Dahr Jamail is the chief environmental reporter for Truth-out.org - the large web-based news and current events site from the USA.
An award winning writer of books such as:
Dahr has been here in NZ checking on some of the key areas and tipping points’ within our localised ecology. The diminishing glaciers in the southern alps being very noticeable. The other being acidic oceans. Plus the strange weather patterns that are skewing the seasons of spring, summer and autumn.
A third of the permanent snow and ice of New Zealand’s Southern Alps has now disappeared, according to our new research based on National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research aerial surveys. Since 1977, the Southern Alps’ ice volume has shrunk by 18.4 km3 or 34%, and those ice losses have been accelerating rapidly in the past 15 years.
Same for the Northern Hemisphere
Methane in the upper northern hemisphere is outgassing from the melting tundra. - in Russia, Canada and Alaska.
Permafrost is decaying rapidly not only in the arctic but right across the top of these northern countries.
Is the science letting humanity down?
There are 2,500 international scientists that are doing projections and they always work to the lowest common denominator. They play it conservatively. This is a problem as many of these scientists are Government scientists and they are beholden to their employers for their pay checks - they are frightened and will not tell the truth as it is.
The Great Barrier Reef
Looking at impacts of global warming and that the reefs wellbeing, recently in Australia and the Great Barrier reef is in trouble … remembering it is ‘an organism’ that due to human impact on the environment – we are causing changing environmental conditions that the reef is being ’bleached’ and there appears to be no end in sight. It is the largest coral event in the history of record keeping. The great barrier reef last year received over 90% of its entirety bleached with between 22% and 25% of it is now lost in one year.
Statistics are leading scientists to saying that by 2050 that 98% of coral reefs globally will be experiencing a ‘thermal stress event’- a bleaching event every single year.
25% of fish species are dependent on the life of a coral reef.
That if the water warms up on a reef and stays warm the coral dies but if it cools down again within- around 6 weeks – the reef will recover.
Already in the Caribbean sea we have already lost 90% of the entire coral reef system. Dahr has also just come from Guam and in the last 3 years they have lost 50% of their coral. So that is how fast it is happening.
The question is, why are the public not receiving this information?
Why is it that in the US, the media is run by basically 6 major corporations all straight jacketed into the vested corporate military banking industrial model – that censors by omission or just gives out fake news - ad nauseam.
The situation today is very serious!
How do we empower people? And emancipate them from the shackles of apathy and the psychological ‘it’s all too much’ - subjugation?
It’s all about connection … to nature and the cycles of nature – until more people go out deep into nature and have connection that is truly intimate – until they get it that we are an extension of our planet we are going to be scratching to get enough uptake to be the change that we wish to see in the world.
Because if humanity does not step up to the plate then near term extermination will come upon us.
If we do not have a clear map to see what is happening – how can we make the correct decisions?
Darhs credentials of putting himself on the line!
Having been in one of the sieges of Fallujah in Iraq, Darh came back with PTSD ‘post traumatic stress disorder’ and came to meet Joanna Macy http://www.joannamacy.net/aboutjoannamacy.html - who follows a Buddhist methodology in dealing with grief and loss and the psychological effect of tragedy - among many other ecological and peaceful matters. However he has been able come through this now, though it still has an affect on him.
Dahr says that not receiving correct and truthful news is a huge problem and that he had to get out of corporate America to obtain news outside their sphere of control and influence to learn the truth and what was really going on.
He said that he realised that the lies and distortions that the US engaged in and that it was involved in an illegal invasion of a sovereign country and broke countless Geneva conventions. However, if he read information coming from the United Nations or (at the time) the ‘Guardian’ or the ‘Independent’ in the UK he got a very different understanding. But where do we go today to get concise truthful information?
The truth about Climate Change
For Dahr states that this on going climate change and progressive warming is going to be the most important of issues especially for each successive day for the billions of inhabitant of our planet, period!
Dahr says this is huge, we are losing the biosphere in chunks and he only covered coral in this interview.
With the massive increase and release of pollutants into the atmosphere changing its composition and altering the chemistry of the oceans that we supposedly evolved from - to realise that our oceans will experience a collapse in fisheries due to overfishing and loss of habitat. Because one billion people derive sustenance from fish that live in and around coral reefs – where are they going to get their protein?
Look at the weather shifts especially the freezing weather winters in the North East USA. With massive fluctuations. Crops are being affected by this extreme situation – and bee pollination too.
In Africa.
That in the last 2 months the UN states there are four countries now experiencing famine.
Previously there has been a lot of grain sent from the US to Africa to provide relief - And he is not sure if this will happen under the Trump administration. (I did not get the opportunity to ask if it was GMO grain? Tim) This is only one example of the knock on effect of food production that has to been grown every year to sustain so many lives.
When in Russia it was so warm recently that they had record setting, wildfires – thus the weather patterns has affected their grain growing and instead of being a grain exporter Russia have to keep it all for themselves – but the prices then go up – globally.
