
GreenplanetFM Podcast

Dedicated to interviewing leading edge experts, practitioners in their field, and people who are living examples of sustainability. Covers environmental subject matter that is not readily discussed in depth in mainstream media.
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Now displaying: October, 2018
Oct 25, 2018

We only had 55 minutes to cover such a vast subject as there are many varying species in NZ. Having the largest number of different sea birds on earth - around our shores.

The number of introduced birds into NZ are many, including vagrants and migrants and the total number comes up to 435 different species. A vagrant is a bird that unexpectedly shows up – like the Laughing Gull that breeds on the prairies of the mid Western states of North America. Last year found in Opotiki in the Bay of Plenty.

NZ is the seabird capital of the world. 1/3 of seabird species on earth, visit or breed in our region

NZ albatross numbers are the highest on earth

NZ fairy tern now with only 40 in existence

51 NZ birds have gone extinct over time

Some Aotearoan birds may have become extinct due to disease from an introduced bird species.  

Yet, we have not had an extinction of an endemic bird since 1970  - of the Bush Wren

Kakapo flightless parrot numbers are 154 after dropping to about 45.

The Chatham Island Black Robin went down to a total of 5 birds and yet it recovered with adept human management  - now 250 - though - problems with diversity due to a small DNA base.

Little spotted kiwi – (only about 1900 birds now) where once there could have been millions.

There are 5 species on Kiwi plus various subspecies

That wild ducks can fly over 1000 kilometres and more.   

This is a good information - too much to list here so I encourage you to listen to this interesting interview as to what’s happening in NZ, what birds are increasing and decreasing - about offshore island sanctuaries, what pests are having to be dealt with and other ways about getting New Zealanders to become far more interested and involved.

Especially in how birds and their morning sound welcome the new day, and assist us with insect control, scattering seed and pollinating flowers.

Oct 17, 2018

With stress, depression and health issues nearly becoming the norm in our 21st century contemporary society - ‘there is fortunately another way out.’ This is by taking a sacred journey into the very being of nature, where it begins with stepping out of our daily routines, strict plans, work and ‘to do’ lists, allowing space for the great mystery to be our guide.

Osher River Oriyah is an intuitive healer, author, storyteller, performing artist, and early childhood specialist based on Waiheke Island. Michael Fleck is co-founder of Good Company Pacific Cultural Journeys.

Why do people go on retreats, pilgrimages, hikoi, and sacred journeys?  What is it that calls them and beckons them to step onto the sacredness of this path of the natural world and into places for deep healing and inner peace. A safe place, where we recover our essential joy and purpose, and at the same time, activate the healing of our mother planet? Yet more so, that behind the filmiest of screens awaits yet another world, and the question - who are our ‘hidden’ companions?

Osher who originally comes from Israel in many ways a desert country, went to the US and there met with Native American women who changed her perception about life – from the standpoint of recognising the natural world – where nature was alive!  And where nature held a key to her wellbeing, happiness and joy.

That also inside her she became aware of a great teacher that connected with her spiritual unfoldment within the new paradigm of love and unity. This being based on moving away from fear and into love whilst living in a day to day existence.

Michael – originally from the US, previously had taken Hawaiian elders and kahunas to Rarotonga for a Pacifica festival – and that it shaped his wanting to do the same through Aotearoa, by taking people out of the ordinary – beyond our everyday perceptions and intuitively tune into the vastness of natures process. To make a connection to this country and to see the natural beauty as being sacred. In particular, working with the group dynamics of everyone in that group ‘having an intention’ to want to ‘be together’ and be in a mindful state - to see and experience the sacred in everything. Thus lifting one’s state of being and allow one to ‘feel’ the subtle energies that most of us miss, that yet have always been embedded in nature’s beauty.  

That the participants over time during these journeys, in melting into nature, become inevitably transformed in mysterious ways and shifts their awareness to realise a spiritual connection especially to the land and mother earth.  Hence they are called sacred journeys. Nurturing us in a supportive group setting – all intent in growing their inner capacity to love and express newly realised joy.

