New Zealand as a small island nation, being so far from other countries stands out - alone.
Once a pioneer country pushing the boundaries of social change, science and physical acumen - it has also remained at another level comfortably numb and this interview addresses - to a degree, how could this be?
Elandra, NZer author of “From Stardom to Wisdom: Healing & Love Beyond the Spotlight”, and upcoming book “Voices & Visions of Our New Earth”, is an international health and healing educator trainer and practitioner. She was a top Auckland University scholar, international prizewinning dancer, model and actress who went on to a career including co-starring with Roger Moore and Tony Curtis in London’s Hollywood. Deeply unhappy at University she frequently contemplated suicide; her longing for transcendent wisdom was met with academic intellectualism and “tall poppy syndrome”. Later as a movie actress in the world of celebrity, fame and fortune she was horrified by her experience of the exploitation and addiction to money and power. Turning her life to yoga and spirituality, dressed in white, running a Californian ashram yoga center for 20 years, she again experienced how giving away power – in this case to spiritual devotion – encourages the dark side of cults and spiritual leaders and gurus, for whom power corrupts, as they turn into self-aggrandizing power-hungry predators, who get away with betraying, exploiting, and abusing hundreds of thousands.
After finding soul family in immersion in the Aloha Ho’oponopono Healing shamanism of Hawaii, her mission became clear; to expose how power corrupts, and to encourage the choice for a life of purification of character – (rather than the lust for fame and fortune), leading to our culture’s addiction to the multiplication of wants and toxic success.
She has a message for you today about the urgent need in NZ to begin to heal, once and for all, the Tall Poppy Syndrome.
Elandra's opening statement expresses overwhelming thanks and appreciation of what I (Tim) do as a host of GreenplanetFM, which catches me off guard and places me in a humble position…As an elder of our society feeling her graciousness, I reflect that this kind of acknowledgement is exactly what is needed for all of us, to open the heart connection, to make us feel validated, and to feel part of a warmer and greater whole; a true family and community that is welcoming and totally supportive of each other.
So what is the Tall Poppy Syndrome and where did the term come from? It’s actually a shocking story. The specific reference to poppies occurs in Livy's account of the tyrannical Etruscan king, Lucius Tarquinius Superbus. He is said to have received a messenger from his son Sextus Tarquinius asking what he should do next in Gabii, since he had become all-powerful there. Rather than answering the messenger verbally, Tarquin went into his garden, took a stick, and symbolically swept it across his garden, thus cutting off the heads of the tallest poppies that were growing there. The messenger, tired of waiting for an answer, returned to Gabii and told Sextus what he had seen. Sextus realised that his father wished him to put to death all of the most eminent people of Gabii, which he then did!
Tragically what the Tall Poppy Syndrome has morphed into today especially here in NZ is that we have in many ways 'ducked for cover' and quietly put our head down to do life in a quieter 'kiwi way' - of not standing out, and worse still, making sure no one else stands out - through what has become an ingrained habit of justifying the heavy utilization of criticism and bullying in school and workplace. And worse, even viewing it as a virtue.
Other than in the sporting environment, or in cases where somebody is famous, we remain subdued, and do not express appreciation for others, nor stand up for the virtues and values that most civil societies stand for. This means that anyone wanting to excel may want to choose to leave NZ for overseas pastures, or may descend into despair and depression (leading to NZ’s highest suicide rate in the world for youth and over 60). There is no one to talk to; vital emotional support from family, community and society as a whole is non-existent or invisible.
Elandra mentions coming into Auckland Airport terminal every year (for over 25 years) and feeling this heavy contractive energy - of unshed tears, deep sorrow - (I Tim, when I was a steward for Air NZ returning from the US, be it LAX or Honolulu also really felt this constrictive and constraining energy when coming home - it was very heavy) but I did not mention this in the interview - because it was not about me!
She talks about why NZ has the highest suicide rate for youth and over 60 years of age in the world. She talks about suppressed feelings, held back deep grief and underlying anger that has not been (consciously) expressed and, with no place to share, unshed tears with no place to safely flow.
Of course the biggest picture perspective of all is that we live in a patriarchal society, an authoritarian driven society, where we are basically at war within ourselves through not valuing inner knowingness, inner authority and inner trust. But the world’s Zeitgeist is and must be changing. We have no choice now but to learn to value the indigenous ways of the honoring of the Earth, Nature, and intuition. We all had ancestors who knew how to live in harmony with the Earth and Stars…
In many ways - like the previous weeks interview of Paul Levy - the "Wetiko Virus" has taken hold of the general consensus here, the result being a major sense of lack of societal leadership by NZers in this country. Many even defer to others who have moved from overseas to now live here. Wetiko (Native American term for dark energy) is a mind virus that has in various degrees become surreptitiously installed in us all.
Having done so it manifests as the “inner critic” that puts you down within yourself, and that in turn causes you to put other people down. Which erodes your self-esteem causing you to then also hide and shun friends.
Elandra describes how in the process of healing her inner critic certain words came to her and she in shock wondered where they came from ... these sneering words inside saying - "You will never write your book, Elandra – you’ve been trying for 30 years - just give up, you pathetic woman. Why don't you just dig a hole and go die!"
So she wrote these words down, and she looked at them closely and then these words she heard - fell away - because - this mind virus - does not want its existence to be seen and acknowledged. Let alone going public by sending it to 800 people in a group! By overcoming the desire to remain ‘private’ it worked, now she has a voice inside that never says anything negative about herself and instead cheers her on saying "I love you Elandra”.
Tall Poppy Syndrome causes us to withhold love as well as withhold its expression - she says that in NZ withholding Love, and appreciation and expression has become a virtue! She sees this as the most insidious thing that is happening in this country, this is now "a very NZ thing!" There is also a sense of inferiority in the NZ psyche, plus defensiveness, making it difficult to mention these things…
She says we have to change this attitude and fast. So first we have to recognize it. Also, Elandra tells of her counselor friends having young people (and all ages), show up exclaiming – “I don’t know who I am anymore!” They have no real authentic role models – just films, pop idols etc. This in spite of also the wonderful people in NZ and those who do work with love to help people in despair etc.
