
GreenplanetFM Podcast

Dedicated to interviewing leading edge experts, practitioners in their field, and people who are living examples of sustainability. Covers environmental subject matter that is not readily discussed in depth in mainstream media.
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Aug 8, 2018

The Portfolios that Steffan held in the NZ Green Party were:

  • Primary Production
  • This Included Agriculture and Horticulture, which comprised Organics, Genetic Engineering & Forestry.
  • Plus Fisheries (for a good time he held this.)
  • Safe food for a period - (and there was some politics around that.)
  • Biosecurity and food safety.
  • Security and Intelligence for a while too.

In this interview many subjects were rapidly covered so as to give an overview of what are the possibilities of a free, truly green, healthy and independent country - one that is happily embedded in the biosphere.

Organic Food Growing   

Steffan says that in relation to our small organic food growers - we have to make sure that they can survive as we are asking of them to grow the finest quality and healthiest, highest - nutritional food. So it is imperative that our growers survive economically too.

Steffan who for 15 years was an organic producer says organic growers have to be able to survive themselves and put a roof over their head and feed their children - and they are up against industrial food production which is produced cheaply by using in his words - some very ugly chemicals and ugly fertilisers as well.  

These then degrade our rivers and that the chemicals are impacting on our health - that there are a considerable amount of chemicals in our food - so how do we compare our food? What is cheap food? Because the cost of these chemicals on top of our national health system and into our environment are not considered in NZ’s industrialised retailed food prices.

Whereas, organic producers holistic perspective does not, in most circumstances pollute waterways or the air with chemical sprays  - and there are no known health and hospital costs as a result of eating organic food.

Steffan says there is a problem with costs - but as an organic producer - he at the peak of the season for a number of weeks - could and did sell organic food at the same price of industrial vegetables. He also mentioned that industrial farming is also subsidised in the form of cheap chemicals.

Steffan produced capsicums, tomatoes, aubergines (eggplant) beans, cucumbers, basil and chilli peppers - these were his primary crop.

By blanket use of heavy chemicals across a whole farm - all pests as well as benevolent insects are killed - it’s an easy fix. Whereas organic farmers target what needs to be curtailed and do this with traps, and other noninvasive chemical means.

Loss of Insects

There is a world wide decline of insects. Where 50 years ago if you drove 50 kilometers through a rural setting there would be huge numbers of dead insects splattered on the window screen of your car. Today - basically none - zilch.

Steffan says there are two reasons that he knows of.

1)    Habitat has gone - bare earth actions be it farming and urbanisation - take away diversity - less trees, wetlands, shrubs, scrub and herbs.

2)    Chemicals nicotinoids - the ‘neo nix’ - is what they are called for short - is known to kill bees and affect their health including other beneficial insects - plus there are also fungicides and herbicides as well.

France in Europe is an excellent example of push back against these sorts of chemicals - having kicked out Monsanto as they restore ecological balance to their environment.

France too has a huge number of organic food outlets right across the country - and are far more conscious of their food production and consumption. Food that is close to ‘use by’ date is never incinerated or sent to landfill - but sent to hospices and other needy outlets and possibly prisons etc = far less waste. Also Supermarkets will not buy from farmers who use nicotinoids. This is due to commercial outlets across France listening to consumer demands.

Steffan goes on to say that our NZ regulators - our ‘environmental protectors’ as in the likes of Government - need to say that we are going to do the right thing … and bring in the ‘precautionary approach’ but, instead - our regulators are turning away and ignoring their social responsibility.

Ministry for Primary Industries - need to have vision and courage.

New Zealanders have to keep the pressure on the EPA, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Regulators - where he says we need some major changes - especially in the Ministry for Primary Industries, particularly their lack of vision and their lack of courage in not standing up to industry  There are also conflicts of interest - especially around GE & GMO’s and the release of these materials. That some of these officials have actively promoted GE and promoted chemicals when their job is to be a watchdog - for our NZ environment!

Especially when they are actively wanting easier access for GE materials to be released into the NZ countryside - and this message is coming from the CEO of the EPA - which is extremely concerning.

The community and the environment have be at the forefront - before the economy.

Steffan then mentions that he has just been elected back onto the Soil and Health National Council again.

Steffan talks about the recent breakthrough that brought about a ‘GE Free Northland’. Plus the Soil and Health Association working with these Northern Councils enabling them - along with a huge number of ordinary NZers who volunteered their time to do submissions and rally to this cause - etc.    

That the Soil and Health Association was able to get NZ’s High Court to back them in making sure that Councils such as Northland, Hastings, Hawkes Bay and to a certain extent the BOP - Bay of Plenty - the power to keep out experimentation from GE corporations. These biotech entities  always wanting to release GE organisms into the environment, any environment.

Also covered. ‘Gene editing and CRISPR, also called CRISPR/Cas9.’ - etc so as to manoeuvre to find loopholes to let these experiments into the environment - but fortunately the EU has come out and said they are the same as genetic engineering! Which is a blessing for NZ.

The Precautionary Approach - is not anti science -

It takes our children’s future into consideration.

Steffan goes on to say - he is not stalling innovation There are many ways that scientists can use these tools in labs to research both plants and animals that can be used in non GE settings - He said we must not release these products into our environment  - it’s very reckless to do so.

New Zealand can still be the clean green 100% direction that at heart - we want.

Our overseas consumers expect high quality food products - pesticide free - GE FREE - and leaving our country in a pristine state at the same time.

NZ organic production is growing.

Our growth in organics is increasing rapidly - and exports enable us to obtain premium returns.

As a result of regenerative agricultural systems, biological farming offers a prosperous future.

Bailey Perryman in Cultivating urban farming and Penelope Bundy have joined Organic NZ  so we can look forward to a sustainable drive towards organics here.

The Urgency of Training Soil Scientists

Hear how successive NZ governments have taken away the funding for ‘soil science’ in our major universities - and it is the soil that is the backbone of our country.

Air in NZ what is the quality?

Depends on where you live.

Marlborough for example  - far to much chemical drift from viticulture - exacerbating cancers and degenerative diseases.

However in Marlborough there is now a significant growth in organic wines - so no chemical spray are used by them. HOWEVER - there is also an increase in non organic vineyards in the region as well, which continue to spray.

But there are now ample organic wines available to drink here in NZ.


Rivers - nitrates and very poor forestry practices - or soil erosion have been deteriorating the water course right out to estuaries and sea. The fishing grounds are suffering major problems but as it has been politicised - it is now getting the NZ public’s attention.

Education comes through time and again in this interview - education is the answer.


NZ allowed a whole host of pests to be brought in the country 100 to 150 years ago and this has caused problems that still have to be urgently addressed.

1080 is a very cruel death … listen to Steffan, who does not like it.     Listen

He is very concerned.

We need hunters to go out and cull pests and also utilise the skins and meat if safe to do so.

Mycoplasma bovis in cows - we needed to cull them straight away. It’s a huge health problem for cows.Bio security was very slow at waking up to this outbreak!

National Security

5 Eyes Echelon listening and recording station in Blenheim - close it down is his statement.

It persists regardless of who is in Parliament. No NZ Government seems to have the power to close it?

Geo Engineering

Finally the air above us - what is Geo engineering - vapour trails, contrails and chemtrails?

The fact that analysis of the particulates are Barium, Aluminium and Strontium - what are these minute chemicals?  And what is solar reflection? Solar radiation management (SRM) projects are a type of climate engineering which seek to reflect sunlight and thus reduce global warming.

Study looks into belief that chemtrails are real - NZ Herald

Nov 5, 2017 - A new study has lifted the lid on chemtrails. ... The chemtrails conspiracy says that airliners are deliberately spraying chemicals.

This interview is definitely worth a listen. - Tim

Aug 2, 2018

That in most cases human health has been discarded or given a low priority.  This rampant technological push continues to affect human health and wellbeing, influencing our very roots that connect us to nature - the source from which we spring.

Intuitively we know this, as our health is being affected and cancer and many other types of illness skyrocket. GreenplanetFM is by no way anti science - we are satisfied with 3G and 4G technologies - however when there is a constant push for more efficiencies overriding the health of the community - the inevitable push back occurs.  

Corporate profits versus human health?

With humanity appearing to be the canary in the coal mine.

This very insightful interview tells us of what it is for a biological being having to live in an increasing world of oscillating frequencies that are continuing to intensify to the detriment of the natural world.

The vegetable and animal kingdoms are being affected. That means you and I and especially newborns, vulnerable babies, infants and children.

Humans are more than cellular bodies. The human body is composed of molecules, atoms and subatomic particles. There is a large body of literature that exists on the response of tissues to electromagnetic fields, primarily in the extremely-low-frequency (ELF) and microwave-frequency ranges.

In general, the reported effects of radiofrequency (RF) radiation on tissue and organ systems have been attributed to thermal interactions, although the existence of nonthermal effects at low field intensities is still a subject of active investigation.

This means that as new technological frequencies are deployed across cities, countryside and whole nations etc - we are in many ways an experiments in real time. We are the proverbial laboratory rats, that like GE and GMO foods, we are test cases for new technologies.  

Smart Meters

The interview starts off with smart meters that are now becoming ubiquitous across NZ. Many people may not be aware that they are already in place at their power switchboard somewhere on a wall of your house. Your power company may have already installed one. Yet, certain people are very sensitive to the subtleties of a steadily increasing frequency spectrum and may not understand why they are unable to sleep or they may continually be restless. Reason being, that they are being affected by frequencies coming off their undisclosed smart meter.

There is no legal obligation for NZers to have a Smart Meter.

In NZ there is no legal obligation to have a smart meter … you can refuse to have a smart meter …
If you have one - you can get them removed in NZ. It may require a change in company - but you can remove them.

Though if you are living in blocks of flats or apartments there are challenges.

There are  a variety on ‘non smart meters’ on the NZ market so do not believe the company line that some power retailers may tell you!  Get more information from Legacy Metering Group  or

This is the best option.

Smart meters have a lot of computer power basically, the equivalent of a modern mobile phone - and it is able to tell where certain lights and power plugs are turned on at certain times in a 24/7 cycle - like every utensil in the whole house. You are being monitored. Every electronic item use is being recorded.

Check the web site: Environmental Health Trust

Education, Research, and Policy to Reduce Environmental Risks.

The interview leads into this; which gives you an understanding of how frequencies work.
Frequency weapon systems called Active Denial  A US system.

The Active Denial System (ADS) is a non-lethal, directed-energy weapon developed by the U.S. military, designed for area denial, perimeter security and crowd control. Informally, the weapon is also called the heat ray since it works by heating the surface of targets, such as the skin of targeted human subjects.

What are 5th Generation Technologies?

They are more ubiquitous and powerful transmitter technologies!

A  result of intensifying use of transmitting frequencies in telephones and complementary technologies - people can end up with electro sensitivity  - or EHS electro hypersensitivity - or electromagnetic sensitivity - or EMS - or ES electro sensitivity.

The interview then covers the fact that the NZ Government - both Labour and National are wanting to phase out and take down copper wire telephone transmission lines. They now see them as an unnecessary cost, due to the roll out of fibre. But this means that people - especially older people possibly in rural areas will have to use mobile phones and it is known that there are instances of cancerous growths on the same side of the face that people hold up their smartphone to listen.

Katherine mentions the : save our -  a petition ….

Taking away copper lines - leaves us all open to either only fibre or mobiles ….

Back to Five G technologies   - website

The 5th Generation Radiation Frequencies Influences all creatures of the living ecology.