Michael - In setting the field states; there are both man made energy fields and natural fields that surround us and a sacred journey is one where we step into the natural field of energies and for a small window in time, bathe our being in bird songs, insects sound, whispering waters and fragrant blossom scents.
He mentions insect sounds like crickets chirping when slowed down to the same correlation of a human life to a cricket’s life - time wise – the sounds of those crickets sound like angelic music. Gary Cook’s ‘soft wired’ up trees, emit much melodic like sound, too.

That we are totally surrounded by information 360 degrees and are inundated by the information age too, but we are missing out on the elemental kingdom.

Osher - Talks of her sacred journey into the unseen, that when she removed herself from the day to day basics of ordinary life and stepped over the threshold into the realm of the elemental world. Her journey was one of healing post traumatic stress from her mind to finally enter the heart and it open up a connection to become more at one to nature via the sacredness of this journey. Dropping out of the mundane – all her beliefs that she had - created fell away.

Osher tells of her connection to the elemental kingdom and what the Aotearoan maori call the Patupaiarehe or Tūrehu the fairy folk – listen

Of karakia - prayer, is very important to do when – visiting sacred trees, rivers, power points, situations, views, beaches, portals, and intuitively breaking out into singing spontaneous song.

In the shade of a giant kauri and having reverence for the forest giant Osher said she was told that the reason why the kauri’s were dying is because ‘the humans species vision is dying’ – due to disconnection from the grandeur and magnificence of nature and her exquisite beauty.

Michael - “We can empty ourselves of all that contemporary culture pours into us, and in that emptiness, we recognise the everpresent subtle rhythms and songs of the natural world, bathing us in refreshing innocence and delight.”

This is exceptionally important to acknowledge, as we need to soften and allow a warm and curious innocence to take place.

Osher - yes! And open to more play and playfulness – having been born in Israel, with its conflicts – Osher’s journey – finally into nature here in NZ softened and healed her heart and it softened to where she is now engaging with natures unfoldment and sharing this awareness with journeys into the natural realm of the forests, rivers and sacred places throughout NZ.

Seriousness has fallen away to be replaced with joy and laughter

Osher tells story of her contact with the elementals in Coromandel and that they save two songs with her  - Listen

In today’s world intuition has been replaced by thinking – the so called left brain – that is very linear and focused on detail such as measuring and quantifying, where as the intuitive opens us wider to a greater vision plus poetic inspiration …

Osher talks about the healing virtues of nature, of Gaia (Mother Earth) and from her previous challenges coming out of war torn Israel – that if she can through nature and song, heal her being - she openly states - that anyone can – all they need to do is take that journey into the natural realm, into the garden again. We just have to have faith that we can heal our being and once again find our heart and that when caressed by nature’s symphony of outrageous beauty – healing can take place for joy to burst forth – we  … just need to take that leap!

She mentions her up and coming sacred journey through the Coromandel that people can join. Plus the wisdom from the plant kingdom and plant medicine, that can be learnt along the way.

A Sacred Journey into Native Plant and Song Medicine

                                         November 7-11, 2018

5 different gifted people, giving 5 half day workshops over 5 days

Come and step out into the unknown ...

Contact:    Michael :
        Osher - FB - Inner Spring Or Healing Quest Coromandel

Oct 11, 2018

Last century, NZ became the first major country to become Nuclear Free. Thanks to the work of dedicated activists supported by thousands of ordinary New Zealanders we are still essentially GE & GMO Free today, too.

Can we quickly mobilise the populace, especially loving mothers, so as to empower all district councils, towns and cities nationwide to enact laws against the rollout of 5 G wireless networks?

The propaganda war is increasing exponentially as financially flush Telcos, like Spark, Vodafone and 2 Degrees - ‘spin’ the benefits of streaming nonstop media to our smartphones and target our unknowing youth.

All the while they are saturating the environment and us with intensifying frequencies from ubiquitous cell phone towers…Now they are planning to place new more powerful radiation-emitting “small cells” around 250 metres apart in our cities and towns.

