
GreenplanetFM Podcast

Dedicated to interviewing leading edge experts, practitioners in their field, and people who are living examples of sustainability. Covers environmental subject matter that is not readily discussed in depth in mainstream media.
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Now displaying: September, 2020
Sep 24, 2020

Saying, let’s take it to the highest aspiration of the human level - where we do not see any differences - other than we are human beings living on a planet. Therefore, what is it that we have in common with each other? When we have more in commonality than we have differences.

Roy’s been living in NZ for 45 years, is the owner manager of the radio station and will be launching a renewed website in December - saying it’s imperative that we in NZ realise that we have huge amounts of possibility and potential, if we only realise our sacred connection with a greater reality.

I open up by mentioning last week’s interview of Billy Te Kahika as it’s the fastest growing political party in NZ and is getting much traction over Facebook and also our own YouTube,, and the web site. Roy then says that we want to express our high divinity and ideals, but we are forced to work at the coal face struggling for fairness - struggling for awareness and sharing - our what we are and what we are facing - but he says that as a single human being and spokesperson for a growing movement - it is a daunting task for Billy as a newcomer of lifting the consciousness of the people out of the differences and into the similarities and the unity - that is actually already here.

Roy says that we do not have to form a movement ‘because the human race is the movement’  - and we are all part of it.

Saying it is a matter of understanding of what we are going through and who we are - and looking at - what is our contribution - he says that we come into this world with nothing and we leave with nothing - so what is of value is what we contribute.

So our contribution is going to be relative to our perspective of life - and the current perspective of life that is being propagated - is the perspective of selfishness - Consumerism, and having ‘things’ etc. That we are constantly being forced into the survival concept = nobody else has enough money, nobody has enough time - no one has enough friends, nobody has enough … of anything.  This feeling of having a restrictive standard of living - when the earth is abundant (by God’s Grace) - and where there is plenty for everyone - but it has been stolen by the few at the Top - to leave us with the concept ‘I have to look out for number one’ (An emergency siren goes off in the background of Roy’s house and neighbourhood - How synchronistic?) 

As opposed to ‘what can I contribute to everyone else?’ If you want to hear some words of ‘tough love’ - have a listen - there are heaps of insights and learning in this interview.  But, we are in a society that’s teaching us selfishness. That we have been conditioned and programmed to become selfish because we lack a deep connection to ‘self’ and to warm caring family values, as well as a spiritual knowingness.

He says we can look at the whole situation that is happening on our planet, geologically etc, our financial system -  we can look at a host of different things plaguing society - or under inspection by society - or altering right in front of society - but, all of these are temporary issues.

Listen - because he talks about what is developing in your consciousness?  Are you getting above you or are you constantly worrying about your survival?

Are you actually endeavouring to help others reach their divinity and become better beings? Are you supporting people with truth and acknowledgment and encouragement?  ONLY?  Or are you guilty of passing on information that is not knowledge? (think gossip and trivia).

He goes into the fact that there is a very small group at the top of the global heap and they are rewarding themselves at our expense as they are farming us. We are being played …and this will continue and become more constricting - unless we break out of our self imposed - dream spell.  Have a listen and become active …

Then we have ‘us’ …and our attitude is of co-operative compassion  … However - this cooperative compassion is being discredited, it has been abused, it’s been neglected, its been marginalised - at every turn - by those who control the food, the money, the gas, the communications (media) the information …

So it’s leaving people going - I don’t get it, because in their heart they see that they are being constantly on the back foot…. Have a listen  … Because an awakening is happening …

There are 50 or so different issues - that are all part of the same issue … it is imperative if you want to be freed up to connect the dots …

He goes on to ask - are we going to be divine selfless beings and care and share and help …. or are we going to fight and struggle and hassle over what we perceive to be as differences …

He says at present humanity's consciousness is changing … we are in the birth canal to ‘a great awakening’ - and Roy believes this …. and changing for the better …

But, huge segments of society will have to give up on what they have been trained to respond to or to do and let go - surrender … and accept what they knowingly and intuitively feel to be right.

That we cannot break up the family unit,  as our education is teaching us to obey and not to be curious and to question … they are trying to inoculate us with poisons - now working hours per day have been extended for many - including half of Saturday - pushing rubbish and ignorance on TV - causing more people to become dysfunctional and the community more fragmented - pushing contamination of the food and the water and the air  - ‘they’  are doing everything contrary to healthy human life and this is the Awakening that has to take place … this is the awakening that we can all agree on.

We do not have to fight the system - we just have to abandon it …and start a new one.

We have the capabilities and resources to reconstitute society on a natural sustainable platform - but we are being told by officialdom - no you can’t - you have to follow our system …

Because by following the system that is presently in place - leads to our demise

Roy says that when we are young enough we need to know that … we are spiritual beings having an earth experience …

But, the system we now have, has lobotomised this statement out of our vernacular - and the Churches have totally failed in this …

He also mentions that people have such poor memories they can’t tell you what and where they were a year ago - we have entered a time of forgetfulness - because in so many ways we are filling our minds with empty chatter and confounding trash. Roy says that this is the goal of ‘the system’ - to keep us all in irrelevance - with junk TV - macabre images of death and slaughter - and then we go to sleep and have all these images eat away at our psyche - and have a bad nights sleep - because we have programmed ourselves to let in dark images - hence the depression and with the youth - suicides it doesn’t need a ‘wheelbarrow engineer’ to figure this out.

