This morning we continue last weeks forthright discussion with Dr Bruce Lipton, Norma Tarango and myself weaving a raft of subject matter that looks at emergent humanity within the cultural creative movement - that includes the holistic, green, social justice, metaphysical, potentials, spirituality, peace movement and more.
Covering Gaia, sacred connection, planetary restoration, indigenous understanding, humanity, quantum consciousness, conscious parenting, personal responsibility and community empowerment.
The urgency being - we need to do this daily by thinking it, talking to our family, engaging our neighbours and connecting with our community.
The new evolution is that each human being, individually is an entity unto themselves – and now science is recognizing some thing called a super organism - where each human is a cell in the body of a much larger organism called Humanity – and now humanity is set to evolve to a different level and this is in regard to relationship and family and each other - to unity and community. From the local to the global - it is Conscious Evolution and an Awakening Earth!