
GreenplanetFM Podcast

Dedicated to interviewing leading edge experts, practitioners in their field, and people who are living examples of sustainability. Covers environmental subject matter that is not readily discussed in depth in mainstream media.
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Now displaying: 2012
Jun 21, 2012

An insightful, free range discussion pushing the boundaries of matter and reality and the experience of oneness in our relationship to nature.

Covering aspects of contemporary culture and belief systems as to how Holism found its place in todays world, and how Einstein personally viewed it as the companion to relativity for the world view for the whole of the 21st century.

Also, How can we experience transcendence in relationship to the collective consciousness and where to from here?

This thought provoking discussion tells that at one stage how 'holism' was introduced at the highest political level, but due to unknowingness, and the lack of scientists capable of supporting the magnitude of its implications, it lacked the political will due to the
political/educational system not being conscious enough to grok the possibilities.

So how do we educate ourselves, to 'wake up'  and really see and realise all the relationships in the web of life, the connectivity across the vast interwoven ecosystems throughout the majesty of the biosphere we inhabit.

How do we position our process so that we scale down our unconscious resource plundering and instead sustainably find innovative ways to relocalize and consciously care with community to harmonize our relationship with the natural world?

Jun 14, 2012

The chemicalisation of our society and the chemicalisation of New Zealand, our food, our bodies …

Meriel Watts from Waiheke Island, trained in agricultural science before becoming a natural health practitioner and treating people poisoned by roadside sprays. She also co-ordinates the New Zealand branch of Pesticide Action Network, providing technical information to international organisations such as the United Nations.

Listen to one of only two full time, totally dedicated 'volunteer' activists against the chemical spraying of the thousands of kilometers of Auckland's suburban streets and footpaths with dangerous herbicides.

This is another battle for the health of Auckland's families as well as the ecology of the beaches, harbours and marine life, where the chemicals run off after rain.

Present focus:
Stopping the reintroduction of chemical weed management on roadsides and streets throughout the greater Auckland Council area, when for the last 14 years Auckland and the North Shore had a very successful non-chemical management system, and now the focus is getting Auckland Council region back onto non-chemical roadside weed management.
To get chlorpyrifos an insecticide banned in NZ where it is still used in agriculture, horticulture, on livestock and on roses, because prenatal exposures to even low levels interferes with brain development leaving children with neurological and behavioural issues that last a lifetime – like reduced IQ, ADHD, Autism.
Meriel also clearly identifies that right wing corporate governments, still stack the deck in that the rich get richer and the poor slide downhill and that there is no languaging of organic and health (or holistic) practices for the populace on their agenda.

Where once the Greens and Labour had a food chart for buying and consuming healthy food, and that school tuck shops were once cleared of many items considered either junk food or sugar drinks, under the easily stated languaging of 'having freedom to choose' (our own poison) unhealthy food (rubbish) is now back on the National menu.

Note: If we received 'conscious' direction and support from 'conscious' Government and the Department of Health, we would not have huge queues of obese and diabetic youth to middle aged people lining up for hospital beds. Because the way we are tracking very soon unhealthy ill, New Zealanders will implode the National health system, due to the huge costs of taking care of 'unconscious' and ill patients sucking the health system dry.

Like what sort of civilization goes out and sprays poisonous chemicals over their food and then harvests it to eat. These are policies condoned by present 'unconscious' NZ agricultural and health policy advocates and those in power.

Or in the USA, a chemical corporation that has produced a herbicide that causes cancer, as well as a breast cancer fighting drug and they also happen to own the USA's largest for profit cancer clinic in the country. They profit from making and selling a carcinogen, then profit from the drug to treat it and finally it a coup de grâce, profit from the clinic where the people pay to get treated.

How 'unconscious' do we want to become?

Dr Meriel Watts -  Contact -  merielwatts [at]

The Chemicalisation of Society, and halting chemical weed spraying in Auckland Council areas.

Jun 7, 2012

Celebrate 25 years of NZ being Nuclear Free ... Hooray!... At Auckland's Aotea Square 12:00-3:00pm Saturday the 9th June. Town Hall Concert Chamber if wet.

Listen to an enthusiastic and inspired interview of one of NZ's tireless advocates of Peace in the World and Inner Peace, Within.

Hear how Auckland has passed a resolution as a 'City of Peace.'

