
GreenplanetFM Podcast

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Now displaying: August, 2019
Aug 29, 2019

Having a Masters degree in physics he was influenced by his father’s books on the Rosicrucians that then took him into yoga and also to becoming a musician and experimenting with sound and understanding what constitutes sound, that some of the great masters brought through, as with Mozart. 

When invited to work with Geoffrey Hodgson, originally from England, one of the most respected clairvoyants of the 20th century, Murray’s insight and understanding of the energies and frequencies that pervade and saturate the universe - took him deeply into the unseen world of Geoffrey Hodson. That - beyond the ‘filmiest of screens’* are other agencies of a higher order - devic beings - some call them landscape angels - that have in essence been over lighting evolution since life emerged onto our planet.

Healthy Skepticism and not Dogmatic Scepticism

Murray also talks about skepticism and what is healthy skepticism and not dogmatic scepticism - which like religions - especially Christianity it was very dogmatic until recently - that there is now a merger of science and religion. But that science too has now become so skeptical that it too follows the traits of becoming exceptionally dogmatic.  Meaning, if you cannot see it and measure it, is not definitely not there.

Albert Einstein, who Murray mentions had mystical understandings was classified as a pantheist by the British Pantheist Society according to Tim’s communications with them back in 1996. That when NZ’s Lord Rutherford split the atom, Einstein said - that “Rutherford was the first person to tunnel into God.” 

Also mentioned in this interview was Nikola Tesla’s statement  “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”  

Well, as we know - our universities are overburdened with subject matter as it is, thus science has made no real effort as things that are invisible, are also very difficult to commercialise. 

Reductionist and Mechanistic Science

Murray talks about science today following a reductionist mechanical model - that by breaking down everything to its constituent parts to finally after cells we have atoms and subatomic particles. They say in the dissecting of an animal - it just works as a machine - and thus every living creature is seen as a machine. That this is actually valid - our bodies do act as machines - however the human body has been said for thousands of years, as always having a soul - or a spiritual essence.

The ancient Greeks from whom much of our scientific and biological language derive from, talk of ‘psyche’ as in psychology and psychiatrist - it means ‘soul’ - yet 90% of doctors may not believe in a soul, because they do not cover this or mention it, in their many years of medical school from 7 years to 13 years.       

World Soul is Mentioned 

The world soul (Greek: ψυχὴ κόσμου psuchè kósmou, Latin: anima mundi) is, according to several systems of thought, an intrinsic connection between all living things on the planet, which relates to the world in much the same way as the soul is connected to the human body. Plato adhered to this idea, so did Pythagoras.

However, back in 1957 in the then Soviet Union, Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain was published in America  by Lynn Schroeder and Sheila Ostrander - this book really opened the eyes of the West - that not only were the Soviets studying psychokinesis they were researching telepathy and many other taboo subjects too.

However, unknown to most, the American’s were also working on some of these hidden ‘occult’ subjects as well. Harold Puthoff and Russell Targ of the Stanford Research Institute in California - were looking at ‘Remote Viewing’ and other scientific ways to access the hidden.

Murray mentions Charles Leadbeater who was a clairvoyant who was able to, in a deep meditative state - zero down and look into the heart of the atom. ThIs is a phenomenon that is outside of scientific man’s imagination. This is where Leadbeater was able to painstakingly count the number of protons in the nucleus of different atoms.  

This momentous work on describing the structure of atoms - working through the periodic table to describe how many protons certain atoms had. This is very important - because he discovered the exact number of isotopes that were not know at the time, but subsequently we have now identified isotopes that now fill exactly those slots.   Though this information too has not come out to the general public, due to MSM not wanting to delve into such data.

Murray’s ranging interview then covered his time with Geoffrey Hodson

Here he talked about his experiments he did with sound and colour as like the book - 'Music Forms’ - tells of how clairvoyants see the profusion of colour when certain music is played, in this instance the ‘hallelujah chorus’  (listen)

Devas or Landscape Angels

The interview went on to cover the great energies of ‘devas' that over lighted mountain tops (as well as in certain cases natural power points on the planetary energy grid.  The books, ‘Kingdom of the Gods’ and ‘Clairvoyant Investigations’ - the latter writing, with drawings of the great beings or landscape angels that are present in NZ, over Rangitoto Island, and Ngāuruhoe, immediately behind Tongariro.  etc (Listen)

It was also Geoffrey Hodson who introduced vegetarianism to NZ in 1943, because as a seer, he witnessed the dark clouds or thought forms that hung over abattoir’s and especially one giant one he saw over the huge abattoir in Chicago.