This interview broaches much subject matter.
She talks about the USA being not one country but 50 countries all different from each other! They are called states but are 50 countries in ONE! and these, each one, is mostly far bigger than NZ – so how can you even compare?! So with the reflection of this vast geography there is a sense of vast space, space and room to expand your psyche and consciousness (I concur), and your heart is big, ‘cos it has more room - and so she says that the Americans generally support the expansiveness of expression and the heart (Tim having lived there twice - I concur) So in USA it is different, wanting to stand out is celebrated, supported, applauded and lauded!
In NZ growing up feelings were not really in our vocabulary – most of us as children did not have parents who addressed feelings - (I Tim, didn't know there was a different between thinking and feeling - I was unknowingly brought up that way). Parents are afraid of their children’s expression of pain and anger and will shut them up fast. Hear Elandra talk on 'when we were babies and tots' many of us when crying were not really supported and were told to keep quiet and close off to how we felt – listen
In NZ it is the status quo normal to suppress feelings, especially ones deemed negative. This means that speaking out your truth is not done. Withholding expression of truth of feelings – from self and others, (whether negative or positive), is highly dangerous to your health, indeed a cause and catalyst for many kinds of health dysfunctions. It is actually taboo in NZ to be on talking about or expressing feelings, (I Tim concur). Especially about talking about suicide...
There is also distrust of mental health and going to psychologists etc. and understandably ... because they are not trained with a full holistic knowingness of the human condition - they are in most cases all intellectualizing. Remembering that 'Psyche' in Psychology and Psychiatrist means Soul in ancient Greek…but not fully recognized today.
As an intuitive professional healer of over 35 years Elandra notices that psychologists in most cases are untrained to track where your pain or condition and feelings are - in your body. The conditions for healing to happen - safety and sacredness - need to be honored, and then the psyche/body can reveal itself, and can speak out. The body actually reflects – it actually IS - the subconscious, and when “the field” is held with no agenda the body will reveal to the consciousness and soul what is happening and needed for healing. Then soul retrieval, coming back to balance and wholeness just happens, easily.
Once we recognize these locked up feelings then we can deal with them – speak them out loud when alone, even shouting into a pillow – for natural release and natural healing...Plus having someone to support you just by listening, (with no agenda to fix heal and save) just BEING THERE, presencing, that is a huge plus.
Listen - how Elandra takes someone through a healing session...
So there is a cure! Since tall poppy does not like to be seen, acknowledging it openly is the cure ... and the beginning of healing. The more we let it be seen, let our vulnerabilities show, get together with people and talk and share love, the more the wetiko virus loses its grip.
Elandra states that she has been a victim of 'Tall Poppy Syndrome' many times. But, by hearing the inner voice saying to herself 'I love you Elandra' - this statement validated her and her heart to such a degree that it allowed her to raise herself above victimhood and feeling incapable and unacknowledged and seeing herself in a positive light. She says this is one way with dealing with not being able to cope etc. The continuous daily expression of love - is very important - Listen...
We have to love and appreciate each other. It's also so much about bigger interconnection, intimate and honest connection within the family and with neighbors and the greater community.
Acknowledge it! Address it, talk, feel feelings, share freely what works to heal this insidious cutting down mindset! Rise up the spirit with continuous daily expression of love, appreciation and praise to everyone around you! Empower love, big love called “awakened oneness awareness”, founded in authentic feelings and utmost integrity.
The battle for self-love is for most of us the greatest battle we ever undertake, “the longest journey you will ever take is from your head to your heart” - because if we have no self-love (confidence and assuredness) - then we are a shrinking violet and some could say 'a victim.' But when we can accept and get inside ourselves and end up embracing all aspects of self, we can experience true love for ourselves (warts and all) – and then we generate an inner glow - our inner candle and this is when we become empowered and have a certain felt knowingness that we are more connected inside. Then we feel the oneness with our greater selves belonging to and part of nature and the greater world, plus the infinite dimensions that we are essentially immersed in.
So we are more at peace within our skin and we are more self-confident and inner directed - because we are coming from an empowered loving inner self. This allows us to provide selfless service to those in need, and helping people expands your sphere of goodwill, and provides and spreads great joy. Which is the ultimate antidote to tall poppy, embracing it all within big love and joy!
Glen Atkinson:
Taking us to another realm Glen states that:
The global elite who control the world wide media use the media to put down astrology at every turn, Yet, behind our backs the elite will always draw up a chart when their babies are born whilst the elders will always check their chart or their countries chart before going to war or making a large incursion into a market, or change of government etc.
We have entered a new paradigm and ‘it’s a shake down trip.’ Old outmoded viewpoints are being superseded as we boldly enter the Aquarian Age.
As Nikola Tesla once stated.
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”
Wetiko is an insidious mind virus that has installed itself in us ...
In this interview Paul articulates so vividly his profound experience - which has brought him into a knowingness that he fluently shares with us, to realise that there is a very dark side that can be surmounted. You have to listen ...
Paul has a direct experience with wetiko - that also created so much suffering in him that it catalysed a spiritual awakening a few years later forcing him into a psychiatric system and he recognised that this dark energy was carried by his father as it is in one's psyche and this he said, nearly drove him totally crazy.
So he spent years studying, going to therapy, doing art, connecting with his dreams, studying Carl Jung, Buddhist practice, shamanism, studying alchemy - anything and everything that he could find to help him deal with the overwhelming suffering that he was experiencing. He sees now that the trauma and the abuse and the wounding that he originally got from his father - that it was like receiving a transfusion of the Wetiko virus directly into his soul ... and he became very sick.
He said he developed a shamanic sickness - and being in his mid twenties he had no idea what was going on.
