The subject matter, of experimenting on animals that have no voice, gives cause to wonder what we are doing as a so-called civilisation.
Where does mindfulness and a duty of care come into it?
But more so - compassion?
Especially here in NZ where most New Zealanders have a cat or dog or a pet of some kind. But, it's a harsh reality when animals are treated with a certain disdain when money power and profits are concerned. Just look into the eye of that forlorn guinea pig in this graphic.
Tara is the CEO of the New Zealand Anti-Vivisection Society (NZAVS) and having a degree in Zoology wants to do what she can to educate the public so as the animal kingdom is not exploited by both pain and money.
On average over 300,000 animals are used in vivisection in New Zealand each year. These experiments are performed in universities, schools, polytechnics, commercial laboratories, government departments and ministries. The species used include hamsters, mice, rats, guinea-pigs, sheep, cattle, goats, birds, fish, alpaca, buffalo, cats, deer, dogs, donkeys, horses, pigs, and more.
Farm animals are experimented on to make them grow faster, have more babies, use their food more efficiently, or to change the quality of their milk. Plus, there are cruel genetic modification and cloning experiments going on that we the public have really no idea what’s happening.
From her studies of animals she says it is impossible to use one complex system to predict the outcomes of another complex system. Every animal species is different,
That her strong passion for valid science and her obvious strong commitment for animal rights - combined together has pushed her into her current role, where she has in a little over 4 years embedded her ideals into
Tara feels she wants to continue what Bet Everell did and work towards ending animal experiments in NZ. Betty Overell - was the person to really bring this issue to the public consciousness across New Zealand. When in 1989 she led a march to Parliament with a further Petition, signed by 100,640 New Zealanders demanding the abolition of all experiments on animals after obtaining affidavits from doctors all over the world who claim vivisection is medically and scientifically invalid.
Bette Overell is recognised internationally for her work in the new abolitionist movement.
So how is NZ progressing with regard to animal welfare?
A Brief History of Animal Welfare that influenced NZ
Henry Stephens Salt 20 Sept 1851 – 19 April 1939 (born in India, to British parents) who when in England, formed the Humanitarian League in 1891. Its aims were to enforce the principle that it is iniquitous to inflict avoidable suffering on any sentient being. Its objectives included the banning of vivisection as well as hunting as a sport. It was Salt who first introduced Mohandas Gandhi to the influential works of Henry David Thoreau, and influenced Gandhi's study of vegetarianism.
His views were reported widely, including in New Zealand.
There was a compassionate, philosophical article in the NZ Herald on the 11th June 1890 by Jon Abbott of St Georges Bay Road, Parnell Auckland calling for a halt to the cruelty of Vivisection - yet his was truly a voice in the wilderness in those days.
New Zealand Organisations
Once it became clear that animal experiments were occurring in New Zealand at medical schools and agricultural research stations, anti-vivisectionists began to organise. The first anti-vivisection society had been set up in Auckland by 1930, and branches of the BUAV British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection were established in other centres by the 1940s. In 1944 the Council of Combined Animal Welfare Organisations (CAWO) was formed. This was a coalition of Theosophists, anti-vivisection leagues and the newly established Vegetarian Society, led by Theosophist Geoffrey Hodson. In its advocacy of animal welfare measures CAWO had much in common with the SPCA, but it had a no-compromise stance on vivisection.
In New Zealand there was some interest in the cause, and vivisection was occasionally debated. A few groups including feminist organisations and many Theosophical Society members condemned it, but the SPCA members had a range of views from total opposition to reluctant acceptance.
Gains and Losses
CAWO was successful in campaigning for regulations governing humane slaughter, and the outlawing of the sports of hare coursing and captive pigeon shooting. However, its anti-vivisection aspirations were thwarted by the Animals Protection Act 1960 which, although it introduced many reforms, made animal experiments legal.
This Interview Covers
Where we are today in 2018
Vivisection Is Still Happening!
Today there are now many different models for learning about dissections without going out and getting a lab rat to dissect and cut up. That there are sophisticated as well as simple anatomical models here today and Tara says that dissections could have been halted yesterday.
Massey University Veterinary Department is seen as very progressive and up there as leaders - but Tara cautions by saying Massey in other areas still uses some highly invasive purposes, never-the-less.
But the Veterinary Clinical Training Room for vets has high quality mannequins of all different species to use. Even giant horse mannequins that can mimic certain disorders so that students can pick up and learn from.