This was a very enjoyable interview with Murray. It is a realm that I have a keen interest in too. There is also a follow up - coming ...

Aug 22, 2019

Groups of people are organising across the country to have the discussion that the Teleco's are not prepared to have. 

This is especially to do with health. 

Recently groups have sprung up in Albany, Waiheke Island, Mangawhai, Torbay, West Auckland - Coromandel, Tauranga, Wanganui, Wellington, Nelson, and the Golden Bay/Takaka area so there is a grassroots movement spreading like mushrooms - because inherently there is a distrust of corporates, world wide as well as a reticence to believe in what our Governments are saying and not necessarily doing.

The Controversy.

Sue originally was involved in researching 4G telephone wireless networks and that there was wifi very near to schools. Also, that telephone towers were placed close to play centres - like in one case 5 metres away and that the 'standards for this technology are written by the ‘corporates' who produce this technology. She also researched how the standards are enforced - about the NZ Government Advisory Committee and that if you are concerned about the harm - you are not allowed on the Government Advisory Committee.

5G Technology

5G radio waves are very short but very intense radio waves - and there is yet, not enough health data to support the safety of this technology.

There is also the deployment of telephone towers dispersed at around 100 meters distance from each other - especially in major built up areas like the inner city - but also across the suburbs and residential areas. Where our children spend most of their lives, including biota - pets, cats and dogs as well as flora - trees and shrubs.

But, we as a community have not been asked if we agree to having the close proximity of these towers to our homes. What Sue questions is, where is the public dialogue around this, when did the Teleco's engage us to ask us for our permission?

It's like Spark and Vodafone and the NZ Government are all ready to roll this technology out and we the community are still waiting to have the conversation as to its safety. Where is the engagement with the localised community?

The ‘Precautionary Principle’ 

Scientific Experts who are 'independent' who are not profiting from this 5G tech are realising that there are some serious deficiencies in the actual technology that is being ‘sold’ to us - as well as the process as to how we should approach this ‘new’ technology. 

The ‘Precautionary Principle’ is not being adhered to - in the rush to get this technology out into the marketplace.

Why the Hyped Up Rush to Roll 5G Out?

As of this moment - if 5G was not rolled out for another year or two - how many people would it really affect? Would it affect you and your family? Would the world come to an end? Lets dwell on this, if we waited another year or two to really get clarity to its safety, would this not be prudent? Especially as we already see so many children suffering from health effects, that doctors can not diagnose as to what is the source. 

Should we not also add to this a question around the decline in bee numbers? (The canaries in the coal mine?)

Sales over Civilisation?

The hype that big business is salivating over is driverless cars - well take one look at the coagulated motorways into and out of Auckland at rush hour every day - what's the urgency of a driverless car or wanting to download a movie or a video game into our smart phone in 10 seconds ...?

Really, is this where the narrative is going - that ‘we have to have it now’ and get it ‘whilst it is hot?’ If this is the general consensus - then we have to realise that the term 'conscious' choices will never prevail, as we as a civilisation lose our moral compass in a race to the bottom.

The Time lag of Learning the Pros and Cons.

People who have been alive for 50 years or longer will realise that ‘old NZ’ - was a country where there was a closer relationship between neighbours and community. That we once had politicians who we could approach and genuinely converse with. Political parties had ‘Manifestos” - which they produced prior to an election and that they would follow or do their best to adhere to. 

Now-a-days it’s ‘ad hoc’ everything and intentions are thrown out the window as politicians 'make up policy on the fly' and they trust that because the world is moving at such a rapid pace that any flak or faux pas will have its 5 minutes in the headlines - to then be subsumed by more outrageous news to be quickly forgotten by the public - by the next election.

With the Corporate Agenda interlocking with Government, as the premise of the eroding of public confidence - we are finding that there is no real intent to educate the public on this global 5G issue. We are being subjected to glitzy advertising - telling us how much better the world is going to be with slick computer graphics and yet, all these videos do not show anything of nature - no trees, flowers or pastures green. (see Spark) - Because they are all being commissioned by head trippers who are controlling the narrative to buy into 5G.