That back in the early to mid 1980's, Citizen groups established 105 Nuclear Free Zones across NZ that comprised 73% of the country and gave a mandate for David Lange, the Labour PM to pass legislation through Parliament for NZ to become a Nuclear Free Nation.

That in 1992 at the World Court in the Hague in the Netherlands, NZ championed the Declaration 'that nuclear weapons are illegal,' this was another major break-through for this country.

Then on the 31st May 2012, the 'whole NZ Parliament' passed a resolution revalidating NZ as a 'Nuclear Free Zone' and committed us to supporting Norway's proposal to hold a conference in 2013, for the 'Abolition of all Nuclear Weapons'.

This all with the support of 5,000 Mayors globally, who have joined voices to have their cities proclaimed 'Cities of Peace' and for the abolition of nuclear weapons also.
The interview covers the celebration this weekend on the 8th and 9th in Auckland City, especially the Saturday afternoon concert of music, acts and speeches.

Celebrating those who work behind the scenes at policy level, to shape the way forward and that peace be your heart and peace be within you and your family, as well as in schools, in your community, with volunteer groups, as well as acknowledging Auckland's Peace Foundation and it's tireless work over all these years.

Laurie also takes a serious look at how we work towards peace and of higher values and virtues as we consciously evolve to a greater unity of purpose, that of a peaceful country embedded in a peaceful biosphere.

This brings us to how does Auckland become one of the most livable cities on earth and what is the criteria?

Behind all this is to have NZ become an independent neutral country, and have the skill to self organize the community just like we did to set up the 105 nuclear free zones, (but in todays context, for example, have GE or GMO free zones, like they are endeavoring to do in Northland).

The imperative being for conscious New Zealanders to become really savvy from the grass roots up - get together in groups and then lobby their local council to put benevolent change through. Then Councils can lobby the Central Government.

And yes, the continuing challenge of Fukushima in Japan and the radiation spewing out of reactor No 4 needs to be urgently addressed in the Nuclear Free debate.

* You are encouraged do something different this Saturday, something out of the ordinary, and gravitate to where you can become inspired by surrounding yourself in a field of goodwill, joy and purpose.

Celebrate 25 years of New Zealand being Nuclear Free, at Auckland's Aotea Square 12:00-3:00pm Saturday the 9th June.

May 31, 2012

Science is rapidly moving to recognize that our human body is far more than a highly organized cardiovascular machine, that it is a conglomeration of 50 trillion or so cells, all coalescing into a dynamic whole. Yet, at a deeper level a 70 kilogram human would have approximately 7*1027 atoms.

That is, 7 followed by 27 zeros: 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.

What this translates to, that every one of these atoms are part of a highly organized matrix, an ‘energy field’ if you will, all oscillating at the same frequency as that of the Earth our sustainer, which is also oscillating at a particular frequency.

New branches of the science of ‘energy medicine’ are becoming more predominate, under the names of — fractals, biophysics, neuro-quantology and researchers are exploring the role of connective tissue — our cytoskeleton, a fractal web of protein and water with crystalline properties that extends into every cell of our body.

Everything is connected by electrical properties and evidence is emerging that the Chinese meridians are another step to interfacing with the “quantum” field.

With science closing in on the chakras that go up our spine to the top of our skull, we are also breaking through into the areas of the ‘subtle bodies’ that are layered throughout our body.

This is taking us closer to the understanding that our physical body, the vehicle we inhabit is an exceptionally complex, profoundly dynamic, supremely magnificent temple, we can call "home".

We could even say, we are a "holographic being".

Listen to an easygoing conversation of how to perceive ourselves as this holographic being - opening to intuition, creativity and love as we heal ourselves into a higher level of understanding and an extended expression of consciousness and spirituality.   and his new book - The Human Hologram

May 24, 2012

Our Common Future?

After 30 years of having an independent foreign policy NZ has now been maneuvered back into ANZUS, under the US umbrella in what is said to be the 'Subversion Of NZ’s Independence.'

In the last 10 years there has been a concerted effort within both the NZ Military and Treasury to get NZ back under the wing of the American eagle.

This is now virtually complete.

But why Treasury? What are the ramifications?

Waihopai in Blenheim, SAS in Afghanistan are our key chess pieces, however US troops in NZ, NZ engineers in the US and Navy exercises (Rimpac) are all part of the greater plan.