This is not an accident - this is a deliberate program to stultify you and turn you against yourself. The system has a plan that is anti-human development and as we realise the air we breathe is contaminated, we’re drinking sanitised water with fluoride added, there is all sorts of chemical sprays on vegetables and fruit being factory and industrial food that we shop for in the supermarket, there is glyphosate now in the Auckland harbour. 5G wireless being enforced on us - and the list goes on - that 1080 is being broadcast over huge areas of NZ, that injections into our bloodstream are planned for all NZers and once we tie all this in and do the research - but not via Google we come to the inescapable conclusion that we are under assault by an anti human system!

The last 70 years has been an upping of the programming of us to not think - that is if we see an actor on TV wearing a white coat telling us to microwave our food and eat white sugar - this person is not a doctor - it’s an actor - we are being brain rinsed to believe everything on TV - now they are selling soft medications for headaches and the like - because we are not eating, fresh, vital organic food that has ‘life force’ and we are drinking chlorinated water and very possibly fluoride and we wonder why children are suffering from everything from immune deficiency syndrome to allergies and comorbidity of numerous sickness cascading over each other. Because our bodies cannot cope with a multitude of toxins flooding the system.  So we either shake ourselves out of our slumber and do something ‘mindfully health wise’ or wait until our health becomes so serious that we are weakened by habits and our unknownness, to allow ourselves  - to snuff out our inner candle and pass away ...

Other Subjects Covered

In NZ we have been miss-educating our children for two or three generations now hence more parents homeschooling their children as well as the increase in private schools most being Christian based.

Normalising Our Daily Life.

We are being homogenising society through media and education.

Think this  - and everyone thinks ‘this’ - then think that and their attention goes to ‘that.’ Buy ‘these’ and people reach for their plastic card.

Whereas Socrates in ancient Greece - use the Socratic method that up until recently in the Western world was to question everything. Today we are educated and schooled instead, to ‘obey.’

So that people think the way we live in suburbia and go home and watch the 6 o’clock news, microwave our processed food etc - that it's normal - they think it’s natural - because ‘so many people’ are now doing it ‘that consensus reality’ believes TOTALLY in the program.

Americans will go to the doctor with a sniffle and have been taking antibiotics for generations and now their immunity systems have deteriorated to such a degree - that they are on multiple medications - keeping Big Pharma bloated with financial earnings - because sleepwalking to a burger of pizza parlour for a coke and fries is the programmed thing to do.

But what is it that makes me feel good inside? This is what Roy asks.

How much Joy can I experience?

When was the last time I loved life?

Saying - this is the most momentous time in history for us to come together.

Showing respect for mother nature - by going and immersing yourself in the beauty of what nature offers … This is when the healing takes place. Being bathed in grandeur and splendour. Breathing it all in.

However we did dip into the waters …

The NZ Government, right at this moment is doing its best to control all water across NZ and taking it away from all Councils - why? Agenda21 - Agenda2030. He says we are being deceived by the way the Government is dealing with water in all its manifestations here in NZ. They are not addressing the NZ Public - there are no town hall meetings to address this important resource and its allocation.

Roy says that we in NZ do not have leaders that are protecting us and our resources. We just don’t have them - they have been programmed to obey don’t rock the boat - as well as to essentially hide and blend …

Saying Billy Te Kahika has a huge job on his hands to get ordinary NZers mobilised - because they have been disempowered by years of TV programming drawn-out political processes and on the physical level - eating lifeless dead food and drinking municipal water devoid of life force …

Listen Roy discusses talkback radio, as it unravels across the airwaves yet easily becomes contaminated with no heart fulfilling conclusion  … and especially the addiction of anticipation - that talkback is going to share some important knowledge and they draw it out and extend it - you go to the advertisements and come back and they change the subject and you end up being drawn out into a dead-end situation - so what people are addicted to is the anticipation, but you do not actually really get any knowledge … and resolution.  A lot of it could be perceived as basically a bitching session.

It’s like hanging out for a hit of heroin - and the system sucks and sucks and nothing comes that fills your being with hope, joy … or knowledge.

You May get a little information - but you don’t get any knowledge that will change your heart - change your awareness - change your values - give you support.  Saying it is a type of hypnotism …

That after 20 or 30 years now - people have little understanding of knowledge these days - yet, they are awash in unknowingness - having zero connection to history …

TV Radio and Written Media

Shortland St , Coronation St, Neighbours, Close to Home SOAPS - are mind control TV programming basically based on betrayal and revenge - it is a program to strangle the minds of viewers to become lost in a lost world - yet pay the advertisers handsomely for being the suckers that watchers are. There is no continuous stories of virtues, values and love or on open one's awareness of a greater reality.- just a cycle of wash, rinse - spin-dry and repeat of so many various crooked dark attributes peppered with titillation and clever camera angles.

We are programmed towards lower desires and base thoughts and feelings. To those who are aware - the human species is sliding down the chakras away from the heart and higher mind.