Grass Roots Awakening across NZ.

However - across NZ there are concerned people who are aware of the problems that 5G may carry with it. Groups of people are organising to have the discussion that Teleco's will not have.

Such as recently in Albany, Waiheke Island, Mangawhai, Torbay, West Auckland - Coromandel, Tauranga, Wanganui, Wellington, Nelson, and the Golden Bay/Takaka area that there is a grassroots movement spreading like mushrooms - because inherently there is a distrust of corporate’s worldwide as well as a reticence to believe in what our Governments are saying and not necessarily doing or ... vice versa.

Global 5G Awakening

This grass roots uprising is happening overseas and at this stage it is in Brussels the seat of the EU Governmental Centre which has come out for a moratorium. But, Mill Valley in California is calling for a halt - Byron Bay in Australia is making a lot of noise and in Switzerland one of the Cantons has dug in and said stop.There are many other places, such as in Italy, Florence is pushing for the Precautionary Principle and the Rome district wants to follow suit. Even in Russia the Defence Ministry has acknowledged 5G’s problems. However, as MSM - ‘mainstream media’ (along with Google) is all pro 5G - it is extremely difficult to get a full coverage of how many regions of all the world’s countries are involved in pushing back.

The Minister of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region, Céline Fremault, has vowed to halt 5G deployment. “The people of Brussels are not guinea pigs whose health I can sell at a profit,” states Fremault in an interview with L’Echo. “I cannot welcome such technology if the radiation standards, which must protect the citizen, are not respected, 5G or not.”

Brussels halts 5G deployment indefinitely: 5G project, says authorities, not compatible with radiation safety standards

How Citizens Can Organise To Come Together

In this interview NZ's Nuclear Free Movement back in the mid 1980s was invoked as an example of how individuals and communities across the country came together back then. This was when local people, like mothers, churches, disarmament activists and people just wanting a peaceful world went to their local, regional councils, including towns, cities and boroughs and having them pass municipal by-laws that made each particular area a Nuclear Free Zone. That over time the numbers increased until there were around 105 Nuclear Free 'Zones' across the whole nation. These covered an area of around 67% of human habitat - that allowed David Lange the NZ Prime Minister the mandate to make into Law, that NZ become a Nuclear Free Country. This was an example of democracy being allowed to fulfil itself.

Building a Groundswell

This example of community involvement could be used to encourage NZer's to instigate more 5G communities to show the Government our ‘elected servants’ that there is a huge groundswell of public opinion that is not at all happy with the way 5G technologies is being enforced on the NZ public. More so, that next year NZ is having its general election and this could very well be an election issue.

Elections Coming Up

Also that later on this year there are Local Government elections and Councillors have to be elected - and already mentioned in this interview 4 Board Members attended the Albany local 5G presentation that allowed them to see the seriousness of what this technology presents. As well as the concerns of the electorate.

How to Organise Locally at Grassroot Levels

5GFree-NZ on Facebook and are places for you to peruse - especially - if you want to start up a local 5G Group.

Sue is also involved with Oceania Radiofrequency Scientific Advisory Association (ORSAA)  It’s an Advisory Panel that brings together multidisciplinary scientific experts from the Oceania region as well as from other parts of the world. They are connected to many other leading experts globally. 

Doctors and Professionals are ‘encouraged’ not to speak out against 5G.

As a side note - because Doctors are in a profession with exacting standards - they have to have permission from their 'Medical Association' - if they wish to make any pronouncements on health issues in the public arena.

In the case of speaking up against technologies such as genetic modification, vaccines, fluoridation etc - this is way outside the bounds of what the Medial Association allows.

It is forbidden and if a medical professional speaks out against such subject matter they are  'warned' that they will lose their license and thus all such doctors etc are kept on a very short leash. 

Hence, you will rarely see a Dr speak out on public health issues. The same goes for scientists and many University professors - as 


Doctor’s Grouping in Large Numbers.

There is a large group of Doctors ready to speak out - so they are grouping in numbers large enough to have safely in numbers. This is about to happen very soon.

