Crime and family breakdown is seen as Gross Domestic Product
Household and volunteer work is seen as Gross Domestic Product
Pollution and its consequences is seen as Gross Domestic Product
Long term environmental damage is seen as Gross Domestic Product
Even War goes through the books as Gross Domestic Product!
So all of the above, don’t really benefit society at all - as they are all major losses yet, Governments globally have always classified these as a measure of economic growth!
In this interview which becomes quite riveting in the end - Dr Coleman talks of the challenges of putting GPI in place within the government economic apparatus. That prior to the 3 term National Party Key administration, that Labour Minister of Finance Michael Cullen was very interested in this concept - but Labour was voted out of office - and he was not able to follow through in taking this forward.
But in the meantime these losses are costing society and the country dearly!
Genuine Progress indicators is a ‘holistic’ way of seeing a more integrated bigger economic picture, that factors in the environment, as well as the community as a whole.
A holistic way is to view all the various facets to life in a more homeostatic way. As in a integrated whole of interconnection and interrelationships. In this interview he mentions that when he engaged the leaders of the NZ Maori Party they instantly and intuitively grokked his reasoning as applying to our planet - Papatuanku as alive - or the earth acting as one great superorganism.
This was then extended to the Whanganui river being classified recently by the NZ Government as a living entity that has a vast catchment area of some 7,000 square kilometres. - The next question is, do we have the will to see the far larger picture as we further our knowledge of the interconnection of life. (James Cameron in the blockbuster movie Avatar, introduced the moon Pandora as a living being and that all the tree roots interconnected in one vast - neural network). See the Gaia Hypothesis - James Lovelock
One of the larger challenges is that both in business and in Government there is compartmentalisation. Where there is very little to no ‘cross fertilisation’ or sharing - people are often in positions of ‘need to no only’ so they only understand a very limited perspective of how the whole organism/organisation works. That the company or the Department is not acting as a ‘dynamic whole’ and thus efficiencies as well as enthusiastic participation - is throttled back. When in a very connected electronic world - the imperative is energetic team spirit, that on a grander scale then spontaneously engenders novelty and innovation.
This subject came out of the blue in that I was wanting to see what country was further along the ‘conscious journey’ of seeing the world in a more futuristic and caring perspective. So knowing that Bhutan was a country that had a ‘happiness’ indicator I threw in a the comment - what about Bhutan?
Well Ron came back to me and said he had lived there for 5 years - and so could tell us far more than virtually anyone in the West has heard.
He said that they had a fairly enlightened King who wanted to gauge the feelings of the mainly Buddhist inhabitants of that small kingdom. With initiating a Gross National Happiness (GNH) goal.
What comes out of this discussion is that the Bhutan government wanted to float this idea through the UN so that other countries could participate. When this happened - and though a lot of countries thought this was a good idea, there was pushback especially as this would have had to deal straight at face value - with other countries poverty and all the other contingencies like clean air, water, land and food production, housing, education and health. You name it.
Synchronicity with what’s happening in New Zealand
Fortunately, this goal is still alive and well today and the present NZ government is putting a lot of attention into it..
The Government's plan to announce the world's first "wellbeing" Budget next year resonates with business people if a big Waikato Inc turnout to hear Finance Minister Grant Robertson is any gauge. NZ Herald 10th July 2018
Then Ron takes his attention to what’s happening in the biosphere and the overlapping challenges and tipping points as to what we as a humanity are doing to our planetary ‘life support system’.
Bangkok under water by 2033, which I question him about - because Al Gore said that the Arctic would be ice free in summer by 2013, and it has not happened. Yet, the warming continues - see the temperatures in Europe over the last month.
Shift in planetary consciousness -
The interview moves on to talk about planetary leadership and there is a vast vacuum in all governments globally. The fact that people are rebelling against neoliberalism and the status quo and that of the whole Brexit domino situation etc etc. Listen
Empowering Youth and Women
There is an acute need for empowering of the worlds youth and especially woman (and their reproductive rights) - to nurture their/our common future. Plus, for them (that in this somewhat tumultuous world) to be in a healthy position to make this change possible. This is an area that we all intuitively know that as a human society, we need to engage in - and urgently.
Though we still have to trust that the top down model of leadership ‘may’ engage the population with an enlightened approach - the thrust of this whole interview is about grassroots movements. An energised bottom-up regeneration and metamorphosis movement. This interview carried on to include many small towns, villages and regions in NZ consciously coming together as small focussed communities. See main page
These are about farmers markets acting as a catalyst to bring the community closer together so as to have access to cheaper, healthier organic food as well as to network together plus organising a of time banks. Especially that volunteerism can be rewarded by time bank credits.