The thing that saved him was when he had a spiritual awakening - and he was so ecstatic because he realise that he was having a collectively shared dream and that it was more than like a dream but the experience we are sharing 'is a dream' - that as a result he became so excited and so enthusiastic at this awakening that it actually got him into deep trouble - and this is what got him hospitalised.
Yet what saved him was that we - all of us are immersed and part of an actual dream.
Quantum Reality
This then goes into Quantum physics and deeper into the realm behind reality ... Listen
That the act of observing this universe at this level - influences it - every time. This is important information.
Revelations from quantum physics are the medicine for wetiko - that we are able to create change for the positive.
'We - each one of us - , have this enormous creative power that if we are ''' more conscious'' of it - that we are literally creating moment by moment our experience - of ourselves and of the experience of the world - but if we are not awake to that - well, that power in a sense boomerangs etc ... and this is what is happening in the world at present - and that is what we are seeing writ large on the world stage - it's taking down the planet and our children's future with it.
An example of Wetiko is people supporting policies that are actually killing them - like GE, glyphosate, 5G etc
Another example of Wetiko - is that they accuse people of what they themselves are doing …
Kundalini Awakening
Listen to Paul tell of his 'kundalini' awakening - when he was 24 years of age and he describes it as going from a 25 watt bulb to a quadrillion watt bulb and he said he was lucky it did not kill him - the energy that he tapped into was tapping into the 'source.'(the universe).
Listen to how he experienced this awakening ... that in actual fact we are all creative by nature ...
We are unlimited when we break out of the dream spell ...
Whilst at the same time - all of the trauma that he had experienced was being un-installed in his operating system - but he was so unprepared for it ...
Hear of the physically impossible things that happened as a result of experiencing this heightened state of being - that when some very 'still' Buddhist teachers arrived and the 'field expanded' and that miracles happened.
We are part of a vast collective dream
He says that we are all having a collective dream - that we as a humanity can tap into the field and start co-creating a new reality in which we see ourselves as extensions of a new paradigm that we can 'dream' into being.
Paul goes on to say that when babies take their first breath in coming into this world - they are domesticated, they are indoctrinated, they are conditioned ... told what is right and wrong ... but when we become aware and shine our light, we are basically told - that is not OK - LISTEN
TO THE DEGREE that when we are told to close down - we internalise this in our head and end up becoming our own control system ... But now ... as we are doing it to ourselves - we can undo it. Listen - there is heaps in here …
Wetiko is a daimonic or daemonic energy - not just personal ... but trans personal ...and archetypal and it can take over a human being ... it can literally possess someone ....
Wetiko he says is a quantum phenomena ...
Courage - he connects as the open heart of compassion ... he says to have the most courage is to have an undefended heart.
He talks of light - sometimes manifesting as a wave other times as a particle - but I will leave this up to you to listen to this interview for yourself.
He sees Wetiko as a Revelation and we are Halfway through it.
That the CORONA:19 virus is a lower dimensional reflection of the Wetiko mind virus - Listen
Wetiko is a multi dimensional phenomena
Other facets to this important interview
The CORONA virus is also impelling us to wake up.
Wetiko only has Power over us when we don't see it ...
In the Bible they talk about a ‘counterfeit spirit.’ It is an impostor and it - Wetiko is a vampire ... it’s the living dead and does not have a life of its own …
Paul says; We as humans are all shaman in training - but we just do not recognise this ...
We are in the birth canal as a humanity - on a journey to an ‘omega point …’
On this planet today, we are suffering from a sickness of diss-association in an increasingly polarised world and that this is happening inwardly and not only individually and collectively as a species - that from a dreaming point of view that this is an expression that there is something that's been birthed through us and we are simultaneously the new being that is being given birth to - we are the mothers of the being and we are the midwives - we are all of it.
Paul talks of community which is an exceptionally important to the Tibetan way of life
Talks of quantum physics and dreams and of our creative power.
We learn that in Tibetan Buddhism - all of life is a preparation for the moment of death - that you be open in anhearted compassionate state - and each day is sort of a microcosm of a greater fractal of that.
He says have courage and do not underestimate the power of compassion.
This interview really allows us to receive a greater understanding of the world that surrounds us and that actually penetrates us. Paul, as you can hear from the timbre of his voice, is in many ways an Adept, and articulates profoundly what he has experienced. We can learn much from this kind and passionate interview.
Any search on the web, or of youtube will bring up interviews of Paul.
Next Weeks Interview.
Elandra Meridith is a NZ raised international health and healing practitioner, the author of “From stardom to wisdom healing and love beyond the spotlight”, and upcoming book “Voices and Visions of Sacred Earth”. A NZ prizewinning scholar from Auckland University, and international prizewinning dancer she went on to co-starring with Roger Moore and Tony Curtis in London’s Hollywood.
While at university longing for wisdom and vision and finding only vapid intellectualism she frequently contemplated suicide. Later, as a movie actress in the world of celebrity, fame and fortune she was horrified by the exploitation and addiction to money and power. Turning her life to spirituality, dressed in white running a Californian ashram yoga center for 20 years, she experienced how giving away your power and energy to devotion can help empower the self aggrandizing power-hungry guru in holy drag to betray, exploit and abuse hundreds of thousands.
After finding soul family in immersion in the Aloha Healing shamanism of Hawaii, her mission became clear, to expose corruption, what does not work, encourage purification of character instead of multiplication of wants, and to share freely the daily expression of big love, “awakened oneness awareness”, authentic feelings and sacred activism.
CHEMICAL WEAPONS moved from the battlefield to the farm field after World War II. 1080 is a WMD-Weapon of Mass Destruction!
SODIUM FLUOROACETATE: Sodium monofluoroacetate (or fluoroacetate), has the chemical formula FCH2COO-Na+, and is a highly toxic compound primarily used as a pesticide known commercially as Compound 1080.
1080 FLUOROACETATE IS EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS—1080 is classed by the World Health Organisation and the EPA as an extremely hazardous pesticide - CLASS 1A ECOTOXIN POISON. 1080 is a proven endocrine disrupter and impacts upon the body’s major organs. Just one teaspoon could kill 100 people.
