totally lost our way.
Changing the Whole Focus: From Disaster to Changing of Human Consciousness
Without grinding into what is actually happening … temperatures rising, droughts, catastrophic events, etc. (I was even going to ask him about Geo engineering however our time was short and this is covered in my summary at the end.)
I decided to beat a path to the inner self, to our potential as a human and what can we as a humanity do, seeing the situation in Guys words was so dire.
Albert Einstein said that we cannot solve the problems with the same consciousness that caused them in the first place.
Where do you see yourself in relationship to this Guy? And he says he is all for it, but we have not done anything about it.
Next, Nikola Tesla said "when mankind starts researching the invisible he will make more progress in 10 years that he will have in the whole of civilisation".
Guy says that there is a lot that we do not know, because it is invisible and we have not learnt enough to become more evolved.
Tesla talked about the ‘luminous akasha’ as to where he tapped into Akashic Records . Akasha is a sanskrit word that Buddhists believe in “a permanency of records in the Akasa” and “the potential capacity of man to read the same".
What do you think Tesla was saying here? (listen to the interview for more)
We are one Molecular Unified Energy Field.
What about the fact that our planet is one unified molecular field that we are all connected - you to me in the gigantic sphere of atomic frequency - the air molecules between us, our bodies and this building is all one field oscillating at a particular frequency.
Guys says ‘that we are that.’
This is fact YES? We are “one field".
We Humans are the Nerve Endings of Our Planet
I mention that James Lovelock says that we humans are the nerve endings for Gaia, Mother Earth and that when someone stands up in the Amazon with a sign saying “No more deforestation!” they are a nerve ending telling the world that the Amazon is wanting help.
Same for someone standing up in Palestine with a sign saying “We want Peace”. This again is another nerve ending communicating with all other nerve endings that we need to change, stop war and heal for Peace.
Well the planet is inflamed and the ones who are hearing the Earth’s call and feeling this calling deeply, are coming in with compassionate mindfulness to be a part of ‘her immune response!"
Guy says that he is open to a miracle - and that we need to ‘Passionately Pursue a Life of Excellence’
We have the saying the ‘anima mundi' which is Latin for World Soul? So for arguments sake we could be all connected at the energy unified field?
We share the one breath - all of us.
This is all unseen and is invisible.
Kevin adds that the Nuclear power stations in the US are still going and there are dangers of invisible radiation escaping. The US government has now extended the power station’s licenses by many more years. Even though virtually all have passed their use by date.
They are now extremely dangerous because the cost of decommissioning them is outrageously enormous.
The Japanese reactors at Fukushima are equally dangerous because they have been idle and out of action for 5 years. They are now being recommissioned, and this is fraught with problems.
Guy says of Tesla and regarding ‘the invisible' that there is so much we do not know. He talks of 'dark matter' and that science is now recognising there are many other Universes other than our own. It’s a Multi verse.
And he says about a change of consciousness - is there enough time for a change of consciousness? … Mass consciousness? He says he does not know, but is open to it for sure.
Also mentioned are Walter Russell (the American mystic) and Viktor Schauberger, who have seen into the invisible.
Schauberger, (known as the 'father of water'), was able to lie down beside rivers and ‘become one with them’ in consciousness.
Meditation was mentioned as a way of being able to find solace from the outside world as well as heal from grief, which is what many people are experiencing as we learn of the plight of our home planet, mother earth.
The conversation then moves to Elisabeth Kubler-Ross where 1600 people came to listen to her tell of her research at the Auckland Town Hall. She had interviewed 20,000 people who had had ‘near death and out of the body’ experiences that we were more than a mere body.
This was to extend the conversation beyond the limitations of seeing the world from a 3 dimensional world devoid of spirit or soul.
That there is far more to existence than this world of the so called 5 senses.
I mention names like:
Who have all studied death and Guy agrees that death and dying plus sex are taboo subjects.
Also there are books like Super Nature - Dr Lyall Watson, prolific author of many books on life
The Secret Life of Plants and the Secrets of the Soil by Peter Thompkins & Christopher Bird. These books on nature extend our knowingness about how ‘alive’ nature is.
And we are now running out of time, to extend our view of the human capacity to learn and grow.
Guy says that finding joy and to be open to allow joy to find us is so important. Find your tribe. Go back to grass roots working with your neighbourhood. Pursue excellence. These are the best things we can do at present.
Guy says that extinction is a natural process and we are in the 6th great extinction.
Kevin says, that now he knows his time is limited, it has freed him up immensely. He can do far more things that benefit the community that he is part of, on the island that he lives on. And there is no better time than the now.
Guys says, if we had made the change during the cultural or flower power revolution in 1966-67 it may have made a difference to the world if it had spread.
However, our children and grandchildren are not being factored into our future.
This interview covers many other heartfelt subjects and is well worth the listen as it is sprinkled with little gems.
In Summary:
So that was it, we ran out of time.
However, I also wanted to cover the other unknowing capacities of the human being such as:
The story of savants
There was the 'Mega Savant' Kim Peek, best known by the movie character he inspired the “Rain Man” played by Dustin Hoffman in the 1988 film of the same name. Fast absorption was no problem for Peek, who could just as easily read and memorise a telephone book as a compendium of Shakespearean plays. Kim could take in 10,000 words-per-minute reading two pages at a time—the left page with his left eye and the right page with his right eye.
If a human can do this, can not any other human, once we tap into that aspect of our psyche?
Then there was fire walking - Fijians and Indians in South Asia and their diaspora in Sri Lanka, Mauritius, Réunion, South Africa, Malaysia and Singapore, who celebrate the Thimithi festival.
David Willey, professor of physics with the University of Pittsburgh, says he believes fire walking is explainable in terms of basic physics and is not supernatural nor paranormal. Willey notes that most fire walks occur on coals that measure about 1,000 °F (538 °C), but he once recorded someone walking on 1,800 °F (980 °C) coals.
Mind over matter?
What about Speed reading?
Anne Jones, six times World Speed Reading Champion told the Guardian media that most of the time, she reads at speeds between 800 and 1,500 words per minute. This is much higher than the average for a good reader given by fellow academics, of 200 to 400 words per minute.
Theodore Roosevelt was among the most intelligent U.S. Presidents and famous for his efficient reading skills. He would often take in an entire book before breakfast. If time permitted after dinner, he’d read through a few more before bed.
Inspired by his fifth cousin, Franklin D. Roosevelt adopted old Teddy’s auto didactic approach and taught himself to speed read. He began by fixating on two-to-three words at a time. He then pressed on to three-to-four, six-to-eight, and so on.
Eventually, America’s beloved four-term President could read whole paragraphs like ordinary folks read individual words.
Following in the Roosevelt’s footsteps, President John F. Kennedy made speed reading a personal priority during his tenure in the White House. With practice, he cultivated a rate of 1,2000 wpm, as he wanted to be able to read two or three books daily. JFK wanted his brother Bobby to learn to speed read, too, and the pair of Kennedy’s took classes together to that end.
So what is the capabilities of the human mind? This is the never ending question.
I also had many other questions about some yogi’s in India that I wanted to talk about. Information that’s not publicised in the main stream media such as Paramahansa Yogananda and his astounding death.
ET Intervention?
Plus, in my pre-talk with Guy before the interview, I did even mention to him the ET situation. Captain Edgar Mitchell (6th man to walk on the moon) mentioned on Campbell Live here in Auckland in 2008 that the US authorities have bodies and that they have been studied. So there is most definitely an Extra Terrestrial equation that has to be at least discussed.
If our planet is in free fall and losing it and they have super energy technologies that can reverse all the heating and reflect sunlight back into space... They could have reason to push into our world, defying the prime directive not to intervene in another planet’s evolution, however again I ran out of time to bring this subject back up.
Post Thoughts on 10 years or not?
With the subject based on only 10 years to live as a species, I personally have another slightly optimistic opinion.
The Antarctic ice is close to 1.9 km (1.2 mi; 6,200 ft) in thickness and covering an area of almost 14 million square kilometres (5.4 million square miles) containing 26.5 million cubic kilometres (6,400,000 cubic miles) of ice. It will take a long time to melt, as it is in darkness and cold for 4 to 6 months a year.
And Greenland has a mean altitude of ice at 2,135 metres (7,005 ft). The thickness is generally more than 2 km (1.2 mi) and over 3 km (1.9 mi) at its thickest point and covers an area of 1,710,000 km2 (660,000 sq mi). And yes there is the slowing down of the Atlantic ocean gulf stream too.
There are many, many other contingencies to play out before I adhere to Guys 10 year statement, though he has far more up to date information than I.
I remain confident that I am still going to enjoy a long life of a degree of happiness, bearing in mind we are in such a majorly critical evolutionary phase.
Yes, Geo Engineering! I was going to ask Guy about what is happening about Geo Engineering. (
I see there is a large in-house disagreement between them and Mr.G Edward Griffin of ‘What in the World Are They Spraying?’. However as this is still unclear - I decided against it.
Yes we live in very interesting times!
Creative Social Communicator with early history, first peoples and the awakening connection to the earth mother and the elements.
Today she is a celebrated filmmaker, producer and director covering the canvas of earth, water, and sky and the growing people’s reverence of Aotearoa and our great sustainer Mother Earth - Papatuanku.
Early Years:
Born in Ōtautahi, Christchurch, whilst studying at Canterbury University she did the ‘poet rounds’ of local pubs with people such as Kerri Hume and other home grown celebrities.
Then when visiting a playwright’s workshop in Australia she realised that only 1% of the world’s playwrights - were women this then inspired her to fire up and write. She then had a play produced on stage in Australia and in Christchurch help set up the Woman’s Action Theatre.
Then for 8 years produced one play per year, ‘Mother Tongue’ being one of them and with the NZ Listener giving it an amazing review it ended up touring the country. Being based on the first stages of a woman’s life. Featuring chant, song, dance and scenes through different aspects of a growing woman – like Offspring – the first 6 months of the 1st baby – and then another of an older woman who was a successful gold miner in the West Coast - Buller region.
That Christchurch Ōtautahi is where Kate Sheppard, who initiated the vote for women lived and was buried there. Kate also tells of her unique connection to the 1st vote by women in 1893.
Nuclear Awakening
Then to working in Free Theatre and Court Theatre and then onto radio drama which she loves. One of these was called Charlie Bloom, about blowback from a French nuclear test in Polynesia which went from East to West covering Samoa and affecting the the Samoan inhabitants 3,610 km from French polynesia and Mururoa. This bomb test was on the 12 September 1966. As a consequence of this test, called Betelgeuse, (named after the 9th brightest star in the night sky) in which a 120 kiloton bomb hanging under a balloon was exploded at a height of 600 metres in difficult wind conditions.
Not long after this Kathleen was living for a while in Hakano St, Grey Lynn in Auckland and there were many Samoans living in that street and there was a disproportionate number suffering from strange cancers and odd diseases then she found a book by Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) and also the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research entitled Environmental Effects of French Nuclear Testing. This exposed what was happening, including a map of the rain-out hot spots and rain-out dry spots all over this part of the Pacific. This was when leukaemia sickness was spiking at one of the worst rates at that time in this region.
Her play was also broadcast in Australia and Kathleen’s parents were over there for a few days and just looking for a decent radio station to listen to, heard Kathleen’s ‘Charlie Bloom’ being broadcast – just out of the blue and this is a theme that runs through her life – many magical moments of synchronicity.
Her most recent book is Earthquakes and Butterflies based on the Christchurch Earthquake and was played for a week on National radio here in NZ. Her book is a delightful, beautifully designed novel and photographic journal following Hone, Kara, Pieter, Hemi, Helena, Kay and Tess as they navigate their way through the tragedy of the Christchurch earthquakes.
"This is surely one of the finest pieces of writing to come out of the Christchurch earthquakes. Kathleen Gallagher tells, with deep tenderness and compassion, the story and spirit of all that the moving earth laid on the heaving doorsteps of Christchurch... Jane Hole,"Tui Motu" Nov. 2015,
The documentary Water Whisperers - Tangaroa the film – evidently, it just sort of happened. With no finances or major strategy, when some people came to her at the last minute and asked her to film a raft journey from Lake Sumner in the Southern Alps to the Pacific ocean, this was enough to pay for Water Whisperers – plus when it came to support with this production - she says “it just seems to show up!”
This vibrant environmental documentary explores the healing and recovery of polluted and fished out waterways, and the conservation of wild water places - from mountain lakes, through rivers and out into the ocean. Subtle, sensitive and beautifully photographed - it is a quietly convincing voice amid the clamour of our fast paced society. People from very different backgrounds stand together - being real about the challenges they face, they show us there are solutions as well as problems that we have to address. This is an eloquent and utterly convincing call for greater protection and care of New Zealand’s lakes, rivers, coastlines and oceans.
"This beautifully put together and refreshingly optimistic local doco is one of the most enjoyable films I've seen in months ... Seeing an eco-doco so informative, entertaining, light of touch and unashamedly Kiwi was a real treat ... Four stars, easy ... a very accomplished and compelling film."
Graeme Tuckett - Dominion Post, Wellington
When filming Sky Whisperers - Ranginui - she tells of a small number of large hawks or kea flying right in front of her car windscreen blocking her view that she had to stop the vehicle in a middle of a mobile phone drop-out area. Whilst stopped a very tuned in Maori friend phoned her saying she must come to where he was – as the film had to start from Lake Waikaremoana - stating that “ I am waiting for you!”.
She had not planned on including him in the film and so due to the ‘strangeness’ of the moment, she then detoured to where he was some hundred plus kilometres away even though they were going to another destination to start the film. So driving through a storm she arrived at Lake Waikaremoana where he was standing waiting for her and her team, still in the middle of that storm. Where she proceeded to interview him then carry on back to the original destination.
This fascinating environmental feature, calls us to a closer intimacy with our skies. Celestial navigators, climatologists, a Nobel prize winning scientist, biodynamic, Maori and radio astronomers, farmers, fishermen and business folk who observe the sky, the air, the stars, the moon and sun cycles. Together they show how we can establish a way of observing, living and doing business which results in non pollution of our skies.
Tau Te Mauri - Breath Of Peace
A fascinating story of effort towards global peace, featuring eight peace people of Aotearoa New Zealand - spanning some seven decades - peace walkers, petitioners, and folk in small boats and on the surfboards sailing out into the harbours in the face of huge warships. A unique documentary, embedded in the movement of aihe (dolphins), tohora (whales), kotuku (white herons), toroa (albatross) and with an original score blending contemporary waiata and traditional Maori musical instruments. This film tells the story of how Aotearoa New Zealand became nuclear free and anti-war. It is an inspiration for all people, young and old, and for peacemakers everywhere.
Conscientious Objectors:
The Peace People of NZ go back a long way – to the Chatham Islanders to Te Whiti go Parihaka in Taranaki - who it is recorded influenced Mahatma Gandhi in his expression of peace.
Jack Rogers and the few who remain alive today … then Mary Woodward – protesting against the bombing of Hiroshima.
Hautu Peace People of World War II
“Hautu is the story of two WWII Conscientious Objectors put away in the rugged Hautu detention camp near Tūrangi on the Desert Road south of Taupo and their supportive womenfolk who were living in Christchurch and on the West Coast” in the South Island.
Kathleen states that peaceful energisers come through in NZ, every decade and this ideal moves around the country as in George Armstrong up here in Auckland with the Peace flotilla and Bunny McDiarmid and her Greenpeace work. Especially with the Rainbow Warrior moving the people in the Marshall islands away from the radioactive island that the US atomic testers used and then sailed away from.
The bombing in Auckland Harbour and all the other important Greenpeace issues that are still with us today.
And Nicky Hager NZ’s top independent researcher and Kate Dewes - all have worked for decades, on peace issues, to bring more peace in our world.
Kathleens Home Turf
That Riccarton borough in Christchurch was the first Nuclear Free area in NZ. – That is where Kate Dewes lives and where Kate Sheppard once worked and lived. Deans bush there too. It’s a place of much change.
Trees in the seven hectare bush include ancient kahikatea, totara, matai and hinau. The bush is now protected by a predator proof fence and is home to small populations of the Canterbury tree wētā and great-spotted kiwi/ roroa. Before European settlement, Pūtaringamotu was a valuable source of food and timber for the Māori. From the bush they produced carvings and canoes, and preserved pigeons.
These trees, up to 600 years old, are the descendents of a podocarp forest established over 6,000 years ago. They are the sole Canterbury remnant of kahikatea floodplain forest and as such have national significance.
Haharanga – Healing Journeys. He Oranga He Oranga
Healing Journeys
Many of Kathleen’s friends got breast cancer and numbers of them died. She talked to people who had terrible prognosis yet had survived and she found that it was in the quiet areas of place and the space – that healing took place.
This inspiring feature documentary follows the journeys of eleven cancer survivors through - bone, bowel, breast, ovarian, prostate, brain cancers, Hodgkins and nonHodgkins lymphoma, and leukaemia - to better health. It begins where the boiling heart of the earth rises up to the surface. It climbs the mountain peaks, descends the valleys and flows through the bush and on out to sea, exquisitely blending taonga puoro - traditional Maori music, Celtic harp and flute, and contemporary waiata.
She found that when people shifted to a more conducive environment their health improved immensely.
That it was in the forest the ngahere the ancient forest - the puawai – the blossom of the ancient forest are very healing in so many ways same for the way – running water swift flowing water helps cleanse - plus mirimiri a rubbing motion this inspired her to do the film Earth Whisperers Papatuanuku.
Earth Whisperers Papatuanuku.
Starring Rita Tupe – Tuhoi healer Craig Potton EYEla burgess herbal, herbalist, Gerry Findlay talks with birds Alan marks the botanist, hugh wislon who has a thousand hectoer of regenerating forest Jim ogorman organic farmer in Omaru Charles Royal maori chef. Kay Backster Seed Saver Makere Ruka – Waitaha kuia. This film went all over the world. And going to the huge film festival in Abu Dhabi in the Middle East winning the Audience Award. Then around the world like wildfire.
Yet to obtain funding is a major task …
Then Water Whisperers Tangaroa
Following the water from Mountains down rivers and out to the ocean – to the Poor Knights marine reserve area. Including Leigh as the oldest marine reserve in the world.
Raglan Fred Lichtwark and Eva Rikards working on restoring nature in the spirit of kaitiaki went from lowest to highest fish count in NZ shoreline waters. Riparian planting changed it all around increases of Eels (tuna) whitebait (īnanga) and over marine fish. A great success.
In this film there are lots of models for people to follow
Muscles farms out in the bay in Takaka were being affected by chemical and nutrient runoff from farmed land – So Landcare a Government Department brought the two groups together and after challenging times have sorted out! A win win!
Actions for today!
Locking away huge areas to stop fish depletion and overfishing – Andy Dennis who died recently in Nelson states that half our bays need to be locked up all the way to the 200 mile fishing zone. He maintains that this would allow all fish to recuperate to the same numbers of fish, that were here when Captain Cook arrived.
Yes, there are still vested interests who oppose this concept other than wanting to lock areas away – yet, when fishing sanctuaries a put in place the long-term results is for everyone benefits.
This interview covers Te Urewera as a park now having human rights and the Whanganui River (awa) being classed as a living entity
This opens up the narrative about Papatuanku the earth mother as a living super organism. That includes our intimacy with Papatuanku as a living being.
Altered Realities
That things happen ‘in the moment’ and time can alter and shift, it is not necessarily linear which we usually see from a rational standpoint.
In Earthquakes and Butterflies Kathleen states that time can also expand & contract - especially when major earth moments are happening.
The conversation then enters more non corporeal subject matter and the metaphysical connection to the land of Aotearoa.
She mentions when Leonard Cohen when he last came to NZ fairly recently, said “you live in the is place that is magical – yet you walk around it as if it is ordinary!”
Connection and intimacy with the land whenua.
Some years ago American First Nation peoples came to NZ to apologise to the salmon that swim and travel up the Rakaia River in the South Island (Te Waipounamu - The Waters of Greenstone) They wanted to honour the fish, because their rivers are depleted of chinook salmon today. These South Island salmon were brought from America to NZ in 1867. They then spent 4 days and 4 nights at the top end of the river singing, praying, dancing, talking and listening to the river.
Plus there other stories of Maori and kaitiakitanga - guardianship, protection, preservation or sheltering. Kaitiakitanga is a way of managing the environment, based on the traditional and cultural methods.
Listen to this fascinating interview of a creative, inner-directed New Zealander
Helen Caldicott came to New Zealand in 1983 with her husband and started from the bottom of the South Island, travelling from town to town and into cities, giving talks to New Zealanders on the horror of nuclear war.
By the time they arrived in Auckland, huge crowds were coming to see her, and they fully understood her stark yet powerful message.
This set the scene for setting up Nuclear Free Zones all around New Zealand culminating in 72% of the country sanctioning Nuclear Free Zones, giving the Government of the day the mandate to make New Zealand a Nuclear Free Country. This is democracy in action - and how it needs to be implemented globally. People setting the agenda for the government to enact it into law.
Today in 2016, she notices the Peace Movement is very quiescent here in NZ, hardly existing at all. The average citizen does not know what is going on - the media is not teaching people what is really happening.
Such as what the Pacific Pivot means, not informing them what this large display of naval ships in Auckland harbour represents - that the huge arms bazaar and military expo, just over a kilometre from the Mayoral chambers is being orchestrated and sponsored by Lockheed Martin, the largest weapons maker in the world, who she states: “Are killers”!
Not only this, but we in New Zealand are participators in an American military build up that she has never seen before.
She says that ex Soviet Union leader Mikhail Gorbachev and many others say we are closer than any time, to nuclear war - even at the height of the cold war, when NZ made it’s courageous anti-nuclear stand. And in truth, by not being the bearer of deep insightful news - “the media is determining the fate of our “planet.”
As president Thomas Jefferson said “ an informed democracy will behave in a responsible fashion.”
She then lays it all out:
The need for war is partly that of the ‘backroom boys’ who behind closed doors are embedded in the military industrial complex, because they need wars and the ability to steal the American people’s, tax dollars - that 60% of every tax dollar goes into killing - they call it defence - it’s not - it’s killing!
What America is doing in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen and Syria is absolutely obscene. But to them - isn’t it all really good!
Even the stocks in the US military machine went up enormously when Donald Trump was elected.
Now Trump is a totally unknown force - no one yet knows what he will do. However his one good thing is that he seems to like Vladimir Putin, and that’s a major benefit as she says that Putin has every single town and city in NZ, Australia, Canada, US Japan, Europe UK targeted with at least 1 hydrogen bomb. Note that Russia now has the capabilities of sending a missile up over the North pole totally around the planet passing over Antarctica then up to the South Island onward to the North Island, of NZ.
