Peter Daley from Caloundra in Queensland, is the researcher who blew the whistle on the radiation cloud over Australia that then carried on over to the South Island of NZ, passing over Dunedin.
Back on the 8th of January of this year Peter had programed his new high tech geiger counter to sound an alarm if radiation far above background radiation was measured.
The alarm went off at 6.30 pm measuring 0.80 microsieverts, which was eight times over the average level of radiation in the atmosphere and enough for him to stay indoors and close all the windows then call his friends to do the same.
Following this another person in Byron Bay in Northern New South Wales measured this same spike as well as another in Melbourne Victoria.
Then across the Tasman Sea to NZ, another researcher in Dunedin who was involved in nuclear sciences went out with a cloth and wiped all the rain drops off his car that was outside, he then put his geiger counter against the cloth to have it instantly burst forth with a sharp staccato reading. Visual observation saw peaks reach an incredible 1.89 uS/Hr !
So, what is going on here?
From many accounts the inevitable is happening. The nuclear radiation from the crippled Japanese, Fukushima power plant in the Northern Hemisphere has breached the equatorial belt and seeped into the Southern Hemisphere and now this contamination is gradually raining down on us from within the upper atmosphere.
How much, we do not know and it is difficult to find out as Governmental measuring stations and laboratories globally are not letting out any information.
What effect this will have on Nuclear Free NZ is anyones guess. Primarily because there does not appear to be anyone that we know in the public sphere, championing the Nuclear Free issue anymore. It's as if there is a collective dereliction of duty by the crew in this sector of Mothership Earth and they have all gone AWOL.
Yet, the Japanese ambassador to Switzerland has broken ranks with his Government and has taken this to Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General of the UN to ask for the worlds greatest brains to find a solution immediately.
Why? Because things are far worse than what we are being told.
Reactor Number 4 being in a super critical situation.
Question? What are Mums and Dads to do? As children are the most susceptible to radiation, what is their future going to be?
Listen to a very lucid and rational telling of the events leading up to this nightmare.
Originally from California, having fled the USA after being arrested 92 times for peaceful protest. She has been very involved in the peace movement, specifically around the issue of certain military systems deployed by the US, inclusive of many arrests of a nonviolent nature.
For the past seven years, prior to coming to NZ she has been very active in the organic food movement, and saying NO to Monsanto in an effort to stop massive pesticide spraying in the small town in Southern California where she was living.
Listen to her many adventures around those issues of an interesting political nature. Sunshine came to NZ believing the hype of Clean Green, Independent NZ and has been quite disappointed to find so much of the USA quite entrenched here.
She holds hope in her heart that people will wake up to what is happening and to take their power back before it is too late.
In this inspiring story of raw courage and benevolence she is happy to contribute her voice based on so many years of involvement in standing up for the sovereignty of community and the land.
Warwick, a New Zealander, has spent 20 years developing a world leading technology that under one umbrella eliminates industrial and household waste, turning it into a valuable resource for manufacturing many different products, but most important it recovers the energy from waste.
This system is a global first and is so necessary for today, as one of the greatest attributes of this system is that it reduces CO2 and methane going into the atmosphere from landfills. By doing this he is able to eliminate all landfills.
Warwick worked with scientists on floating Arctic ice ‘islands’ for two years, which have subsequently melted.
He has first hand experience on declining polar ice due to warming of the world’s oceans, which are reaching a critical threshold.
He sees the elimination of methane gas, a super potent greenhouse gas from landfills and atmosphere as a major step to remediation and sustainability.
This open, light hearted discussion invites listeners to join in an event that brings forth a collective of metaphysicians, healers, artists and indigenous ecological ideals of how as one seamless organism we can anchor a vision of an open, bio-harmonic lifestyle and community.
With a holistic understanding that integrates scientific principles people are awakening to the need to creatively build community into a dynamic field of possibility. And that 'cultural creatives' need to be communing together.
What are these foundations? - These Platonic building blocks and of how we individually and collectively weave the various strands of our potential into a localized Auckland area group that will empower us to manifest answers, solutions and connection for today and tomorrow.
And how does 'Kawai Purapura' as a venue in a glade of exquisite beauty, facilitate a unique event such as this to be the forerunner of spontaneity, joy and heart resonant connection and well being?
Where we can embrace new friends, kindred spirits and change-agents and celebrate, meditate, pray and play, sing and soar.