Dahr maintains that even the Arab spring is all related directly or indirectly to climate disruptions …
That it was a vegetable vendor in Tunisia setting himself alight – it was an act of self-immolation as a symbolic act because people could not afford to pay for food. Because of drought caused by climate disruption. Dahr states that the same happened in Egypt – people could not afford to eat – Mubarak did nothing and this ignited a situation where he was overrun and his regime fell. Same for Syria – drought affected Syrian farmers that in the end walked off the land into the cities affecting the demographics with poor people igniting an insurrection that lead to Syria erupting in environment. (Tim, there was another component that I did not have time to question and that was a week after 911 in the US, where General Wesley Clark whilst visiting the Pentagon after the twin towers imploded – was told by another army general that the US was going to topple 7 other regimes in the Mediterranean arc - ending with Iran – that for reasons unknown - happened at the same time?). And look what it has devolved into now ….
Critical Information
Dahr, says that if there is one piece of information that he wants to bring home to everyone – “that it is happening now!”
That we cannot fall back on the default that there is still time – or that we can mitigate it or there is still this window … that is is just not true that a lot of governments today (including the NZ government) are banking on this lie.
That we, (the governments) refuse to jettison the fossil fuel economy because of all the strings that have entangled us into this all encompassing, octopus - that envelops the global economy. And though Dahr, feels we are already too late, by jettisoning fossil fuel tomorrow – that would be a starting point.
Tim then says that NZ’s challenge is that we have no politician of note or business person of prestige - who stands head and shoulders above all the other leaders in their field - prepared to speak truth to power relating to the climate change that we are pretending will go away – this is mainly due to the complete disconnect from the cycles of air, water and food production that our planet provides us.
Dahr wants people to halfway through reading any of his books – put it down and walk out into nature wherever you may be – the park, among trees, out in the bush, wade into a river, hike a hill or mountain trail – to just surrender to the elements and drop out of our head and into our heart - that 12 inches of descent into our chest cavity to where our heart pumps oxygen around our body temple. Just make the connection to the sacredness of not only our body – but to the earth that supports under the soles of our feet. To be thankful and grateful that we have an ecology that nourishes us. More so that we are not yet being scorched by the heat of the sun’s searing heat, or being in a war ravaged village or city in the throes of terror.
So with an emersion back into nature – for only when ‘we’ - the collective ‘we’ realise our connection and for a moment in time breathing in that sacredness of that ‘presence of being’.
To reflect that, for example in the US at present – people will not be able to petition those in power to bring about the appropriate change.
People Power at Grass Roots is the Only Way Possible.
Changing from the inside.
We have to get in touch with our own grief to recognise what is happening. In Dahr’s case he had been to war ravaged Iraq and had 5 assignments and had been in Fallujah during one of the sieges and witnessed first hand a lot of US war crimes upon women, children, babies - horrible things
And when he came back to the States he was suffering from PTS - Post Traumatic Stress disorder that Joanna Macy, out of the US says - that we need to get in touch with our grief. However Dahr was at that stage still extremely angry and did not know that he was in grief and couldn’t get in touch with anything as he could not feel much else. Then Dahr says that this, at another level is what so many people in the States are suffering from today - also - because of their exposure to yet another news flash of what preposterous things are happening within the USA be it economic, political, ecological or war.
When we need to look at gratitude and look at where we are, and the amazing place where we live – look at the good people that we have in our lives and the things that we can be grateful for and secondly we need to look squarely and honestly to exactly see what is going on. Plus, how progressed we are on theses destructive paths.
We have to realise that we have already lost large areas of ecosystems. Such as by 2100, Mt Everest may have hardly any glaciers on it. Same for Western Canada the glaciers will be no more. Sci fi movies have not gone there yet, - however we are in it and with the recently rain and flooding in Auckland largest city, (March 2017) we are witnessing climate change first hand.
He says that we have to not only get it intellectually – but also be emotionally engaged – this is where we experience what we are collectively doing to our great sustainer, our planet. We need to feel everything that goes with this … the rage at the people responsible – the rage at our own blindness to it until now – the sadness at what is being lost and the grief and despair and the feelings of powerlessness as to what has been happening - and finally from this place we can start to see things a lot more clearly and finally reconcile with the fact as to what actions do I need to now take.
Listen to Dahr as he takes the next steps …
That it is not an intellectual discussion any more – he says we have all the data – it is how do we take that incredibly long journey from the head to the heart – 25 centimetres and this is where he is writing his book - on the state of our planet and biosphere.
Finding a place of solace – and cherishing that place and caring for it, and making sure it remains because what happens when that place is gone? Then, what you can do to make sure that this natural beauty is here for the long term – our children … perpetuity - it’s about what is offered to us freely - clean air – pure water – a healthy food chain …
Joanna Macy’s work … called ‘the future beings’ is an exercise. She breaks the workshop into half. With one half of the group are here in present day and the other half are 200 years in the future – but the 1st assumption is that there are beings 200 years into the future and our planet has no more ice in the arctic – not much in the Antarctic and Greenland is basically a puddle Ocean levels are 100 feet higher and parts of our planet look like Mad Max. Sitting in front of you is a person who is huddled in a small community somewhere on our planet that is still habitable, endeavouring to survive as a species.