They have fake dogs (robots) that mimic certain heart conditions that students can listen for also.
But there is not yet enough of this across NZ.
Testing Drugs On Animals
In this interview we learn that using animal studies, like testing drugs on them does not give in any way a true measure that these said drugs will have a positive effect on a human. This is a proven fact. Animals and humans are vastly different and cannot be used for predicting human outcomes. There are study after studies proving that experimenting on animals have no relationship to how these drugs will react on humans.
In 2006, the TGN1412 drug that was used, created the opposite effect in humans as it did in animals - and people were left with organ damage.
Thalidomide drugs were tested on animals with no side effects but caused tragic results in humans.
Other incidents of humans illness resulting from drugs that have been ‘successfully’ tested on animals have been discretely silenced. There have been many adverse side effects to people, but these results are gagged by confidentiality clauses where big Pharma - closes the whole subject down. This in itself is criminal where vast amounts of money is used to quash any negative results silencing the whole concern - to not even cause a ripple throughout society.
Otago University comes in for some bad vibes as not being conscious of animal rights or mindfulness - and are thus seen as dragging the chain in this regard. This is a result of blacking out all the windows of the animal lab on the 5th floor of the Hercus building in Dunedin, where on the top floor the animals are kept. Why blackout windows? - Animals need as much natural light as possible too.
Often, activists have to use the Official Information Act to find out what is actually happening
Tara says that it’s very difficult to get information especially as to what private companies are doing behind closed doors.
Other Topics Covered:
Support for stopping vivisection continues from within NZ with concerned public helping over long time periods, going back to the 1970’s and 80s. As this is seen as an ongoing important issue that many people contribute to - for their whole life.
Cosmetics testing on animals - Is now banned in NZ
But not the ban on importation of cosmetics that have been tested on animals
Plus NZ has banned psychoactive substances being used on animals - There was a huge rally all over NZ along with HUHA support:
There has been a Ban on the - Draize test - - a cruel test done normally in rabbits where chemicals are poured into their open eyes and on the skin of rabbits - listen
There has been a special children’s book written - called “The 6 Foot Rats" - presently in process to being sent to every school in NZ.
It’s an important and powerful educational tool disguised as a fun and colourful children's book, by local artist Rebecca Gibbs.
Also mentioned in the interview - Anita Roddick - founder of the Body Shop. The Body Shop was the first global beauty brand to fight against animal testing in cosmetics and was the first company to be certified with the Leaping Bunny logo in 1997.
China comes up as not focussing on animal experiments and cosmetics been sold into China. So China needs to be nudged into eliminating all types of experiments on animals. - comes in for a warm ‘shout out’ as it does not sell its products into China. Tara states that they are very good people who donate to animal groups that work towards freeing up animals from experimentation.
That today 100 million animals in the USA alone are being used in experiments
Note that corporations who say they do not experiment on animals UNLESS required by law - means that they sell into China - that they are not walking their talk.
Dr Ray Greek is a global champion for the cause.
Why Animal Testing is Ineffective for Preventing and Curing Human Diseases.
The New Biomed 21 group are a more humane health organisation who bring scientists and institutions from around the world to work towards more benevolent ways of researching and testing products for human health.
Ricky Gervais - Comedian and well known world personality -
Is one of the more stronger advocates on the world stage who speaks out on behalf of animals.
New Zealand Politics
Mojo Mathers - Green - initiated the ban on animal testing for cosmetics in NZ
Gareth Hughes - Green - is prepared to speak up on this issue too
Jo Luxton - Labour - in the past rescued an ex lab rat
Unwanted Chickens are killed by a conveyor belt - especially if males and don’t lay eggs.
Chooks still in cages today - a horror story laying eggs for unconscious buyers - the chickens are bred and designed to be trapped in their own bodies and then in tiny, tiny cages to live and lay eggs as part of one large computerised, factory, industrial system. With no sunlight, rain or wind, or soil beneath their feet
Cows in NZ are expedient too. Whereas 60 years ago a cow would live to be 13 to 14 years of age - today they are basically exhausted at 4 and a half years old and so are sent to the freezing works. However, they are being experimented on too. - listen
Vegan and Vegetarian choices - Tara is a vegan (and I myself, have not been a red meat eater or eaten poultry for 41 years.)
Also mentioned is Geoffrey Hodson who spent his last years living in NZ, giving lectures and sharing his knowledge.
