The core idea is that Nature, imaginative by necessity, has already solved many of the problems we today are grappling with: energy, food production, climate control, non-toxic chemistry, transportation, packaging, and a whole lot more.
Animals, plants, and especially microbes are the consummate engineers. They have found what works, what is appropriate, and most importantly, what lasts here on Earth.
However, we humans have only really woken up to this in the last 30 years.
If we could only mobilise our consciousness (and media) at a global level, we would be both amazed and shocked to realize that the answers to our challenges are already embedded in nature, the same living super system that we too are deeply embedded in, except we have disconnected ourselves.
Time to awaken and reconnect, to our great sustainer our planet and recognise that so much of the biota, have over millennia and eons have worked through phases of evolution to innovate the best conditions for life and the common future for this life.
In nature nothing exists alone.
Rachel Carson
Sam Stier:
Learn more about biomimicry in video:
And print:
What is the Soul? Part Two
With Bill Watson
Our Western civilisation essentially goes back to ancient Greece. But yes there is Egypt, Sumeria and Anatolia in Turkey. However, Bill starts with the 'Fates' that were embedded in Greek & Roman Mythology, the three goddesses who preside over the birth and life of humans.
Each person was thought of as a spindle, around which the three Fates (Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos) would spin the thread of human destiny.
We need to remember the word 'psyche', the ancient Greek word for Soul.
This translates to a psychiatrist being, essentially a Soul Doctor - however in Western medicine Soul has been lobotomised out of the medical vernacular. Science does not educate us in the spiritual realm as - if it cannot be measured and quantified, it does not exist.
If we go to Wikipedia - (which sadly is not the resource it could be) there are on earth today 7.8 billion humans of which ‘supposedly’ these numbers below show, that:
2.4 billion are Christian
1.9 billion are Moslem
1.2 billion are Hindu
0.5 billion are Buddhist
.394 Million are China Traditional
1.2 billion Secular[a]/Nonreligious[b]/Agnostic/Atheist
So with Christianity and Islam betwen them - there are 3.3 billion adherents who would beleive that they are going to live beyond this mortal life. That in scripture in the first book of the Bible in ‘Genesis’ we learn about ‘soul’.
That Hindu and Buddhist also believe in an afterlife solely because they (like other minor religions and sects) believe in an essence / consciousness that leaves one body and after a time enters the baby of another human body.
So there is a very considerable number of humanity who believe in a soul essence that inhabits the human body. That is most definitely spiritual in nature and that science does not want to utilise the vast number of 25,000 universities planet round to further research this perennial doctrine that has been embedded in all world religions, beliefs and cultures.
Yet, there are now thousands of recordings over the last hundred years of 'Out of the body' and 'Near Death' experiences everywhere on planet earth. Even doctors and professors and hard core atheists have experienced them - however the ‘medical establishment’ only sees the human body as a physical machine made of flesh, bone and organs. So they still refuse to take this step. Science has made up its mind that ‘nothing’ exists.
This subject of ‘out of the body’ and ‘near death experiences’ is one of the more divisive questions on earth. For there are many who have been brought up to believe that we are only a body that has evolved by chance via Dawinian evolution. This idea consolidated when science later added on the fluke of the big bang bringing all into existence. Even God was taken out of the equation.
That when we reduce the human body down to its constituent components you will find no evidence whatsoever of a soul or a spirit. The non theist - better known as an atheist will argue and battle this subject out even though people who have OBE and OTB experiences can tell you what their parents were doing, wearing and saying - even though they lived in another country at that exact time - they will argue vehemently that it is all a hallucination and that these ‘other’ facts don't matter.
For some unknown reason the disbelievers will in most cases not give up until they expire on their last out-breath.
Though we did not cover this in any depth at all, Bill mentioned that C S Lewis said - we don't have a soul - we are a soul - to which I heartily agreed and when looking for this quote on the web, I find that C S Lewis never mentioned it - so we apologise for this. Here is the link:
Tim mentions that we are being dumbed down as a society and a civilisation and that we are seeing the censorship of information - even that of the distant past is increasing, and it is hidden in plain sight.
For example the Bible which was supposedly first written 3,400 years ago. See at the end of each quote that the word mutates from 'Soul' - to 'Being' - to living ‘Person’ - then to 'Creature.' With such a rapid change in description, will the next iteration become a - 'robot?
I jest - however I trust you get the gist.
Because of time constraints we did not cover anything from both Vedic and Egyptian writings. Though in the Vedas they mention Soul, because Ātman is a Sanskrit word that means inner self, spirit, or soul, being in the Hindu philosophy.
Shaman and medicine men in indegenous cultures also believe in soul as their whole cosmology is grounded in this notion.
A search for ‘sole’ on the web brings up:
The only Hebrew word traditionally translated "soul" (nephesh) in English language Bibles refers to a living, breathing conscious body, rather than to an immortal soul. This is interesting, because even Albert Einstein did not speak of the soul, unless it was in generic terms.
What Bill focussed on was, what are the virtues of a soul and Bill talks of James Hillman - who has much to say on the soul
Have a listen to what he says ...