Yet, we have not been told of the ‘health benefits' - as there are none!

On the contrary, knowledgeable scientists and health professionals have been warning us against this coming technology as the wireless industry has migrated from 1G to 2G to 3G and 4G. .

Now “Big Wireless” wants to introduce 5G and flood our neighbourhoods with even more wireless radiation whilst at the same time cancer and ill effects keep escalating countrywide. This is also now slowly overwhelming NZ’s ‘free’ national health system.

No, this is not a scare tactic - do the research yourself.

150 years ago - there was no microwave radiation other than extremely low levels from the sun and an occasional pulsar in space - coming in from millions of light years away.

Now we are metaphorically wading through a jelly of accelerating magnitude of microwaves and other artificial forms of electromagnetic radiation - and the general health and wellbeing of the populace has not been taken into consideration.

Nor has the health of nature, the biota within the biosphere such as animals and especially your pets, your cats and dogs - plus insects, bees and all trees and plants.

Where is the scientific evidence proving that this latest technology is safe?

It is known (listen to the interview) that the telecommunications industry along with broadcasting - be it TV or radio and in particular the relationship to ‘smart’ phones – had a huge amount of influence in the development of the current standards in NZ as to what sort of level of microwave and other wireless radiation is acceptable and where cellular phone infrastructure can be sited.

There was negligible input from people who were advocates for ‘human health’ involved in the process of setting NZ’s current standards.

This was an ‘inside’ job, almost completely focussed on how it would benefit the telecommunications industry and profits. What this means that essentially no consideration to ‘due diligence’ or ‘the precautionary principle’ was taken in relation to biological life - meaning we humans!

So how do we relay this information to ordinary New Zealanders when we realise that MSM, mainstream media, the Fourth Estate have reneged on their duties to inform you the public.

Well, just like the many loving mothers and concerned ordinary New Zealanders back in the 1980’s who did not want to be targeted in a nuclear war between the USA and the Soviet Union - when we had no say what so ever in the matter other than we were obliged to go and do whatever America decreed.

So thoughtful New Zealanders became activated and banded together over tea and coffee and gatherings or all manner of situations to convince local council, boroughs, towns and eventually city councillors to enact Nuclear Free Zones across the whole country.

That finally when around 105 councils across the nation representing about 76% of the electorate happened, it gave the mandate to David Lange, Prime Minister of the 4th Labour Government to make NZ - ‘Nuclear Free NZ.’ And be a beacon of peace to the world.

This continues to be followed up in relation to becoming a GE and GMO Free country as well. With Hastings/Napier becoming GE Free, and all of Northland now becoming the largest GE Free area in New Zealand.

However we have arrived at a crunch time.

The previous NZ National Government in realising that people power was still prevalent and that GE Free activists were writing submissions, signing petitions and attending meetings and gatherings to advise and invigorate local Councils - that ordinary citizens did not want this unhealthy biotech in their regions.

The Government took action. They decided to keep ‘control’ of the narrative by endeavouring to usurp the power of local councils, towns and cities from governing their own local areas and regions. The Government wanted to prohibit councils from passing by-laws banning GE and GMO’s. Fortunately the High Courts of the land sided with the Councils.

However, we cannot be at all sure how the present Government will react to such a powerful global technology that is omnipresent and in everyone’s lives.

Why? Because (with the exception of putting out a consultation which appears to have been basically intended to elicit feedback from the telecommunications industry) they have remained deathly silent all of this year!

So the game plan is to share this information as much as possible especially texting this to family members and talk about this at the table, when hanging out with friends - because there is an imperative for New Zealanders to come together, share, cooperate and collaborate and start the movement to make NZ a 5G Free Country.

There is a 5G information website for NZ which is

Oct 4, 2018

The pivotal story around Transhumanism is between those who believe in a soul or a spiritual connection to those who are essentially atheists and believe that once we die we exist no more.  Hence the need for people who do not want to die and cease forever, is that they continue their life by endeavoring to shift their consciousness into a machine or robot.