The riddle of the Sphinx on the Giza Plateau In Egypt, is mentioned.  It’s an animal body with a human head. Signifying that the ancient pre Pharaonic civilisation, in a time that goes back probably 10,000 years plus - left a reminder for humans - that we have to evolve from the lower animal mind to that of the human higher mind.

We also talked about ‘Out of the Body and Near Death’ experiences - to realise that we are not our body … that we have another spiritual quality that is eternal - like the soul. That people have to research this - because it is life-changing for the better.

All is God and Nature - that the human race in many instances have become disconnected from …

Being warm and supportive with each other … and this connection helps us to awaken …

That the Bible has been rewritten so many times that it has lost its meaning at some levels - and that it has been sanitised.

Tim speaks of an early St James Bible that his friend has that says in (Matt. 2:1)

And three Astrologers came from the East.    Then it changed to

And three Magi came from the East to now it is …

And three wisemen came from the East

Will the next re-write be

And three coca cola salesmen came from the East?

The Redline BIBLE       - This bible supposedly has words that are written in ‘red’ as being spoken by Christ. Though the context in which it is written is somewhat removed.

The Scofield Bible 

The interview continues about the great deception that has been happening in banking + all religions - so that many movements globally have now been infiltrated …

‘Infiltration instead of Invasion’ - through all institutions especially in America and the English speaking world - ’sleepers’ have been put in place be it Justice, Education, Health, Agriculture, etc etc   They are not here to lift us up to be inquisitive, curious and to ask questions. Do your own research.

What To Do

Walk away from the system … start your own.

Communicate with your friends and neighbours.

Farmers markets are good places to go to ‘get a feel’ for working and cooperating with good people.

Don’t buy fizzy drinks - Cola etc.( haven’t bought any for myself since 1977)

Source good fresh spring water.

Don’t buy fast foods. (I have not eaten at McDonalds or Burger King in my life) - so it’s possible.

Grow as much of your own organic food as possible.

Consider Homeschooling your children. 

Join a TimeBank, Green Dollars or a Savings Pool. 

Find reputable local products to buy.

Clothing - I buy quality second hand but occasionally from a new retail source (Farmers) - but no major labels.

Yes, we will still have to purchase petrol and all fuel stations are the same. This is a loss/loss situation

Buying computers and phones - just buy the best and most robust. We cannot win here. Apple is relatively reliable.

Furnishings - there are superb 2nd hand deals.

Purchase a good used car - Japanese are usually the most reliable.  

Housing and land - it’s challenging. Build in mud brick and alternative local products. 

Work within their system to build an independent system …  this is where we need to start talking with our friends whanau and family …

Remember that there is a greater intelligence embedded through the universe, that a higher being exists and we have been programmed to forgo and forget our connection to Source to the Creator or as Roy openly states - to God.

Roy’s Radio Station Website - with a new website in December 2020.


American Chris Hedges, Pulitzer Prize Winning Author. 

“We now live in a nation where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals, and our banks destroy the economy.”

Once we understand this is a Western World Phenomenon - we can start connecting the dots.


Next Week 

Paul Riddell - Radio, Wireless and Electrical Frequencies  …

What you can do to isolate yourself from increasing wireless intrusion.

Healthy living in today’s electro-smog?

Sep 17, 2020

This has come about because we know that our planet, and the biosphere are in crisis. We are intuitively recognising that our freedoms are being constantly eroded. Not only this, but mainstream media is either censoring by omission or only feeding us information that may not necessarily be true. Especially if espoused by the Government - who are elected to be our representatives, and expected to debate and clarify every point of view in an open forum so that both they, and we, are fully advised of all pros and cons.

This interview tells of the emergence of the NZ Public Party and Advance NZ via social media, why so many people have been drawn to it, and illustrates a common thread that connects so many concerned citizens of today.

Yes, there is a metaphysical strand passing right through this narrative and it all revolves around either control or freedom. Not freedom to do whatever we want to do, but in having ‘Freedom’ - we know that we have to be self-disciplined when given such an immense responsibility.

This interview is about the soul of humanity and its impact on the soul of our civilisation.    

The best way to understand this is by watching Robert F Kennedy Jr in Berlin 28 Aug 2020

Robert connects so many dots that it brings Billy’s focus into perspective. To such a degree that within the next 10 days Robert and Billy are going to engage in a live video discussion, together.


In this interview I asked, Billy can you please start off with a little karakia - as prayer is important as it supports clear, good thought, correct statements, and right action.

We talk of his wife Corrin and his three children, his Tamariki, and also of his surname Kahika being short for Kahikatea - this being the tallest native tree in New Zealand!  Taller than our mighty Kauri - As these trees can grow up to 60 metres high and given time - higher. So I say that he comes from a very important family tree, pun intended - or shall I say whakaapa. (laugh) He says it has many meanings - the expression to be a warrior and the expression of a leader - but quickly advises that he has no desire to be a politician or in Parliament and now he finds himself in front of a movement that he says is really not about being hungry or lustful for power - he at heart just wants to get on with his life, with his business, being a musician, having a little ministry with his wife and helping people. However these times that have come about now have compelled him to take a stand and air the concerns of many, many people of what we are seeing in relation to the behaviour of the present NZ Government. (but of previous Governments too.