However in relating to today reality Bill says that the human species have in so many ways has lost its moral compass. He explains this … listen
Also, Transhumanism comes up - that people who don’t believe in souls and eternal life are doing their best to build computers / robots so as to ‘house their consciousness’ - see Ray Kurzweil of Google to get an understanding.
Bill also mentions that we are in a shift of consciousness that is happening and there is a huge cycle that we are all enmeshed in and that by 2027 we will see changes that we have not planned for. Listen
There was much in this interview, Bill speaks of the challenges the human race has found itself in and offers up a way for us to heal our being. This healing Bill says is very important if we as a society are going to resolve our differences, and become well.
The words karma and past lives come into this conversation - so I do suggest that you listen - it is only a 20meg download.
What comes across is Bill’s duty of care and concern - he says that Bach Flower remedies are very good ways to heal our emotional realm and bring us back into our true self.
Bach flower remedy tinctures -
We also need to constantly remember that “we are spiritual beings having an earth experience”.
There is an old First Nations saying that you can hear of in America - of an old Cherokee teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.”
He continued, “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.”
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”
The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”
So it is imperative that we have the ‘correct’ thought, right words, and right actions - as we chart our course in life.
Captain Edgar Mitchell, 6th man on the moon had this to say ...
God sleeps in the minerals, awakens in plants and walks in the animal and thinks in man …
And the question is - what do you intuit is man’s next evolutionary-spiritual step?
13 Best Books on Near-Death Experiences
These books will give you an inkling of a great reality - however the subject of this interview was based on what is SOUL and do we have one?
There is a new movie coming out this November called ‘Soul’ - it's a blend of Soul music that the Black community of America put their heart into when singing and playing music but it also covers another unique side by having a ‘discarnate’ soul floating around telling ‘his’ story that is totally integrated with the soul music of the main black character living in America .
I have not seen it in its entirety - but the three trailers are very interesting.
Next Week’s Interview:
Stephen Simon
Producer of the film ‘Somewhere in Time’ with Christopher Reeve, Jane Seymour, and Christopher Plummer.
In 1998, he produced ‘What Dreams May Come’ with Robin Williams, Annabella Sciorra, and Cuba Gooding, Jr.
On January 3, 2018, his wife and forever love Lauren suddenly passed away in her sleep. She was only 54.
Six weeks later, Lauren began to communicate with him … and in October 2018, they started writing a book together.
Wives, husbands, mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, grandparents, and many others have experienced communication with loved ones who preceded them beyond the veil that separates life and what comes after life. Many of you are having that experience now, and many more will experience it in the future.
You... we... are most definitely not alone.
Love and Aroha coupled with courage are our greatest gift.
At the start, Jacques prompts me to say, have a pen and paper ready, stating not to believe all that he says. That he too, is endeavouring to work it all out, through intense research into old records and books on the web etc all about the ‘forgotten past. Saying that we have no understanding or even knowledge of what has come to pass.
Because things are not as they are and as a researcher of both historical events as well as new technologies that are released on today's society, we can not necessarily believe the status quo.
It starts with Tim mentioning his interview 5 weeks ago of Dan Hermansen - - and the United Tribes flag of 1835 in early NZ, keeping Aotearoa NZ ‘as a free country’ and that King William the lV would have Great Britain protect it. However that flag was cunningly displaced by the Union Jack at the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, in 1840 - that contrary to what the Maori chiefs were aware of, New Zealand basically became a colony of Great Britain. Hence Hone Heke, the first Maori chief, to sign this Treaty, cut down the flag staff 4 times due to his disgust in which this Treaty was being administered.
That then, in the comments field of Dan’s interview was this - ‘The Auckland City Council is a Corporation listed on Dun and Bradstreet - So Tim did a web search and we find it in Wiki’ -
Also mentioned early in this interview was the British East India Company because it was an overseas extension of the British Government and was in many cases a ‘law unto itself’ where it cunningly introduced opium into China in 1825 that soon after, the Chinese addiction to opium expanded (to 4-12 million people). So this opens the question who was this Company and who governed it? As they had no apparent conscience. Yet, its flag was an ensign that was accepted by the British Government and Admiralty. Adjusted for inflation, at its height, the company was worth $4.1 trillion. (Oct 17, 2018) other searches suggest $7.9 trillion.
Jacques, says he has worked for the Central Government in South Africa and in Local Government here in NZ and is horrified at what he believes to have found!
Stating there are 2 fundamentals that are universal as it relates to the Law; in this case British Law.
They are:
1) Contracts &
2) Jurisdictions
Fundamentally all law is a contract
A contract aims to control the behaviour / actions of two or more parties.
Shortly after Jacques was born, the legal system in South Africa impelled his Dad to sign him away as a bonded surety to a ‘bankrupt franchise.’ Note that South Africa was part of the British Commonwealth until 1961 and rejoined again in 1994.
Unbeknown to his Father, while he thought he was doing the right thing, apparently registering Jaques birth, and signing the birth certificate, was actually signing a contract;
He made Jacques the surety to a bond in the ALL CAPITALS fictional name that the corporation had created to enslave Jacques for the rest of his life.