Walking Our Wisdom 'WOW'
Kawai Purapura Albany - Summit, Symposium and Gathering of All Beings
The coming together in celebration of community and sharing of gifts, knowledge, information and spontaneity of what is Wisdom?
Be inquisitive! 'WOW'
Jeff Hutner is the Editor of New Paradigm Digest from the USA.
Covering the leading edge of science, consciousness, spirituality - from the Microcosm to the Macrocosm; focusing on visionary qualities, as Steve Jobs who had just died, what did he bring to our world?
And that the word 'Enough' is anathema to capitalism - Now we need to understand voluntary simplicity and what it represents.
Having no TV can stop you with being programmed with old paradigm thought forms and Jeff says by finding your friends who are creative, are inner directed, and use their creativity to the services of humanity and life - we can bring ourselves into alignment with a higher intent.
Who do you serve? The current continuing ecocide or ... are you serving the restoration of your own, your community and the planets health? It's a choice!!
Some of the subject matter:
Entertainment - transitioning to Innertainment - Movies that inspire us
Play it forward - Important Movies with messages that don't make it to the cinemas are now being organized so that we can 'Play it Forward.
Covering the and what it says.
The part that arts play in change Is very important.
This interview ranges over many subjects that all interlink with our present situation on earth today, and a new paradigm that is emerging. What is it?
This interview was recorded 4 months ago when Occupation Wall Street was bursting out and I felt very excited of the possibilities of a Unified World of Occupiers could do, that I held back this interview to bring into the studio Auckland based NZ Occupiers and supporters so that listeners could hear directly what NZers were saying and doing, thus I put this interview on hold.
Biomimicry (from bios, meaning life, and mimesis, meaning to imitate) is a design discipline that seeks sustainable solutions by emulating nature’s time-tested patterns and strategies, e.g., a solar cell inspired by a leaf.
The core idea is that Nature, imaginative by necessity, has already solved many of the problems we are grappling with: energy, food production, climate control, non-toxic chemistry, transportation, packaging, and a whole lot more.
Animals, plants, and microbes are the consummate engineers. They have found what works, what is appropriate, and most importantly, what lasts here on Earth.
However, we humans have only really woken up to this in the last 20 years.
If we could only mobilise our consciousness (and media) at a global level, we would be both amazed and shocked to realize that the answers to our challenges are already embedded in nature, the same living super system that we too are deeply embedded in, except we have disconnected ourselves.
Time to awaken and reconnect.
Sam Stier:
Learn more about biomimicry in video:
And print:
Jasmina has trained in 25 different modalities and is highly skilled not only in the area of helping others release their emotions but also at getting to the core of issues that are affecting people emotionally and this can frequently make a huge difference in their lives and mean a better quality of life.
Releasing emotional and mental blockages that are in the way to self healing can create conditions that allow “spontaneous remission”. With the removal of fears and other emotions, a new level of spiritual growth and consciousness often happens, because the previously blocking emotions are not there any more.
Listen to strong and passionate advocate Jasmina Kovacev who uses cutting edge mind, body and emotional techniques; for example EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique, Psych K, NLP, New German Medicine and other methods.
This January 11 - 18 2012, Jasmina Kovacev is at the Mana Retreat Centre in Coromandel for a special healing retreat for people affected with cancer.
It is an emotional support retreat which can also assist you back to becoming a healthy human being?
efthelp (at)
What are the necessities for a healthy temple body?
Air, Water, Food-chain, Exercise, relationships and our spiritual aspirations. In cities put your car windows up, air conditioning on recycle because if you smell then it is affecting you - There are 3 major pollutants in petrol.
Use negative ion generators in office buildings.
Water: Don't drink Auckland tap water … hazardous to your health clean your water up, with filtration or bottles water etc.Alkalize your body.
Food: organic is best, grow your own, eat more fresh food, green leafy veggies and alkalize your body
Do away with most oils, canola being one and that organic cold pressed is best. Extra virgin organic olive is good, especially for salads
Microwaves, just get rid of them - they De-nature food.
Don't eat corporate food - being dead food with zero life force and enzymes etc.
A New Way of Seeing Ourselves
Bruce Lipton - The Biology of Belief and Spontaneous Evolution … plus EFT Emotional Freedom Technique, progresses the understanding we need.
That we are not necessarily a victim of our genetics … we determine ourselves how we shape our life, our mental attitude, nutrition, lifestyle and exercise etc
Why? Because up to 90% of diseases are caused by emotional stress and our thought process, programing and habitual processes.
