Permaculture is a designed science system that is the most innovative planetary method available - of pulling all the disparate forces of nature together in a harmonious movement to live within the seasonal flow of the web of life.
Geoff is continually invited to go to many countries from very developed, to others that are environmentally distressed and now, situations of conflict where he finds himself putting both conflict and environmental circumstances back together - in a sustainable form. Even looking towards establishing eco city developments and eco villages as examples, as the permaculture design system covers all climates, all landscapes and virtually all contingencies.
Permaculture to him is essentially a journey of discovery through a career of assisting people towards embedding sustainable knowingness – which has been taught as a subject since 1979 - to over 15,000 students and NZ too has a number of superb students now fully trained as experienced teachers, many working globally as leaders in their field.
There is also a growing awareness that we need to be resilient and self-reliant and though not seen out in the public realm, behind the scenes there are many people who have a feel for the land, and see themselves asking the question how does a human being live on a planet and in community and sustainably.
That the word ‘sustainability’ is today used in every global aid proposal - where conversely when the Clark Labour Government administration here in NZ left power, it is alleged that the new National Government administration passed a memo to all governmental departmental heads, asking them to not use the word sustainability in any ecological or environmental context.