This Corporation? This will come later …
ALL CAPITALS you ask? Yes, they use what is called Dog Latin, which is capitals or block letters. By the way, Dog Latin was used to trick and deceive back in the days when serfs could not understand what the more educated were able to control how Law was administered. Note The Latin alphabet started out as uppercase serifed letters known as Roman square capitals. Ancient Greek started off this way too.
And it seems the legacy continues to this day;
In the English language all capital writing is not a proper noun;
A proper noun is the name of a man or woman, place or physical thing;
That all capitalised name is not a proper noun and therefore not a name;
For example a name used for an individual person, place, or organisation, spelled with an initial capital letter, e.g. Jane, London, and Greenpeace. Often contrasted with common nouns.
Is it a lawful contract? No, because his Dad was never given full disclosure of what he was actually signing;
So the birth certificates of everyone are traded on the capital markets and heaps of money is made from them, according to Karen Hudes, former World Bank lawyer. (do your own research).
‘Everyone includes people who are born in countries like NZ, Australia - and very possibly Canada, and the USA plus UK. Is India and Pakistan? Research it.
The Corporation establishes how much tax the child will pay over his or her lifetime and that birth certificate / bond is then traded on the capital markets;
Who is this Corporation and why does it trick parents into doing this?
The answer to the why question is easy; control and trillions of dollars;
But there is also a sinister reason, which he will come to later.
But who is behind the Corporation?
His research has shown that there is one massive Corporation;
All the others are subdivisions of the main one;
The biggest sub-division is the United States
The corporation is known by a few names; Triple Crown; Tri-Regnum, Triple Tiara and Three-times Royal
The Triple Crown was started as a testamentary trust in 1302 pursuant to the Papal Bull called Unam Sanctam, the Holy Singularity / Sanctified Unity;
Pope Boniface VIII announced that he would depose King Philip IV of France if need be and issued the bull Unam Sanctam ('One Holy'), the most famous papal document of the Middle Ages, affirming the authority of the Pope as the heir of Peter and Vicar of Christ over all human authorities, spiritual and temporal. (Bull = Decree or edict)
Underlying the trust, is a global estate. The Pope claimed he owned all land, all flesh and all, wait for it… souls!
All being part of the global estate.
But surely the Pope had no say over the affairs of England?
So did the Pope have control over King William the 4th when he said he would protect the NZ Maori Chiefs Freedoms in 1835? - even though the British were a Protestant country and had the largest seafaring Navy at that time.
Well, this is where things get interesting.
So let’s go back to 1215 when King John was forced by the barons to sign the Magna Carta. What happened two years prior to that? Early on the 15 May 1213 King John went to the church of the Templars at Dover and there he knelt before Pandulph, the legate of the Pope, placed his crown in Pandulf's hands and took the oath of fealty to the Pope in Rome.
Fealty is a feudal tenant / vassal’s sworn loyalty to a lord, in this case the Pope.
King John also handed the legate a document stating that for the atonement of his sins against God and Church that he surrendered into the hands of Pope Innocent and his successors forever, the kingdoms of England and lordship of Ireland, to hold them henceforth as fiefs of the Holy See - the Pope.
Many believe that John ceased being King when he laid his crown at the feet of a foreign priest;
So this is how the Pope claims he owns all land,
But how does he own all flesh and all souls?
Well, the ‘birth certificate’ is a contract remember? It is the commercial vessel which is floated upon the ocean of commerce. We are made to believe that that fictitious ALL CAPS name is our real name and as such we are made surety for the bond. But actually we have nothing to do with it and the so-called birth certificate contract is invalid because no full disclosure was given at the time it was signed or any time thereafter.
So they are tricking all of us into believing we have to pay taxes and fines and rates when really it is all deception. But, because we pay it we contract to the Corporation. When we vote, for example, we are contracting with the Corporation and giving it legitimacy. We are given the illusion of a democracy, but there is really no democracy. It is simply another deception.
How many believe that the Queen of England has anything to do with assenting to Acts of Parliament? Her title was changed and the Roman numeral of II removed and replaced by Queen Elisabeth 2nd If you don’t believe go and check out the NZ Governor General’s website. If a monarch’s Roman numeral, as appears in Queen Elizabeth II, does not appear in her name, they are no longer referring to her, but some fictitious entity.
However, due to the fact that no full disclosure was given to our parents when they signed the birth certificate, the contract can be rescinded, which means the Pope does not lawfully own all flesh and ‘souls.’
The key to remove ourselves from this contract is to understand exactly how it was constructed, so we don’t get ourselves into trouble when we rescind it.
The Triple Crown Corporation is made up of:
All the established nation-states were trans-migrated into corporations, which are the subdivisions of the Triple Crown. That he believes includes NZ & Australia.
This was all supposedly done in the 1700’s - do your own research - it’s a quagmire
Jacques says if you go to the Securities and Exchange Commission website you will find the NZ and Australian governments there, of which he has screenshots.
In NZ, most of our ministries, like the Ministry of Justice, NZ Police, Defence Force, Treasury, Ministry of Business Innovation & Employment, etc are all listed on the biggest business website in the world; Dun & Bradstreet as companies, with sales revenue. I have those screenshots too. So New Zealand and Australia seem to be very much part of this greater Triple Crown Corporation. - but do your own research as Wiki has been compromised for years.