Listen for some startling statistics re what we suffer from that can be easily cured if we made conscious choices.
The difference between going for a quick 10 minute consultation with a doctor to be prescribed drugs compared with a 1 hour consultation with a holistic healer who will want to know what you take into your body, among many other things.
Learn about an American Indian healing technique that was also used in China
Note: That we need to earth ourselves by being bare foot this summer.
David, Gerard (and myself) will be at Prana in the Coromandel over New Year at
***This interview is a repeat from December 2008***
Steffan has been at the forefront of the New Zealand organics movement for more than twenty years.
His successful Bio-Gro horticulture business won both the Horticulture and Supreme awards in the Marlborough Rural Environmental awards in 2003.
His aim is to have genuinely sustainable organics in New Zealands food, fibre, forestry and fishing industries - which he states, "also makes good business sense."
He has also recently become a Member of Parliament for the Green Party of Aotearoa NZ.
Listen to a very revealing appraisal of the challenges that organics face, on the frontlines of GE untruths, agribusiness and the unknowingness of government of holistic systems and the wider ramifications of deeper ecology.
How do we use our voice as an instrument to self transformation?
What do sound vibrations do for the human body, our DNA and memory?
Elandra, early in life found herself in the movie industry in England and Antion who was originally born Victor Harvey Briggs used to be in the backing group for Dusty Springfield and later played with the rock group The Animals.
However change happens and they both met through yoga, spirituality and Ram Dass, that took them from the hectic outside world to a more balanced inner realm.
The ongoing evolution from music to using sound as a method of vibrational healing, from Indian to Sikh and the many ways of chanting, specifically ancient Hawaiian sounds that have been passed from an ancient lineage - to alter our frequency and shift us to a higher octave of being.
Hawaiian cultural methods, such as lomi lomi, and spiritual healing modalities lead especially to sacred sound, chant and chanting focussing on the throat, the blue chakra to vibrate sound.
That the breath ... the 'ha' in the Polynesian vernacular of both Aroha and Aloha is the invisible life force that brings prana into being. Chanting vibrates our temple garment and this allows and opens to a deeper knowing of self, of healing and a greater connection to being.
That conscious thought and conscious action are now the imperative at this moment in time.
Albert Einstein stated: "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant."
We have forgotten the gift and honoured the servant.
'Time to turn it all around.'
Elandra & Antion Meredith
After studying the global environment for 30 years and recognizing the profound workings of a living super system he expected a societal gestalt-shift, in awareness of what we are doing ... which has not yet come.
If we want a Green City, keep trees in Auckland and have green corridors for birds, - and bird song, to collecting pipies, fishing for ones dinner - to expanding community gardens, the pleasure of working in them with family. Harvesting, sharing of seed, bonding of relationships and encouraging farmers markets.
That in America on his most recent trip, many cities were driving change from the bottom up - especially Palo Alto in Silicon Valley, California from the grass roots up, where people are driving the debate and Council is facilitating the conversation. Where there's a lot of bicycle riding and many electric vehicles in this region.
However when it comes to climate change, mitigation is important but the conversation has moved on and it is now, resilience and how we survive and Paul's concern about America and whats coming, because of its unpreparedness.
Visioning the future with the Swedish, Natural Step System - casting out 100 years into the future, what do we want? Corporate food? Living in artificial environments? Acidic oceans? Or innovative change?
Transition towns again comes into focus, as a people driven grass roots organization, as change is not going to come from our government or council - it's going to come from the people. You, your family and community.
You are encouraged to go to the Auckland city web site and participate in local plans, that you who are reading this can participate in localized planning and shaping your future - insulating your home and adding solar across Auckland with a hot water scheme on your roof.
To indigenous peoples cosmologies, in particular the American Indians are aligning with today's high energy sub atomic physics.
Indigenous peoples inherent relationship to the earth and biota is actually real, that is leading us back to a spiritual relationship with that which is greater. To our living planet Gaia, a self regulating organism that has a soul - anima mundi. Plus Paul's dowsing for leylines in Britain which connecting over our planet are just like acupuncture meridians the Chinese call, dragon lines.
A wide ranging thought provoking interview.
Alister Barry started filming on a yacht the anti French nuclear tests in neighbouring Polynesian waters, then focused on New Zealand's internal workings and the altruistic psyche as to why did early New Zealand decide to put in so much welfare legislation that people take totally for granted today.