So it is in our interests to work towards finding ways to befriend Russia and not pose them as an enemy. Which the Neo-cons & US the State Department along with Hillary Clinton have been constantly doing.
Malcolm Fraser ex Australian conservative Prime Minister, before he died in 2015 stated.
That the then Soviet Leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, when negotiating with James Baker, on behalf of US President Ronald Reagan that when he brought down the Wall, freed up Eastern Europe and dissolved the Soviet Union that in doing so NATO should not move one foot East, or closer to Russia as this was an area of traditional Russian influence. But President Clinton pushed to expand the Nato alliance to the very borders of Russia. There was talk of the Ukraine and Georgia being included. The US BROKE THIS AGREEMENT - and then installed missiles in Poland frightening the Russians to rearm - and yet it is the Russians that are to blame for rearming! This in Helen’s words, is absolutely right.
NATO & Russia Today
She said “ NATO is America” - let’s be frank. The enlargement of NATO since the Berlin War came down, was orchestrated by Norman Augustine who was the chairman of Lockheed Martin and he went to the newly liberated countries from the Soviet Union and asked them if they wanted to be a democracy?
Even though in Helen’s words, America is an autocracy, Dictionary meaning. absolutism, absolute power, totalitarianism, dictatorship, despotism, tyranny, monocracy, autarchy; dystopia
They apparently agreed but to become part of NATO they had to re-arm to the tune of 3 billion dollars - so that the US Military Industrial apparatus, could then sell more weapons to them and by enlarging NATO creep all the way up to the border of Russia.
So, in Helen’s words, they could then provoke Russia and moreover tell the world that Russia is very aggressive. When is it is not.
If you read Putin’s speeches they are very moderate and conciliatory and he is really worried. Thus America has the absolute gall that now these ‘Neo cons’ in the State Department are talking about regime change in Russia.
She says can you imagine - the Russians lost 27 million people in the Second World War - boy did they suffer. The Second World war was fought and one on the Russian front. The Russians are a proud people, Putin is popular and having been to Russia herself Helen, sees that the Neocons that are driving all this talk of war is not of paranoia, but in her terms is evil. Because by provoking Putin & provoking Russia we could destroy life on earth and the whole earth is wired up like a time bomb every minute, every day.
Helen then goes on to call on New Zealanders being a brave, courageous people with their feet on the ground and not involve ourselves in the US military’s Pacific pivot and not allow any of their ships into NZ, even if they have no nuclear weapons and to not participate in war games. Especially, not allow Lockheed Martin and the 200 employees it has in 6 bases in NZ who has as their objective - unmitigated killing.
NZ has to stand up again as it did 30 years ago when it received the respect and admiration of the whole world.
Time for NZ to step back into that time again.
Then there are our Australian cousins that in Darwin in Northern Australia they are basing 2,000 US marines. Helen claims that Australian PM Julia Gillard had no guts and allowed it to happen. The last PM later in his life Malcolm Fraser wrote a wonderful book called Dangerous Allies where he said that Australian’s are just sycophants to the US and that they must get out of this alliance. With 34 US bases in Australia including Pine Gap which orchestrates the drone killings and would orchestrate nuclear war and are an integral part of the US killing system.
The last person who took the Americans on was ex Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam and he was going to name the people and the CIA operatives who were working at Pine Gap the next day in Parliament. But he was dismissed and ousted, in a coup, led by the CIA, she states is a matter of fact. See movie ‘The Falcon & the Snowman’ She says since then Australian politicians have been a bit scared to take on the Yanks, but she says - they must!
Australia has lost its autonomy and lost its independence, and she sees that Australia is now really pathetic. Whereas compared to New Zealanders we are not pathetic at all and we can really stand up to the Americans and also provide a blueprint for what the Australians must then do.
We citizens of the world have to say NO to the Americans - she says they are addicted and we are enabling them to be addicted to killing.
With military bases in nearly every country of on earth - they have ringed China with anti missile basis and the same for Russia she wants them to get the hell out of these basis and leave us all alone and not be the world’s policeman
And she quotes “we should not be under their military umbrella”
We want to be safe and have no thoughts whatsoever of nuclear annihilation.
We bring our children into the world we do our best for them an every level we find possible. But why do this if they have no future?
The challenges around bought and sold politicians owned by the corporations comes up, (not so much as in America) and though we are living in a democracy - our representatives, have run away with their own agendas.
What we need to do
Helen says that we have to become educated with the challenges before us, and really know what we are saying, when we speak about these subjects.
One way is to book appointments at local politicians electorate offices and go and voice our concerns to our elected servants. That we teach them, because they in many cases have no real deep understanding of the many issues, they do not understand science on the whole, or medicine so educate them. Best go as a delegation of 3 to 5 people and get their attention and tell them that you vote every election. But doing it every week, with different people fronting each time.
Call to Action
Many adolescents have dropped out because at a deeper level of being, they know what we are doing is so out of alignment. That what we as a human species is doing is basically destroying life - that there is no future for them, the heritage that we have to bequeath them is terrifying to them - hence the suicides and drugs and alcoholism. Many of them have given up.
Parents can not abrogate their responsibilities. If we bring a child into the world - it’s imperative to care for them in every way possible - not leave them to the unpredictability of market forces and environmental depletion.
It has to be done through the media - articles through the newspapers - local news, letters to the editor get on talk back by giving a fictitious name, especially if you get cut off as they are apt to do in NZ - disguise your voice - be innovative and know you subject inside out and back to front.
As she said earlier, the media are determining the fate of the earth and this is how we educate people.
Be innovative and Creative
We need to get ourselves on TV, do many little ‘youtube’ clips, for both Facebook and other social media. Use social media to the max to expand the envelope of our horizons.
When she went to the USA in 1978 the Americans said to her “better to be dead than Red.” and she realised that that nation is psychotic (what is it today?) But she managed to change the nation’s mind by orchestrating 23,000 doctors to teach the US people by having workshops and by carefully explaining the dangers and horror of all things nuclear. That after five years 80% of the US opposed the concept of nuclear war.
That the daughter of President Ronald Reagan came up to her at one speaking engagement and said “I want you to speak to my Father.” Soon she was in the White house and what she thought was for a short moment spent and hour with him and the result was an agreement with both him and Mikhail Gorbachev to drop the wall across Berlin and free up all the Warsaw pact Eastern European countries and dismantle the Soviet Union - and it happened. Reagan actually stated that he would like the elimination of all nuclear weapons. (But his minders interrupted and said that this could not yet be done.)
She said that at one meeting Patch Adam’s (Hunter Doherty “Patch” Adams is an American physician, comedian, social activist, clown, and author) stood up and said that to get people’s attention we have to take our clothes off and walk across America - everyone thought that it was a great idea, that all took their clothes off then and their - hundreds of them male female, young, old, fat and skinny and down the street the walked yelling “Nudes NOT nukes” and were on the New York Times because the media loves sensational news - and Helen was naked with them.
Fukushima & the Crisis of Japan
Fukushima in Japan she calls a ‘crisis without end.’ She said that the media hides everything and now the radiation, four hundred tonnes of it per day is leaking out of Fukushima into the Pacific ocean. Her book - Crisis Without End - (order from Amazon.)
Fish being caught and sold on US Market with no labelling.
The radiation is now absorbed in the lowest levels of the ocean floor - food chain and much of the radiation is accumulative and it has now moved to the top of the food chain, where the cetaceans. It may take from a few years to 80 years for cancers and over diseases to appear, and it is very difficult to track how different cancers manifest from.
That the fish of the North Pacific are being caught and quietly/secretly being sold on the North American market as well as on the London market in the UK. It is a total disgrace that there is huge dishonesty. That the Japanese government has passed a law penalising any journalist who reports the truth about radiation poisoning within Japan.
I asked her about conforming that the health authorities have colluded in Japan, the US and Europe, by changing the danger risk for radiation from 1 milli-serviet as the maximum to 20 milli-serviets. She said she knew all about it and that that she covers this in her book Crisis Without End.
New Zealanders need to wake out of their complacency. This radiation is in the very ocean that laps our shores. It’s on it’s way and there had better be a national dialogue on it ASAP.. Don’t expect leadership from the top levels of Government. It all has to be done from the grassroots but we all have to educate ourselves in the process.
This is a riveting interview - Helen does not hold back and comes out swinging - I even cop it :)
Kate Dewes
Ph.D. O.N.Z.M (Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit) directed the South Island Regional Office of the Aotearoa/New Zealand Peace Foundation, among a huge number of other official positions.
Kate wraps it up by covering the last 15 minutes telling of the positive movement globally towards peace and disarmament. That progress is being made on many levels, even if we do not get reports from the media. She is very hopeful that most countries around the world are realising that we must act in unison if we are to save the future for our children and grandchildren.
Using the UN and the World Court there is much diligent work been done by many people, behinds the scenes and NZ is there too. Peace groups globally are cooperating far more and using the above institutions whenever possible. We are speaking out at the UN which we do on many levels that our UN Reps do their best to be independent, when we get a lot of pressure put on us by larger countries.
Back here in NZ the fact that Kiwisaver was ‘exposed’ for investing in armament corporations. We are exposing cluster munitions too, NZ has had a leadership role of taking other states to the World Court in the last 30 years.
We have now in essence a Southern Hemisphere Nuclear Free Zone that needs a little more work around ratification - progress is being made.
NZ is also taking a lead on stopping production of landmines.
Kate has witnessed huge changes - NZ has taken a leadership role especially in the United Nations.
Co sponsored a Nuclear Weapons ban treaty at the UN - we have been active there for many many years and will continue.
Progress has been slow but we as a planet have cut the number of nuclear weapons down from over 30,000 to 15,000 - What we now have to do is get countries to de-activate nuclear missiles from hair trigger alert.
It is seen that NZ must become much more independent and keep out of ANZUS, though we are being leaned on all the time to cozy up to the American military in most instances.
Kate is very hopeful of the future and sees NZ as continuing to be a strong moral force for good, especially in the UN.
We have tried to stay out of international wars, though we have had a lot of a pressure put on us, by our ‘friends’.
There are many thing happening at quieter levels, like recently the US had to admit that it was actually in Syria and that it was using DU or depleted uranium in this conflict, when it is being ‘marketed’ by mass media as a civil war.
We have ex National Party Prime Minister Jim Bolger and US ambassador, whose party was originally against NZ becoming Nuclear Free now travelling the world talking up Nuclear Free Zones. He and Jeffrey Palmer ex Labour PM are part of the ASIA PACIFIC NETWORK and are active in promoting a Nuclear Free world.,_White_is_wrong?ckattempt=1
Kate Dewes
As a result the Peace Movement of NZ is mobilising! All peace loving people are welcome to attend, a non violent demonstration prior to a blockade outside the ANZ expo centre. Details below.
The goal of this action is to bring both local and world attention to the fact that armaments and war are increasingly being pushed up the national and international priority list. Whilst, housing, health and social needs get less.
So what do we want the people of NZ and our government to do?
Download and listen to Laurie.
Why is the military/industrial complex in New Zealand?
Lockheed Martin is one of the world’s largest nuclear weapons, electronics and ‘security’ corporations and has a presence in New Zealand currently encompassing over 200 employees and operating on six sites in Trentham, Palmerston North, Burnham, Wellington, Auckland and Waiouru.
Note that though Lockheed is the principal sponsor, (with a woman CEO of all things). The 90 other sponsors include General Dynamics, Hawker Pacific, ANZ, Airworks, Auckland University’s UniServices, Babcock NZ, Beca, Safe Air, AVIS, University of Canterbury Spatial Engineering Research Centre, Callaghan Innovation, Mainfreight, and Datacom Ltd.
What is militarism in present day terms? Plus why now here in NZ?
It is to celebrate “Seventy Five years of the NZ Navy” and act at the same time - as a cover for selling weapons.
Lack of Will & Diplomacy on a Global Scale. Why?
Today, we have an issue of nuclear weapons being intensified with Russia & China being reclassified as the adversary and that no attempt is being made to mobilise diplomatic efforts on a broad front to look at resolving these issues and de-escalating what it happening. Why not greater diplomacy and Citizen Diplomacy as in the Reagan Gorbachev era?
Note that President elect Trump has consistently stated he does not want confrontation with Russia, so let us trust that this is so. And he does not get infiltrated with Neocon advisers who subvert him.
New Zealand as a Nuclear Free Peacemaker?
For NZ there are many options to concentrate around Defence but not Offence and re focussing our Foreign policy of engaging in Peacemaking and Neutrality. Training up all personal in the defense forces in the many methods and modalities of peacekeeping, and helping the community that is being assisted to become more cohesive and functional. Emergency power, health, water, shelter and policing via the rule of law etc. Including mediation skills, food growing and education.
What can we do as a nation as we already have an educational program in place that is championed by the NZ Peace Foundation - called Cool Schools. That has been introduced to thousands of schools across NZ. Where children learn the skills of reconciling opposing points of view with peer remediation and conflict resolution. A huge export potential of this innovative method of bringing people together in a mode of ‘learned communication skills’ and equipping them for the future.
However. Laurie goes far deeper talking about systems and structures and how to lay out the protocols on a vaster scale, that also encompasses not only local areas suffering from some disaster, but to larger situations involving whole countries. Listen to the broadcast.
Laurie finishes with a prayer and a song.
This piece below is gratefully taken from Action Stations here in NZ.
We oppose the investment of billions of dollars in the military and new weaponry, which clearly does not deter terrorism, but rather contributes to violence, and war cycles.
We will not stand for the government supporting an arms expo for international weapons companies. This is proposed for 16 and 17 November 2016 in Auckland, sponsored by the world’s largest weapons manufacturer and maker of nuclear weapons, Lockheed Martin.
In June, 2016, the government announced $20 Billion of new spending on weaponry. At the same time, it extended an invitation to a US warship to visit NZ for the first time in 32 years. In November this year, this will all culminate in a week where warships dominate Auckland Harbour, and 500+ weapons dealers take over the ANZ Viaduct events centre for a trade show. The NZDF, Ministry of Defence and NZ Trade and Enterprise provide funding, personnel, equipment, displays and expertise for the Weapons Expo.
The $20 Billion new military spending includes the purchase of new warships and aggressive cyber warfare capabilities described by Minister Gerry Brownlee as a "significant weapon". This is despite that the government's own evidence that "the country does not face a direct military threat in the foreseeable future."
While billions are funnelled to multinational arms dealers, the real threats to ordinary people in New Zealand mount: poverty, homelessness, lack of adequate health care and catastrophic climate change.
Auckland Peace Action is a grassroots community group working to oppose the warships and the weapons expo. We believe that it is not possible to build a peaceful and just world while simultaneously acquiring ever more weapons and doing more planning for war. This petition is an important part of our campaign this year to bring pressure on the government. Join the campaign for peace!
[1] See "Does US Intervention overseas breed terrorism?" Foreign Policy Briefing. The Cato Institute.
[2] More information on the Weapons Expo can be found at
[4] Ministry of Defence. 2016. Defence White Paper, p10.
How it will be delivered:
Auckland Peace Action sees this petition as an important part of our campaign opposing the weapons expo and the visit of foreign warships in November 2016. We need your support now to make this petition as powerful as possible. All the signatures will be delivered in the immediate lead-up to the weapons expo.
It takes only a moment to download this from and you can listen to it whilst driving, bussing or training to and from work or leasure.
Lauri is one of the most dynamic grandmothers in NZ who clearly articulates what needs to be conveyed and very powerfully too.
Tuesday 15th Nov: Dr. Helen Caldicott speaks
Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Dr. Helen Caldicott, the world’s foremost anti-nuclear activist and researcher speaks at 7:30pm, at the Auckland University of Technology. Hosted by the Peace Foundation.
Wednesday 16th: Blockade the Arms Trade!
Actively oppose the arms trade by the blockading the Weapons Expo. There are spaces for people who wish to actively blockade as well as space for support and family-friendly creative resistance. Check out the Facebook event for full details.
Thursday 17th: WALL of NOISE – Drown out the Death Merchants.
Bring your best noisemakers, instruments, banners and placards to drown out the weapons dealers’ party and awards ceremony happening inside. Evening. Check out the Facebook event for more details
Peace Flotilla: Time & place TBA
Join up with a boat, kayak, surfboard or your body to resist the warships coming into Auckland Harbour. Details confirmed closer to the day.
SATURDAY THE 19th Auckland Town Hall - the BIG MARCH 2pm.
Come and make a noise, and Bring Banners & Placards.
A Massive March for Peace
Wednesday 9 November 2pm
Press Release: People for Peace
A big turnout is expected for a March for Peace on Saturday November 19th at 2pm, starting from the Town Hall, Queen St, and organised by “People for Peace”.
Large numbers of people are stunned that the New Zealand Navy has invited approximately 15 warships to participate in the Navy’s 75 birthday celebrations and an International Naval Review. Other countries are sending senior officers to participate.
The vessels, with their array of deadly weaponry, will berth at both Ports of Auckland and Devonport Naval Base. This is a stark call to all peace activists who opposed the US warships in the eighties and worked for a peace that may now be under threat globally, and also to the new generation of young people who see the insanity of warfare and want to take a stand for peace.
“Even if the ships are non-nuclear armed, it is still not desirable to be reinforcing a warfare mentality and militarism when we should be promoting peace and underpinning the UN Charter that New Zealand signed in 1945,” said long time peace worker Lisa Er.
“By endorsing conventional warships New Zealand is effectively being groomed for involvement in future wars” she said.
In tandem with the warships visit is a weapons conference and expo, selling both military equipment and weapons, at the Auckland’s Viaduct Events Centre. It will bring together 500 arms dealers sponsored by Lockheed Martin, the world's largest weapons manufacturer and a producer of nuclear weapons. This is contrary to Nuclear Free New Zealand’s peacemaker policy role in the international community.
It also contravenes Auckland’s City for Peace declaration, signed on Dec 15th 2011, which states that “Auckland Council is dedicated to the promotion of nuclear free zones and a culture of peace based on social, economic and environmental justice, tolerance and nonviolence.”
Veteran Peace activist Laurie Ross says, “New Zealanders must ensure that the multimillion dollar weapons industry is not permitted to promote its warfare culture under the guise of security, business and free trade in this country.”
“Unlawful terrorism will not be stopped by nation states increasing their warfare capacity but rather by curbing the sale of weapons and militarism throughout the world” she said.
The March for Peace is an opportunity for the public to show en mass their disdain for warfare and their desire to live in a peaceful world, and is complementary to the Week of Peace events.
Laurie Ross Ph 09 818 0696
Lisa Er,nz mob 021 777 473
City for Peace Declaration:
UN Charter:
Sunday 20th: Peace Ships, NOT Warships! 1pm @ the Cloud
We’ll be having a peace picnic in the midst of the Navy birthday celebration reminding everyone that war is not a celebration bring banners, picnic stuff and other peace materials.
Scientific research into the ocean and ocean floor is based on what we can exploit from the ocean. Yet, science is also unveiling the possibility as to where ‘ocean mind’ resides.
Some researchers believe that bacteria in ocean sediments are connected by a network of microbial nanowires. These fine protein filaments could shuttle electrons back and forth, allowing communities of bacteria to act as one giant super-organism.
In James Cameron’s movie Avatar, the inhabitants, the Na'vi people of Pandora, plug themselves into a neural network that links to all the elements of Pandora’s biosphere, from phosphorescent plants to pterodactyl-like birds. It turns out that Pandora's interconnected ecosystem may have a parallel back here on our planet: sulphur-eating bacteria that live in muddy sediments beneath the ocean floor, as a tightly coupled living mat or network.
Going back 4 billion years where bacteria have been living in the ocean and creating the conditions for life to prosper on our planet – evolving the conditions for multi cellular life to eventually we humans.
There is emerging evidence that bacteria in the oceans form massive mats connected with things called nanowires. These nanowires allow the bacteria to breathe externally from their bodies – so it is collective breathing – and that they could be connecting as a neural network – so it is possible that the ocean floor is a vast neural network or ocean mind, with deep thought – 10,000 years of thought process that we humans may only take a couple of seconds to grok. What kind of thoughts might the ocean be having?
We are finding out that we live on a planet that is alive and that the ocean is a living being.
Hence James Lovelock’s Gaia Theory that our planet is gigantic super living organism. Here is the original Our Planet description posted on the world wide web in 1996.
It’s only in the last 60 years has man created the tools to look around underwater – with masks, oxygen tanks and more lately bathyspheres.
As we become more sensitive and knowing, immersing ourselves into the sea and becoming one with the marine environment and ecology - makes it possible to dissolve into a greater knowing of the ocean - to osmotically take in information.
To address the big oceanic issues, in Glenn’s opinion - it’s about addressing our own personal relationship.
Western civilisation including we here in NZ have over the years become more distant and separated from nature. We have in numerous ways become disengaged from natural processes and from our planet as a whole.
Note NCEA -the National Certificate of Educational Achievement in high schools in NZ that they do not teach ecology. It is not part of the curriculum. Thus students are leaving school not realising that they are an intrinsic part of the web of life within the biosphere. Now we know why the young are disconnected – they are being deliberately severed from our planet. Whereas Maori children in many cases intuitively understand they are an extension of Papatuanuku, our planet.
This interview covers:
The International Union for Conservation of Nature recently passing a resolution to protect 30% of the world’s oceans by 2030 At this meeting 129 countries or 89% said yes – and signed. But 29 countries said NO. And 35 abstained from voting. Note that ‘Clean Green’ NZ was one of the countries that abstained. That NZ could not in this time of declining fisheries and in an ecologically challenged world, mindfully look at this important 30% protection, particularly for our children and grandchildren’s future, gives us cause for concern
Yet, in Antarctica 24 countries and the European Union agreed to protect 1.5 million square kilometres of the Ross Sea - the largest marine protected area on our planet, so far. 1 million square ks will be a ‘no take’ marine reserve. This is worth celebrating. Yet it is set to expire in 35 years time. Why?
The NZ administered Kermadec Ocean Sanctuary will be possibly the 4th largest protected marine reserve on earth. Covering 620,000 square kilometres, and the most significant of a fully protected area. It will be 35 times larger than the combined area of all of New Zealand’s existing 44 marine reserves.
The following activities will be prohibited in the sanctuary:
This is similar to prohibitions in place in marine reserves in our NZ territorial sea.
Challenges to our Oceans
Military testing sonar and microwave tech, even passing through some of these reserves! Plus electromagnetic energy that ships emit. These have been correlated to whale strandings and more science is needed?