Other Initiatives
In Auckland the Manukau District Health Board now has worked alongside the championing of 70 community gardens in the area. The benefits are many, and this can only encourage the community to healthily become more engaged and connected.
This was a very lively and empowering interview. We both came away ‘happy and empowered.’
There is even more to this nuclear episode - that we are allowing concentrated uranium oxide shipments into NZ ports en route to other countries, for maximising.
Denys says that changes have to take place in the ‘consciousness and the sentiments’ of near on 5 million New Zealanders as well as the rest of the world’s population to address what is really taking place today.
In 1974 FOE - Friends of the Earth started up in NZ so as to speak up for most environmental issues. Stating that social and ecological consciousness has to grow to be able to counter these increasing trends of disconnection from the planet that sustains us … and that we are also running into a generational problem that Bob hinted at in the introduction - of unknowingness of the issues by our youth.
Irradiated food entering NZ with poor or microscopic labelling.
Yet, during this time NZ also became the first country on Earth to ban the irradiation of food - However in the 1990’s because we lost our ‘ sovereignty’ through the CER - Closer Economic Relations with Australia - when both countries merged their regulatory authorities thus Food Standards NZ and every Australia State and Capital Territory got one vote only. It’s not like one vote one country like with the United Nations and so NZ had to go along with Australia’s Pro Irradiation stance, being out voted every time.
The result means that a whole range of exported Australian fruit and vegetables are imported into NZ and becomes our diet - which is irradiated with caesium 137.
First they started off with mangoes which was regarded as a sweetener - and now tomatoes and capsicums are irradiated so are grapes, pip fruit and citrus fruit.
Yet the labelling of such treatment continues to be poorly addressed and most people do not know that they could be eating nuclear irradiated food.
Concentrated uranium oxide shipments entering
Another large but silent issue is about concentrated uranium oxide shipments through NZ ports en-route to other countries.
This contravenes our Nuclear Free policy.
Up to 800 ton shipments of ‘concentrated uranium’ have been coming through the ports of Auckland - and the NZ workers at the port working on these ships were never told of these shipments - and this was completely under the public radar and unknowing NZ has no capability to deal with an accident or spillage inside these ships. The uranium is stored in the bow of the ship at the lowest levels and when asked why, was told that it is the furthest from the crews quarters - but that section of the ship is also the most affected area with storms at sea. FOE say that they have been shown photographs of containers of other goods that have been damaged by storms at sea and Bob says they look like they have been attacked by giant can openers.
So these two issues are ongoing.
Logging of old growth forests
Most of the important matters of FOE are long term environmental challenges that are almost hidden from the NZ public attention - they are background issues and yet are of critical importance - for instance FOE’s first involvement was to halt the logging of vast beech forests in the South Island that has actually been an ongoing process of 30 years of activism. The fact that this indigenous forestry project that was halted took 30 years of focus to bring the worst aspects of that to a halt. But there are still dangers of that type of project happening again as there are signs of the reemergence of the idea that it is legitimate to log forests that are on public land.
Another silent issue is: Gene Editing
Gene Editing and Gene Drives and an acronym - CHRISPR which are now wedging their way into NZ and FOE says they are probably perilous technologies - they may have some uses - though it is surmised that this is going to be used for military application and the research is going to be financed by DARPA - as there is a weaponised dimension to this technology - and used on human populations in a negative way.
Government complicity forces punitive costs to lodging appeals
Today to appeal against any environmental or ecological assault in NZ has become very expensive - where it once cost $50 to lodge an appeal to save some ecological treasure in this country some years ago, the previous National administration made it more punitive to take an issue to court, that it now costs $500 under the Resource Management Act to protect our ‘taonga’ (treasures) - our heritage and for a small volunteer ecological group, it is debilitating. Then they have to put up surety of costs - that could then be up to $10 - 20,000 - but first the Government will take your $500 and you may never get to court. The game is rigged. It’s stacked against the people - by ’the system’.
Being so, that both overseas and local business interests have been far more successful than environmental protectors. It’s unfortunate - yet that is the reality. There is no legal aid for cases brought about for the public interest, this needs to be addressed.