What drove the early citizens to think deeply what it wanted for the future of our society?
Especially to create institutions to take care of us, like in sickness and welfare for the unfortunate. As well as the idea of an egalitarian society. What's that? ... I hear people say?
Once upon a time both the National and Labour Governments allowed people the right to FREE access to education and university to extend themselves to the fullest capabilities of our intellectual capacity.
Then things changed ...
New Zealand was deliberately targeted in the very late 60's and into the 70's to transform society away from taking care of ourselves as a more inclusive society but, to instead, accumulate wealth and thus be seen to be successful at the expense of everyone else.
And being a loser ... was being a loser ... and helping your neighbors or stopping to assist someone if their car was broken down, that's what losers do - winners TAKE ALL.
That was the subtle program adopted by Treasury (the Home of the TPPA planners) and later taken up by the Ministry for Economic Development that was in turn heavily influenced by the Business Roundtable ... connecting the dots ... to the selling off of New Zealand.
This is dynamite listening, as to how NZ lobotomized its public institutions and Neo-Liberalism subverting the economic welfare of a Nation.
And the cunning way to make SOE's (State Owned Enterprises) act like corporations that now 'have no social conscience' as they have to be 'profit driven', and here is the rub ... if they are just like any other corporation ... then just 'Sell them Off! ... Because they do not really serve us anymore e.g TVNZ, what social/societal considerations do they have towards bettering community?
Let's change things back to more how they once were, but with safeguards is the new message.
You will also hear that we have overseas agencies, adept at mind manipulation advising the NZ Government on what to do to enable the NZ public to be lead by the nose to acquiesce to anything that the National Government deems fit to toss off the table.
Listen to how senior members within the NZ government apparatus have become extensions of US policy and the State Department ... What are the ramifications of this?
And what about MMP? We must keep it! For though it has some weak points, we are being conned to give it away, when in actual fact we only need to tweak it. However, Alister will explain.
An illuminating interview that cleaves through the countries collective psyche and the way we are giving ourselves and our Nation away ... 'all before lunchtime!'
Today we have reduced it down to a slogan - 99% versus 1%.
Alister Barry
Someone Else's Country
The story of the New Right revolution in New Zealand
In a Land of Plenty
The story of unemployment in New Zealand
A Civilized Society
The war between teachers and the New Right over public education in New Zealand
The Hollow Men
The inside story of a National Party election campaign
Complimentary currencies, alternative money systems, green dollars and time banks and involvement with Transisition towns here in NZ.
New Zealander Deirdre Kent confronts us with an unpalatable truth. The world's money system is designed so that the money supply and hence the size of the global economy must keep on increasing exponentially or it will collapse.
Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Italy, Spain, France the list goes on ...
As the global economy becomes more unbalanced, the need for NZ to become very knowing on how to set up your own localised monetary system so as to keep some semblance of order and cohessivness.
Deirdre Kent is also the author of the book:
Healthy Money, Healthy Planet
Developing Sustainability through New Money Systems
This means putting your money and energy into supportive systems too.
Note no Credit Unions went under during the 2008 global economic crisis.
IMAGINE, enabling yourself to earn more money to supplement your income.
Everyone loves time banks and it does not matter what your political views are ... you get paid for your time and you become enriched.
If you are a volunteer who does work, like clean up rivers, mind children, plant trees, pick up rubbish, bottles etc. your time is acknowledged. If you belong to a time bank and so does the organisation that you voluntarily work for ... you get paid for your time!
Directory of NZ Time Banks: :time-banks
Green Dollar Systems Operate in Wairarapa, Wanganui and Golden Bay
Support local NZ owned and controlled money institutions like TSB Taranaki Savings Bank, Southland Savings Bank, Prometheus and the PSIS, which used to be called the Public Service Investment Society, these are people power banks, you can attend their annual general meetings and if a member, play a part in how they are run.
Kiwi Bank is good too, however it is controlled by the NZ Government, and depositors have no say as to how this bank is run.
The Finance Minister of the 4th Labour Government in 1984 changed the Reserve Bank Act giving too much leeway for bankers and now NZ needs to rein in certain aspects to mandate the separation of insurance companies, investment banks and commercial banks as they are become far too entwined. Also there is a need to monitor the corporate sector far more closely.
