
GreenplanetFM Podcast

Dedicated to interviewing leading edge experts, practitioners in their field, and people who are living examples of sustainability. Covers environmental subject matter that is not readily discussed in depth in mainstream media.
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Now displaying: May, 2019
May 30, 2019

What they say they are doing - nobody can complain. But, what they are actually planning and what it means when you understand their point of view and their goals - you see that it is completely different than the ‘catch phrases’ they are using - especially when ‘they’ bring it forward to the peoples attention.

The whole gamut of Roy’s interview is that corporations and the elite, are in lockstep with big ‘global’ governance aim - to lure us, “we the people” - into ‘agreements.’

Agenda 21 which was in 9 parts has now morphed to Agenda 2030 - of 13 points - since 1992 and its signing by 178 countries at the Earth Summit (United Nations Conference on Environment and Development) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is being overseen by the  UN, other multilateral organizations, and individual governments around the world - that can be enacted at local, national, and global levels.

So essentially the agenda is looking at our planet earth and the whole biosphere to see what measures can be taken to stop pollution, the destruction of habitat, the halting of species extinction and the uncontrolled exploitation and extraction of non renewable resources everywhere. This includes the rampant use of bio-technology and dealing with radioactive waste.

So who could argue that these all need to be urgently addressed for the future of all children and grandchildren?  

Agenda 21 also focuses on population growth, poverty, health and the disenfranchisement of the poor. Indigenous peoples, women, NGO’s and their place in this Agenda, plus multinational corporations, farmers and communities from villages all the way up to now what we call super cities of the world.

Finally where does science fit into this mix?

The Document

Agenda 21 is a 350-page document divided into 40 chapters that have been grouped into 4 sections:[citation needed]

The interview starts with Roy immediately stating that this is not a people friendly agenda. That it is a depopulation agenda - he does not mince words. He emphatically states that the wording is so compelling that any ordinary person would only want to countenance such sentiment.  It reads well and sounds good - it appeals to common sense - but look at the deeper levels of it. Who is calling the shots?

So I ask him, what is it that he thinks/sees is problematic?

The word Sustainable

The big one he says is the word Sustainable - it is a word that can conjure up many different meanings.

A sustainable business is just one that is able to continue doing business for as long as it takes. Which every business  wants to do anyway.

You can have sustainable forests or a fishery, that you keep maintaining at a certain rate or level - but it’s only maintaining - where it needs to be regenerated - where it needs to be cherished as nature - not just using it as a resource.

The word sustainability has been superseded by the word Regeneration - as regeneration means to put back more. That there is an eternal component to it. Regeneration has an optimism and can also be seen as a sacred act.

Of replenishing nature, of giving back whole heartedly.

However Agenda 21 does not talk in terms of regeneration of the biosphere.

Energy and Energy Production.

Energy production today involves the largest planetary change that we have upon us and we are being held hostage by vested interests of the massive fossil fuel and oil cartel. They do not and will not budge an inch, from their extractive and polluting industrial ways.  They are controlling the agenda.

Big Oil & Fossil Fuel Thwart & Constrain - new energy systems.  

It is known that from leading edge physics and its point of view, you can receive more energy out than you put into a system - yet the status quo says - oh, the 'perpetual motion machine' - and they scoff and demonise this in total - including the inventors as well - there is a constant refusal to acknowledge that this is possible (listen to Alvin Crosby’s interview of two weeks ago, where he proved that it’s attainable with water).

So yes, ordinary everyday physics proves it’s possible. The whole universe is structured as 'an over unity device’ - the sun continues to put out endless amounts of energy. How can this be? So the whole science and the physics is showing us, that there are other equations.

See The Thrive Movie -

3 minute trailer. This tells us exceptionally clearly what the challenge is.