Birds are being affected so is urban wildlife, cats, dogs, guinea pig and pet rabbits. As for vegetation - over successive generations we will see for ourselves what happens.

Scientists and doctors warn of serious health effects of 5G Technology

Over 240 scientists and doctors from 41 countries have signed a declaration to officials of the European Commission demanding a moratorium on the increase of cell antennas for planned 5G expansion. Concerns over health effects from higher radiation exposure include potential neurological impacts, infertility, and cancer.

Experiments in China - show that rats heavily irradiated - can basically be all dead in 10 minutes. Listen to the interview.      38 minutes    Only 3 minutes

The SCARIEST 3-1/2 Minutes EVER! - 5G will Weaponize Everything

Olga Sheehan - who once worked for the World Health Organisation wrote a book called “no safe place” - saying beaming microwave radiation from space - leaves all of life vulnerable.

There are 20,000 research papers on microwaves so there is no shortage of data - however there is a shortage of 2018 data going forward, which is understandable. Hence the precautionary principle.

All biota is affected - except certain bacteria and microbes      Dr Devra Davis

We are dealing with a cascading multiple electronic microwave escalation - with wifi, cell phones, cell towers, smart meters, baby monitors and now 5G technology  - We as a human race can be likened to living in a microwave oven that is slowly intensifying

Up before the time that electricity and wireless technology came into being - our planet was near on - a paradise!

Barrie Trower former Royal Navy microwave weapons expert says that the scientists who are producing this technology have absolutely no idea of the mathematics of the waveform that is being produced - but they know it is in the gigahertz range - he stated there are no safety tests on this tech but they know that these frequencies can interfere with the cellular structure of the human body - that it is not just one wave but several waves.

Tom Wheeler - Active Denial the new microwave weapon - use for crowd control - to subdue an bring down crowds of people in a demonstration or rally.

Jul 25, 2018

Neo liberal economics, turned loose on New Zealand by Roger Douglas and Labour in 1985 (and still adhered to by both Labour and National today) has failed. The results speak for themselves - hundreds sleeping on the streets, in cars, in sheds and garages, hundreds more living in taxpayer funded motel units because they have no homes, full time workers unable to afford their rent, a health system in crisis, inequality at its highest level ever, roads, sewage systems, water supply and other infrastructure in disrepair, our "clean green" country under threat.

We need an economic system that works for people and the country, not for a favoured few. Such a system exists. It's called Social Credit. It has been tried before in New Zealand and other places and worked brilliantly. It is being increasingly talked about internationally. It could work for us again.

"Funny Money", once used in a derogatory way to describe Social Credit, is a term that would best describe the stupidity of our government borrowing the money it needs from private financial institutions when it could borrow from the country's central bank (the Reserve Bank), which it owns.

This means that $4,500,000,000 of taxpayer money every year goes to pay interest when it could go towards things that benefit Kiwis.

Social Credit is committed to fixing that, and putting in place a financial system that works for New Zealanders.

Imagine if the government could create all the money that is needed.

“Our own history offers us one of the most important instances of this being done. In the 1930s in the middle of the Great Depression, the great Labour Prime Minister Michael Joseph Savage authorised the creation of new money so that thousands of new state houses could be built, thereby providing jobs for the unemployed and homes for the homeless and – incidentally – an income-producing asset for the government."

Quote from Brian Gould, “Creating Money for the Good of the Country”.

Chris Leitch is Leader of the Social Credit Party and its finance spokesperson.

Has been a campaigner for monetary reform since 1972.

He stood as candidate in Whangarei in 1984 and 1987.

He became the Party’s National President in 1989.

After his party joined the Alliance, he became the first ever Alliance Candidate to stand for parliament – in the Tamaki by-election in 1992 after Rob Muldoon stood down, coming in second. He and the team reduced an 8,500 majority down to just 1,200.

Elected to the Auckland Regional Services Trust in 1992, Chris fought efforts by the government to force the Trust to privatise and was successful in keeping revenue-earning assets in public ownership.

Elected to the Waitemata Electricity Trust, Chris helped resist attempts by a foreign company to get full ownership and asset strip the company.

He has served as Board Chairman of the Whangarei Youth Centre, and the Onerahi Primary School.

He has been deputy leader of the party for two periods, once commencing in 1993, and again in 2014.

He was elected leader last month.

Social Credit’s web site is

Jul 11, 2018

This subject of the horrors of child abuse has not been covered by GreenplanetFM, as this program is basically premised on environment, health and consciousness.

However a ‘chance’ meeting of Ludovic C. M. Romany the author of the book ‘Innocence’ shifted my perspective so as to tell the NZ public that there is a major problem ‘lurking’ under the radar across this most fortunate yet unknowing nation.

With challenges coming to us daily via the worlds media - Child abuse - is an overwhelming subject and when we are bombarded with all the other horrors that the world media-corporations seem to hurl at us, I felt to go more public on this important issue.

When a baby is born into the world, we at heart, want that baby to be loved and cherished, to be wanted, by both its mother and father - however if this baby is unwanted and is instantly perceived as a burden - this can become hell on earth for this newborn. This in essence - is the story of Wi.   

However there is a happy ending to this interview of Wi, coming through this harrowing journey in his 47th year - he is healing a broken heart and a shattered upbringing. This allows us the public to realise that we can always in the end, save the day. That against the odds, we can all come out - ‘sunny side up’

A profound account of how a little boy can come through this saga and still carry love in his heart gives us hope for all children who may have been born into a world of abandonment and suffering.   


Jim & Helen Moriarty

In one solid committed sit down, I was able to ingest the weight, the daunting but inspiring tasks of opening myself to the Mauri of Innocence.

Innocence without question is a testament to the mana, the resilience, the survival of Wi Peepe in post-colonial New Zealand, against a backdrop of an upbringing, that defies belief. A New Zealand where the horror of Wi’s childhood, the guilt and blame is attributed to none other than the monster, the demonic force that is his father. So graphically detailed and truthfully portrayed.

This is a harrowing, yet ironically beautiful account of Wi’s deep connection to his wairua, and emancipation from a life that leaves many dead in its wake. That the occasional right kind word and action, amidst his nightmare existence coupled with a deep knowing of the healing, found in the constant of the river and nature, were enough to feed the soul of a child. A child who fought the complexities and distortions of those around him, themselves products of post-colonial alienation and cultural disenfranchisement….It is a window into Wi’s determination to fix the things himself and be accountable, into societies shifting lens around the intolerable, and at times over zealous reporting and response to family violence and harm. ‘Thank God for that.’

In the end, it is about Wi’s purotu, the magic within, that never deserts him. That equips him along the way, that is part of his whakapapa, that is recognised and supported by others, who could see beyond the battered exterior into Wi’s loving sacred self.

Thankyou Wi and to your whanau for letting us in.

Nga mihi aroha ki a koutou katoa.

Jim and Helen Moriarty

Jul 4, 2018

Though overstated, it has also given New Zealander’s a wake up call - as to what do we want for our families and particularly our children in our country so as to make our communities more resilient, and viable, but more so - economically, more friendly, as well.  

Towns, Villages and City Suburbs are becoming closer and safer.

From ‘transition everything’ to, farmers markets, time banks, permaculture, holistic health, homeschooling, garage sales, and food buying co-ops - Communities are realising that localising as much as possible especially around food, learning and backyard growing activities …. Is making small towns, city suburbs and small rural villages far more cohesive and enjoyable. People are discovering their neighbours and creating deep connection and relationships.

It’s about innovation and integration of small business modals and setting the template for a regenerative 21st Century where families and communities can thrive together.

Jun 27, 2018

New Zealand hasn’t been a social-democratic paradise since Rogernomics’ deregulation, selling off public assets, and slashing state investment.

“Over the past 30 years, more than $350 billion has flowed out of New Zealand's economy to overseas banks and foreign owners of our assets.

At the same time, the share of the economy going to working people has fallen from over 50 per cent to just over 40 per cent, cutting NZ $20 billion a year from pay packets.

That's not a coincidence. Reducing employment rights and, more specifically, reducing the rights of New Zealanders to build economic power has led to a massive transfer of wealth away from the majority of Kiwis - our families, our communities and small businesses.”

New Zealand needs to move away from our reliance on a low-wage economy where companies compete by paying people less.

We need to remove the temptation to throw more cheap labour or longer work-hours at a problem, and make investment in skills, productive capital and innovation the better option.

The situation that New Zealand currently is in can be directly related back to the National government’s  Employment Contracts act of 1991.

The Employment Contracts Act (ECA), once it passed, had a devastating effect on workers’ rights and living standards in New Zealand. It dealt a body blow to the trade union movement, one from which we’ve never recovered.

Union membership almost halved between 1991 and 1995, with union density going from 41.5% to 21.7%,

The ECA gave employers the right to refuse to negotiate with unions, and made it much easier to use lockouts and ‘scab’ labour or migrants to break workers’ resistance.

It eliminated hard-fought reforms like compulsory union membership, compulsory employer-employee bargaining, and unions’ special place in this process.

Listen to Robert’s interview including a shocking revelation about how New Zealand employers have been caught treating migrant workers, that feels like the final nail in the coffin of assuming New Zealand is the world’s best place to live and work in.

Robert Reid is President of the 28,000 strong FIRST Union after retiring as General Secretary in November of last year.  

He talks about his life, his work in trade unions, the community and the role of trade unions today.

Robert has recently been appointed to the NZ Government’s Welfare Experts Advisory Group.  

From school age Robert was an organiser, forming a Students Union while still at High School, starting the Organisation to Halt Military Service to get rid of conscription during the War on Vietnam and becoming the International Vice President of the NZ University Students Association in his first year of university.  

Dropping out of university and starting a family at a young age, Robert worked at General Motors in Petone for 10 years where he learnt his trade unionism until, like tens of thousands in the manufacturing industries was made redundant as Rogernomics named after Roger Douglas the radical monetarist Minister of Finance in the 4th Labour Govt. With its neo-liberal trade policies kicked in.

Robert spent the next period of time working with unemployed and community employment groups until returning to union work with the Council of Trade Unions as a regional organiser out of Palmerston North.  

With the Employment Contracts Act of 1991 decimating the trade union movement, Robert worked in Asia for 6 years helping in the establishment and growth of independent and genuine trade unions across the region.  

Robert came back to the NZ trade union movement helping to rebuild it again by being part of the formation of Unite and with roles in the Trade Union Federation, the Footwear Union, the Clothing Union and then as President, then General Secretary of the National Distribution Union which together with the Finance Union FINSEC, became FIRST Union.

During this period Robert also completed a Graduate Diploma in Economic Development and worked in the Green Party Parliamentary office for 2 years on the Buy Kiwi Made campaign.  Robert has also served on “industry good” boards such as Textiles NZ and the Forest Industry Safety Council.

Robert lives with his partner, Maxine Gay in Mangere Bridge and is a doting grandfather to 6 grandchildren.

Jun 20, 2018

It’s about individuals coming together to localise, in creating business around farmers markets, food growing, timebanks and cooperating at numerous innovative tiers and levels.     

Many more NZer’s today are talking among themselves that there has to be a far better way for us to live, especially for our collective planetary future.

Up and down and across New Zealand, many 'kiwis' are slowly but methodically going about integrating with their local community - wishing to share at a deeper level, values that are expressed from the heart and from a place of honesty and courage.

From little villages, districts, towns, to suburbs in cities, farmers markets seem to be a key ‘nodal point’ where people can congregate and cross pollinate news and views of how community can come together - so as to become self reliant, and resilient as well as creatively taking innovation to a new art form.