And to the group that is in today – we still have much of our biosphere basically intact – ice though retreating is still here in both poles and a good part of the great barrier reef is still present. But, what are you doing?
Listen to how Dahr responds when faced with confronting the refugees of 200 years into the future … Hint – a small act now can make a huge difference in the future – (A stitch in time saves nine). That NZ can be the trim-tab factor for our Planet – per Buckminster Fuller). http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1966/01/08/in-the-outlaw-area
Intent comes up and following through on doing what is best for the greater consciousness – in bettering the whole … being fully alive.
Tim’s critique - At present there are collectively tens of thousands of scientists who know that we are racing off the cliff, however they are not prepared to put their money where their research is showing them.
They do not want to collectively put a miserly 10 thousand dollars, from their own well-off pocket into a collective kitty to enable a couple of million dollars be put into a greater fund for a number of really hard hitting, high quality documentaries that tell it - as it is.
But, more so to empower us to action as the seed of this living planet ‘Gaia’ and show that we can wake up and flower as a race if we only tapped into our inner potential. (See Tom Campbell GreenplanetFM).
Do we have to leave it up to a movie star, Leonardo DiCaprio, and his timely movie ‘After the Flood’ to wake up the world? What are these scientists doing with their money. What are these billionaires that seem to be a dime a dozen - what are they doing with their money? Why are they not financially supporting the evidence and doing the right thing?
I would also like to mention that NZer Kevin Hester was instrumental in bringing Dahr Jamail to NZ and it has been Kevin’s unrelenting drive to keep this urgent climatic subject in the news here in New Zealand.
What we are also up against:
John Seed = Deep Ecology = One of Australia’s most articulate communicators of, and about, the web of life.
John gets us in touch with the psychological dimension of our environmental crisis to get beyond the denial that most people greet the news - as to what is happening to our world – and if we are in denial about the terrible plight that our planet’s in –then our ability to celebrate the beauty of nature and the glory of the cosmos is severely hampered – because it’s resting on a very unstable foundation.
John’s work over many decades has been in collaboration with Joanna Macy from the USA. They encourage people to recognise that our deepest feelings of despair and anguish about what’s happening to our world, are an integral part of us being able to celebrate and glory in the wonders of nature and the wonders of creation. That if we are in denial and are unwilling to feel and to share our pain as to what’s happening to our world, then we are also unable to truly celebrate the beauty, that surround us.
This has led him to take people who are needing to be healed ‘on a journey’ so as to let them confront their hurt and fears and - from a psychological standpoint reconcile and rectify the trauma that they are witnessing across the face of nature today. This is an Australian story of a seminal conflict between the forest industry and the conservation movement over rainforests in northern New South Wales.
Battle for Forests
The battle over logging the rainforests of Terania Creek in 1979 started the Rainforest War in New South Wales. Some claimed Terania Creek to be the last un-logged rainforest in Australia. The war was a clash of values and cultures, but three important lessons came about from this conflict. These being the influence of the media, the role of science and ecology, and the spirituality of forests.
This ecological battle started a process that saw the eventual closure to logging and reservation in national parks of 900,000 ha of native forest, or about one third of the productive State Forests of New South Wales.
This halted the logging and sparked the NSW government's decision to gazette the remaining rainforest in NSW as a National Park.
John states “that even though we won that battle there are so many other battles...and in lots of ways they got worse."
"We still find it really hard to imagine that it was the first time people actively got out and protected the rainforest."
However John soon realised that in spite of the success of saving that forest and the wildlife that abounded, in looking at what was happening all around our planet - for every forest that was being protected, a thousand forests were being lost. And he saw clearly that there was no way we could save our planet at one forest at a time.
Addressing the underlying Psychological challenge.
That unless we address the underlying psychological or spiritual disease that afflicts modern humans one that somehow allows us to imagine that we can somehow profit from the destruction of our own life support systems – and that these actions are very enjoyable and rewarding for the participants - it would be of no particular significance to the future of the world.
So John began to study to understand why do we behave is such a self-defeating manner?
He mentions:
Paul Ehrlich https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_R._Ehrlich
The famous American ecologist and population commentator who said “we are sawing off the branch that we are sitting on.”
Clearly this indicates a psychological problem no matter how much the timber in that branch might be worth – it can’t profit us to do this. And through this enquiry he came upon a philosophy of nature called Deep Ecology.
Deep Ecology:
And this is where he could understand why we were behaving in this way. Deep Ecology was coined by the Norwegian - the late Arne Naess https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arne_Næss the emeritus Professor of Philosophy at Oslo University who said the underlying all the symptoms of the environmental crisis was the illusion of separation between ourselves and that of the natural world. The illusion … and this has grown into anthropocentrism or human centeredness.
The idea that we human beings are the centre of everything. This view sees us being the crown of creation - the measure of all being … and that nothing has any value except human beings – nothing is intrinsic. Things can have instrumental value if they are a resource for us. But really, we do not look at life as being a web or, if we do happen to see life as a web – we are the spider in the centre of it.
We are still unable to understand the science of ecology and the wisdom of indigenous people reveals we are but one strand in that web and if we destroy the other strands we destroy ourselves.