He says he stepped forward as he found that there was no-one in the political landscape articulating what was happening and this compelled him to make a stand, not knowing that it would lead to the formation of the NZ Public Party.

Early Childhood

Billy grew up as an ordinary kiwi Maori New Zealander living in South Auckland in a ‘state house’ with his beautiful Pakeha Mum and Maori Father. Saying that he never really wanted for anything yet did not have a lot either. He says many people are still highly skeptical of how he could come from obscurity to leading the fastest growing political movement in NZ. Something that has never been accomplished before. That it is all about the message, the timing and what needed to be expressed in the public arena.

That a growing number of people have been in distress quietly thinking the same things but not having an outlet for their concerns, their thoughts and thinking. Some were upset, thinking that this lockdown situation that we are in - just could not be and Billy was able to amalgamate and aggregate people from across society that share the same concerns - and Billy was able to put a voice to it and unite it all and thus have such a message stream out across not only NZ but globally too. Because in his words - it is a true peoples message and a true peoples movement.

The Status Quo do not like Billy calling out the ‘system’.

As a result all the political parties, be it the major ones and the small independent ones in Billy’s words - hate what he is doing. Because he has noticed that NZ has been losing its sovereignty and independence over a long period of time.  (This subject will be dealt with at another time.)

He tells of his COVID 19 experience and because as a family man on a little farm went into lockdown a week early, because he genuinely thought this the prudent thing to do with what information that he had at the time. However over this period he started to see cracks in the Government narrative. Listen - it is best hearing it from Billy direct. (It is only a 50 meg file - equivalent to 12 photographs).

Because what he started to notice were incongruencies with what the authorities were talking about. Remember, he had had some experience as a military analyst and viewed information in a holistic way of thinking and as he said - he was seeing that these authorities had differing perspectives that as team players they did not add up to one coherent story.

Contradiction in the Narrative.

So being at home with more time on his hands he put a lot of effort into research and assessing the information and found too many contradictions to the degree that when during the course of the lockdown they deemed to say that there was the potential for people to be arrested and detained and face charges. He states that this changed the narrative - that we were dealing with a highly deadly disease - he says that we understand that if it was a highly lethal disease - everyone would happily lockdown. But, earlier on Billy had been hearing these other narratives from Stanford University in the USA and their Department of Epidemiology.

This was headed by Professor John Ioannidis -  and Billy noted that this was from an exceptionally well-qualified Professor who had ‘broken ranks’ with the corporate, health and educational world. His detractors said he misled the public and the US Media in lockstep all condemned him - because one, ‘he was his own man’ - and two the media, and universities are all part of the one mindset and that they need to follow the same ‘controlled’ narrative. Because he said that Governments globally need to relax - that it’s an overreach - saying don’t panic and it is not going to be millions and millions of deaths - that it is going to be within the range of the annual seasonal loss due to bad influenza.

This to Billy says is confirmed by the courageous Auckland University epidemiologist Dr. Simon Thornley who stated the prolonged lockdown is likely to cause greater harm than the virus to the nations long term health and well being, the social fabric, plus economy and education.

Agenda21 and Agenda2030

So Billy took this all in and then studied the United Nations, which he had been doing for over 10 years and all of its many different agendas and realms and he had himself visited the UN and met Helen Clark when she was number 3 there and to cut this short - that Agenda21 and Agenda2030 were in his eyes, problematic - because those that have made an in-depth study, as well note the buzz worlds of sustainability and green initiatives and the very catchy phrases of due care and the future of children living in peace and harmony - something just did not click for him.

NZ Prime Minister Commits NZ to Agenda21 & Agenda2030.

But what spiked Billy’s focus was that last September at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in New York at a presentation called GoalKeepers - NZ’s PM Jacinda Ardern had made a public commitment to the audience that she was going to commit to the full implementation of these two Agendas right across NZ and yet she has not made this statement on the front page of the NZ Herald or the first news slot on TV ONE, or TV3 or the lead story at Radio NZ.  So there was one short story for overseas consumptions whilst the hobbits back home in the Shire in NZ learned of nothing but a quick news brief, on TV to the acclaimed silence of every NZ Member of Parliament to this day. Hence NZers' growing suspicion. You must remember Agenda21 was signed in Rio De Janeiro in Brazil in 1992 under the watchful eye of George Herbert Bush, US President, Ex Chief of the CIA.

Billy maintains that these Agendas become a totalitarian agenda were without prior consultation with the community from the grassroots up, we are not being told what they are being implemented.  Because, it’s a top-down mechanism from the top of the pyramid to micromanage our planet - country by country, region by region, from villages, towns and cities that programme humans to be eventually asked, and ‘encouraged’ to shift from the rural sector into ‘smart cities.’  Yet this has not been discussed in town hall meetings across NZ or better still on a two hour TV slot with both TVOne and TV3 ‘simulcasting’ it to the whole country - calling on all citizens of NZ to tune into this nationwide debate and discussion as to what is Agenda21 and the best future possible for us, especially our children and grandchildren's future.

Told to obey, and not encouraged to consciously participate?