Covering Professor Daniel Pauly of Canada – who says that there is no fishery on our planet that we could consider as sustainable. In 2004 he came to NZ and mentioned that we need to lock up 25% of our fishing grounds so as to rebuild up our fish stocks. He was criticised vehemently by commercial fishing interests here in NZ, but remains focused and undeterred.
In NZ, DOC, the Department of Conservation care for many offshore islands that are prohibited for humans to land on and they could in turn be extended to include fishing reserves around each island. So as to build up fish colonies again and create a “no take” marine reserve.
The ancient Hawaiians had an understanding that from the mountain top, down the valleys onto the beach into the water to the reef and out beyond the reef as one living holistic system. They did not partition nature.
Loss of NZ’s Endangered Maui Dolphin?
There is a belief with ocean ecologists that we are going to lose the Maui dolphins to extinction, because the NZ Government has no will to change the current situation. (34 minutes into the interview ) cut out before we email). Possibly only 44 are alive today.
They are found along the West Coast of the central North Island from Northern Taranaki in the South to Northland, just South of Opononi. In June 2014, the government decided to open up 3000 km2 of the West Coast North Island Marine Mammal Sanctuary – the main habitat of the Maui's dolphin – for oil drilling. This amounts to one-quarter of the total sanctuary area. In May 2015, estimates suggested that the population had declined to 43-47 individuals, of which only 10 were mature females.
Set netting in particular is seen as very problematic.
The Maui dolphin is becoming a very charged emotional issue in NZ as it appears that we could lose them whilst on our watch, possibly by 2025 or 2030. In a country that brands itself as Clean & Green, if we lose the Maui’s dolphin this will be a disaster from the standpoint of lack of mindfulness and the precautionary principle. To add insult to this loss it would affect the Maori people, as it will be a slap in their collective face, as their oral history tells of the God Maui, fishing up the North Island (Te Ika O Maui) out of the sea. This loss would be devastating for both Maori and New Zealanders as a whole.
Government Changing the Rules.
At present the NZ Government is taking away from DOC, the Department of Conservation many decision making processes and handing them over to the Department of Primary Industries, because DPI is more of a commercial concern, based around monetary policies. This is where the government, our elected political servants are taking their own Agenda.
We as a people, need to instruct our government to do our bidding to enable 10% of our coastline to be designated as marine reserves and become far more informed.
Here in Aotearoa NZ the Te Urewera Park and the Whanganui River have been designated as having special privileges and rights. This was Government sanctioned and is an exceptionally visionary policy.
If it can be done on the land (whenua) then it can be accomplished on the ocean (moana).
Interspecies Communication?
Whales and Dolphin communication. By acoustics and sonar is covered. The www. - World Whale Web of Sperm whales connecting by clicks at deep ocean levels across the Pacific and deep levels.
Telepathy and possibilities of instant connection with large brain mammals?
Changing and cleaning up our oceans and our possible future.
We once had pristine oceans? Prior to the 17th century.
Will we (among our numerous and mounting challenges) realise our connection to the planet that loans us bodies, free air, free water and a free food chain?
As oceans bear the brunt of wastewater, from our homes and from sinks and bathtubs, to pipes, drains, creeks, streams and rivers all eventually find their way to the ocean. One way or another.
As we humans are composed of around 70% water and our bloodstream is about 3.5% salt - why have humans disconnected from our oceans? When in NZ the bulk of NZers are only 100 kilometres or less from the ocean.
Today, ocean plastic is outnumbering plankton 6 to one. That is correct - In certain areas of the ocean, specifically the subtropical gyres, micro plastic pieces outnumber plankton by 6 to 1. In other words, for every individual plankton there are 6 pieces of micro-plastic (micro-plastic being any plastic fragment smaller than 2 mm in diameter).
Micro plastic can now be found in every part of the Ocean, even in Antarctica, and on the ocean floor.
The majority has already sunk below the surface and out of our reach the only answer to stop this plastic onslaught from continuing is to stop putting plastic into the ocean.
Most of today’s challenges are extremely recent - especially in the last 70 years exponential acceleration and has grown across the whole realm of industry from products to pollution has escalated and the ocean is taking this all in. Including the nuclear radiation from Fukushima in Japan, that the world’s media and scientists remain tight lipped about.
Humanity has much to do in a very small window of time. The imperative is to connect with other people in your locality and voice your needs to commit to organise.
Write letters and phone you local MP and speak to them, either on the phone but better still with a small delegation of 4 or 5 of you and your friends. Let your Member of Parliament know your vote counts.
Glens web site:
Is the government, along with commercial fishing interests with 94% of the catch, now taking aim at the 6% of the yield that the public harvest?
The lines are being drawn with our elected representatives in Parliament siding with Corporate Fishing to make it even more difficult for NZ families to catch their own fish.
Honest broker Doug Kidd, ex National Party Minister of Fisheries, saw this coming as far back as 1990 and endeavoured to empower the recreational sector by passing the Fisheries Act of 1996.
The scheme of the Fisheries Act of 1996 is that “fish come first”. By improving the biomass and hence the health and abundance of our coastal fisheries first, the Minister will then be able to fully allow for the non-commercial interests of the people of New Zealand to fish for food, as well as providing for commercial fishers to catch fish that is sustainable for our coastal fisheries.
This part of the Act has been under intense pressure to be changed to the total disadvantage of the public of New Zealand.
Organising People who Fish Around New Zealand’s Coastlines into Clubs.
Scott Macindoe tells us of his focus on ensuring the NZ public has an organised and professionally run representative organisation to stand up for the right of all NZers and our common future.
Saying we are blessed to have the NZ Sport Fishing Council on board as they have woken up to the precarious loss of fish species and by extension the commercial sector squeezing out recreational fishing, where there is already an imbalance of 94% commercial to 6% recreational.
For 60 years this Council has served the interests of clubs throughout NZ. Today there are 60 clubs affiliated to the Council, each being an incorporated society in their own right with their own constitution and democratic process. Many have their own premises with some being quite salubrious whilst others are very modest. Scott assures me that they take their responsibilities seriously and are not organisations that take short cuts.
They are very inextricably connected to the communities they serve and have extensive outreach across middle NZ that for example, in Whakatane there are over 4,000 members, Gisborne 4,300 members, Whangamata 6000 members with a waiting list, these clubs are relevant and growing.
These clubs all democratically elect their officers and committee and from these ranks choose a delegate to step forward and represent their clubs and members interests at a regional level. There are 8 regions each of which nominate a board member to sit on the National organisation - called the NZ Sport Fishing Council.
Scott (as the spokesman for ) has been co-opted to the Board of the NZ Sport Fishing Council and stresses their authenticity as an organisation. Their policies and principles are arrived at by way of remit that are thoroughly discussed and debated between delegates at a zone level and then to the AGM (Annual General Meeting) where remits are again voted upon and invariably unanimously, after some pretty vigorous debates and the reason that Scott ‘labours’ this - is that it does not get better than that. Stating that these clubs have built upon 60 years of focused authenticity.
And yet it is not good enough for the NZ Government’s Ministry of Primary Industries. Though the NZ Sport Fishing Council are constantly engaged with all Ministry lead science and fisheries management working groups, consistently attending Ministry led management and science working groups, always willing to engage. They engage with contracted professionals who consistently attend. They are there to gather information, report and circulate these reports where recommendations are made and carefully considered adopted or rejected as the case may be. Generally speaking, there is no one else in the room representing the public interest.
Of all the meetings that they attend the primary focus is for the commercial operators to find a way to squeeze more additional yield out of the fisheries whilst the NZ Fishing Council are saying - Hang on a moment! - it’s all about abundance - stop! We have to rebuild our inshore fisheries - we have to take less fish. So they are a lone voice.
Ironically or paradoxically he sees that they may be too good for their own benefit as with the High Court, the Appeal Court and the Supreme Court challenges to fisheries management in Aotearoa NZ. From 2004 through to 2008 they battled over the way Kahawai had been mismanaged nearly collapsing that fishery. This left the NZ Ministry not at all happy with the NZ Sport Fishing Council to the point that the Council might as well not exist as far as the Ministry and Minister are concerned.
So what is conveyed in this interview is that the average NZers is being jammed out of the debate in favour of Government and commercial interests.
However the NZ Fishing Council are relaxed and now organising and getting better and better at understanding what they are up against. There are alignments being established all over the place.
Building Alliances
They are organising and building alliances with the NZ Angling and Casting Association that caters for the interest of small land based clubs on the beach. The NZ Underwater Association, and the previous differences of the past that have been healed, (beyond healed) - now very trusting and reliable relationship as they now come together. Yachting NZ and of course Legasea that Scott is very much involved in. All are finding their place either affiliating or endorsing this growing organisation, the NZ Sports Fishing Council.
That in building up an organisation to represent ordinary NZers the Partners and Sponsors from the business world are stepping up. ITM (Independent Timber Merchants) has signed up for 2 years, the Hunting & Fishing chain of shops, Yamaha and Honda, Diawa and Wasabi, Black Magic, Club Marine Insurance and many other organisations & Scott then says that he has to be careful as when he’s naming names - as he may forget some and get into trouble. However, there are 60 companies that have come into support the ordinary NZer, and they are paying a goodly sum per annum to support recreational fisher folk to protect and rebuild local coastal fishing. This action is to put up a united front against the moneyed might and power of the commercial sector that is in bed with the Government against its own people.
These businesses are coming on board with not only cash, but also with rich access to extensive databases, rich access to their social media feed and reach. The Hutchwilco NZ Boat Show, DB Dominion Breweries and their low alcohol DB Export Citrus are all on board. What this is saying is that for the first time we have an organised recreational fishing lobby independently funded with zero government money and focussing on best practice and attempting to shift people’s attitudes expectations and behaviours. In particular as required to constrain, as required to conserve, as required to leave fish in the water in order to accelerate the rebuild of NZ 's inshore fisheries
In some ways he sees this as quite daunting as fishing can be a very religious feeling for many people, this is their time out, they do not want to be interfered with.
This interview covers:
Dealing with disposing of fish heads, frames and offal, that are delicacies for other races and cultures that value these - where we in NZ tend to discard them with not to much thought. That there is now a website dedicated to people who want to eat what’s left, can go on to With 16,000 people registered, this is a win win that benefits many.
So this is one of Scotts important outreach projects allied to - here to restore our fishing grounds for the average NZer to be able to 'fish for a feed.’
Being a 58 year old European NZer trying hard to not consume, for Scott, is a challenge especially whilst working with Legacy and half a dozen full time contractors taking these messages and issues, to the people of the real threats to NZer’s and to realise the magnificent gifts around our coast and conserve them before it’s too late.
Legasea: with 52,000 subscribed supporters and growing! You are invited to sign up for free and they will send you a newsletter telling you what the current situation is. – ‘less is more’ – Scott also understands how overloaded our in-trays are.
He asks you to simply subscribe - to a free newsletter so that they can inform you and give you insights. You will find their newsletter very interesting and you may even wish to donate as well. You can even like their FB page or tick a box or two in the surveys and polls they run.
Legasea are well liked and a trusted source for a growing number of Maori iwi (tribes). Because they see them as taking care of ika (fish) and Tangaroa’s (God of the Sea) gifts of the ocean.
Scott reminds us of Martin Luther King in the context of the civil liberties and civil rights stating:
“It’s not the words of our enemies that we will remember – but the silence of our friends.”
The aim is to continue to build up NZ’s falling fishing stocks and make them sustainable for perpetuity.
That to have equitable access to that abundance is the goal to all NZers and not witness additional yield allocated to bulk harvested, low value, export focused commercial fisheries.
It is important to remind ourselves that 94% of all fish caught in NZ are taken by the commercial sector and the other 6 % by average NZers called the recreational sector.
Recreational Sector Harvest
Recreational Fishers take approximately 10,000 tonnes or 10,000, thousand kilograms of fish per annum by 600,000 fishers. Be it in small boat, off the beach or in the water – what they do with it is a very private thing – some people deep freeze it for later, most people take what they need, others gift it to family neighbours and friends over the next few days. For many the ability to share catch is a primary source of self esteem. Maximum mana enhancement to gift a fish as a taonga (treasure) – to knock on the door of a friend and say here, I caught this for you and hand over a fish, or a bag of fillets or half a dozen scallops.
Commercial Sector Harvest
The commercial sector harvest about 350,000 tonnes of fish of which 90% is exported.
Some of the figures and prices that these fish are sold overseas for - make Scott cry.
Including the discarding, dumping and disrespect of fish by the bulk harvesting commercial sector – plus the ‘miss reporting’ that has been brought about by the ‘quota management system’ where catch entitlements are poorly distributed.
There are many problems specially ‘by-catch’ where fish that are caught in nets that the trawler is not wanting to catch - so over the side they go and all the fish are dead or die, because their bodies just are too frail when brought to the surface as well as being crushed in the net.
By-catch in commercial parlance is either valuable or not valuable. Those that are not valuable (do not have rights - go back over the side to float on the surface in their hundreds and often thousands to be videoed and then shown on TV or Facebook.
But, it’s not only commercial - recreational fishers have work to do on this and evidently quite a lot of work in some instances.
Scott states “we all have to lift our game.”
Scott use the word atrocities – a word he states he does not use lightly in relation to the following:
Trevally: he says is a highly valuable fish, Scott says that he is happy to swop it for snapper.
A kilo of trevally in NZ is worth about NZ $12 retail including GST (not filleted). About 200 tones per annum is caught in public recreational sector. While the commercial sector with entitlements can catch about 3000 tonnes – though they can only catch 2000 tonnes per annum so there is no real constraints as it is over allocated – which Scott sees as really sad.
Much of this fish is exported. 800 tonnes per annum to France, Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom. Sold whole, frozen with no added value, no GST for $2.70 per kilo, last year $2.50 the year before, it was $2.30 - a rich, dense high quality protein source.
We have this incredibly high quality nutrient dense protein source and the greatest concentration of Polynesians grouped together in history, domiciled here in NZ in South Auckland and yet we have 45 dialysis machines working overtime at Middlemore hospital. Why? Because we are dealing with waves of people suffering from Type 2 diabetes through eating a poor diet whilst we take this sacred source that the Polynesian - who is hardwired to this as their metabolism is all about eating fresh fish and we are selling the best fish at $2.70 a kilo to France. This just blows Scott away!
Kahawai: We the selling 1,000 tonnes a year to Africa – Ghana and the Cameroon for $1.75 per kilo - So what is this all about? NZers would gladly pay $5.00 a kilo
The fact that we are selling our rich protein for such a low price shocks Scott (as it does me Tim doing the interview) and it should shock you dear reader – we are being done by commercial interests and none of these benefits are flowing through to NZers as a community.
Snapper: (tāmure ) We are exporting snapper to Australia sized at 25,26,27,28,29 centimetres – that we in NZ have to throw back dead or alive because of being undersized – yet the commercial sector can get away with this with the blessing of the NZ Government for a miserly $10.00 a kilo - we export 2.500 tonnes of this or nearly as much as all NZers combined in our entire public sector harvest – what is this all about? NZ snapper fillets cost retail $30.00 kilo plus.
Presently the NZ Government is angling to have the public sign off to a particular quota and all the rest be taken over by commercial interests. This will not happen on Legasea's watch, Scott assures us. Hence the Government MPI Ministry of Primary Industries refuse to give the public sector representatives the time of day.
And the NZ Government mission card for NZ primary producers is to double the export of primary produce by 2025
Who is the person/s driving this over extraction of the earth’s resources? This is the neo-liberal agenda that continues to steal the future of our children and grandchildren!
No Resource Rental or License
NZ Commercial Operators do not pay for a resource rental license – they can just take and extract from the ‘collective commons’ and there are no governmental regulations to make them pay for this resource.
What Recreational Fishing Adds to the Local Economy
The private recreation sector spends $950 million on bait, boats, rods and fuel etc. Plus charters, accommodation and 8,200 jobs within the industry as well all employees (PAYE) are taxed, there is the GST component of 15% GST plus fuel and road user tax. The recreational fishing industry adds to the local economy and with no fish, this sector would suffer hugely.
This interview also covers:
Doug Kidd the ex National Party Minister of Fisheries and Speaker of the House comes in for high praise, as he saw what was happening to NZ’s fishing stocks and spoke out about it very strongly.
These two links will put you firmly in the picture as to how commercial interests are working to disenfranchise recreational fisher people in NZ.
The end of recreational fishing as we know it? It’s up to us to all mobilise and make the effort to join together and meet this challenge.
Scott also gives kudos to the Auckland Council for their visionary Hauraki Gulf Spacial plan along with Waikato District Council and the Thames-Coromandel District Council. Their coming together is going to breathe new life into this superb marine and fish environment.
This interview with Scott Macindoe, like his last one is superb. An articulate wordsmith and communicator he lays out for everyone what is happening and what we need to do.
His previous hard hitting interview November 2015.
He finishes with the Maori word Tumanako which signifies hope.
A must listen.
Christine Rose has a passion for life. She is an environmental advocate, in the community, nationally, and even internationally.
She has just returned from Australia where the Humpback whales recovery signals hope for the future. Watching (rather than swimming) is her focus as it's non-invasive and takes the human ego out of the whales' natural behaviour.
Humpback numbers in NSW were down to a couple of hundred animals when whaling stopped in the 1960s-70s. This year estimations put the numbers at about 27,000 went along Australia’s east coast, and they' are growing at 11% pa cumulatively. About 95% travel within 5km offshore on their way to Antarctica. That's why New South Wales in the best place for whale lovers like Christine.
In this interview we cover a number of environmental issues from the whale’s recovery in Australia to the New Zealand fishing industry.
Christine also speaks about the moral rights of animals and recommends the book of that name.
Touching on climate change and the 6th great extinction, Christine turns to some creative solutions. We even talk about the necessity of carpooling – an idea that is not shared much, as we are pushed to use privately owned public transport!
As a community and environmental advocate, Christine enacts the phrase 'think globally, act locally' into action - working on sustainability in her private life, in the community, nationally, and even internationally with the causes she supports and the life she leads.
Christine strives to lead a moral life - she's vegetarian, rides her bike wherever she can, refuses TV and the consumer society. She has solar panels, grows a veggie garden and lives in harmony with nature.
Locally, Christine helps build community - she established Bike Kumeunity, the Kumeu Children's Art Club, the Kumeu Arts Centre and she leads the ‘Kumeuknitty’ 'womanship' movement for women to share skills, knowledge, surpluses and love through knitting and crochet. She established Keep Kumeu Beautiful and organises WaiCare planting and water testing.
Regionally Christine campaigns for better walking and cycling - she's a voluntary trustee of SkyPath, which will see a walking and cycle way across the Auckland Harbour Bridge. She’s founding Chair of the Public Transport Users Association.
Since the year 2000, or earlier, Christine has dedicated a large part of her life to our endangered Maui's & Hector's Dolphins. She founded ‘Maui’s and Hector’s Dolphin Defenders NZ Inc.’ Christine regularly travels around New Zealand as an advocate, talking about the dolphins, helping all NZers to become stewards of this little taonga.
Christine runs Cetacean Spotting NZ a facebook page dedicated to celebrating whales and dolphins around the coast. She is also a volunteer/supporter of many environmental groups. She does pest control to protect Kokako and other species in the Waitakere Ranges. Most weekends she's out planting trees or helping community and environmental organisations to make the world a better place.
In her spare time, Christine cycles, camps, tramps, kayaks and is a practicing artist. She is a most heart-full person who seeks to build an empathetic culture through empowering others. She's a success at making the sun shine a bit more for us all by spreading joy and love in all she does, motivated by the public good and the ideal of a better world.
Hirini Reedy has moved to a state of being that he lives and moves lightly – whilst living at present in Aotearoa New Zealand - he likens himself as a ‘modern day navigator, or Bedouin’ – having no fixed address - having the sky as his roof the earth being the floor and ‘many’ spaces that he needs to be in.
In this ‘field’ he can contribute to the awakening that is happening as of this time.
He sees that our planet is dissolving old patterns and evolving to something new.
He sees how families have come into being and the family tree has spread to become now the canopy of our planet - that we have to look at families beyond our physical blood lineage, our cultural face – and look at the family of life itself. The family tree. This necessitates the need to return to the fundamentals to seeing ourselves as one huge family of many faces, many colours and many languages.
Being able to commune with all our extended whanau - ‘family’ so that we are having the spiritual recognition as well - as coming home to the practical family of his Mum and Dad and seeing them as they change and become old and being with them as they ready to transition.
This includes seeing the challenges of modern day housing and elderly care and embracing the extended family and not putting them into an old people’s homes – but to be able to be there for them. So that when they pass over – we can carry on the lineage and hopefully the dream of a better world to come.
Hirini shares with us poignant moments of his dear Mum and Dad - how dementia changes everything and that as a loving carer what he does to make their life as bearable as possible. To shower them with aroha and love. He expresses his abiding respect for people who are are carers for sick and elderly people. And that is something that will come to most of us to all understand.
Hongi - the Greeting of Connection
Hirini gives a very wide understanding of the hongi – the act of sharing breath – nose to nose – forehead to forehead – we are all breathers of life – we birth into existence with our first breath and go out - on our out breath … it’s not the end of life – but the end of the body temple.
Hongi is the phenomenon of joining breath to breath, being to being - mind to mind – heart to heart - you are bringing communion about these aspects of life itself – of family of community - of a greater being.
Hirini takes us through a deeper connection what hongi represent at a spiritual level that magnifies the knowingness that Maori have carried as a cultural norm as well as a commitment to deep awareness of being. The momentary convergence of auras – the fields - third eye to third eye - etc.
Today so many people are not breathing properly so the ‘ha’ – (the breath) is emphasised by Hirini throughout this interview.
Breathing properly?
We as a humanity are not breathing deeply into our belly – Hirini uses breath and sounds and gives bird calls – to emphasis his connection to other animals sharing breath and singing song and of his anatomy of sound that we too - can utter.
How to hold our breath without going into fear – when you are in situations where you have been forced to hold your breath in under water or smoke incidents and the need to ‘surrender’ in such cases.
Then Hirini takes us through a breathing meditation which is very potent.
He then talks about shifting our consciousness to be able to travel or ask as other indigenous people do and call on another animal to assist you and become an extension of our breath so as to tie-into-the-seasons –- the flows and the wave forms of creation itself. And in that moment we can attune to the ‘slip streams’ of other realities and actually make ‘that’ connection.
Hirini talks to the Abrahamic language I Am who I Am – and Hebrew and sings about travel to a different timeline from the travesties in the Middle East to the Pacific (Pacifist) ocean heritage where Maori have navigated for over a thousand years and more.
He talks of the above different timeline and a different intonation - because the Abrahamic religions in his intuition - need the softer waters of the Pacific.