Jacques sent an Official Information Act Request to Justice Minister Andrew Little asking if the Ministry of Justice is a company. He has 20 working days to respond. It has been 2 months and still no response from the Minister. Why?
He has now referred the matter to the Ombudsman but found out that even the Office of the Ombudsman is listed on the Dun & Bradstreet website as a company with sales revenue of $6m.
The reason Jacques is making such a fuss about this is because in our legal courts he is convinced they are not practising Law. He believes they are controlled by the Corporation to monetise we citizens (or the slaves) - because last time he checked the Ministry of Justice sales revenue in one year was $395m.
Also if the Ministry is in fact a company, how can they administer justice, when there is a huge conflict of interest? How can a company or corporation be in charge of a country’s Justice system?
If the NZ Treasury is a company, how can it control public funds?
Our only saving grace, one would think is the old English Common Law but in 1986 the Constitution Act removed most of it. One has to wonder why? - But, was this the full account of what happened?
And then in 1988 the Imperial Laws Application Act brought it all back. Since then many amendments have been made. - Again this is so messy - what can we believe?
As Jacques has not had the time to investigate all of this yet - He has brought together a few bright minds to assist him - this is ongoing.
You see the English Common Law includes Magna Carta which was designed to protect individual rights. But, the Corporation does not want its slaves to have rights.
Is that why when one becomes a barrister or lawyer or solicitor one has to swear an oath to the NZ Law Society and at the ceremony all have to bow to the judges? When you bow to someone they become your master. How can a lawyer fight one’s case properly if he is subject to his master. Some believe that lawyers are there to ensure you contract with the court. As soon as you contract - you lose your English Common Law and inalienable rights as man and woman. Then they can do to you as they please. Ask the Ministry of Justice about that and they refuse to comment.
If any of your listeners would like to support the work that Jacques is doing, or want to be released from this system, you can contact me on
So the point that Jacques has been endeavouring to make here, is that a system was created to enslave us for our entire lives; a system which subtly robs us of the life God (or evolution) (or both) - gave you and your inalienable rights. Jacques mentions it is also a system which now believes there are too many people on this Earth and that we need to be culled, through unsafe technology like 5G, vaccines, nano tech, chips that includes ruining the income of billions.
That he has never consented to be controlled by this system and he does not consent now. Nor should you. He is preparing to throw off the shackles and so should you.
People Around the World are Waking Up to this Deception.
Jacques reminds us, if we don’t stand together the 1% will totally control us, because currently we have no rights. Look at Victoria in Australia. Do they have any rights? Look at how people are being grabbed by their throats. They have caused no harm to anyone, but are being treated worse than animals by the so-called police and no one lifts a finger. So Tim says - “NZers get serious and savvy and start to challenge the authorities on this and similar issues. This is what a participative Democracy is.”
We have been conned into looking after the ‘I’ when the ‘WE’ is our safety.
The Corporation does everything to isolate us from one another, so they can control the WE, because they fear us. They are after all the 1% and we are the 99%.
Jacques says … do yourself a favour and switch off the mainstream media. They spread what they are told to spread and will brainwash you into their narrative every time. If you want to get out of the system, you need to get rid of the propaganda.
In South Africa the Zulus refer to Ubuntu.
For me it means we are all connected and we all need each other to thrive and survive. We have to stand against those that want to harm us or rob us of Ubuntu. If we don’t we, as the collective will be taken, one by one, like the protesters in Victoria Australia and lose everything our forefathers fought so hard and died, for us to have.
In NZ we have Aroha and this too is a major statement of Love and unconditional Love that is the building block of Maoridom.
Other points in this interview:
Sovereignty -
Australia has ‘Australia Day’ on the 26 January every year - this is when they ‘supposedly broke away from Britain.
America has Independence Day - the 4th of July when the became independent of Britain
Where is NZ’s day of independence from Britain? Some say it was sometime in 1947.
On 26 September 1907 the United Kingdom granted New Zealand "Dominion" status within the British Empire. New Zealand became known as the Dominion of New Zealand. The date was declared Dominion Day, but never reached any popularity as a day of independence.
In 1948 New Zealanders became New Zealand citizens – before that they had been British citizens. New Zealand gained full legal independence when Parliament passed the Constitution Act 1986. In 2003 a new Supreme Court was created, replacing Britain's Privy Council as New Zealand's final court of appeal. June 20, 2012
When is NZ day proclaimed in NZ? We do not have one …
Gag Orders - In NZ Local Councils will not let you speak out about certain information. Does this mean that even if you are a Member of Parliament in NZ that you are not allowed Parliamentary Privilege - to raise points that you think are of national importance? What are Gag orders - do you sign them when entering Parliament?
Please look at the back of the NZ Passport - the North Island has printed on it NZ - whilst the South Island has nothing.
Maps of NZ for the last 70 plus years have always had an even spread of ‘New Zealand’ across both the North & South Island , but not so on our passport. Why?
NZ IN 1967 changed their money from Pounds - to Dollars - a $100 bill was printed, yet though we have eliminated small coins we have not made a commensurate change by printing a $500 note - because NZers have forgotten that the $100 bill now is only worth $20.00 in 1967. That is an example of how docile and slumberous we have become - the bankers will most probably frog march us into a cashless society - sooner rather than later.
