Wade Doak is NZ’s equivalent to Jacques Cousteau having spent over 50 years as a aquanaut around New Zealand's coastline, interacting underwater with all species, researching the local ocean ecosystems, especially where the land meets the sea and the diverse interactions take place in these environments.
Author of a large number of books, films and documentaries, Wade is better known overseas than he is here in NZ.
Wade is also a world authority on dolphins having studied and swum with them in the wild and he has traveled extensively overseas sharing his knowledge on these most intelligent of creatures.
Yet, his knowingness on so many levels as to how the ocean systems work and the biota that inhabit them and the urgent need to lock away more areas as reserves and sanctuaries is now an important issue that Wade speaks passionately for.
As we gain a greater knowing that our planet is a gigantic living super system that connects all biota into a complex web of life, what are we going to leave future generations is foremost on his mind, as it is becoming for more and more people on this planet today. Listen to an engrossing story of contact with inhabitants of the undersea world.