
GreenplanetFM Podcast

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Now displaying: April, 2021
Apr 29, 2021

(For example I, Tim - wanted to have this as the heading for this interview:) 

Katherine Smith: Covid - the truth about vaccines that Pfizer & the NZ Govt are deliberately hiding.

However, in deferring to her as the founding Editor of The Real News - you can recognise her measured response to be a serious voice of reason - in the midst of the current moral malaise of the local and global Fourth Estate.

The Interview:

Listen This is critical information … 

New data coming out is that Covid19 is in some respects a vitamin D deficiency disease. However there has been startling alternative results that are being totally censored by MSM and Governments. (Same old - same old).

MEDSAFE NZ has asked Pfizer 58 questions relating to the vaccine - especially what is in it - and Pfizer are falling back on confidentiality due to it being their intellectual property. So on one hand they say we are in a global crisis and on the other hand tell us to pay now - money up front.  Corporations - we know what drives you.

The trials for the research and data on this particular Pfizer vaccine do not end until 2023 - and yet the NZ Government are herding NZers like sheep into pens ready to vaccinate them all.

Thus we here have become an experiment .... with no guarantees or insurance cover of any kind. None Zilch Zero compensation.

Plus Pfizer is immune to any liability whatsoever. 

They have a free pass and our Government has capitulated to them ... this is compounded madness and insanity - whilst Mainstream Media do what they do best - by changing the subject and pretending that we are not to be concerned.

 Listen to the Government myth that vaccines are safe for pregnant women. LISTEN - because there have been no tests on pregnant women.

What is also in this vaccine is PEG polyethylene glycol - and if you have heard these words before you will find them in a bottle of antifreeze for your car - when used in sub zero weather related conditions.

As previously stated MedSafe here in NZ has asked Pfizer to answer 58 questions - regarding this vaccine and yet the answers have not been forthcoming.

The 2nd Edition has now been published as print - but not yet in digital form. However click and gather other important information in the meantime. 

Kia Kaha & Aroha

Apr 22, 2021

They are calling out the lies emanating from our Government lock stepped with big PHARMA’s Agenda.

Now, with the statement - “No jab - No job!” - in a democracy such as NZ’s, this for many - is a step too far.

Janice Priest has been a natural clinician for over 50 years and has witnessed the continuous transition from a more personal and natural healing realm to that of ‘a chemical drug for all ailments’ regime as propagated by big Pharma. Which has in turn morphed alongside the WHO + to now a vaccination for every human.

As a very experienced naturopath and clinician this interview leads with how to take care of our body naturally, by preventative measures that you can readily access from your garden or local grocer. From 15 minutes in though - Janice talks about the larger picture in dealing with the Covid narrative, the untruths of media with Government coordination and as in the heading - outrageous fear mongering by our elected representatives in an endeavour to control the vernacular of spin.

We cover basic health challenges but more so to have us superbly healthy as we go into winter.

A glass of water when you wake up.
Vitamin C - our ancestors were strategic and stored up for early winter change of weather - honey, lemon, garlic and apple cider vinegar - plus fish oils, omega 3’s - organic olive oils
Extra virgin flax oil as oils make you flexible - dry lips means your body is short of oil. Remember high quality oils, in green tinted bottles - not golden oil that you can see in rows in the supermarket. Keep away from them. Cider vinegar a dash in water - or warm cider vinegar and honey.

If you lack oil your throat can become hoarse and your body may get stiff bones - plus you are more susceptible to colds and flu. Even hemp oil is very good, but only for short bursts - not month after month as hemp oil is a calmative …so it is ideal if you want to calm somebody down … because it has a certain relaxant in it. So it is best to have vitamin A oils - being fish oil.
Parents 60 years ago gave cod liver oil or halibut oil once a week to children.

Also 60 years ago when you entered a NZ hospital - Cod liver oil was one of the first things you were given.

You can make garlic oil - that soothes the mouth and kills bacteria on its way into the throat. Check out methods on the net.

Parsley comes in as an excellent herb to have in your garden or at your doorstep. So important to have this herb as it's rich in iron. Many homes used to have a lemon or even a grapefruit tree in the garden - until the medical profession stated that grapefruit was interfering with their medication - but lemon trees are excellent as a preventative action, as lemons are such a great neutraliser of acidity in our body.

Janice also encourages cinnamon and nutmeg - as they are great immune supporters - and they are so cheap to purchase from the grocery store and you only need a tiny amount. Be it in your drink or on your food.

Eucalyptus oil is still very important and you just rub it into your chest - it’s a great preventive against a hostile environment.

Babies need to wear a hat or bonnet when going out into the cold and especially the evening. Plus prams - these days are built having the baby look forward - where once all prams had the baby looking at its mother. Because, car exhausts and fumes at pram level come directly into that baby's presence and they breath these particulates in, than their taller adult parents. So please, get a pram that allows the baby to always look at its Mum or Dad.

Natural clothing - babies today are not being clothed in wool undergarments or even cotton nappies - they are being dressed and covered in fabric derived from oil and unnatural synthetic products. For children today - they need wool underlay and they need their wool hats over their ears due to the weather changes here in NZ - because babies being so small have difficulty in retaining their body heat. So being wrapped in natural fibre is a plus. Remember, alway have a pram facing the pusher - because of the eye contact and flowing supportive love.

Previously in NZ - patients when entering hospitals would be gently strapped in wool - if suffering from shock or trauma and-or severe flu, colds etc - Including having hot showers - then wrapped in wool garments so as to sweat ‘it’ out.

Once NZ hospitals used to have their own gardens - so that they could supply fresh food for their patients - and even trade with local farmers for fresh food, fruit and vegetables daily.

But today with a controlling sanitised medical and health system - they instead have taken the easy way out by buying in factory and industrial food which has very little life force in the food. This food is usually over cooked by unconscious cooks who have had no training in both dietary understanding and healthy food preparation. So we continue to have hospital staff feeding this ‘life-less stuff’ to people who are in hospital to actually become healthy and well once again.

Note that patients were always wheeled outside each day for some sun, for a good 30 minutes to an hour every day to take in vitamin D and some sunlight colour therapy …there was none of this covering them up so that they don’t get sunshine.

That Matrons and Sisters oversaw our hospitals making poultices - herbal tonics and what have we today? Big PHARMA and the Medical Association instead - wanting to prescribe - drugs.

We learn from Janice who trained in the 1960’s that Doctors were not necessarily brought into the hospital, unless it was an emergency. In those days Sisters and Matrons had more authority and they made decisions that stabilised the patient. Listen Janice tells it as it was. - it’s very interesting - especially when compared to the ‘cooler’ more distant like treatment metered out today. There was an actual duty of care - one reason being that the community in those days was smaller and that with a lower population there was more contact. Many people who found themselves going to hospital knew the nurses. They were not overrun by a huge influx of immigrants in those days - and most families were closer due to a mother and father being present as well as brothers and sisters plus grandparents etc.

Janice said that way back then - the nursing Sisters and Matrons stated that -
‘we will rue the day that we brought all these drugs into the health system.’