That people are encouraged to research Jordan Maxwell - Matrix of Power and what is Admiralty Law?
That so much is happening that it is all hidden in plain sight. Yet, NZ society as a whole - seems blissfully complacent and unaware.
In 2003, I (Tim) took my class of language students to see Queen Elisabeth 2nd at the America’s Cup Village in Downtown Auckland. That I then found myself in the middle of a loud beseeching by two middle class men dressed in suits calling and addressing Queen Elisabeth ll of England. They honoured her as the Head of the Church of England and Defender of the Faith. They politely but forcefully asked her to outrightly condemn the Pope in Rome as the Anti Christ and in league with Satan - and that here I was 5 meters from the Queen and 5 metres away from the two men standing on some seats. (this was more than astounding. Here they were still fighting the war between the Roman Catholics and the Protestants.)
That Treasury here in NZ has a direct line to the US State Department - Why?
That Donald Trump has recently taken over the US Federal Reserve - which is a private Corporation - asserting US Independence from the City of London?
When Donald and Melania Trump visited London in June 2119 they both broke a major royal protocol rule by shaking hands with members of the royal family instead of curtsying and bowing. To top it off, in a ceremony In London in front of the trooping of the colour and pomp and ceremony Donald Trump walked out in front of the Queen - which signified that he was in command and that the USA under Trump had made a major break with the City of London.
There have been whispers recently that Prince Charles in the last months has been crowned King to replace his Mother Elisabeth 2nd - so there are plenty of assertions flying around at present, that signify huge change is upon us.
Also that all the Lord Mayors of London have been Freemasons for something like the last 200 years, until Ken Livingston from the Labour party broke that spell … from 2000 to 2008. What does this portend?
When In NZ you receive a traffic infringement it is addressed to you in CAPITAL LETTERS - why? See above.
The Pope says we individual humans can not have a direct relationship with God - that we have to go through the Catholic Church? Why? Because this is how the Church funds itself. Where does this leave Protestants?
The United States Isn't a Country — It's a Corporation! - if you want support against having to comply and have enforced injections against your will. Click
This was more than an intriguing interview. It was also a call to waken NZ journalists who have become so distracted by political in fighting that they have become profoundly lost in their own drama.
Next Week.
What is the soul, why has the soul been such an important part of human endeavour for millennia?
This insightful interview of Dr Simon Thornley of Auckland University again shows that there are good reasons for us in this country to question authority and then furnished with new, rigorous evidence - chart our own course.
During the COVID lockdown crises, NZ as a country hunkered down as a "Team of Five Million" as the Prime Minister called us. We essentially did what we thought was in the best interests for the nation as a whole. However, after a short time there came from the academic realm, another voice that said hold on a moment, the statistics coming in seem to be not telling the full story, so let’s take another look at what's really happening?
This voice was Dr Simon Thornley who courageously stated that the facts were indeed not clearly stated. He also noted that Professor John Ioannidis of the Department of Epidemiology from Stanford University in the US was finding the same slanted stats and later on - Prof Carl Heneghan of Oxford University, in the UK also noted this.
When Simon looked at the early evidence at the first stages of the lockdown - of who were in hospital or were very unwell the statistics showed people dying who were actually expected to die in a short while anyway - as a result of old age or other comorbidities - such as heart problems, cancer and other ends of life ailments.
The statistics that he was able to gather showed by far the majority of people who were dying were in the 80s to 90s. This was supported in a Sky News Broadcast on the 20th of September they said that …. Back in July a statistical anomaly was spotted which changed the way COVID 19 deaths were counted. Previously Public Health England included any death of a person who had previously had Covid 19 as a Corona virus fatality even if they had recovered from the virus and died of another cause - and the person who spotted that was professor Carl Hennigan from the University of Oxford - who has been quite critical of the UK lockdown, going a step further stating that the British PM was surrounded by mediocre advisors!
In the interview, Simon lays out the anomalies and says that we in NZ need to be cautious, protect the elderly in particular and open up the country which means schools as well.
There are a good number of profound points covered in this ranging interview and the big one is that this Covid is very much like a very severe flu. Saying that this virus is not as deadly as we had initially believed. Simon on ‘Plan B’
The Interview:
Simon talks about when a virus kicks in it expands and reaches a climax at the top of the bell curve and then falls away. That is even with no intervention - saying that the virus eventually burns itself out - this is what we call herd immunity.
This is the way we recover from 99%of virus afflictions - that’s basically it.
So he says that the strategy that needs to be on the table, which Sweden was discussing was ‘herd immunity’ and sheltering the vulnerable - we knew for example that people in rest homes, in hospitals, were very susceptible to the virus - certainly people over the age of 65 - much more than people under that age … so that was a reasonable strategy …and he (like me) got behind the NZ Govt’s initial response to protect hospitals and rest homes and avoid the spread of the virus in hospitals. However, Simon said that the response went further with slogans - like “we are going in hard and early” and “we are going to eliminate the virus” and he said we know that the hospitals were never under threat in NZ. That even in the height of Covid - there was spare capacity.
