In our society most of the models given are by media or peer groups or sports stars and they are very one dimensional - and young men are doing this in an unhealthy ways - drinking a lot, doing drugs, a lot of sex with a lot of women and a lot of men, driving their cars fast and basically acting out of integrity and being foolish.
Being aware of this the Mankind Project came about in the early 1990’s in America, where three men got together wanting to take the conversation further, on men - especially around men’s masculinity and have men connect with their deeper purpose.
For indigenous cultures over millennia have had ceremony and initiations to bring young men into adulthood, to become responsible and accountable for their actions. This included being an integral member of the tribe and taking their rightful place within that community.
The Mankind Project knowingly acknowledge this saying, there is also another way - a more relevant and conscious way to become a man in the modern world.
As against a sensitive new age wuss or limp wrist response, they take young men through a rite of passage where men learn how to become responsible as to how we show up in the world. That our relationship to ourselves becomes very important
Part of an initiation is an ordeal. MKP takes men deep into their psyche to see what really makes them tick … and it is done through the new warrior training adventure the ‘hero’s journey’ - a gateway to a whole new paradigm.