This is a Global Issue … and we are exposed to 5G radiation 24/7/365

Science is finding DNA damage - and even our ability to clearly think, when in the presence of wireless radiation. Some liken this radiation to living in an airport security zone 24/7/365 

The NZ Health Act

Legislation and the 1956 NZ Health Act. 

It says that they are for  improving, promoting and protecting public health.

What does it mean 'protecting public health?

This is where the focus of 5G needs to concentrate on. What are the NZ Authorities, the Government and the Health Department doing to prove that this technology is safe?

In this interview we learn that the Ministry of Health is interpreting the Act differently and not necessarily protecting public health - but more so vested interests! (Listen) - even just for the first 1 minute will give you a startling understanding of what we are having to deal with.

Time for a 5G Moratorium across NZ.

By enacting a ‘moratorium’ in the meantime - allows the ‘precautionary principle’ to be acknowledged - this to any wise, civic, responsible elder is the prudent thing to do.

Can New Zealand become a global leader and become 5G Free?

This is a very quick synopsis of only 15 minutes into this very important understanding of the dangers of deploying 5G before the facts of its safety and efficacy are made known.  

5GFree-NZ on Facebook and are places for you to peruse - especially - if you want to start up a local 5G Group.

I enjoyed talking with Sue on this vexing subject, and to find a way to solve the 5G challenge. - Tim

Aug 14, 2019

Christine Rose is a Campaign Advisor for World Animal Protection, continuing her decades-long advocacy for better protection for Māui and Hector's dolphins. 

In her role in this global animal welfare organisation, Christine applies her knowledge of politics and love of philosophy into 'the new frontier' of animal ethics, working to move the world for animals' welfare and rights.

The New Zealand Government has now released the public consultation draft for its Threat Management Plan, TMP, for Māui and Hector's dolphins – New Zealand’s only endemic dolphin species, and among the world’s most endangered. The proposed plan doesn't go far enough she says. It fails to protect all habitat for all Māui and Hector's sub-populations.

You can make a submission below by August 19, 2019.


Māui and Hector’s are the smallest (and among the rarest) dolphins in the world and are only found in New Zealand. These much-loved dolphins are friendly and often interact with surfers and swimmers.

Māui and Hector’s dolphins are a New Zealand “taonga” (a highly valued treasure) and are celebrated in our culture and art. They deserve our respect and protection.

The official population estimate for Māui dolphins is about 57 and, in 2018 alone, at least four Māui’s dolphins were found dead on North Island beaches. Some of the small South Island Hector’s dolphin sub-populations number as low as 40 individuals. The problem is simple – much of the Hector’s and Māui habitat is unprotected from human threats and human populations.  Areas they live in, travel through and need to survive have limited or no protection. Because of the fishing activity within their habitat, dolphins continue to get caught in nets and drown – sometimes whole families.


The TMP is a plan used by the Department of Conservation and Fisheries New Zealand to help make management decisions around threats towards protected species in New Zealand.

The first Hector's and Māui dolphin TMP was created in 2007 to evaluate and manage the risks from threats such as fishing, tourism, vessel strike, pollution, climate change, and disease. Protection measures were established to help protect Māui and Hector’s dolphins.

The Govt only reviews its Maui and Hector's dolphin Threat Management Plan once every 5-10 years and these dolphins are on the brink of extinction. There are only about 57 adult Maui dolphins and some of the small South Island subpopulations are even lower in number.

The proposed TMP doesn't cover the whole dolphin range - it misses out off-shore range to 100m deep, and subpopulations on the North Island East Coast, between the North and South Islands, Marlborough Sounds, gaps around the East and South Coasts of the South Island.

It allows seabed mining and oil and gas exploration in most of the dolphins' habitat. it fails to impose a rigorous and robust monitoring programme. It allows 80-100 dolphins to be killed as by-catch every year. It overstates the costs to the fishing industry of full protection, and understates the benefits according to the work that has been commissioned by World Animal Protection.

It would seem that cameras need to be installed on all commercial fishing vessels.


Fishing nets have killed all but a third of the Hector's and Maui dolphins. It's time to stop! Gillnets are the most serious threat, followed by trawling.

Scientific research has proven that the current protection measures are NOT enough.