She said that she witnessed some terrible arguments around how to care for a patient due to new doctors with their new drug training …

Yet, she also states there are drugs that are very, very helpful - especially in accident and emergency …

Her message - get back to basics - don’t complicate your digestive system Very insightful regarding today's Covid challenge.

COVID - & Sue Grey Lawyer - putting the NZ Govt on notice!
We refer to our heading where Janice talks about the outrageous claims that our NZ Government are making (as the sole source of information that we ‘should be’ following - per statements from our Prime Minister) Listen from about 15 minutes into the interview … this has given cause to NZ lawyer Sue Grey to ‘put the Government on notice’ - that has at one level stopped them in their tracks - but only until they can wriggle around the law and proceed to follow the Agenda that is coming to them from other external entities.

Sue and the Government -

Janice says this push back by we the people against our elected servants is snowballing and only gathering momentum.

Yet saying we need to wash’s our hands all the time - which she says was the best thing our Government has done - same for Plunket - - (In New Zealand the Plunket philosophy became 'parenting lore' and within three decades New Zealand had the lowest infant mortality rate in the world.

They have been saying wash your hands for decades too.

Wash hands before you go out.
Wash hands when you come home.
Wash hands before you eat.

If we follow this regimen - we can halt the spread of this very potent virulent - non-virus. Saying - that this is going to shock people. Saying once we do our research - that once a virus is exposed to the air - from 60 seconds to 2 minutes - it dissipates - it's gone. It’s the air that dissipates it. On the other hand bacteria are contagious. That there are so many anomalies in this whole vaccine saga and she as an experienced naturopath makes a statement prefaced by please - don’t take this vaccine - wait it out and observe what is happening with others who have especially had their 2nd shot. Saying that it does not bother her that the authorities come and growl at her at her age as she has been threatened by all sorts of people over the decades … for pushing natural health remedies and medicine and her book ‘Ocean of Drugs.’

Saying this vaccine is a change of your DNA. It is genetically engineered - a GMO - and it will go in and change out DNA structure and she says she knows of no natural remedies that will be able to undo the damage that this vaccine may do, especially if you come down with any altered state.

So with the previous natural preventative as mentioned, olive leaf and Swedish bitters are important if you feel you are coming down with something … she even mentions that the old people used to use whisky if they felt a cold coming on, as it kills bacteria.

The fact that the NZ Pilots Association have questioned the vaccine and a good percentage of them do not want to be forced to take it and even some Police are of the same mind.

What we clearly learn from this interview is that the vaccine cannot be forced on any one or made mandatory. The Law states that it can not be compulsory!

This has been tried and tested in International Courts and as it is a medicine - it can not be forced on anyone.

Janice cautions - that if you take this vaccine - YOU WILL HAVE NO HEALTH INSURANCE COVER.

No ACC (Accident Compensation Corporation - because it is a clinical trial .

If you have a reaction to a proper - double blind tested registered medicine - then you have ACC cover. But, you don’t in this particular circumstance. You are left out on a limb.

And to suggest that you might lose your job if you don’t take the jab has certainly got the trade unions up in arms.

The Covid was/is a flu variant - it was nasty one - that hit people in the chest … deep into peoples lungs … saying is is some ways like a tuberculosis so she says if we get flu like symptoms - go and get a herbal lung elixir - run eucalyptus on your chest and look at all things as chest colds.

But the extreme manner in which this Government is handling this situation is just turning people off.

You must listen to how the Government is forcing their will over the NZ electorate and we are awakening to what they are doing with - for example, the fluoridation of all municipal water in NZ and also the chlorination of all country water and even water drawn from wells and collected rainwater off roofs. They are also wanting people who put in submissions to have credentials or else they will not accept one's submission.

These are our elected servants that are telling us that we can do and cannot do.

Is this not an inverse democracy that we see happening here in NZ?

Here below is a letter that Janice wrote in response to a Governmental Minister of Seniors who is also the Associate Minister of Health.

She submitted a friendly letter to the Minister of Seniors, whose also Associate Minister of Health Dr Ayasha Varreli and that she had contravened the Medicines and Advertising Acts by making claims in her article in the senior citizens newsletter. Her office replied asp. She sent it on to Hon Chris Hipkins, Covoid Response minister. When we looked up his credentials; he has a BA in Art and Criminology.

Here’s what she sent.
SuperGoldcard Newsletter.

Thank you for your editorial in this, the latest SuperSeniors newsletter.
I have been pondering on your notes, which was all about the latest vaccine.

The people you have addressed have been through depression, pandemics, several epidemics, global recessions, petrol hikes, personal losses, fought for the right to freedom of speech, fought in wars, lost families in wars, experienced high interest rates, different government policies, GE threats, rise in junk food, rise in technology, were brought up on homegrown foods, lived on tight budgets, recycled items and raised families.
To address these people in the manner of a ‘vaccine’ to save their lives is inappropriate.

In researching this vaccine, our generation would never take or use untested goods without guarantees, you have, in your article, underestimated our practical common sense. Why on earth would we want such a vaccine when there isn’t any pandemic, except the one the media are pushing, nor has this vaccine had any standard
double-blind vaccine trials. Besides, I spent 28 years in the media as an international magazine publisher and I can spot a corporation bender a mile off.

In all cases of flu, NZ’ers in our practical way use sanitizers, wash hands, after all it kills most bacteria and the latest research shows antiseptic nasal sprays work well to kill this flu.
Besides as an ex-staff nurse we know masks don’t last long as a deterrent to bacteria and pushing a untrialed vaccine is risky.

This flu the Government is pushing is not a virus based one. For those who haven’t done any research, viruses don’t last more than 60second outside the human body, so viruses are not contagious, bacteria is. Common flu variants are. In the meantime we are watching families lose their business, their jobs, their mortgages, their homes,
some have had to watch families die from a distance, couldn’t come home, attend funerals, while politicians just spent more and more money on a falsehood pandemic.
and your government says it saves lives. No income, no homes, suicide increases, separated from loved ones - is that the price of pushing a flu variant, genetically engineered vaccine?. Especially when vaccines are not compulsory by law.

We spent decades fighting to keep GE food crops out of the country and the Govt wants to inject this GE vaccine into our bodies?
Sure, we need to take flu epidemics seriously, the 'stay at home, wash hands' was sensible, like all flu’s we were raised to respect.

The extreme media focus over this subject is now having repercussions, there are legal actions taking place right now against the Government and several Ministers for allowing such falsehoods and making advertising claims which contravene our Medicines Act and Advertising laws. Even you made false claims in your article.

May I suggest, in your next newsletter you address us in a more even balanced manner, after all we know all about life and death.


"People believe I'm sending a political message when I use the word "experimental" in talking about the vaccine. That is not the case. All the vaccines are in investigational stages only. The trials will not be complete until October 27th, 2022, for Moderna and January 21st, 2023, for Pfizer. You need to be informed it is experimental, and it needs to be your choice!" -Dr. Gold
American Frontline Doctors

Apr 15, 2021

Where it has been tried by the Romans, Attila the Hun to Hitler but they never achieved a truly global conquest. Well, today this is the latest ambition of globalists: the 0.001% and they have technologies that reach deep into peoples homes and by using psychological means are able to monitor all differing contingencies within the soul of all nations. Not only that, they have a level of centralisation of wealth and power - and corruption that has enabled an unprecedented attempt to destroy freedoms and rights - globally.

