Celebrate 25 years of NZ being Nuclear Free ... Hooray!... At Auckland's Aotea Square 12:00-3:00pm Saturday the 9th June. Town Hall Concert Chamber if wet.
Listen to an enthusiastic and inspired interview of one of NZ's tireless advocates of Peace in the World and Inner Peace, Within.
Hear how Auckland has passed a resolution as a 'City of Peace.'
That back in the early to mid 1980's, Citizen groups established 105 Nuclear Free Zones across NZ that comprised 73% of the country and gave a mandate for David Lange, the Labour PM to pass legislation through Parliament for NZ to become a Nuclear Free Nation.
That in 1992 at the World Court in the Hague in the Netherlands, NZ championed the Declaration 'that nuclear weapons are illegal,' this was another major break-through for this country.
Then on the 31st May 2012, the 'whole NZ Parliament' passed a resolution revalidating NZ as a 'Nuclear Free Zone' and committed us to supporting Norway's proposal to hold a conference in 2013, for the 'Abolition of all Nuclear Weapons'.
This all with the support of 5,000 Mayors globally, who have joined voices to have their cities proclaimed 'Cities of Peace' and for the abolition of nuclear weapons also.
The interview covers the celebration this weekend on the 8th and 9th in Auckland City, especially the Saturday afternoon concert of music, acts and speeches.
Celebrating those who work behind the scenes at policy level, to shape the way forward and that peace be your heart and peace be within you and your family, as well as in schools, in your community, with volunteer groups, as well as acknowledging Auckland's Peace Foundation and it's tireless work over all these years.
Laurie also takes a serious look at how we work towards peace and of higher values and virtues as we consciously evolve to a greater unity of purpose, that of a peaceful country embedded in a peaceful biosphere.
This brings us to how does Auckland become one of the most livable cities on earth and what is the criteria?
Behind all this is to have NZ become an independent neutral country, and have the skill to self organize the community just like we did to set up the 105 nuclear free zones, (but in todays context, for example, have GE or GMO free zones, like they are endeavoring to do in Northland).
The imperative being for conscious New Zealanders to become really savvy from the grass roots up - get together in groups and then lobby their local council to put benevolent change through. Then Councils can lobby the Central Government.
And yes, the continuing challenge of Fukushima in Japan and the radiation spewing out of reactor No 4 needs to be urgently addressed in the Nuclear Free debate.
* You are encouraged do something different this Saturday, something out of the ordinary, and gravitate to where you can become inspired by surrounding yourself in a field of goodwill, joy and purpose.
Celebrate 25 years of New Zealand being Nuclear Free, at Auckland's Aotea Square 12:00-3:00pm Saturday the 9th June.