Cleaning up our bloodline - Our Whakapapa
He talks about our incarnation – that we have to honour this life - and it’s about cleaning up our bloodlines – our whakapapa – so as to shift our evolution into a higher realm of being. That we need to look at the possibilities of being mortal beings that have been housed in various vessels, temples, to incarnate on this planet – especially to attain a sense of ancient memory - that we have chosen to be here - to be now at this crossing point.
He challenges us to go deep and far beyond appearances - where there is a substance where we can divine a certain knowingness that we can bring forth to align the harmonies again.
We are at a time on earth today where we see the devolution of ‘old thought forms' of old ‘fossilised-beliefs’ that need to dissolve – to allow a new wave to come through.
He talks about we all have to go beneath our surface and cultivate the ‘heartland’ to discover the essence of who we are. We have to do our own inner work and purify our own internal dogma. Heal the ghosts and the wounded ancestors of the past. And it has to begin with our own individual self. The disciple of thyself. Checking out both the Yin and Yang of the self. To finally emerge – being self resurrected - having gone through our own crucible of healing what we have broken and now become free of.
Using the analogy of a caterpillar to a butterfly. Leaving that what is now not of use – behind – and what emerge as the crowning of our being is an illumined and transcendent radiant self - that flowers - where we realise that we are not the body and that there is something far greater.
You will have to listen to this interview attune to Hirini’s words of oratory.
Awakening to our planet that lives beneath our feet.
What we need to do is connect and heal what is under our feet.
Hirini talks about our planet and how consciousness is rising and that we are all linked … and slowly the veils are becoming transparent and we are seeing through the illusion.
People are questioning their relationships – their work - their looking at the economics of what is happening from a local to a global perspective – of leadership - of elections and they are asking fundamental questions … is this it? Have we reached this point!
And we are all saying No – this is not it - and we realise that we have to look to our own inner guidance to find answers. That no external thing outside us that is not in resonance with our higher ideals - us – will now have no more control over us as we now can start to solve the myriad challenges that have manifested – so to awaken us up to a far greater reality.
Personal Responsibility
This continues with personal responsibility – holding the line – no matter what – committing to hold the line is becoming an imperative of having fierce love and compassion – and hand in hand we can do it – as he makes a compelling call – karanga – to involve yourself in both the transformation of self, but to stand for our planet and all her biota . Standing in the circle of the rainbow and holding the line. Becoming a disciple of thyself - cleaning out the temple to spring forth anew and write a new narrative. Let your voice, your harmonics out - open your chest cavity let the fire the (ahi) within your chest cavity out –
Creating Sanctuaries
Hirini says his job is to create sanctuaries – a place to feel safe and he has committed to find ways to keep us safe.
Aotearoa - can be and needs to be - A Peace Nation
He talks when he was working for the New Zealand Governor General and the implementation of initiatives to upgrade protocols that include Maori into the military forces. He had the good fortune to have had the ear of both - including the Commander in Chief of the NZ Forces.
The interview covers the British Army regimental system of the military - it is a powerful system and a dominating one and it has colonised many places globally - in its own image and it now needs to change and become more inclusive of all the imagery of the world. And that the warriors need to not become Special Forces – but instead Spiritual Forces.
He talks of Tu the God of war and also of the God of Peace and in this interview his dear old unwell Father comes into the room where Hirini is talking on the phone for this interview and what takes place is very profound and very synchronistic – as Hirini masterfully shifts the energy. (listen to this interview) :)
Saying that we today do not know how to make peace – because the god of war is getting far more media play and news reports – and the God of Peace is being subverted by vested interests. The NZ Army now has the capacity to be used as ‘peacemakers’ and go into areas and disarm the combatants into having a common song – to share food - to be able to hear the dreams of the antagonist and then put the options forward – otherwise we move precariously towards a devastated planet or - an opportunity for children to grow and flourish.
The NZ Defence Forces have the ability to bring together opposing points of view and reconcile them.
New Paradigm Emerges.
It’s not about nations now – it is about who are the ones who are to be the custodians of the future - of all biota and our planet. Our planetary magnificence cannot continue to be turned into commodities – of pieces and units of production or continue to turn people into units of labour – all people are sentient beings and part of the fabric of life and this planet.
And its Hirini’s dream that Aotearoa - New Zealand becomes the seed bed for this!
That we do not dream about it but turn it into a practical viable force. Starting from NOW!
We do not have the luxury of time – There are World War scenarios in the airwaves that are being ramped up by unconscious thought and disconnection!
So we have to have a Peace Star that rises from this part of our planet – from beneath the Southern Cross and the Southern Hemisphere light of consciousness in action.
To awaken the dark minds and show them the way home - towards the light, so that even themselves – those of the darkness, actually become happy - because they are now able to find a way home! So that we can bring peace.
This is part of Hirini’s work here. All our work - as he says. We are all connected.
The Military Industrial Machine is a huge monetary machine that is like a blind juggernaut.
Oath of Allegiance
Soldiers need to ‘swear allegiance’ to a greater Queen - to the Grand Mother of all Mothers - to that of our planet – going beyond what they have sworn previously –
He says that “Making the person who makes an executive order to drop a bomb, go to the place where it is to be dropped and stand there and if they are willing to accept that nuclear bomb falling on then – then they need to pull the trigger on themselves.” Otherwise let’s look at far more elegant options.
The Grand Mothers of Peace
That the Grandmother women are better peace savers - how do we co create with humanity to build the home? – the family and community to be more connected and cohesive? HOME = Heaven on Mother Earth. H.O.M.E.
Hirini, emphatically asks you not to listen or read this posting and then just walk away and distract yourself with anything to keep you away from doing what is best for our planet and the children of the future.
The little heaven resides in us – it is not an external place up somewhere - elsewhere – stop looking without because what you are looking for is inside you. It’s in you.
Hirini then ramps it up as dynamic orator!
Turn yourself inside out to reveal the star that has been sleeping inside you! Anything less is not worthy. We must be that which we can be – and we have to be FEARLESS and shed our old mental constructs and beliefs that have been handed down to us that no longer serve us!
Debt Amnesty
NZ with 4.65 million people and private and governmental debt is half a trillion dollars = $100,000 of debt for every person in NZ. How can this be?
Let us rid this – just like fruit falling from the tree it breaks down and rots then new shoots will grow up through it all …
He mentions debt bondage and new babies being born and that their names shunt them into a realm of being commodities.
He says we need to rename ourselves – shift the frequency of who we are - break the pattern - shatter the old thoughtform and transform like the proverbial monarch body and discards that which no longer serves us.
When we change the name we change the story.
We are still shackled to the European systems and the Westminster type Government – outdated thought forms - old paradigm thinking.
A new look at Sovereignty – what role does the Queen play in our existence – on our currencies – her Head on every coin.
The money system has to be changed … get savvy and research where it is going the ‘TPPA Currency Declaration’.
Does this mean that the Reserve Bank Governor having now more power than Her Majesty? Just like the US Fed, having more power than any Branch of the US government?
So what does that mean for the Oaths? – All NZ Government Ministers of the Crown? – The Governor General whom have sworn allegiance? All military officers? The Police? The Justice Department - Judges & Magistrates?
There seems to be no one in authority standing up to protect our currency - at all – everywhere it is noticeably silent! The bankers control the game!
He calls for us to be very innovative and find ways to transform the system - from out of the bones of the old debts there will arise a new conscious currency. This too is Hirini’s dream to align with the fires of creation and adeptly touch the slip stream and it then it will magically do the work for us. So that the currency is part of Creation’s dream itself.
Guardians of the Now to Protect the Future
As ex army Hirini says in the meantime we need Guardians. We need elder-kaumatua and guardians – some that are facing-out and some that are facing-in that you have these sentinels in place for a space of safety so that nothing gets through, not even unwanted psychic energy so that new ideas are born into a new sanctuary - creating the new seedlings – the new dream - the new embryo – the placenta is there for the embryo to grow - the nut furnishes the seed when it ready to sprout. Or the yoke and albumen that feeds the germ cell of the egg that when timing prevails - eventually cracks the egg open.
We need to be able to grow into a planetary awareness yet be able to localise underneath our feet. Under all our feet - (you reader and you listener under your feet).
Then Hirini speaks so very softly and yin-like and this is for you to listen to - as his poetic finale – magnificent.
He sings a chant with two different stones accompanying him. Stones that he rubs together to remind us of the physical plane that we are embedded in - that we can also rise above.
He finishes with a delightful rendition of the Bell bird song
Hirini Reedy
A powerful orator - warrior of great standing - A unique and very different Polynesian being. At ease within his skin - his subtle bodies - his field.
We have been expectant of what is to come next in the unfoldment of a new way of life – a new way of being – one that is a total upgrade from the top down pyramid model that has been - patriarchal, extractive and exploitive that has ended up denaturing and dehumanising our world. This model is now falling away.
Laurence & Zahra are domiciled in the Northern South Island in the area covering Nelson, Motueka, Takaka & Golden Bay.
This whole area is a wellspring of change agents devoted to pioneering ways that people can live, be, do, work and thrive in communities and other ways of life.
From the renown Riverside community the very well known conscientious objector movement of the 2nd World War – now going for over 70 years - who were prepared to stand up for their principles and go to prison - To the Tui and Rainbow communities both been existing for around 30 years and a number of others spread around the area too.
There are many different initiatives happening in many different areas.
In education in Golden Bay there is more self-directed learning and other initiatives asking children what they wish to engage in, what they want their schools to look like now and in the future – plus many school Principle’s are engaged in looking at a new vision of education that is very much aligned with the NZ Government’s 2025 educational vision of more community input that incorporates holistic systems.
Plus ‘I Design’ studio – teaching children from grass roots how to use electronics - designing – coding - creating IP - yet have a preference to ‘open source systems’ for free – and ‘make a space’ initiated by a retired engineer to create interest within the localised rural community. Which typifies the releasing of the potential of new technologies of decentralising and re-localising non colonising …
This includes production manufacturing and invention based on how do people re-think, redesign, remake reinvent the world - and you are not going to put a cap on it.
In Takaka, the Hands system of Greendollars/timebank- is coming up to its 30th anniversary – with 10% of the regional population as members.
“How about a non-dollar system”. It’s a LETS system a local currency system, paper vouchers and an electronic platforms.
In NZ - Living Economies.
That hundreds of lets system globally use Community Exchange System out of South Africa.
‘Localising Food Project’ - From the Tui community creating documentaries and educating people to show the issues as why it is important to return to locally produced foods; The loss of seed varieties especially seed that has specifically adapted to each bio region so that they can grow and are resilient to bugs etc so no use of pesticide etc – plus teaching about free food forests – throughout NZ.
So what is happening in the top of the South Island is a reflection of wider movement somewhat as an incubator of new ideas as well as community engagement with these inventions and ideals. Groups of people holding very high ideals and yet being pragmatic in their practice of them.
Laurence and Zahra want to know how to make practical these revolutionary, visionary - ideals and integrate them into people’s lives. Do a web search and youtube search on localising food projects – there is a whole archive for film footage of best practices – to save heritage seeds, to create food forests and food gardens in schools.- Especially Robin McCurdy one of NZ’s much loved permaculture pioneers.
Raw milk dispensing by farmers at the farm gate - called Village Milk via a chilled dispenser as well as a glass bottle dispenser that you can buy – it’s practically organic milk – it just has no certification – but its organic by practice – this is being franchised out across the country though government regulators endeavour to get in the way due to health concerns – however it is a revolution in the making. Especially, assisting with a healthy gut etc. and also the products of eating from fresh milk.
This is big and it will only grow when people realise that the milk they are drinking may be from - powder. Those white plastic supermarket bottles with a dark interior – which do not state anywhere on the plastic bottle that the milk has been pasteurised or homogenised – check it out - very strange.
Meanwhile NZ continues to slumber ☺
Joel Salatin in the US is mentioned as a keen raw milk farmer and the challenges he has to be able to sell from the farm gate.
Joel Salatin's "I drink raw milk (sold illegally on the underground market)".
A Taonga among Maori with some of the purest water on our planet – deeply sacred place there are many springs over this whole Golden Bay, Takaka, Motueka Nelson area and Laurence poetically describes this in that the people of this whole region who are drinkers of such blessed water are themselves ‘wellsprings’ of goodwill, creativity and community as like the Pupu springs - expressing pure powerful goodness that gushing to the surface spreads its transparent latency among the populace that is springing forth this possibility of conscious change and transformation.
Zahra & Laurence talk about the good things going right for us in the world today … and this is what the community game is all inclusive of. They both created and designed it as inherently we have the solutions within us as well as the many solutions already been worked on and worked out right around our planet –
(Best Listen to this to fully realise the potential of what this game presents).
And a ‘Maker World for Schools’ – Instead of saying in 40 year time the oceans will have no fish and then move on to page 47 and focus on some other subject – what is being said now – is ‘what can we do about it?’ and have a discussion and do projects around finding innovative ways to look what can be done to bring about the much needed change to save our fishing grounds? And make this an important, empowering learning. Because all the maths, the language the sciences can still be learned by applying them to the subject being studied and looked at – the subject being totally inclusive of other learning modalities.
Children learn better on experiential project based learning - especially projects that matter to them – that inspire them – engages them fully so they learn by embedding topical and deeply focused information that always works towards the best possible outcome.
If the schools focus on right lively hoods – why not focus on enterprise education – today and the social implications of working together?
If the science is correct – that the trajectory is so dire then why waste children’s education on intellectual subject matter totally unrelated to survival – when the prognosis of our common future is so heavily weighted against life as we know it today.
This is where Zahra and Laurence want to see schools transformed – and with Mainstream education realising that 1/3 or teaching jobs will be redundant in 10 years time due to automation and robotics – this is a perfect time for education and learning curriculums to totally up their game - be reinvented and become holistic community wide – lifelong learning and equip children with the many 21st century learning methods and subject matter to focus on their basic growth as a human being living on a planet. This translates to an empowered inner resourced and savvy younger generation equipped to face the future head on.
Which maker world for schools inspires them into the new collaborative culture.
The next step is how do you self fund yourself. – Listen to the interview.
Technology breaking out. - disruptive technologies
Self driving trucks – soon they will be everywhere as they have only a simple A to B journey – many drivers will be out of a job. Millions of jobs worldwide will see jobs cease to exist.
All rote or repetitive jobs within a decade will be going within a decade – by robots or a computer program – UBER - you know about the taxi revolution – they state that in 4 years self driven cars will be here and by 2025 fast decking numbers of petrol cars will be on the road.
Community to come together when so many jobs start disappearing.
Could there be a student revolution start soon that is totally global and could kids shun school until the adult population can deliver a plan for a viable, sustainable future solution orientation that factors the requirements for all?
Are Governments obsolete – but just have not woken up to it?
Scary as the situation is – the only option is to reinvent how we can live – together etc transformation now is our only option
Thus Zahra & Laurence see the urgent need for a training program with all the new project management tools that are now available – because we NOW have the tools to go forward to shape the new paradigm.
And they both state that they have most of the keys so that you can virtually take them out of a box and put them to work.
We are on the cusp of creativity that we have never seen before – 3 d printing of objects, machines, houses, gadgets etc - clothes will be dialled up or downloaded from a computer to a sewing machine device and the technology is already here.
They see humanity on a cellular level as a neighbourhood and they want to see our planet healed and the neighbourhood at the same time.
It’s an evolution revolution and it’s happening around our planet and Laurence & Zahra are doing their part.
Bubbles of creativity and community are popping up everywhere around our planet - they are becoming more and more = spreading out until their sides touch and then the tipping point will be reached and they will all merge into the new paradigm.
Food is an important piece of the jigsaw – have control of what we are putting into our body temple. Then we have autonomy – we have choice, health and better strategies and outcomes.
Ethics and values will become an important issue.
What if Greenpeace had incorporated Greenpeace Inc and set up a solution oriented arm – to provide for everyone everyone. Because they would have tens of millions of potential investors, stakeholders buyers suppliers employees – the could have been huge by now and gaining more adherents because their products and services were second to none! And ecological sustainability would be embedded throughout the network/organisation.
Corporations are in a death spiral and they are not loved by people and big doesn’t function anymore.
Even businesses are collaborating with their own competitors today. Co-opetition. e.g. restaurant row.
Force fed Neo liberal nonsense of dog eat dog has to come to an end - dogs don’t eat each other either.
Our world is based on diversity and symbiosis
Noo map - Barbara Marks Hubbard Co creation and how we are working together to create and shape our future.
Open Source Society in Wellington NZ.
We have the capacity to work together and collaborate on large scale issues at a species level.
One of the more profound and grounded futurists being:
Jeremy Rifkin - The 3rd Industrial Revolution.
The Venus Project New Zealand - facebook page.
The Venus Project Beyond Politics Poverty and War
An extremely informative and inspirational interview - going onto the front foot and pushing the envelope well out before them - this is one interview to download and listen.
Ted is also ex-military (12 years in NZ Army Territorials) becoming a peace activist, especially campaigning against depleted uranium, where NZ troops were deployed. NZ Defence personnel today will be suffering health problems because of this. He has also completed a master’s paper in remote sensing (aerial and satellite photo mapping) to compliment his Degree in Geology and Geography.
Ted co-founded Transition Towns Nelson, but with the change of government from Labour to National, they lost their funding for employing a co-ordinator, and with the collapse of the price of oil, lost their impetus, and most members drifted away. The one thing that survives is the Permaculture in Nelson Group (PNG), that he still co-hosts.
Hosting the Nelson Peace Group during after hours - he also lead a book discussion group based on the books by Daniel Quinn: 'Ishmael', 'My Ishmael', 'The Story of B', 'Beyond Civilisation'. This started a process of questioning the foundations of who he was and what culture he was living in.
His main focus now is Permaculture gardening/design during the week. He’s also studying part time as a student on National Certificate in Horticulture, level 4.
He is passionate about his gardening, but especially about building healthy living soil, such as biological farming and especially soil banking, including installing chook runs and small water harvesting projects.
He also follows a lot of writings and speeches by Guy McPherson on abrupt climate change - by Derrick Jensen on bringing down "civilisation", by Carolyn Baker and Andrew Harvey on grief work, and Paul Levy on the Greatest disease of our times: Wetiko = a collective psychosis.
Ted’s pretty sure we have entered a period of great change. He calls it The Great Unravelling. He hopes we can get to The Great Turning idea from Joanna Macy. It’s very late in the game though, collapse of the biosphere is well underway. But he’s here for the natural communities and the rest of life, to make a difference with the time he has left, regardless of how short that is, or isn't!
In this interview, Ted expresses condolences to Bill Mollison who with David Holmgren initiated Permaculture, a system that encompasses not only agriculture, horticulture, architecture, and ecology, but also economic systems, land access strategies, and legal systems for businesses and communities. Bill Mollison, died this last week after initiating a revolution on how humans can survive with living on and with the land,
As an ex territorial soldier – he states that after 12 years of service he realised that even in NZ we live under a government of occupation on behalf of empire, it is about dividing and ruling the communities, it’s about opening the country up to rape, pillage and extraction – and this also includes the so called NZ defence forces.
Is not so much about defence of NZ – but actually an offensive tool of Empire – and NZ armed personnel have been used all around the world and are still being used as offensive weapons for Empire. With that realisation and start of the Gulf War in Iraq - Ted resigned and became a peace activist.
Stating that the modern industrial, intelligence, military, complex is completely insane and out of control – that it has been for sometime, but has been getting a lot worse.
Ted says he is so grateful that he has been given the opportunity to wake up to this and to take a stand even when his voice trembles and his knees quiver and say ‘this is not what we are here for.’ As an ex-soldier he stands and states - we can do this differently.
At a local level Ted has studied and found himself embedding himself in indigenous wisdom and realised that indigenous peoples are ‘an extension of their environment’ and that they are infused with the ecology that surround them. That, they are intimately connected with the seasons and know that the earth is their great sustainer. That the people of the first nations of North America took into the deepest of consideration the term ‘looking seven generations ahead’ to see that the environment could peacefully fulfil their needs whilst they revered and acknowledged the sacredness of life.
Though very, very late in the ‘game’, Ted says this is basically our only way forward, because to carry on the same habits that currently run our paradigm is in essence a race to the bottom.
There is a great unravelling happening all around us today as the biosphere can only absorb so much punishment before the tightly coupled ecological systems that so elegantly overlap and blend both up and down the vastness of the nature kingdom collapse.
Rural Maori that Ted knows have much respect from him, because they know how to live more sustainably and understand living within community most being connected by a marae, or meeting place. This will stem from their original belief systems.
Training as a permaculture, gardener-designer and aware of the radical things happening globally – his focus is very neighbourhood, at grass roots and what can be done locally as a humble yet stirring permaculture gardener. He finds deep satisfaction and huge relief in getting his hands dirty in the garden on a daily basis. Mainly helping out with friends, colleagues and clients to put in an edible landscape to help with biodiversity and raise as much awareness as possible. Maintaining that ‘civilisation’ (a swear word in Ted’s vernacular) is insanely unsustainable – and we could do it differently.
Meanwhile the indigenous methods have been quietly waiting for us to waken up to, as they have a lot of wisdom that could make a difference.
One of the benefits of ‘being’ and doing gardening is that Ted, can download from the web, interviews on organic gardeners and biological farmers telling their story, some interviews even from - such as Graeme Sait and Dee Pigney that their knowing is so very inspiring. That he fires up and enthusiastically put his whole being into aligning with the garden and helping with the landscape. And on a lovely day it is a joy and a pleasure …
Ted talks about soil bacteria and that the micro-organisms that when our hands are in the soil they somehow communicate across our skin membrane and interact with the micro-organisms within us. And there is a sort of osmosis that occurs that affects our brain chemistry and we feel good.
This helps him deal with the grief of watching our ‘civilisation’ and biosphere unravelling – yet - this connection with the soil and his hands in the earth, helps him deal with the hurt and thus the soil heals him as well as grounds him. By finding joy in this whole process and he states - deep joy it’s so profound and this is what keeps him going – this is his juice - however, he does not know how long he can keep doing this? But he will continue until he is unable.
We talk about the huge change that is coming right now.
The 6TH Mass Extinction and we are in it right now!
200 plus species a day going to extinction – day after day after day – these are our kin – our cousins and we ignore this at great peril. And we do not know which of them at some stage in the radical interdependent interconnectedness of everything- is going to pull apart the web of life and impact us even more … So Ted does what he does - for them – doing his best for all the biota that live within our biosphere.