However the Reserve Bank Act could be also changed so that local councils and particularly Christchurch Council print their own localised currency and not use up our hard earned national currency - it's possible and it has to be instigated from the grass roots up, as the overseas bankers would tell the NZ Government to stop it! (because they would be missing out.)
We as a western civilisation are at the top of the bell curve, and it is vital that every human understands what this means, it's like we are at the top of the mountain in our global expansion and exploitation, ecological abuse, monetary debt societal dysfunction ... as there is nowhere to go, it's all downhill from then on ....
Unless we reorganise and shift our consciousness to another level of being. NZ is small and agile enough to make the change!
Check out and bookmark: Living Economies:
Credit Unions NZ:
The Irish originated book, Fleeing Vesuvius is sold by Living Economies, explaining what could happen as demand for oil finally outstrips the supply and how an economy can no longer grow after peak oil.
Rob Hopkins, founder of the Transition Network, states that we need to move now from peak oil and climate change to the strengthening the local economy.
Listen to a very interesting and thoughtful interview that explains the current situation and then commences to show us that NZers at a grass roots level can create localised systems of governance of money as we transition to the ecology of commerce.
John Hinchcliff has been in the peace movement most of his life, and made a large contribution to making NZ nuclear free and up until recently has been the Vice Chancellor of AUT - Auckland University of Technology.
Andy Hendrie is director of a health centre as well as executive director of a charitable trust which campaigns to improve outcomes for our healthcare and has been Occupying Auckland at Aotea Square since its beginning.
Listen to an interview that cleaves and slices right through the lies, the deceit, the media hype and censorship of what's happening in corporate America, especially in banking through to boardrooms and up to governmental level. To then translate this into the combined denial of what the two major political parties are avoiding here in NZ during this years election campaign.
And on the ground in Aotea Square, how the occupiers are endeavouring to clarify their grievances and bring forth a list of priorities that need to be addressed to shift everyone's focus to the next level.
As New Zealanders we need to restore values in our daily life and particularly the market place and work practices .... going beyond the flash material plane of houses, cars and bank balances to establish connection of being, playing and working together, loving nature, celebrating life.
With a large number of groups with concerns and grievances camped out at Aotea Square Auckland, what are the threads that can unify a common purpose and inspire aroha? Aroha that has been striving to ignite itself and find its place in both the moment and daily events from a localised situation across the nation of Aotearoa itself.
Can we prioritise values and look at these attributes within aroha, with respect for people and caring for them and caring for the environment and ecology, to caring for the future as well as the present and the past?
This is our individual and collective challenge.
Rogan, who has just resigned his job to be at Aotea Square full-time, having been part of the Occupy Auckland organizing team from the start and Simon, an activist at heart has also just taken extended leave from his job at a union to help out.
Two very articulate occupiers share what is playing out within the Occupy Auckland encampment and what their aspirations are.
Another big question: When their time is up at Aotea Square, are they going to decamp in agreement and peacefully or are the authorities going to have to push the issue?
New Zealanders are very complacent and have had it exceptionally easy in the global scheme of things, with good Government safety nets, welfare, no food shortages, no war etc.
Yet, with $300 million weekly in overseas loans keeping us docile, we are now passing the 18 billion dollar threshold in just over 2 and a half years of loans and from unknown entities overseas, so the NZ Government is certainly leaving the younger generation a huge amount of debt … how should New Zealanders react to this?
Especially as debt is one of the greatest issues.
There are many things thing effecting the hearts and minds of everyone these days.
Hine Ransfield from Occupy Auckland, social networker and Lisa Er, an ASB Auckland business woman of the year and Founder of the Awareness Party, have a conversation on Occupy Wall St to Occupy Auckland.
Is it a revolt, an uprising, an insurrection, a rebellion, or a revolution?
YES! all of these, by the 99% who see global control firmly in the hands of the 1%. Yet we trust the outcome will be conscious, peaceful and by a dynamic successful process.
Touch typing is mightier than the truncheon! And it can be.
Americans presently occupying Wall St and countrywide financial centers need our principled support. As New Zealand is the first major country to see tomorrow first, can we be a moral template for a peaceful resolve towards cleansing a global economic system based on debt, exclusiveness and adversity.
Here in NZ, many say that mainstream media is in the camp of the status quo, as it's a media that keeps us content, distracted, compliant and titillated. But in reality it is also a media of censorship by omission. For though Wall St has been occupied for a month, you will notice mainstream NZ media by not covering this, are either very conservative or compliant.