Note that a good judge and magistrate can determine in 5 minutes if this is a genuine case. Wherever an environmental case being brought is merely vexatious or important, Denys says it would not cost the Government very much at all to set up such a system, where important and authentic cases are heard with the help of legal aid.
This will allow the people’s voice to speak and to be heard in our own court system. Note that we NZers pay through our taxes for this court system as well as pay the salaries of the judges as well as the court rooms - as they are our courts.
Government Organisations not doing enough?
Just as the officials who are meant to be safeguarding the environment employed by organisations like DOC, (Department of Conservation) Ministry for the Environment, Land Care, etc- all these large Government organisations - we taxpayers already pay for them.They are actually our employees however they act as if we are asking them a special, favour to merely humbly knock on there door.
1080 another bogey that won’t go away
At present there is a new exposee on 1080 and insect death - originally it was designed as an insecticide - yes it does cause insects to die - DOC knows this is so and this information has been suppressed - but under the Official Information Access - recently a researcher was able to get information released. The original scientist Dr Mike Meads was going to present some of these findings to the NZ Royal Society but 10 days before he was going to do his presentation DOC fired him and closed down the whole story.
Here is Mike Meads telling us prior to his death.
NZ was the first country to introduce an Atomic Energy Act not long after the end of the 2nd World War and the DSIR (Department of Scientific Industrial Research) produced a booklet on it.
Atomic Energy Act 1945 – Radioactive minerals – Te Ara ...
Jun 12, 2006 - The purpose of the Atomic Energy Act 1945 was 'to make provision for the control in New Zealand of the means of producing atomic energy and for that purpose to provide for the mining and treatment of the ores of uranium and other elements which may be used for the production of atomic energy,
This insightful and shocking interview covers many other subjects as well.
If you have questions about Friends of the Earth you can contact our Auckland co-director, Bob Tait at the office by phone, Auckland 360 9149 or email, You can contact,, or on the Auckland landline, 308 9940.
If you want to underwrite what we do you could send a small monthly payment to our bank account: ANZ 06-0158-0081074-03, Friends of the Earth New Zealand Limited. If you prefer, you can make a one-off payment to the same. Our present subscribers pay us on average $20.00 each a month. Even $10.00 a month will help pay the bills.
We do not have charitable status and these payments are not tax-deductible.
Like - Friends of the Earth are a volunteer labour of Love that continues by gifting of the self, as there are basically no other avenues for financing ourselves.
Phil is passionate about and dedicated to capturing and amplifying the much needed spiritual and systemic changes that characterise our emerging global culture.
Looking at the issues he says, “Some people still have no idea that there are people and families who have more influence in the direction of humanity’s future than those who work within the government apparatus. Yet of those who understand the power that both old and new money yields, many still find it hard to believe that the people who really run the show behind the scenes do not have humanity’s best interests at heart. To them I say, just have a good look around. Put aside the strong evidence of a Satanist ideology and pedophilic tendencies within the uber elite, and pay wise attention to not just the system itself, but the health and prosperity of the people.
First, the system. The money supply is a scam in which currency is created out of nothing, where the profits go back to those who create it instead of the people and their community needs. Food is tainted, as is water. Medicine is in general a toxic soup of adulterated elements too, which struggle to resolve the symptoms, let alone cure the fundamental issues. Now of course there are many natural ingredients that can be highly effective against the widespread dis-ease which permeates our so-called modern world, but they’ve been so effectively suppressed simply because the people would manage their own healing on a local level.
And that is outside of the desired control of those who are hellbent on their power trip of ruling the world. This theme is present through all of this, actually.
Then there’s the mainstream media, which is a monopolized mess of propaganda and hypnotism. Now it is true that you will get some truth through these channels, but in the most part, information that reveals the big realities, especially regarding the theft of various elements of the system, will not be televised for society’s benefit.
Each and every one of us has surely seen how the corporatized media works for their own interests, right?
Then of course there’s the government. Big money, through their lobbyists, ensure that macro policy design supports their agenda. Its crony capitalism on steroids with a political puppet arsenal that makes Pinocchio look like he’s just had a hit of truth serum.
Take for example Australia’s Prime Minister. As an ex-managing director of Goldman Sachs, which is a banking institution deeply embedded into the banksterism that exists today, his appointment is such a massive conflict of interest that it is dumbfounding that the Aussies don’t physically escort him out of Parliament house. To add the final blow, he is also deeply in the pocket of the pharmaceutical drug dealers which have literally killed millions of people, as well as destroyed many more people’s lives through addiction and increased sickness.