Geoffrey Hodson. Was a clairvoyant who could see the dark 'thought forms’ above all freezing works or abattoirs across NZ - he realised clearly that animals had a soul or group consciousness. As a Theosophist in those days - he understood that animals were sentient beings and needed to be treated with respect. He was one of the few people on earth at the time who could see through the veils of the world into different, higher realms.
A very thought provoking interview from a strong and articulate advocate that needs to be shared across greater NZ and beyond.
Weather forecasters and meteorological services are equally puzzled and in many ways shrug this off to 'climate change' and the increase of greenhouse gasses. Yet, some argue - this is an easy way out.
However, more astute researchers, albeit some amateurs among them are noticing many irregularities and are finding certain weather patterns incongruent with normal meteorological ones.
Global weather systems are definitely changing, but so is the geophysical realm as well.
In this interview Nigel informs about some of the variables that seem to stand out as being very irregular.
He also talks about his prediction regarding the 2016 Kaikoura earthquake in the South Island of New Zealand.
Based around a supermoon and various weather patterns and ‘anomalies' that could not be explained and he tells how when he went to the NZ Met service to share his insights that they, in his words 'mocked him' when he tells them of his research .
He uses the example of boom box stereo in cars – you know - boooom booom boombth boooom vibration that shakes the windows and floor of your car in the next lane – and there are also other frequencies that can vibrate at other levels. With seismic testing (in this case for oil) and the added influence of lunar forces, tides and gravity etc he said that:
"These earthquakes are not man made - but man induced".
The interview covers new technologies from Tesla to HAARP as well as what the human race has to do to become aware. Especially that secret military budgets, are sucking up money that know one knows what it is being spent on.
Is Our Government Intentionally Hiding $21 Trillion In Spending?
Jul 21, 2018 - This column is co-authored with Mark Skidmore, a Professor of Economics at Michigan State University.
Also, that with such overwhelming information that we individually have to become 'fully resourced within.' That at heart we need to have a very strong determination not to allow these subjects to take us down. Having purpose and a spiritual resolve is an imperative during these tumultuous of times.
International Media
When the Earthquake happened in Kaikoura NZ on the 14 November 2016, Nigel received a lot of international media attention after his predictive Facebook post on 6th November. However, he talks of attacks on his character, both public and private. He said he just wants to know what’s going on in the world. He is just inquisitive to how nature and life works.
Note, Steffan Browning the ex Member of Parliament for the NZ Green Party mentioned that there was a large floating oil corporation ‘seismic’ barge situated off the East coast of South Island between Christchurch and Kaikoura around the time of the earthquake.
The interview covers Fake News but also a 'Heads Up’ to what may be actually happening.
Fake News is now a global phenomenon – that much of the MSN news, especially beamed to homes in the US and Europe is based on fear and terror.
Mentioned also is the HAARP facility in Alaska – High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (do the research) plus other international facilities and more new advanced technologies that are now being deployed. Though not mentioned in this interview, researchers think that there could be 100 portable HAARP units being deployed globally. Not only in the USA. link is below *
That the tech is becoming so advanced that we do not know what weapons are being used - like space based weapons on orbiting platforms that are testing and using plasma technology.
Weather and Frequency Wars
When perusing photos of the sky zig zag patterns – and waves – can be seen plus seine waves – being curved and also sawtooth and triangular waves plus square waves or half rectangle – showing very crisp lines between clouds and blue sky – and these he states are not natural cloud formations. That they are perturbed clouds that in some instances make the clouds look like waves.
He mentions that NZ could be influenced by 'frequency systems' based in Australia affecting our Tasman Sea weather patterns and NZ being possibly having/relying on a certain amount or quotient of precipitation. (rain) This statement was not pursued, however this information may become more known in the future. He said that there are many non disclosed weather experiments happening. That time has to be taken in studying the large number of weather photographs and the complexity of how these systems constantly flow in and out. Plus he is not privy to many photos as they may be censored or just not posted on the web.
Secret Projects
Also discussed are 'dark projects' – of the secretive military industrial experiments – using high orbit space base weapons - that there seems to be some 'Directed Energy Events' involved with California's wildfires – that many people are realising could be caused by certain factions testing their technologies.
Called directed energy weapons – is one of the new technologies and Nigel gives a run down that says that the use of lasers, particle beam tech, plasma weapons, microwave and a whole assortment of direct energy systems are part of the US ‘defence’ departments secretive experimental arsenal.
