Lynda Wharton is a registered Traditional Chinese Acupuncturist and Naturopath, with her own holistic woman's health clinic, on Auckland's Northshore.
Lynda is well known as a health researcher, columnist and author. She is a regular columnist for Mindfood magazine, Fitness Life and Australian Nature and health.
Lynda's most recent book, “Wellbeing”, published by Harper Collins, is an essential addition to every woman's library. It’s 400 pages cover many aspects of female health and wellbeing from a holistic perspective. 100 pages are devoted to the subject of breast cancer prevention … a subject that Lynda is passionate about.
The imperative for all of us, is to rapidly come into an understanding that there are other ways to combat the pharmaceutical barrage of drugs to medicate us when suffering from dis-ease and illness. That prevention via natural modalities is available and that when we consciously make choices as to how we treat our bodily temple, we empower ourselves to see ourselves in a renewed radiant self-reflective light.