Connection to the Earth via Ceremony
John’s workshops look to how most indigenous societies practice and reiterate the connection between human beings and that ‘all our relations’ are not severed. Every indigenous culture has ceremonies and rituals that allow the human family to celebrate our connectedness and to nourish that connectedness. And these ceremonies involve the entire community and the children are there and are watching and are learning this. Indigenous people have this knowing that we are rooted and draw energy and nourishment from the living earth and enact it with reverence for nature in all their ceremonies – so as to never forget their roots. (When were you last bare footed walking on the grass of the earth?)
For 30 years John has been developing methods and skills to move us from a social identity to an ecological identity.
This interview covers Wetko – the mind virus that has infected materialist man and what we need to recognise - to break free. That the First Nation American peoples - saw the very connection to Mother Earth when recently here in NZ one visitor put on a small campfire, a dry branch of wood and reverently stated “to all our relations” – that the tree is of life, giving us light and warmth as well as taking in Co2 and giving us oxygen back.
Everything is connected. We are all in a grand cycle called life and it is this wonder of the web of life that is threatened by our foolish behaviour today.…
The Council of All Beings
An experiential process of deep connection – That Joanna Macy & John designed back in the mid eighties – and the book ‘Thinking like a mountain towards the Council of all Beings… translated onto a dozen languages - Now in Mandarin
Originally Joanna taught “despair and empowerment “ and it is now called “honouring our pain for the world.”
Once certain boundaries are set – people are invited to share their deepest feelings of anguish, despair and horror at what’s happening to our world.
This is a rare opportunity because if anyone even hinted at expressing their feelings around this subject - under ordinary circumstances people instantly want to change the subject as everyone feels threatened when such feelings are openly expressed. But, as people are taken through this exercise – what follows is empowerment and we discover that (listen to the broadcast that John eloquently shows us a way out) - the end result is a celebration that then becomes possible!
Thomas Berry’s name is mentioned http://thomasberry.org/
A Catholic theologian, who instead of focussing his attention on the Heavens to find God, became a geo seer – studying the Ancient Greek word Geo – where we get as a prefix …for geology, geography, geometry, geodesy, geopolitics etc. Our planet.
The study of the earth … Is another way to see our connection to the earth in such another way as to experience a deeper relationship and link to the earth.
http://drewdellinger.org/ Poet who wrote the poetic introduction that John introduced us with at the state of this interview.
Also http://www.genesisfarm.org/about.taf Sister Miriam MacGillis of Genesis Farm that is dedicated to understanding the Universe and Earth as a single, unfolding process. That Genesis Farm offers diverse and innovative experiences that inspire a comprehensive approach to personal and social change. As a community facility it is open to all who are interested in exploring the sacredness of the land, their mission and their work.
Sister Miriam MacGillis created a process called the cosmic walk – and this is what John’s workshop will do on this coming Saturday night. (1st April 2017 at Kawai Purapura. See below) A spiralling story of the creation and the evolution of life. Which everyone participates in.
John then tells of his work in India, which as a country he says has given him so much inspiration to awaken his spirituality - that:
Bruce Lipton’s name comes up again with his work in India around organics and farming.
http://www.organicindia.com/ and Bharat Mitra. This became a movement in organic and biodynamic farming methods that were developed and practiced. The founder's mission being to offer safe effective herbal products to the world and he is the driving force behind an organic revolution that started with ORGANIC INDIA and is now taking root all across India.
Re forestation of the sacred mountain in South India
In 1988 John, who is a founder and Director of the Rainforest Information Centre (RIC) was asked to assist in the co-ordination of the Annamalai Reforestation Society’s project to green the sacred mountain of Arunachala in South India. Now the mountain reforestation has advanced a long way since then. There is a good collection of different organisations working together to ensure the the success of the project. http://www.theforestway.org/greening/overview.html
Land rights for the Poor of India. John has been assisting these people for some time.
In December 2015, Rajeev wrote to John that the campaign to establish land-rights for the Katkari and other Adivasis was finally bearing fruit and “will help resolve the insecure village land issue in at least 600 – 700 Katkari villages”.
The next steps are tree plantings to improve the fertility and productivity of their land. However, suitable native tree seedlings were not available and they are establishing a nursery “to ensure multiplication of diverse native plant species (fruits, uncultivated foods, vegetables, medicinal plants, fibre plants, sacred plants, flowering plants, natural dyes, etc)”
This interview of John Seed shows a dedicated man working for the earth.
Big Data Info: http://rainforests.mongabay.com
Johns Itinerary for Auckland New Zealand 2017
For the best information go to https://workthatreconnects.org/event/john-seed-in-new-zealand/
Sacred Economics and other thoughts – Lisa Er interviews Charles Eisenstein on Sacred Economics, and the world after Trump.
“The present convergence of crises––in money, energy, education, health, water, soil, climate, politics, the environment, and more––is a birth crisis, expelling us from the old world into a new.”
“When we must pay the true price for the depletion of nature’s gifts, materials will become more precious to us, and economic logic will reinforce, and not contradict, our heart’s desire to treat the world with reverence and, when we receive nature’s gifts, to use them well.”