It is important to know that weather warfare is not a new concept. › Science & Astronomy
Oct 31, 2005 - U.S. Air Force Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) satellites compared “lights at night” images before and after Hurricane Katrina disaster. ... In fact, military officials and weather modification experts could be on the verge of joining forces to better gauge, react ...
For years now steering hurricanes in certain directions has been high on the military agenda.
On the West Coast of the US there has been devastating forest fires in the town of Paradise and previously in Redding and there are still ongoing investigations as to what were the really cause or multiple causes. That weather fronts flowing from west to east across the North Pacific ocean towards Canada and America seem to always be held back, as if hitting an invisible wall - that this ‘suspension’ of rain fronts are seen to be the cause of the droughts in California.
But is this at all credible? Who would believe such statements?
Then we talk about who would believe this – this is so dark that people just don’t want to know. Who would want to research such nefarious and subversive subject matter?
We then covered how to understand this subject without being taken down or becoming depressed.
Becoming aware yet staying strong and well fulfilled within
So we talked about inner discipline – becoming well resourced so as to keep in our heart.
Also, to awaken people to the shadow side of life if we want to bring peace to the world especially for all children.
Nigel opens up to express how he sees existence - saying 'life is a game' – and we need to be one step ahead of the game – by knowing what is happening and that it is still unwritten. That we are the writers of the script – 'that we are spiritual beings having an earth experience' and so we need to always be beyond becoming a victim.
Honouring Activists
He tells of an award system he is developing called ‘Levelling the Playing Field’ honouring activists and being rewarded with recognition and prizes.
That when activists keep the subject matter in the public mind, eventually the Government will in the face of overwhelming evidence do something like ban certain deleterious activities
Asbestos, thalidomide and DDT - have seen to be detrimental to health and human life and finally become banned.
This was both an interesting as well as overwhelming subject to bring to the public consciousness. You will never hear national radio from all the differing stations across NZ discussing such a subject other than* to dismiss it or to contemptuously disparage it. However, with $21 trillion in the US been hidden from the public of that country, you would think that this would be an exceptionally subject that the media in NZ would want to bring to public arena. This is what we are dealing with today. Be it fake news (distraction) or censoring by omission which, is very predominant not only in NZ, but in Western media globally.
* - state that they are the most alternative radio station in NZ.
And on occasions play radio shows to their central Waikato listening audience.
Facebook page – weatherwars international Rick Duart *
Dutchsince -
NOT MENTIONED We must always be conscious that the use of super computers to run scenarios is always a major fundamental in the secretive defence and space based as well as financial scenarios. These supercomputers situated in all major countries are being used 24/7 to work out ‘best case scenarios’ - or ‘worse case’ - depending on what devilish scheme or chain of events that are being envisioned.
We also did not get around to mentioning the assault on the world whales and dolphin population – the cetaceans. The US Navy, but most probably other navies are using high powered sonar and other radar technologies to hunt for submarines silently submerged possibly half a kilometre down in the ocean depths. These electronic intrusions are having a horrendous impact on the cetacean population as they have such ‘sensitive hearing’ that they are picking up mans increasing technology interference that is violating their right to live unharmed anywhere in the earth’s oceans.
This farming method initiated by Rudolf Steiner is more than a profound holistic farming modality, as it includes organic produce, energising water, halting soil erosion, building compost heaps and especially its far reaching ways in pest management and control. But more so, human health and well being opens up spiritual qualities that allows us to recognise our connection between heaven and earth.
Peter Bacchus has been involved in biodynamics for over 65 years with an uncle going to Europe in 1924 to learn of this system, and then his father travelling to England to follow up on this in 1938. After the war returning to NZ, where he incorporated it into his own farm. So having been embedded in Biodynamics all his life, Peter has a wealth of information and knowningness as to its efficacy.
At heart we all know that the present global ecological situation is precarious, yet governments also are not focussing on the seriousness of the planetary environment. With huge swathes of tropical forests still being logged and barely a murmur. We are learning of habitat loss, acid seas, weather patterns gone awry - if we want to initiate change, we are obliged to make this happen at the grassroots level.
With Biodynamic farming, not only is Co2 sequestered into the soil, but so is nitrogen pulled out of the atmosphere to supplement plant growth. That the use of natural methods to pull down nitrogen, which comprises 80% of the atmosphere, is far superior to the ‘manufactured’ methods of nitrogen fixing.
in 2024, it will be 100 years since Biodynamics was introduced to the world by Rudolf Steiner. Peter posits the possibility of Biodynamics engaging in a large global promotion of the many modalities that are embedded in this unique and sensible farming method.