The only sane and effective method of balancing ecosystems is to use the components of the living system to manage itself! Because of its isolated location New Zealand is the ideal environment for a countrywide program of RESTORATIVE ECOLOGY to show the world that ecosystem management can ONLY be done by using nature's methods.
The Permaculture Principle "The Problem IS the Solution!" points to the fact that issue with the overpopulation of "invasive species" is purely caused by the absence of apex predators. The New Zealand owls and raptors are too "small."
The only viable method of establishing a self-sustaining, self-balancing ecosystem is to introduce one or more apex predators capable of keeping the pest species in check. The ultimate aim of Restorative Ecology is to set up ecosystems harmonize themselves without any human intervention.
Thus by introducing one or more owls from Australia to manage the indigenous Australian possums this would keep the population under control, while still providing non-poisoned meat and fur for the trappers...thus serving an elite couture industry.
A countrywide program to get school children to make owl houses for the Powerful Owl and/or the Barn Owl would get the next generation interested in ethical ecology and the health of their nation.
In every way...environmentally, physical and mental health, fiscally, morally, ethically, scientifically and socially the 1080 campaign is destroying New Zealand via the criminal use of a grotesque weapon of war!
WHAT IS IT:—Sodium MonoFluoroAcetate is a CLASS 1A POISON first synthesized 1896 by Belgian Frederic Swartz—Hitler was told it was too dangerous to use as a chemical weapon—1940-48 Monsanto buys patent and manufacturers it—The Wigley family business Tull Chemical took over patent and plant from Monsanto in 1955—New Zealand buys 90% of their production—America under Nixon banned 1080 in 1972 due to it killing the bald eagles. New Zealand started using 1080 for pest control by 1957.
WORST POSSIBLE POISON: 1080 is called a CLASS 1A POISON because it is a chemical weapon that causes extreme suffering and death as it interferes with the energy production in the cells and halts aerobic respiration. 3% is metabolized to fluorocitrate which messes with the enzyme that run the Krebs cycle. Death is slow, gruesome and inhumane. It was used by Saddam Hussein against his political enemies. 1080 use in any country is not only terrorism against its human and non-human inhabitants.
CHEMICAL WARFARE: The NZ Government is engaged in a full on war against introduced "pests" which they say compete with and kill the native birds and other fauna. Their campaigns "Zero Invasive Predators" or "Predator Free 2050" speak to their intentions to keep at this chemical warfare—the end result of which will be the loss of the majority of native species and the brain damaging and disease of the human population. Even trace amounts damage mitochondrial DNA...In Whanganui where there is a 1080 factory "Orillion" and landfill for 1080 waste there are reports of retarded children, miscarriages, stillbirths and congenital malformations to the children of pregnant Maori women following aerial drops.
BAITS: The 1080 poison is mixed with cereal and green die and made into baits, which are aerial dropped from helicopters over the native bush, streams and water catchment. The baits kill everything either directly or by secondary poisoning as carnivores eat the insects, birds and herbivores that die. A farmer who lost 570 ewes following an accidental 1080 drop on his farm said that 6 months later sheep were still dying. Around 4,000 tonnes of 1080 poison baits per year are dropped on New Zealand, enough to kill 60 million people, & the quantity increases yearly. 100 tonnes of those spoiled and expired baits are buried in landfills around the country.
CLEAN GREEN: The Clean Green image of New Zealand is plainly under attack, as no other country is so fiercely killing both introduced and native species alike. Hikers report that after a drop the forests resound with the screams of dying animals and then they are silent...not even bird song. There is also the danger that sublethal traces of 1080 or its metabolites will end up in produce that NZ exports.
ALL ANIMALS SENTIENT BEINGS: In 2015 New Zealand also publicly declared that they recognized that all animals are sentient beings, and then they indiscriminately continue to kill them in the most extreme torturous way possible. Revealing a deep seated hypocrisy and performative contradiction.
CHEMICAL WEAPONS moved from the battlefield to the farm field after World War II. Chemical ecology and chemical agriculture are oxymorons. Systemic, nonselective, ecosystem-wide violent and inhumane poisoning of an ecosystem can never claim to be rational, sane or backed by “good science.”
“Everything is out of kilter in the ecosystems where it is used!” It creates “imbalance” in the numbers of living creatures in an ecosystem and is highly destructive to the life-giving quality of the soil and water.
YOU CAN'T BALANCE AN ECOSYSTEM WITH CHEMICALS WITHOUT KILLING EVERYTHING IN IT...including the forest and the microbiome itself. The restorative ecological way of reducing invasive species numbers is not to kill them but use them as a resource to feed the Apex predators. Thus supporting the ecosystem to balance itself.
NEED FOR LARGER RAPTORS: New Zealand is going to have to introduce at least one more apex predator species. The assisted migration of the Powerful Owl, Rufus Owl or Barn Owl from Australia and the distribution of specifically designed OWL HOUSES is the ideal solution to the 1080 debacle. This is a permanent self-sustaining solution which comes at very little cost to the taxpayer, with NO POISONING of the land and water.
LARGER APEX PREDATOR: As PEST species are used as food for both native species and STRATEGIC AMBASSADOR SPECIES brought in from neighboring countries to balance out the food chain. These ambassadors are generally a slightly larger apex predator introduced when the native apex predators are either too small or too few to control population numbers of the “pest” species.
NATIVE POISONS FOR BAIT STATIONS: There must be a worldwide ban on open-ecosystem dropping of poisons, that is just common sense, however that is not to say poisons couldn’t be used in special pest-specific bait stations using natural biological poisons which are not ecosystemic. Scientists have found a natural poison that tests show can kill rats in 5 to 10 minutes. The New Zealand native plant TUTU (Coriaria arborea) is poisonous to stock, but doesn’t lead to secondary poisoning, this could be used in cereal baits for rats and possums.