Yet, NZ can be the seedbed for a new consciousness. We are a stable country, with no war or starving, fairly well educated and connected by the web.
We also come from a deep knowingness of welfare and social safety nets, as well as once being a country based on numerous nationwide co-operatives, especially in the rural sector, trust banks, mutual insurance societies, building societies and liquor trusts. This being prior to private capital, in the mid 1980s early 90's mostly from offshore, cleverly circumventing these altruistic models, and today very little cash flows out to the community, but instead disappears overseas as profits.
Occupy Wall St is a great awakening of the West that if we are to thrive as a cohesive cooperative and awakened humanity, we have to do away with the banking system that has taken us to the abyss of uncertainty.
What is our next strategic move that will shift the balance back into the hands of the 99% that can for the first time evolve a planet of peace and security? A system that is holistic, inclusive, follows the precautionary principle and has a duty of care?
We are paying governments to find solutions, but they are not coming up with any, hence this disciplined global protest, because the Governments are at the behest of the money that continuously flows on upwards to banking interests. So much so, that we will never be told who we in NZ get our overseas loans from and what the conditions are?
Listen to two aware and active women share with me there concerns and aspirations about the Occupation that is presently continuing at Aotea Square here in Auckland today.
"Occupy Auckland" Facebook Page:
"Occupy Auckland" Website:
"Occupy Queen Street" Website:
I have witnessed some very profound things live on this website direct from New York;
Nobody in NZ is as eloquent and as clear in explaining ecological concerns as Jeanette Fitzsimons. I challenge any person in this country to explain off the cuff what is happening environmentally here in NZ … anyone! And to do it in such a way that you can feel her humanity in the timbre of her voice.
New Zealand's natural environment and resources are under assault from all quarters!
Jeanette gives an overview of what is happening, as more coal mines are planned with the long term view of every car to be diesel driven - from the extraction of coal.
Covering the increasing new methods of coal extraction to hydraulic fracturing or 'fracking' in Taranaki, we realize we are dealing with in Jeanettes words, a 'hydra' that continues to come up somewhere else.
Instead of phasing out coal mining the National lead Govt here is driving the hectic onslaught to extract more coal, see Denniston in the South Island, when we need to extricate ourselves out of the dinosaur age.
The conversation and planning needs us to invest in smart technologies and innovation (even retrofitting new 21st century synergistic turbines at the bottom of all the nearly 50 dams we have up and down our country) and keep the subject of 'energy' at the forefront of public awareness.
As for the ETS, the Emissions Trading Scheme, that it is basically a scam and that it has to be thought through. Who are the ones who benefit from all this money going offshore?
What about giant public forestry plantations that are superannuation funds for New Zealanders? There is one here at Kaingaroa, it's owned by Harvard University's endowment fund. So what about the NZ public, why are 'we' out of the loop?
So many issues … To not to be seen as too radical, Jeanette goes on to offer a strategic plan that allows us to continue mining the coal mines we have already open BUT over 20 years phase them out as they end their productive life, at the same time people in the industry keep their jobs but you don't employ any more new workers as you retire them off through natural attrition. Strategic thinking at its best as it puts the dinosaur fossil fuel industry to bed in an appropriate manner.
This is a superb clarification of the state of all the fossil fuel challenges in NZ that needs to be anchored and debated in the public consciousness.
Bryan Innes and his partner Joanna Pearsall were the initiators of NZ's first EcoShow, and to this day continue their interests in the ecological and sustainability realm.
Now based in Turangi at the base of lake Taupo, they work the land at 'Awhi' Farm - the Maori word for embrace, which they are turning into a living example of sustainability and earth systems.
From working with soil, compost and mulch to tasting the sweetness of eating their own home grown organic food, they are truly living in harmony with the land.
Bryan is also experimenting with building homes with local earth materials that are cheap and affordable. Building one's own earth house is far cheaper than the mainstream models; these houses are insulated and warm, plus wooden cordwood housing actually breathes, and is ideal for asthmatics and those with certain allergies.
Bryan is also importing sustainable tools, such as scythes that are as easy and efficient as a petrol or electric weed eater, and better for you ergonomically, plus other tools made of bronze, with quality as good as steel, as bronze does not rust.
Also, following the Precautionary Principle, he is readying their lifestyle for energy decline as the global economic collapse continues to unravel.