Fishing nets have killed all but a third of the Hector's and Maui dolphins. It's time to stop! Gillnets are the most serious threat, followed by trawling.


About 45 Hector's dolphins live in Porpoise Bay in the Catlins, 42 off Otago, two or three hundred in Te Waewae Bay on the south coast, and about 200 off the north coast of the South Island.

Hector's dolphin is rapidly following in the footsteps of Maui dolphin, with their populations becoming more and more fragmented. One after the other small, local population has dwindled, endangering the species as a whole.

These dolphins range to 20 nautical miles offshore, so if protection is extended to all waters less than 100 metres deep we would see the populations grow and recover from the losses they have suffered over the last four decades. This would stop the continued dolphin by-catch (entanglement in fishing gear) problem. 


Christine also spoke about the four aspects of the work done by World Animal Protection.

Animals in Communities

Animals play a vital role in communities worldwide – and we need  to protect them. Christine explains that they help governments to manage dog populations humanely and to vaccinate against rabies, instead of culling dogs. They share advice on responsible pet ownership. They prevent working animals being overworked and abused. They do whatever is necessary to protect animals in communities worldwide, including at home here in New Zealand.

Animals in Farming

Christine says, “The majority of animals farmed for food live in conditions that cause suffering and stress. It’s time to rethink farming.

The treatment of farm animals is the world’s biggest animal welfare issue – and it’s getting bigger. By 2050, livestock production will be twice what it was in 2000. Right now, more than 70 billion animals are farmed for food each year – two-thirds in conditions that mean they can’t move freely or live naturally. We campaign for progress at every stage – from farming to transportation to slaughter.”

Animals in Disasters

It is necessary to move fast to protect animals affected by disasters, reducing suffering and helping governments and communities to recover and rebuild.

Animals in the Wild

World Animal Protection works around the globe to protect and save world animals, and to keep wild animals in the wild, where they belong. They try and stop elephants from being ridden and allow them to be wild animals, for example.

You can find out more at


Christine Rose is a Campaign Advisor for World Animal Protection, continuing her decades-long advocacy for better protection for Māui and Hector's dolphins. In her role in this global animal welfare organisation, Christine applies her knowledge of politics and love of philosophy into 'the new frontier' of animal ethics, working to move the world for animals' welfare and rights. Previously she has been a councillor for Auckland Regional Council and a board member for Rodney District Council.

In her spare time, Christine spends as much time in and on the sea as possible. She's a writer often focusing on environmental ethics, and a ceramic artist and painter, inspired by nature and the ocean.


You can make a submission by either copying the submission below, or adapting it to one of your own, or sign this submission from World Animal Protection – but time is short.

Consultation: Hector’s and Māui Dolphin Threat Management Plan

Submission form:  

Contact details - phone number, email

Email to: by August 19 2019

(Thanks to Suzanne Vincent for writing this.)

“The proposal falls far short of what is required.  The best options described do not even approach the levels of protection for Maui dolphins recommended by the International Whaling Commission and the IUCN, or in the Green and Labour Party conservation policies. The options proposed to protect Hector’s dolphins fall even shorter, even though these dolphins are also endangered.

It is essential that the following measures are taken:

  1. A total ban on set nets and trawls from both the entire Hector’s dolphin and the Māui dolphin habitat - to be applied in all waters less than 100 metres depth:

    Large numbers of these dolphins are dying in fishing nets.  For there to be any chance of these species recovering and thriving, human induced deaths must be reduced to effectively zero for both species. For this reason, only dolphin-safe fishing methods must be used in their habitat. Fishing is the most urgent threat, and these measures must be taken swiftly and decisively: it is not acceptable for fishing interests to prevail in this situation.

    Research commissioned by World Animal Protection found that in comparison to the benefits to be gained from full protection throughout the full Maui and Hector’s habitat, the costs to the fishing industry are minor.

  2. Cameras must be installed on all commercial fishing vessels to ensure compliance with the restrictions, and to ensure that bycatch is reported accurately:

    Monitoring is low in some areas, and more dolphins are being caught than is known; it is very important that we have an accurate picture of what is happening

  3. Of these threats, seismic surveying and seabed mining pose the greatest risk to Hector’s and Māui dolphins.   There must be an outright ban on seabed mining, oil exploration and drilling from the entire Hector’s and Māui dolphin habitat

    The severe pressures from noise and seabed disturbance from the activities of oil exploration, drilling and seabed mining, including sediment discharge, must be eradicated from the dolphins’ entire habitat. It is not sufficient to impose restrictions only for new activities, the threats must be removed from areas covered by existing permits. Government must take clear action to prohibit all activities that create disturbance to the habitat, and which could easily result in the loss of these species.  