Nick Hager in his book 'Other Peoples Wars' clearly shows that there is another agenda running, that which entangles us in a dark and brutal side of secret missions and 'black ops' that defines the challenges that confront NZers who have no idea what is happening behind the scenes.

Where once NZ had a strong nationwide network of peace groups, these have faded away many having been lead by older matriarchs, dedicated to their children's future. The same for journalism, we once had insightful articles that were actually published and occasional documentaries on TV also. Now, we have virtually nothing!

Warren Thomson's call for NZ to let's have no enemies, let's have friends instead and that we send out emissaries of goodwill, assisting in education, health, housing, justice and conflict resolution as being a sane one to involve ourselves.

Where NZ has been a moral force in the world that was seen as a fair an honest broker, there has now been a shift in the balance to one where we are clearly perceived as not the independent country we once were.

If you love your children, what kind of future do you want to leave them?


May 17, 2012

Imagine a cooperative peoples business, that everyone can join and that they can share in the profits and grow into a sustainable, high energy, synergistic organisation that every one can feel a connection too - a hub if you will, a communication nexus that allows you instantaneous association if you so desire it within this dynamic organism.

Is this possible?

That of a holistic business model, that empowers us to belong can causes a Ripple effect by Empowering people to create Abundance which is Life changing.

That through the Sharing of knowledge, energy and experience, on the basis of Trust, and dare I say it, Truth and Transparency, you can create and call on Wisdom and common Wealth from both a local to a global situation.

Can such an organisation be the emerging microcosm for the planetary macrocosm?

A template that can be continuously built on and replicated to be the evolutionary driver to better community both locally and globally?

One that has both metaphysical and spiritual qualities that draws out of us the virtues of goodwill and family and community values?

And it is springing up out of NZ as a Southern Hemispherical concept, that already has over one a quarter million members.

So if we are cultural creatives coming together for a better world of food, finance, housing, and community, plus, jobs, justice, transport and connection .... in an ecological environment of peace, I would like you to stay with me as I introduce Paddy Delaney who would dearly like to share with you the concept of you as listeners joining and becoming part of a cooperative community in process and being a part to a totally new paradigm, one that is a new archetype and an extended way of both being, and doing in a life transforming social and business context.


As the interviewer of Paddy Delaney of Real Stew I wish to state that I have no pecuniary interest what so ever in this organization and have no intention of being involved with it. I did the interview on the basis that there is an urgent need to have businesses that people can join and together build into a supportive, thriving, environmentally benign, commercial community.

I sincerely encourage you to take due diligence, to act responsibly and do your research in any endeavor that may come as a result of my interview relating to the possibilities of Real Stew.      


May 10, 2012

John Seed is an Australian environmentalist and director of the Rainforest Information Centre which successfully campaigned to save the sub-tropical brainforests of New South Wales, other forests in Tasmania and across Australia and beyond.

He is also a prominent figure in the deep ecology movement including eco psychology and is co-creator of the Council of All Beings, and other re-earthing processes.

An activist to his last breath, John encourages us to keep hurling ourselves at this question of how do we usher in a new change of consciousness and to awaken to who we are … whilst furthering our connection within the web of life and the planet as a whole, that of deep ecology - Gaia.

Listen how he uses Facebook to fundraise globally, calling on the spirit of voluntarism as one of the few hopes the world has.

Encouraging the locavore diet, eating food from your local area, as against importing it from the other side of our planet. Including, connecting weekly into a local food cooperative called 'Food Connect' to purchase a box of fresh organic veggies.

(The NZ equivalent is Ooooby)

Transition Bondi where John again connects into is an extension of Transitions Towns where they have as an example, their own bees and an aquaponic system.

Our equivalent here in NZ is

Listen to a man who remains a leading activist around the globe, tell stories that empower and encourage us to instigate positive change to restore the earth and bring community closer together. Be it India, Africa, and Ecuador.

In 1995 he was awarded the Order of Australia Medal by the Australian vGovernment for services to conservation and the environment.

For more information about deep ecology experiential workshops, please see;

'Everything is connected to everything else'

May 3, 2012

A two stage interview, where Bruce passionately states the challenges to our collective future and then enthuses us to individually - spontaneously evolve a new way of being and thinking.