“It’s a very ancient idea that the universe runs by the principles of the gift. That human life runs by the principles of the gift. And that in fact the purpose for our existence, the reason why we’re here, is to give. And that everybody has a gift that is important and meaningful, and maybe even unique and essential. It’s certainly true in an ecosystem where every species has an important function, and without that function, without that gift that it gives to the ecosystem everybody would be a little bit poorer. The system as a whole would be a little bit weaker.”
“And this is a new understanding that may be only 40 or 50 years old, in the west at least. A hundred years ago, or even 50 years ago, scientists thought that you could eliminate one species, eliminate in fact all the bad species, and make nature better. But we’re understanding now that every being has its gift to give. And this shift of perception hasn’t been integrated yet into our institutions.”
“Mainstream economics doesn’t really understand this. It says that human beings don’t really want to work. There’s a phrase in economics, “the disutility of work.” Human beings don’t want work, so we have to make people work with these incentives, this money that overcomes your natural disinclination to create, to be productive, and to give something to other people. You have to get something in return, otherwise you won’t want to do it. And it’s considered good that we have a system based on scarcity, that creates anxiety, that kind of forces you to work.”
“Money is just an agreement. Money only has value because people believe it has value. It is something that we create through our agreements. You can say that money is a story. It’s the symbols that we interpret in a certain way, and that means that they’re valuable. So why have we agreed to create a system of value that is the enemy of all of the beautiful things we want to do?
The paragraphs above are from Charles Eisenstein’s presentation, “Sacred Economics, money, the gift, and society in the age of transition.”
In this interview we covered the underlying causes of our current economic difficulties including the need for an attitude change about money, and the system, and how these both need changing.
Money is not a neutral energy. It has ‘scarcity’ built into it. It creates endless growth of the economy because more money needs to be created in order to support the growth.
We are not only reaching growth limits but we are reaching spiritual ones. There is a psychic limit to the cost of impoverishment of life when everything is effectively converted into money.
Charles answers questions on some of the most hopeful trends he sees today; his vision for a new economy; the key to transitioning to sacred economics; and what can we do in our communities to contribute to a new economy.
On speaking about the new POTUS, Trump, Charles says that almost anything could happen in the US, including government breakdown, and creating a new constitution, or even extreme scenarios such as break away states,
You can find Charles’ bio on his web site :
This interview was sponsored by The Awareness Party
As many of you know Bruce Lipton is a world renowned author and a quantum - cellular biologist that takes evolution to the next level.
He offers the concept that the cell is a microcosm of the human body that we can understand how a cell works (one of the 50 trillion in our body) by making analogies with how a body works.
With all the magnificent machinery that we call the human body, there is no new function that's present in your human body that's not already present in every single cell. You have a digestive system, a respiratory system, etc, - so does a cell.
The fact that we have become disconnected from our bodies has become legion as especially with Western males, who think they are bullet proof and abuse their bodies trusting that Western medicine will revive them with a cure to carry on.
That the human body can also be seen as a microcosm of our planet is another example of our connectivity. Our body is composed of air, water and earth minerals - so is our planet. That a human blood system is 3.5% salt - so are our oceans. Our body has a respiratory system, our planet has an atmospheric system. Our body has acupuncture meridians - our planet has ley lines. http://ancientexplorers.com/blog/ley-lines/
However Bruce opens up in this interview by saying that we humans have to take note – that though scientists have been mentioning it for some time now – the hard cold fact is that our planet is into the 6th major species collapse – that as we have massively increased our population and ecological footprint, especially in the last 150 years– we have not recognised where this is leading us, and continually fail to heed the warning signs.
What science is increasingly becoming more shrill about is that the present loss of species is 1,000 times greater than the back-ground loss. Which means there are always losses, but these are infinitesimal because 2,000 years ago we would have had only about 500 million people max – living without machinery and technology. Now we are approaching gigantism - where with 7.5 billion human beings we are in many ways infesting the organism that supports us.
Our planet, Mother Earth.
Now why would Bruce be bringing this to our attention, having written 3 bestselling books that have accentuated the possibility that we humans can evolve stupendously fast to become profoundly aware that we can - with much inner change and reflection - become super conscious planetary beings. To choose to wake up to the reality of what’s happening and evolve a ‘new knowingness’ based on cooperation and shared responsibility.
He also mentions how the bio-web, or the web of life that embraces and underpins the biosphere is starting to show signs of imminent collapse … The great coral reefs that are bleaching globally as well as the fast approaching collapse of the ocean fisheries - that we are ignoring at the peril of our children.
This rapidly approaching fisheries collapse is scheduled to hit by around 2048.
Yes we have heard it all before – yet now we have a seasoned voice articulating the urgency. Someone who has a deep understanding of the evolutionary process and its downside.
Coral reef bleaching, he says is like, when we see life as a pyramid – everything at a lower level is built upon supporting everything at other levels above it. So if we drop out the lower level, then everything that it is holding up – drops out all the higher levels including us humans – and at present it is about to fall and collapse.
Geologist studying time periods call this the Anthropocene age.