Asked by numerous people why he does not stand for local government – Ted states that if he did – it would only be for a platform – to rant. That he would state - from Derick Jensen’s book ‘End Game’ –‘that the needs of the natural community come before the needs of the economic system.”
So he is not about to be enter politics where he is up against the continuation of the same economic growth system based on money and export earnings, more housing sub-divisions and we will get more prosperous blah, blah etc. What he is - is an advocate for de-growth and smart decline. He is also an exponent for ‘growth of relationships’ – with each other and growth of relationships with everything within the ‘living community.’
He is for growth of recognising that we need to preserve, regenerate, revive and protect the natural environment – because without it we don’t have an economy!
Having a garden or chickens you can gift your produce to friends and people – it’s a wonderful feeling to do, because you have put so much love and good vibes into growing lovely organic splendour. Ted is an urban chook farmer which he feeds fresh greens to like puha and dandelion and they go crazy over wanting to eat it – same for silver beet and spinach. Listen to this talk by Ted - about his chickens and the win, win, win situations he is involved in.
Globally much more food comes from small farmers. He mentions Vandana Shiva – who in many ways speaks for small farmers on many issues, especially the perils of GE & GMO’s and mentions that Agri business is not only very new but it is not as productive as small farmers globally.
Starting Anew and Being More Heart Centred.
Having academic degrees did not satisfy him s he has switched course and gone off on a different direction .
“A revolution can start in a garden” says Bill Mollison - “and can be disguised as gardening” – so by including local food sovereignty – this is quite revolutionary – but it can’t stop there it has to be a lot more revolutionary – Listen to this interview to Teds response to being engaged in sedition☺
He finds it a fascinating time to be alive – so much in flux With barter, green dollars, times banks – and the GIFT economy.
Transition Neighborhoods seem to be the way forward – cells communicating with cells and clusters of cells …
Are Humans biophobic? Why? We we need instead to be biophiliac’s, floating in biophilia –the love of nature – the joy of nature - the joy of nature with us and around us. We are an integrated part of the entire natural community. That natural community is not what we control – that natural community is our natural kin – is our family … listen for more to Ted on this interview.
Most indigenous peoples are unable to understand why it is taking us so long to work out that we are not separated from nature … they shrug their shoulders in disbelief.
Ted reckons that we will return to a light ecological foot print when our present economic system ‘drops out’ and by us then returning to total immersion in ecological communion with the land we can/may be able to draw from the earth for all our needs.
He ventures the statement that we are actually in a dark ages and that at present humanity is neck deep in a malaise of greed, avarice, consumption and competition. A predicament that the North America First Nation Peoples say - that we are afflicted by Wetico – ‘the disease of the civilised ones’ – better known in some circles as being taken over by a mind parasite – and our urgent need and task is to face this - and climb out of this pit.
Ted calls it “climb-out-ology” - time to climb out to a light ecological footprint.
To also embraces smart decline and de-growth rebuilding our local land bases – a re-naturing of areas of areas.
And it is very, very late in the game! We may not pull it off – so be it - but he will continue unabated to his last breath.
Maori Understanding of Nature.
He is doing a lot for all those creatures and kin who are going extinct every day, by working with the ecology and talking to people of his concerns.
Ted, encourages us to go and listen to local Maori – and their communities as they are less individualistic and more community players. They having a reverence of nature and invoke their gods when cutting a tree down or going fishing.
Plan A – continuance is unsustainable
Plan B - Big Green Party vision - renewable energy – smart cars etc – Ted doesn’t believe it will succeed – being not sustainable. Still based on industrialism and the extractive economy
Plan C - Energy descent and earth stewardship – David Holmgren said that this was the way – but has canned it recently and now says we are going to do plan A (brown tech) until we can’t and then when it crashes we immediately go to .
Plan D - Which is ‘lifeboat communities.’
Ted feel that this is closer to the truth.
NZ is a potential lifeboat community – hence our influx of migrant population, from nearly every country including a vast number of races.
Our economy according to the spin of the National Government is a ‘rock star economy’ however Ted’s says it’s unsustainably on the rocks. As it is immigration that is artificially keeping NZ‘s balance of payments in the black and it’s take their money to pay for housing and infrastructure.
There are many environmental communities still going across the country and they are surviving – Ted posits the idea of a ‘network of resistance’ – that their love of community and nature brings them together.
There are wonderful people living out on the land across the whole country who love their land and their animals and have been doing wonderful work helping to preserve, protect, regenerate and defend it.
The biggest difference between those in the world today says Derek Jensen is ‘those that do something and those who do nothing’ - Find what you like to do your passion – what you love that supports local community and land base and go and do it – because that is the only future that Ted can see.
Plan C is what Ted thinks is best as the political process unravels.
We have to work in community – we cannot do it by oneself – in todays world self sufficiency and self reliance is virtually impossible - it is to hard and lonely Talk to any remnant indigenous peoples who have lived for thousands of years and they will say - “how long has it taken you to work that out?”
Indigenous peoples say that they do everything with the village as their prime consideration - also the tribe – it’s about the community about the neighbourhood- it has always been ‘the collective’ – this is why they have been this sustainable for this long.
In our modern culture which is ‘hyper individuated’ - is narcissistic and is about ‘look at me, look at me, look at me’ … whose got the best toys? Whose got the biggest toys?Whose got the most toys? It’s gone insane - especially when we bother to look up and look around we see we are pulling the whole biosphere down, by pulling the rug out from under it by all - by our unconscious actions of material extraction and consumption.
Now ask the question. Where is your water coming from – where is your food coming from?
The message from the Hopi Elders the 11th hour – we are in it and it is closing on 12 o’clock – It’s come together time, know your community, know your garden. Hopi Prophecy.
Ted is hopeful of the Joanna Macy concept of ‘the great turning’ is going to come – but we cannot have ‘a great turning’ until we have done an unravelling says Ted - in this way of living – this incredible toxic hubris that keeps us trapped into thinking that this is the way humans are supposed to live.
And it is killing us (look at the cancers stats) it’s killing the community and it’s killing our planet at a rate never seen before. So the need to do it differently or we won’t be here.
In 1980 our planet population was 4 billion today it is 7.5 billion – we are locked into a growth fetish.
Hitting limits to growth.
Listen to Ted by downloading.
The change of the ages is happening right here right now!
As an ex military man the interview: Covers the Middle East – Syria, Ukraine & Russia and the proxy wars going on …
Plus NZ’s involvement with the Waihopai ‘Five Eyes’ spy base and satellite download and upload system - we are now a target - and most probably a target of a Russian Intercontinental ballistic missile that has an enormous payload and capacity to obliterate a vast area – not far at all from where Ted lives in Nelson and everyday he lives in a state of grace.
How can we evolve the organism that is ‘the human race’ to break out of the paradigm that we have made a habit of staying in – covering the 100th monkey phenomenon as a metaphor of shaping our evolution on a ‘collective and very rapid scale.’
We humans are it – time has basically run out …
Are you a Shambhala warrior that Joanna Macy talks about – there will be4come a time of great darkness that will then bring forth the emergence from all nations the Rainbow Warriors the Shamballah warriors – and their 2 weapons are … insight and the radical interconnectedness and interdependence of everything – and compassion
Time to talk truth to power to speak from the heart and the soul
That the indigenous people say today to we civilised people today is for us to decolonise our hearts and minds and look around and see that we can do this differently. This is what drives Ted.
This interview continues to cover:
Gaia that our planet is a super organism that we can align with and tune into.
Seeing the sacred in nature.
To all our relations.
Woodwide web – Tree roots connecting with many other trees.
James Camerons Movie Avatar - where on the moon Pandora all the biota can connect into a greater reality - animals, trees and the indigenous Na’vi.
This connection allows a Na'vi to sense the energetic and kinetic signals broadcast by creatures, plants and even the moon itself.
Connection – the dance of life and with nature – being in a state of love and joy and whenever we can - having gratitude and being thankful for nature and that which supports us. This is what Ted exemplifies and surrenders into.
A exceptionally stimulating interview.
Dr Guy Hatchard was formerly the Natural Health Products director at Genetic ID, a global food testing company. He now runs the Natural Food Commission to inform the public about the benefits of traditional natural medicine and the dangers of food regulation. Working with industry and natural health practitioners, he has organised a campaign to oppose the Natural Health Products Bill which is in the queue for its final reading in parliament.
Alliance against this Bill
An alliance of Natural Products companies, doctors, and affected individuals are mounting a legal challenge to the provisions of the Natural Health Products bill.
The government is planning to present the Natural Health Products Bill for its final reading shortly with provisions that resemble the original bill, the Theraputic Goods Act, which was abandoned in the face of huge public opposition. The Ministry of Health has already begun to implement the bill’s anticipated provisions. Analysis of the latest version of the bill released on 15th March shows it will greatly disadvantage traditional medicine affecting the health care choices of tens of thousands of NZers. However as opposition to this bill is mounting, government has pushed it down on the order paper in parliament. This is an opportunity to provide more opposition, which as you listen to the interview and read below, you will see is most necessary!
A Draconian Law
In 2011, the Government and the Green Party promised a law that would encourage the use of Natural Health Products alongside conventional medicine as a precursor to an integrated, science-based approach to health. Instead the law has emerged from the corridors of power as a draconian and restrictive approach which is very different from the integrative approach to medicine which is beginning to flourish overseas.
1) The Bill has adopted a list of 5500 controlled substances from Australia and Canada which means that its provisions are similar to the Trans Tasman Therapeutic Products Agreement proposed in 2006 which was later abandoned after being roundly rejected by the NZ public.
2) Because the permitted natural ingredient list contains approximately 3000 chemicals and synthetics in addition to herbs; it will allow products labelled as natural to contain synthetic additives thereby debasing the meaning of the word natural, which will confuse and disadvantage the public.
3) It enshrines in law the idea that serious illness cannot be benefited by Natural Health Products despite the growing scientific evidence published around the world that nutrition and traditional medicines can have a huge beneficial impact on cancers, heart disease, digestive and respiratory illness, and other chronic illness.
4) It restricts free speech about the health benefits of food and introduces chilling penalties of up to $250,000 for those who communicate the benefits of natural products without first obtaining Government permission.
5) It places pharmaceutical regulators with no interest or expertise in natural health in charge of our food and health choices. These same people will adjudicate on traditional Ayurvedic, Chinese, Maori, and herbal systems of medicines. This is contrary to assurances given by the Hon. Jonathan Coleman to Parliament that Medsafe would not administer the Bill and product suppliers would be able to self-certify compliance.
6) The Government has tried to justify the Bill by saying that it will ensure the safety of the public, but no evidence of risk has been presented. It fact evidence shows it is far more dangerous to go out to eat in a restaurant or consume a bowl of salad at home than it is to take a Natural Health Product. Therefore there is no justification for introducing pharmaceutical style regulations.
7) It is a Henry VIII Bill, containing enabling and regulatory provisions which allow the Ministry of Health to take decisions for any reasons it believes to be relevant. This is poorly written legislation which is open to abuse, misunderstanding and litigation.
8) It contains a clause which prevents unfairly treated individuals and firms from asking a court of law to uphold the safeguards contained in the Bill. The only redress available is to ask the Authority to reconsider its decisions. This will frustrate justice and enable the Authority to ignore matters of fact.
9) Because there has been no credible attempt to rationalise the provisions of the Natural Health Products Bill with the Medicines Act 1981 and the Food Bill, it contains a hidden mechanism to allow pharmaceutical companies to gain effective patents over health giving traditional herbs which has already been exploited in Australia and will now be available here.
10) It wastes money and resources on restricting the natural health choices of the public, while serious and growing problems such as childhood obesity, hypertension, ADHD, and anxiety, which are largely caused or complicated by poor diet and nutrition, are almost completely ignored.
11) It places an additional huge cost on the natural health products industry through onerous regulations and charges which will increase the cost of products and likely ensure small and even medium sized companies have to go out of business as happened in Australia where dozens of firms have been forced to close their doors and traditional medicine suppliers have all but disappeared.
12) It allows unhealthy foods and products including tobacco, sugary drinks, and alcohol to continue to be sold, while restricting healthy choices. How irresponsible is this, and what a complete waste of resources?
Guy has made videos explaining his concerns, including this one, on the new global restrictions on Natural Health products.
This interview is sponsored by The Awareness Party.
Jodie grew up to lose both parents due to cancer and she herself, developed hyperthyroidism and had to take medication that left her lacking in energy.
She didn’t really get her brain and life back until when she saw a herbalist – then her mind started to clear and she started looking at nutrition – which lead to cleaning up her diet.
It was a slow process because she was still fatigued and tired with two young children though getting better all the time. Having a Degree in Agribusiness she has had a keen interest in food production. But realised that industrial factory farming was denaturing food.
That wheat may have two fungicide treatments and insecticide treatments, plus it will have a coating before it sprouts into a plant (see neonicotinoids) but there is no scientific research on all of this.
Supermarket foods today are problematic as there are so many ‘snack bargains’ available and in many ways we are reluctant or unable to address this addictive behaviour. Mainstream media is basically failing in addressing this due to vested interests and advertising revenue from the ‘food’ industry. Especially in relation to very recent new chemicals being introduced into food, since most of these chemicals were not around 20 years ago and thus we were not eating them way back then.
Michael Moore the documentary maker in the US has put on record how big food researchers, explore ‘crave-ability’ and scan people’s brains to see the dopamine spurt when exposed to certain food, - how it sounds and tastes - as scientists want to know what is going on at deeper levels within our brain using hard science.
The addiction’s are more than sugar, they are carbohydrates – wheat, potatoes and salt in that mix – and we are not addressing the addictive nature of these foods. Because to the snack food industry - with addictive foods, you will always get a repeat purchase.
The other fact of the matter is - that Main Stream Media ‘MSM’ in many cases state that chronic illness that’s in the world today - has a genetic factor – when it could actually be up to 85% plus related to diet and exposures and we know that most exposures comes in through the mouth.
That wheat may have two fungicide treatments and insecticide treatments, plus it will have a coating before it sprouts into a plant (see neonicotinoids) but there is no scientific research on all of this.
Plus, there are chemicals in bread to keep it as fresh as possible. Including the possibility of soy and corn products – as seen on a great amount of supermarket food packaging and many of these may have been derived from GMO sources as well.
Most mum’s will possibly only read one article every few years to warn them of what is in food – but it usually happens only when a child becomes ill, or the parents go down with an ailment, will they then start to look at what they are eating – meanwhile their life becomes very stressful and they suffer a drop in energy – losing momentum for vibrant living and well being.
We need an active and diverse media in NZ but regrettably this it is not happening. That we have to wake up to the fact that we do not have ‘conscious’ media in NZ - especially covering the multiple interrelationships around products and their safety.
Governments are supposedly to be trusted, however we are rapidly noticing that they are not taking the electorate into consideration when once they did. There are fiduciary obligations that should not be breached.
The NZEPA - Environmental Protection Authority
is poorly funded (just like in the USA where it is deliberately underfunded) That the NZ EPA, just can not keep up with the onslaught of chemicals and new products and flora and fauna entering NZ that they just can not research and check out prior to being allowed into our environment or market place.
Plus, with trade and the need for the economic wheels to keep turning – there has become a slow compromise of standards, as overworked EPA can not keep up with their responsibilities and activity that is continuously increasing. This is because the guidelines - the protocols that the scientists have to asses, in this case pesticides are both outdated and have an exceptionally narrow focus.
This has resulted in that ‘we’ are not engaging in the in-depth studies of insecticides, pesticides and fungicides. They are NOT LOOKING at the full formulation. Most farmers know that the full formulation is more toxic. None of these full formulations when sprayed on a crop, are looked at from a combined formulation. They are all only looked at separately. This means that when you mix all the effects of herbicides, insecticides and fungicides together - the accumulative effect of all three - have a knock on effect that has not been researched or studied.
So we have an underfunded Government scientific institution given a contract with very limited scope that they ‘only stay within the parameters of what they have been given to study.’ They are not told to look outside these areas – so they are not really looking out for the public good, for in many ways the perception is they are just ticking the boxes.
Therefore we have children today being exposed to a huge onslaught of chemicals (Remember the slogan Clean Green NZ) – plus the sugar load – no wonder our children are become sicker at a younger age due to this toxic overload - especially from wheat products. So though we seem to live longer (with more drugs to keep us alive) we are having more young becoming ill as a result to all these chemical exposures.
Note, that the biotech corporations give the Government their specs and data and there are definitely limitations with the data offered, solely because they want to get their product onto the market as soon as possible and they are not always forthcoming with data that could compromise them.
Doctors are not able to speak out as ‘big Pharma’ is looking over their every move and doctors risk losing their license if they become critical of the chemicals that are persuasive in the food chain. As a result doctors in NZ are 15 years behind with what is truly going on. They are doing their best, but without Government sanctioning of top quality, honest food education, their task in many ways is like being the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff.
There is a need for honest Government talking about clean food – no junk food advertising – that we are today so far from a responsible Government.
The 2016 NZ Government Health Strategy came out recently but it was more like a communication strategy talking about prevention but they never mentioned what prevention was - they never talked about clean food or the tsunami of sugar addiction.
This interview mentions the challenges to communicate to NZers, especially mothers about ‘good practice’ and safe eating and it is a huge task - as most magazines sell the sizzle - the hype of fancy dishes looking and smelling tempting and delicious. Not their health contents.
Mothers are endeavoring to share and use FaceBook to communicate their needs and it is not helping parents fast enough to find the answers because they are often looking in the wrong place - when the game is to simply clean up your eating act and take in more organic produce that has never been sprayed or been fed chemicals. MSM – just won’t go there. (Just like in the USA)
That Glyphosate is sprayed now on our pastures and it’s on our food crops, on our pathways, it’s in our drains, along our roadsides, around our parks and no Council is testing for ‘Roundup’s - glyphosate in the groundwater – ‘none’ nor are they looking for it in our drains, creeks and river systems – WHY?
Even Monsanto’s studies in Europe have found it in Europe’s groundwater and river systems.
Recently 41 Green MP’s from 14 countries in the European Union were tested for Glyphosate in their urine and all 41 averaged 4 times the allowable amount for the EU and the Green MPs would eat and drink more organic food than the average European, by far.
We are just not looking at the fungicides and insecticides and the run-off from the land into the drains, creeks and rivers – So the question being asked is - where is the hard science testing for all these chemicals and the cumulative effects of them?
Most farmers are not told of the hidden dangers especially of the cumulative effect. Only when insects, bird and marine life become affected will we see that this matches the ill health that children are starting to be impacted by.
There is hidden secret science that is being kept from us because MSM are basically in the hands of big business.
Is Glyphosate in NZ milk products? Evidently no one in NZ is using the ‘latest leading edge technology’ to test for glyphosate in milk that has passed through the mammalian system.
See Monica Kruger – European study
Basically science and the systems that the NZ Government have set up are failing people in NZ, and by default overseas buyers of our produce?
Note that Glyphosate can be sprayed on wheat crops – so do some research yourself.
As well as oil seeds – canola and your vegetable oils like soy used in convenience foods most are GMO’s and have been sprayed with Roundup.
Baby formulas and infant formulas, become very problematic when there is no robust testing.
In the NZ dairy industry – we need transparent protocols because Glyphosate is being used on NZ pastures before stock is grazed on it. NZ farmers are being TOLD that it is SAFE – so when one day the newsflashes on at 6PM screaming out that overseas somewhere - tests have found glyphosate in the milk – we can then look to Monsanto’s scientists for accountability.
This could be impacting animal health, sperm and egg levels causing deformities – we have not seen the tests.
Bread – what is it doing to us and our children?
Because of chemicals in our food we can not always see what’s actually happening in our food. Because anti fungicides keep the fungus at bay, same as preservatives in meat - stop it from spoiling early. We have to become far more aware.
Safer regulation makes for safer food – the EU has good regulation
ERPA in NZ is much closer to trade based interests than to Mothers …
Europe has recently made a recommendation in regard to Roundup and Glyphosate based herbicides that it should not be sprayed on food crops anymore and the major adjuvants or ingredients in the formulation – called POEA – should be taken out of Roundup and it should never be used around parks and where children congregate or play.
These recommendations are light years ahead of the NZ EPA and country wide regulations.
Julia Rutledge professor
How do we get the message out?
Talk with your friends over a cup of tea and coffee, at cafes, at school events, at sports in weekends.
Use FB appropriately plus link to good alternative media and be adroit - put your needs out among your friends.
Web search – put blog in front and after a few pages of commercial posts you get to some very interesting info
Listen to Ted talks or other programs – even GPFM.
When it comes to children eating industrial farmed food we are at present in a global emergency.
It is that developing babies, to infants, to children all the way up through their teens whose health is in balance. This is the critical time in the formation of all of their organs and growing body.
For adults it is different we are in essence fully formed so it is not as critical when compared to growing children.
So the imperative is to get organised to make sure we have a healthy future for all children and grandchildren.
In this interview, Roger Fowler, leader of two Kiwi humanitarian convoys to Gaza, encourages us to stand for peace and justice for the Palestinians.
The issue of Israel and Palestine is the world’s largest festering sore that is affecting other countries and by implication - wars. Placing displaced people where other people were already living is a massive international failure, and one that must never be repeated.
The result of this failure is shown in the three Israeli military operations over six years, in addition to nine years of economic blockade, that have ravaged the already debilitated infrastructure of Gaza.
The United Nations has said that the Gaza Strip could become unlivable by 2020 without critical access to reconstruction and humanitarian supplies. The U.N. issued similar warnings four years ago, even before the 50-day war, which left more than 2,200 Palestinians dead and countless others injured or wounded, most of them civilians.
Among many things, the report cited the degradation of basic water, energy, sanitation and education facilities and the region’s intense overcrowding as factors that may render the enclave uninhabitable by 2020.
Donor fatigue has left Gaza’s reconstruction at a standstill, and there is no political solution on the horizon. After three wars in the tiny strip, one of the few certainties in Gaza is another war within a few years.
The current suffering of the people of Gaza is almost unimaginable.
Nearly 80 percent of Gaza’s approximately 1.8 million people rely on aid agencies for daily sustenance. Unemployment is at 40 percent, more than double the level 15 years ago. Before the most recent war, nearly 60 percent of the population was food insecure, 95 percent of Gaza’s water is unfit for drinking and electricity is available for only a few hours a day.
The most recent military operation compounded already dire socioeconomic conditions and accelerated de-development in the occupied Palestinian territory, a process by which development is not merely hindered but reversed.
Divided in two parts, the State of Palestine is not an independent country and therefore the people have no voice in United Nations and do not have full sovereignty and control over their own territory.