That our society would come under the aegis of protocols from above about where a human can live, breathe, drink, eat, watch etc. Would the United Nations declaration of human rights apply?

But aligned with the World Economic Forum inclusive of the Fourth Industrial Revolution - humanity will be herded into smart cities wherein Auckland for example saturated in a cloud of escalating 5G wireless frequencies we would be drinking water piped in from the Waikato river - being only tested for 100 different chemicals whilst upstream the catchment area brings in 10’s of thousands of farm, factory and urban roadside chemicals. Would we be allowed to grow organic food in both the back and front yard of our homes? Or, if not allowed, does that mean having to eat factory food and industrial food - devoid of nutrition, vitamins, minerals and ‘life force?’

Cashless Digital Society to be implemented.

In a cashless society which we are entering as you read - all transactions are tracked and everything is transparent. Agenda21 clarifies what we can and can not do with our land, what we can build, how we can build - what permissions needed.  How we educate our children, ‘medical sovereignty’ to make decisions for you and your family what water we can catch, or pump up from the ground.

Billy maintains all of the above is entwined in Agenda21. Yet, there are also many concerned people, and plenty of lawyers and learned people currently in litigation against the UN’s rollout for this.

Why the Secrecy of Agenda21 and Agenda2030.

Why are our leaders not talking about this and then asking for feedback?

Why does the community at a grassroots level know essentially nothing about this? (other than they are too busy surviving and keeping a job to learn more about this. etc etc.

When Billy collated and pulled all this information together and then went on FB and called to all who wished to hear - it went viral and here we are today - with a rapidly growing educated population - connecting the dots and realizing that there are two narratives running. An overt one and a covert one. That when Billy started talking via social media - it went like wildfire - and people started sharing and liking and responding and NZers up and down the country realised that this was how they saw it too … and were ecstatic that someone had come out and courageous said it for what it is. That there have been over 2.5 million people on Facebook sharing, discussing organising and as of now there are 65 party candidates and the list is growing.

The feedback to Billy, is that NZers - these being lawyers, doctors, media professionals - business owners - wealthy people, poor people - every level of society are very concerned with the secrecy of what is planned for the country.

So today we are wanting to know about the Prime Minister's implementation of an Agenda that she has not gone to the NZ people to inform and appraise them of.

He said that the AdvanceNZ team has been working on all the policies that need to happen - that they have very qualified people organising and overseeing what needs to be accomplished.

Needing a New Constitution

Personal Sovereignty as a God given right.

Get our over priced housing under control - take an entrepreneurial approach to it - not a bureaucratic  approach.

Address our everyday problems by encouraging ordinary people who see these challenges and address them and who are not groomed politicians - who are also not groomed to take the corporate line either …

He mentions not only our PM, but also the Minister of Health and the Minister of Finance as working for another Agenda.

There is so much in this interview for you dear reader, if you wish to know more you are encouraged to please download and listen. Yes it is long - but not as long as having to sit down and translate it word for word - believe me :)  ta - Tim

Other Points

The Government is closing down localism and grassroots endeavours - especially in the rural sector. Notice that they never mention organics and how we can become healthy. During COVID lockdown the PM did not encourage us to eat healthy non sugary food, drink good pure vital water (which you can not get out of the tap.)

Were you encouraged during the first lockdown to grow your own food to become a little more sustainable and resilient as well as fit and being in sunlight?  No, because the current Government is in lockstep with corporate food giants who only want you to eat chemically sprayed factory food.  It would be no different if it was the National Government, they have been infiltrated with the neoliberal discourse as well.

Because Labour is very engaged with centralisation of power out of Wellington, in wanting more Nationwide control. Then we have  Regional Control = Australia, Pacific islands and certain areas within South East Asia and then ...

Full planetary control?

Labour is going about this systematically. The National Party would also do the same - if in power.

But, Billy states we have to have a strong middle class - and this is being eroded.

What is stated here is that the Government is collapsing our economy and in doing so is racking up more debt, getting our country beholden to overseas bankers (who print money out of thin air) and so with the majority of Labour MPs not being business people and have not put their savings on the line -  they have no understanding of the challenges and risks of owning and running a business - and thus have very little connection to small business and the responsibilities, etc .

Over reach by the Government?

The COVID19 Public Health Response Bill.

The NZ Govt states it is the only single source of Truth that we had the NZ Police use their Facebook page to say - exactly the same thing.

The NZ Herald article last week stated NZ has now debt of over $800 billion from a population of 4.8 million people - and that we could be forced to sell off the NZ communities remaining few crown jewels - the Ports of Auckland and whatever percentage of the Airport we still own.

We pay around $45 billion dollars in interest alone without paying off the principle - to keep our debts at bay. Covid has cost us $240 billion already.

The internet censorship Bill that Tracy Martin of NZ First put through  - why did NZFirst want to do this?  The hate speech Bill has to be re-examined as well.

That Chris Hipkins Minister of Health stated that action could be taken against people who spread lies and misinformation about Covid 19.

Turkey and Switzerland  -  Switzerland followed the global lockdown and Turkey followed suit - but they kept the workforce at the jobs - that anyone 20 and under stayed home and 60 and over stayed home too.