Main Points:
Burying Cow Horns
In this interview Peter talks about the use of cow horns which are filled with cow dung and buried for a certain period. He goes on to say that with exact measuring and the addition of other refinements, this dung is added to water that is also quantified and then continuously stirred for an hour. After which, say for a local garden, one can take a brush like a hearth brush dip it in the solution and then flicked over the surrounding vegetation. Where tiny droplets land all over the foliage and begins a certain affect. That translates to healthy, abundant growth of said plants, vegetables etc
This is called 500 and there is another caled 501 that is made of ground down quartz until its molecular constituents is that of a powder. Listen
Water Energising
Flow forms to oxygenate water -This is a natural means to oxygenate water and entrain frequency back into the water. Covering memory of water etc (see Viktor Schauberger) excellent for bring back to life effluent ponds and sewage waste. Listen
Soil Rejuvenation
Earthworms activation occurs after the 500/1 preparations - Peter tells of worm casting that we so thick they were like a sheet over the ground to likening it to spreading of marmite over a sandwich - it was so effective.
Soil bacteria and fungi and the imperative to include the microorganisms of the soil are explained as the foundation of all land use. Listen
Financial Reward and the viability of healthy vital premium organic food.
It is a proven fact that biodynamics and organic food brings a far higher monetary return than industrial factory food that is chemically laden. More money can be made because quality produce fetches higher prices.
Demeter is the the Greek goddess of the harvest and presides over grains and the fertility of the earth. Although she was most often referred to as the goddess of the harvest, she was also goddess of sacred law and the cycle of life and death.
Richard is a former Major in the British Army’s Coldstream Guards. He embarked on a quest to find respite from the psychological injuries of war by walking the length of NZ.
As a United Nations peacekeeper, Richard spent seven months in war-ravaged Central Bosnia during the winter of 1993-1994.
He and his troops were tasked to deliver life-saving humanitarian aid to trapped and starving civilians. This meant negotiating with militia leaders- as well as criminals, warlords and their followers, some of whom were under the influence of drugs and alcohol.
Their job also entailed protecting aid delivery routes, scouting for new routes and escorting UN and EU human rights monitors and war crimes investigators through volatile areas.
As well, they supported the numerous NGOs, such as Save the Children, Feed the Children, Medicin Sans Frontiers and Oxfam, by providing security and protection.
Richard’s rifle company came under fire from machine guns, mortars and shells. At times, they had to return fire within strict Rules of Engagement.
They also had to deal with “mission creep” as they maintained the balance between peacekeeping and peace enforcement.
All this was done during a severe winter and in mountainous terrain, on poor roads, with mines and IEDs (improvised explosive devices) an ever present danger and in full view of the international media.
At the peak of his command, Richard led about 220 men and women, including local interpreters.
He took his responsibilities seriously and knew that every decision could result in the injury or loss of life of those under his command. These responsibilities peaked when he and his men liberated and defended a besieged Muslim enclave in Maglaj.
During his tour of duty, Richard witnessed the worst that people can do to each other as well as many examples of courage and selflessness.
About six months after leaving Central Bosnia, Richard developed severe symptoms of post-traumatic stress injury.
However, like many servicemen, he considered mental illness shameful and harmful to his career. As a result, it took him eight years to seek professional help.
In this interview Richard talks about how PTSI develops in some people and not in others. He explains how the survival “Fight, Flight, Freeze” stress response hijacks the mind of the PTSI sufferer and how to release it.
He explores how lack of sleep, nightmares and flashbacks erodes the health, energy and willpower of someone in the grip of PTSI.
This brings up the topic of suicide in the veteran community, and more broadly within NZ as a whole.
Research indicates that about 200,000 NZers think about taking their own lives every day.
The comedian, radio presenter and suicide prevention spokesperson Mike King says that around 2,000 people attempt it and a certain amount actually die by their own hand. (NZ has one of the highest suicide and self-harm rates in the developed world.)
Richard has long since left the Army. He is now a mental health counsellor on Waiheke Island where he specialises in the treatment of stress-related patterns of depression, anxiety and anger, including recovery from trauma.
A dedicated community volunteer, he serves on the committee of The Friends of McKenzie Nature Reserve and within the Waiheke Island RSA.
He is actively involved in campaigns to help Waiheke Island become the world’s first predator-free and Dark Sky sanctuary urban island, as well as the campaign to prevent the spread of Kauri Dieback disease.