GRAND SOLAR MINIMUM climate extremes and crop loss means that the Native Bush will become a vital resource to keep people alive and healthy as society is disrupted by the chaos of epic scale floods, mudslides, fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts, volcanic activity and famine.
MAKE LOVE NOT WAR: Need to change thinking from combat to waste not want not and compassionate conservation. The four guiding principles of compassionate conservation used in the 21th Century are: 1. First Do No harm, 2. Individuals Matter, 3. Value All Wildlife, and 4. Peaceful Coexistence via Trophic Level Management ensuring that all levels of the trophic cascade are well balanced so the so called problem of “invasive species” are NOT a problem but a solution!!!!
To encourage an international environmental legal movement, the New Zealand anti-1080 movement could set up a free homestay network system for visiting international environmental protection organizations, environmental scientists, ecology expert witnesses, lawyers, activists, restorative ecologists, doctors, researchers and PhD students interested in doing a thesis on 1080 use in New Zealand.
The BAN 1080 Homestay Network especially encourages experts in natural ecosystem balancing and restoration, biodiversity, terraforming, forest revival and permaculture designers who work on a countrywide and global scale. This Homestay Network will further the efforts to establish New Zealand as a showcase for the most advanced ecological principles, environmental right practices and Natural Justice.
The project would lead to the promotion of eco-education, ecotourism, eco-education and research, besides improving local livelihood and promoting ecoarchology and cultural values.
The most important and popular career will soon be as a permecologist OR permaterraformer ie: restorative planetary management.
Herbert Marcuse said in his book One Dimensional Man, “The facile historical parallel with the barbarians threatening the empire of civilization prejudges the issue, the second period of barbarism may well be the continued empire of civilization itself.
Sodium MonoFluoroAcetate was first synthesized in 1896 as a chemical weapon. It is a Class 1a Poison that causes extreme suffering and death as it interferes with the energy production or aerobic respiration of cells, ie: the Krebs cycle. Death by 1080 is slow, gruesome and inhumane. The chemical weapon aerial drops of the super poison 1080 throughout the New Zealand forests result in human death, mutation, cancer, miscarriages and stillbirths, plus the violent death of farm animals and pets. You simply cannot have a thriving environment if you are indiscriminately killing off the entire food chain down to the microbiome of the soil, and including the very native species you are trying to save.
Thus the New Zealand government will ultimately come to the conclusion that open ecosystem poisoning is not only an ineffective pest control method, but is pernicious, calamitous and maleficent. It is only a matter of time before the New Zealand conservation methods are going to have to emerge from the dark ages and a new age of regenerative, restorative, and balancing methods of ecosystem management are adopted. We have come too far in heart and mind to descend to such a degree of barbarity and cruelty.
Conventional industrial and governmental environmental methods have relied on dilution and dissipation for dealing with noxious byproducts of their activities. The progressive sciences however have proven that both dilution and biological degradation are faulty and inadequate to the task, when considering the profound subtlety, omni-dispersive and ubiquity of nature and natural systems. Bioaccumulation of noxious substances up an ecosystem food web ensures that dilution and dissipation doesn’t work.
Both government and industry can no longer continue on with their dirty business as usual when we now know about the hado effect of the imprinted water from Emoto, morphogenetic fields from Rupert Sheldrake, the fructification and spiral flow of water via the work of Schauberger, water and the life of the cell Gerald Pollack, quantum consciousness of Stuart Hameroff and that Healing is Voltage of Dr. Jerry Tennant, and the electromagnetic nature of existence, plus Bruce Lipton and epigenetics. All such advances in science point to the fact that we must change our methods of industry and governance and heal our relationship to the planet. Indeed we must change ourselves!
Biodegradation of 1080 is a joke as it kills the very micro-organisms that are said to biodegrade it. Even if it does degrade it still spreads the element fluoride over the entire country...and if they keep it up, it will continue forever until everything is dead, because poisonous control of ecological systems doesn’t work to control “pest species” in an open ecosystem. Rather ecosystems must be made proportionally symmetrical by synergistically balancing the tropic layers within the ecosystem. If they are unbalanced then human intervention requires that new species of apex predators (or other ecosystem partners) be introduced and established to balance out the predator-to-prey numbers. This is the only morally intelligent answer to the burgeoning numbers of so-called “invasive species,” (possums, rats, stoats, deer and wild pigs). We just have to “balance” the food web, not exterminate it, thus it is obvious that omnicidal poisoning is contrary to effective conservation and ecology. Advanced naturalistic, restorative ecology makes up for the problems of past human intervention and allows ecosystems to balance themselves, which results in maintaining both balance and the self-sustaining mechanism of balance.
Besides ecosystem trophic layer management, the only other pest control method necessary would be changing our ideological perspective from “pest management” to “resource management.” The Department of Conservation should be concerned with ecosystem resource utilization and these outlawed “non-indigenous pests'' are in fact highly nutritious FOOD for the native food chain. Plus they represent a back up survival food resource for humans during the upcoming Grand Solar Minimum Global Freeze. The hollow fiber of Possum fur provides extra warmth and lite weight to fabrics. Thus one of the most advanced and economically viable fabrics during the global chill of the Grand Solar Minimum will be high-tech clothing made from merino and possum hair. A NZ Grand Solar Minimum cold weather survival clothing industry for the global market would provide million$ and new right-livelihood jobs, while displacing those few criminal profiteering politicians, corporations and pilots who are presently terrorizing the nation and condemning their own souls to everlasting hell.
The alleged problem of “invasive species” is no longer a problem but a solution via Trophic Level Management ensuring that all levels of the trophic cascade are permanently self-balancing. In which these non-native nuisance species are used as food for both native species and strategic ambassador species brought in from neighboring countries to balance out the food chain. These ambassadors are generally a slightly larger apex predator introduced when the native apex predators are either too small or too few to control the “pest” species population numbers. New Zealand is in need of larger raptors and is going to have to introduce at least one more apex predator species to fill the top of the bush food chain.