Simon says that he sees that Covid19 has taken this ‘exalted status’ - and it concerns him - given its overall importance that in many ways there are many other important challenges within the health domain. Mental health and suicides which was mentioned towards the end of this interview.
We talk about Turkey and they locking down only the young and the elderly and having everyone between 20 and 70 stay at work and they had the same death toll - per % of population - virtually the same as Switzerland, even though the Swiss followed the conventional lockdown procedure.
Simon mentions that the Turk’s obviously were paying attention as to who was really at risk. Saying he is not sure about the young ones - the children and that his reading of the situation is that they are even at a lower risk of anything happening in terms of severe outcomes. Especially when compared with middle age people etc, that keeping the economy going seemed very sensible.
The Icelandic Experience - In Iceland they tested a considerable number and they found many with - Asymptomatic infection - so people there were testing positive with Covid - but without symptoms - so that was crucial information as we initially thought that everyone with Covid had severe symptoms and were going to need hospital treatment and may end up being fatal.
So this was important - and there are big questions as to why - and the knock-on effect around our planet is - why the degree of lockdown when Iceland showed up anomalies and people with Covid - did not fall ill?
Also Iceland opened up its borders and they seem to have readjusted their risk to some degree to the virus …. That their tourism industries are recovering …Listen
Also talked about was the CVC in the USA and the rewriting of Covid deaths down to 6%. - you will have to listen
He states this ratio is of high interest and that is simply about the number of people who die of Covid and also who die because of Covid - stating there is a distinction there … and he says the definition is INTERESTING - divided by the total number of people who have Covid and initially the WHO stated this was very important that this was high - much much higher than what we would expect for influenza - for example about 3.4% for example - where we expect influenza to be about 0.1% or 1 in a thousand - so the WHO was saying - 3 to 4 in a hundred were dying compared to 1 in a thousand with flu - however listen to how Simon covers this and you will hear that the fatalities of Covid have been ‘dialing down’ more and more that they are now getting closer to the range of seasonal influenzas.
Listen as Professor John Ioannidis of the Department of Epidemiology from Stanford University is quoted as saying the fatality rate is about 3 in a thousand - the CDC is a little bit higher than that, at 0.6% - so he says we are seeing a ‘dialling back’ of the fatality rate from the virus.
Note that the age of deaths by Covid in NZ is virtually the same as for normal or natural mortality as he compared this for the year 2019 …Listen … that the distribution was virtually exactly the same. as the ages of the people who had died with Covid in NZ.
Simon mentions that this virus is not as deadly as we have initially believed - (Listening to this interview is better - it’s only 22 meg)
Prof Carl Heneghan Oxford Prof - Watch - evidence based medicine - Sky TV interview
The Professor even states that “the British PM was surrounded by mediocre advisors”
That corona viruses and flu are seasonal - so listen
Love, connection and being with family and kin - is very important, if not imperative.
We hear that within the public health community there is a perception that by locking everyone down this is one-way they see as keeping us safe etc … like risk-free… by intervention - but there is also a knock-on effect as there is a major loss of connection - that people need to be with each other and experience love and family and warmth, plus touch being imperative for family and community.
But also stated is that we now know that locking down has very serious implications - such as in England - not only to the economy - but with Covid that people who are suffering from diabetes and cardiovascular to cancer, strokes - you name it - are now not receiving the attention that they previously received as Covid has cornered everyone's attention.
Here in NZ 50,000 people have gone on the unemployment benefit and being unemployed takes away people's feelings of self-worth. Paid Employment is very good for mental health. Not enough money for decent food - results in poor nutrition and also poor thinking and decision making.
As a result, he says - the lockdown is going to increase inequalities in NZ.
The NZ Govt itself did an analysis through the Productivity Commission on extending the lockdown for another 5 days in relation to the costs and it was clear to the economists writing that paper that they came to the conclusion of 95 to one - compared to the benefits - and this is information that the Govt was writing itself.
But this information was eventually swept aside … and it only came out through an Official Information Act Inquiry.
Govt insiders are thankful that there is another point of view addressing the Official Narrative.
Simon also mentions that he has had some contact with people in Government and they are glad that they are hearing another point of view - because they are concerned that New Zealanders are in many ways only getting a one-sided story.
This was startling - the PCR test is only about 70% successful. Putting the swab up your nose.
That microbiologists had to battle the NZ Government from sending infectious patients being sent back to rest homes - this is a shocker … NOTE this was an important factor in NZ’s apparent success, in keeping infections at bay.
The frail and the elderly have never responded well to any vaccine.
That fast-tracking a vaccine still could take years - saying the Mumps vaccine was the fastest, being produced at 4 years.
That ultimately we will have to live with the virus - ultimately
Hydroxychloroquine - has had some good results, especially the latest Belgium study. But we still need more research. Yet, very recently seven States in the USA have given the OK for Doctors to use it.
This was a very exciting interview for me - because Simon had an understanding that was considered outside the conventional viewpoint. The only thing was that there was only a certain amount of time to cover these questions.
This 6 minute video gives us another insight.
NEXT Week's interview is not yet sorted - however we will be doing our best to bring you the best information we can. - Tim
Yes, there were smokestack industries and a lot of steam as the industrial revolution built up - but nothing in the way of man-made radiation what so ever.