Thank you for the opportunity to make this submission.”


Aug 8, 2019

Jodie is a Trustee for Physicians Scientists for Global Responsibility, an organisation that has been around for about 20 years.

Its focus is on independent science information in the public interest, and the public’s right to be independently informed on issues concerning both ecosystem and human health. 

Jodie also founded the organisation to draw attention to the problems of inadequate chemical regulation, that currently is too outdated and too dependent on private industry produced science to protect public health.

However, she stresses that this interview is not on behalf of PSGR.  This interview reflects her independent research on what is happening in NZ.  

The challenges today are how to promote wellbeing in the population and protect NZ's future generations. Though at heart it is very simple – it is about good nutrition, clean food and water, and transparency and accountability in Government. But when you delve into it, it is very complex, because we deal with each issue separately – we put health issues in silos, but when people tip into one illness, they frequently tip into more.

The Data is Telling
The data increasingly demonstrates that the nation’s health is being unduly affected by a combination of poor nutrition and toxicity that we are finding in the growing list of illnesses that we see in our population today. New Zealand doesn’t do much research to understand this, but this shouldn’t keep us from understanding the international science that indicates nutritional parameters are presently at very low levels. These can cause disease and depressive symptoms, as well as chemical exposures in the general public, thus creating long-term damaging stress to our body biology, that also sets the stage for increasing even more disease.  

The increases in population level illnesses are alarming. But, especially in children.


Jodie wants everyone to know what the word ‘comorbidity’ means – because when you become ill - you frequently do not become ill with just one affliction. 

For example, the science literature shows that people with irritable bowel or a functional disturbance of the intestines - that about 60% of people are likely to also suffer from depression as well. Comorbidity is common. With obesity - there is a massive overlap with type 2 diabetes and depressive disorder - that is an issue and these have been increasing dramatically over just the last 5 years. Then heart disease risk, cancer risk, osteoporosis can be added in etc. Yet, we do not see budgeting in the public sector to talk about this cumulative cost of comorbidity.

Overlapping illnesses with other illnesses.

So if you are not taking in healthy food (chemical free, with appropriate, bio-available fibre), then down-stream, you may experience bowel issues - that is where we absorb nutrients. We are now having issues with bone density or we have rheumatoid arthritis - or we can’t properly concentrate at school, and it’s affecting our IQ and our ability to learn, cope and have resilience. All of these may be impaired as well. But, what is shown is that you just don’t have eczema or Crohn’s disease and fatigue - what you are experiencing can be an overlap of many ailments.

Why is this Happening?
The question that is being asked is why is this happening? Science tells us that we can have a genetic connection, but frequently a genetic disposition is a secondary factor, - it is the environment, the combination of dietary and inflammatory stress that tips us into disease that we are genetically predisposed to. (Of course some people will express clearly inherited traits in every generation.) This is why 50 to 80 years ago we did not have the huge numbers of problems that we have now.

Endocrinologists are noticing the problems
Hormone mimicking chemicals harm us at parts per billion and parts per trillion, lower than the levels chemical regulators look at. So what are the endocrinologists saying - like Dr. Leo Trasande - he’s looking at the plastics in our diet - pesticides, air pollution, personal care products, household products and that they are adding up. Dr Trasande said in the book ‘Sicker, Fatter, Poorer’ that the problems of hormone damage directly relate to the pressures from all these chemicals – ‘Endocrine-disrupting chemicals are the second greatest environmental challenge of our time.’ Second to Climate Change.  This is how serious things are becoming.

Jodie, says we are affected from conception - a baby foetus inside its mother can be exposed to between 200 to 300 plus different chemicals. A young child is worryingly more exposed. For example you give a toddler a glass of milk and then give an adult a glass of milk - the toddler will have 3 to 5 times the exposure of the adult because of the size of the drink to body weight - so when you do a urine test or a blood serum test for that toddler it has a far greater exposure rate with high urinary or blood germ concentrations. This means that the toddler is being exposed to far more challenges than any adult – but there are no science resources in New Zealand to understand how this is harming our children.