Yeah, sounds legit.
So what does the public education system do regarding all this? Well, it maintains and perpetuates this status quo, of course.
Enter the people. There are three S’s which characterize humanity’s internal world today, which are sadness, stress and sickness. Ask nine out of ten people and they’ll be either in one or more of these states, or simply completely disconnected from themselves and their purpose.
Contentment is rare. Common sense is uncommon. The authentic, empowered man or woman is nearly non-existent. Of course on the surface people seem ‘fine’, but peak into their lives and it soon becomes pretty clear that it’s whirlwind of bitterness, smallness, hatred, jealousy and competition.
That’s not to say that our fellow men and women aren’t mostly good-natured and caring, but damn we’re lost in a web of bullshit. We’re all part of this to some degree or another, but very few seem seriously motivated to get out of the sick race and genuinely surround themselves with good vibes and good lives.
Why? There are many reasons, but to simplify it, it comes down to indoctrination, ignorance, laziness and fear. People just don’t understand, and they don’t want to understand, because it means much more than just changing their lives. It also means authentically facing themselves and the outside world, which means completely redesigning themselves and their concepts of reality.
So instead, many people find solace in giving back in some little way without having to do the hard work. One example is giving money to charity, without focusing on the core systemic areas that would actually deal with the problems. It’s so unfortunate too, because many charities and foundations are very much embedded and even complicit in suppression of the truth.
After all, there’s no need for that organization to exist if they solved the cause they were fighting for.
In any case, the world we live in is not one of general health, happiness and harmony. Instead, we have sickness, sadness and stress. And that doesn't even account for the super S of scarcity, instead of abundance. So even if the ruling class genuinely had good intentions when it comes to the care of you and your family and friends, they’ve clearly failed.
Either which way, it looks like we’re going to have to step up our vibration of consciousness and sort this mess out for ourselves, especially in our own lives. Or not; I guess time will tell.”
Phillip J. Watt lives on the Mid North Coast of NSW Australia. He is an activist for individual and collective change and has devoted his career to supporting this evolution. Phil best identifies as a truthseeker, writer, self-help guide, organic farmer and activist who has lived a life of self-determination and built a strong repertoire based in leadership, teamwork and seeking the essential knowledge and skills to holistically support himself, his family and his clientele.
Phil's written and film work deals with topics from ideology to society, as well as self-development. His love for spreading empowering messages evolved into being a leading writer for independent on-line media dedicated to mindful, holistic, progressive, well-informed and adventurous living. He is also an online and in person presenter of information relating to the truth and freedom network.
Phil is passionate about and dedicated to capturing and amplifying the much needed spiritual and systemic changes that characterise our emerging global culture. He has a background working in multifaceted areas including journalism, policy development, security, project management, social work, operations management and providing individual and relationship guidance. He also has the privilege of interviewing a variety of progressive leaders on his YouTube Channel.
Follow him on Facebook @ Phillip J. Watt, watch his interviews with an array of inspiring guests at 'The Conscious Society' YouTube Channel, read his latest work at his new website and visit his personal development website
This interview is sponsored by The Awareness Party
Tom Campbell Part Two of his cultural tour of New Zealand
Tom Campbell PhD - from the US has an impressive career in applied physics. Having worked in military intelligence, reverse-engineering foreign technology, as well as in missile defence, including working on huge engineering projects for NASA - the US space agency - up until very recently.
Tom was brought up and graduated in science within the mainstream university system and then by chance found himself living only 45 minutes drive from a person called Robert Monroe. Monroe had been experiencing situations where he would randomly shift his awareness to where it would be outside of his body and he would be ‘on the outside looking in’ and able to float and project his awareness to different locations.
This has had some people labelling it soul travel, astral travel or plain ‘out of the body experiences’ and Monroe could not understand it. So he looked for some young scientists grounded in reality who had been basically educated that we live in a soulless and mechanistic world and that we are only a body with a mind that is inside the brain.
Monroe, who had now spent a lot of time experiencing these differing states of being of - out of the body - and shifting his consciousness to other realms cut a deal with Tom and the other scientist. “Study what I do and make sense of it in a scientific context and I will show you how to do what I do.” This started a relationship right up until Monroe’s death.
In this interview Toms says that at a subatomic level below the quantum reality we have to understand that everything is at its most basic level - is Consciousness.
That Consciousness in turn is basically information and where does this information come from? – It turns out that consciousness - is an information system and we humans are individuated units of consciousness (like you and I).