Are you one of these cultural creatives? Who enjoys meeting people to talk deeply about how we can address the urgent needs within the biosphere of today. I trust that you are as the following interview I feel, will fill you with optimism and dear I say it, joy, which as you inherently know - we need to experience far more of - especially if we are aware of current world news.

Juliet Adams became a volunteer in Lyttelton (just beyond Christchurch) in the South Island, just after the earthquake that affected so many people’s lives. This came about because Project Lyttelton had a ‘Time Bank.’

A Time Bank - is a system that helps people to help each other, without money changing hands.

To join a local time bank - there needs to be a basic program on a small  computer system so as to record what exchanges are being made. When you join you list the ‘skills’ you can offer towards the community and any other ways of helping people in the community to do things.

Plus, you will also ‘have some needs' as well where you would like some help.

For example if you spent one hour minding a friends children, they will credit you ‘one hour’ on the time bank records. Then you can use that credited ‘one hour’ on your account to pay someone to do something for you. Like fixing the broken fence or mowing the lawns. etc.

So it’s a matter of people exchanging their abilities and their time to help one another - without money changing hands.

What ‘time banks’ do is bring people and connection much more closer together. Where as money can be over convenient as in the human equation it may not play a ‘closer quality’ in reaching out to people and their inner needs. i.e good relationships that are far more healthy … where you spend time talking and making sure that everyone is warmly satisfied with the ’transaction’.

In Lyttelton there is over 750 members in their time bank - so if these 750 people congregated all togther in a hall - there is huge potential and possibility with the collective skills that are there. Thus a time bank like this has 'vast social capital' that can be unleashed and put to good purpose.

Community Treasure Chest.

The ‘community treasure chest’ - is where people who belong to a time bank, donate and credit their ‘one hour’ to the community treasure chest - which allows other people who are going through a tough spell and need a hand up, can avail themselves of accumulated gifted ‘one hour' credits from the Community Chest.

So that people who are not even time bank members can receive community assistance.

This is the difference between a system that is built around people - rather than money.

Project Lyttelton is based on many projects.

Having many community gardens - you give some work time and you can walk away with some of the fresh produce.

Garage Sales - about 4 or 5 a week - are all organised through Project Lyttelton - having a well organised, publicised outreach.

Saturday Farmers Market - which is a huge success - and this is where town and country meet and much sharing and networking takes place.

Helen Dew of Carterton and and Living Economies, North of Wellington and Margaret Jeffries of Lyttelton went to ITHACA in New York in the US many years ago and learnt about ‘time banks’ and brought the concept back to NZ.

Today more and more Councils and Central Government are actively supporting communities to assist them to become more cohesive and healthy to improve the lives of their citizens. Healthy, happy people, as a result are not dependent on health services and do not draw down on the community or economy.  

Locally there are Time Banks in Christchurch, Sumner and New Brighton areas.

Minimisation of Waste

Saturday markets - you can borrow a cup - take it away full of a hot drink or soup and carry it with you, refill it and later on in the day drop it back at the market and one of the staff will happily wash it at the end of the day.

Same for plates, knives and forks - you can enjoy food and have no concern about disposing anything in the rubbish - food scraps go for compost etc.  A very clean thought out action plan to minimise waste. The idea of washing up is easily achieved and you have no concerns either.


Many festivals are run in the town that bring people together.

Group Truck

Bertie the truck, can be hired off Project Lyttelton PL for localised use.

Fruit and veggie crates of fresh food are available every week.

They have a Library where many leading edge books on community building, finance and success stories of what is happening around our planet are available. This is where Juliet volunteers her time. As volunteering is a large part of PL.

Volunteering is the glue to keeping the community cohesive and flowing.

They also have shares in a health food shop that is owned as a coop called ‘Harbour Coop -, Selling healthy and organic food  see -

Project Lyttelton is a wonderful fulfilling experiment of people working and playing together.   

It is also emotionally healthy as well as providing physical health for ones body.

It in many ways is the microcosm of the NZ macrocosm - where ideals and warm hearted values coalesce into unfolding a better tomorrow.

Jun 13, 2018

NZ prides itself as country that has been a prolific food bowl for fresh quality food produced from family farms for over 130 years. ‘It’s in our bones.’  

Now with the increasing rush of new technologies, many of these developments are being pushed on to ‘the market’ with a good number not being tested over a longer period of time or over a succession of for example seven to ten generations. (Glyphosate and GE organisms being the case in point).

This is where ethical considerations are being left behind in the haste to profit at all costs and in the process - overtaking or bypassing the code of - duty of care and the precautionary principle.

Farmers and people who work the land are by their nature conservative and do what they know has successfully worked for them in the past - and they are weary of smart young technocrats who may have never got dirt under their fingernails, selling them yet another device or method that takes them further from what they intuitively feel is natural.

So the saga of GE and GMO’s is now taking a turn for the better in NZ, especially for consumers in our country, as well as globally and in particular the ecology of this country.

Jun 6, 2018

This dialogue with Mark is a continuation of interviewing NZers around the country based on ‘pulling the strings of localised community together’ and linking them across the nation.

Mark is a passionate change agent and realises the importance of having robust and resilient communities founded around: Farmers markets, permaculture, organics, green dollars and Time banks as well as building shelter and sustainable buildings, holistic health, homeschooling, mensheds and women’s cooperatives, plus other regenerative initiatives.

That all of these connect the community into a vibrant, self reliant organism.  

For many years in some cases decades there has been a growing awareness by NZers - especially away from the largest cities that in small towns and villages across the country, people still have a sense of community.

That people seeking both better connection, and environmental quietness away from the pace and size of urban conglomeration have gravitated to the rural setting, that is always accompanied by being close to the sea or ocean in some way.

So apologising in advance, I trust that you forgive me and advise me accordingly if I have committed your town, village of region below.

From Kaitaia up North, to Kerikeri, Hokianga, Whangerei and …..

To Thames Coromandel, Raglan over to Gisborne, the Hawkes Bay Hastings region. To Wanganui, Masterton

To the Soul Island of Nelson, Motueka, Takaka and Golden Bay, to Kaikura and Lyttelton, the West Coast and further South - people have steadily built a cooperative commercial understanding around markets and now farmers markets are a key hub to community getting to gather to cooperate in other ways as the threads of community tie in so many other aspects from holistic health, to shared working bees, permaculture, organics, recycling etc see list at the bottom of this article.      

Marks interview on what is happening in the Thames Coromandel starts with how people are addressing housing and shelter.

Having many differing forms of life style, and various forms of building homes - Cobb houses , rammed earth, straw bale, lots of permaculture permutations - people living ‘off grid’ and largely self sufficiently - other people living semi on grid whilst developing organic businesses - green businesses, lots of sole traders - that is sort of going on at one level.

At another level also grappling with how to connect up with other parts of the community that are more traditional - who have come there to retire and live in peace by the sea but are now becoming alarmed by sea level rise and climate change - eroding roads  as over the last 18 months massive storms have come up the Firth of Thames and the Coast road up to Coromandel has been taken out. Plus lots of flooding on the other coast and at Whitianga as well.

There are some intentional communities, as well as spiritual communities that are rarely well integrated into the larger community running meditation courses as well as extending into town as a shop presence.

People looking at ways of cooperating to group together on the land and adding tiny houses etc

But in a sharing of care, Mark mentions there is also now on the other side of the situation about 30 homeless people living in Thames - sleeping in cars - or sleeping out at the back of the community garden etc and some of them have various addictions of some kind or another so there is still growing challenges around the dispossessed that needs to be addressed.

Why? Because these people don’t have that sense of community and connection … and access to the resources to be able to change their lives - like to buy some land you are talking half a million dollars so there is definitely a different social strata

around different degrees of wealth, resources and affluence involved and amidst all this correct choices that have been taken.

Mark shares from a humorous perspective how the people strive for success and then laughingly asks how does one define success?

He says how do we equate neo liberal economics with half a dozen people sleeping in a car outside your house …?

That neo liberal perspectives are so interwoven into our society that often we all don’t realise how embedded we really are inside this economic model. Like a goldfish may have no concept of water!

May 23, 2018

All the sounds of nature coalesce and vibrate, in one vast symphony as in, for example, the dawn chorus of birds.

The human contribution to this living, nourishing element we call sound very often shows a lack of awareness, similarly to other aspects of the environment.

A mindful use of sound can be of great help in these turbulent times.

May 17, 2018

55 Palestinians have been killed and over 1,000 injured by Israeli forces since the ‘Great March of Return’ protests began on March 30 2018.

The rallies are part of a six-week protest to mark what Palestinians refer to as the Nakba" or "catastrophe" - a reference to Israel's establishment in 1948 and when 750,000 Arabs were forcibly removed from Palestine.

Roger will be covering a number of topics that include

*Israel’s continuing lethal attacks of unarmed citizens gathering in Gaza,

*Political prisoners, detention of children,

*House demolitions on the West Bank,

*Author Dr Ramzy Baroud’s speaking tour of NZ talking about his new book “The Last Earth: A Palestinian Story”.

* The upcoming 2018 international Freedom Flotilla to Gaza which will again include a prominent human rights advocate from NZ.

Roger’s bio:

Roger Fowler is a veteran activist & community organizer, and played a prominent role in building the local protest movement against the war on Vietnam and South African Apartheid in the late 1960s & 70s.

He was manager of Auckland’s Resistance Bookshop and coordinator of the inner-city People’s Union community organization throughout the 1970s, an active supporter of the protest occupation at Bastion Point, and union delegate in the car assembly industry.

Roger is director of the Mangere East Community Centre, and organizer of Kia Ora Gaza which has sponsored NZ involvement in several international solidarity convoys to break Israel’s inhumane siege of Gaza.

He has led two Kiwi humanitarian convoys to Gaza which was featured in an interview on GreenplanetFM in 2016.

You can DONATE to this and other fundraising for Palestine on the web site:

Kia Ora Gaza:

This interview was sponsored by The Awareness Party.

May 10, 2018

He has lived in the New Zealand bush and studied the wairua, the spirit, of the plants of Aoteoroa, he has taught and tested New Zealand bush medicines, he has created beautiful art based on the plants of our bush so that the pictures and splashbacks he produces will positively affect the energy and resonance of the homes and offices in which they are installed.

He writes books and songs and musicals based on those same healing resonances, and his passion is to help young and old have a sense of belonging to each other and to Mother Earth, our Papatuanuku, our Source.

He believes that all dis-ease is from lack of connection and his work here is to help turn that around.

For any information about his homeopathic practise, bush walks, art and designs contact:
09 2835214

He is available for homeopathy on his Facebook page: The Homeopath. And his personal Facebook page: Robert van der Touw

His art and design is available in postcards, bookmarks, art cards, t-shirts etc on:

His nature retreat place is open for visitors and guests on personal arrangement (guided bush walks, homeopathic consultation):
26 Kahikatoa Rd
Umawera, Okaihau
Northland 0476

May 3, 2018

Sage-ing is a spiritual practice that involves harvesting the wisdom of our lives and finding ways to transmit that wisdom as a legacy to future generations.