This is not really being considered by regulators.  - please listen

Just like a young mother putting on sunscreen to protect their child from the intensity of UV, yet the creams are now considered to have ingredients that are toxic as well. 

Once NZ had an Independent Scientific Government Department - called the DSIR.
Need for Independent Science Research
Jodie sees the importance to not only have authorities check food for safety but also we critically need funding to protect and regenerate our soil health so that our crops and our animals are healthier and more resilient to pests. The science is there. We need to inform and resource farmers via old fashioned but really effective extension services. Where once NZ had a very robust Government Department called the DSIR - the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, which had top quality research scientists who were free of any commercial interests and could check out and publish research on all aspects of nature - the food chain, and any other industrial purpose, having especially a deep focus on biology, but this has nearly all been lost. This came about, when the 4th Labour Government found themselves selling off a large percentage of NZ's State Owned Enterprises, the Crown Jewels of Government - and the DSIR was off loaded as well. Thus we lost an independent body of scientists who at one level were also public health watch dogs.

Lack of Robust NZ Media.
So the precautionary approach today has in many ways a very small voice - as the media, the Fourth Estate rarely puts out an article that for example, reflects who paid for the science, or what the ethical implications might be. 

The importance of ‘basic’ science – science silos can’t address comorbidity

New Zealand pays people to do ‘applied’ ‘silo-like’ science – zero in on one little issues. But the important ‘basic’ science that can look across issues and see big problems is comparatively rare. 

The importance of Epidemiologists
Epidemiologists in NZ are so now very critical, as like Grant A Schofield,  Boyd Swinburn and Alister Woodward - that we have very few areas in public health science where people are focusing on this multi-disciplinary problem - this comorbidity - that is not being looked at as either an economic problem or a ‘wellbeing' perspective. NZ is not paying people to research this area - just like Jodie, she is a volunteer and not being paid. So we have a vacuum in this field and it is important for the NZ public to address this yawning horrible gap in public health and in our general awareness.

NZ Revolutionary ‘Wellbeing’ - Budget did not cover food or diet.

Boyd Swinburn in referring to the NZ’s Government’s ‘Revolutionary’ Wellbeing Budget’ said no mention was made of food or diet - so this is a huge dropout by both treasury and the health department - because we all have to eat 3 times a day. Jul 2, 2019 - Boyd Swinburn: Drastic change in our food systems needed. 2 Jul, 2019 ... Our future food systems must continue to add to our wellbeing

In asking about who else is speaking out about health and wellbeing …she said there are a lot of science based experts in NZ talking on the need for healthy nutrition, diet and the importance of micronutrients - but they are not getting any traction in Government Policy – their idea of ‘treatment’ involves drugs, not nutrition.

So Jodie says we just have to look further up the command chain within Government.  In particular if public servants are really making rules and policies that are consistent with the purpose or function or intention of the Act -  that then actually gives them the power to make decisions and rules. Everything the Government (our elected servants) does should be in the public interest, and there is a wide body of administrative law supporting this.

NZ Health Act 1956

What is it under the Act that our Government Departments are working for? For example - Jodie is talking with young Mums with two year olds that are home - she says - go to your computer and Search - Legislation NZ Health Act 1956 and then search up the function of the Ministry in relationship to public health and this shows you in Section A  … the Ministry shall have the function of improving, promoting and protecting public health’

Note: ‘Protecting Public Health.’

Education for our children – connecting nutrition with biology.

We do not have home economics of food science - that actually look at nutrition - as food science is slanted towards food technology.

So teenagers are taught to prepare food for the market - Let's produces something suitable that can be sold on the market – but they don’t understand how cabbage or broccoli work in the gut to prevent disease and reduce mental illness. Preferably organic.

They are not taught that magnesium comes from plant chlorophyll that many thousands of years ago, prior to starting to become an agricultural society we were eating so many dark green leafy plants - and now the food we eat today is being denuded of the magnesium that we need in our diet. 