The pretext for this 'has been in the works' for quite a long time - this has been a result of decades of 24/7 (well paid) think tanks and strategies and planning. (e.g. supercomputer scenarios). What we are seeing now is a culmination of the most ambitious tyrannical project to be conceived by human aspirants to totalitarianism. And the pretext for this is which is the perfect pretext - basically it’s so much better than the terrorism bogeyman or some nation as a bogeyman - it's a microbe

Joe says that it is pathetic - that fear has been unleashed on the global population and that it has been ramped up to such a degree it is causing psychological havoc among the human population. That they are giving up their rights and freedoms and that using as the pretext - germs as a disease on the human race.  So as to be cowered at this moment to be controlled and become servile and allow the removal of democratic freedoms and human rights. It is so easy - especially when you have the total corruption of ‘mainstream corporate mass media’ - and he says let's face it - they are the linchpin -  saying that none of this would be possible if we had a shred of real journalism left in widespread mass media.

Robert F Kennedy Jnr is mentioned as a world beacon to sanity 

Del Bigtree on the highlife 

Dr Andrew Kaufman 

Dr Judy Microvitz 

Rasheed Buttah

The World Doctors Alliance 

Joe says that when you see a famous figure who is being savagely attacked and being discredited by the establishment especially by MSM - that alone is a signpost that - that person is 'over the target' and is standing up for truth. That they have everything to lose and nothing to gain - so why would they be saying it as opposed to those ‘shills’ who are on the payroll and are in the establishment ladder of promotion and perks and grants etc - which are attacking them.

Tim asks for bravery at this moment of time - asking for New Zealanders to stand up and have the spine to be the 5 million to take the time to research and see what is really happening and Joe says that he feels that in NZ there is a lot of possibility for us to come through this - due to the fact that the Health Department is not going to be deploying the full force of the vaccine program for some months into the future. This gives us a very unique situation because we can assess what is happening globally. Especially we can see what is happening in the UK as around half their population have been injected and also in Israel it is the same. Facebook still has some very compelling stories about what is happening in these countries.  We can also look at NZ as things are really heating up with the death of Pauline Hanna of Remuera on the day of her (supposedly) second Pfizer jab and the NZ media taking her off the front page and censoring all information relating to this. 

This is like the smoking gun - it proves totally what Joe is conveying about our sell out media marching to the beat of a (very) different drum. 

NZ Border and Health Workers to Take the Injection? 

Also, the NZ government, attempting to force border workers and other public (health) servants to take the vax  with a ”No Jab, no job” policy.  

(Tim, we can not have our border security officials and personnel being used as guinea pigs - same for our soldiers who are here to protect the integrity and sovereignty of our borders. We have to protect our protectors. If they all become unwell - who will then take their place? Plus, who would want to?) 

Once enough people become aware - rapid ‘conscious change’ can happen.

Joe intimates that when enough people become more knowing and receive more uncensored but ‘truthful’ information, there will eventually be a flip and change will rapidly unfold. Citing the fall of the Berlin Wall virtually over night and the fall of the Soviet Iron Curtain - (and even Apartheid in South Africa) - that seem to fall instantly - and rapid change can happen when the people are ready for a more transparent paradigm.

Saying this change has been building incrementally over time - until it reaches a critical mass - and he thinks it is just a matter of time - be it globally or in each country in their own time - but certainly in NZ we have been blessed in NZ with some extra time. So as to get a better handle of the dynamics and lies relating to covid and the vaccine rollout.

You can see patients in the US in hospital beds, on FB and Telegram - in one case a Johnson & Johnson injection one day - blood clots, seizures and aneurysms in the brain the next day - and our government has all New Zealanders lined up for this - and we are being herded somewhat like down a cattle chute to a destination no one ever in their wildest nightmares would believe - especially what a 'kind' government would do!  What is the blatant hurry - when we have contained whatever it is?

Let's wait and see what is happening world wide and check up on the people who have been injected and see how they respond over the next 6 months or so. At present we in NZ are still able to export food, and yes, we are not producing to the amount that we would like - however when it comes to the health of our citizens - can we not wait this out?

REMEMBER - not one baby, or infant, child, teenager or twenty something has died in NZ from Covid. So let us wait for a little longer.

We must be aware that NZ’s indigenous people the Maori have already been overridden at so many levels by British colonial power and if they are coerced into having their physical sovereignty breached by injection they may very well rebel - (this is what some Maori are muttering)  and anyone in the know - realise that for the last 60 years plus, many Maori have been trained as soldiers and are still wise in the ways as to how military operations are deployed.  Therefore if ‘ordinary’ Maori are neglected in the decision making process and decide to ‘not comply’ in mandatory vaccinations this could very well overflow and instil courage in the young into how to resist being vaccinated.

Also mentioned, is the elderly - many who have lived long enough to have witnessed enough lies and betrayals in the political arena over their lifetime and have seen tyranny before and they will not be so easily led as more ‘concerning’ information comes to public knowledge due to social media skirting MSM programming. Plus, a lot of immigrants have seen tyrannical regimes far more than any New Zealanders - so they too will be on edge. So 'taking out' those most dangerous groups first would be an obvious campaign strategy.

Joe also says that where we have found ourselves today, is in essence a result of us allowing the system to roll on without any direct participation. Voting every 3 years is not participative democracy. We have in so many ways just stood by for decades and watched our governments and the elites, the wealthy and powerful corporations run away with their own game plan. From the larger context, virtually abuse and disempower Third world countries, taking over and playing power games over them. See Latin America, South East Asia and Africa, especially the Middle East - we the Western countries have interfered for too long.

Joe goes on to repeat what happened in Germany in and around 1933.

Remember These Famous Words. 

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. 

That we today are culpable at this point because we became complacent, lazy, distracted and eventually thoughtless ... like acquiescent and apathetic  .. and by us not involving ourselves we have eventually come to this point.

And it takes what it takes to wake us up!

So he says it is all perfect - we are now in a situation where we can re-right the ship of state - we now have an opportunity to involve ourselves and to even take another meme from America - drain the swamp!

That by involving ourselves we have to take the high ground and surmount what is being diabolically projected on us and take the required legal action. By cooperating together we can take the required action to stop this adulterated evil that has the world in a tightening vice like grip.  So we have to rise to the occasion or we submit to being a casualty and that is precisely what is lined up for us.

NOTE: the noble path is that 'the means justifies the end' - whereas the darkened shadow side goes by 'the ends justifies the means.'  Both Fascist and Communist will adhere to this power play.  This is what the burning of the Reichstad in Germany in 1933 or the 911 'Inside Job' in America - evil never believes in goodwill, honesty, truth, principle - basically power comes out of the barrel of a gun that will be used on you - at will.

We in NZ have been far to spoilt and complacent and now that we in our oversight mode - we can see that the Government is being prodded by unseen powers and vaccine manufacturers - and are herding us down a cattle chute and there is becoming less and less wriggle room and as we put our head up and look further down to where the authorities have set up an injection station - we see the writing on the wall - and we realise that we never ever read the small print - we have let 'eternal' vigilance fade away ... so ... what is it to be? 