They were able to keep Turkey running at a high percent and both at risk groups were taken care of. When compared with the Swiss their statistics were comparable - but Turkey was able to keep their country running and not depend on loans, to bail them out. 

Look at 6hr 25 mins onwards re covid statistics - very revealing  

And Sweden - they went for herd immunity and after a very traumatic starts with a large amount of Covid health problems and deaths (the elderely)  - they have now gained herd immunity and the initiator of this unique process has been sent to work with Dr. Tedros of the WHO to shape them up.

He went against consensus realitie’s buy into the fear and the course that Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates trumpeted and came out of this to end triumphantly.

He said very early in the situation that essentially this covid was a very nasty winter flu and they have come out the other side and their economy is intact and taken not had to be bailed out by intentional banks etc - They did not buy into the Who and Its Ceo..

Billy Talks of a Trojan Horse and the  Bill of Rights in relation to a national emergency that the NZ Bill of Rights can be suspended. He states that should never be the case - because the elected politicians in Parliament are our elected representatives - to represent us - we the people.

He also queried why John Key paid $15 million to the discredited Clinton Foundation and that Jacinda Ardern donated $ 5 million to them in what has been found out to be a ‘pay to play’ racket. What is the procedure and checks and balances to allow a PM to make contributions of NZ tax payers money to an overseas foundation. Who gives the ok?

There is much in this interview when more questions could have been asked, but lack of time prevented this.

Finally - when we set up this interview - Youtube generated a random number sequence. This is what we got back. What was even more interesting was that for the first time in my 17 years in radio I asked an interviewee to say a karakia - a prayer.


Next week’s Interview


We do not know.

Have an enjoyable and insightful 7 days.

Sep 10, 2020

Are we also going to be a cashless society only, using digital currency that will all be tracked from all integrated banks to every person throughout NZ/Globally?

Phil opens up saying that had ‘we’ had the courage we would have had a reset back in 2008 when New York’s Wall St and City of London ‘Ponzi schemes’  started to fall apart - but the Federal Reserve cleverly manifested trillions of dollars to bail out the bankers instead of the ordinary people who needed it. Like 14 trillion dollars of liquidity kept them afloat. Which Phil states was the absolute wrong thing to do - we needed to have let them fail - clean up their messes and then given them strict new rules in which to operate under and to state that ‘you cannot continue to hang out pieces of paper and expect other people to buy them. That was the first mistake.

The 2nd mistake was thinking that the problem was solved. Because with all this financial liquidity injected into the market - a lot of Governments and central Banks thought ok -  that is a good job done and everyone went back to business as usual. However, it basically sent all the ‘problem gamblers back into the casino - with a new bankroll.

Now Phil says, we have got the same set of problems - overvalued asset markets - and too many promises to pay - on debts that can never be repaid. Which essentially has set up so many economies around the world to basically fall over at the slightest whiff on any headwind - and now we are in this headwind. COVID.

Like building up climate-related problems, COVID, plus countries in unrest and civil disorder in so many other countries that the financial system was not ready for this because it was already ‘running pretty much on fumes.’  So we are up against the same sort of reckoning of 2008 - but this time we do not have the luxury of having to pump limitless amounts of credit into these markets to get them to inflate again. So what are we going to do?

Phil says that there are a good number of players who are saying let’s get back to work and open up our economies etc   - get the money machines flowing and just leverage more things - sell more things and pretend this never happened (sounds familiar?)  All Phil can say to this - is good luck with that.

Because the reality is that people especially now during COVID are reflecting on the present situation and recognise that this is totally unsustainable and realise that we can not just keep on plundering resources and use the oceans and atmosphere for sinks for all of our waste products and not expect it to catch up with us. That there is now no going back - there is now a growing number of people who know that what we have been doing has to change - that we have passed through a one-way gate.

Does this reset mean we go cashless?

Cashless Digital Countries - who are going to go first? Sweden, Australia, Norway or Denmark?  Phil says that NZ is very close as we are a small country with a very well integrated banking system and that we have been practicing for some while having the first EFTpos card system on the planet - back in the 1990s we put this in place, and it was not that costly and it did not take very long to have it all mesh together with all banks using one EFTPOS machine all connected.

So NZ was the global guinea pig (like so many other technical test trials). Phil states that NZ is seen as being successful having a nationwide system that can essentially do away with cash using credit and Eftpos cards.

Phil then mentions that the New Zealand Reserve Bank a year ago sent out a survey form to ask what New Zealanders thought about cash.

With these questions:

  • Do you use cash?
  • How often do you use it?
  • Do you wish you used it more or less?
  • He says they asked a number of good questions.

And what the NZ Reserve Bank concluded was that getting rid of cash would be a bad idea.

But, if the big boys overseas said DO IT. The Reserve Bank would do as they are told? 

Listen around 10 minutes in:

Phil says that though we may have in many ways a cashless society - and though the Reserve Bank is wanting it - they will watch the situation and see how it all unfolds.