The assisted migration of the Powerful Owl, Rufus Owl or Barn Owl from Australia and the distribution of specifically designed OWL HOUSES is the ideal solution to the 1080 debacle. This is a permanent self-sustaining solution which comes at very little cost to the tax payer, with NO POISONING of the land and water. Given the right components an ecosystem will take care of itself.Instead of teaching the kids to become psychopathic killers of helpless animals the schoolkids could be put to work building the raptor nesting boxes and tracking their installation in a national grid throughout the country. These bird houses must be made of natural materials, built to last and erected at the ideal height in the canopy for each particular species of owl.
Considering the Grand Solar Minimum climate upheaval and the catastrophic natural disasters which will be decimating wildlife populations for the next 30-70 years, compassionate ecology in association with the introduction of strategic ambassador species is the ideal method of self-sustaining ecosystem management - in a world thrown into chaos by epic scale floods, mudslides, fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts and volcanic activity. Thousands of species will be on the move anyway due to shifting weather systems and loss of appropriate habitat, thus it is up to us “enlightened human stewards” to assist their migrations in ways that serve them and the existing trophic cascades.
The restorative ecological way of reducing invasive species numbers is not to kill them but use them as a resource to feed the Apex predators. Thus supporting the ecosystem to balance itself. The New Zealand government has much more urgent responsibilities than the ruinously poisoning of the country, making it uninhabitable for beast, bird and human alike. Establishing ecological homeostasis of organisms in harmonious connection with their surroundings requires working with nature instead of against it.
This Win:Win Ecology is an infinitely more intelligent, economical, safe and humane way of going about conservation in that it supports the health of the entire ecosystem and environment (including humans) and enhances the strength and stability of the global gene pool of valuable species. The four guiding principles of compassionate conservation used in the 21th Century are: 1. First Do No harm, 2. Individuals Matter, 3. Value All Wildlife, and 4. Peaceful Coexistence.
“Every time you try and improve on Nature by going against it you damage yourself, for Nature is your very being.” Anthony Demello
Intervention with a Class 1A super ecotoxin can obviously only bring insidious, dubious and ruinous results. The more poison they drop and longer this goes on, the greater will be the disastrous effects for the entire nation of New Zealand. Rather than a futile all-out war against nature, it is obvious that ecosystems can only be rectified and self-regulated using the methods of Nature herself. A restorative ecological management program must be undertaken in New Zealand, not just so that our “exports will be clean” but so that we can save the heart and soul of the nation. Now is the time to evolve beyond corpo consciousness to more advanced and intelligent, Nature compliant methods of conservation, ecology and agriculture, for the repercussions of industrial barbarism are undermining the very foundations of civilization and our capacity to be human.
Towards that end, together we can imagine, experiment and manifest this advanced, innovative naturalistic emergent ecology that uses uncommon sense to rectify and redeem our human relationship to the earth, to the betterment of all and with harm to none. Thereby this restorative ecological renaissance speaks to the deepest of our inherent values and sensibilities, reconciling the fact that human beings are a small but crucial part of a vastly and intricately connected system of living and non-living things.
Jana Dixon, April 2020
Full 1080 Debacle paper found at:
Next Weeks Interview
Paul Levy - Wetiko
Paul Levy who wrote the book Dispelling Wetiko -- Breaking the Curse of Evil.
There is a contagious psycho-spiritual disease of the human soul, a parasite of the mind, that is currently manifesting itself in the form of unprecedented conflicts and crises on a global scale.
This collective psychosis or mental virus -- which Native Americans have called wetiko -- covertly operates through the unconscious blind spots in the human psyche, rendering us oblivious to our own madness and compelling us to act against our own best interests.
Wetiko distorts our perceptions by stealth and subterfuge, acting through us while simultaneously remaining hidden. Unconstrained by conventional laws of time and space, this 'bug' in the system deceives us by working with the projective tendencies of our mind to appear external to and other than ourselves. Thus, the conflicts and crises which threaten the collapse of political, social and economic systems, and perhaps even of the biosphere itself, are nothing less than a revelation of our own internal darkness, the side of our nature that we all too often deny.
Glen’s groundbreaking way of looking at the Periodic Table is by shifting one’s 2 dimensional view point to that of a 3 dimensional viewpoint. By making it a round, circular method. This elegant shifting of perspectives, now enables a new way to begin to ‘unlock’ the secrets of matter. In the years ahead all chemists and physicists will marvel at the simplicity of what Glen has achieved and ask themselves - "why didn’t I think of that myself?"
Around 330 BCE, the Greek philosopher Aristotle proposed that everything is made up of a mixture of one or more roots, an idea that had originally been suggested by the Sicilian philosopher Empedocles. The four roots, which were later renamed as elements by Plato, were earth, water, air and fire. Similar ideas about these four elements also existed in other ancient traditions, such as Indian philosophy.
So over time right up through the industrial revolution enquiring minds have endeavoured to map out the ‘constituents of matter’ for over 2,400 years.
Cut to today and Glen takes this formalised 2 dimensional rectangular layout and reconfigures it into a circle or 3 dimensional sphere. What happens is that one set of elements on one side of the sphere has ‘corresponding’ elements on the opposite side of the sphere. The old axiom ‘As above so below’ comes into play here. Just as in astrology, Libra is opposite Aires and Aquarius is opposite Leo and as Glen is an astrologer he sees everything as circling around us here on earth in a 360 degree perspective that is a 3 dimensional map of the localised star field.
Building on Rudolf Steiner’s Teachings
Glen has been working at very subtle levels based on the teachings of Rudolf Steiner who though was an educator had a very profound understanding of agriculture - hence we get ‘biodynamics’ as a system of working with both the elements - as well as cosmic forces.