This interview neatly intersects with last weeks interview with Roy Harlow on Artificial Intelligence - AI - so if you enjoy this interview - you will really get a hit from Roys powerful interview.

This is one version of how Transhumanism is perceived:

The Transhumanist agenda is more than just Artificial Intelligence (AI), or robots taking over human jobs, or transgender restrooms at public facilities to accommodate an ever growing push for uniformity among the masses.

Transhumanism is Posthumanism. It is humanism with the optimism taken out, a movement that advocates for the transformation and the “advancement of humanity through technology” that runs the gamut from nanotechnology to AI. This paradigm is not limited to gadgets and medicine but also molds social, economic, cultural, institutional design, language, and the psyche.

To be clear, Transhumanism is a manufactured endpoint to human evolution…

Rosanne Lindsay, ND

This is the Technocratic viewpoint:

Transhumanism is a way of thinking about the future that is based on the premise that the human species in its current form does not represent the end of our development but rather a comparatively early phase.

Transhumanism is a loosely defined movement that has developed gradually over the past two decades.

Transhumanism is a class of philosophies of life that seek the continuation and acceleration of the evolution of intelligent life beyond its currently human form and human limitations by means of science and technology, guided by life-promoting principles and values.

Max More (1990)

The conjoining of man and machine?

Today’s technologies are becoming so much part of our daily life, many futurists and technologists see a time when humans will merge with machines, or is it that machines will merge with humans?  We already have heart pacemakers, artificial knees, ear pieces, teeth implants etc, whilst the list becomes longer each year.

So the gulf between “human” and “machine” is closing. Machine learning has enabled virtual reality to feel more “real” than ever before, and AI’s  replication of processes that were once confined to the human brain is ever-improving. Both are bringing technology into ever-closer proximity with the human body.

Bringing in Balance?

Regarding the human condition, there is a lot of focus placed on basic computational skills of our left frontal lobes - but it needs to be balanced by emotional intelligence which is part of our intelligence and in more common parlance our heads and hearts have to be working together - and that is true intelligence

What is Soul and what is Consciousness?

So, what is soul and what is consciousness? We need to extend this debate - hugely - what is the primacy of consciousness to the extent - is consciousness all there is?  That beneath the subatomic realm into the quantum field - does this connect at the deepest level into - consciousness? Sir Arthur Eddington said, ‘the stuff of the universe is mind stuff’ whilst Sir James Jeans said; ‘the universes was one great thought.”  

Robin mentions that we also need to consider that our intelligence also involves compassion, care and love and it is so important as we embark in this new era of the computerised realm and that we must not lose our humanity - which is hugely important for our survival as a species and our planet’s  survival as a habitat for biota, but we also have a responsibility of guardianship - as well as for our flora and fauna - and that is only sensible because they look after us.`

‘Out of the body” and “near death” experiences confirm that humans have a detachable consciousness. (Soul Travel?)

‘Out of the body’ and ‘near death' experiences are now experienced by more and more people  (as the world population expands)

We have to cover the important information of ‘near death’ and ‘out of the body experiences.’ as the information that the experiencer relays, after the event is incontrovertible There is now ample data on people from all cultures and all walks of life experiencing looking down at their bodies, be it a sports field, a car crash, a heart attack or stroke or being operated on in a hospital. The question then who is that ‘I’?

That from a standpoint of soul or a spiritual body signifies that even the non material or non corporeal body can ‘not only see, but remember as well.’

See Dr’s Raymond Moody, Kenneth Ring and Elizabeth Kubler-Ross. Who have spent their life times researching this astounding subject. Then from the doubters viewpoint - that all people who say such things is that they were hallucinating and that the mind is playing tricks on them. Even though the people who were looking down on their bodies remember very clearly all the very concerned conversations that were happening as the doctors frantically worked at keeping their body alive. Telling them afterwards what exclamations were said and what particular actions and even mistakes were made. That upon ‘coming back’ - come out of it and they know it was ‘ Not time for them' - and they also never fear death as being the end.