Bryan is currently engaging Bernard Lietaer, the Belgian who was the architect of the Euro, who has shifted his allegiance to localized currencies, recognizing that the small micro-monetary systems have far more merit if we are to find a way forward. One example of this is the JAK interest free bank in Sweden.
Bryan is a gentle steadfast soul who is deeply confident about facing the future with our untapped potential for innovation and harmonious community.
David Ford is a New Zealander who has spent much of his life overseas has decided to stand for Parliament as an independent as he feels that there is still no party who has a manifestos that fulfills his needs.
So why would a male in his late fifties want to drop everything and spend time canvassing his electorate with a message on conservation based community issues, simplicity, local, personal, organic and living healthy holistic lifestyle at optimal performance.
He believes the “blind spot” in our current Government & industry leadership thinking lies in a irrational adherence to the Northern Hemispheres “gospel of BIG”, & that this now dysfunctional hallucination has lead us into the current global economic/ecological crisis. A Crisis we will NOT emerge from by playing out the same old tired formulas & prescriptions.
It is time we all let go of this “collective hallucination” & boldly embrace a new paradigm which insures & secures an intact future for all.
Covering education, health, environment and justice, this is now a time for the conversation to extend beyond party politics to our kitchen tables and living rooms.
Expanding our health and wellbeing into the local community and eventually the biosphere as a whole. When we look at the microcosm us, in relation to the macrocosm of our planet, the only difference in many ways is a matter of scale. We can not afford to abuse our ecology, be it internal or external.
And that it is intergenerational injustice to future generations if we are not conserving all resources. What are we leaving our children and grand children?
What are the drivers that compel this man?
Neonicotinoids are often used as seed-dressing for maize, sunflower, canola and now many other seeds. However, as well as spreading throughout the entire plant and into the nectar and pollen, they also have a high leaching potential and seep into soils and groundwater.
Even low concentrations of the pesticide may be more deadly then previously thought due to their high persistence in soil and water.
Any insect that feeds on the crop dies. Any bee or butterfly that collects pollen or nectar from the crop is poisoned. Neonicotinoids behave like carcinogens, and easily contaminate ground and surface water.
There could be dire long-term consequences of environmental pollution with these insecticides, and these fears are now being confirmed by extensive research.
Even minute traces of these pesticides could be fatal to insects, as continued use affects food availability for birds, a lack of weeds resulting in a loss of insects, as well as seeds. This decline is also linked to a lack of larger insects upon which chicks depend for their survival, which in turn affects breeding.
‘An ecological collapse is already taking place before our eyes,’ says *Dutch toxicologist Dr Henk Tennekes told the British Ecologist publication. ‘Numerous bird species do not find enough food for their chicks as insects are being exterminated by pesticides. Insects are vital in ecosystems. In fact, we need them for human survival.’
‘In the UK alone, beekeepers [have in the recent past] reported a loss of one in three bee colonies,’ said a spokesperson. ‘This has serious consequences for worldwide food security, because bees are our most important pollinators and play a vital role in the food chain – it is estimated that one-third of human food supplies depend on bee pollination.
Bees are therefore like the "canary in the coal mine" – their deaths are a warning to us all that the health of the planet is under threat.
Karen Wealleans of and Pat Baskett: patbaskett(at)
In New Zealand, the Green Party via Sue Kedgely on Thursday, 08 Sep 2011 have taken an urgent submission to Parliament. To SAVE THE BEES.
It's a Report to the Local Government and Environment Select Committee.
Save the Bees Petition
1. An urgent reassessment by the ERMA [now EPA] of Neonicotinoid insecticides, and the use of other pesticides that are highly toxic to bees.
Read more about this excellent work that Sue Kedgely is doing.
More resources;
When you have youth, are passionate, vital, believe in duty of care, how do your express it?
What generation is taking the lead in innovation in NZ? Who is articulating the conversation into a ecological framework?
Will our education and learning establishments create a new tomorrow, that is holistic in intent and puts us as a small country at the forefront of positive change?
Listen to a young, dedicated and enthusiastic voice raise the bar in languaging what it is to having New Zealand be a creative force as the emerging microcosm for the planetary macrocosm and use media technology to drive the message of connectivity inclusive of solutions.
As a grouping of 50 trillion cells we find that they all work in unison for the benefit of our body, especially when we live a healthy lifestyle. The heart as an organ freely distributes blood to all the other cells and organs of the body, just like the lungs supply oxy haemoglobin to the heart freely.