We are chunks of consciousness that share information. That’s what you do if you are an information system – so we pass information back and forth. As animated chunks of consciousness – we are aware – we know what we are doing - but, what about this physical reality – what is it here for?
This is where I mention :
The four basic forces of nature are gravity, the strong force, the weak force, and the electromagnetic force. The theory of general relativity explains gravity, and quantum mechanics explains the other three forces. Right now, no one theory that everyone accepts can explain all four forces.
String theory is a theory that could become the "theory of everything”.
And questions like?
So there is so much to the makeup of reality.
What’s its purpose? And the logic goes like this … If you are an information system - you have to continually reduce entropy … entropy is a scientific word that is a measure of disorder. Entropy has a way of just happening – like things have a way of … like decaying, falling apart – things tend to become unorganised. Disorganisation happens over time – it just naturally does that even eventually those molecules will breakdown - that’s called Newton’s 2nd Law of the Thermodynamics it says the entropy always increases, that taken to its final conclusion has - from the scientific mind set - that if we wait long enough our universe will end up only with hydrogen atoms and elementary particles - that is what science says that this is what will be left - as everything will disintegrate.
However when we units of consciousness realise that we must slow down entropy we can consciously come together in a growing mass of shared consciousness and make a choice – follow the path of love or go down the path of fear. However, when the individual units of consciousness care about each other, are cooperative - they share – it’s about service to the greater whole - it is not about self.
Fear on the other hand is that you trust no one, it is all about self and you are always protecting your back. Because everyone is looking to take your piece of the pie. However even in these situations they may strategically come together to group and then start to plunder the ones that are alone – then they may work together to corner the market – (so to speak) and with them having turf wars it finally ends up with conglomerates merging together. That when we see what’s happening today with the giant mega complexes – corporate raiding etc and what has happened on Wall St, in the USA - we see the down side of reality not serving the whole.
Where as the units that work together we have more trust – goodwill, shared success and growth and creativity. Like how can I help you – how can I help to better the whole. Which side is the better to involve yourself with? Especially for the future of children and it has to be the love side. The logical conclusion is that if you are an information system you want to survive – you need to lower entropy – the best way to do that is through cooperation it’s through being - Love. Caring about others.
Also covered is the feed back mechanisms - consequences, learning … and we are in a entropy reduction trainer for consciousness – just like pilots go to an inflight trainer to learn how to fly an airliner. Whereas we are also in a simulation - a virtual reality and Tom sees it as our mission to become love. To decrease the entropy of our individual consciousness and by doing so we reduce the entropy of the whole consciousness system – and we are a part (albeit small) here to evolve the larger consciousness system and to keep evolving …
Tom also states that Relativity and Quantum Mechanics can not work together at the level it is endeavouring to be understood. But when you see everything from a standpoint of consciousness being embedded in virtual reality - you are able to pull it all together.
See the double slit experiment.
This shows that our reality is not materialistic and not deterministic – it is probabilistic and particles don’t really exist – there is potential particles that obey the laws of probability – and that is how this world works .
Tom has devised 6 experiments that he wants University physics departments or any institute world-wide that do research on things that are ‘impossible’ as in minor miracles as they crack open the old thought form and bring through a new reality of possibility and that consciousness is behind it all.
What is happening today is the emerging consciousness that has been seen to be on the fringes of science and reality is now moving very quickly to the centre.
This interview covers with Tim bring up other subject matter bush as:
Timothy Leary coming on stage in Los Angeles in 1988 and telling the audience that we are totally surrounded by information. That we decode this information and make sense of it. He was an early up taker of seeing everything as being bits of information and data and frame it in those words
Captain Edgar Mitchell 6th Man on the moon –of The Noetic Sciences was also at the same Expo where he mentioned he had had synchronised experiments with telepathy between him whilst on the moon and people here on earth and the results were very promising.
Tom says that throughout most of the universities today, any with a strong Physics Department you will find up to 20 - 30 % of the all physicists there, will be saying we want to look far more deeply into virtual reality and consciousness. Because that is where our next evolutionary step is taking us.
Today at Cern in Switzerland they are now looking at electrons as having the properties of charge and the properties of mass - thats the way you represent an electron in a computer – it’s a point with the attributes of mass and the attributes of charge – if they look at an electron that way – there math will predict correctly how experiments come out. If they think of it as a little chunk of mass with a charge – they can’t get the right answer – because it’s just information and their experiments will not come out correctly. This is where we are today.