Joe says now ... everyone will face a line in the sand.   Listen - Subrogation or your Sovereignty - your choice - LISTEN 

A defining moment and a very necessary moment.

Joe mentions this in the first few moments of the interview and didn’t elaborate - and I omitted to have him explain about the Kali Yuga. It is about the Hindu calendar, telling of the 26,000 years cycle and we are in the darkest of this cycle at present. ‘Where the shadow gets its chance to dance and matter becomes its densest.

Taking the Children’s Attention Away

We are having to see our children mesmerised and hypnotised with screens and super edgy everything on devices.

He questions subliminal activities on the screens and events happening below conscious eye level with frequencies that are unseen. Thus going on beyond their overt propaganda as to what is really happening via these screens;.

Joe has lived in NZ since1985 and when first here he saw a certain depth of thinking and general awareness of average New Zealanders - today 2021 - he sees a deep deep sleep and a lack of common sense or willingness to put 2 and 2 together - or willing to see the obvious when put right in front of one's eyes. So he is very suspicious of the ‘screen age’ especially since the year 2000 technological prowess has created this sensation, leading to virtually all children by 10 having access to a phone,ipad or tablet of sorts 

Controlling Mechanisms Being Deployed in Plane Sight.

Our Natural Support Systems 

This includes our air, water and food and chemtrails and the full spectrum attack on body, mind and spirit and blocking the pineal gland with substances such as fluoride - that this is all basically the most evil attempt he has ever been to prevent human evolution - the spiritual evolution of humanity. 

Bill Gates is mentioned - the billionaire and the Bilderberg group, the Trilateral Commission, the Council of Foreign Relations and the Club of Rome and all the elite secret organisations that have been planning depopulation for a very long time - see the Georgia Standing Stones. 


Unbeknown we are to be surrounded by frequency assaults - millimeter waves within the 5G spectrum - beyond just mobile phones - because they are criminally insane. 

World Economic Forum and the Great Reset

For example, Klaus Schwab - the Davos - World Economic Forum - a Rothschild Agenda - and they are 'programming us with the thought that in the near future we will not own anything and we will be happy! 

Joe says that the government no matter what party - are servants to other masters and he says that they actually know it. They are not really our servants any more ... such is the way all governments around the world are today - they have all been infiltrated and are not really answerable to their constituents any more - hence wanting to fluoridate all NZ water that affect children's intelligence negatively and that also calcifies the pineal gland - (something thing that mainsstream health professionals don't really know about anything of its existence). 

That ‘they’ - especially in little recent New Zealand - are now corralled and are in ‘way over their heads.’ Especially small countries like NZ - They are in essence - being pushed around and if things go 'south' - and Government collapses due to an awakened electorate and society - they will be classified like the French Vichy collaborators of Germany in the 2nd World War.

A POSITIVE OUTCOME FOR NEW Zealand and the future of Children.

Joe sees NZ as being a land of opportunity and innovation and creating a new bio harmonic holistic society. That NZ can still be the emerging microcosm for the planetary macrocosm - because we have basically good infrastructure in place and a wealths of knowledge from the past as well.

New Zealand has so many Superb things going for it as a Country

We here are still not commercially growing genetically engineered food - BUT the higher ‘monetarist’ echelons want to dilute our natural seed and crops with GE and GMO’s and if they can sneakily weasel their way through NZ’s biosecurity, they will do it.  That we are also still a Nuclear Free Country and no super power can bring a ship with nuclear weapons on board or be nuclear propelled - into our territorial waters - especially our harbours, is a position of both sanity and a better future for children.

Joe calls on the movie Lord of the Rings to learn from its message.

An Extension of Lord of the Rings

NZ can become a beacon and a light for the rest of the world. 

That Joe draws from left field the fact that the movie trilogy Lord of the Rings was filmed in NZ - and that Tolkin the author was a special human who understood many aspects and qualities of human nature. But more so, that Joe had a reaction to this trilogy because it was left out of the film. Hence the heading.

This Joe thinks is a tragedy because the ‘Scouring of the Shire’ was not included by NZ director PeterJackson - (I agree) - because it is all about cleansing and the rebuild - the flowering of their civilisation once again to bring all people together - to be free, and honest and experience joy and allow life to flourish - and they they lived happily ever after ...

What happened in this deleted part is very analogous to what is actually happening now - that we need to roll up our sleeves and bring about a new NZ and with entrepreneurial vigour and team spirit and save the day. The pity that this segment of the book being left out by Peter Jackson sadly did not show us this mirror that could have empowered New Zealanders to co-operate more and come together as a dynamic and synergistic, holistic, family of creative beings. Supra Hobbits :)  

Joe states that this was one of the most important and satisfying chapters in the book !! And a very important closure of the whole book.

Because the small team of Hobbits came back to the Shire to see that Sauron’s minions had taken over the Shire and essentially sucked the life force and light out of it. Trees were being cut down and factories were replacing them - but upon their return - they were so empowered and had transcended fear, that when they entered the deeper part of the Shire their courage and shear brilliance in being, inspired the Shire Hobbits to overthrow these empty pretenders and then the the Shire became free once again - but even more so. 

Joe says that it was a major pity that this was missed out of the book - because it was a metaphor for NOW - it was such a critical juncture in the history of the Hobbits and the Shire - the success of this, had it been filmed would have put Nuclear Free NZ and (nearly) GE FREE NZ  blazingly out these on the world map - but ... you can think your response here ....


Kudos to Sue Grey and her growing team and the High Court case against the Medicines Act - and that what the Government is doing is essentially against the Law.

Joe is confident that critical mass is already encroaching and that NZ will be one of the first to turn the illegal vaccinating of NZs - around.

We have to be patient  and only empowered - the system is unwieldy - because it is driven by ideology and not love - especially for the human species 

Joe says though he wants to help and he does - ‘we can not be our brother’s keeper’ and that we can be too attached to results -  knowing we are all on our own journey. Everyone has their own karma - everyone has their own lessons to learn and we can not judge lessons that might be for someone else. That we have compassion but also a certain level of detachment.


There’s a serious pandemic sweeping the globe. It’s called the Propaganda Virus. It’s affecting billions of people around the planet every day.

The Propaganda Virus is a neurolinguistic pathogen created by humans as a biological weapon for mind control. It is comprised of language, cultural symbols, and memes designed to manipulate the masses toward a particular point of view in order to control opinions and behavior. The virus is transmitted through all forms of media communication and is particularly prevalent during political season.

The Propaganda Virus spreads by getting others to accept a proposition without challenge on logical, factual, or judicial grounds and to act in service of those false beliefs, side-stepping critical response in favor of emotional reaction. Repetition of suggestion and/or insinuation is one of the most effective means the virus uses to infect the masses.

Those affected may experience loss of personal agency and/or rational, independent thought which can lead to hatred, delusional thinking, severe depression, extreme emotional volatility, and in some cases deadly aggression toward self and others. Since the advent of the internet and social media, the Propaganda Virus can now spread like wildfire through the airwaves to the entire global community in real time.

