Pete Russell is the "initiator of here on Waiheke Island, Auckland, that is rapidly spreading from the grass roots up, as a process of producing goods and products from your own back yard, especially gardens and then finding ways to share, barter or sell to other neighbours in the community.
This is a New Zealand first, that pulls the strands of community together around your physical and virtual backyard using the internet as the medium of social networking.
See how this grass roots system is rapidly spreading here and that it’s a direct interface with Transition Towns, which is another level up where people across the land and in other countries are mobilizing themselves and resources. They are finding new and innovative ways to survive and thrive healthily in these rapidly changing times of climate change, financial fallout, energy costs and fluctuations, and the resulting social dilemma and confusion. will inspire you to find new neighbours who care, want to share and bring family and community together from out of your own back door and back yard. A win win win for all involved.