Roy states there are numerous desktop type ‘energy machines’ being produced - however he says the challenge is around scaling them up to be able to service the greater population. Yet, when someone does find the ‘over unity’ toroidal donut equation and produces a viable unit - they then go and patent it - because they inherently know that it’s very difficult to find that ‘unique mathematical combination.’ But, what invariably happens, that there at the patents office - this 'key global - nodal point’ - sitting in a very strategic ‘location’ are officials that are tasked to scrutinise all such 'gifts to humanity’ - where it then is essentially suppressed - usually with such hefty fees etc - and this has been happening since the 1930’s.

Yet, the Deep State for want of a far better word - control the narrative and the agenda - that is ... ‘don’t subvert or compete with the status quo!’

Roy mentions magnets and magnetism saying the energy behind what is magnetic - is a science that we know so little about - actions and reactions and forces and energies and that it is a ‘complete science’ - which we have in essence ignored. It works in tandem with gravity, electricity, it works into generation and yet magnetism is not taught!

Nikola Tesla is mentioned and his quote “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.

Invisible Forces

Roy says that this is a very important point - as it is invisible forces that are taking humanities lives away as of right now - in this era.

That science does not study and research the invisible is fraught with danger and in fact what we may think as toys are in actuality - weapons. With Roy emphasising that we have to learn and study these invisible forces and like every other thing in the universe, energy can be used for good or used for bad. He says we have had these invisible systems suppressed from our knowing. Yet covertly, ‘the powers that be’ are researching and advancing these technologies in secret and they are using them to help consolidate their power whilst using these technologies against us.

With Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 he asserts that inside these ’nice goals’ - and the ‘catch phrases’ they say - is how all their newly acquired advantages, are used against us. Though not mentioned in this interview - the plan to deploy 5 G wireless - was not the subject of Roy’s interview, he knows a huge amount about it - however he  had too many other subjects he wanted to speak to.

Microwaves are detrimental to biological beings.

He firmly said - that microwaves are not good for humans - end of story. No matter what level, what intensity, what frequency - microwaves are not good for human beings!

We today are immersed in them. ‘We are living in a microwave oven’ and now we have wifi all over us - with the addition of satellites above - following us … there are so many things that are impacting our life. All being on the invisible platform of vibratory and frequency impact - on our consciousness and our health. Look at today’s increasing health statistics.

Walter Russell -  unknown genius.

Another one of the invisibles comes up with Fukushima in Japan and the continuous belching into the Pacific Ocean of nuclear radiation still today. Roy mentions that Walter Russell and his wife Tao wrote a book in the 1950s called ‘Atomic Suicide’ about the impact of radiation and playing with the hidden building blocks of the Universe. In this book Walter Russell a poly math - stated that nuclear energy is wrong! That it creates a danger at every level that it is used. Listen

He mentions that ‘nuclear situations’ can appear where matter disassociates and starts to fall apart - because all of nature is based on balance - the dynamics of the atom - the electron and the neutron inside the atom etc. So the imperative is recognising that our science is running far ahead of our collective consciousness and this is why we today are in the disconnected un-peaceful situation we have on earth. Because ‘we’ the ordinary person doing life, have been separated away from the decision making process - and for some time.


Nikola Tesla to Walter Russell “lock up this (Cosmic) knowledge in a safe for 1,000 years until man is ready for it.”

With other facets of the Agenda 21

It was George Herbert Bush, ex head of the CIA who was Vice President of the US for 8 years and President for 4 years who initiated this document and signed off on it. Then Roy says that it was Margaret Evans, Mayor of Hamilton here in NZ who signed it and adopted it to make Hamilton a model city for Agenda 21.