Anthropocene age is about humans … and what they are noticing is that the atmosphere, the water and the land is being altered by we humans - it’s being called the human interference phase … which we are seeing in all the climatic / weather changes – bottom line we are facing the extinction of the human culture. This has also been induced by the thousand of atomic bomb tests, plastic pollution and massive deforestation of tropical forests, soot from power stations, concrete, and even the bones left by the global proliferation of the domestic chicken were now under consideration. etc.
We have two choices.
The two choices are – to continue down the same road of growth at all costs towards extinction - and it’s looming fast – Science conservatively states by 2048 there will be no fish in our oceans - 2048 – just over 30 years … due to three things:-
Overfishing – destroying breeding grounds and polluting the water.
We have known this for a while yet no one has done anything.
What do we do … because we can not delay ….
The other choice …
Bruce mentions the biological imperative and that it’s built into every living organism – that being ‘the drive to survive’ … all animals, birds, insects, fish - will flee if threatened and when we translate this to the human condition today we are witnessing a global response from people that to many of them - ‘it’s not going well’ and the gut response from increasing numbers of them, are now reacting - ‘knowing that something is going on’ and this is ‘the collective receptivity.’ We know that at heart we are going in the wrong direction and that at present we need two planet earths to support our consumer levels of extracting of vital resources, minerals, oils, wood vegetation .
So we now have a situation of ‘America First and Bruce posits the possibility that the USA will be the first to collapse and break its structure due to its leadership … With a major monkey wrench being thrown into the system and waking people up everywhere - that everything is essentially dysfunctional!
The ‘new President of America’ is precipitating an evolutionary change – forcing people to push for change to a more evolved state .
But when positive fights a negative – they cancel each other out and Bruce mentions the metaphor of – using a positive wire and a negative wire - put them together and you get sparks and fire and you end up with a loss - loss situation.
We can go out against something and cancel our energy or instead coalesce our positive energy and ‘be for something.’
We can do fear and fight or flight or we can do GROWTH.
1% of disease can be attributed to a genetic issues … the rests are essentially psychological and what we are programmed with from the outside world. Plus of course environmental considerations. Coughs colds influenza, malaria etc (seen 14 minutes 53 seconds into the interview after the introduction).
‘We are the environment’ – the Judeo Christian bible says that first there was an environment and then humans were dropped into the environment – but we grew and evolved out of the environment … we do not have domain over nature – we are nature ….
So when we are chopping down the environment we are chopping away at ourselves because we are an extension of the environment. Self destruction and self sabotage are synonymous in our current paradigm and the resulting stress is a psychological issue.
So where we are currently at - is that we are inducing our own evolution. That we have caused our own ‘evolutionary driver’ - in the words of Barbara Marx Hubbard - to force ourselves to evolve to the next evolutionary level.
This is where Bruce’s book ‘Spontaneous Evolution’ presents us with a blueprint to advance conscious choices and make the jump to a new paradigm.
In its 2016 July 7 issue the leading scientific journal, Nature, published a remarkable essay by Richard Conn Henry, professor in the department of physics and astronomy at Johns Hopkins University. The essay ran under this rubric:
"The Universe is immaterial-mental and spiritual. Live, and enjoy." As unusual as such an essay may be for a major scientific journal, what really interests us is that prominent physicists have been making statements not far removed from this for several decades, arguing, for example, that consciousness is a fundamental aspect of the physical world. And yet, right into our own day biologists, for example, have continued speaking as if the rock-bottom reality of the world consisted of little mechanistic devices of one sort or another. This is clearly the picture that philosopher Daniel Dennett has in mind when he tells us that evolution occurs by means of "mindless and mechanical" processes.
However beyond the quantum level, possibility is rich in potential and Bruce has been breaking into new realms in this arena for well over a decade.
Children get programmed by the age of 7 that 70% of their upbringing is disempowering, self sabotaging and limiting. We need a new enlightened program that adeptly shifts the focus away from duality with a better choice of vernacular.
Can’t, won’t, shouldn’t - the usual suspects can be re-honed to offer other wiser word choices - so that instead of the child by the age of 5 experiencing hundred of versions of no, stop keep quite, you can’t do that, you shouldn’t go there, you won’t succeed - we get in along side them and offer them other ways at going forward. Have you endeavoured to see it this way? Have you heard of …? This is a way that I have succeeded in. etc
This is Bruce at his enthusiastic best - even when dealing with the overwhelming challenges that are facing us as a species. The aim for Bruce is not to evolve the individual into a new Einstein - but to evolve the race - the human race and we are running out of time and space to gift our children a healthy balanced and bountiful planet. - we are on the precipice!
Bruce then gives us a pointer.
When it comes to the Matrix the movie - if you still have a video store, you will find it in the Science Fiction shelves – Ahhhh Bruce says … actually ‘it’s a documentary!’ - yes that’s right! – a documentary! We are in the matrix now and we have been programmed and the program is that of limitation.
If we wake up we can make an evolutionary jump!
This is Bruce in the flow - he states what is imperative and he articulates it in an entertaining way.