He is a keen proponent of eco-therapy. In this model, stressed out people heal themselves through activities that restore stressed-out land to health.
Richard founded the NZ charitable Trust, Walk Off War, to highlight and provide information about the recovery and prevention of psychological trauma, especially through connecting people with the natural world.
The idea for the Trust developed during a four month solo walk down the length of New Zealand a few years ago. Richard embarked on the hike to test the idea that nature immersion can cure modern stress-related maladies, including poor mental health.
Enroute, he discovered that walking in wilderness- as our Stone Age ancestors did for millennia - gave him much-needed relief and healing from his war experiences. The beneficial effects lasted about two years and, with regular ‘top ups’, they continue to this day.
Richard says that even though the mental injury of war is painful and life-limiting, it ultimately offers a gift.
Trauma can make us more human and understanding of others. It forces us to focus on what is truly important in life and to strip away unnecessary complications and possessions.
He also believes that when you are surrounded by beauty, bird sound, and natural colours, you can regain a profound sense of gratitude for what nature provides. It is our ancestral home and the source from which we spring. It is where anyone can walk off their war and step toward peace.
About Walk Off War
Walk Off War is a project with charitable status headquartered on Waiheke Island here in New Zealand. Initiated by Richard Margesson, Walk Off War aims to raise awareness about post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) for those on the front lines of public service.
There is no such thing, as ‘public’ transport in Auckland.
The trains, buses and ferry services are publically subsidised, but privately owned, operated and managed, passenger transport operators.
Auckland Transport won't reveal how many public millions are being paid to subsidise private passenger transport, on top of their private profits.
Their books are not open - regarding the millions of public monies paid to subsidise these private passenger transport operators.
Auckland Transport won't reveal how many public millions are being paid to subsidise private passenger transport, on top of their private profits. Their books are not open - regarding the public monies paid to subsidise these private passenger transport operators.
State Capture' is where corporate vested interests get their way, at the policy level of council or government, in order to get laws passed that serve their interests.
With whom are the policy analysts consulting, before legislation goes through the council’s machine?
These are issues that both Lisa Prager and Penny Bright have been exposing.
Here’s an example: Auckland Transport has appointed Shane Ellison as its new Chief Executive. Prior to 2011 Mr Ellison was located in Paris with Transdev where he was responsible for global corporate development and innovation. Transdev (previously Veolia) runs Auckland’s trains!
Agenda 21
Associate Minister for Transport, Green Party MP, Julianne Genter is married to Peter Munns who is principal economist for MRCagney that advises Auckland Transport on cycle ways.
Perhaps Auckland’s push to create cycleways, when our aging sewage system is polluting our harbours, shows an ideology that is not allowing for a balanced use of Auckland Council / Auckland Transport’s money but rather a determination to get people out of their cars. This Lisa explains is part of Agenda 21, which New Zealand, and Auckland, are signed up to.
Lisa is a bike rider and is not against cycle ways. However when they go through shopping areas and take parking from local businesses they are destroying community and people’s livelihoods. Shops lose custom and so close down.
Their landlords then have to sell their properties cheaply to developers who then build blocks of flats, says Lisa, and our Australian shopping malls will expand to accommodate the population.
Mature trees are also being cut down. The whole cycleway project is ill thought out as shown in this article in Spinoff.
Lisa is also concerned at the spraying of glyphosate by Auckland Transport’s contractors – Fulton Hogan. The WHO has labelled glyphosate as probably carcinogenic but there is evidence that problems don’t just end there. Yet Aucklanders are having it sprayed on parks and berms all over the city.
Lisa Prager is an artist, sculptor, award winning documentary maker and proud co- owner of Garnet Station cafe/bistro in Westmere.
She trained as an actor in the late 70's at Theatre Corporate in Auckland, but left to become a political activist & pop artist.
Involved with Wake Up Auckland in the early 2000's she challenged Les Mills & Auckland Council's homophobic attitude towards the Hero Parade and homosexuality.
She stood with others against John Banks and the sale of pensioner/affordable housing and the actions of Auckland Council & Auckland Transport to transfer public assets into private hands.
She stood with others to fight the sale of airport shares, the privatisation of Westhaven Marina and the ideology behind the badly designed, unsafe, overpriced cycleways. Lisa supports a nationwide tree protection policy and replanting Native Bush not pines to fight climate change.
She is Currently Spokesperson for Occupy Garnet Rd movement.
This Link below explains the graphic on the top of the page