Using the ‘timeless maxim’ - ‘as above so below’ - and looking at the ‘structure’ of creation above us, we can get the pattern or model that we can use to look at us and the organization that occurs within us. So here we are living on a planet and out of it’s own life processes has created an atmosphere that concentrates oxygen and therefore supports life on earth. That our planet is sitting in a solar system with planets all rotating around the sun - sitting within the sun’s magnetic field and that field is like an onion with rings of magnetism and the planets run around on those rings and of course beyond that we have stars and our sun is a star and then we have billions of stars in our galaxy and beyond this we have billions of galaxies.
So the reality of where we are living is that we have this star realm, the planet realm, the atmosphere and then we have the earth.
So he says that there are 4 great dimensions that exist. Steiner says that all these four realms work in towards us - because all the stars are beaming ‘forces’ at us … like when we learn that there are as many stars in the sky as there are grains of sand on the planet - that we can have an image that we are living in the middle of an energetic hologram and that these stars have been beaming forces at us for billions of years constantly and where we are - we are held by this ocean of energy - and the sun within our solar system organises its own things and the planets organise their own things.
What Steiner says is that he uses Hindu lore saying that the star realm is ‘spirit’ - for the planetary realm he called ‘astral’ - for the atmosphere ‘etheric’ and the physical he called the ‘physical’.
So the 4 kingdoms of nature use those four ‘activities’ in increasing complexity - so the mineral kingdom is just the physical body and the plant kingdom has this growth and light so it includes the atmosphere and then the animal kingdom has movement and some degree of consciousness - which brings in the astral planetary sphere - and finally we humans bring in the star qualities and show up as our self consciousness.
Glen goes on to say that basically we are looking at everything as being a manifestation of just those 4 things. That when we bring this into balance we have health and if there is any imbalance within any of those 4 activities - we have ill health.
He says it’s a fairly simple game … but it is based on reality - the planets are real - the stars are real ....
Also mentioned were holons and we are nested holons in our planets biosphere and it is nested in the solar system which is nested in the galactic
And we have organs that are made of cells and the cells go down to molecules to the atomic and subatomic - that everything is integrated from the microcosm to the microcosm.
His Website has more detail.
Periodic Table of Elements
The Periodic Table of Chemical Elements that we have today that goes back to the so called enlightenment the 16 century - and its rectangular shaped and is put together in so called family groups of elements. That there are 8 major groups of elements, then there are 10 groups of trace elements and then 14 groups of rare earth elements and in each family there is 7 layers some have elements in those manifest and other layers don’t. Now, Glenn has been studying soil science as part of agriculture - and you go down to where everything is atoms and atoms are these spherical balls of energetic activity.
Toroidal Spherical Form
Once something moves it starts to spin and it polarises and it creates this sort of toroidal form that has become quite common and the toroidal form is the pattern of existence - a sphere - everything is a sphere.
We all have our energetic activity around us - so we are an energetic sphere or field and planets have an energetic sphere and everything is an energetic sphere - so when we are talking about chemistry and we are looking at this rectangular pattern and we think of an element, for example like calcium.
So what we have to do is create in our mind this nucleus with so many protons and neutrons and then two or three rings of electrons and some of those rings are not full - they can take more electrons - this becomes the basis of the interaction of the element. If a ring is not full it will go on to jump on to some other element to fill that energy lack and this is how we get the chemical interactions. So it is really an interplay of spheres - so we are forever making an adjustment between the rectangle and the sphere - and to many it is one of the hurdles of coming to grips with chemistry.
Why not draw this up as a Sphere?
So Glen thought - why don’t we draw this up as a sphere - but first of all why not start with a circle and start from there and the above three groups - the majors, the tracers and the rare earth - so they are different numbers.
So when we listen to music and Glens background in astrology informs us as well because in an astrology chart we have these different angular relationships - we might call them 30 degree relationships - 45 degree relationships and 72 degree relationships between the planets - and he says that gives you the idea as in music that there is a 3rd harmonic and 4th harmonic and a 5th harmonic - and just as the 4th in music is discordant - where as the 3rd is harmonious and friendly - so that’s what happened between the planets. So in chemistry there is a 4th harmonic in the major elements - because there is 8 of them. There is a 5th harmonic with the trace elements - so this gave Glen the impression that they were different - they were running on these different sort of harmonics as it were - frequencies - so he could see them as groups and if we start to get this idea that everything is a sphere and therefore a circle is one 360 degree slice of a sphere - so we get that the circles resonate with the spheres - he says this is quite an important thought (come back to this later)
That every circle resonates with everything in creation. But in the development of the chemistry (it was well) we’ve got these three groups of elements and they can all be put on an individual sphere. Glen goes on to say what happens when we put something on a circle, that what we know in astrology is that we start getting these angular relationships - elements set opposite each other - they set at a 90 degree angle to each other - a 30 degree angle to each other - so what starts to happen when we put things on a circle we start to see relationships between the elements that aren't obvious in the rectangle. One of the classics in this is phosphorus and potassium set opposite to each other - are seen on a circle and in agriculture this is one of our greatest issues - that originally when settlers started farming here - they realised they lacked phosphorous, so along came superphosphate - which in itself is a very good fertiliser and they piled the phosphorus in, but then they realised the potassium was not active - and so they thought to then just pile in the potassium - and so along comes potassium phosphate, potassium chloride and they piled that in and then all of a sudden they realised that they were locking up all the calcium in the phosphorus.
So this is one of the biggest dilemmas in modern agriculture, especially in NZ is that we have this excess of potassium and although the calcium and the phosphorus is sitting there in the soil - it won’t be released.
Then once Glen did his circular periodic table it became very clear that it was this excess of potassium that was blocking all of the phosphorus. So he made up a product that would suppress the potassium and all of a sudden out comes all of the phosphorus and then the calcium comes out a little bit later.
He said that these chemical relationships start to become very obvious once you see them in a circle.. He further states that once we have all these 3 different groups of elements on a circle - then we can put them on top of each other. Then instantly we can see which trace elements have a particular relationship to the major elements - so that there is an interrelationship between all these elements that is impossible to see on a rectangular pattern. So the rectangular pattern does not work, and is not real - because chemistry does not organise to a rectangle - it organises according to spheres . As in atoms …
Tim mentions that Pythagoras 2,500 year ago in Greece said that when we still ourselves and meditate it was possible to ‘hear the music of the spheres.’ That the planets each have a different musical note, because each one is a different size with a different rotational speed - hence they each give off a distinct pitch or tone. So in truth - the music of the spheres.