At that time human biology and the Schumann resonance for our planet was roughly 7.83cycles and all biota on earth were all in harmony. It was not until the Soviets put a man in space that cosmonauts and later astronauts had to have a little power pack attached to them running this frequency because if they are removed from this frequency of 7.83cycles - they will rapidly become very ill and eventually die.
So other than lightening and the Schumann resonance there was ‘nothing’ above this, so all the way up to invisible light there was ‘nothing’ and all was in harmony. But now we humans have almost completely ‘filled up’ all that ‘frequency’ range or space, with ‘artificial, mostly digital signals.’ Like being inside a ‘low powered’ microwave oven.
The Coming of Radiation
This all came about via the industrial revolution that leads to the so-called ‘enlightenment’ as we found the atom once again that the ancient Greeks had mentioned plus electricity and radio wireless and X rays etc and with it came the periodic table - the understanding of wavelengths and today we now have a multitude of ‘layered’ (ordered) frequencies all around us at present. This has resulted in many ways of an unrelenting (unknowing) technocratic industry that has built up, but especially over the last 30 years, with a ubiquitous global enterprise of using microwave radiation 24/7/365. However, what this rush has done is that it’s having a knock-on effect regarding health - to not only humans, our families, but to animals, and pets, plus birds, insects, and trees.
Where it all started with innocence and unknowingness - since the end of the Second World War certain scientific groups even within the world's militaries have realised that there are consequences. That in more recent times the commercialisation of these radio waves has meant that a great amount of money can be made from exploiting this ‘medium’ hence the ubiquitous mobile phones as just one of the new technologies that are on the global market these days.
Yet we are falling very short of ‘independent research’ done to find out the safety of this technology, however, Paul does tell us how the military took this tech to such a level that it was deemed by the US and allies to be the way forward using /national security’ as the reason to extract as much operability out of this expanding realm. He also says that the industry itself conducts its own safety standards and critics say that this is like having the fox guard the henhouse.
And the big question we need to ask … w is why not enough safety information in the public arena?
He also mentions electricity which scientists do not have a full explanation as to what it is other than we can use it. Research the battle between DC - Direct Current that Edison used as against the - AC Alternating Current that Tesla brought to the world - that today powers every home basically on our planet. Yet, there is also such a thing as ‘dirty’ electricity and that is the radiation that it gives off - even in the average home today. Which is being ignored by the Electrical industry as well as Government and health officials.
Paul says in his days at school, he is 62 now and when he went to school hardly anyone was ill. Maybe a couple of kids would pull their inhaler out after a run around the paddock, that was it. Now he challenges us to go into any school in NZ and check out the health of those children - stating that there will in all probability be over 50% having an issue.
Dirty Electricity
Paul talks about a modern family home that he visited with various meters and found that it was overloaded with dirty electricity - that the two infants had been unknowingly living inside a wireless storm and were behaving erratically and waking up 3 to 4 times at night - even having video baby monitors. So after registering on his metres all the high amounts of radiation in the house they turned off the monitors and the power to the wifi and modem etc so that only the fridge was on at night etc - and within days the children became happy, healthy little infants. This shocked the parents - because they had no idea and this example is important no it is imperative for all parents to check out what is happening in our home and do it sooner than later. Following Building Biology and Ecology guidelines are important. Especially for building a safe home. (this was an abridged piece here. Clock radios emit radiation beside your bed etc. - Listen
Meanwhile academics and so-called scientists defer to archaic guidelines as well as with the deployment of 5G - they fall back on the WHO, the same organisation that is run by Dr Tedros with all its contentious connections etc, to Dr. Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates and all that is COVID.
ECO - The word has been misappropriated
The word eco in new buildings is being abused - it is more about economy than ecology. It's a star ratings system etc - = how can we save money - but doesn’t encompass health … (where are you at the NZ Green Party?) CFL light bulbs - compact fluorescent light bulbs have issues and now we have migrated onto LED lights - WARNING - not good for your health - as it does not give out a balanced spectrum of light. Do your own research ….’white’ is not a native colour for LED.
The human body is electrical - yes we are cellular, but we are also atomic and subatomic beings.
Humans are exceptionally electrical in our own bodies far much more than orthodox medical Doctors will be trained to understand or that the conventional medical system gives us credit for. (remember we are an energy field of atoms harmoniously oscillating in time and space in harmony with the Shumann resonance and this new technology of LED - is oscillating at exceptionally high frequencies - (you have to listen to this. These latest light bulb technologies are not good for your/our health
Paul says some people are more sensitive than others … But at a basic level - we are biological beings and that electricity is part of our makeup at a subatomic level - so we are all being affected.
It, gradually over time decreases our immunity system - it erodes our health and vitality … search GS meter Graham & Stetzer meters - check this out.
People especially in the Western world are becoming more unhealthier - earlier - hence the increase of people now becoming electro sensitive. Being able to pick up the wireless wavs wherever there is intense radio waves or computer usage etc.
Working in an office full of technology - can wear you out over time …. especially in a city office block
Saying - Sitting with a computer beside your desk and cables with your feet touching them - may be up to 10 or 20 or 30 volts - and that is very negative to your health - day in day out ….
