Whilst the US, has been distracted and immersed in ‘Neocon’ wars, especially in the Middle East and elsewhere it basically has no money to upgrade its own countries infrastructure.
From Communism to Consumerism
Since Paramount Leader Deng opened up China to far-reaching market-economy reforms in 1978, China has increasingly impacted the whole world. With 1.3 billion people, in comparison to the USA’s 320 million - we are now seeing the might of ‘the China effect’. This has far reaching implications for our planetary ecology and geo-politics. Will China’s appetite for growth and ‘soft power’ - also take us beyond the environmental global tipping point?
Tim gives us a brief summary of his recent visit as to what is happening across the ever changing face of China and what portends to the future of quite possibly the human endeavor - in a world that is in need of wisdom, consciousness and leadership.