The Circle shows the Pros and Cons of the Table of Elements
Huge areas of land in NZ are locked up because of cadmium - coming via the phosphate fertiliser - and cadmium is in the same family as mercury and zinc. That zinc as an element he says when sited on the circle is very prominent and sits very close to helping the etheric or the life processes work into the physical body. Saying we also know that zinc is a primary element that helps with fertility of plants and people. It is a primary health element. He says if you lift up the cadmium or mercury in an environment then it is going to debilitate the zinc and once this happens, it also immobilises the opposite element - which is manganese and there is an interrelationship between the two -and manganese shows up in good seed development - that for plants to fully reach the end of their life they have to have good manganese up-take - so the zinc and manganese interplay in this fertility expression.
So by upping the mercury and cadmium it knocks out the basic fertility process.
Glen says that where he is living (he has recently shifted there) that it has 10 times the amount of phosphate in the soil that it should. That it causes trouble and it affects and debilitates many of the other elements.
That farms with high levels of potassium used to balance out the phosphate in the soil results in all sorts of knock on effect and the metabolic dysfunction has cows pooping liquid feces and that is not good. For the cow is not 100% healthy and the soil and groundwater is affected too. Too much potassium is very problematic.
He said the various knock on effects are such that it is now not uncommon for farms to have 25% of cows not being able to get pregnant. The costs build up when the veterinarian has to come out every day to artificially inseminate the cows.
Regenerative Farming is very sound for Ecology and Animal Health.
Regenerative farming came up - where it is a fast growing farming practice across NZ and does not have any chemical input. Glen says that in the area he lives in around Waipukurau there are a lot of sheep and beef farms that have not been able to afford to put on chemical fertilisers (that destroy the soil) and so regenerative and biological farming is becoming a growth industry.
He said that other than some thistle sprays and some weed drenching - the beef and sheep industry are moving a lot closer to organics now.
Also covered in this interview was the amount of urea that is being put on NZ farms too.
Huge amounts of urea being used on farms.
It is common that farmers can put up to 450 kilograms of water soluble nitrogen on the paddocks per year and this had Dr Mike Joy state.
That farms can run efficiently and actually do ok with only 35 kgs of soluble nitrogen per farm. He cautions too about ammonium sulphate on the soil, it kills all the worms and at that point cow dung will not break down - sitting there for months on end and that stops the grass growing …
Listen to this as Glen gives a good understanding of what happens at the back end of cows …
Farmers caught in a quandary that they have to let go of.
Hear of the dilemma around farms having shares in fertiliser companies - from which they gain a financial return, but with ‘over fertilising’ killing the soils and the micro organisms - other farmers are being impelled to move to low input biological and regenerative farming that doesn’t use these fertilisers.
OTHER subject covered:
Listen to Glen talk about the profundity of a circle To the circle on the shady side of trees, on Bach flowers remedies. It’s all very profound.
Glen talks about corruption and psychopaths that we have embedded in the economic system and it is everywhere at all levels of society. That this has to be addressed.
About bacteria that bury into rocks. That soil microorganisms, the bacteria and fungi are so important for healthy land management and a vibrant biosphere.
He mentions the NZ family company Bostock nz One of the largest organic producers of apples in the Southern hemisphere. It’s in the Hawkes Bay the area where Glen lives and he says it is a growing organic and GE Free area - but there is still a large amount of spray usage today. :(
Glen says back in the 60’s and 70s we did not have the organic knowledge and track record - but now we do. That NZ can really become a food producer of the highest organic standards and it’s a win win win for all.
Have we the will to bring about positive change? This is the question. Glen said that he is more than happy to be part of this regenerative renaissance here in NZ.
Glen is presently looking at fungal control - lime sulphur a chemical is sprayed for black spot but it curtails photosynthesis for that plant and it's still a big problem in organic fruit, like grapes and stone fruit. He is having success with powdery mildew and various fruit rot. So he is still experimenting with organic ways to bring balance into combatting different dis-eases. He is having some successes.
Glyphosate spraying is now rampant throughout NZ agriculture.
In the last few minutes of this interview I ask him why there are large paddocks in many areas of NZ that are orange in colour and stand out like proverbial - marigold fields? This is when Glen let’s go.
Farmers are spraying their crops with Monsanto’s poison - glyphosate. It’s everywhere - it is a crime against humanity and a crime against nature.
Listen to these last few moments where he and I rip into the upper reaches of the Farming organisations that allows this wanton destruction of the NZ environment. These last few moments really let out the lies and corruption that is going on in NZ that is totally sabotaging and destroying NZs already tarnished image of a clean green country. Please - make the effort to listen and then network it to friends, associates and others.
In finishing. I will have to get Glen back on radio very soon, because there were a few questions that I needed to ask him - which focus on the first 1/3 of the interview. The tying in of forces affecting humans plus, to ask him to more easily explain that ‘within a sphere you can place a cube’ and that ‘within that cube you can place a sphere’ - down - Ad infinitum - Just like the nesting Russian dolls, babushka.
Next Week’s Interview
Jana Dixon
Jana Dixon who was born here in Warkworth NZ, now lives in Boulder Colorado in the US. Jana is an independent researcher and author working on a variety of subjects such as natural health, permaculture, restorative ecology, the psychology of sovereignty, spiritual awakening and the design of Civilization Next.
Jana is particularly interested in the 1080 poison debacle having been a student for a couple of years at the "conventional" agricultural university "Lincoln College," in which research for the use of 1080 was conducted.
She is interested in biological pest control and favours the idea of the introduction of one of the largest animals into our NZ ecosystem as a way to control the 50 - 7 million possums in this country.