He says that via the UN they have been altering, changing and controlling Hamilton from that time. It’s a model - an example city. Waitakere also signed it with Bob Harvey being the mayor - listen to my interview of him here:

Roy said that they were lured by the wording by the ‘catchphrases’ in the document as to something good - but Roy says look at Hamilton as a result. There are no 4 lane roads - there are traffic islands everywhere - they are called ‘Margaret’ islands - named after the Mayor - because there are so many - parking is restricted … Hamilton is such a difficult city to pass through (I agree I bypass it) - Roy maintains that with the way the traffic is controlled - it slows down our ability to be productive humans.       Listen

He says this is happening globally - this is Agenda 21 - they slow down our ability to be productive humans. He says that Transit NZ is influenced by Hamilton Council.    Listen

He talks about our best food produced in NZ is exported - and he said that is true of every nation that is under the control of the globalist government. Many to most of the globalist governments export their own food and import somebody else’s food production.

Clipping the ticket

WHY? Because they get to ‘clip the ticket’ - plus they get to control the food chain as well as accelerate the prices. He said if we did not sell all of our food overseas and instead ate the best (being high quality export grade) and then just sold the balance - 'they’ would not be able to control our food chain regime.

That cheeses can be traded between Britain and Holland and yet they are basically the same type of cheese. (Remember the term Coals to Newcastle) - But, as you can readily see, the standard of food in NZ supermarkets now has become so low - it is as if we are buying 2nd or 3rd grade food, whilst for example in the UK, superb apples can be sold that are juicy and crisp and like kiwifruit - have no blemishes.

Meanwhile NZers ever since Sue Kedgely left Parliament have had no champion of quality food standards.

Dumbing us down

Roy says, that part of the Agenda is that it dumbs us down - that we become subservient. (and eventually we become homogenised) … easier to control.. Marginalised …

Roy goes on that those who we elect, our Government Representatives,  Members of Parliament - are just as much a victim as you and I.

They are drinking sanitised water, eating food that has glyphosate in it, they are being impacted by wifi and a variety of invisibles …they are just as susceptible to the deception as you and I.

He says the MPs have to be very special and a very focused individual, as well as exceptional capable at protecting themselves to be able to stand up to this barrage coming at them from all quarters - just to be able to survive.

An example. Goal number 11 from Agenda 2030

Now that can mean a lot says Roy!

Which means ban all gun ownership of private citizens (Globally).

Which means only obedient government officers can have or use them.

And he says it could enslave a class of people as impoverished.

Which mean criminalise those living in rural areas.

And institute protected areas … where the Government claims that it is owned by the people - but, they do not allow people to live there.

Force humans into densely populated tightly packed controlled cities …

Where they are under surveillance 24/7/365 and they are subjected to easy manipulation by the authorities

(Tim - says but I want to go out and be - in nature and regenerate) - Roy says we are of the earth and if she is our mother then we need to be in harmony with her … and cities restrict us. He says this is another aspect of the invisible attack.

That cities have become wifi and microwave hot spots and as such having an imbalanced vibratory rate, that our psychic balance is totally thrown out as there is no quietness and stillness due to so little nature. Like stands of dense bush and many trees with birdlife.

Food Codes and Irradiation.

Other subject covered is that irradiated food is coming into the country - that irradiation degrades its nutrition, plus only having tiny labels to tell us it’s irradiated by Caesium 137.

Labels on food is coded - as it is easier to hide what is in food and how it has been treated. Note that no supermarket has a large sign on the wall somewhere, telling us the numbers and what they mean and as a result most NZers seem to not care or even question …

Why do we in NZ still have no labels regarding GMO. What was it that watered down Steffan Browning’s Food Labelling Bill that went through Parliament?

Depopulation being the ultimate goal.

The fertility of the earth is what is being attacked …

Note - the falling fertility levels …

Yet, the Chinese have worked out a way to make deserts fertile. There are ways if there is the will to regenerate and grow green spaces.   

Changing Dietary Needs - having less meat.

He says the catchphrase ‘that there are too many people on earth’ - can be countered, if we slowed down eating meat and started eating less and less - there would be no difficulty in our population surviving and thriving. Scientific research says that is very doable - ‘but, the will to stop eating meat is lacking.’

Cannabis is mentioned as it is used now for many herbal cures. That using cannabis in agriculture can lead to far healthier products and wholesome soil as well as sequesting Co2 down from the atmosphere.