The need to perceive community and countries as cells in the global body that in the coming new perspective of mutual survival will have us all work towards everyone consciously benefitting the whole.
The Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment is a watch dog on the NZ Environment, outside of Government (like an Ombudsmen but with a small O), making sure that Government are following environmental protocols that are going to benefit the long term goals of the country.
In this interview Morgan clarifies what is green, sustainable and prosperous and that the Parliamentary political term is too short, as nothing really gets done. That there is only one educational institution in NZ that has integrated sustainability through everyone of its courses. Why?
The increasing costs of food, water and energy that will cause social unrest, and can we meet the social demand without having huge unrest.
And the many challenges that need to be addressed at a causal level, with an extra 2 billion population in the next 30 years.
Discusses the immediate and long view of NZ within the context of a deteriorating globalized economic, environmental and societal scenario.
John Robinson, who gained his Doctorate at MIT in the USA is highly skilled in global contexts, having worked for the DSIR, OECD, UNESCO, UNEP and UNU. Plus other wide-ranging interdisciplinary work.
His focus is to open up the inquiry to NZ's future, at a national level to debates and to argue pros and cons at conventions, and events to enable the discussion to connect both town and country and for engaged NZers to discuss and shape our common future in these increasingly precarious times.
When the people lead the politicians follow, and this is how it should be, especially when the populace have accessed the knowledge, are informed and are clear about consequences. Do we want to rise to this level of personal responsibility?
Topics Covered:
His research shows that we are a controlled society and are brainwashed, like no other peoples before us. Advertising and media control all the programs, so how do we break out? How do we the people reorganize the media?
John unambiguously states that capitalism and unbridled growth has had its day especially on our finite planet. As it is trashing the earth's ecosystems, habitats, oceans and forested areas. There is a limit to growth and we can only expand so far.
Science also has to be freed up totally, as there is a great deal of information that has been covered up and closed down and the need for open and free discussion, including policy analysts within Govt to express their views and concerns, including having jobs for all.
There is a need for the bringing down of our population and the debate of having fewer children, stop the overuse of the car and stop the roads of national significance. Advocating controlling our currency and restructuring or closing down the stock market . This includes tax changes.
Defaulting on our overseas debt, could be a possibility. What could be the outcome?
We need to get serious and organize our country and think about having a very highly refined wide-ranging interdisciplinary research system that is linked country wide, that dispenses information, ideas, and possibilities.
johnrob [at]
NZ can definitely model an organic society and be the planet's ark for heirloom seed, free of genetic manipulation and compared with all countries, we stand apart as having the communication system to bring about an urgent shift in awareness.
This being especially now, as food, energy and societal / cultural challenges face us down, when we can take a more simplified strategy to become intimately closer and connected to the land.
This is where the value set of this renewing paradigm is based on simplicity, reciprocity and organics - offering one means to that pathway with a very physical hands on approach, around community, the seeking of truth and the many virtues around being human, such as beauty, forgiveness and co-operation.
This change needs to be an individual and collective decision making process and not from a top down mechanism, for example, what type of society sprays chemical poisons on its food and then eats it?
There is a need, for us as modelers for a revitalised tomorrow to be far more conscious than this!
What is cultural intelligence? What is relationship? How do we align to the web of life? Brendan lucidly covers these topics and asks the question, can NZ provide leadership and not 'followship' in the months and years to come?
Under this initiative 39 Community gardens and an increasing number of schools are putting in gardens across the Auckland isthmus.
Are you a community based organisation, group, Marae, Church, or school wanting to set up an edible garden? You may be eligible for help.
The aim of this program is to make growing your own fruit and veggies the normal thing to do.
We are starting with community gardens in places like the Marae, schools, churches, public open spaces etc., so people can re-learn how to grow fresh veggies - and enjoy eating cheap organic veggies.
From that we hope they will go home and plant a few in their own back-yard. This is where it really has to start, out of our own back yards.
People working and sharing alongside each other, find kinship and camaraderie and deepen ones understanding of what it is like to be human and embedded in nature.
Community is a solution to global economic problems.
When we find ourselves outside our house or the building we work in - away from overhead lights, phones, computers and air conditioning and spending time in the garden, or grounds surrounded by trees and shrubs, we enter another realm. This realm is one that we basically disconnected from when the industrial revolution drew us into cities of brick, concrete and steel.
Now a grass roots revolution is again happening in the garden.
Richard Main Project Manager
Community Gardens across Auckland's Isthmus.