Phil says that cash is the only form of money in our broader economy that is not created as private bank interest bearing debt. This is a larger thing that people tend to leave out of the conversation. That right now 98 and a half percent of the money that is circulating and changing hands and is in transactions every day in NZ was originally created out of thin air by a commercial trading bank as an interest’s bearing debt. He says that the cash is kind of interesting because it is the only money that does not have that pedigree. It is the only money that did not come into existence through that original sin … of a mortgage or some other sort of bank loan. The reason this is important is because right now NZ’s private debt to GDP ratio is getting close to 200% - which means that the amount of money that is owed to banks and financial institutions is about double the turnover of our entire economy in a single year. Phil says most of NZ’s money comes into existence when people take out mortgages.

(Note:  I did not want to interrupt Phil - but this Labour Government and the previous National Government have been accepting around 80,000 new immigrants into NZ per year, and I wanted to ask - is this allowing the NZ Government to ride high on the influx of the many millions of dollars flowing into the country as a result of these new residents, bringing all their cash into our economy?  

Phil talks about the housing bubble as this is where most New Zealanders invest their money, and he asks - what will be the trigger when it pops? Because, he says - it’s on its way …

Hear about the stated policy of NZ’s Reserve Bank via ‘quantitative easing.’ They are able to print money ‘by offering it to trading banks’ as a backstop for all the lending that they want to do. The banks are very happy to do this - for by giving out loans this is how they make a profit - the interest on loans is the banks' income source (Note the 4 overseas major banks in NZ made over $10 billion in profits in 2018/19)   So naturally, the top strata of the NZ Banks (Australian owned) want to keep this game going as long as they can.

Also mentioned in this interview

Learn that the Govt is acting as a hand brake on the NZ Economy.

Why do we not learn who the overseas Bankers are, that gives the NZ Govt loans?  What bank? What are the terms? That the further you follow the money it has to go higher up the pyramid. Who are the people at the top?  There have to be families that benefit from all this money ‘going uphill.’ Who are they? Why the muteness?

That NZ debt is continuing to increase. Why the silence from ordinary MPs about this? Because each Party will not allow an MP to break ranks and ask that type of question. The Parties control (muzzle) their members - this is why Parties and NZ politics are increasingly seen to be opaque, stagnant, and moribund. 

That the NZ Government also does not invest its money where it would do the most good.

Not at the grassroots. Listen to what he says - our government is not consciously putting its money into areas where the community most needs it.

Digital exploitation is now rife on a planet that has already been exploited for its natural resources.  

Phil says that we have gone into overshoot in terms of what we are doing to the environment - especially freshwater and topsoil, and pollution in general. That now the only frontiers able to be exploited are the ‘virtual ones’ by taking advantage of this digital space - the virtual world. This is where we also have to be alert. If you are not savvy with the latest technologies and monetary systems, get ‘professional’ advice.   

Crypto Currencies and BlockChain technology  - a lot are virtual ponzi schemes and pump and dump scams are in this realm.

BlockChain is a very useful tech - we just have clean out the abuses - so it can be used for the benefit of society 

Can we prepare Locally and throughout NZ for a perturbation in the currency and cash realm?  

If the Western world went suddenly cashless - would NZ follow?

Steve says keep some cash handy all the same - enough to get you by for a number of days just in case a bank did go down.

He says we are still in the Neoliberal lens and that there are bubbles that could collapse and affect us.

New Zealanders invest and own houses as their investment portfolio - not in new business and enterprises - where overseas that are more entrepreneurial.

Becoming Self-reliant and resilient.  

It is very important for us to grow our own food where possible, especially organic because we know exactly what we are putting into our bodies. Plus, it is fresh and therefore our health is optimised and thus no visits to doctors

Tools to sustain us in case of breakdown or emergencies.
How do we keep money or ‘currencies’ working when cash becomes unavailable?

Steve describes how a ‘Time Bank’ works to show how good and easy it is to implement. That a time bank is a ‘chit’  that has a number on it - that has a value of ‘one hour’ and you can trade these within your community if someone can mow lawns and another can cut someone's hair or paint a house and trades with repairing a machine or furniture - these chits can be traded. You can have a small computer run the whole local community and it can have up to a few thousand ‘locals’ engaged to work this way. 

That you can download from the web programs like  ‘Community Weaver’ a dedicated  program - or Community Forge - or CES Community Exchange Solutions

A very good example of a community that is working with a Time Banks is Project Lyttelton in the South Island of NZ. 

To obtain more information on making your neighbourhood and local community more self-reliant and resilient go to: 

Links of interest:

Sweden is the most cashless society today.     4.12 into this short video of 12 minutes. 

Could there be against all expectations a ‘Global Debt Jubilee’ - where all sovereign debt is forgiven?

I had that in my question list,  but did not get around to asking for comment on this :(.


Next Week’s Interview:

To be announced.

Once it is recorded and edited and readied we will advise.

Thanking you,

Sep 3, 2020

Since this interview that took place on Monday 31st, we find that the CDC, the Centre of Disease Control and Prevention in the US have now stated that only 6% of US deaths have been from COVID19 alone. The other 94% had at least one other health issue at the time (or more) then along came the coronavirus that led to their death. This was basically due to their now weakened - immune system.

This fact has been known to many people like ‘silenced' frontline doctors and activists for some time now - but denied or censored by omission by MSM, hence the uproar today -  as to question how large is this coverup by the so-called health ‘authorities?’   