Loving Care and our Relationship with Existence.

This whole conversation then morphs to what is it to be human and Roy talks of the wonderful virtues than can flow forth from a loving caring, compassionate human to one that when we awaken to our potential as a living, soul based humanity - we can live in joy once we courageously open up to our divine inheritance.

Roy goes on to speak so eloquently of us as a family of humanity that can support and work together with other kin and it does not have anything to do with race, colour, gender of wealth - just a firm commitment to the truth and then making a connection to the light behind each others eyes.

He talks about our heart - our inner self, our consciousness - we have to make this leap of faith …it’s about our being and our extension to God.

That the spiritual perspective has to override the material perspective because the spiritual perspective is on the eternal platform and the physical perspective is on the material platform. And the eternal is superior in every decision .

This was a very full-on interview of a committed and very focussed communicator

Roy Harlow

May 23, 2019


He says “Make no mistake about it; there is a growing community of ‘awakening’ people are who engaged in a core dialogue about what it means to be human at the start of the 21st Century. This awakening is a natural evolution for human consciousness and is composed of two overarching parts.

First is a deep realization of the innate interdependence we have with the entirety of reality, regardless if we look at it through the lenses of ecology, quantum physics or spirituality. The second is recognizing the social and systemic dysfunction that requires collective action to be transcended by redesigning our society to reflect the new era that humanity is adventuring into.”


Phillip gives us a run down of the surprise Australian election result before going on to educate us about the value of hemp as a crop and a way to get away from the corporate control of our countries.


Hemp can be used in so many ways: as food, paper, oil, textiles, and can be used to build houses and even cars. It is good for the environment and captures carbon.

Communities can be built around hemp.

He mentions reform of banking including having local banks, and in Australia the people's national bank needs to be re-established.

Below is a list that Phillip put together of what we need to visualise and then


- Individual & national sovereignty will be restored, including how that translates into legislation and policy.

- Corruption will be squashed in our political system, including putting a halt to big business controlling policy, as well as ceasing the revolving door between government and the lobby industry.

- The people who work in our government will be adhering to the rule of law.

- The people will be properly represented in our government, including with more controversial areas of discourse.

- The many severe issues that people are facing - such as homelessness, entrenched poverty, drug addiction and so much more - will be resolved in big ways, which would result with us being a shining example on the world stage.

- In response to an increasingly globalised world, we will have localised a lot more (including local public banks, business, food & resources).

- Our communities will be more self-sufficient, in case of any financial or environmental catastrophes.

- Our children will be receiving better education, including proper health & life skills, as well as them properly understanding how they have the rights they have today.

- The most advanced health treatments will be easily accessible to the people, including plant based medicines and other more natural therapies.

- Our environment will be better taken care of, including using Hemp for biodegradable plastics, safe bio-fuels, nutritious food, stronger clothing, building materials, medicine and thousands of other products.

- Local industry will be restored & our population will be more decentralised, which will revitalise and better integrate our communities.

- Our Common Wealth, including public assets, will be returned to the people.

- We'll have a free & fair media which reports on ALL the evidence, instead of being controlled by multi-billionaires and their agendas.

- And the power will ultimately be in the hands of the people, including through a fair electoral system and Citizen-Initiated Referendums (CIRs).

He says - get excited, because to achieve all this all we need to do is work together regardless of our political or other persuasions. Together we are so strong, especially when we have an intelligent plan.

So get familiar with the above information, because it will be our weapon in battle when we take back our country for the benefit of ourselves, our environment, and our future generations... “


Phillip J. Watt is a clinical hypno-psychotherapist, author and public speaker who lives on the Mid North Coast of NSW, Australia. His first book, The Simulation, is a daring exposé of the human experience in the 21st Century. His other written and interview work deals with topics from spirituality to society, as well as self-development.