The Propaganda Virus is highly contagious and can survive undetected in the human brain disguised as personal conviction. Protect your immune system through a build up of critical thinking skills. Do not consume and share media from biased sources with an agenda, and be sure to cleanse your brain daily with meditation while cultivating a positive mental attitude as negativity, fear, worry, and stress is a breeding ground for infection.

If you believe you’ve been infected by the Propaganda Virus then stop ingesting mass media immediately, pet a dog or cat, and consume a healthy dose of Nature until fear subsides and rational clarity is restored. All is well. 100% of those reading this will probably die anyway, eventually. In the meantime, it is advised that you live happily and spread love instead of fear.

Thank you! "Donna Trousdale, M.A. Linguistic Psychology

Apr 8, 2021

European trees are being targeted as a part of ‘cancel culture’ - whilst nature takes the hit.

Meanwhile this is all being sidelined by our elected representatives both at a national level as well as locally. The fact that exotic trees are being cut down because they were introduced by early European settlers appears to be part of the ‘cancel-culture’ that can even be conceived as a cultural marxist agenda. That is, to take down the past and eradicate it. The fact that deep ecology is being ignored and that the flora and fauna are under attack, defies common sense - especially when there is an actual program in Auckland to plant 1 million additional trees goes against common wisdom.      

Main Points that Wendy Wishes to Convey

Wendy Gray 'chainsaw politics' tree felling Western Springs & Across Auckland

  • Tree blindness is being unable to notice trees in our environment or appreciate their importance for the biosphere and in human affairs.
  • Tupuna – the ancestors. Our trees are considered to be our ancestors by indigenous peoples including Māori. They were here first and created the atmosphere for all oxygen breathing organisms like us. We are the Last Born after our relations the birds, insects and smallest organisms. It is our responsibility to protect our ancestors and not destroy them.
  • Trees manage our climate both locally, regionally and internationally. They communicate through the soils, the wood-wide web, we know about this from Dr Suzanne Simard. They also communicate through pollen and water. There is even a suggestion that they communicate at night in some way. 
  • Trees have ancient knowledge about how to manage the climate of our planet. We do not understand how nature works.
  • New science is challenging the current beliefs about conservation and the environment and how nature works. It Is challenging those who make decisions about our environment. We don’t know how nature works; we only think we know.
  • Trees are integral to nature’s water cycle: with no trees you have less water. The more treeless Auckland becomes the hotter the urban areas will be. 
  • Auckland Council is removing our parks and reserves. It is building apartment buildings boundary-to-boundary without green areas. This habitat loss is devastating Auckland’s biodiversity.
  • When you cut down trees you release the carbon. Auckland Council does not account for this. The future Auckland will be hot, subject to droughts and flooding, concrete covered with surveillance cameras everywhere.
  • The native trees are good and exotic trees are bad issue is a worldwide political agenda. It is an artificial division. It is about colonial guilt from having treated indigenous peoples poorly. We want to make amends by championing native species. But nature does not work like this; plants and animals are always moving around. Nature is constantly working with whatever resources it has available and changing constantly. 
  • Another reason is the creation of prejudice against perceived outsiders – the Americans call this “authoritarian nativism”
  • Our Minister of Conservation is reported to be prejudiced against non-native trees and is not likely to support reinstatement of tree protections. Our Minister for the Environment considers that it is “too expensive” to bring back tree protections. He can only say this if he values our trees and our environment at zero! The current NZ government has no agenda to bring back tree protections.
  • Western springs Native Forest is the only 98-year old regenerating native forest in Central Auckland. It has the tallest trees that are Monterey pine trees. Known to live to over 150 years old in New Zealand. The forest is also a Significant Ecological Area.
  • A forest is a living organism comprised of other living organisms – plants, animals, insects, beetles, funghi, bacteria, as well as trees. It has an overstorey, (the 98-year old pines), an understorey, (a 90-year old closed canopy native forest ) and a functioning forest floor. Western Springs forest has all three components in balance and harmony. 
  • The estimated asset value of this forest is conservatively $4 million. The ecosystem services value is estimated at $2 million annually for the life of the pines. We have not valued the native understory because Council has refused to survey it. The loss of this resource to the people of Auckland is in the many millions of dollars.
  • Overseas forest practice would manage the succession of this forest overstorey from pine to native over 20-30 years. The original Western Springs plan 1995 envisaged this. The community have always wanted Council to do this and in 2018 proposed a partnership with Council to do this. 
  • Council refuse to work with community and have treated them as the enemy since 2018. Council’s proposal has only ever been to do the big expensive project to clear-fell and harvest the 20+ tonne pines. Council’s methodology is not arboricultural best practice. ‘Expert’ reports have been produced to support Council’s methodology. 
  • The health and safety risks of this forest have been talked up by Council. The path through the forest was closed in mid 2018 (not April 2018) because of a branch hanging over the path which had been damaged by the April 2018 Cat 2 storm. Council failed to remove it despite many requests to do so. Council has a zero-risk policy in relation to this forest which is not usual arboricultural practice.
  • This methodology is NOT in the best interests of this forest nor future generations of Auckland residents. Rather, the community believes the driver here is what Auckland Council considers in its best interests.

Tim’s Point of View.

When banker John Key arrived in Wellington and became Prime Minister, the game plan dramatically increased the 'centralisation of power’. This also enabled developers and monetarists to work towards wiping the board as if playing the game Monopoly to one of near, open slather.

Capitalising on ‘tree blindness’ due to a continued failing education system has now enabled Councils to turn a blind eye on nature and the natural world, whilst pretending to care, but in reality abetting 'chainsaw politics' and not really listening. Thus allowing our revered natural, ancient oxygen generators - air conditioning systems and water filtrators to be systematically eradicated by ‘unconscious' dictates of a 'cancel culture’ that in so many ways - wants to eradicate the past. Especially - vestiges of European heritage.

Listen to Wendy Gray as she clearly articulates what is happening in Auckland as she explains that anyone who is an advocate for trees has now been deemed ’the enemy’ and how vested interests lockstep with other Council interests are running another agenda. One that has no consideration for the ecology and environment of today and tomorrow - where building to the boundary is the way to maximise capital, or maunga (mountain) clearing of mature exotic trees eradicates the past. But, what this is doing is basically causing a greater separation especially for children of today or tomorrow - who may never grow up to the sound of bird song, the rustle of leaves or the fragrance of flowering trees.

Today humanity is caught in the crossroads of tumultuous change that's also a full spectrum assault on the senses of the human condition. Add to this Agenda21 and Agenda2030 and overlay this with lockdowns and a city surrounded by orange cones - 5G and CCTV cameras plus infiltrated with fluoridated water and you will grok that the once free spirit of humanity is now under unprecedented siege.

Wendy Gray - on how nature has to be revered and allowed to express its inherent beauty once again.  -  and click on the logo too.

We must always become vigilnet when these words are mentioned by the MSM and Governmental officials - Public Private Partnership ... 

Apr 1, 2021

In this interview of Sue Grey, lawyer from Nelson who has also researched Health issues and has a degree in biochemistry, we learn that things are definitely not as they seem. She has been an activist on the battle front over the last decade endeavouring to bring transparency to so many of the issues that now are bearing down on us and now - totally surround us.