In developing an elder spiritual practice we pursue the path proposed by Rabbi Zalman Schacter in his seminal book From Age-ing to Sage-ing which involves, through introspection, the following:

  • Examining our attitudes and fears about aging and our culture’s stereotypes and claiming our rights to promoting and practicing a new paradigm
  • Connecting to our inner wisdom through growth techniques of psychology and spirituality including meditation, contemplation, journaling and spiritual intimacy (sharing)
  • Learning to nourish ourselves physically, emotionally, mentally, socially and spiritually
  • Drawing on the wisdom of what we know now, examining our past through a ‘life review’ process and‘life repair’ exercises
  • Gaining an understanding that forgiveness is a gift we give ourselves, we learn to forgive those who have offended us, ask forgiveness of those we have offended and practice self-forgiveness above all else
  • We face our own mortality with courage and serenity
  • We identify ways in our own lives toserve as mentors and healers
Apr 19, 2018

Bruce begins the interview with an introduction to his work and then moves on to speaking about the nature of vaccines and why he thinks there are problems with them.

The nature of vaccinations and the role of our immune system is a topic that is not really understood by the conventional public.
It is generally accepted that controlling the immune system to create antibodies against

germs or parasites that try to attack us, is successfully done by vaccines. Parents are pressured to vaccinate their children.

It is accepted that we can create an immune response by taking foreign elements, bacteria, viruses, and parasites, or pieces of these elements, and putting them into a solution, and then injecting it under our skin.  

This is to invoke the immune system to make a response against these invasive foreign materials or antigens.

Generally we believe that the vaccines are the way to program the immune system to protect us from environmental parasites, bacteria and viruses. Therefore we have bought into the system of artificially putting these antigens under our skin to invoke an immune response. The question of whether this is beneficial or not, is now coming into the open.

Bruce address this issue from the point of view that immunology has made a misunderstanding about something very important called the tonsils!

He says, 
“If you recognize the nature of infants and their behaviour you realise that infants put everything they can find and fit into their mouths. Their own fists, arms, feet, anything they find in their cot, anything you hand them they will instinctively put it into their mouths.”

This is not an accident this is nature's natural immune vaccination system. What the baby is doing is sampling the environment. Everything it can reach will inevitably end up in its mouth! By this process the infant is actually introducing antigens into the immune system and initiating an immune response.

Bruce expands on this, drawing on his extensive scientific background. He also speaks candidly about the role of the pharmaceutical companies in this.

Currently we're finding an epidemic in regard to allergic reactions or hypersensitivity.  We're also finding that people are bringing in the concept that autism is seems to be associated with the widespread use of vaccines, so there are very profound questions out there as to the safety of using vaccines to create immune responses.

In infancy when we give a large amount of vaccines to the child their immune systems aren't tooled up to handle so much, especially coming from an introduction that is not normal in any sense of biology, so basically forcing the immune system to respond to these vaccinations in an abnormal way is not in the best interest of the body’s system.  

It is not the way it normally deals with it, and therefore that we are beginning to find that vaccines are very likely causing many kinds of problems. What is introduced into the system is not just the foreign cells and bacteria and the viruses or pieces of the parasites that they use, but also the chemistry in which the vaccines are created, which include a lot of mercury and aluminium and a lot of other things such as formaldehyde, which are poisons.

This is an attempt to enhance the immune system, but at the same time it is essentially overpowering it with poisons and toxins.

So Bruce has come to the conclusion that if we want the best vaccine system in the world we should actually focus on creating oral vaccines in nature's original way.

Bruce H. Lipton, PhD is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. Stem cell biologist, bestselling author of The Biology of Belief and recipient of the 2009 Goi Peace Award, he has been a guest speaker on hundreds of TV and radio shows, as well as keynote presenter for national and international conferences.

Dr. Lipton began his scientific career as a cell biologist. He received his Ph.D. Degree from the University of Virginia at Charlottesville before joining the Department of Anatomy at the University of Wisconsin’s School of Medicine in 1973. Dr. Lipton’s research on muscular dystrophy, studies employing cloned human stem cells, focused upon the molecular mechanisms controlling cell behavior.

He speaks about vaccines in this short video

Dr. Lipton has taken his award-winning medical school lectures to the public and is currently a sought after keynote speaker and workshop presenter. He lectures to conventional and complementary medical professionals and lay audiences about leading-edge science and how it dovetails with mind-body medicine and spiritual principles. He has been heartened by anecdotal reports from hundreds of former audience members who have improved their spiritual, physical and mental well being by applying the principles he discusses in his lectures. He is regarded as one of the leading voices of the new biology.

Dr Lipton’s work summarizing his findings, entitled, The new updated 10th Anniversary Edition of The Biology of Belief, (Hay House Publishing, softcover, ISBN 978-1-4019-4891-7).

His second book, Spontaneous Evolution, Our Positive Future and a Way to Get There From Here. (Hay House Publishing, ISBN 978-1-4019-2580-2) and his third book, The Honeymoon Effect, The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth. (Hay House Publishing, ISBN 978-1-4019-2386-0)

Apr 11, 2018

In our society most of the models given are by media or peer groups or sports stars and they are very one dimensional - and young men are doing this in an unhealthy ways - drinking a lot, doing drugs, a lot of sex with a lot of women and a lot of men, driving their cars fast and basically acting out of integrity and being foolish.

Being aware of this the Mankind Project came about in the early 1990’s in America, where three men got together wanting to take the conversation further, on men - especially around men’s masculinity and have men connect with their deeper purpose.

For indigenous cultures over millennia have had ceremony and initiations to bring young men into adulthood, to become responsible and accountable for their actions. This included being an integral member of the tribe and taking their rightful place within that community.

The Mankind Project knowingly acknowledge this saying, there is also another way - a more relevant and conscious way to become a man in the modern world.

As against a sensitive new age wuss or limp wrist response, they take young men through a rite of passage where men learn how to become responsible as to how we show up in the world. That our relationship to ourselves becomes very important

Part of an initiation is an ordeal. MKP takes men deep into their psyche to see what really makes them tick … and it is done through the new warrior training adventure the ‘hero’s journey’ - a gateway to a whole new paradigm.

Apr 4, 2018

Situated near the centre of this huge area sits the Cook Islands, Rarotonga and Atiu the tiny island that Captain Cook first visited in 1777.

Tui is a descendent of a paramount chief, who in turn is a descendent of a paramount chief of the island of Atiu, in the heart of the Polynesian Triangle.

The island is about half the size of Rarotonga. Legend says Tangaroa, the divine god of the sea, was the first inhabitant.

The first recorded European to arrive at Atiu was Captain Cook. He sighted the island on March 31, 1777 and made tentative contact with some of the people. Captain Cook never knew about the larger island of Rarotonga.

In this interview we learn about a way of life that is very different to present day ways in the West and especially about what is culture and what is custom.

As the Cook Islands are situated in the centre of the Polynesian Triangle Tu shares with us his heart felt cause for unifying the Polynesian peoples across the expansive Pacific ocean.

Pacific - Mid 16th century: from French pacifique or Latin pacificus ‘peacemaking’, from pax, pac - ‘peace’.

Mar 28, 2018

So he has localised his action and focus, to ‘pulling the strings of individuals into both unity consciousness and community’ - by bringing us cohesively closer together. In doing so, expanding outward yet recognising our inner world - the core of our being.

When I first met Will here in New Zealand, his relaxed manner made him easy to talk and engage with. I felt him as considerate and able to listen to who I was. I also got that he was focused - that he really meant that his ‘Now of Never’ call for humanity is both urgent and valid. That if children of today and tomorrow want a future of freedom, peace and prosperity - we have to start now.

Not only that  - he is calling us all to participate. All of us who realise the precarious state that we have on our planet, be it environmental, economical and societal. Why? Because at heart - we intuitively know that what is happening to humanity goes against the grain of how a human being lives on a planet. Especially in a family context where love and connection need to be the foundations of a healthy existence.

So how are we going to ‘take back our planet and biosphere?  This interview touches on many subjects - that of being how to focus and also how to flow and be one with nature. It also calls on us to be not only mindful and compassionate - but also to be courageous and show strength of purpose.

In this interview you get the measure of the man - by his vision, commitment and his sensitivity to take a stand and walk his talk.

Mar 14, 2018

Whilst the US, has been distracted and immersed in ‘Neocon’ wars, especially in the Middle East and elsewhere it basically has no money to upgrade its own countries infrastructure.

From Communism to Consumerism

Since Paramount Leader Deng opened up China to far-reaching market-economy reforms in 1978, China has increasingly impacted the whole world. With 1.3 billion people, in comparison to the USA’s 320 million - we are now seeing the might of ‘the China effect’. This has far reaching implications for our planetary ecology and geo-politics. Will China’s appetite for growth and ‘soft power’ -  also take us beyond the environmental global tipping point?


Tim gives us a brief summary of his recent visit as to what is happening across the ever changing face of China and what portends to the future of quite possibly the human endeavor - in a world that is in need of wisdom, consciousness and leadership.

Feb 28, 2018

Right from the start both of these very articulate communicators share their knowingness as to the challenges and opportunities to heal what is becoming the affliction of the human race. Cancer!

What I like about them is that ever since knowing them - they have been focusing on encouraging us to see our body in a new light - to see that we need not be a victim of our genetic make up and that when we look beyond, into the quantum levels of the subatomic realms - new possibilities come into being.

This requires a shift in awareness, in consciousness - that we are energy fields in a localised planetary field that is embedded in a universal energy field - is opening up new vistas of not only health and healing, but living, our philosophy in life and indeed - our cosmology.

If perhaps you are aware of what’s happening in the realm of health and healing, there are some exceptionally unique perspectives being offered.  

Speakers at this symposium include leaders in their particular fields, from the United States, Australia and New Zealand:, Jack Tips ND PhD, Dr Allan Frankel MD, Ty Bollinger, Glen Gillard ND, Greg Fredericks NMD, Dr Robin Kelly MD, Prof Bill Watson, Katherine Smith, Jon Eisen and Kim Knight.

The International Holistic Cancer Symposium (IHCS) is a regular conference organized by health professionals, the purpose being to share scientific evidence-based research on cancer prevention, treatment, management and support, and providing knowledge that encompasses treating the whole person, not just cancer tumours. It is a resource for all those who are interested in an evidence-based holistic approach to cancer.

The IHCS is for Governmental Agencies, Medical, Allied and CAM health practitioners, Cancer Support Organisations and Cancer NGO’s and Cancer patient lobby groups.

For more information:

Feb 14, 2018

Regenerative & (Biological) Agriculture

Regenerative & (Biological) Agriculture can be and needs to be initiated very quickly over the face of all arable land in all the major countries on earth. This common sense system needs to be championed by all academics, farmers, and environmentalists - then the human society - if we want a future for our children.

Regeneration of the soil

The regeneration of soil through non chemical fertilisers with the conscious choice of mineral applications using regenerative and biological agricultural practices, can be and has to commence as soon as possible - it need not be delayed any longer.

What Phil Gregory PhD is saying has already been initiated by pioneers Graeme Sait, Ardern Andersen, Susan Jones and Elaine Ingham. We now have the answers - what we need now is the education and the will to implement this model of land management - and finally take down this C02 bogey - once and for all.

Taking down sequestering Co2 and building up soil

This is no longer a problem without a solution - Regenerative and biological agriculture is the solution and formula to global warming including soil loss and unhealthy animals and food chain.

The time is to start as soon as possible - with Government support across all levels of agriculture - and this needs trumpeting at the highest levels of government, business, and especially the media.

Pushing back the barriers of unknowingness.