Before achieving his certification as a ‘Clinical Hypno-psychotherapist’ through the Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy (ICHP), Phillip helped countless people as a life coach, relationship mediator and writer. He has received hundreds of messages from individuals all over the world thanking him for how he has helped them to change their life.

Since 2012 he has written many pieces which have been shared across dozens of international platforms – such as Elephant Journal, The Mind Unleashed, Wake Up World and Waking Times.

He has presented at mindfulness conferences such as the ‘The Illuminate Conference’, ‘Paradigm Shift Summit’ and ‘The Abundance Festival‘, and has been interviewed on many podcasts, such as ‘Rune Soup’‘ and ‘Skeptiko’.

He is also the creator of a podcast called ‘Dissect Media’ (formerly known as ‘Redesigning Society’), where he has had the fortune of interviewing some of the most brilliant minds of our time, including Gregg Braden, Gordon White, Rupert Sheldrake, Dean Radin, Ellen Brown, Michael Tellinger, Geoff Lawton and Amit Goswami. In addition, he has a decade-long background working in the public sector as a social worker, relationship mediator and mentor for socio economically disadvantaged kids, adults and family units with serious behavioural and medical challenges. He has also worked in policy development and project and stakeholder management at the Federal level.

He is very active on Facebook and lately has posted extensively on the corporate media, the Yellow Vest movement, natural therapies and the Australian Elections.


Coffs Harbour Hypnotherapy and Counselling

and The Mind Unleashed

and you can find him on Facebook.

May 17, 2019

Hydrogen Power

As a child Alvin listened to his father who was an aircraft engineer in the 2nd World War telling him that the British had spitfires running on hydrogen as well as the Americans with their mustangs.

Even as early as primary school through to secondary he would then ask questions of his science teachers if this was possible and the answer was always no - never - but as he learnt a little more from his father, he furthered his questioning - as he said that the hydrogen gas gave these aircraft a huge surge of power. However his teachers ‘towing the line’ that they themselves had been taught consistently threw the 3rd Law of Thermodynamics at him.   

However this idea of fire from water fascinated Alvin and whilst a kid he experimented with draining a motorcycle battery of the acid - putting fresh water into it and linking it to a power supply had it bubbled. So and he put a hose pipe in place to catch what was coming off and lit the other end of the pipe and a flame came out - to then explode - causing him to lose his hearing for a number of days.

Though it scared him - he now realised it was for real - so he decided to engineer this idea further. So with the assistance of a BP engineer from Britain giving him more information - he over time created a generator that could produce hydrogen and do real things with like welding and melting stone - the heat given off being around 4,000 degrees.

He then built a company that produced these hydroxy welding units here in NZ and for a while exported them globally.

Ether another far more subtle element

Alvin also talks about the ether -  and maintains that it exists. He also said that the Hadron high energy particle collider in Europe the scientists there talk about the God particle - and this comes right down to ‘thought.’ That ‘thoughts’ are very much part of the creative process.

There is a lot of contradiction around the physics of hydrogen especially at Universities where they trot out the same statement time and again that it takes more energy to turn hydrogen into a gas than the amount of gas that you get out of this process. This he says is an old way of thinking.  

He says that he got into trouble with the status quo by extracting a 26% return of energy - and he says that’s because science does not take into account - latent energy in the environment. He says have a look at heat pumps today and we get a return of  7 to 8 to One - return. Heat pumps, are a way shower that baffle the old paradigm.

Water is just not H2O as we have been taught there are something like 36 types of water - that is, stable water - where you can see it as a liquid - not as a gas.

It is very complex molecule system - so if we look at the electron cloud of water itself, it has a geometric triangle and when you put the 2 tetrahedrons together in 3 D - we get a star tetrahedron  - Star of David - ice crystals - It starts to show us the secrets that re in the water.

Alvin mentions the Israeli flag and that inside - in the middle is a tiny dot. That this is very important - as it puts the whole Star of David into context.