Possibilities await us - all we need to do is courageously question more, knowing that ‘we are also spiritual beings having an earth experience’ and that we have not only entered the quantum field we have always been embedded in it, but not known it. - That everything is consciousness as per Bruce’s recently joining Tom Campbell - in that we are all extensions of ‘the Greater Consciousness’ that Tom, a physicists - so adeptly explains.
We are the change and the sooner we embrace it wholeheartedly the sooner this extended profundity will shine into our life, bringing with it a far deeper appreciation of existence as well as a widening smile to our countenance.
An enjoyable interview with Bruce Lipton - quantum trooper and metaphysical teacher.
Tom Campbell Part Two of his cultural tour of New Zealand
Tom Campbell PhD - from the US has an impressive career in applied physics. Having worked in military intelligence, reverse-engineering foreign technology, as well as in missile defence, including working on huge engineering projects for NASA - the US space agency - up until very recently.
Tom was brought up and graduated in science within the mainstream university system and then by chance found himself living only 45 minutes drive from a person called Robert Monroe. Monroe had been experiencing situations where he would randomly shift his awareness to where it would be outside of his body and he would be ‘on the outside looking in’ and able to float and project his awareness to different locations.
This has had some people labelling it soul travel, astral travel or plain ‘out of the body experiences’ and Monroe could not understand it. So he looked for some young scientists grounded in reality who had been basically educated that we live in a soulless and mechanistic world and that we are only a body with a mind that is inside the brain.
Monroe, who had now spent a lot of time experiencing these differing states of being of - out of the body - and shifting his consciousness to other realms cut a deal with Tom and the other scientist. “Study what I do and make sense of it in a scientific context and I will show you how to do what I do.” This started a relationship right up until Monroe’s death. https://www.monroeinstitute.org
In this interview Toms says that at a subatomic level below the quantum reality we have to understand that everything is at its most basic level - is Consciousness.
That Consciousness in turn is basically information and where does this information come from? – It turns out that consciousness - is an information system and we humans are individuated units of consciousness (like you and I).
We are chunks of consciousness that share information. That’s what you do if you are an information system – so we pass information back and forth. As animated chunks of consciousness – we are aware – we know what we are doing - but, what about this physical reality – what is it here for?
This is where I mention :
The four basic forces of nature are gravity, the strong force, the weak force, and the electromagnetic force. The theory of general relativity explains gravity, and quantum mechanics explains the other three forces. Right now, no one theory that everyone accepts can explain all four forces.
String theory is a theory that could become the "theory of everything”.
And questions like?
So there is so much to the makeup of reality.
What’s its purpose? And the logic goes like this … If you are an information system - you have to continually reduce entropy … entropy is a scientific word that is a measure of disorder. Entropy has a way of just happening – like things have a way of … like decaying, falling apart – things tend to become unorganised. Disorganisation happens over time – it just naturally does that even eventually those molecules will breakdown - that’s called Newton’s 2nd Law of the Thermodynamics it says the entropy always increases, that taken to its final conclusion has - from the scientific mind set - that if we wait long enough our universe will end up only with hydrogen atoms and elementary particles - that is what science says that this is what will be left - as everything will disintegrate.
However when we units of consciousness realise that we must slow down entropy we can consciously come together in a growing mass of shared consciousness and make a choice – follow the path of love or go down the path of fear. However, when the individual units of consciousness care about each other, are cooperative - they share – it’s about service to the greater whole - it is not about self.
Fear on the other hand is that you trust no one, it is all about self and you are always protecting your back. Because everyone is looking to take your piece of the pie. However even in these situations they may strategically come together to group and then start to plunder the ones that are alone – then they may work together to corner the market – (so to speak) and with them having turf wars it finally ends up with conglomerates merging together. That when we see what’s happening today with the giant mega complexes – corporate raiding etc and what has happened on Wall St, in the USA - we see the down side of reality not serving the whole.
Where as the units that work together we have more trust – goodwill, shared success and growth and creativity. Like how can I help you – how can I help to better the whole. Which side is the better to involve yourself with? Especially for the future of children and it has to be the love side. The logical conclusion is that if you are an information system you want to survive – you need to lower entropy – the best way to do that is through cooperation it’s through being - Love. Caring about others.
Also covered is the feed back mechanisms - consequences, learning … and we are in a entropy reduction trainer for consciousness – just like pilots go to an inflight trainer to learn how to fly an airliner. Whereas we are also in a simulation - a virtual reality and Tom sees it as our mission to become love. To decrease the entropy of our individual consciousness and by doing so we reduce the entropy of the whole consciousness system – and we are a part (albeit small) here to evolve the larger consciousness system and to keep evolving …
Tom also states that Relativity and Quantum Mechanics can not work together at the level it is endeavouring to be understood. But when you see everything from a standpoint of consciousness being embedded in virtual reality - you are able to pull it all together.
See the double slit experiment.
This shows that our reality is not materialistic and not deterministic – it is probabilistic and particles don’t really exist – there is potential particles that obey the laws of probability – and that is how this world works .
Tom has devised 6 experiments that he wants University physics departments or any institute world-wide that do research on things that are ‘impossible’ as in minor miracles as they crack open the old thought form and bring through a new reality of possibility and that consciousness is behind it all.