A Better Green Healthy Diet improves Wellbeing.
Due to our present diet, our body physiology that requires magnesium is devoid of this important mineral.  Children are lacking this element that is in need to give them deep quality sleep at night. Current diets don’t provide the broad variety bioavailable fibre that the microbiome needs (the intestines) i.e to feed beneficial bacteria and fungi - that not only assist for better sleep, but better skin, plus they might not be so irritable and actually doing better in school tests, too. 

Education is Needed!
Our education system should be teaching our kids that a good healthy gut synthesises hormones, as well as makes neurotransmitters. The population of New Zealand thinks that mental health is only in the brain. Mental health is directly connected to stress and trauma – but critically – nutrition and toxicity (and the ability of the microbiome to deal with that toxicity).

They may not be so 'jumping up and down' - they might also not be so sad …

Deficiency In Our Diet
Another example Jodie mentions - If we look up the B vitamins - Vitamin D and Vitamin C and magnesium and you look up the symptoms of deficiency - then come from the other end - look at depression and anxiety and look at the somatic symptoms the physiological body symptoms of depression and anxiety - and if every young mother did this and connected the dots as to where these deficiency symptoms that we are seeing in mental health - that this is why it's so debilitating to our youth or in Jodie’s words it’s actually trashing our young people.

Obligations of the Ministry of Health
Consider the obligation of the Ministry of Health – that they should have the ‘function of improving, promoting and protecting public health.’ - and we are given prescriptions of anti-depressants and anti-anxiety - she says they have their place - but they do not heal. Add on the other drugs for the frequently comorbid conditions… 

The Ministry has the ‘function of improving, promoting and protecting public health.’

We have to clean up our diet and clean up all food additives going all the way back through the food chain to our soil and water.

This interview covers so many points affecting our health - within our body - but also the soil and waterways of NZ.

It is important that you take the time to download this interview into your computer as it is only 20 megabytes and that is the equivalent of around 7 photographs.  - Tim

Extra Data.

This below is the 25th Australian dietary survey, It’s important as the North Island receives most of its wheat from Australia, these cereals have many different sprays of agrichemicals, so the mixture of chemicals (some of which probably cause cancer) on cereals is eye opening. 

Recommended reading:

Sir Geoffrey Palmer & Andrew Butler’s critically important 2018 book ‘Towards Democratic Renewal’ draws attention to the problems of democracy in New Zealand, with recommendations moving forward. Members at PSGR’s annual AGM stressed members read ‘Towards Democratic Renewal’ (ISBN: 9781776561834). The content provides an assessment of problematic governance and the requirement for greater transparency and accountability within the public sector. This book is a great gift for the younger generation, it is useful for understanding the machinery of government, while providing a hopeful and logical pathway to a new era of governance-direction and human rights for New Zealand.

  • Professor Catherine Iorns’ insightful paper on New Zealand’s outdated environmental chemical (pesticides) regulation standards ‘Permitting Poison’ – draws attention to the complexity of biological systems and risk and how the precautionary principle should operate at a 'meta-level' in decision-making.
  • Professor Jonathan Boston produced a 2017 book on governance titled ‘Safeguarding the Future’. He wrote ‘Part of the solution must be to embed a concern for the future within day-to-day policy-making frameworks & processes rather than treating it as an optional extra or expendable luxury.’
  • Max Rashbrooke’s positive 2018 book encouraging participatory democracy  ‘Government for the Public Good’. 

An extract from a 2014 paper:

JA Tainter & TG Taylor: Complexity, problem-solving, sustainability and resilience: ‘Increasing complexity, effective at first, seems inexorably to accumulate and to evolve to diminishing returns, undermining the ability to solve future problems’. 

‘Complexity is a basic problem-solving tool. Confronted with problems, societies often respond by developing more complex technologies, establishing new institutions, adding more specialists or bureaucratic levels to an institution, increasing organization or regulation, or gathering and processing more information. While societies usually prefer not to bear the cost of complexity, problem-solving efforts are powerful complexity generators. All that is needed for the growth of complexity is a problem that requires it. Since problems continually arise, there is persistent pressure for complexity to increase’. P.169 

In human societies that are hierarchical, the benefits of complexity often accrue at the top of a hierarchy, while the costs are paid at lower levels. Since benefits and costs do not connect, the cost of complexity often cannot constrain its growth. P.170