She is also the Co leader of the OutDoors Party - -  and sees clearly that humanity and the ecology of our entire biosphere is at the crossroads of either we come together as a ‘conscious’ caring humanity - and in essence a global family … or continue down the path of becoming victims to corporations in cahoots with captured Government - who themselves are caught up in their own self serving agenda to not truly engage and empower the community from the grass roots up. When did you hear them mention ‘empowering the grass roots?’  To relocalise and work cooperatively with NZ’s communities? 

I start by thanking Sue for her continuous selfless effort to want to educate the NZ people on ‘other’ specific health issues that are being ignored by the Government and Health Boards. As a lawyer, she could have gone into the corporate structure and become very successful, but she knows that we as a planetary civilisation are at the precipice and as a mother she wants a healthy future and planet for her children. 

I wish we had more people both male and female in NZ who are committed as we need more conscious people engaged and activated.

Lock Down - Vaccinate - Reset  

Today, sadly - it appears that Western governments globally are working towards locking down their people. With no apparent let up.   

This is taking away choice -  freedom to choose.   Whereas Freedom is one thing -  but, it’s also a great ‘discipline’ for us as well.  

The issues Sue has been involved in lately is the calling for transparency due to the rapid deployment of 5G - in relation to the lack of research on health and what is the accumulative effect on humans, animals, birds, insects and the vegetable kingdom? 

Now Covid and Water Control have impinged on her valuable time.

These below are some of the questions and answers that came up during this interview. That due to time constraints it has been impossible to transcribe this interview - however I trust that ‘you are able to listen’ as there is much valuable information that you need to know.

Because, if you wish to know the full context of what she conveys - please listen - it is only the memory equivalent of 3 or 4 photographs  

This link below was a very recent presentation to the NZ Parliamentary Health Committee by Sue and Alan Simmons of the Out Doors Party - on  both questioning and stopping the taking of our water rights away from us.

In today's interview, Sue was asked that when she was a candidate in the last election here in NZ, did the Labour Government mention or signal back then that if they remained in power they would fluoridate and chlorinate NZ’s water supplies throughout the nation?  Was this in their manifestos?  She said that as far as she knows - this was never flagged or mentioned. 

This being the case, is this not deceitful of our Government to now set about doing this virtually behind our backs? Because this is a gigantic issue that affects the health of the whole nation. Is this what has become of NZ’s socialist Labour Government ? If David Lange ex PM of the 4th Labour government had been alive today, he would surely call his own party out?

Was it Labour’s intention to always want to Nationalise more private property? 

Tim mentions that when he was a teenager living near Matamata, in a farming community, the big statement then among some farmers and those involved in small business, was that Labour would eventually, one day - want to nationalise all of our farms, because they were socialists. But, for now they are wanting water …

Thus the question, have our elected representatives in Wellington - run away with their own political party agenda and subtly, but very clearly made it known to all party MP’s that they must not go against the party dictate? Even if the electorate that the MP specifically represents have got an alternative view point and want their elected servant to openly debate that alternative.  

‘Toe the party line is the name of the game, especially if you want an interrupted steady income for life.’  

Nationalising all Drinking Water Nationwide?

So now we have Labour moving to nationalise our water - and it appears all other parliamentarians (the opposition) are silent. That the Labour Government wants control of all water taken away from District Councils and have the Government through the Department of Health control this life giving resource - the natural commons. Whereas for generations across NZ the District Councils are elected and are answerable to the local electorate. The people. This current situation means centralising Government power towards a ‘command & control’ economy. Like that of the ex Soviet Union. This is where the Central Government can now dictate what it does to our water such as chlorinate and fluoridate all water that is for drinking. 

Yes, they have their standardised ‘scientific’ viewpoints but there is ample evidence that fluoridation affects children’s intellectual capabilities. See -

Then scroll on down to the bottom of this page and there are three other - links on fluoride. 

Even if it’s rainwater from your roof or a spring somewhere on your land, it will come under Government control. This time to add chlorination. Because the Government Health Department who are not elected officials will do the bidding of the Government in power.  Which is strange - because for years now - multinational corporations have been extracting water out of various rural areas that have ‘water rights’ situated across NZ. This has been happening for many years and all that water has been free of charge other than a minuscule rental fee. Thus ambiguity continues to this day. Here is an interview of this.

The Commons 

Sue mentions the Magna Carta of 1297 in England. - stating that ‘water is in essence a human right’ and that it cannot be taken over as it is an integral part of the web of life and the ‘Global Commons. Listen.  The ‘Commons’ needs to be taught at all levels of the educational curriculum - so that NZers become aware of its importance.

COVID - this was the 2nd part of the interview. 

With regard to the Covid equation Sue mentions that the Government has not complied with the legal requirements to further this Government's agenda it now wants to use lockdowns, when appropriate or needed and to roll out vaccinating the whole country. She has a link on - for you to see more.

As a result of this interview - the following is an opinion piece by Tim   - apologies for the poor grammar and structure - due to time constraints  

Wearing the Public Down

Today rapid change is being forced upon us - usually by corporate expansion and enterprise and abetted by government - especially in the cases of new technologies or land developments etc. These are being continuously deployed or actioned and are forcing change due to their financial power, control and connections. In NZ the Government ‘does its bit’ by asking for submissions from the NZ public. However after decades of being continually ‘on the back foot’ - the concerned and aware public are tired, under resourced and time constrained to have to ‘continually’ complete submissions or sign petitions, that have time constraints on them - that it has become an energy sapping process of continued letter writing, going to meetings, rallies and protests with placards and signs. This is a ‘controlled’ game that the Government carry on because ‘they are all fully paid’ during all these times. As the upper controlling echelons of these political parties always remain in power - for decades.  Whilst the struggling electorate are unpaid and continually volunteer to stand up for the rights of the children of today and future generations - as well as the land and the sacredness of the environment, that sustains our very bodies.

It should be incumbent on those wanting to change the laws or release new technologies  - that they pay for the public costs of submissions. User pays. 

With the Government tying us down in having to write time consuming submissions, attending meetings etc, we have to ask, who really knows anything about the ones who have been chosen (hand picked)  to read or listen to these submissions - who may not necessarily be fair adjudicators or discerning of what is being conveyed, or lack the capabilities of being impartial. Hence more and more people within the community don’t believe these officials will carry their concerns forward, but instead defer to the status quo.

The System is Designed to Wear Us Down.

This is a carefully crafted game-plan devised by powerful interests - corporations/bankers in lockstep with whatever current Government is in power, to continually put the populace on the back foot and ‘wear them down’. 

Because they have the resources and connections to power, big money, lawyers etc they eventually steam roll the little person and the ordinary man into submission. Meanwhile, the politicians draw their salary, smug in the thought that they are above it all, and are still ‘seen to be giving the people a chance’ - to voice their opinion. This is where 21st century politics has descended and no wonder people have become cynical of the political process. 