Roger Fowler and Kia Ora Gaza have organised the following projects:
Roger Fowler went to Gaza on each of these occasions and in the interview he speaks about his Gaza experience, the occupied territories, and about his activism.
Roger organised the NZ Conference on Palestine 2013 and returned to Gaza on a fact-finding mission last November 2016,
Veteran activist & community organizer, Roger Fowler, played a prominent role in building the local protest movement against the war on Vietnam and Apartheid in the late 1960s & 70s. He was manager of Auckland’s Resistance Bookshop and coordinator of the inner-city People’s Union community organization throughout the 1970s, an active supporter of the protest occupation at Bastion Point, and union delegate in the car assembly industry. Roger is director of the Mangere East Community Centre, and organizer of Kia Ora Gaza which has sponsored NZ involvement in several international solidarity convoys to break Israel’s inhumane siege of Gaza. Roger was awarded a QSM Queens Service Medal in 1999.
Kia Ora Gaza is part of the NZ Palestine Solidarity Network which links up all the pro-Palestine groups throughout NZ. It was established from a series of public meetings to organise Kiwi participation in international efforts to end the siege of Gaza. This followed the Israeli commando raid on the ship the Mavi Mamara, which led the peace flotilla in 2010 which resulted in the deaths of 10 civilian peace activists.
Kia Ora Gaza is currently facilitating the participation of Green Party MP Marama Davidson on the Women’s Boat to Gaza peace flotilla that will leave Italy later this month. (September 2016)
You can DONATE to this and other fundraising for Palestine on the web site:
Kia Ora Gaza:
This interview was sponsored by The Awareness Party.
Knowing the matriarch, the queen bee is the sexual organ of the hive - it is she who lays the foundation for the whole colony - but there are many challenges in a rapidly changing world of the varroa mite and colony collapse. That commercial operations use insecticides to control the varroa disease are likely to cause problems because queens do not survive as long today as in pre-varroa times.
Today, nearly every element within the biosphere,is under pressure and yet honey, is still seen as an elixir especially recently, as NZ manuka honey becomes a premium for its antibacterial qualities especially with the increase of dis-ease and other ailments - so how is it possible to be a pure honey advocate and producer in our world today?
Nine years ago Richard took time off working as an interior designer to take care of his kids instead - and became a hobby bee keeper that has grown into a robust little organic business.
Starting from 2 hives to 4 to 8 now he has 120 hives and a thriving little business. Living on Waiheke Island 7 kilometres off the NZ coast - there are many larger (land) sections with numerous fruit trees, plums, apples and citrus and quite well established too - as well as differing flower gardens including bottle brush, so there is a lot of feed for bees - plus manuka trees - as there has been more reforestation on the island. It was a little over a hundred years ago the island was basically denuded as they used the wood for charcoal in Auckland 17 kilometres by boat across from Waiheke. Native kanuka is now becoming predominant - though there are cabbage trees and flax as well. With very little agricultural and horticultural pressures there are more vineyards, with most of them running organic systems. Other than the use of a little fungicide, which Richard acknowledged is not particularly good for bees, they are not using insecticides that directly affect bees.
Glyphosate is still a challenge though most of the vineyards will not use it and there is not much of it used on Waiheke Island, in a commercial sense.
Bee’s being a matriarchal society the Queen may be the leader, but is actually the egg layer and genetic carrier for the hive as the bees seem to ‘just know' what they need to do - as in anarchy - being a very complex society - no real hierarchy - so the workers can manipulate the Queen as to what they want or ‘think' needs to be done and the Queen can do the same as well. He says it is such a complex society - the more you learn - the more you realise you have yet to learn.
Bees are quite complex - that they can ‘think’ for themselves even when they are connected to a hive mind. That the Bee is an esoteric symbol - especially from ancient Egypt, where they were readily acknowledged.
Nectar for the bees is their carbohydrate and for the flower that is the payment to the bee - for the bee being the sexual organ of the flower.
Honey that is made from nectar when capped off can be stored indefinitely.
Bee researchers overseas are looking at the individual honey properties from differing flowers, some have found anti inflammatory properties which is good for people in their older age.
The strain of varroa mite found in New Zealand in April 2000 was the worst strain of this pest - called Varroa Destructor and is here in NZ to stay. It easily infests hives by jumping from bee to bee within the hive or from flower to bee as bees forage for their food. Prior to that NZ was essentially an organic honey paradise.
Some bees are becoming immune to the chemicals that have been used. Richard listened to Randy Oliver in the USA and decide to go organic and is still successfully doing so. Randy has his own bees which he studies very intently and his relationship with them brings about a deeper intuitive knowing.
NZ has the highest number of bees ever at present and growing every year. But, the big producers use synthetic chemicals, which has its drawbacks.
It is very difficult to handle large quantities of hives organically as the extra precautions and checking all the time, is time consuming.
Colony collapse here in NZ has been nowhere as disastrous as it is in the Northern hemisphere. The bee is in some ways the canary in the ecological coal mine.
Bees in the US are a factory system with around 2.74 million colonies and it is huge for almonds in California. This is where they need a million hives to just pollinate the almond flowers. Bees are fed sugar water as well which equals a mono culture - thus shortcuts are taken everywhere and bees may get only one particular pollen, so it can have an effect that stops them becoming robust.
Pollen is what the bees eat and if there is only one flower such as the almond flower - there are problems - because they need a mixed diet.
The thrust of the interview then turns to industrial agriculture and factory farming.
Today’s industrial agriculture is the extractive model that is based on how much profit can be made and we are pushing it to the limits of what the biosphere can provide. We are needing to make some critical decisions as to what is going to be for us to remain as healthy human beings as well as retaining a sustainable environment that will serve future generations and Richard sees that this must apply across the board in all agricultural and horticultural businesses. He says that it is a ‘common sense thing’ and we have to get back to factoring our children into our common future.
Richard also says we have to question why corporations exist and what is their purpose? We have to look at them again, as we have set the whole game up with the wrong goal in mind - it can not be all based on the profit motive or increasing your share portfolio - we need to increase the value of our planet and the biosphere and we are finding this out now.
Manuka honey is big in NZ, but it has become too expensive for the average New Zealander to buy. One of the reasons is that ‘big bee businesses are paying farmers living close to manuka and bush, large amounts of money like $200 a hive for possibly 8 - 10 weeks of honey to place their bees close up, when flowering - driving up the price.
About his bees.
Most bees are Italian and we are not allowed to import any stock into NZ now. We do have Carniolan bees in NZ they are a darker bee plus a little black bee that the early NZ settlers brought with them to NZ - these a somewhat feral - but can be found in hives on Great Barrier Island.
NZ exports 35 tonnes of live bees out of the country. That is bees only, their body weight itself, nothing else - for example have a bee alight on your hand that is how heavy one bee is. Then extrapolate what 35 tonnes of these critters are worth in volume. Mostly exported to the USA and Canada as they cannot produce enough of their own up there. All those live bees are exported with a queen.
When the season finishes in NZ and the flowers stop producing - bees from hives are then harvested and a new queen introduced and they are flown up to the Northern hemisphere where that can start all over again as spring emerges - such is the way the industry has become global.
Worker bees may live 40 to 45 days, depending on how much flying they have to do, but in winter they will stay close to the hive, keeping it warm and can live for a couple of months - easily - eating honey and vibrating warmth keeping the little amount of brood around the Queen in the hive alive .
Bees are seen as not as healthy today as previously, as they eat lots of white sugar in winter - when for thousands of years they stored honey which they ate over winter.
A good organic honey apiarist will leave them more honey in the hive so they don’t have to give them sugar. Agrisea here in NZ - make a sea weed product that can be added to the sugar water to give the bees minerals etc.
In China many trees are hand pollinated due to the atmospheric pollution and smog making it too difficult for bee or even other flying insects to live or survive.
NZ must down scale from the full on industrial factory system - by doing so we may be able to have a viable localised industry.
Compliance costs are huge in NZ pushing people to become bigger businesses - as they are the only ones who can afford the exorbitant compliance fees - so it is totally weighted against the small producer - as there is no government support - especially to contribute to smaller ‘craft; industries.
Richard states, people want the small craft industries that have their own essence and flavour - they don’t want the big homogenous industrial giant. They want to know the guy and even talk with them, who made their cheese, their wine or their honey or the chair you sit in - people don’t mind paying the extra - when they know who and how it was made …they want that human connection … we need to tell Government that we don’t need farms with 2,000 to 3,000 dairy cows, that we can have a farm of 200 to 300 cows and make a very good living - especially that in NZ organic dairy farmers are getting $9.30 per kilo weight of fat compared to the poor return of $5 that conventional chemical farmers are getting. So by supporting the smaller guys to make a better product that is more beneficial to health and takes care of the ecology is being seen as a wise decision.
Biological agriculture and increasing bacterial levels in the soil is bringing huge results - getting rid of the synthetic chemicals that we have been pumping onto the land.
The Corporate model - all it does is pay the investors and the investors have virtual zero to do with the running of the corporation and they have no responsibility and all they care about is the bottom line and how much that can be extracted out of the environment each year.
Richard says, set some goals and do some research, turn off TV and instead check and see where you milk comes from - or where your grapes get sprayed … or how many times your veggies are sprayed.
Grow your own food - or go to a farmers market. Check your seeds that you buy from the local plant shop - ask what coatings they have on their seed - make sure that they are not covered in neonicotinoids - which are extremely dangerous and need to be taken out of the commercial realm. That we need to be proactive as it is important to know what chemicals are on what and one individual can do that - it just means that we make the effort - as many other people can benefit from your initiative and Richard says that if we have a society doing that - then other good things can happen.
He re emphasises that colony collapse is a result of a whole cocktail of chemicals from many various sources all coming together to cause the collapse - the same is with neonicotinoids - they are all contributors to causing increasing problems within the environment.
Richard questions how did the earth system evolve and create healthy living ecological systems and biota that have made it over a hundred million years? That it has been basically healthy for us up until this last century.
When we embrace more holistic and natural systems this will enhance our future for children of today and tomorrow - without the use of all these chemicals.
He mentions that the TPPA, the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement, is also not in the best interests for the human race, being corporate centred. Richards Own Website Randy Oliver
In finishing I wish to mention that I have interviewed four of the Evatt Family, each with an important viewpoint that relate at a holistic, community, involvement - level.
There is father Christopher and son’s Jonathan, Justin and Richard.
A very unique family.
Today here on Earth there is a ‘Civil War of the Spirit’ underway. Racial divides, religious intolerance, material avarice, martial control, and intellectual arrogance all challenge us to love and to heal our great separation from oneness and unity consciousness.
So, what is it that drives ‘a man of the cloth’ to see that the Vietnam war was wrong, that Maori of Aotearoa New Zealand were dispossessed of their land, that the South African rugby tour of NZ was racially selected, and that nuclear power and weapons brought into a country that threatened no other country, was and is morally indefensible?
Do we think to any depth of wisdom these days? Have we cast values and virtues out the window as we embrace the shallow distraction of material comforts and indulgences? This is a question that we need to engage and think deeply about. For it is obvious that George Armstrong, ably supported by his wife Jocelyn, has dwelt on many of the underlying causes that separate us all from participating and being global family.
Though George was on good terms with the local Bishop, he realised that with falling congregation attendances, the Church had lost its way. It was not engaged with the community and whatever virtues and values that the Anglicans wished to embed in the wider community basically echoed inside a vacuum. That though his Bishop also had an understanding of Liberation Theology, that in those days was making a huge impression in South America - where the priests took Christ down from the cross and instead got themselves in alongside the peasants and served and worked with a hands-on approach to share the load of the downtrodden. For George intuitively knew that there had to be a better way if we were to bring peace and justice to earth.
Hence, his deep commitment to the issue of the day - on so many levels.
Born in Dunedin in the South Island of NZ, the youngest in his family, and though somewhat spoilt it was a lonely life as his many older brothers went off to post 1945 war activities.
As a boy he joined the boy scouts and embraced the moral quality of that credo, that he eventually became a strong Anglican and then he experienced an ‘angelical’ conversion of what it was like to have an intense personal sense of God - or the Divine.
After a stint at teaching in Waitaki in the South Island he then became an Anglican Priest and to have parishes in Dunedin and Christchurch when he realised that the Church as a religious entity was basically failing - as he could see it in the dwindling numbers - and he felt that in a sense it was a moral issue in that the church was not engaged with society - ethically - and after a few run-ins, he felt that he had to stand up in what he believed in - no matter what.
He eventually ended up teaching at a Theological College becoming ordained and realised that you can only understand yourself by being active in the world, that books could not really do that, or only to a small extent. So he felt that he had to get out and become engaged and involved with the world - and that the learning comes on reflection from the action.
Especially in his opposition to the Vietnam war which was a horrific shock for him - as it took him against his Church - including some theological students against his Church too. To one time taking placards into Good Friday procession saying that ‘Christ died for the Viet Cong.' And that the Bishop wanted him to get out of the procession and yet the Bishop was also good friends with George as he was quite partial to ‘liberation’ theology.
George, also found that there was a Buddhist strain in South Vietnam that was very aligned with him - as the Buddhist had a saying “they are our brothers who we kill.” That the Buddhist Nuns were also very strong on this - and this all linked to the heart of Christianity.
George’s mother had a sense that Maori spirituality was unique and when George officiated at some burials at Karatane, he realised that Maori and Pakeha understandings were very, very different. To experience Maori oratory and how it would flow impressed him and also that the historical wrongs to Maori from the colonialisation of NZ was important for George to understand - due to the enormous dispossession of Maori from their tribal land.
One important quality that George noticed, that even though this had happened to Maori - they had never lost their dignity.
George always felt it was a great privilege to stand alongside Maori in some way. He noticed that the young within Maori were more ‘out there’ than the elders which brought George into contact with the Harawira family, who he got to like as they quickly understood the nuclear threat to the Pacific ocean. However to them, the nuclear threat was just another extension of colonialism. But, it was the ultimate expression of the challenges we were facing yet on a totally different level. Especially, as it was our planet’s future at stake.
He talks of Honi Harawira’s mother Titewhai and about her astuteness and being both wonderful and frightening, plus mentioning and praising Walter Lini a theological student of George’s and an Anglican priest, whom eventually became the founding Prime Minister of Vanuatu.
Then the ‘white’ South African rugby Springbok tour of NZ that traumatically divided New Zealand like never before and the acclaimed statement that ‘this was a civil war of the spirit’ - George was one of the anti-tour demonstrators to break through the outer fences to actually get onto the football playing field in Hamilton and have the game cancelled - whilst the large crowd of 10’s of thousands were enraged and incensed, that they could not watch their game of footy. This news brought world attention to the fact that NZ supposedly a bastion of racial goodwill and fair play was engaged in playing a rugby team that was selected entirely on race.
That a large percentage of NZ was still in favour of the tour that I repeat in George’s take -“this tour based on apartheid was a civil war of the spirit”.
Though the tour continued after that canceled game many anti-tour protestors were so incensed that violence was discussed - yet George could not reconcile with violence in any way. There had to be a higher virtue overlighting all his actions.
Then came the NZ Peace Squadron or Flotilla. When in America at Princeton on a scholarship as he knew he needed a doctoral qualification to further himself, he witnessed on TV pictures a tiny canoe and inhabitant floating in front of the bow of a gigantic freighter - trying to stop it from going anywhere. As it was a ship dealing with armaments that was en route to a civil war in Pakistan.
This image stuck to George’s soul and he imagined that with many small NZ boats, launches, yachts and anything that floated if New Zealanders could get out there in front of visiting nuclear armed or powered warships and stopping them from coming into NZ, ports this would be the way. With growing media focussed on all this - any boats damaged, sunk or lives hurt in anyway would focus attention on NZ and its government and policies.
These ships ‘or creatures of death’ as George would say ‘and the image of death trying to force its way through life' was an easy concept for George to understand - so the Peace Squadron came into being.
The interview covers the Anti Nuclear Movement here in NZ and the Peace Squadron and that small boats had been sailing around to Mururoa in French Polynesia for many years to protest the French testing nuclear bombs in our backyard. So when the message went out all the crews who had sailed the thousand of kilometres there and back - showed up and they were very hardy souls, very mature, astute, committed and dedicated with excellent yacht skills as well.
Then George became a spokesperson for radio and especially TV, as TV media in those days were right on to it as it was in its infancy and wanted to get a good story so George and team received some very good coverage.
He also got very savvy to language the story so that it could not be edited out, (as media is very adept at twisting the context of most stories)
We then go on to talk about all the nearly 40 countries Navy’s who are going to bring their warships to NZ. That the NZ Navy is going to have a church service because the Navy has always had a close connection to Christianity and what type of service is there going to be as ‘thou shall not kill’ is key component to Christianity as well as the word Love.
George then mentions that the present NZ ruling National Party has lost its religious depth and are not really into Christianity because of the Church’s antagonism of how the Government economic policy is disenfranchising so many.
When asked where he gets his support other than his loving wife Jocelyn, George says he gets a lot of support from people and especially children. And in the 1980s where we were in the anti-nuclear disruption a lot of politicians from the Labour Party.
George says that we must not enter into polarity with people on the other side of the divide - they too are human and that they have been caught up in the system - police etc are just doing their job … be courteous.
We are all caught up in the system if we like it or not.
He said time and again - we are not against flesh and blood we are against ‘principalities and powers’. This system thing that gets to us … likes the armaments race - it gets to us.
If we let the genie out of the bottle - then that’s it …
George in closing talks about ‘being born again’ that the evangelicals do not see this transformational unfoldment in its greatest expression - and that this continuance needs to happen daily as we grow and expand on this realisation and cosmic gift - he says it’s such an astonishing thing as you respond to the impulse of this religious experience and you keep this alive in your daily practice … Otherwise you can quite possibly sink down into a religious rut of some sort and you can’t see the wood for the trees.
Our challenge?
The image of the other - not understanding other peoples and cultures etc - we pre-judge and have prejudices of the other …
Dialogue is good, but working together is far better.
In future - make sure you practice what you preach - especially with all relationships.
Don’t forget your humanity - we are dealing with humans even on the other side of the divide
Get clever - we are pure GENIUS. Keep focussed and something will open up - the extraordinary will become manifest.
The other confirmed that there is a fast growing healthy, non chemical, biological revolution of farming and horticulture happening across the rural face of NZ and beyond.
If this interview was played over Radio New Zealand’s nationwide network it would have mothers of babies and children in uproar.First: Is Glyphosate ‘slowly’ killing everything it comes into contact with, including humans? The statistics are saying yes!
The research being collated from all around our planet is confirming a coming nightmare. It is looking grim for most biota. That means you and your family, animals and vegetation including the elements of air, soil and water.
Regrettably, it looks like the unbridled avarice and corruption of the biotech corporations especially Monsanto, with their unscrupulous insiders - in allowing this cleverly disguised toxin into the sacredness of the world’s environment - is having a devastating affect on all planetary biota.
Second: This is really good.
There is a powerful yet quiet revolution happening across NZ (and globally) that farmers horticulturists and market gardeners have realised that there is another unique way of growing healthy food, without chemicals, called ‘biological agriculture’ that is rapidly gaining prominence over the chemical agribusiness that is taking down our country’s clean green image. (if we really had one)
That NZer Graeme Sait, American Arden Andersen and Australian Christine Jones, among many others have been at the forefront of introducing this methods to the world (all three have been interviewed on
Thus, we have come to an important shift of perspective and of action. We are crossing over into a new paradigm not only in land management and connection, but to one of a new consciousness in our relationship to all planetary biota.
Phyllis who comes from California has a degree in Environmental Planning and Management with emphasis on soils and Ag economics, and worked for the State of California in ministerial level positions in energy conservation policy, municipal waste, hazardous waste management and coastal regulation. She is now based here in the Hawkes Bay NZ.
When in America, she met and married a NZer who was studying for his graduate degree in ecology and his focus was on the regulation of pesticides and insecticides and their affect on all levels of the environment, biota and ultimately the food chain. Thus with her environmental credentials plus her husband’s PhD in ecology she has embedded a very good understanding of how the environment is being saturated by chemical pesticides and insecticides.
Her ongoing focus has continued to cover the situation of soil, microbes, water and that extends into human health and what it’s doing in particular to our gut bacteria and the increasing understanding of microflora that inhabits our stomach and intestines.
Over the last 20 years, this has been a major theme that she has continued to deepen her understanding of the connection between soil fertility and environmental health where she has branched out and has her own business based in True Health an animal remedies firm. Where she imports specially made up certified organic tinctures - plant based extracts to act as alternatives to antibiotics so as to assist farmers to wean their farm animals off antibiotics. She has a small farm on highly mineralised, high brix soils with diverse pastures with her cows producing high saturated fats, including cholesterol that when taken appropriately she says are very helpful for the human body.
She has spent a lot of time with biological agriculture exponents Graeme Sait and Arden Andersen who are at the fore-front of a farming phenomena where they are doing brix tests on soils and remineralising them, bringing about healthy microflora especially fungi and bacteria including earthworm populations. Leading to healthy rapid vegetation growth. Thus doing away with chemicals fertilisation and applications.
In South Africa, where Graeme has a huge following pulling in very large crowds to his talks and field days he has had Woolworths the supermarket chain (not to be confused with the Australian & New Zealand group) through their 500 plus stores switch over to only sourcing food and produce from biological farmers under the name of “Farming for the Future, a holistic approach.”
In this interview, Phyllis clearly covers the major benefits of biological farming, having brought Graeme Sait to NZ for numerous courses where hundreds of NZ farmers attend and many more have now switched across to biological methods. This is where the soil is well mineralised and balanced, becoming more microbially alive and diverse and producing more pasture. What this method leads too is better quality and healthy fruit and vegetable that store well, taste great and have higher mineral and vitamin content (higher Brix)
This means higher dissolved solids which indicates that the food is going to be better for us.
By creating food from the soil up that heals people, that nourishes them deeply not just fulfills a hunger - but that they have the mineral building blocks to createthe enzymes and the tissues withintegrity - that actually translates into full and optimal health.
However, statistics from around the world are showing that the percentage of vitamins and minerals in our food are decreasing at an alarming rate. This decline is continuing and it has been linked to orthodox farming practices due the way we have been fertilising the soil and applying insecticides and herbicides to foliage. What this has been doing, in the words of Graeme Sait, we have been ‘bombing the microbe bridge’ that allows minerals to be absorbed by the plant in their ideal and proper forms. This is why plants are becoming too weak to be able to produce their own ability to repel insects and the more we farm in this archaic method, the more chemicals and sprays will be used as we embark down a slippery slope of poor soils, unhealthier vegetation and higher costs to both the the land, the farmer and consumer.