Tim covers this subject a little more at the end of this interview where he adds to this narrative.

With regard to this Interview:

It’s obvious that everything to do with vaccines, in particular, is difficult for all doctors - globally. The reason being is Big Pharma - as it controls both Medicine and Doctors, especially if they speak out on issues, specifically with alternatives or doubts. This is when the ‘controlled' Medical Association' will instantly 'strike Doctors off' from practising if they dare to question.

But … ironically the Russian/Putin vaccination is getting widespread condemnation and scepticism because it has been rolled out so early.

Note the majority of people that Dr Kelly meets, would be happy with a ‘safe' vaccine. They simply are not convinced by a rapid roll-out under Bill Gates" - no difference from distrusting Putin.  A ‘clean' vaccine with no embryo remnants or nanoparticles is what is required.

Masks - Dr Fauci in the USA. First, health officials said we shouldn't wear face masks. Now, many are saying we must wear masks if we want to protect the economy, reopen the country etc  … Mixed messaging for the global public?

Hydroxychloroquine & Zinc. The video touting Hydroxychloroquine as an effective treatment for patients infected with COVID-19 quickly went viral, gathering over 15 million views on Facebook alone. YouTube took it down and NZ authorities do not call for it to be used - even though it has been around for 60 years. Donald Trump took it at the start of the crisis and you can see him at news conferences with Dr Fauci and others standing beside him all wearing masks. What gives?  Do your own research.

The Media - we have media news interspersed by openly deceptive advertising about all sorts of things. So the narrative is we are presented by fact/lie/fact lie. For example - NZer Sir Ernest Rutherford, who split the atom, is now lip-synching his approval of 5G. Our media is also dependent on advertising which is Machiavellian. When is TV lying - when is it telling the truth?

Questioning the Media?

The idea of open honest media is that because of the impositions on our lives and livelihood, we need our state broadcaster TVONE, TV3 and Radio NZ  to produce a daily 2 hourly advertisement free, balanced debate on the pros and cons of lockdown, the pros and cons of the Great Reset, the pros and cons of mandatory vaccination - not crappy dating reality TV, etc. 

We need to trust the public to make up their own minds armed with balanced information. In fact, if 'mainstream media' is to survive it must do this and not whinge about people getting their information from social media.

Media experts need to be retired from comments after 2 months - the reason being they tend to defend their original statements whether right or wrong. This is not healthy.

Media experts need to declare their conflicts of interest. This is exceptionally important.

Big Tech is now completely entwined with tertiary education and of course all mainstream media.

MSM is the propaganda wing of big tech (and big pharma.) The corruption has become ‘normalised' in NZ.

Big tech is completely entwined with the Royal Society, Callaghan Innovation, MacDiarmid Institute, and all Universities and media outlets. Deals with Huawei, etc have happened and the repercussions have yet to become obvious.

The Crown Entity status of Callaghan Innovation - a Govt/big tech collaboration. No matter which party is in, has to be far more transparent.

The planned Elon Musk brain implants without any knowledge of how the brain works have to be questioned. The theory that consciousness is an epiphenomenon of the brain - rather than the Hameroff /Penrose theory that our brain microtubules are foundries where the quantum world collapses - I.e we are filters of consciousness.

That by encircling the world with 100k satellites - and 5G - when we now know there is a circulating world microbiome in the troposphere.

How viruses and all life have coexisted for billions of years. How they are vital for life and integrated into our DNA. Mammals would reject their off-spring without placental retroviruses. This hits at the military narrative 'let's eliminate the virus'...the virus is bad, we are good etc.

Human unknowingness

So all this adds up to human arrogance - advancing while denying their ignorance. Ignorance of the workings of the brain, the lack of realisation of the interconnectedness of all things, the microbiome, Schumann resonances etc.

Selectively using the precautionary principle only when politically and financially advantageous - i.e why lockdown but no caution with 5G?

The State imposition and control of the patient/doctor relationship - and overriding of Doctors years of experience and clinical knowingness plus the doctors' duty of care when treating the individuality of the patient.

Metaphysical Understandings?

The last few moments of this interview opens up to extend into the holistic notion of soul and spirituality and that this COVID crisis - has through all manner of means, compelled people to question their very existence and why are they a human and living on this planet surrounded by time and space. That … at the very core of our being 'we can visualise our inner candle' that illuminates us to expound on the idea 'we are spiritual beings having an earth experience.' Worth pondering?

At the end of this enjoyable interview, Tim adds a little more about Senator Scott Jensen

MD - of Minnesota, who went to social media saying that COVID death numbers have been totally exaggerated especially for the elderly as these people were already suffering from other comorbidity ailments, such as heart problems and cancer etc and were in many cases near death. Yet, they were classified as dying of Covid.

Please note it is now very difficult to find the full video statement he made as Youtube and Twitter may have taken it down. Make sure that you follow this up, as he has since been censured by the Medical Authorities.   

Dear Reader - This is our time to stand for truth, especially in taking care of our children of today and tomorrow - as well as our biosphere.

Dr Simone Gold. The banning of her and Hydroxychloroquine. 

Making nonsense of the nonsense - satire


Next weeks interview is still unknown. Such is the ever-changing landscape.