He says we are so more fortunate here in NZ where community is far closer, and that by taking the opportunity to participate and leading within our neighborhood, we can work together. This by strategising and activating innovative templates embracing an ecology of commerce, that embeds a social and community component into our daily lives.

This takes us back towards being more pristine within nature plus going forward, embracing more joy, connection and creativity

Bruce covers his visit to India, the resurgence of organic farming across India in particular Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh and how larger numbers of people are changing their lives through right livelihood, not only by farming sustainably, but eating healthy produce, as well integrating Ayurvedic principles into their daily life.

This superbly successful enterprise  show's the way for others to replicate across the sub-continent.

In another example Bruce enthusiastically tells of a student radical Paul Soglin, getting elevated into local politics in the small city of Madison, Wisconsin USA, that then reinvents itself as a dynamic, innovative and caring community, introducing the first day care programs and reforms to the city's hiring of women and minorities. Plus visionary inner city building programs, planning and much more.  Enabling, Madison's bond rating (per Moody's Investment Services) to be upgraded to AAA status.

Under the Mayors Leadership, Paul Soglin, inspired the council and community to enable Madison to be named to the most livable cities list several times during his second tenure as mayor, capturing the number one spot in 1996 and again in 1998 in the USA.

Spontaneous evolution starts with us 'in the moment' and as a being composed of 50 trillion cells, it is how we connect with who we are in the inner world and the outer environment that supports us. When we realize the dynamics between these two interfacing realities and recognize the possibilities of momentous change - magic happens!

And we are all collectively responsible for what he says we can call 'the garden.'

Bruce Lipton:

Apr 26, 2012 Whistleblower-on-the-Fukushima-Radiation-Crises--Survival.html#00000261                                                                                                

Peter Daley from Caloundra in Queensland, is the researcher who blew the whistle on the radiation cloud over Australia that then carried on over to the South Island of NZ, passing over Dunedin. 

Back on the 8th of January of this year Peter had programed his new high tech geiger counter to sound an alarm if radiation far above background radiation was measured.

The alarm went off at 6.30 pm measuring 0.80 microsieverts, which was eight times over the average level of radiation in the atmosphere and enough for him to stay indoors and close all the windows then call his friends to do the same.

Following this another person in Byron Bay in Northern New South Wales measured this same spike as well as another in Melbourne Victoria.

Then across the Tasman Sea to NZ, another researcher in Dunedin who was involved in nuclear sciences went out with a cloth and wiped all the rain drops off his car that was outside, he then put his geiger counter against the cloth to have it instantly burst forth with a sharp staccato reading. Visual observation saw peaks reach an incredible 1.89 uS/Hr !

So, what is going on here?

From many accounts the inevitable is happening. The nuclear radiation from the crippled Japanese, Fukushima power plant in the Northern Hemisphere has breached the equatorial belt and seeped into the Southern Hemisphere and now this contamination is gradually raining down on us from within the upper atmosphere.

How much, we do not know and it is difficult to find out as Governmental measuring stations and laboratories globally are not letting out any information.

What effect this will have on Nuclear Free NZ is anyones guess. Primarily because there does not appear to be anyone that we know in the public sphere, championing the Nuclear Free issue anymore. It's as if there is a collective dereliction of duty by the crew in this sector of Mothership Earth and they have all gone AWOL.

Yet, the Japanese ambassador to Switzerland has broken ranks with his Government and has taken this to Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General of the UN to ask for the worlds greatest brains to find a solution immediately.

Why? Because things are far worse than what we are being told.

Reactor Number 4 being in a super critical situation.

Question? What are Mums and Dads to do? As children are the most susceptible to radiation, what is their future going to be?

Listen to a very lucid and rational telling of the events leading up to this nightmare.

Apr 19, 2012

Originally from California, having fled the USA after being arrested 92 times for peaceful protest. She has been very involved in the peace movement, specifically around the issue of certain military systems deployed by the US, inclusive of many arrests of a nonviolent nature.

For the past seven years, prior to coming to NZ she has been very active in the organic food movement, and saying NO to Monsanto in an effort to stop massive pesticide spraying in the small town in Southern California where she was living.

Listen to her many adventures around those issues of an interesting political nature. Sunshine came to NZ believing the hype of Clean Green, Independent NZ and has been quite disappointed to find so much of the USA quite entrenched here.

She holds hope in her heart that people will wake up to what is happening and to take their power back before it is too late.