Phil, Gregory was an astronomer who as part of a large scientific team   used to study the night skies and during his later years was part of a huge awakening that there were planets orbiting stars in our galaxy. That in the last 25 or so years astronomers using the latest technological breakthroughs have found thousands of new planets - which is a gigantic step in breaking out of the isolation of the scientific mindset that did not or could not believe that there would be other planets circling stars not only throughout our galaxy of a 100 billion stars, but all the other billions of galaxies in existence as well. He also surmises that in 30 years time we may know if there is life on these planets.

Only 60 years of Farming Left if Soil Degradation Continues

After retiring from his chosen profession of Astronomy, one day whilst browsing through a Scientific American journal he read a piece by the UN Food and Agricultural Organisation that there is only 60 years of farming left if soil degradation continues !  60 Years - that’s no time at all, he exclaimed!

So this immediately caught his attention - for having 14 grandchildren he realised that we would be leaving them in a very unstable world and so he committed to finding a way to taking carbon out of the atmosphere and sequestering it into the soil - that in turn supports the microbes which then assists in roots growth and plant life prospering.

Global Food Security - what are the issues

This 60 year only timeline lead him to also research all aspects of desertification and animal grazing - that are all imperative issues towards global food security.

Accessing Free use of Global Data

As an ex university professor he had free access to all the global literature on earth - so has been able to cast a wide net that enabled him to work out what is happening with the soils, the atmosphere including rainfall, erosion etc, etc.

Whereas all the professional agronomists he came across, unless they are affiliated directly with a university -  it costs them hugely - up to US$17.00 to read just one paper - whereas to become more knowing you need to read hundreds of papers - so this means that the agronomists are so far behind in their understanding of nature and in particular soil science and microbial activity.

Professional Agronomists lack knowledge on micro flora and soil

This shocked Phil, because in the process in communicating with them, he found them woefully ignorant about current knowledge. Especially, of how soil bacteria and fungi actually work with plants, in taking out of the atmosphere carbon and the mechanisms of breaking down soil compounds making them more available for roots hairs to feed plants the required food for growth, etc

Soil structure and micro-organisms and what they do - (has been a complete eye opener for Phil)

Even if we stop burning fossil fuels today - the gases (including methane escaping the permafrost) are still going to remain in the atmosphere for a long time. - They are still going to continue warming our planet for hundreds of year into the future - so not are we having to stop putting gases up into the atmosphere - we have to bring them back and get them out of the atmospheric envelope that surrounds our planet.

There are Natural Solutions that can Solve Global Warming.

Once he stumbled into the literature he started making connections and one link lead to another and as he followed these ’natural’ connections he became very excited - and though he found very little info from the Canadian authorities - he found a large amount of interesting information and material within the branches of the US Department of Agriculture especially in the natural resources  - services section where they had many tutorials on the soil food web  by Doctor Elaine Ingham one of the pioneers.

This video link is of Phil Gregory telling his important story.

He also found on Ted Talks - Allan Savoury from Zimbabwe  - it made sense - it is not necessarily animal numbers - it’s the timing of the seasons that is important.  

The US Department of Agriculture - especially in the natural resources  - services section made a large contribution in the connection in the dots for Phil.

Don Rocoski - no till no Till - Washington Post 11.9.13  by BraD PLUMBER  No till farming is on the rise …don rykovsky No turning of soil at all

Don Rykovsky powerpoints

This link - that is a power point is a superb contribution and statement as to what needs to be done

Saskatchewan Soil Conservation Society

Also early on in his research he found that in Saskatchewan up to 60% of the framers were engaged in no till farming - which means no turning over or  ploughing the soil - Now today nearly 100% of them have gone no till.

This was also seen as a possible avenue of obtaining Government subsidies for soil sequestration - even though they were a little way ahead of the govt at the time. So spent a lot of time in measuring how soils carbon could be requested and they now have good data from 167 farms over a span of 14 years and these farms are fairly large. What they have deduced is that the farmers can sequester around 1 tonne of carbon per hectare per year.  Which translates to the equivalent of taking 21 million cars off the road.

Thus the Saskatchewan farmers who only had one cash crop every two years were able to then have one cash crop per year and they went from the red into the black - and making money

This took Phil deeper into his quest for regenerative agriculture - where you not only sequester carbon from the atmosphere but you restore the biology to the soil, the microflora -  and you move away from the chemical paradigm to a biological paradigm, which after all - this is how nature evolved . Nature has all the microbes in the soil and that hidden universe which as up until very recently has been a hidden universe. These microbes mine all the nutrients that these plants need - from the rocks and silt and clay - and nitrogen from the atmosphere - you get the works - all for free -without having to pay money to plough your fields or pay money for the chemicals - if we are conscious enough to learn and copy nature.

The next step is to inoculate the soil with a real good fertiliser and get those microbes back active again.

By only putting NPK - nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium the plant (sort of) thinks that it has some ‘party food’ here, that I do not need to share with the microbes and any of my root exudates - I can instead hold onto those, because I am addicted to NPK.  So that the barter system that existed between the plants feeding the sugars and the carbon - the energy pills to the microbes starts to fracture - And the microbes in return supplying all the other trace minerals and all the other elements that the plant needs  - that barter system is ‘now broken’ - its interrupted because the plants become addicted to the easy life - but of course these salts that have been put on - these fertilising salts that have been put on, dissolve in water and 80% of them wash off into the rivers causing all kinds of problems  - algae blooms - nitrates in the water are very dangerous - they reduce the amount of oxygen that the blood can transfer through the body - that there was a Nobel Prize was won when they realised that this was the basis of cancer  - and Phil goes on to say that we have created mountains of problems basically though ignorance with the use of these chemicals.

Listen to Phil talks about the predators and prey and even predators that prey on the predators - in a very dynamic system at a micro level - which is natures way - this high diversity of creating stability.

So the bacteria and the fungi they are at the base of this system - they are being fed ‘carbon pellets’ (if you like) - through the sugars  from the plants- who are attracting them to their root system - so the bacteria and fungi they will - if there is any NPK nitrogen , phosphorus and potassium  they will love that - they will just gobble that up and store that in their body together with the4 carbon that they are receiving from the plant - and they will also take in any dead plant or matter and recycle that - plus they secrete also biotic glues as enzymes and organic acids. These organic acids in the case of fungal hyphae - these invisible strands that spread outward everywhere as mycelium networks - hold for example is a myclillium network - whist the individual hyphae are quite invisible - but if you take some common rock like feldspar and slice it - then polish it and you look at it under the microscope you will find all kinds of tiny microscopic tunnels - these are tunnels that have been made by the fungal hyphae - they are actually burrowing in to the rock - and mining the elements  - the basic elements that that rock is made of - pulling these laments back into their bodies and they eventually transfer these elements to the plant. Which in Phil’s words is quite magical.

In 2015 Scientific American article states that in its title - the Biggest mining operation in the world is carried out by fungal networks.

So all these fungal networks are pulling in all these resources and in return for the carbon - but you have to keep it mind that those fungi and bacteria - they like the elements as well  and they need them in high concentrations to exist in nature.  So they are also not readily wanting to pass on these or give them up - and this is where the predatory protozoa of bacteria and fungi come along and feast up - and they end up with an excess of nitrogen - too much is toxic so they excrete it out  - poop it out and they happen to be right next to the plant roots - because the plants are attracting and feeding their prey and all are in extremely close proximity - as they are wanting carbon that the plant extracts from the atmosphere.

So that at any given time in an agricultural field - 99% of the elements that the plants need are locked up in the bacteria and fungi - and only at the rate that which the plants need it (as the plants are orchestrating all this)  do the predators come along and covert by eating right amount of bacteria and fungi - create the correct amount of poop with is then taken up by the root hairs and feed the plant.

So this is one of the mysteries that the chemical world has not appreciated (Big Pharma) because they do not really want to know the biological understandingof how to unlock the secrets of the soil. They just want sales of nitrogen and chemicals to drive these into the plants - so that they can up production - and eventually get their money back - with zero respect of the land, soil and the microflora in the soil. Which degrades the soils that eventually either erode in floods or is blown away by the wind.

Bacteria and fungi help open up the ground so that both air and water can percolate deeper allowing for roots to penetrate down to greater depths into the soil - thus able to withstand drought and flooding

Listen this is fascinating stuff that every farmer and gardener needs to get their head around if they wish to become far more self reliant and resilient in the face of rapidly changing climate change and weather fluctuations.

Covering how microflora create soil structure  - to get oxygen and water deep down into the ground - because plant roots will only grow deep if they have access to wattle and oxygen. Plant roots can grow well over a metre deep - thus can resist long periods of drought as there will be both food, oxygen and moisture down there. So the imperative is for NZ farmers to study and research this and not be talked into continuing the old paradigm of more chemicals being added to their farmland.

When North America was being opened up in the pioneering days of colonial expansion the farmers dug down following certain grass roots to over 3o feet down .

Dr Rlaine Ingham - the soil food web inc -

Listen how trees can have 150 foot deep roots and that a tree fed on the surface can transport this liquid matter down to its roots 150 feet down in a matter of 10 minutes!

Plough causing a compaction layers just below the depth of the plough and this hardens the soil. At the same time when ploughing you ares slicing and dicing the fungi networks destroying all the magnificence of soil structure - what the bacteria and microflora have magically put in place.

These are like underground cities and as Phil cals them buildings and networks that the microbes have created - were annihilated  and the soils loses its integrity as all the fungi and biotic glues from the bacteria just dry up - so that it is free to be both blown and washed away!

its only in the last 30 years have we realised the damage that we have been doing …  added to this it is only via microscopic instruments have we been able to study also what these microbes are doing - what is theirtr role in nature.

This was in 1985 when Elaine Ingham and her husband in 1985 exposed this knowledge to the world.- And that paper was not received immediately very well. Many did not beleive that nature had this ‘bartering system’ that was going on. It was not dod eat dog and survival od the fittest - but a more cooperative notion that old ideology refused to acknowledge.

then in 1991  others rediscovered their work and it has expanded vastly since then.

Phil did a university search on root exudate or plant exudate which is a key part of she discovery - now 2016 over 2000 papers on this coming to light.- focussed on the bartering system

Dr Teage and 14 orhwr authors - sequester carbon in the soil

Soil erosion resulting form agriculture is actually a large contributor to greenhouse gases = 28% of the problem of greenhouse gasses

Agriculture is producing 14 - 15% of greenhouse gases - but soil erosion

but what about the rest - 72% - thats fossil fuel burning?

yet regenerative agriculture in all its aspects - animals and crops - not mono culture but diversified crops - including cover crops so that there is always green material with roots in the ground - plus old farms had orchards, gardens pigs goats cows, sheep  and horses - very diversified -  resulting in the regenerative management of animals

if we did regenerative agriculture planet round we would instantly remove that 28% - but you would ake down 120% of the greenhouse gasses from all sources that are being released - back into the ground so under modest assumptions over the entire earth - we would be requesting 150% of the GHG we are currently putting up now!

To the degree that water a time we would have to slow this down so as to not have our planet cool too much - a delightful dilemma to be in

Listen to Phil spell out the maths and the assumptions   that include all forms of GHG from transportation - energy lighting - you name it - deforestation and methane expelling.

Based on 3 tones of carbon sequester for every hectare - every year 

*Gabe Brown - browns

*Dr David Johnson in Arizona -   rapid sequestration        up to 24 tonnes per hectare - with the US Department of Ag doing the measurements for carbon - maybe only 20% of the arable land needed to pull this carbon out of the atmosphere.