Alvin refers to Job in the Bible to verses 38 & 39 - where Job, whom Alvin’s says was like a scientist - and these verses give more detailed information on the creation and the makeup of the world and nature. That God formed the earth, set its structure, put bounds to keep the sea under control, created all the heavenly bodies, and even controls the weather.  Also the order of seasons, the power of waves and storms, the beauty of trees and flowers and lakes and mountains - all point to a benevolent Creator who made and sustains this world. We can find something about God by looking carefully at the world that God has made.

Alvin talks of water being a compound substance - yet not a substance of itself - and also that we humans are made of this same substance - that an adult human is about 65 % water, newborn babies 85% or more.

He says that we are consciousness in a water body -

Stating that in quantum mechanics scientists are very focussed on researching water - but this needs far more support and finance etc

The number of 3 6 and 9 are very important - the frequency of everything is allied to these numbers. (I did not ask him why oils for human health are graded as Omega 3, 6, and 9 as the narrative was moving quite rapidly at that time.)  

Alvin talks about the illusionary world that we inhabit in that everything is energy and that oscillate at a particular frequency on this particular dimension - Listen

Water has Memory

Water has a memory - That he had contact with Jacques Benveniste,  top-level French biochemist of impeccable scientific credentials, who gave the world the 'memory of water'. Talking about hexagonal water. Plus his controversial experiment into the efficacy of homeopathy. It can be noted that all over France and Germany today are homeopathic there are thousands of homeopathic practitioners and outlets for homeopathic tinctures.

May 9, 2019

This was that provided Aucklanders and their elected representatives can become ‘ecologically conscious’ at this critical time of changing climate and insect decline. If the vision articulated by Sarah can be picked up by other cities across the whole of New Zealand, maybe - just maybe - New Zealand can hold its head up high as being a ‘clean green nation.’ A big ask? Yes, but the groundswell and grassroots support are growing far more as we realise the seriousness of our changing planet and biosphere.   

The Love of Bee’s project - is an artwork and a framework for inviting people to engage in new possibilities - it transforms. Like something that may be considered a problem and is then rendered into something that we can co-create, re-arrange and re-design together. So the project people, use bees as a magnet - it works up our hearts and invites people to imagine that Auckland is the safest city on earth for bees. This is also where they can learn practical skills around the life cycle of bees and the flora that supports bees.

This is to make it easier for bees to be able to fly the 3 - 5 ks in search of nectar, etc. Especially the space that they travel in, has to be as safe as possible - and Sarah’s team, helps people learn regenerative organic practices so as to give the bees the best chance - to pollinate flowers to enable the highest proportion possible, of flower fertilisation.

Urban Farming - food growing in the city

With land that has been obtained at 527 Symonds St, Auckland city, along with a growing community of dedicated friends, they are focussing on the possibilities of 'urban farming' - regenerative organic urban farming and also creating strategies to deal with our climate change obligations.

Sarah talks about being given this small section of land to use in Central City, Symond's St, to experiment with, but for only a year - however as an artwork as well the brief that they are working with, they are looking to develop what they call climate change ready infrastructure.  She believes that local urban farms and local living 'compost hubs' in unified projects gives them the capacity to develop 10 climate change ready values - which include carbon sequestration - biodiversity - wellbeing - water retention capacities - heat sinks - food security - local jobs - the transformation of food scraps into a useful resource - air filtration - social cohesion and  - optimism.

So organic regenerative urban farms across Auckland, is an idea that is being seeded as a way forward and that with education and enthusiasm this will help make Auckland become far more bee friendly.

City Insect pollination (bees) is an imperative

Where cities were focused on infrastructure of roads and buildings, more cities today are wanting people friendly spaces and flowering trees, shrubs and flowers are becoming more common place overseas, where conscious decision making is benevolently changing the environment. In Japan, they are looking at bees as a means to pollinate flowers that are fragrant and that in Tokyo and other cities, they have focussed on this so that flower scents and fragrances enable people to feel more at ease and happier. So much, that the crime rate actually falls - due to the sense of peace and contentment within that larger community

That there was measurable outcome of less violence - even if they may not call it resonance - but something happened, that softened the vibes.