In this inspiring story of raw courage and benevolence she is happy to contribute her voice based on so many years of involvement in standing up for the sovereignty of community and the land.

Mar 8, 2012

Warwick, a New Zealander, has spent 20 years developing a world leading technology that under one umbrella eliminates industrial and household waste, turning it into a valuable resource for manufacturing many different products, but most important it recovers the energy from waste.

This system is a global first and is so necessary for today, as one of the greatest attributes of this system is that it reduces CO2 and methane going into the atmosphere from landfills. By doing this he is able to eliminate all landfills.

Warwick worked with scientists on floating Arctic ice ‘islands’ for two years, which have subsequently melted.

He has first hand experience on declining polar ice due to warming of the world’s oceans, which are reaching a critical threshold.

He sees the elimination of methane gas, a super potent greenhouse gas from landfills and atmosphere as a major step to remediation and sustainability.

Watch the Global Olivine video

Mar 1, 2012

This open, light hearted discussion invites listeners to join in an event that brings forth a collective of metaphysicians, healers, artists and indigenous ecological ideals of how as one seamless organism we can anchor a vision of an open, bio-harmonic lifestyle and community.

With a holistic understanding that integrates scientific principles people are awakening to the need to creatively build community into a dynamic field of possibility. And that 'cultural creatives' need to be communing together.

What are these foundations? - These Platonic building blocks and of how we individually and collectively weave the various strands of our potential into a localized Auckland area group that will empower us to manifest answers, solutions and connection for today and tomorrow.

And how does 'Kawai Purapura' as a venue in a glade of exquisite beauty, facilitate a unique event such as this to be the forerunner of spontaneity, joy and heart resonant connection and well being?

Where we can embrace new friends, kindred spirits and  change-agents and celebrate, meditate, pray and play, sing and soar.

Walking Our Wisdom   'WOW'

Kawai Purapura Albany -  Summit, Symposium and Gathering of All Beings

The coming together in celebration of community and sharing of gifts, knowledge, information and spontaneity of what is Wisdom?

Be inquisitive!   'WOW'

Feb 16, 2012

Jeff Hutner is the Editor of New Paradigm Digest from the USA.

Covering the leading edge of science, consciousness, spirituality - from the Microcosm to the Macrocosm; focusing on visionary qualities, as Steve Jobs who had just died, what did he bring to our world?

And that the word 'Enough' is anathema to capitalism -  Now we need to understand voluntary simplicity and what it represents.

Having no TV can stop you with being programmed with old paradigm thought forms and Jeff says by finding your friends who are creative, are inner directed, and use their creativity to the services of humanity and life - we can  bring ourselves into alignment with a higher intent.

Who do you serve? The current continuing ecocide or ... are you serving the restoration of your own, your community and the planets health? It's a choice!!

Some of the subject matter:

Entertainment - transitioning to Innertainment  - Movies that inspire us

Play it forward - Important Movies with messages  that don't make it to the cinemas are now being organized so that we can 'Play it Forward.

Covering the and what it says.

The part that arts play in change Is very important.

This interview ranges over many subjects that all interlink with our present situation on earth today, and a new paradigm that is emerging. What is it?

This interview was recorded 4 months ago when Occupation Wall Street was bursting out and I felt very excited of the possibilities of a Unified World of Occupiers could do, that I held back this interview to bring into the studio Auckland based NZ Occupiers and supporters so that listeners could hear directly what NZers were saying and doing, thus I put this interview on hold.

Feb 9, 2012

Biomimicry (from bios, meaning life, and mimesis, meaning to imitate) is a design discipline that seeks sustainable solutions by emulating nature’s time-tested patterns and strategies, e.g., a solar cell inspired by a leaf.

The core idea is that Nature, imaginative by necessity, has already solved many of the problems we are grappling with: energy, food production, climate control, non-toxic chemistry, transportation, packaging, and a whole lot more.

Animals, plants, and microbes are the consummate engineers. They have found what works, what is appropriate, and most importantly, what lasts here on Earth.

However, we humans have only really woken up to this in the last 20 years.

If we could only mobilise our consciousness (and media) at a global level, we would be both amazed and shocked to realize that the answers to our challenges are already embedded in nature, the same living super system that we too are deeply embedded in, except we have disconnected ourselves.

Time to awaken and reconnect.

Sam Stier:

Learn more about biomimicry in video:

And print:

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