Also mentioned in this conversation is NZer Brian from Massey university who too is on the leading edge of the consciousness revolution – talking up ‘virtual reality’ very early in this millennium.
Covering mystics talking about reality from Shri Aurabindo to the Buddha seeing that this reality is illusionary – and Tom says this is about as close to saying that the reality we live in is as close to as you can get - to saying that this is a virtual reality.
Yes, mystics have understood this, for millennia and it is available because we are an individuated unit of consciousness and we can have unlimited access to this … because the internet has connected us into one simultaneous web of interrelationship.
That virtual reality is also sub set of something larger and must have behind it a greater consciousness – and when we surrender more and get out of our intellect and into our intuitive field – we see a larger consciousness as well as the wholesale emergence of spirituality and love making itself known.
Also covered
Holon’s Arthur Koestler that everything is nested in another archetypal system.
This can be demonstrated in the holarchic relationship (subatomic particles ↔ atoms ↔ molecules ↔ macromolecules ↔ organelles ↔ cells ↔ tissues ↔ organs ↔ organisms ↔ communities ↔ societies) where it expands …
Eco systems ↔ biosphere ↔ planetary ↔ solar system ↔galactic ↔ universal ↔ multiverse ?
each holon is a "level" of organisation, and all are ultimately descriptive of the same set (e.g., a particular collection of matter). The top can be a bottom, a bottom can be a top, and, like a fractal, the patterns evident at one level can be similar to those at another.
That had Alfred Russell Wallace been able to get his theory of evolution out to the world before Charles Darwin it would have shown far more cooperation within nature where animals and plants found certain non confrontational niches. Our culture today would not be so programed as in this - semi dog eat dog program we have been inculcated with.
This is how Elisabet Sahtouris sees a differing kind of evolution.
Internationally known as a dynamic speaker and media personality, Dr. Sahtouris is an evolution biologist, futurist, professor, author and consultant on Living. Show’s that within evolution there is a lot of co operation. Bruce too signals that cooperation within nature is seen to be a way through for the human race to solve its many challenges
Covering minerals evolving from 12 major minerals not long after the big bang to 4,000 plus today.
Civilisations evolving and devolving especially when there is fear involved.
Unity Consciousness:
Using the information that Tom is bringing here to NZ and spreading it across the nation - through fibers of light across the web that covers our country – to stimulate peoples interest in unity consciousness – and that we are seen as important energy bundles expressing our inter-connectiveness and aspirations for a far better future for all biota and in particular our children and grandchildren …
Tom mentions that we can not achieve it appropriately from the intellect – we must move our understanding down to our chest cavity and that is has to be fully embraced and felt from the heart – if we really want to initiate the much needed change that at soul level we have all been calling for.
Tim mentions that we are nearing what Teihard de Chardin the Jesuit Priest (that did not find favour from Rome) called an Omega point – where at heart we as a humanity transform into a type of global group mind where we retain our own identity yet are able to surrender into a greater consciousness …
And that this momentum that we are in at present - is in Toms’ words – our destiny as a humanity.
The larger consciousness can also for reference – be called God, the Divine, Source, the Creator and we are an integral part of it. This larger consciousness system is also finite, (which I Tim found is a very interesting statement) its not perfect, it’s a real system that is evolving. It’s not a done thing - it’s an evolving system.
By expressing it this way – that is is a larger consciousness - it misses some of the dogma that we have either been programed with or held too zealously in our thought process.
This way you do not get tied to the dogma, nor the ritual. The larger conscious system just keeps on evolving so as long as it keeps on growing it will be eternal – making us as eternal too - this is a cosmic win win – forever - and is our destination.
The Universe is immaterial — mental and spiritual. Live, and enjoy, - states Richard Conn Henry, Professor of Physics and Astronomy at The Johns Hopkins University, Maryland
A group behind a web presence called You Being You, an online home for sharing wisdom to connect us with our true nature, ourselves and others.
One of the important gifts of ‘You Being You’ is that they have a wide experience and the skills to assist people address the psychological challenges of a world in transition.
That includes understanding your inside nature and focussing on easily understood vocabulary to express your feelings. Because one of the greatest challenges we have today is to be able to vocalise our feelings in such a way as to be clearly understood. There is a gigantic chasm especially among boys and men in finding the vocabulary to express their needs.
So what is it that affects us in a tragedy that directly afterwards people instinctively lean into each other for support and comfort?