What is happening today is the emerging consciousness that has been seen to be on the fringes of science and reality is now moving very quickly to the centre.
This interview covers with Tim bring up other subject matter bush as:
Timothy Leary coming on stage in Los Angeles in 1988 and telling the audience that we are totally surrounded by information. That we decode this information and make sense of it. He was an early up taker of seeing everything as being bits of information and data and frame it in those words
Captain Edgar Mitchell 6th Man on the moon –of The Noetic Sciences was also at the same Expo where he mentioned he had had synchronised experiments with telepathy between him whilst on the moon and people here on earth and the results were very promising.
Tom says that throughout most of the universities today, any with a strong Physics Department you will find up to 20 - 30 % of the all physicists there, will be saying we want to look far more deeply into virtual reality and consciousness. Because that is where our next evolutionary step is taking us.
Today at Cern in Switzerland they are now looking at electrons as having the properties of charge and the properties of mass - thats the way you represent an electron in a computer – it’s a point with the attributes of mass and the attributes of charge – if they look at an electron that way – there math will predict correctly how experiments come out. If they think of it as a little chunk of mass with a charge – they can’t get the right answer – because it’s just information and their experiments will not come out correctly. This is where we are today.
Also mentioned in this conversation is NZer Brian http://brianwhitworth.com/ from Massey university who too is on the leading edge of the consciousness revolution – talking up ‘virtual reality’ very early in this millennium.
Covering mystics talking about reality from Shri Aurabindo to the Buddha seeing that this reality is illusionary – and Tom says this is about as close to saying that the reality we live in is as close to as you can get - to saying that this is a virtual reality.
Yes, mystics have understood this, for millennia and it is available because we are an individuated unit of consciousness and we can have unlimited access to this … because the internet has connected us into one simultaneous web of interrelationship.
That virtual reality is also sub set of something larger and must have behind it a greater consciousness – and when we surrender more and get out of our intellect and into our intuitive field – we see a larger consciousness as well as the wholesale emergence of spirituality and love making itself known.
Also covered
Holon’s Arthur Koestler that everything is nested in another archetypal system.
This can be demonstrated in the holarchic relationship (subatomic particles ↔ atoms ↔ molecules ↔ macromolecules ↔ organelles ↔ cells ↔ tissues ↔ organs ↔ organisms ↔ communities ↔ societies) where it expands …
Eco systems ↔ biosphere ↔ planetary ↔ solar system ↔galactic ↔ universal ↔ multiverse ?
each holon is a "level" of organisation, and all are ultimately descriptive of the same set (e.g., a particular collection of matter). The top can be a bottom, a bottom can be a top, and, like a fractal, the patterns evident at one level can be similar to those at another.
That had Alfred Russell Wallace been able to get his theory of evolution out to the world before Charles Darwin it would have shown far more cooperation within nature where animals and plants found certain non confrontational niches. Our culture today would not be so programed as in this - semi dog eat dog program we have been inculcated with.
This is how Elisabet Sahtouris sees a differing kind of evolution.
Internationally known as a dynamic speaker and media personality, Dr. Sahtouris is an evolution biologist, futurist, professor, author and consultant on Living. Show’s that within evolution there is a lot of co operation.
Brucelipton.com Bruce too signals that cooperation within nature is seen to be a way through for the human race to solve its many challenges
Covering minerals evolving from 12 major minerals not long after the big bang to 4,000 plus today.
Civilisations evolving and devolving especially when there is fear involved.
Unity Consciousness:
Using the information that Tom is bringing here to NZ and spreading it across the nation - through fibers of light across the web that covers our country – to stimulate peoples interest in unity consciousness – and that we are seen as important energy bundles expressing our inter-connectiveness and aspirations for a far better future for all biota and in particular our children and grandchildren …
Tom mentions that we can not achieve it appropriately from the intellect – we must move our understanding down to our chest cavity and that is has to be fully embraced and felt from the heart – if we really want to initiate the much needed change that at soul level we have all been calling for.
Tim mentions that we are nearing what Teihard de Chardin the Jesuit Priest (that did not find favour from Rome) called an Omega point – where at heart we as a humanity transform into a type of global group mind where we retain our own identity yet are able to surrender into a greater consciousness …
And that this momentum that we are in at present - is in Toms’ words – our destiny as a humanity.
The larger consciousness can also for reference – be called God, the Divine, Source, the Creator and we are an integral part of it. This larger consciousness system is also finite, (which I Tim found is a very interesting statement) its not perfect, it’s a real system that is evolving. It’s not a done thing - it’s an evolving system.
By expressing it this way – that is is a larger consciousness - it misses some of the dogma that we have either been programed with or held too zealously in our thought process.
This way you do not get tied to the dogma, nor the ritual. The larger conscious system just keeps on evolving so as long as it keeps on growing it will be eternal – making us as eternal too - this is a cosmic win win – forever - and is our destination.
The Universe is immaterial — mental and spiritual. Live, and enjoy, - states Richard Conn Henry, Professor of Physics and Astronomy at The Johns Hopkins University, Maryland