This wide ranging interview covers many interlinking and overlapping subjects, including; Consciousness, New Paradigm, Quantum Realities, Space Time - ET’s and UFO’s - Trans Pluto, Mother Earth, Sustainability, Ecological Awareness, Co-creation and Co-operation.
When we sleep at night we basically disconnect from our outer realm and bodily sensations and enter what JJ Hurtak says is ‘an ocean of consciousness, swimming in hyperspace’ - that our consciousness is not localised in our body it is open to a vast plethora of dimensions - as the Australian Aborigines aptly named the 'dream time.'
That there are many levels of sleep. Beyond rapid eye movement and all the analysis that has take place, and the usual mixed messages of dreams we experience, we can tap into other realms that are available to us every night. JJ Hurtak mentions the dreams of Joseph when back in Egypt and his ability to interpret them for the Pharaoh. So there is a long history of the potency of dreams, however with present day humanity, especially in the western world, we are awash in things, data, distraction and consumerism and rarely take the time to cultivate our inner being, and the levels of unconsciousness that may be just waiting to be acknowledged.
Desiree, also mentions how dreams can give us warnings and predictions and tells of one, as well as experiences of déjà vu.