Need for more flowers across cities and urban areas.

Sarah talks about the lack of flowers in cities and even here in NZ, this has a detrimental effect on bees - because with no nectar and or pollen - survival becomes very challenging - also in Spring you can have many bees and flowers but as Autumn comes with still many bees - but not enough flowers then going into Winter  … survival becomes a problem. Note some apiaries are fed sugar during winter to keep the hive alive.  

She says that for a bee colony to survive it needs a staggering number of flowers - to supply the needs of the bee colony being vital and flourishing.

One teaspoon of honey is equal to 12 bee lives of flying, foraging collecting and storing.

Honey is not only for the bees sustenance but also used so as to make wax. Seven ounces of honey is needed to produce one ounce of wax. There is a good amount of wax needed for the bees to make the hexagonal structure in frames so as to store honey and incubate the pupae - baby bees.

By planting more flowers that flower all year around is very important, but quality too is important and this impels us to look at our horticulture, agriculture and also our weed control strategies.

Herbicide Sprays are decimating the Insect Kingdom

Simply put, we have pesticides, herbicides, insecticides and fungicides - in our ecosystem now. That we have become so addicted to them and that we have forgotten how to operate without them, that we have on many levels completely degraded the ecosystem. Hard core herbicides like glyphosate, which is now banned in France - is taking its toll on the natural world.

Compost and Humus = Healthy Soil and Healthy Plants.

Sarah, talks about healthy vital plants and that if we are giving them the best of soil, and humus, water and light etc - you do not need to concern yourself with pests. If you have unhealthy plants - the pests can pick up the 'distress signals' from the unhealthy plant and so will attack and eat them. Listen as Sarah takes us on a journey into how the plant does life, in orchestrating a homeostatic relationship with the microflora. Especially how the plants infra red light flashes signalling to pests that it is unhealthy and that its defences are weak - enticing the insect pests to come and eat and or lay their eggs on the leaf. Which means that this plant now a goner.

Listen …

In New Zealand there are 28 native bees - yes this is true

Dr Ngaire Hart PHD nee in Auckland is mentioned for her work on native bees

NZ Farms that are Growing Soil and Humus

Christine Jones PhD from Australia is recommended by Sarah -

Agrisea bio stimulants

Hear about a farming couple near Taupo over a 3-4 year period they used bio stimulants - changed their grazing practices and grew their soils by a number of inches - then Christine returned and she had them do another test and then introduced multiple plants into their paddocks - so they drilled in 18 different plant species into their worst paddock and 5 months later Christine was on that paddock again. They then dug down in numerous areas of their paddocks and to their surprise they had built up the soil by one and half spade depths - in 5 months!

Because with all these different plant species added to the paddock - (along with Agrisea’s ocean mineral products) - like in rainforest - diversity builds resilience

Also mentioned is Ernest Gotsch - Syntropic farming in Brazil - and this fantastic 2 minute video -

Sarah talks about Climate change as now the 'evolutionary driver' for us as a humanity to come together and collaborate and cooperate to initiate the much needed changes to curtail all of our wasteful ways - that have been happening over a very broad spectrum.

She talked about projects become silo’ed and end up factionalised. That we have to think and visualise holistically and actively engage in ways of conflict resolution and fine innovative methods to find ways to bring opposing points of view to reconcile - to work toward a win-win situation - especially for the sake of children and those to come.

What I intuitively got from this interview is that Sarah is inclusive - there is room for everyone - we can not go on following the same patterns -  stopping silofication of projects is an imperative - we have much more to agree on than to disagree on.

Big Changes Needed.

She wants big changes in how the city does business - that there are now many volunteers working as ‘a labour of love’ - who need to be trained up to be able to be paid for running very focused composting and urban farms - listen for the fullness of this.