Healthy soils and healthy plants result in the plants being able to repel pests because they are so strong and robust. We need to know that all plants are medicinal as well as producers of food.
Protection of the Environment & Protection of Human Health.
If there was leadership in the EPA ‘Environmental Protection Agency’ especially in the USA, we the global consumer would be far more safer and the ecology would be too.
However, this is a global phenomenon, most countries have a poor record of making sure biotech companies are up front and legally fulfilling the precautionary principle.
With the EPA, a US Government Department it is known as the Global default watchdog of what is allowed out into the environment but it is poorly financed and it is deliberately kept to a low budget. This way it leaves the door open to when the large biotech conglomerates like Bayer, Dupont, Syngenta and Monsanto want to apply for a product to be released into the environment they are allowed tp submit their own ‘safety’ studies that they paid for themselves.
Yet time and time again they have posted fraudulent data, or manipulated it or made up the facts, or underplayed the risks that is has been near on farcical in many instances.
Now all that needs to be done is for the EPA to charge the applicants a far higher fee so as to employ the numbers and qualified personnel to test on behalf of the EPA. For there have been so many instances of even independent labs doing the tests and they have been found out, for fraud and taken to court, fined and jailed, but it still goes on solely because of the vastness of what is happening across the USA.
From a political science standpoint, which was generally the topic of her husband’s PhD thesis that in the US the EPA which has a global standing has never been in a position to be financially able to do the necessary research.
So why is the EPA so short of funds to be not able to do thorough testing? Well there is a cosy situation. That politically from the beginning the EPA lacked the quality and caliber of the scientists to evaluate the industry generated safety studies in the first place. The cosy chemical corporate lobbyists are cosy with the chairman of the Senate Agricultural Committee in Congress for example and they make sure that the EPA has a very, very modest budget and they can never really keep up with the industry bought scientists. And it they do, they usually they don’t last very long.
So there is a revolving door where the head of the EPA or the head of the US Food and Agriculture or some other regulatory agency happens to have been Chief Council for Monsanto for example, that definitely has happened and they put him in charge of approving Genetically Engineered crops in the early 1990’s There are multiple examples of someone from the industry been brought in to regulate their previous industry.
Unfortunately, this happens time and time again.
We now have the ubiquitous use of chemicals globally, remember the DDT spraying of everyone, and then the hurried ban on it? (No, very few do - as mistakes are quickly buried and covered up.)
The ever present use of herbicides and insecticides globally is having a disturbing effect – not only in the rural sector and farms but now in urban areas for parks and pristine home lawns.
The conventional NZ farmer /market gardener today are increasingly finding that they are totally incongruent with the precautionary principle, that when they awaken in the morning, their thoughts are based on – not what they are going to grow today, but what they are having to kill today? Which becomes a full frontal chemical attack of so many different sprays – so the farmers in essence, lose heart in that they are not 100% proud of their produce, because they know that it’s covered in poisons - so they can not really hold their head high and be proud.
Little does the NZ consumer know that under the auspices of the EPA, the ‘Environmental Protection Agency’ formerly ERMA the Environmental Risk Management Authority, that they they seem to have seemingly robust standards, yet they do not adhere to them.
As a result - Agriculture has become a killing field instead of a growing field.
A New Understanding.
In the last 4-5 years there has been a greater public understanding and reconnection across the soils, science, farming and health sector that microbes are the key to our planet functioning.
In particular, the ‘gut micro biome’ and their community and the health of these are critical to our own health. Which equals a diverse healthy ‘integrated micro biome’ be it on our skin, in the water, gut, tissue, blood – we need to have an inner ecology that is a reflection of a healthy outside ecology.
Science is today seeing that the human gut microbiome has been seriously compromised by anti-biotics, plus herbicides and insecticides .
They are notching that the vegas nerve from our gut microbiome to our brain is increasingly being affected as a result. This affects our mood, thoughts and feelings - depending on the state of the health of our gut.
Even the risks for alzheimers is increase dramatically. Very few in the Western world have a robust healthy gut.
C section births was mentioned too as problematic as babies born of the birth canal are far more able to cope because they picked up antibodies in the birth canal journey .
To sort this there is the GAPS diet cleanse that may be able to assist.
Marketing of broad spectrum herbicides:
Round Up and its active ingredient glyphosate is now marketed globally by a great number of companies as a broad spectrum weed killer.
It is extremely capable of killing all vegetation other than Monsanto’s GMO or GE ‘Round Up’ – ready, corn, soy and canola and as glyphosate use increases every year now - up to between 800,000 and a million tonnes is sprayed annually world wide.
It is now in our air, our water, in our food, and when we look into our food, there it is. 10 of the largest wineries in California have found it in their bottled wine. So it is now in our bodies and especially our growing babies, infants and children and we have no idea where this is leading us. It is also an antibiotic that is having a slow but continuous effect on our gut bacteria. This is just one of the many impacts that Monsanto’s glyphosate has.
It locks up minerals to the point that it is difficult for our body to get full nutrition. It directly causes infertility in all mammals. It blocks the transport of sulphur within our body and it shuts down our body to detoxify environmental toxins – through the cytochrome p4 50 enzyme pathway which is part of our liver system for detoxifying chemicals .
So not only is glyphosate an antibiotic, but is shuts down our own ability to detoxify glyphosate itself and most other environmental toxins.
With the increase of glyphosate we are also correlating an increase in alhzeimers, cancers , breast cancer in particular – non-Hodgkin lymphoma’s and autism is the big one.
The strongest correlation between glyphosate and Round Up is the marked increase in autism. Autism is related to gut microbiome dysfunction. Plus lack of sulphur transport.
With plummeting fertility rates too.
Phyllis asked the question – how are we going to function as a society when one out of 6 males in particular, but females as well is autistic and cannot function on a normal basis? Specifically - when they need to be reliable, hold down a job, interact with people, this is becoming a huge, huge issue.
This Interview then covers the NZ environmental health authorities, previously it was ERMA and now the EPA who have approved every single application for a GE or GMO trial in NZ that have come to them.
There has been over 60 applications some actually outdoor trials! So out of all of these expensive trials, none of them were commercialisable whilst at the same time ran tremendous risks of exposing the NZ environment to GE and GMO ‘constructs ‘ that for all we know could still be in our environment - hidden away from us!
The fact that microbes are so small and can quite possibly mutate once they are out there , it is then basically impossible to retrieve them. This is what is in supposedly clean green NZ that we were exposed too.
Regarding GE & GMO release, note that no insurance company globally is willing to insure in the case of a New Zealand GE or GMO mishap, because the liabilities would be so vast and could last to 20 to a hundred years for all we know – so they realise that GMO tests are problematic in the extreme. So who carries the can if there is a major mishap? In our country it won’t be the government - who is allowing this to happen, it will be we, the people!
Over seas you will notice no country wants to pay a premium for GMO food, not one. Why? Because it lacks quality nutrition and who really knows what is embedded in GE food?
However, what is becoming very noticeable is that many countries are wanting to pay a premium of non GE & GMO and organic food. The reason is obvious.
Organics and Premium Returns.
Organics in NZ has had a very bad rap for many years, being manipulated by mainstream media photos and video footage to be seen especially by the people living in the rural sector, as a hippy thing or non scientific – this being far from the case.
In NZ today, organic dairy farmers are getting $9.20 a kilogram of milk solids as against normal farming of $5.00 – so the conservative NZ dairy farmer is dragging his own chains!
Phyllis emphatically states that mainstream farmers do not have to wear thongs or jandals or grow a beard to go organic! Or not having to stop wearing deodorant!
In the US, organics is really spiking and in the dairy sector too. There is a 20% increase in production per year and it is growing fast especially with the growth of organic stores and supermarkets.
As consumers we need to vote with our dollars this is critical to where shape our future.
High quality high brix food, more regenerative input and biological agriculture are gaining momentum.
She states if we want to involve ourselves and even get angry if that is what it takes to control our food choices then we need to get involved! Create a small demo and front up!
There are people creating products that are harming us and our babies – so we have to shake ourselves out of our collective stupor and take control of what we put in our bodies.
We also need a gigantic co-operative organic super-market here in NZ to blow everything open!
Web site
What do you want for your children? Do you want dynamic, well resourced, impeccably balanced, super-conscious children who are adept at survival at all levels?
What do you think is the best system available today for educating and teaching children?
I really enjoyed listening to Tricia as she divulged the latest advances in early childhood development in America.
As a secondary school science teacher with an understanding of much of the makeup of our world Tricia was always interested in alternatives …
One day she visited a school and upon entering – it changed her whole focus. Because, the classroom was literally a quiet hum of activity - where children were totally focussed on their learning experiences. It was the Montessori Method that made her realise that there most definitely is another way to enhance a child’s existence, where they are fully integrated into life.
Maria Montessori
Maria Montessori, born in Italy in 1870 was a physician and an educator - a pioneer for women’s rights as she was an active member of the suffragette movement. She started in teaching by working with children with mental difficulties and impairments to learning. Being empathetic and aware, she developed specific new tools for learning.
She was hired as a teacher by some tenement owners in the slums in Italy to school the tenants wayward children who were damaging the property when their parents were away working during the day. So she brought in these learning ‘tools’ that she had used for those with impairments and combining these with her other skills the children quickly became very engaged and at the same time, completely absorbed in their learning. This led to the students experiencing their own internal changes, they became calmer, self-disciplined and able to concentrate on their work for sustained periods of time.
At a preschool level, the child is in a process of ‘forming themselves’ – it’s not just a case that they learn their language, or the names of things. There is another dual process happening as well - there is an inner growth - that includes learning about the outside world.
When the child is in an environment which is stable, and supports them being engaged and interacting positively with their environment – it helps them to have an organized internal state also. The result is a well-resourced child who is very able, independent and responsive to life.
Maria Montessori said that she did not invent the Montessori Method of teaching, she said that ‘I discovered the child.’ She noticed that after students had engaged in a period of deep concentration with a learning activity, she saw that they would put their things away, and then have a phase of inner contemplation before going on to the next activity.
Maria Montessori engendered much interest and excitement with her discoveries, not only within Europe, but around the world so that people came from all over the world to learn from her and there was great demand from teachers to be taught the Montessori ‘method’. It is true that no matter where the children are on earth, they all have the same abiding interest and engagement when enjoying a Montessori learning environment.
Tricia spoke about her recently acquired Montessori qualification which she completed in August 2015. There at her AMI Montessori adolescent guide training course in the U.S. she met superb teachers who care deeply for children and for the future of our planet.
Not far from Cleveland in Ohio there is a Montessori farm school for adolescents, that connects children with animals, growing things and working alongside nature. Including understanding economics and how everything is interconnected. The value of food and produce and costing things out, as well as understanding both buying and selling. All aspects of economics are covered in a direct hands on practical way, including doing the books, doing the accounting, calculating the profit and loss of the various enterprises. Teaching and factoring in responsibility as the greatest freedom we can experience, and also eating what they have grown.
This farm school for adolescents was called by Maria Montessori “Erkinder”, which means “children of the earth (soil). They have a program where they board on the farm – they live and work, but not in the same way a New Zealander would grow up on a farm and go off to school. They have an integrated experience, this includes a deep connection to mother earth, work with animals everyday and this awakens their love and connection to all creatures. Including harvesting of food – be it honey or goat’s milk. All to do with allowing the children to connect and also realise what it is to survive. Engaging them in the commerce side, it shows how dependent on the earth we really are.
Montessori schools are based on having 3 ages in the one class together. At preschool 3, 4, up to 6 year old students are all in the same class together. For the new infants, the 5 year olds model the correct behavior, whilst the teachers are engaged in showing how to use the various materials.
The closer you can tie freedom and responsibility together – the better. (An interesting dialogue regarding this is in this radio interview.) Too much freedom and no boundaries is not responsible – leading to poor behavior. Children who are given responsibility within boundaries have clear expectations of them to bring about success, as long as teachers are included in this equation, and appropriate behavior is role modelled by their peers.
Maria Montessori has created some innovative learning tools – bead chains from 1 to 10, and a spindle box to show 0. All Montessori materials are physically manipulated by the students and kinesthetic learners benefit from experiencing these hands on learning materials.
In looking at the present main-stream factory model of education this different approach in Montessori becomes very insightful.
We are living in a world where jobs are going to disappear faster than they can appear as new technology comes on stream. Because innovation towards smart technologies are going to make huge numbers of people become redundant. Companies are doing away with workers across the board – one of the more recent examples being supermarket check-out machines.
MainStream education is about ‘Hurry up and wait’. From the age of 5 to 18 children are being told to ‘hurry up and wait’ – It is inculcated in people. This is conditioning them to be not well integrated and inner resourced, but to do as they are told and be compliant. Tricia gives a powerful analogy of what this means as children are programmed to be told to queue and wait, then hurry up, and then cue and wait. Setting us up to become victims if we are not strongly inner resourced to see ourselves as empowered individuals who can slot into the world at our will.
The key to the Montessori Method is heart and soul, which is included in the whole process of having children feel that they are connected. Otherwise learning is just an intellectual exercise that you can easily forget as soon as it is done. There has to be an emotional connection. ‘Know thyself’ is part of the learning process in Montessori as a child becomes a fully integrated and loving human being.
The Montessori Method has as a part of it, ‘Cosmic education’, where students include the bigger picture into their learning.
The Montessori Glass Classroom is an event where the classroom has no walls and adults and those interested can look in at any time and watch how the classroom operates. Witnessing the focus and engagement of the children, and how the teacher guides the students in their learning experiences in the classroom.
This interview gives us an important insight into an ever evolving system of teaching and learning. Especially in regard to assisting and empowering little minds to be well resourced and prepared in our ever changing future.
Tricia is organizing a Montessori Glass Classroom at the Auckland Baby Show 19th, 20th and 21st of August at the ASB Showgrounds in Epsom Auckland from 10am to 5 pm each day.
Tricia Best, BSc, DipTch, AMI Montessori adolescent guide
Can an upsurge in world peace be gained by The Peace Foundation in schools in NZ & around the world?
I just interviewed Christopher Le Breton who as the co-manager of The Peace Foundation, I wanted to know if peace is actually possible, especially with the background din of horror, pain and loss in so many countries and expanding.
What he told me below shows that a small country like Nuclear Free New Zealand could be pivotal in world events.
This may be one of NZ’s greatest social and mindful exports of the 21st century. That Nuclear Free NZ could again become the moral compass for a planet of peace and a totally new paradigm.
“The Peace Foundation” was established in Auckland NZ 1975, with the vision of building peaceful local, national and global communities.
That in 1987, it helped bring about ‘Nuclear Free New Zealand’ in partnership with citizen groups around NZ all coming together. This awoke NZ and then the world woke up to NZ.
That in 2008, it managed to initiate a ‘chair’ of Peace Studies at Otago University in Dunedin. As a result it has become a leading centre of Peace studies in the World.
On the 8th of June 2012 was a main player in inaugurating Auckland as a ‘World Peace City.’
And over the last 20 years has been facilitating and teaching children in schools about ‘peer mediation’ and ‘conflict resolution’ in the ‘Cool Schools’ program. With children been taught how to mediate disputes for themselves.
This interview covers many avenues as to how The Peace Foundation can teach skills and methods to bring about peace in the classroom, playing fields and community all the way to national and global situations.
Showing too, that NZ could be a major global innovator to restore world peace, by embedding the Cool Schools program beyond the 2,000 schools that presently teach it to the rest of NZ’s schools and then exporting it with fully trained ‘ NZ Emissaries and Ambassadors’ to visit other countries, live alongside them and show them these easy to learn skills of peer mediation.
This may be one of NZ’s ‘ greatest social and mindful exports' of the 21st century. That Nuclear Free NZ could again become the moral compass for a planet of peace and a totally new paradigm.
Once this simple method of understanding is laid out - so that both parties comprehend how the situation started - that when through a simple process is understood and cleared - they let out a collective aha. In that moment of Yes! It changes - from what happened to what is possible - they end up high 5 - ing or fist bumps or shaking hands - hugs, - then on their way.
Where in our day in the 1950’s, 60s,& 70’ Chris (and myself) were never taught this at school, which fortunately, in the last 20 years has been introduced to over 2000 schools across NZ.
Naturally, the enthusiasm is to have NZ become a world leader in Peace-Making - having it languaged from the 'top of the Government apparatus being imperative’ and also up from the grassroots too. Bearing in mind we have to make peace with ourselves first.
The interview covers indigenous wisdom - that comes from the Aotearoan Maori Kaitiakitanga meaning guardianship and protection. That Kaitiaki means we are all guardians - and that we draw on the best of indigenous wisdom that maori have known for centuries.
At present, many countries are looking to NZ to find a ‘new model’ of how to live in community and as a country, because the current fragmenting neo-liberal economic system is not working.
Two great Maori leaders, Te Whiti o Rongomai and his uncle Tohu of Parihaka who living on the seaward slopes of Mt Taranaki here in NZ are seen as a non-violent, peaceful model and way of living and being. That there is anecdotal evidence that they inspired both Gandhi, as well as Martin Luther King. So this is a very compelling story from the heart of NZ. That in the 1880’s government troops invaded and destroyed their pa and marae, (group living area) arresting hundreds of maori and destroying and dispersing the whole village.
From a standpoint of The Peace Foundation, of bringing goodwill and harmony to our daily lives, the importance of Peer Mediation in schools is a win win win situation for all concerned. The result being, there are less problems in classrooms and in the playground - teens get on better - warmer relationships, less family violence in the home that ends up later in life with fewer divorces - and a calmer more coherent neighbourhood.
With the possibility now to teach Leadership through Peer Mediation stats show that classroom learning improves - with higher grades, classroom behaviour improves, plus more tolerance becomes evident as well.
The Cool schools program is a superb NZ first and need encouragement at all levels of civil society.
At present, The Peace Foundation has a CrowdSourcing campaign to take Peer Mediation into 160 NZ schools and then to the whole country. This would also include an understanding of Kaupapa Maori (a principle or policy) and then upon the success of this project take this overseas to other countries and spread not only to the world but bring about peace in all its inherent manifestations.
That when New Zealanders ‘kiwis’ go for their OE (Overseas Experience) they be ‘Peace Ambassadors’ as they will be totally skilled and equipped to solve areas of dispute and ‘reconcile opposing points' of view.
By doing this in such an honourable way, it will increase the knowing that what is being taught in NZ schools is a major gift and asset to peaceful coexistence especially in a world that is crying out for peace and goodwill.
The fact that the NZ government used to have a Minister of Disarmament - that was initiated by the Labour Government, speaks volumes of the past, but in 2012, the present National Government axed this bold intuitive.
However, it all comes back to the core of our being - that we need to live in harmony with our inner selves - as an extension of global family.
That David Lange the NZ Labour Prime Minister in 1987 wanted a Nuclear Free planet, but could not export this ideal, because our food exports were left sitting on overseas docks, especially in France and not moving. So to keep our farmers financial, our PM had to rescind the desire to export this noble ideal. NZ was blackmailed!
One big question for the MSM - Main Stream Media - why do they relegate ‘Peace & Love’ as being basically ‘dirty’ or even obscene words when in fact they most probably are the highest words in the human lexicon?
This is a very passionate interview with high ideals, that will inspire those who want to be the change in the world we want to see.’s-crowdfunding-initiative
Peace activist Valerie Morse talks with Lisa Er on the upcoming weapons conference, warship visits and why this is bad for New Zealand and the rest of the world.
This November, coinciding with the New Zealand Navy’s 75th birthday celebrations, is the annual NZ Defence Industry Conference and Arms Expo, that includes approximately 500 international weapons companies.
The Navy "celebration" is a stage-managed marketing event to secure public support for future ties with the US, sanctioning wars, with ever-increasing budgets, and the recruitment of young men and women who are asked to fight and die.
This is proposed for 16th and 17th November 2016 in Auckland, sponsored by the world’s largest weapons manufacturer and maker of nuclear weapons, Lockheed Martin. Also sponsoring are Thales, Babcock, ThyssenKrupp, and Cubic Defence (all in the top 100 list of international arms companies), along with the NZ Defence Industry Association, itself an industry trade promotion group consisting of another approximately 60 members involved in weapons and military-related production.
Lockheed Martin currently has a $446 million contract with the NZ Navy to upgrade New Zealand's two frigates, Te Mana and Te Kaha; boats the Government has already indicated it plans to replace as part of its $20 billion boost to the NZ Defence Force, announced as part of the Defence White Paper released earlier this year. This enormous injection of cash into the military is happening despite the NZDF's own evidence that "the country does not face a direct military threat in the foreseeable future".
The New Zealand military has been continuously at war in Afghanistan alongside the US for 15 years; it is conducting regular training with the US Marine Corp, and it participates in the largest maritime war games in the world, the US-led Rimpac.
The NZ Defence forces original deployment to Iraq was aimed at helping a broader coalition, headed by the United States, to defeat Islamic State and reduce the threat politicians say it poses to New Zealand. Now the deployment has been extended.
New Zealand has clearly come under pressure from the US to stay on in Iraq. It is not just about the extra resources, it's about having more countries in Iraq as part of the coalition, giving greater legitimacy to the US-led "Operation Inherent Resolve."
Valerie says, “We’ve had enough of the politics of fear and austerity. We aren’t going to stand by while those who profit from misery, murder and repression meet to make new deals and congratulate themselves on their successes. We need YOUR help to blockade the weapons conference and to create a peace flotilla on the water to resist the warships.”
Get involved
To get involved, see the link to Auckland Peace Action below.
Valerie Morse is a writer, librarian, peace activist and anarchist. She is the author of two books: “Against Freedom: the war on terrorism in everyday New Zealand life”, and “The Day the Raids Came: Stories of survival and resistance to the State Terror Raids”.
She has worked on a range of grassroots community issues including war, arms dealers, climate justice, prison abolition and public transport. She loves to garden, and pet fuzzy animals.
Valerie is passionate in her opposition to war. She writes - “There are two broader interconnected issues that arise in opposition to the Weapons Conference. First, if there is a military, it needs weapons. Therefore, the issue of the Weapons Conference goes to the heart of the military project in New Zealand.
Does New Zealand need a standing army? The peace movement with a long trajectory back to the First World War would say no. Contemporary academics and commentators reject the very idea of the “Defence Force,” instead decrying New Zealand’s history of offensive engagement in foreign wars of empire and conquest.”
Both journalist Nicky Hager, and Russell Norman of Greenpeace, agree that New Zealand’s Nuclear-Free Act will not be threatened by the US Navy bringing a warship to be part of the NZ Navy's 75th birthday in November. Oh really? Think again! The US position on neither confirming nor denying whether its war ships are nuclear powered or nuclear armed remains the same. What has changed is the position of the New Zealand Government. It is now perfectly happy to use what is publically available and known as to the ships background, and so it is not going to ask anything further!