After experiencing these paranormal events, they become infused with compassion as well as a knowingness that will never allow them to doubt - and that life after death is a certainty.

The ‘Precautionary Principle’

If we are going to be ‘smart’ about all this - we need to be cautious as to how machines ‘blend’ with humans - if that’s the right word says Robin. What about purpose, compassion and intent - what does it feel to be full and feel joy and fulfilment? Do we through our unknowingness allow certain things to filter into our consciousness - our ordinary day awareness - and conversely what are we finding out and also letting in. Are we conduits or walking antennae? Many mystics would agree.

Like when we are asleep or meditating. What are the processes? Like at one end of the colour spectrum we have infrared and the other end - ultraviolet - animals and insects perceive certain colours and hear certain sounds that are of a different frequency - yet we humans cannot.

So as we embark into augmenting what it is to be human into machines - we humans may be so unknowing especially of what is life and the ‘feelings’ of what it is to live, to have children and to die  That this all may be sublimated by the workings of an austere stark, machine intelligence.

The Transhuman Perspective

Covering Ray Kersweil of Google as one of the more out there proponents of Trans humanism - and his statement is about the great coming ‘singularity’ where computer intelligence will completely leapfrog/bypass human intellect and capabilities.  

Breakthroughs in biological engineering are coming so fast we can’t predict how they will develop going forward. Crispr, a new type of gene editing technology is transforming our ability to design and edit the genome, was completely unanticipated; experts thought it was impossible ... until it wasn’t. Next-generation gene sequencing is decreasing in price, far faster than Moore’s Law for processors. In many ways, bioengineering is moving faster than computing. Today most promising of nine broad approaches to mortality and aging are genome stability, telomere extension, epigenetics, proteostasis, caloric restriction, mitochondrial research, cell senescence, stem cell exhaustion, and intercellular communication. So with Silicon Valley awash with ideas and scenarios  - especially how to integrate nanotechnology into the human body, you can see the artificial excitement of Transhumanism as tantalising for those who either don’t believe in soul, or those that just want to tinker and make fast, big money.

The philosophical ramifications are huge with this current momentum of the fusion of science, technology with biological processes. However, will it be one we sincerely trust that will address societal inequities, the retention of the richness and diversity of our natural systems and indigenous cultures, rather than the somewhat simple and sterile dysfunctional futures depicted by many science fiction writers and futurists. We have to recognise that our navel, our belly button connects us to the magic of the past of spiralling DNA, the family tree and the lineage of species  and not only celebrate our diversity within nature - but to honour it and reconnect with the sacred in all of this. All the way back to the accreting gases and cosmic dust to the molten metals of an early forming Mother earth and before that - to stardust and the big bang, the so called ‘source of it all.’

5 G the Fifth Generational Wireless and Computer Network Technologies

5 G Wifi comes up again as a major component and enabler to AI and robots by numbers - allied to the internet of all things  - working on wavelengths in millimetres - needing antenna and relay stations every 50 metres or so - outside everyone’s house - connecting everything to everything - driverless cars totally under control - all ambulances given right of way and it is all under control. But, if you are a suspect - the driverless car could, upon a command, lock all the doors and windows and drive you to the local police station.

However with 5 G as most people have smartphones, we are all tracked and could be ‘corrected’ remotely - and sadly even our brain waves monitored. Yet, a spin will be put on all this to tell us how very helpful this technology is going to be. First the hand hold phone, then the glasses and the watch - then the body suit and finally the tiny implant under our skin. The ubiquitous use and interface with these technologies is going to be everywhere.

Meanwhile quantum theory entanglement - that every thing in theory is connected within the universal - or background field, is omnipresent yet little understood, is also present.

Back to 5 G - we will have faster download speeds - so that information is streaming in at us from all directions so that we find we are more than triangulated into a frequency storm of microwave data and information. So the health question is what effect is it having on our bodies?