Shared Opportunity

That instead of one or two business running everything that it needs to be a shared opportunity across the whole the city - where participants are empowered to initiate the much needed changes for Auckland to be a world leading city that is 'ecologically conscious.' That our strategies need to be diversified - just like soil systems need to be diversified - this is where the whole impetus is heading - especially if we want to change the paradigm before climate change and insect losses become beyond critical. We need to act now

Sarah acknowledges Richard Main, Trish Allen and Kay Baxter - for holding the vision of a healthy organic, regenerative future.  

Sarah said that she is called the 'bee lady' - but she says she really is the biology lady ….

A wonderful interview ...

Sarah Smuts-Kennedy

For the Love of Bees is a concept that helps seemingly unrelated ecological projects become one cohesive action via the lens of bees.

May 2, 2019

Now Auckland with 100 gardens in all - 75 as a result of Richard and his small team and 25 other independent community gardens - we ask - what does this effort portend for a healthy ecological Auckland?

With the original intention to combat, diabetes 2, obesity and heart disease - this initiative has over 2,000 participants and growing. There are hundreds of others involved that are now taking these learned skills back to their backyard at home.

NZ a Nation of interlinked Community Gardens?

We ask, can Auckland be the template for the whole of NZ, becoming interlinked in a vast network of community gardens nationwide?

Imagine if this could be championed by someone - so that no child would go to bed hungry, when it has been ascertained that when the new Government took power in NZ, 18 months ago there was said to be 295,000 children living under the 60% income poverty line in New Zealand. That being 28% of all children.

That today 155,000 children are living in material hardship in New Zealand. That is 14% of all children. How could this come about in this country?

It is a known, that high quality whole food and vegetables, preferably organic has a very beneficial effect on brain function.

When we feed our brain, the dendrites are able to function to their highest potentiality - and in the decades to come - we need to have all children living at optimum levels of being. That nutrient dense food, in a loving family setting - is an imperative.

Community Gardens

Cooperative Community Gardens are increasing throughout the suburbs of greater Auckland and this subject is becoming a talking point for people wanting increasingly better health, wellbeing and a feeling of connection with community working together in camaraderie and joy.

Availability of land is becoming an issue.

Obtaining the use of more land is becoming a priority. As we all know, land is at a premium and Richard is keen to find more opportunities for land to be gifted, even for a few years. So if you know of any situation, he and his team would be very keen to hear from you.

Free Practical Advise

Gardens4Health provides free, practical advice and support to community groups, organisations, workplaces and schools for the setting up of new community gardens and ongoing maintenance of existing gardens. The Gardens4Health team is currently involved in over 50 community gardens or initiatives across Auckland and provides access to a wide network of other gardens and useful resources.

Being a gardening expert is not required, but time, enthusiasm, and commitment are. The experienced Gardens4Health team are there to provide practical advice and support for all seasons of food gardening in Auckland conditions.

For more information please download our one-page information sheet and contact the Gardens4Health manager at

He aha te kai o te Rangitira? He Korero, he korero, he korero.

What is the food of the leader? It is knowledge, it is communication.

PS. I took a large number of notes regarding this interview, but even with the latest Mac tech - these can be lost in an instant, never to be retrieved - so with this sad loss - please instead, have a listen.

Richard is very embedded in community and garden settings - and it shows across a greater scope as in physical health of good high quality organic food, but the mental health of working with fellow humans with a common aim. Plus, with the added surroundings of nature and of both plants and flowers - caresses - ones soul - giving all involved - a deep sense of peace.

Richard says that working alongside various Pacific Island groups, Moslem women, Maori, Hindu, and many other ethnic and cultural groups, too many to mention here, it has allowed him to experience deeply, the happiness of people working and even singing together.

The camaraderie and friendship of working the soil and bringing forth a huge array of fresh vital vegetables and fruit gives everyone involved - immense satisfaction - that when shared with family and friends validates the vision of the good people behind this in the Health Board and Councils involved.