Singing Frogs Farm - California.

listen - the French scientists are very switched on a bout regenertative agriculture

Why are academics sleeping this one out?  They are a collection of specialists   - suzanne simard  fungi network

YouTube "the magic of soil - by Phil Gregory"

Feb 1, 2018

In 1990, the answer to her final prayer for true help came unexpectedly, taking her to India. There on the banks of the river Ganga, she met Papaji, who opened the floodgates of her self-recognition.

Today, Gangaji travels the world speaking to people from all walks of life. She powerfully articulates how it is possible to directly experience the truth of who you are and in that, discover true peace and lasting fulfillment.

Her books include: The Diamond in Your Pocket: Discovering Your True Radiance; Hidden Treasure: Uncovering the Truth in Your Life Story; and You Are THAT! Satsang with Gangaji.

Jan 25, 2018

We at heart know that we cannot stand aside and allow our children and grandchildren to be overtaken by continued degradation of our magnificent home planet, anymore - This along with the moral and ethical malaise that daily via unfaithful (MSM) media erodes our efforts of goodwill, truth, joy and connection.

Taking a Stand

We know that we have to take a stand. Why?

Because there is no leader - particularly in the political domain calling for and standing up for the future of children and the biosphere.

We are realising that we must be the ones to take this stand. At the deepest level of soul - this is the incarnation that we have committed to - to make the shift of the ages and take back our planet as a bio harmonic living Gaian system as well as integrating and dissolving into a loving, holistic global family.

Will Wilkinson who has been a dynamic community activist on the West Coast of the US ever since the late 60’s has said - ‘enough  of the old paradigm’ and is visiting NZ, which due to its geographical location ‘sees tomorrow first.’

Another Way of Seeing Who We Are

Will is here to explore and share how we as ‘cells of the planetary body’ can connect with other localised cells and clusters of cells - and self organise our way to creating the trim tab factor* and finally break free of the old thought patterns of dysfunction and fragmentation. By dynamically awakening possibilities within our own being - and across our nation - especially in small clusters of cells ‘we finally come together’ and become an inspiration for the rest of the world - hungry for positive community based change, peace and perpetual optimism.

The imperative being we must break free of dystopian movies and propaganda and instead plant and germinate seeds of heart oriented change and connection - that we intuitively hold so dearly - and we need to do it now.     

This very short 55 minute interview with Will, will allow you to feel his sensitivity and his inherent knowingness that this is a time for service to the greater good and the larger whole.  

Now or Never -  the Book.

His Now or Never book puts a stake in hallowed ground - to gracefully initiate change at multiple levels. With Sacred Activist - Andrew Harvey’s gripping Forward and acknowledgements by numerous holistic and transformational leaders of North America - Will’s lead-in - captivating first chapter - sets the template for enabling this long awaited global transfiguration to finally show up and take place.  

Will is taking a workshop on the 10th and 11th of February 2018 here in Auckland including a free evening info talk prior to this event.

Wednesday 7 February OR Thursday 8 February 7.00pm to 9.00pm at 137 Hinemoa Street Birkenhead Auckland.

To Register for any of these events people can PHONE 09 418 2971 or EMAIL

In reading his book -and talking with Will,  I can easily feel that Will is a fellow traveller - a Renaissance initiator, journeyman, crew member, Gaian, inner voyager and lover of the natural world and all biota.

He is happily married and his wife will be accompanying him on his trip around the curve of the great mother - to be with us.

To me it will be well worth being in Will's orbit whilst he is here in Aotearoa - he having journeyed here twice before.  

For those anywhere in NZ beyond Auckland - please click on - and play ‘listen now’ at 8am Thursday the 25th NZ time and it will stream direct to you.

The Trim Tab Factor

* The Trim tab - is a very little rudder that is embedded in a larger rudder on say a yacht - whilst the main rudder is used to ‘point the yacht into the wind, it then sets the course, but by having this tiny little ‘trim tab’ rudder - set at a deeper angle/degree - what this does its subtly point the yacht ‘higher’ into the wind that it will not be noticed over say 10 to 20  kilometres but over a hundred to two hundred kilometres the yacht is seen to be half a degree more into the wind’ Hence getting ‘a jump’ on the other yachts that do not have a trim tab rudder -  it then is at a greater advantage in taking the lead. - This is where NZ can position itself when we have ‘conscious’ governance.

We Are All Nerve Endings of Mother Earth - Gaia

James Lovelock who reminded us of Gaia - intimates that we 7.6 billion human beings are the nerve endings of Mother Earth. (i.e cells) That when someone stands up in the Amazon basin with a sign that says ’No more deforestation’ they are a nerve ending of the planetary body stating that this part of Mother Earth is suffering hugely. Same for a person standing with a sign in Palestine - stating ‘ Peace Not War” - they are telling all other nerve endings globally who see this, that this part of Mother Earth is in horrific trauma and needs healing.

Will is here as a ‘conscious nerve ending’ - to share with us ways to bring a greater consciousness to the other 7 billion plus nerve endings - and who all share breath.


Do you wake up in the morning happy with the world and thrilled to be alive?

Well that may have been the case a long time ago - yet we are witnessing daily a world in turmoil with no respite whatsoever in sight.


Have you any answers to this situation we have all found ourselves in?

With 7.6 billion humans living on a spectacular planet that lends us bodies, free air, free rainwater and until recently a free food chain, how is it that as inhabitants on this tiny blue planet - orbiting a moderate size sun, midway on the outer arm of a medium size galaxy we call the Milky Way - have found ourselves captive to a deceptive psychological mind game that instead of realising that we all share breath as a global family - we have been programmed and polarised into fortified areas of us versus them.

Every major country is building up arms at increasingly costly levels - as military industrial machines compete with each other in an escalation that defies description.

Over one $trillion a year is being thrown into death and suffering and yet humanity have no say as unconscious governments pretending to be democratic - are not interested in resolving conflicts across borders - and instead obstinately dig in and ramp up fear.

Well as in the introduction - it’s time for a stand - and to hold the line.  

‘We’ Are a Grass Roots Evolution

Yes, this is a grassroots evolution - it's the only way we can displace and grow around the top down pyramid model that has set the template of control for millennia. Localised grass roots networks are the key to claiming back ‘the commons’ and it is with your help and commitment it can be achieved. Hence Will’s fortuitous arrival here in NZ.

By being an activated conscious cell (nerve ending) - communicating and connecting with other cells and allowing synergistic energies to synchronistically come into being - this is when intuition and group dynamics inspire us with innovative and novel ways of growing into a greater dynamic whole.

Connection is everything

Connection is everything, just like shared breath - and as we know many trees have deep rooted systems that connect like gigantic mycorrhizal fungal networks of underground hypha -  that link with other tree roots which commonly knit as the ‘world wood network’ -   They can communicate and collectively manage resources, thanks to “some kind of electrochemical communication between the tree roots”

We now have to become this knowing and resourceful, if we want our children and grandchildren to have a free prosperous and peaceful future as we are at multiple tipping points within the biosphere’s increasingly delicate ecology. Nature does not have anywhere near enough time to evolve systems of balance, change and compensation - due to the increasing global population that has been programmed to own more and more planned obsolescent material products and things.

What Will is here in NZ for is to take willing self motivated us, through three powerful stages of learning.

He has the skills and the know-how to teach us and empower us make this jump in changing old habits and patterns.

With the people that he trains - they can go out and train another group of people - replicating his methods and inspiring us. This is how we can be change agents of conscious evolution - and take us into a new paradigm of mindfulness goodwill and global family.

To do nothing is not an option.

It’s ‘Now or Never’

Dec 20, 2017

It’s 'Our Place’, to do our thing. Kiwis can put quality-made programmes up on the site. He says it asks of Kiwis “What are you going to DO with this new resource? You can MAKE things with this. You don’t have to ask permission” .

At 6.24, Bryan explains the problem with our current NZ media: a producer has to go through the gateways of the commercial television channels who really are trying to assess your programme on the one question of : “How big an audience can you bring to the commercial gaps?”.

It has always been thus. And if you’re good at that, then they will buy your next programme. It’s not about how good a programme is, it’s about what kind of audience? and how big will it be? to cater to the advertisers in the commercial gaps - and it all comes down to producing money instead of quality.

At 7.16, Bryan says the main channels are going to self-edit. They re not going to take a programme that is not going to fit well with their sponsors.

The other side of it is we tend to think of government- funded broadcasters as being more independent, but that is not true either, because they are not going ‘to bite the hand that feeds them’ and stand up to their government money-source.

If mainstream media gets money from a business, then that piper calls the tune.

At 7.46, Bryan explains that the idea for this came up about 3 years ago when he walked out of TVNZ one day having had it explained to him that his programme on health was probably going to get lots of ratings but “Really we’re not necessarily into the business of doing programmes in the public good. They have to be commercial because we might sell ourselves off one day” .

Bryan walked out of that building and thought: “ Well, if these guys aren’t going to do NZ public television, maybe I can.”.

Bryan registered a company called ‘NZ Public Television Ltd”, and he talked to friends: “ If you were starting television today, you wouldn’t do it in the way that the BBC told us how to do it all those years ago - no big dishes, sky satellites, large building. How would we do it today ?”

At 8.43, he says the answer is clear: we’d use the World Wide Web.

And how would we put our programmes up?

When Bryan talked to servers , they had gleeful visions of making lots of money out of this being a version of Netflix. But Bryan instead saw it as a bus station. You, the viewer, come to NZPTV to be pointed in the right direction of a programme that someone else is hosting on Vimeo or YouTube or other sites. So NZPTV is a curator of quality programmes with NZ content. And at 9.13 he says the producers and their websites - the people who own the copyright to their own work- will be acknowledged .

At the same time, NZPTV will also make its own programmes and put those up on NZPTV Vimeo and direct viewers to that content also. So Vimeo might be the host of a programme but NZPTV will direct traffic there.

At its core, the aim is to work out how to make cost-effective television and then also make it a People’s Channel which says - Look , you might see Bryan Bruce or others doing an introduction but it’s not his channel, it’s OUR channel. NZPTV will also help producers. Bryan says he has been to see NZ on Air and asked how many eyeballs a week does NZPTV need for independent producers to be able to be funded to make and put their programme up on this new platform. “ They couldn’t tell me” he says.

At 10.07, he says “ This is a new world for them !” NZ on Air don’t know what the numbers might be so NZPTV will educate them on what the numbers CAN be.

At 11.30, Bryan talks of his own motivations in programme making: “ What I try to do in a programme is say “ Here’s a problem. How did we get to this? Let’s unpack it a bit and look at some solutions”. That’s where hope arises - rather than leave people in a dark place with overwhelming negative story-telling “

When he made ‘The Investigator’, each case involved some element of The Law that needed further examination - for example- David Tamihere was identified while wearing handcuffs outside the courtroom . Was this a correct identification? And what are the rules for identifying someone? The Defence said this was unfair. The Court allowed it- so now there are new rules that apply to each of us. At 13.20 Bryan says when making a programme it’s important that you’re not just doing ti because ‘crime rates’. Why are you upsetting people and going through all of this misery again for the families that were involved for no good reason?

At 13.39 Bryan says he encourages producers to ask ‘Why am I making this? What is the outcome I want to have from it?”.

At 14.41 he says the question we all need to ask is “ Who owns the media now? Who owns the way that our attitudes and our opinions and our thoughts about life are formed?” .

The Big Questions to ask are “ Who -How-What -Where- Why”. He says those questions are often not being asked in journalism today. “ It worries me. I watch reporters ask very simple questions - even , are you having a nice day ?”.

At 16.14 he says he sees Free Media and True Democracy as connected .