What is Agenda21 and Agenda2030

We now have Agenda21 and Agenda2030 being sneakily enacted (infiltrated) across the country whilst an unconscious NZ public are totally distracted with countless other issues. Especially with Covid, contact tracing and the population being ‘readied’ for mass vaccinations, (and there may not be any trace of the Covid19 in the vaccine itself). There is so much going on. However the ‘astute’ people within the NZ public have gone around MSM and via Social Media (and it has its pitfalls) - and these people are wising up. Especially now since the Governments open door immigration policies - these many new immigrants are realising that back in their country of birth - the Covid ‘thing’ - is taking many various and strange twists - see what’s happening in Israel, Britain and South Africa but essentially all of Europe and that the farmers of India are not becoming infected!  Check out   - in this case -  

The Wellbeing Budget, though a World First is it a Red Herring? 

At present the current NZ Government has a ‘Wellbeing Budget’ which is touted as a world leading initiative - and it is - it sounds fantastic, warm, and signifies compassion. That it is produced by a Government that cares and is kind - but look behind it and there is another story. It parallels all the ubiquitous orange cones that you constantly see on so many roads and streets throughout NZ. They are training us and conditioning us to ‘stay in line’ and to obey and stop on demand. To slow us down. It’s a program that is deftly applied under the theme of public safety. 

The Wellbeing Budget has some exceptionally good contingencies but it’s a red herring to showcase that the Labour lead government supposedly cares. Yet, if it is truly honest it will show health statistics that are going through the roof - Sugar usage in food and drink increases, cheap unhealthy cooking oils, obesity increases, junk food increases, medication for depression increases, divorce increases, family violence increases, mental health increases, tooth decay - suicides (numbers are now suppressed etc)  Accomodation costs increases, housing increases, immigration to pay for escalating infrastructure increases. It will also show the increased use of Monsanto’s glyphosate to spray complete paddocks ‘orange’ and that much of the Recycling System is being surreptitiously hidden in landfills. Even the continued poison 1080 use and who actually owns this company. The list goes on and the snowball gathers pace, whilst every day Joe Sixpack and Caroline Cardigan - grimly stare into their 72 inch telly, programmed and hypnotised by the 6pm news and worried that the All Blacks rugby team may lose and that their pizza delivery better not be late …   

Here is Dr Ron Colman being interviewed in July 2018 on ‘genuine success indicators’ - this will bring home what it is meant to have transparent government and the challenges in implementing such a far reaching and important policy.

Is the NZ Media Captured by the State? 

New Zealanders who are in their late 60’s, 70’s and 80’s realise from past experience that the NZ media seems to be coming part of the system’ - nearly like Pravda and Izvestia that were the mouthpiece of the failed Soviet Union and the communist agenda. That NZ media appears to be toeing the government line and we have to ask is it daily edging closer towards George Orwell's 1984? They have recently received $50 million from this Government and have tame journalists that will not question any discrepancies that Sue Grey points out in the Covid roll out.  Especially within the acquiescent parliamentary press gallery. This Government has made financial handouts to MSM to keep them silent especially with the 5G health narrative and now with Covid and the planned vaccination of every soul that inhabits Aotearoa. There are more questions than answers that are being ignored.

Phone and book a time and take a delegation to visit your MP at their electoral office, don’t go alone - because unity is strength. Tell them that their vote hinges on ‘this meeting.’  


Doctors here in NZ will not speak out about Covid Vaccines because the NZ Medical Association answers to big Pharma - which is basically based in America but with ties to Britain and other pharmaceutical corporations in Europe. Which in essence is a global control mechanism that goes back to ties to the Rockefeller’s in the USA.  Hence Doctors are too afraid to speak their minds because they are terrified that they will have their license to practice revoked. This is a worldwide phenomenon and Big Pharma is in essence a legalised drug cartel and they are totally against any natural therapies because these cannot be patented. So whenever you see your doctor - he or she is very constrained in what they can say for fear of losing their licence and basically become unemployable.  Note that John D Rockefeller and his son David, who recently died at 104 were ardent uses of homeopathy - just like the British Royal Family. Can you connect some dots here?

Note, hydroxychloroquine was mentioned as a cure for covid especially if you got to the patient within the first 24 hours or so. However Big Pharma instantly came out globally and clamped down on it and actually stopped it being sold here in NZ even though hydroxychloriquine has been on the market here for over 20 years. Remember how Dr Simone Gold and America's Front Line Doctors were excoriated by the US Corporate controlled media, for even mentioning that this was a cure for covid - such is the power of Big Pharma in lockstep with the 6 media conglomerates that control the US and the 7th being the BBC out of Britain. 

A Global Government Coup?

In the interview with Bill Watson 3 weeks ago - he mentioned that we are in the middle of a global coup especially in the West. However controlled MSM does not focus on this at all (Why would they? As they are the communication arm for it) - and in fact do everything to obscure the fact - choosing to give us scattered news items that distract us into a fragmented understanding of the global situation. 

Unbeknown to most, there is a battle going on for the soul of our planet, by those that do not believe in soul, or are anti-soul. Bill intimated for those adept enough to grok the big picture that under the guise of Covid - the plan is that Bill and Melinda Gates are to vaccinate the whole human race with an untested vaccine that more and more independent and courageous doctors are saying - is not even a vaccine. Note that Sue in this Interview says’ that there is no responsibility by the vaccine manufacturers in the case of any health or death issues that may result.’ They get a free pass. Listen to her  share how Grant Robertson our Government Minister brought this in. 

Sue says anyone who takes the vaccine is part of a global experiment. 

The Great Reset

This is also the ‘planned’ time for the Great Reset. This has been touted by the World Economic Forum out of Davos Switzerland - to be put in place across the whole Western world. (and eventually beyond) This being ‘guided’ by Klaus Schwab as the only way forward and this will bring us the digital currency - and the end of the fiat cash regime and that we will not have any cash. ‘That we will eventually not own anything and that we will be (laughably) - happy.’ The end result will be that we will be living in the Fourth Industrial revolution where the Surveillance State will become the Security State all connected in the ubiquitous silent 24/7/365 day silent hum of 5G wireless frequencies that will interfere with our bodies health - but this does not matter because we are also in the midst of a depopulation agenda that Roy Harlow so sadly over the last two weeks expounded on.

When you die before the vaccine - you only die of COVID - when you die after the vaccine - you die by everything but the vaccine …

It’s an Experimental Vaccine 

The Vaccine manufactures have no liability if any injuries or deaths occur.   The vaccine manufactures have it both ways - a free pass, to both riches and no responsibility. 

No responsibility for ongoing daily health

Health - the NZ Government Health Authorities are not telling us how to be healthy - by taking brisk walks in nature  swimming - being barefoot on the grass, breathing fresh air - eating vital organic food, drinking unsanitised ‘vital’ water - Yes it’s expensive - but get innovative and grow food in tubs - take some time out in sunshine and taking vitamin C. It is relatively cheap now. 

Eating Supermarket Factory and Industrial food is not going to bring ultimate health and vitality to your being. 

Use this as your search engine. - for all your searches - far more than Google as it does not censor.

The vaccine was not brought in for COVID - COVID was brought in for the Vaccine - once you understand this - everything makes sense.

Higher discernment .   Always important … so we encourage you to do your own research …   

Also - How much joy do you experience? - Tim and Sue talk health and wellbeing and that we have to take time to regroup internally and that meditation and prayer are important to becoming present. That thankfulness and gratefulness are a daily practice etc 

Sue’s web addresses.

