John Seed is an Australian environmentalist and director of the Rainforest Information Centre which successfully campaigned to save the sub-tropical brainforests of New South Wales, other forests in Tasmania and across Australia and beyond.
He is also a prominent figure in the deep ecology movement including eco psychology and is co-creator of the Council of All Beings, and other re-earthing processes.
An activist to his last breath, John encourages us to keep hurling ourselves at this question of how do we usher in a new change of consciousness and to awaken to who we are … whilst furthering our connection within the web of life and the planet as a whole, that of deep ecology - Gaia.
Listen how he uses Facebook to fundraise globally, calling on the spirit of voluntarism as one of the few hopes the world has.
Encouraging the locavore diet, eating food from your local area, as against importing it from the other side of our planet. Including, connecting weekly into a local food cooperative called 'Food Connect' to purchase a box of fresh organic veggies.
(The NZ equivalent is Ooooby)
Transition Bondi where John again connects into is an extension of Transitions Towns where they have as an example, their own bees and an aquaponic system.
Our equivalent here in NZ is
Listen to a man who remains a leading activist around the globe, tell stories that empower and encourage us to instigate positive change to restore the earth and bring community closer together. Be it India, Africa, and Ecuador.
In 1995 he was awarded the Order of Australia Medal by the Australian vGovernment for services to conservation and the environment.
For more information about deep ecology experiential workshops, please see;
'Everything is connected to everything else'