This is the first time in 32 years the US has been invited to send a warship to New Zealand. This event is the culmination of many years of work by those who wish to bring the New Zealand military back into the fold of US empire.
The New Zealand government has signed both the Washington and Wellington Declarations in recent years, re-committing the country to joint military cooperation, and conveniently side-stepping the nuclear-free issue altogether.
We as a country need to decide who we are. Wellington was declared a nuclear free zone on April 14 1982 and 40 local authorities in total had declared themselves nuclear-free by the end of 1984.
It is an affront to this country’s nuclear-free status that a naval exercise with United States ships will be taking place in the waters of the Aotearoa New Zealand this November. Are we a country that sits under the US military and nuclear umbrella, supporting foreign wars that have nothing to do with us; or are we going to stand up for our own sovereignty declaring that war is never a solution, and that we will insist on staying nuclear free.
Here is a link to Auckland Peace Action Group where you can get involved!
Link to Valerie’s article “New Zealand’s Homegrown Military-Industrial Complex”
Link to Valerie’s book “Against Freedom - The War on Terrorism in Everyday New Zealand Life”.
This interview is sponsored by The Awareness Party
I have just finished a grassroots interview with Niki Harre, a leading academic at Auckland University - involved in psychology and sustainable ecological solutions. During this interview, we talked about how she enjoys her immersion into evolving positive change with her local community at the Point Chevalier Transition Towns group, where she finds an active group of localised participators intent on walking their talk.
Because, she sees that there is a movement happening - one without a capital ‘m’ but, it’s a fundamental movement all the same.
For example, they have the following active sub-groups up and running: The Old Homestead Community Garden with the Dignan Street Community Garden Hub, and the Bulk Purchasing Group.
Then there is our Resource Pool for community members who would like to borrow mulchers, hoes, juicers etc.
They also have set up recycling for soft plastics at Pt Chevalier Primary School, Te Ra Road - to avoid this going into landfill - as well as a social calendar, that includes local areas in the larger community.
However, as an academic at Auckland University it is in the strategies as well as the processes that are enacted that Niki finds fulfilling, because she sees that there is a stirring within localised community a movement of connection happening - one that involves the neighbours like as mentioned before yet, without a capital ‘m’ but, it’s a grassroots movement all the same.
It’s when we act in our daily lives, whenever we’re doing things alone or are members of organisations following an evolutionary pathway that; just as when cells come together in greater self organising numbers be it growing from clusters of cells and evolving organs to bodies right up to organisations, when we are involved be it politically or not - ‘at every single level - we are creating the world.’
Like every morning, we wake up we start creating the world - such as how we get to work, how we interrelate with our colleagues, how we relate to our children - the party we vote for, wherever or not we go out and clean the local street - all of it, is part of creating the world.
So Niki is wanting to know how, in our efforts do we - become more integrated as possible - from the depths of our heart as well as acting in the political realm even at a localised level - and how do we recognise the actions that are beneficial and those that are problematic - it’s a hard task but to Niki it’s the task of being an activist.
And at a collective level, she considers the conversation we need to engage in - like what are we exactly endeavouring to do or create? That most people are recognising that ‘ecological and human flourishing’ are the twin pillars that go absolutely hand in hand - so the focus is really coming back to ask - how do people work and play together in the spirit of life?
Then, when she asks herself what are the key critical features to this quest?
They are - individual expressions which leads to diversity, which is giving of our best selves - giving of our peak essence and the other part is ‘community and cooperation.’
Just like when seeing a forest - it will have many, many species, and be very diverse at every level of biota, yet all those species will be living and doing in a form of co-operation, whilst all their different actions work towards having all the other species flourishing as well.
Each species ‘having its niche’ and fitting in.
It’s all about relationship.
Which leads her to explore the ‘Infinite and the Finite Games’ - as put together by philosopher James Carse.
Life is comprised of at least two kinds of games. One is finite games, in which the object is to win and the other is infinite games in which the object is to keep the game in play. Finite games have boundaries, include only select players and have rules that must not change for the duration of the game.
In contrast, infinite games have horizons that move as the player moves, welcome everyone into the game and the rules must change over time or the game will cease. In fact, when infinite players sense another player is about to lose, they attempt to change the rules to prevent this. Would you like to play?
To look at things in another way:
When parents bring children into the world, their babies are their treasures. Mum & Dad will do their utmost to make sure that their little ones are loved and cared for with totally, dedicated mindfulness.
Yet, to fulfil these aspirations, in most cases they have found themselves as the proverbial ingredients in a sandwich - that to survive in our Neo Liberal economic game plan, certain sacrifices have to be made.
When seen in this context - the tragedy of our time isn’t just all the damage we are doing to each other and our planet, it is that we aren’t even having much fun doing so. We’ve become stuck, too busy winning to listen to our hearts and each other.
Nevertheless, today we are witnessing new ways of doing and living that are now finally being articulated from that of a perceptive, psychological understanding. It is clearly showing us positive options that enhance relationships, pull the strands of community closer and enable us to strategize a way of resolving the challenges of survival.
Most of all, it is empowering us to involve ourselves into a new paradigm of ecological sustainability, peace and goodwill, and that which we at heart - all aspire to.
For it is now possible for us to change. The infinite game is right here, almost within our grasp, and everyone is invited.
If you want to play the infinite game or learn more go to
If you wish to listen into an ebullient an engaging conversation of emancipative possibilities and reinvigorating your life and your community - this intelligent and encouraging discussion with Niki, may very well stimulate you to take another step further. To really let you know that within your community, there are many unique and exceptional people plus prospective friends expressing their virtues in a way that is making the world and that of our children a place where we can find happiness, security and connection.
Have a listen as to how we can join the dots to a positive and fulfilling life.
Niki Harre, is an associate Dean of Sustainability from Auckland University and has been involved in innovative ways to enable people to become engaged in the process of taking care of our common future, especially from the point of view of sustainability in an ecological context and in particular that which promotes human well being .
However, as an Associate Professor in Psychology - she is also very much involved in firing up one’s imagination so to enable people to realise that we can be the change in the world that we want to see. That we can shape our world in a positive way - if we all work both individually and together in community for the betterment of the whole.
Her book Psychology for a better world gives us insights and encouragement to become involved in our future, both on a local and a global level. It can also be downloaded for free.
Our guest today is Makuini Ruth Tai. I first met her as Ruth Tai. She is happy to be called either Makuini or Ruth, because she knows and honours the source of both her birth names.
Some two hundred years ago, the word Maori was not used as an identity term, It was only when the European landed on the shores of Aotearoa that a shift happened. When Ruth was young - she identified more with her whanau (immediate and extended family) and her hapu (sub-tribe or clan). The use of Maori as an identity label is fairly recent.
Ruth asserts that Maori was not just an oral language, it was also recorded. However, the European translators did not recognise the graphics as a written language. REO means language and voice. Every design, every pattern is the voice recorded/written in graphic form. Ruth is committed to decoding REO through the Rich Earth Oratory of the old time Maori, who understood the power of the voice and its varying tones. They didn't just 'talk', they also intoned or chanted and sang and were very passionate orators.
The interview:
Decoding REO Maori (Maori Language) in esoteric terms is extremely illuminating. This unveiling will resound throughout the Maori world and beyond - unfolding a renaissance in all things Maori and how we see and relate to existence in a 21st century setting.
It appears that British colonialists interpreted the Maori language incorrectly. That there was another esoteric level encoded in the resonance of the sound of REO. The evidence points to this.
In the 1800’s when the European colonised Aotearoa a land they called New Zealand, their mindset was of the Industrial revolution - being mechanistic - as well as of Victorian values - of the church - (and yes there were pioneers and adventurers). Essentially that was the level of language and understanding at that time.
That was the degree of ‘consciousness’ they brought to the actual translation of REO - into English.
The translators knew nothing of the pulse and resonance or the real depth of what was embedded in the language - especially that of the messages that were encoded within ‘every single word’.
Thus, they misconstrued the hidden elements.
Whereas Maori, who navigated the vastness of oceans by the stars, yet were equally at home in the density of the bush/forest - (that virtually covered the whole of Aotearoa NZ) - had indeed a language of immersion into nature itself. And Ruth in her personal research over many years, realised that we have not been able to factor in the depth of REO, so she has focused her life on recovering and unfolding it for a new paradigm that we are entering.
Ruth, unpacks the word Maori
Ma-ori …
ma translates as clear, clean, pure, white light. Ori is vibration, energy. When we see the word Maori with these insights we have a totally different translation.
We can see that the word Maori codes an origin from light and sound and today quantum physics speaks to this …
The words clear, clean, pure, white light, vibration or energy - do not speak of identity . Thus Maori describes who we are within ourselves - our state of beingness.
Kia Ora is usually only thought of as a greeting.
Kia is pronounced Key-Ah -
This one little word packs a lot of power.
Kia is the verb To Be, To Do, To Have.
Ora pronounced Aw-rrrah also refers to ‘wellness’ and ‘of Light and Sound’. Thus, to use the greeting Kia Ora you are in fact saying, "Greetings O Being Of Light and Sound. Be well, Do well and you will Have wellness".
Ora means receiving the light of that divine source - to bring us into wellness and we know in todays world via our technical knowhow, light and sound travel together. But in the early 1800’s the translators did not understand the higher dimension of both electricity and sound.
Kia Ora becomes more meaningful when you greet with this intention, when you greet each person as a radiant being of light and sound.
When mentioning Ra and the Egyptian connections - Ruth says Ra is also inner light, it is not always an outward projection.
When travelling to the US and spending time with first nation peoples, she noted a certain similarity of resonance or vibration as to how they spoke and voiced words… and how she perceived language to be. She recognises that first nations connect with nature and cosmos as first teachers - they sink into mother earth and are receptive to all that pulses. - such as star light and Matariki the Pleiades.
She mentions that the word mother and father used to describe Earth Mother and Sky Father - as terms of endearment are lovely really, but their personified names of Rangi and Nuku (Papa-tu-a-Nuku) convey an even truer meaning…
Cross over-words that are also in the universal field like tapu and taboo - how do they come about? Pu is always about the source - puna. It also means spring (where water emerges).
In this interview, Tim who was brought up in a rural area surrounded by Maori community that was impelled to speak English, mentions how he communicates to foreign visitors what Kia Ora means and in particular how to remember this important word.
Tim’s version = key - aura Kia remember as a KEY to open up something and ora is an aura - we all have an AURA or an energy field surrounding our body.
Ruth ' s understanding of Aroha
aroha is unconditional love
aro is a word for thought - how we breathe that thought - how we emote that thought - will either bring it to life or if we do not breathe it deeply if we do not emotionally involve ourselves around it - it just sits there.
aro is thought - also to intend and also to pay attention
ha is the life force - it’s the breath - or even the love force - the love behind the thought
She says that aroha is also obedient … it obeys everything - it is the unconditionality of aroha of love - that is its nature. So where we put our intention and our focus, that is what we are bringing into reality - we are moving the force of aroha to have it express itself in the here and now.
Thus, aroha becomes very extensive and all encompassing. It is having thought and breath unified - to become and to mean LOVE in all of its unconditionality… and to love wisely, which Ruth says is very important as our intent is critical. Where you put your focus you are going to get it - that love will always obey and always deliver. So it is how conscious we are in the moment - we need to be very mindful - our thoughts can be empowering or dis-empowering - the choice is always ours and ours alone, because we own the thought.
When it is all put together Ruth says it describes our aroha birthright
The interview covers tapu and the way seeds grow as well as introducing Rupert Sheldrakes morphic resonance into the idea that tapu may feed into the localised field, when the the tohunga (seer, expert) sets the intention for a tapu to be activated. Where a death occurs in a specific area, or that a crop or fishing area not be entered maybe because it was not the season.
The interview covers the historical setting.
We have to always remember that over the centuries the old time Maori had embedded a totally different wave length of thinking and being - and when the European came to NZ, they too had a very different wave length of thinking, too.
Europeans came from the industrial revolution and some were of peasantry or serfdom and escaped as described in William Blake’s song about ‘the dark satanic mills’ of England. Basically they landed in a country covered in jungle (bush) right down to the waters edge. Most of the new settlers had lived outside of the deepness of ’the nature’ - of really embedding themselves in the pulse of life that vibrated when you are surrounded by virtually no humans at all, other than the sounds of birds and insects plus the wind etc. The landscape was on occasions very still. The trees sighed, the creek murmured, the wind intoned, and the rocks smiled … and everything pulsed from sun up to sundown and throughout the evening of darkness and star light … This is what the old time Maori experienced and revered.
The Early settlers were strangers in a strange land… and had to make everything up usually individually or in tiny groups as they went along toiling, cutting, digging erecting involved in makeshift - many experienced hard learnings on the way.
Indigenous people are the nature people - they are the ones with their conscious connection to all the subtle and not so subtle movement that surrounds them, and through living and working in a group or community setting, they had their finger on the pulse of the environment that enveloped them.
Whereas as when the colonialist leaders landed, they were an expression of the corporate language that made their beachhead here in Aotearoa, and in doing so took away, or lost the heart connection …and turned it into something that distanced us from nature and today we have ended up with a language that has a hardness to it - in the sounds …
The interview moves on to cover:
Karakia is prayer - to bring thought into reality - to bring the sacred light into form.
The fact that Ruth can decode REO and divine a totally deeper level of being that has been slumbering for too many years - it’s like finding an esoteric pathway, when in fact we have in some ways been walking an exoteric path thinking that we had the Maori language sussed.
In Ruth’s words… with the decoding of the actual words as spoken by the old time Maori, we now have a window into the ancient language and she says that with the language of quantum sciences that we have at our disposal today, we can now comprehend the mother tongue, that Maori already knew and lived the science - way back then…
We spoke of Tane god of the forest, Tangaroa god of the sea and god of the weather Tāwhirimātea.
Plus the hongi and what it is as a greeting - 3rd eye to 3rd eye, forehead to forehead and sharing breath. That in many ways we are not today realising it as a sacred act - there is too much chatter and we are being casual about it, when it is actually a sacred act of connection, a special time to heal, to clear, to cleanse, to transform to transmute all of the ancestral lines.
That Maori always have their sacred connection to the Land - their local mountain, their river, their lake or spring - this extension of them, this connection is that these physical manifestations are seen as the elders.
In ceremonial greetings the women are the ‘first callers’ of welcome and greetings. They chant their oratory and weave all the elements and invisible forces of life into a coherency that connects all people to the occasion of unity.
There is also a plethora of female goddesses, but these were missed out by the early translators of maori myth and legend ... they are making a comeback today.
Finally, when European set foot on Aotearoa - Maori described them as pakeha
pa is to connect
ke is different
ha is breath
People of a different breath
This is only half of the interview. You can download the transcribed conversation in full and listen to the audio. It gifts us a very profound understanding of a people who have inhabited this land for at least centuries and some say since the beginning.
To reiterate - this language of a different frequency was not available to the early settlers, explorers and missionaries in the 1800’s. It was lost in translation.
This new rendition - throws light on a whole new way of: allowing, being, doing, seeing and understanding.
This is why Maori today are driven to protect and encourage all to learn REO Maori (Maori Language).
Connect with Makuini Ruth Tai at REO Communications on Facebook.
Listen to a medical doctor who also specialises in Eastern Medicine & Acupuncture talk about the challenges we face today.
Today I learn that doctors are having to deal with many variants of mental disturbances. That the art of listening is extremely important so as to gain trust and be sensitive to the many needs of a society that is becoming increasingly stressful.
From empathy, compassion and nurturing, to the challenges of abandonment, abuse and separation, to betrayal, sociopathy and psychopathy.
In identifying the darker side of the human character we learn that there is a certain percentage of people who show no signs of connection, compassion or empathy, but instead climb the ladder of the proverbial power structures to embed themselves at the top, or at a critical nodal point or as a gatekeeper.
Yet, the challenge for all of us is to become whole - whilst living in a society that has many dysfunctionalities and fragmentations. That people wanting to become more fulfilled, but lack a moral or ethical compass - instead, fill themselves with distractions and indulgences and get caught up - by becoming addicted to so-many fixations and obsessions, in an effort to fill this emptiness and lack of wholeness.
However, the only thing that you can really fill this emptiness, is love and joy - that which we cannot hold in our hand, being non material - like creativity, art, music, dance, fun and most of all of connection and warm and heart filled relationships.
By being mindful and empathic - it will take us into a realm where healing can take place.
In his practice as an MD, self compassionate people come to see him who are struggling with looking after themselves - 'as an act of compassion.’
Many are women which is probably why women suffer from chronic illness the most, because they care too much and become affected too easily. This being due to their sensitivity as their given role has been to nurture others and not necessarily themselves. Robin sees his role is to engender within them - self regard and self compassion - and to validate and empower them. (and there is much more to it, than this).
This interview also looks at identifying the darker/shadow side of the human character.
Though he does not often come in contact with this, in his own work or in family and community settings. He is however, noticing that patients are coming to him, and though not dark themselves have been affected by the dark side of others, be it in relationships or at work, be it abuse, bullying or more subtle signs of verbal abuse - even silence can be very abusive.
Also, some people can suffer early in life from abandonment or abuse and the result is that later in life certain genetic memories can be turned back on and the body, because it is older is less able to cope with it - and can switch on not only emotional conditions like depression and anxiety, but physical conditions as well - this is actually the epi-genetics of illness.
Covering abandonment and the feelings of separation - and abuse, plus betrayal - that some young people find that their spirituality was taken away from them as well - their innocence and purity gone and so is their sacred purpose - this is why the wounds and hurt goes so very deep.
In Robin’s practice he said it’s most important to really listen - that there is no separation and that connection is imperative. Especially, when dealing with cancer sufferers who are in a terminal situation - leading to the end of their lives.
He endeavours to always gather a team around that person, if they don’t already have a team - so that, that patient is then nurtured and feels supported by being part of a community. Also, Robin too can be part of that community and having the next door neighbour being part of it as well. They have to choose to have this close community that may include doctors, specialists and the home helper and the family.
Robin sees that abandonment is one of the greatest issues that we face because it creates a feeling that we are separate yet this is a false feeling - a falsity. We function best with more joy - with other people - and with their team around them thaey feel validated and you just love them for who they are.
We cover the topic of empathy - with sitting with someone - where you yourself remember in previous times in your own life, when you felt that lonely or alone. When with a patient you don’t straight away try a fix them or come out with a solution - you listen. Robin says there is a lot of talk about energy medicine - and he states that in this case too - being able to listen with an open heart is imperative.
As an acupuncturist, Robin is also able to tap in and listen to the many invisible signals that are within our body. That every organ in our anatomy has a different pulse or signature and he can quickly adetermine the health of any one of the particular organs. He does this by feeling the numerous differing pulses on the inside of the patient’s wrist. He can determine their strength and or weaknesses of any particular organ and then by using acupuncture needles he can bring about balance - by opening energy flows throughout the body resulting in integrating them into the wellbeing of the ‘whole body’ - as one, integrated system.
Also, that our society suffers in many ways, due to many of its dysfunctionalities and fragmentations - and while we have people wanting to be more whole, often they lack a moral or ethical compass, and instead, fill themselves with distractions and indulgences and get caught up by becoming addicted to so many fixations and obsessions … dope, booze, sugar, and also materialism - all to fill this emptiness and lack of wholeness.
And we are encouraged to fill this whole, because we are embedded into a consumer society who wants us and encourages us, to buy stuff and to buy it often. But, not only that, we are filling it with busy-ness - by always being busy .… and not centered.
However, the only true thing that you can fill this emptiness with, is with love and joy - that which we cannot hold in our hand, being non material - like creativity, art, music, dance, fun, but especially connection and being supported. (And heaps of hugs help too!)
Now all humans have this emptiness as we are born into it and during the course of our existence we fill this with the love of our parents and families and community - and that we embed - usually by osmosis - principles, values, morality, ethics from the family and the community that surrounds us.
Many people fill their emptiness with relationships that are not real and not loving and that too has its challenges. That when this subject comes up in a doctor patient scenario they start to cry and touch on this emptiness and sadness and one of the unique things about this outpouring of heartbreak is that the body appreciates this - there is no real damage done to our body - because of this recognition - healing can take place. The next step is to start filling that hole and that self esteem needs to be built up, especially with loving relationships - communing with nature and visiting lovely places. This leads to how they can fill themselves from within, with a reality that can make their life whole and meaningful.
Robin mentions that sadness can be passed on over generations - and this is particularly noticed if there has been a lot of generations having gone off to war. Yet, women too have inherited generations of repression and this also needs to be acknowledged and healed.
This interview covers many aspects of healing and how we listen is a most important component.
We also covers a deeper understanding of narcissism and when it becomes malignant narcissism and the shadow around that subject - that in turn leads to sociopathy and psychopathy and how we are now finally realising what these are and finding them at younger ages so as to engage remedial action before much societal damage occurs.
One of the traits of sociopaths and psychopaths is that they lie and then fully believe their own lies.
Robin introduces the unique book written by Paul Levy ‘Dispelling Wetiko’ It states: There is a contagious psychospiritual disease of the soul, a parasite of the mind, that is currently being acted out en masse on the world stage via a collective psychosis of titanic proportions. This mind-virus—which Native Americans have called "wetiko"—covertly operates through the unconscious blind spots in the human psyche, rendering people oblivious to their own madness and compelling them to act against their own best interests.
That 99% of the human race are salvageable and will see the light, but there is a certain percentage who are unsalvageable - this new knowledge is as a result of more recent data and research.
Robert Hare is most probably one of the world’s experts in all things psychopathic having written a book - ‘Snakes in Suits’ and he says that the capacity for corporations with these type of individuals in power to be one psychopathic monster - is huge.
Gas lighting comes up too. It’s based around how to manipulate (someone) by psychological means into doubting their own sanity: in the first episode of the movie, Karen Valentine is being gaslighted by her husband - from the storyline of the film Gaslight (1944), in which a man psychologically manipulates his wife into believing that she is going insane.
This too is how a psychopath can manipulate people. So we have to identify these traits written above and act - and it is slowly happening.
In regard to Corporate Psychopathy they will lie, they will deflect, they will speak over others and they will belittle them - and the need for public education around this is urgent - but we must be very careful as we could very well call out the wrong people - yet Robin states that this is a lesser problem - we just have to become far more aware …
Don’t purchase shares in their companies, don’t vote for them … be more conscious of your choices.
The more information we have the better the chances of remedial action so as to make a better more caring world for our children and grandchildren.
An engaging interview.