Russell Targ is a physicist who has spent much of his life through the 1970s and 1980s working at the Stanford Research Institute which is an extension of Stanford University in California. This is where he and his colleague Harold E. Puthoff co-founded a 23-year, $25-million program of research into psychic abilities and their operational use for the U.S. intelligence community, including the CIA, Defense Intelligence Agency and Army Intelligence.
Since retiring Russell has continued his exploration into the realms of parapsychology and ESP and relates that 5000 years ago, Hinduism and 2,500 years ago Buddhism understood through meditative practices what we are just learning about today.
He emphasizes that we need to cherish the body that we inhabit, and that there is a transcendent knowing, a transcendent doing, and a transcendent being that we as a humanity have very little to no understanding.
Where Leading Edge Science is taking us today is that:
We can heal both locally and at a distance, and we can shift our awareness to travel, (called "remote viewing') in consciousness to distant places and be fully cognizant of what we experience.
He also confirmed of the possibility to access the luminous 'akashic' records, where all information about our past both individually and as a race is 'stored' in a non material library outside of time.
And that the science is firming up that we have having lived lives before on this planet - is now becoming more certain.
Listen to Russell tell of the hidden capabilities of a humanity who have been very enmeshed in the 'outside' world and yet when we still ourselves, a whole realm of profound possibilities can make themselves known.
Russell will be in Auckland on the 15th & 16th October.
Also: Listen to Adonia Wylie of the Ashton Wylie Charitable Trust.
She explains what the forthcoming Science, Consciousness and Spirituality Conference is endeavouring to impart, here in Auckland on the 15th, 16th and 17th of October.
Imagine this idyllic island close to Auckland... with pristine sandy beaches, green rolling hills, native trees and birdlife, and a dynamic creative community that is near totally sustainable, aligned with nature and in harmony with themselves.
Well, this could be the island of tomorrow, here in the Hauraki Gulf, in our fast coming future.
Question? Have you the audacity to envision Waiheke Island as a Biosphere Reserve?
When we realise what is possible and recognise that it can happen, the synergy of a dynamic community can empower the island neighborhood to be a part of something that will make us proud as a society as well as a nation.
There are 109 countries that have ‘Biosphere Reserves’, yet ‘clean green New Zealand’ does not.
Note that many differing groups of individuals throughout the Island already support this notion.
What is evolving out of this is more people becoming involved as a community of leaders, strong, cohesive and resilient.
Waiheke already is a global leader with 198 volunteer organizations from a population of 8000 people. It is a ‘wayshower’ to what a caring, creative and dynamic neighborhood can aspire to, to envision what is needed and take action.
So what is the glue that makes Waiheke people what they are?
Subjects that we don't want to know about, we either avoid or deny.
Because certain environmental matters are not 'glamorous' or have 'celebrity status' we as a group consciousness tend to ignore them (including sewage!).
Notice that the Super City Mayoral Candidates are not championing ecological consciousness, when Auckland sits astride a magnificent picturesque environment which is our best asset.
Why in 2010, in these elections is there is no leadership with Auckland becoming the most environmentally sustainable super city in the Southern hemisphere?
Unbeknown to most NZers, one of the corner stones of NZ's Resource Management Act, is 'to avoid, remedy or mitigate' environmental concerns, which as a noble act that in so many ways is not being enforced by our governmental agencies. Why?
Also, where is today's altruism? The 60's Generation in their day were very focussed on core issues, such as peace, environment and social justice, why is there a lack of interest in that which sustains us and why are we not involving ourselves 'in best practice'?
Do we as a society populated by successful baby boomers really want to leave our planet in a better state than what we enjoyed as children? Can we instead of accepting minimal environmental standards, incorporate best practice into our everyday life? e.g start raising the bar as to require higher quality water? (and air).
It is the cumulative affect of our actions that we are not observing, as we are still looking at isolated actions by themselves. Now is a time to see our planet from a holistic perspective and act accordingly. The need for 'kiwi's' in general to elevate our perspective and look at the broader picture and not from a very limited ground level perspective is imperative!
Where and who are our NZ visionaries? Can you name some? Are they being acknowledged?
Listen to an impassioned and coherent appeal, by someone in the know, that urgent action on so many environmental fronts is required if NZ is going to safeguard its environmental integrity and its so called 'Clean Green' image, and in particular - care for our children and grandchildren's future.
A new NZ initiative, Global Health Clinics is an integrative health clinic, specialising in Natural Health and bringing together a collective of highly trained practitioners to cover all areas of health and wellbeing, including Naturopathy, Acupuncture, Iridology, Massage Therapy, Psychotherapy, NLP, Hypnotherapy, Art Therapy, Dietitians and Nutritionists.
With these therapies moving more into mainstream consciousness along with a healthy diet and regular exercise we are witnessing extremely beneficial effects with the human race in health and wellbeing.
Listen to Adrian Hartigan who has spent 20 years as a natural health practitioner and who introduced Jin Shin Jitsu to NZ, explain some of the deeper levels of working together. She is also the founder of the Holistic Business Network NZ and which is now the World Business Network NZ.
John Coombs, long term advocate and business activist for sustainable development - in natural health, organic food distribution and manufacturing, practical waste utilisation and environmental welfare.
John gives an energetic overview of the potential and possibilities around the synergies relating to the dynamics of pulling various modalities together and empowering us to take charge of both our health and collective future.
We are now at a time when the practitioners of the numerous holistic health remedies including vibrational medicine are coming together in teams to give us a 'one stop shop' to initiate well being and maximise self expression.
New co-operative ventures that pull together powerful modalities under one roof, are bringing to the community a higher level of service to those needing professional alternative, traditional and complimentary medicine.
This is the way of the future and it is happening today in Takapuna NZ.
Phone: (09) 488 0208
Robbyne is a sensitive, being able to see and communicate with the subtle worlds unseen by most people.
Since early childhood she can articulate ways in which to open people up to the possibility that we are surrounded by a world of frequency and that each and everyone of us are an important player in the continuous unfolding of the tapestry of life.
From the cycles of the seasons, the moons gravitational pull, to communications with animals, we are never separate from the web of life.
Having broken away from mainstream society, she studied with Shaman, Indian Elders, Medicine Men, Grandmother Wisdom keepers, and holy men of all nations that has led her to discover the message and universal desire for ‘connection’ is the same on every continent.
Time and time again she was greeted only to have the ancient wisdom and traditions passed on to her through rituals and ceremonies.
These experiences come about not only from the intention to travel and open herself to broader experience, but also from predestined encounters with guardians of sacred sites, often via dreams.
She says when we keep an open mind and are centered within our heart, we can break free of the dreamspell that to all sense and purposes has locked us down to be consumers in a society that is consuming ourselves and of course nature.
And the rewards of seeing through the veil is such a profound awakening, we realize that life now offers so much meaning as well as a spiritual unfoldment into how we can realise our destiny, working towards a peaceful global community.
So the question to be asked is, what is our relationship with the natural world?
And how can we focus this knowing to bring about positive change to our planet today?