At the start of the last century, the total number of people you could address verbally was on a street corner through megaphone. But the end of the 20th Century, you could address the whole world through the various media and now with the internet, you can reach places that don’t even have broadcast facilities but have telephone lines. At 17.01, he says “ If you can control the means of talking to people, whether for your private ends or for the government’s ends, that’s a lot of power. That’s actually a means of accumulating power.

And now what NZPTV does is give the power BACK to the People and says “ YOU are in control of the stories” .

At 19.05 he says this is a Wake Up. it’s more than just a channel. “ We’ll grow as much as the People want to do it. My call is out to independent producers. Our gateway is much wider than any of the public or private broadcasters. You can come to us with a programme provided that it is professionally made , something you might see on a commercial channel in terms of its quality of production. For example, if you have made a programme about the TPPA or Water Issues, and you’ve done your homework and kept to the Broadcasting Standards Authority issues of fairness and balance .

At 21.04 he explains balance in the context of his programme 'Jesus, the Cold Case' which was criticised because Bryan talked to certain theologians but not others. He says that the ‘balance’ is that, on any given day, a viewer can turn to the Christian channels and hear the opposite view.

It’s equally so for NZPTV, which would make sure that, with a controversial programme, then somewhere there is the counter view shown, or NZPTV itself would run the counter view so the viewer could see both sides.

At 22.00 he says that it’s not true to say there are NO editing gateways to go through, but they relate more to the legal ones- you cannot defame people , and if it’s an argument for one viewpoint, it must be well though out , or if it’s science-based, it must be peer -reviewed.

But at 22.19, he says NZPTV is not going to say to a producer “ It doesn’t quite fit with our sponsors” (because there are no sponsors of the channel)- or “It doesn’t quite fit with our ‘brand’ “ (which is commonly heard in Mainstream Media ).

In fact The NZPTV ‘Brand’ is Independence ! “ If it fits with that, we should have it “.

At 23.23 Bryan underlines that “ If we don’t hold on to life rafts like this , we’re all going to drown”. At 24.19, he says public education has taught questioning and yet we have a media that tried to manipulate popped who are actually very intelligent .

“ I’m always amazed at the wisdom that comes out of people from whom, at face value, you wouldn’t assume that wisdom”. At 24.50, he gives an anecdote from a programme he made called “Stand By Your Man’ about three women whose partners had committed major crimes. “ And she said “ They never fixed his drug and alcohol addiction - and that was his problem” And you’re just about to move from this interviewee, when suddenly they come out with this absolutely insightful gem about what we’re NOT doing for men or women in prison. We’re not addressing the issues that have led to them being IN there!”

At 27.55 Bryan outlines that one of the ways that governments gain power over us is: if they don’t collect data on, for example, how much Chinese money is coming in to the country, then they can pretend it isn’t a problem. No one knows! “ Oh”, they say “ it’s all just anecdotal. You’re just bashing the Chinese”.

Bryan says "NO! I’m saying: let’s collect the data! You’re giving away visas to very wealthy people - gold visas. If you have ten million you can buy a residency in our country . But what are these people DOING for our country ? And where is that money going ?”. And the answer comes back from the government: “I’m sorry we don’t know because we don’t follow the money trail” . At 29.10, Bryan suggests that one of the roles for NZPTV is to encourage independent producers to pick a topic, investigate it, and bring us the data that the government is not collecting because it’s' inconvenient ‘. “ The last thing that governments want is inconvenient truths”.

At 29.58 he says that if you DO your homework and collate the data, then policy changes” .

At 30.23 he talks of the effect of his programme ‘Inside Child Poverty” which went out on TV3 the week of the election in 2011. "There was a debate about whether it should have been screened in election week, driven by right wing commentators like Sean Plunkett who said Bryan Bruce should not be funded to make programmes like this! Then a marvellous thing happened. The National Government which had initially said “ This is made up by a left wing journalist”, then started to change its tune and admitted “ Well it might exist but we can’t measure it”. Then the Children’s Commissioner Russell Wills said “ Ok, I’ll get a group off academics together and we WILL measure it” They put out an amazing report. It could not be ignored any more. The word “child poverty’ became part of our vernacular. And by the NEXT election it was an election issue” .

So Bryan uses this example to say that this is what we can do as media people: we can investigate, we can collate data, we can inspire people. He credits The Child Poverty Action Group with inspired him to make the programme . He says they had been doing their work for years and he thought “ Well maybe I have few skills in terms of taking complicated things and trying to make them understandable - and that was my role. Something like 580 thousand Kiwis watched that programme and then the Public started asking questions. I had offered the programme to TVNZ and I seem to remember someone saying “ Who’s going to watch a programme with ‘Poverty’ in the title?” ( and 580,000 viewers is up there with All Black fixture numbers in terms of ratings ) “ .

At 33.17, Bryan says NZPTV is not competitive- but rather, co-operative. “ We could make a programme that is of great public interest and make it in a dynamic way. We could take the online rights and a mainstream media outlet could take the broadcast rights. That would be an adult way of dealing with different kinds of distribution “

At 34.48, Bryan says it’s no accident that one of the longest running programmes in this country is called ‘Fair Go’. He feels that deep down, most Kiwis believe in a fair go and many of felt terribly betrayed by 1984 and the adoption of Neo Liberalism and being told it was the only way we could go. “ Well it wasn’t. there are about 30 different kinds of capitalism in the world and if you look at what happened in Scandinavia, they took a deep breath and paused - and then they adopted certain elements ONLY. They fenced off policies to do with children, the elderly and housing, and then they said they would allow OTHER policy to be more entrepreneurial .

Whereas in New Zealand , the government said “ ALL of that is wrong and this new evangelistic way is right, and there is now only ONE way to do this”. Bryan cites David Lange’s book which shows he later realised this was the worst thing he did. In fact, he may not have fully understood it and “ To be fair, I’m not sure that many of us understood it at the time. I certainly didn’t” says Bryan. “ I did up one house and sold and got a better house. What I didn’t think about was that 20 years down the track, other people’s children would not be able to afford a house because of what I was doing - and many of us were doing. We were just doing the best by our families and we were encouraged to think that that’s what you should do. Even Roger Douglas may have thought he was doing the right thing. I’ve never spoken to him. I’d like to interview him. But the reality is; it WASN”T the right thing. It created a HUGE inequality. When the National Party came in afterwards and created The Mother of All Budgets under Ruth Richardson, then ALL of the childhood diseases that relate to poverty, skyrocketed. And that’s nothing to be proud of. That should have told anybody who had social concern that there is something fundamentally wrong with this economic system that is creating this.” .

From 40.30 in, Bryan discusses the structure of NZ Public Television.

At 50.09 he says one of the way it will benefit producers who have good product, is that they give that programme to NZPTV for free for 7 days and then it goes to the ‘Pay Per View’ section . But all that money goes directly to the producers, not to NZPTV. (This is also a reminder to viewers to check the weekly offerings on NZPTV as there is a brisk turnaround of programmes).

At 53.07 Bryan says the whole idea of New Zealand Public Broadcasting is to return to an early idea of television: namely , using it to communicate with one another , to talk to each other.

To find out more, go to or sign up to Bryan Bruce on Facebook.

Dec 13, 2017

Greg has written the detailed notes below on the subject.


Ask yourself what it would mean if the forensic truth of the 9/11 event became Official Information?

Were that to happen, then the arms of justice would be enabled to investigate, charge, and prosecute the perpetrators, and pronounce sentence.

Why would that matter? Well it may serve as a valuable deterrent to those who would undertake similar criminality, from further acts. The whole basis of the criminal justice system is to deter crime.



  1. Would criminal discovery and prosecution with suitable penalties, appropriate to the crime of mass murder, deter further terrorism efforts by state and state associated actors?
  2.  One way to consider the question is to argue the opposite point by inferring that no criminal discovery or prosecution will deter further terrorism by state and state associated actors.

Which of the above has a strong coherence with reality A or B?



Greg asserts that there was a general rapprochement and trend toward de-escalation of aggression between the major powers at the turn of the century and millennium. Kyoto and UN Millenium Goals are indicative of this trend.



Previously Governments and powerful actors have used false flag events as a means to disrupt the peace and move history in a particular direction.

To make the case about False Flags take a few minutes to appreciate that these are common and often perpetrated by government actors:



In penetrating to the truth one needs to review the evidence and conflicting theories that are proffered to explain the evidence. Make sure one looks at all of the evidence, and that one can discriminate between factual and counterfactual.

What happened on 9/11 see timeline below:  and,



7:59a.m.  American Airlines Flight 11, a Boeing 767 carrying 81 passengers and 11 crew members, departs 14 minutes late from Logan International Airport in Boston, bound for Los Angeles International Airport. Five hijackers are aboard.

8:14  United Airlines Flight 175, a Boeing 767, carrying 56 passengers and nine crew members, departs 14 minutes late from Logan International Airport in Boston, bound for Los Angeles International Airport. Five hijackers are aboard.

8:14  Flight 11 is hijacked over central Massachusetts, turning southwest.

8:20  American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757 with 58 passengers and six crew members, departs 10 minutes late from Washington Dulles International Airport, for Los Angeles International Airport. Five hijackers are aboard.

8:42  United Airlines Flight 93, a Boeing 757 with 37 passengers and seven crew members, departs 42 minutes late from Newark International Airport, bound for San Francisco International Airport. Four hijackers are aboard.

8:428:46 (approx.)  Flight 175 is hijacked above Albany, New York, about 140 miles north of New York City, turning south.

8:46:40 Flight 11 crashes into the north face of the North Tower (1 WTC) of the World Trade Center, between floors 93 and 99. The aircraft enters the tower intact.

8:508:54 (approx.) Flight 77 is hijacked above southern Ohio, turning to the southeast.

9:03:00 Flight 175 crashes into the south face of the South Tower (2 WTC) of the World Trade Center, between floors 77 and 85. Parts of the plane, including the starboard engine, leave the building from its east and north sides, falling to the ground six blocks away.

9:28m Flight 93 is hijacked above northern Ohio, turning to the southeast.

9:37:46 Flight 77 crashes into the western side of The Pentagon and starts a violent fire.

9:45 United States airspace is shut down.

9:59:00 The South Tower of the World Trade Center collapses, 56 minutes after the impact of Flight 175.

10:03:11  Flight 93 is crashed by its hijackers and passengers, due to fighting in the cockpit 80 miles (129 km) southeast of Pittsburgh in Somerset County, Pennsylvania. Later reports indicate that passengers had learned about the World Trade Center and Pentagon crashes and were resisting the hijackers. The 9/11 Commission believed that Flight 93's target was either the United States Capitol building or the White House in Washington, D.C.

10:28:22 The North Tower of the World Trade Center collapses, 1 hour, 42 minutes after the impact of Flight 11. The Marriott Hotel, located at the base of the two towers, is also destroyed.

10:50:19 Five stories of part of the Pentagon collapse due to the fire.

5:20:33 p.m.  7 World Trade Center, a 47-story building, collapses (from Wikipedia; )



Motive is the same as it always is... create a crisis and profit from it... the fact that this one has been in the making for decades or longer doesn't lessen the truth of the motive nor the reality of it...  control and profit.

This time the crisis is large enough to ensure the solution is global.

The same interests stopped or disrupted the Kyoto settlement.

The world was heading toward a rapprochement at the end of the 20th Century. For "the Enterprise" to profit requires heightened insecurity.

There's more to the motive that I cannot yet say with any certainty, however I keep digging and closing my eyes and allowing the truth to come in.