Forget about who the messenger is - just listen to this 2009 message.

Youtube alternatives: - check covid - it is VERY out there - so I encourage higher discernment - in Britain - very good.

In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act - George Orwell. 

Exclusive: Former Pfizer VP to AFLDS: ‘Entirely possible this will be used for massive-scale depopulation’

March 25, 2021 | Comments Offon Exclusive: Former Pfizer VP to AFLDS: ‘Entirely possible this will be used for massive-scale depopulation’

by Mordechai Sones

America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) spoke to former Pfizer Vice President and Chief Science Officer Dr. Mike Yeadon about his views on the COVID-19 vaccine, hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, the regulatory authorities, and more.

At the outset, Dr. Yeadon said “I’m well aware of the global crimes against humanity being perpetrated against a large proportion of the worlds population.

“I feel great fear, but I’m not deterred from giving expert testimony to multiple groups of able lawyers like Rocco Galati in Canada and Reiner Fuellmich in Germany.

“I have absolutely no doubt that we are in the presence of evil (not a determination I’ve ever made before in a 40-year research career) and dangerous products.

“In the U.K., it’s abundantly clear that the authorities are bent on a course which will result in administering ‘vaccines’ to as many of the population as they can. This is madness, because even if these agents were legitimate, protection is needed only by those at notably elevated risk of death from the virus. In those people, there might even be an argument that the risks are worth bearing. And there definitely are risks which are what I call ‘mechanistic’: inbuilt in the way they work.

“But all the other people, those in good health and younger than 60 years, perhaps a little older, they don’t perish from the virus. In this large group, it’s wholly unethical to administer something novel and for which the potential for unwanted effects after a few months is completely uncharacterized.

“In no other era would it be wise to do what is stated as the intention.

“Since I know this with certainty, and I know those driving it know this too, we have to enquire: What is their motive?

“The good news is that there are multiple choices available: hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, budesonide (inhaled steroid used in asthmatics), and of course oral Vitamin D, zinc, azithromycin etc. These reduce the severity to such an extent that this virus did not need to become a public health crisis.”

Moderna Chief Medical Officer Admits mRNA Alters DNA

by Suzanne Hamner

Several prominent physicians, doctors, Sons of Liberty Media Health and Wellness expert Kate Shemirani, her colleague Dr. Kevin Corbett, and I have postulated that the current experimental mRNA injection for coronavirus, aka COVID-19, could alter one’s genetic code or DNA. Bill Gates stated it, which was included in my video “Human Genome 8 and mRNA Vaccine” on It is one reason the term “experimental human genome altering mRNA injection” has been used to describe the jab being foisted onto the mostly unsuspecting public. 

While many in the media, Dr. Anthony Fauci and his merry band of chronic liars, and “fact checkers” have declared this claim as false, a video of a TEDx Beacon Street talk by Tal Zaks, chief medical officer of Moderna, Inc., one pharmaceutical company manufacturer of the experimental mRNA technology injection, confirms mRNA injection for COVID-19 can change your genetic code or DNA. This TEDx Beacon Street talk occurred in 2017. H/T to YouTube channel Silview Media Backup Channel.

Zaks calls it “hacking the software of life”. In the first minute of the video Zaks states, “we’ve been living this phenomenal digital scientific revolution, and I’m here today to tell you, that we are actually hacking the software of life, and that it’s changing the way we think about prevention and treatment of disease.” [Emphasis mine.]

He even repeats that they (Moderna) think of it like an operating system, which the Moderna website indicates as “Our Operating System”.

At one minute in, Zaks states, “In every cell there’s this thing called messenger RNA or mRNA for short, that transmits the critical information from the DNA in our genes to the protein, which is really the stuff we’re all made out of. This is the critical information that determines what the cell will do. So we think about it as an operating system. …. So if you could actually change that, … if you could introduce a line of code, or change a line of code, it turns out, that has profound implications for everything, from the flu to cancer.” [Emphasis mine.]
When “changing” a line of code or “introducing” a line of code” (referring to DNA), the “code” or DNA is then altered, meaning the individual or “subject” has now had their genome changed to what the “scientists” have coded. The individual or subject is no longer a creation of God but a creation of man, meaning the individual or subject could be the object of a “patent”. He goes on to say, the mRNA would tell the cells to “code” for the protein of the “virus”. This “viral protein” is foreign to the body. The individual’s body is making a foreign protein the immune system is to attack. When the body makes a protein the immune system then attacks, your immune system is attacking a protein your body is making, meaning what is occurring in an “auto-immune response” or “auto-immune disease”.

This has been repeated a number of times by experts, physicians, nurses and countless others. As readers can see, none of us were “whistling Dixie”. Zaks talks about turning this system on; however, there is no way to turn it off. When do the cells know to stop making this “viral protein”? The cells don’t; therefore, this continues for the duration.

In a normal vaccine, the immune system attacks the limited amount of “particles” in the adjuvant to produce antibodies or immune response that the body can recognize at a later time if the individual comes in contact with the same or similar “particle”.

The study Zaks cites at the 3:12 minute mark can be found and read here. The abstract is contained on the NIH Pub Med Library website. In the full test of the study on ResearchGate, the mention of “Luciferase” occurs on page 10.

A crucial piece of information in this study is contained on page 4 – “Ferrets immunized with 200 micrograms and challenged

[exposed to influenza H7N9 via IN (intranasal)] on day 49 had viral loads below the level of detection”. If a viral load was 

“below the level of detection”, two questions emerge: 1) did the ferrets even contract H7N9 through intranasal challenge;

and, 2) if a viral load is below the level of detection, how do you know the animals even had a viral load?

This would bring into question the efficacy of the injection. Moreover, the studies Zaks cites as occurring in humans only lasted approximately 18 months.

At about the 4:00 minute mark, Zaks begins discussing mRNA vaccines for cancer. Immediately following that, Zaks discusses a children’s condition where a gene or “code” is missing that causes production of a certain enzyme critical for metabolism where the current treatment is to transplant an entire organ – in this case, the liver. Zaks proposes to inject mRNA that codes for the missing gene, a gene contained in DNA on the human genome, it would “correct” the genetic defect.

Ask this question: what causes the cells/body to produce needed enzymes/proteins? Zaks answers that by saying the genetic code or DNA. So, mRNA has to alter a genetic code or the DNA for the body to produce the proteins of COVID-19 for the body to mount an immune response.

Out of the words of Tal Zaks of Moderna, mRNA can alter the human genome. Whether by design or “unintended consequences”, this technology is being used to do just that. He calls this “information therapy”; although, some would call it “mad science”. In attempts to “rewrite” genetic code to correct defects, studies have shown there were “cascading failures”. In other words, changing one “defective gene” in one genome caused other genes to “fail” or cause problems. And, it was not just one subsequent gene becoming defective, but many. This is more than likely why there are over 400 adverse events surrounding the experimental mRNA injection.

So, the next time someone claims these “vaccines” do not alter the human genome or DNA, you can refer that individual to Tal Zaks of Moderna, Inc. who claims otherwise. Dr. Fauci should be eating some four and twenty blackbird (crow) pie.