Also mentioned.
Solar power comes in for questioning as the ‘inverters’ are the problem - there is a huge output of dirty electricity - you have to be awake to where your inverter is put. It is not biologically safe. Shield it or keep it away from the house.
Microwave ovens are toxic …. because the shear strength of the magnetron that is inside the unit -and then there is the poor shielding that is around it. (I, Tim have never owned a microwave oven.)
Mobile Phones
That now we have gone from 1G to 2G to 3G, 4G and going into 5G the tech corporations are becoming very clever and sophisticated as to how they pulse and modulate these frequencies … and they have had to do that to carry the increasing amount of data that they can now ’ship’ through the air waves - throughout busy cities, malls, sport and rock stadiums big events - where many people are intensely gathered - NOTE you/we are in the middle of it all.
So that the effect on our human biology is that the increased velocity of data - is becoming stronger and stronger and … even stronger - but worse and worse for the human inhabitants of this planet, not to mention flora and fauna and all biota inhabiting the biosphere.
Listen … that during the 2nd World War where radar played a huge part for the Allies in winning the war against the Nazis. It was when radar operators began to die due to the intensive frequencies that they were experimenting with.
But he said that this was not the first case of electro sensitivity as it all started in the 1890’s with the first case - when they started having telegraph along the railway lines that some of the telegraph operators began to become ill - Listen
Plus the old telephone exchanges where the operators connected all the calls by pulling and pushing in plugs to give the connection - they too were affected by electro sensitivity and became ill.
Unknown to Us
After the 2nd World War - the Russians said that this new technology of radar was quite harmful and they went one direction and the US went another way, with the Americans saying that military superiority was imperative, for both their communications and weapons. That unknown to you and I, there was quite a debate between both of these two countries ‘behind the scenes’ and even today the Russians standards are 100 x less than the Western standards - and China as well - which means their technologies in their countries are 100 times safer than what is being unleashed on the Western world. Which translates - that less is better for everyone's health, but we in the West are being ignored and overridden. Hence this radio program and all the 5G interviews are being done.
So that those two countries that are not known for good human rights have far more stringent safety guidelines for their own populations, than we in NZ and Australia - and the West have.
The Thermal Argument with 5G
Listen to how the heating or thermal effect was focussed on and never expanded upon - hence we have the fraught and cunningly employed idea that 5G only affects the skin - they based their standards on the ‘thermal effect’ on the largest organ of our body. Thus it has become dogma. That our NZ Govt and Health Department has totally bought into. (So it’s just not Covid)
You will have to listen as there is too much to convey.
The multi Governmental agency that overlooks this - note there are no Medical MD or biological professionals on these boards.
They are essentially all technocrats.
There are thousands and thousands of studies showing a biological effect - but all are being ignored.
In the US there have not been any in-depth studies of this issue for probably 30 to 40 years.
ICNIRP the International Commission For Non Ionising for Radiation Protection
- is a non elected old boy network - and is corrupt as they come. www.icnirp They are the insiders who make the rules
So now with a military standard, the US tech people have decided to make consumer devices - phones based on a military standard. Listen
In NZ the Building Biology and Ecology guidelines are slightly concerning at 10 microwatts per square meter and significant concern at 1,000 watts per square meter - but the NZ Government Standard is 10 million microwatts per square metre - so this is how much the NZ authorities care about NZers health.
Testing of NZ Cell towers and in one instance in a residential area Paul got 200,000 microwatts per square meter. Saying - this is outrageous.
Listen to autism growing in the USA - 1970 about 1 in 10,000 and when it became more prevalent it became known as a rich white person's disease Then in the 1990s’ - about 1 in a thousand about 5 years ago it became one in 50 and it’s now trending to 1 on 25.
But, what has happened since that time is cellular networks and microwave radiation and wifi etc has massively expanded over the country listen …
To laptops - men and badly damaged sperm. Plus cell phones in men's trouser pockets Could this be the reason for the enormous increase in autism?
2020 hindsight is going to be too late for a lot of people … your choice … please network this to all your loved ones, family, and friends
The 4th Industrial Revolution
We are inside it now and it is ubiquitous
Listen and learn about the battle between the power companies and the Telcos - as to who is going to win the gateway to your home? This is fascinating
5G is not here yet - we are being conned - it's only 4 and 3/4 G but they are saying that it is 5G and it is safe - don’t be conned.
The current 4.3/4 system has increased from 5 megahertz to 100 megahertz yet cary 10 x more data - plus extreme fast speed - but there is only a certain amount of connections that they can facilitate per tower - so that means they are going to need a lot more towers in the street. Like 20 times.
Don’t allow trees to be cut down in the cities and towns in NZ
THIS MILLIMETRE WAVE TECHNOLOGY IS 100% unproven to be safe.
The military is using 5G as a doorway to crowd control systems and as a weapon.
This is a new technology and satellites are going to be beaming down millimetre waves too.
The Bio Initiative Report - Paul says is good
There is so much in this interview - but you dear reader have to now take the initiative especially if you love you children
Next week's Interview is still being sought - as we are flying by the seat of our pants.
Kia kah and Aroha - Tim