One issue is the money gone/lost/misappropriated/redirected from the Pentagon budget announced by Rumsfeld the day before 9/11, US$2.3 trillion. The number is over 6 trillion now and unlikely to be sorted before 2020 or some such. Where is that going, or getting siphoned too?

And the cost of the wars? Who gets that?



War on Terror is the war to divide and conquer the world for those who are creative enough to imagine it and bold enough to do the deed.

My paper in April 2016 to the Foreign Affairs Defence and Trade (FADT) NZ Parliamentary select committee's TPP treaty examination, is essential to appreciate the extent to which the US economy has been gutted and turned to reliance on munitions and security manufacturing and service provision. It addresses the post WW2 history and considers the plan laid out in the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) report; “Rebuilding America's Defenses” against that which is observed in the post 9/11 wars and the catalysing event or “new Pearl Harbour” crisis event that the report prophesised:

Not only that - the whole war on terror became an opportunity to outsource or privatise the war making effort to companies such as the multinational corporation Halliburton, and the mercenaries across Afghanistan and Iraq etc..

The Rebuilding America's Defenses report advocated for a huge increase in military spending, preparedness and capacity to both transform the military and fight on multiple fronts/theatres... it was prophetic on so many levels that it must be considered a model, blueprint, or designer wish list.

Wesley Clark's evidence of the War planning at the Pentagon, is also telling:

War economy on steroids = What is war about???

Ask Gen. Smedley Butler:

I came across his career in 2006/7. I wrote this in Nov 2007 on the eve of Armistice Day and then didn't write anything else for a few years, saying to myself what else is there to say... see essay "Lest We Forget"

My first bit of research into 911 was November 2006. (not all the links work anymore):



Unless the 9/11 truth is properly considered, in all its ruthless genocidal ugliness, through Official Investigation and Justice systems, the litany of false flag events, already scorched into the history of power relations in the world, will continue. Our digression into criminal justice informs that opinion.

What to do about it?

What needs to happen to circumvent odious control of the Earth and its people?


Whom ever controls the world, and "hijacked our peace with 9/11", then controls our NZ deep state.

It co-opted the US state and made it go to war for a lie!

Who said go 9/11? Answer this question and help the world toward peace!

9/11 and our alliance with the UK/US Empire got the NZ Defence force Community into the so-called Terrorist War on Afghanistan in October 2001, and Iraq in 2003, despite the NZ Government knowing that the Iraq war was criminal.


The following is an essay I wrote December 2016 hi-lighting the material I've placed before the NZ Government, and the Official Information requests I've made, regarding what the government knew about 9/11,  which are blocked from release by virtue of the Catch 22 nature of the Official Information Act provisions 6 a and b.



The lid appears to be lifted a little by elements of the semi-independent agencies and elements, however none in any serious media are looking at 9/11 truth. Wikileaks provides this... 9/11 pager transcripts from the day:  which requires a lot of time to get across.

And others talk about Wikieaks in these terms on 9/11:



George Monbiot and Noam Chomsky both go out of their way to belittle 9/11 conspiracy theorists, however people have done work to refute or rebut their rubbish:


Monbiot explains why he believes the official version in 2007:



Noticed the campaign commence in the immediate aftermath of Trump's election, with this article by Andrew Smith at the Guardian: which I wrote the following critique and attempted to engage the Guardian comments moderators, who deleted my comment from the article.



Inform oneself about the forensic truth of the event.

The perpetrators used nuclear devices amongst other agents to achieve the observed destruction.

That one piece of information might be difficult to digest, however, what else accounts for the thousands of cancer deaths and diseases suffered by WTC First Responders, Ground Zero Workers, residents and workers from the WTC complex vicinity, particularly those in the path of the toxic dust cloud created with the steel and concrete of the WTC building structures:

"Solving 9/11" gets us to the Zionist connections to the event including fingerprints of the various IT, Intelligence and Security interests with so-called Israeli connections to the event:

In terms of evidence - "911 Research" is a repository of 9/11 discourse, evidence, photo, video, reports and assessments most of which were generated by 2006:

Note 911 Research does not promote the no-jetliner thesis, however the evidence store is extensive, including the reports on the movement of WTC steel etc to the "killing fields" temp storage site. Note Killing Fields and associated areas display hi radioactivity.

There is the evidence of insider trading suggesting foreknowledge of the event. However the crime is larger than that.

A writer with the pseudonym EP Heidner wrote an extensive paper entitled "Collateral Damage" which highlights "the Enterprise and it's NSA/CIA connectivity and the relation to the so-called Japanese and German war treasures, known as the "Black Eagle Trust". Heidner makes the point that the Office of Naval Intelligence was investigating various securities when most of those from the office were killed on 9/11 - they were housed in the area of the Pentagon that the missile went into.... perhaps Heidner was a survivor or close to the investigation - that's one mystery, available at links:

None of the above offer a whole truth, however each adds something to the jigsaw..


This fact in itself requires that truth be discovered and uncovered given the consequences as the US and its coalition of willing genocidal maniacs laid waste to the near East nations, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Libya and Syria, now Yemen with the tension being ramped up on Iran and particularly North Korea.

We need brave people bearing truth to take over the Official Information channels creating the ground for a full investigation of the 9/11 event.


  1. Forensic Investigation
  2. A commission of inquiry with power to summon anyone to provide anything in order to find the truth.
  3. Global jurisdiction to arrest, detain and deliver to justice any so ordered by the commission.
  4. An international panel of jurists to hear the charges and determine sentencing and any liabilities in relation to losses whether human, community, public or private assets, any damage to environments or any other losses that can be reasonably argued such as damage to future generations of the above, through toxic or radioactive or other damage incurred through the 9/11 fall out.
  5. The commission of inquiry is further charged with discovering hidden social, political, cultic, Masonic, religious, or other associations, and or networks public, private, government, mafia, or criminal that enabled the 9/11 event, it's transmission, commission, silence, and complicity both before and after, and anything circumstantial that the commission so determines, in order to establish clear conclusions about the conspiracy.
  6. The commission is requested to make recommendations to all about how to ensure there are no further repeats.


The clear requirement is that the people of the planet can no longer be held to ransom or terrorism by any entity.


Greg Rzesniowiecki, aka Gregfullmoon, has evolved to fill the role of public advocate specifically on behalf of the public interest concerning the TPP. As is evident in the interview Greg has a wide set of interests which contribute to his perspective and worldview.

Born in Australia, and having worked in engineering and as a union organiser, Greg moved to Motueka where he was a member of the Renewables a local climate action group. He quickly came to realise that unpacking the 9/11 event would have profound implications for public perception of their governments and the governance of the planet.

Greg has spent considerable effort informing himself about the 9/11 evidence and what that means in respect to how the event was conceived, developed, and implemented and the consequences that flow from the conspiracy to punk the US government and people into believing the Muslim terrorists hijacking 4 planes and crashing them into US assets.

Appreciating the 9/11 truth allows one to appreciate that your government is not your friend!

It lies to cover up the 9/11 truth.

It lies to covering up illegal war making and criminal aggression.


This interview was sponsored by The Awareness Party.




  1.  Paper by three psychology professors, "Connecting the dots: Illusory pattern perception predicts belief in conspiracies and the supernatural" which I responded with;  

  1.  The author Professor Mark Lorch of Hull University also refused to engage.

Also a complete think tank on the subject of conspiracy theorising in Europe is curtailing free speech:

Note: two (2) of the authors of the paper ,"Connecting the dots: Illusory pattern perception predicts belief in conspiracies and the supernatural" are on the COST Comparative Analysis of Conspiracy Theories (COMPACT) action committee... who's job is to...

...”this Action will adopt a comparative approach, investigating the causes, manifestations and effects of conspiracy theories in different regions and times, and drawing on insights from history, politics, sociology, anthropology, cultural studies and psychology. The Action will pursue the inquiry in three broad areas: the manifestations and modes of transmission of conspiracy theory in different historical and cultural contexts; the variety of actors and audiences involved in the production and consumption of conspiracy theories; and the psychological and cultural causes and political consequences of belief in conspiracy. Working closely with stakeholders, this Action will build a better understanding of conspiracy theories in order to develop an effective response to them.”

At no point do they investigate the veracity of the Official Information that the conspiracy theory might question, or refute... i.e. the investigation of what happened to cause the 9/11 destruction experienced. Thus the psychology paper is bogus and unsubstantiated – it ought to not have been published.


Dec 6, 2017

In this interview, Dr Hadas Ore speaks about contemporary Maori Jews, which is the subject for her post-doctoral project. There's been a Jewish History in New Zealand since the very beginning of the 19th Century - so it should come as no surprise that some of our population identify as Māori Jews. This is a segment population however, that most of us know very little about.

Hadas is also interested in using her own social privileges, as a Jewish-Israeli academic woman, for ameliorating the Palestinian situation by speaking out about it. We discuss this later in the interview.


This interview discusses the agency and power that are negotiated by older Māori Jewish women as their mana wāhine, renamed Polyfeminism. Polyfeminism is forms of feminine agency employing practical remembrance and resilience that combines the best of the Māori, Jewish and Pākeha (European) worldviews.

Hadas’ analysis is based on a case study of in-depth interviews with six indigenous women aged over 50 years old and their everyday memories of their mixed ethnic tupuna as they resist injustices, and become role models for the next generation.


The interviews were conducted during 2016-2017 as part of the first research project on the well-being and success stories of contemporary Māori Jews in New Zealand. It looks closely into their narratives and memories of growing up at home.  Hadas show that despite of the strong hold of racism in and outside their whānau, they are typified by ‘no-fuss’ attitude toward their mixed ethnic identity. As older Māori Jewish women, they derive power and constitute their identity through postgraduate education in subjects related to health and education, and in most cases, learning Te Reo Māori (the Māori language).

The telling metaphor in the title is by one of the women: “filling up the other kete”, encompasses their growing political awareness and long term labour in attaining the cultural knowledge and education that lead to a balanced and healthier way of living. This metaphor also evokes comfort through the resilience and practical indigenous knowledge that feed forward their well-being and the well-being of their whānau and beyond.


The second half of the interview is about the Israel Palestine question, which has been ramped up by Trump since the interview was recorded. Hadas does see a two state solution as being the answer, but she added – “But then there is Jerusalem.”

Hadas describes how she has found it difficult to speak out about the issues Palestinians face when in Israel. While she is happy with Israel as founded by the Balfour Agreement, she finds the new Jewish settlements unacceptable. She feels that there was opportunity for both races to have worked things out together if there had been respect and understanding between them from the start. As it is now, however, if is not safe for Jews in Israel to speak out against the status quo. It causes rifts in families, and people are ostracised if they have a more liberal view. The media in Israel is controlled, and so many people hear only the official line. Hadas believes that, like Maori, the Palestinians should have had some compensation for land loss.


Hadas is a Jewish-Israeli migrant mother-of-three who made her home in New Zealand in the past 16 years. She is also a social anthropologist interested in food and emotions, nostalgia, home and memory, and issues of gender, migration and indigeneity.

Hadas gained her BA and MA from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel and her PhD from the University of Auckland, New Zealand. As a social researcher she worked for the Israeli parliament in the education committee, and the Van Leer Institute in Jerusalem.

In 2016 Hadas won the Dame Joan Metge post-doctoral award by the Kate Edgar Charitable Education Trust to conduct the first study on Māori-Jews. Currently Hadas is teaching Hebrew at Kadimah School in Auckland, the only Jewish day school in New Zealand.

This interview was sponsored by The Awareness Party

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