But let’s have the discussion - let’s open this whole story of trans humanism and 5 G as they are essentially all connected - and bring all the information to the world public.

Transhumanists, virtually all being atheistic - see the total zenith - the hopeful evolutionary capacity - as being held in our heads and our brains. (note that the heart brain and the gut brain are definitely not included in this equation.)    

The Heart's Intuitive Intelligence: A path to personal, social and global coherence

Eastern Philosophies and Acupuncture

Robin talks about the process of emotions etc plus the Eastern philosophies and understanding of the human body - being energetic first and material second - like in acupuncture, that is connected by hidden meridians that Western Science still has huge difficulties with. That through meditation - and getting our brain out of the way - allows our creativity to come through.

That we need to be in a state of peace and compassion

Whereas transhumanists who do not appear to enter deep states of meditation and enter other deeper realms of consciousness - instead think that by marrying up to computer chips etc that by this technology - they will instead not miss out in other ‘aspects’ of life.  There is a wanting of more - before it is too late and they die - to then basically wipe their hard drive and end the program.

Another aspect is that in wanting to get people interested in this tech program is to have people dissatisfied with their life - to want more by way of a computer chip upgrade. And that sets the scene for addictive activities. See last weeks interview with Roy Harlow.

Hence the global encouragement for hand held machines and smart phones so that the youth become wedded to these technologies - so that they will not put them down - that they may pick them up hundreds of times a day - pearing in for a magic formula so as to find happiness and fulfilment.

Then you are convinced that you don’t need to hold it in your hand -and have it as glasses - i.e google glass, to Apple Watch on your skin and finally what about a little tiny implant - the size of a rice grain - that can hold huge amounts of information with heaps of up-loadable space - and if you do - you can receive benefits from certain other hi tech corporations - with big discounts to nightclubs and drinks or be able to jump the queue and get into a rock concert before most others. That may morph very quickly to rebates on home rates, no or lower charges for credit cards - all sort of methods to lure the unsuspecting into being chipped and unknowingly becoming like Manchurian candidates for the future.


Robin mentions that addictions are born daily out of loneliness and emptiness - we are never satisfied.  And it is the younger folk - who have missed out on any understanding of the great religions and spiritual teachings that will be targeted by AI and any compelling story about Transhumanism -  the selling point - ‘get it while it’s hot.”

All these scenarios.

The interview also covers Rupert Sheldrake and ‘phantom limbs’  and ‘feelings of being stared at from behind.’

5 G comes up again - many doctors are not satisfied that it is safe - whilst many professionals are relegating it to the field of not being important.  

We are not taking a precautionary - ‘first do no harm” - stand  - primum non nocere  

Is the Latin word that Doctors use.

It is the babies that will be the easily affected by 5 G plus Cats and dogs and bees to the bacteria on our skin.

5th Generation networks are a world wide deployment - being done nearly all at once

Cognitive dissidence on a massive scale is happening and an almost cult like behaviour ‘en masse’ is upon us. That we can impose this technology on our body and TOTALLY improve our lives as a result, is what we are being programmed with.

Robots are now in health systems in the UK talking to patients - devaluing the face to face communications between carer and patient.

Robin talks about ‘human inter-relations - as a doctor to a patient - and sharing a commitment to care - empathy.  However 5 G does penetrate the skin.

The proponents of 5 G say that it does not penetrate the skin very far - however they have a very poor understanding of the ecosystem off the human body - That our skin with billions of invisible bacteria covering us - and we are being irradiated from telephone towers 24/7  plus it is affecting our fertility.

Mothers Love comes up as well.

1984 and Brave New world - a fusion of these two stories is now taking place.  

Have a listen.

This article is not anti atheist per se - My parents were a cross between agnostics and atheists and they were very good, honest, warm, caring people. I have numerous atheistic associates and we by and large see eye to eye on many political, environmental and cultural issues. I interviewed James Lovelock of bringing to us the Gaia Hypothesis many years ago and he said that he was quite happy for his body to return to Mother Earth at the end of his life time, with no expectations of anything else. Tim