Leanora ~ Out of Africa, Ex IT Silicon Valley, to bee keeping, lavender grower, organic gardener of the inner self ~ a woman's journey.
When we close our eyes to the outside world and become self reflective, we realize that we are all we have got. That if we want change in the outer world, we need to recognize that we need to change within as well.
From our first breath as a baby we soak up the imprints of our first contact, to our mother, family and extended family to community.
Surrounded in love we are secure in our localized environment and this allows us to be nourished and acknowledged and find our place in life.
Leanora traveled extensively to finally find NZ and a tiny island microcosm nestled on Waiheke Island in a community who practiced organic principles.
Here in the secureness of warm relationships she engaged in both inner and outer growth giving her an understanding of the psychological patterns that we as an emergent humanity need to become aware of as we clear our being of the need to drop anything that does not serve us. In this process of healing she encountered that there are many methods of clearing trauma and energetic imprints in our body, that hold us back from living our fullest expression.
The more we show up to connect with our sovereign self and owning who we are, the more we can shift to a deeper and clearer countenance of being.
That there are now many modalities of 'whole' practices, we don't have to go to the outside world for answers, shaman, priests, gurus etc
Being present and connecting to the wholeness of our selves, is a direct method of looking within to release all the old patterning in our make up which, can be accessed, cleared and sped up.
Conscious awareness, and not seeing things through the filter of what we have been programmed with - by our parents and society is in many ways the first step of many.
When we show up with an open curiosity, 'something else' can be revealed.
The key being to drop into our heart and ask what would love do, and where would love take us when requiring healing at soul level?
This is a soft and sweet approach to healing of the self, the divine self and the sacred feminine.
And for men, to drop down into ones heart and feel from this place of reverence, where our inner light connects us to our sacred male.
A time for us as a person, to the greater community to recognize that the journey to awakening opens up through our heart.
Remember ~ 8 hugs a day to keep your oxytocin levels up, and Leanora's stall on Market day on Waiheke is known as the hug corner as the bonding connections, enlivens the community.
Gavin, originally from the emerald isle of Ireland now lives in NZ, brings an insightful and holistic vision of how NZ can lead sustainability both locally and globally. And due to the unique and potent comments and articles in Element Magazine it's now becoming an important educator in both the business world as well as schools and community to looking after our children's future.
The whole idea of the Element publication is to use media to create (drive) positive change in society in a world that is all about consumerism and how we can make more money.
Using the triple bottom line and finding the balance between economic prosperity, health of the biosphere and the health of the people that live within the biosphere.
Would you imagine that any government would be stupid enough to sign an international agreement that would allow overseas corporations to sue it, in secretive offshore tribunals claiming that new laws and regulations (for example a ban on fracking, GE, smoking control laws or a cap on electricity prices) have seriously undermined the value of their investments?
Well, that is what the New Zealand Government and ten other countries around the Pacific Rim are negotiating right now under the TPPA, the secret Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement, and President Obama wants it signed by October of this year. Of course the country that has the most to gain will be the US and their corporations!
And do you really think the US needs our dairy products – the sale of which is the supposed benefit for NZ by joining the TPPA?
From what has been gleaned so far, if the negotiations are completed it will make it much harder for governments to pass new laws, to look after the environment, promote health, protect workers (from longer hours, less pay and possibly shorter holidays) and consumers, less stringent quality control, and very importantly not promote the public interest as it defers to lobbyists and private privileged interests.
Labeling of GE foods, for example, would be banned in the interest of the harmonization of laws between countries. The same for labeling country of origin of food. Present tobacco and cigarette rulings could be overridden and the same for alcohol.
We may have to compromise PHARMAC if restrictions are placed on generic medicines, thus making medicine more expensive.
Copyright laws will be toughened and more harshly enforced, restricting internet freedom and access to information.
Foreign banks, insurance companies and money traders will gain more powers to challenge laws designed to prevent another financial crisis.
If and when this secret Agreement is signed, it will not be debated in Parliament here in New Zealand, but will only need to be OK'd by the Cabinet thus short circuiting democracy in this country.
The list goes on.
“The TPPA could also be looked as a way of containing China in the Pacific”, Dr Kelsey says.
Professor of Law, Dr Jane Kelsey has been at the forefront of the opposition to the TPPA and she speaks candidly about the information that has been obtained through leaked documents, and the possible scenarios if it is signed.
Jane Kelsey has an MPhil from the University of Cambridge and a PhD from the University of Auckland. She has worked at the University of Auckland since 1979 and was appointed to a personal Chair in Law in 1997.
She a key member of the Action Resource Education Network of Aotearoa (Arena), and is actively involved in researching and speaking out against the World Trade Organisation, the International Monetary Fund, free trade and corporate-led globalisation.
She is also actively involved in campaigning for the New Zealand Government's full recognition of the Treaty of Waitangi and opposed the controversial seabed and foreshore legislation.
She has been an activist academic and public intellectual for more than 30 years.
Dr Christoph Schumacher: Professor of Innovation and Economics, Massey University Auckland, posits the question from his recent exceptionally well attended public lecture.
"I saw this professorial lecture as a chance to say what I’ve really wanted to say for years, that our current economic mantra is always about growth, but continuous economic growth is not environmentally sustainable, and it is not making us happy.
"Should we be aiming for continual economic growth within a finite environment?"
In other words, are we New Zealanders becoming more happier and less stressed with our current economic system of unrelenting economic growth that consumes resources and pollutes our planet?
‘There’s not a single country (other than possibly Bhutan) on this planet that doesn’t have economic growth as one of its key targets. But we have to stop and ask ourselves why?
'The drive for greater growth and productivity is depleting our resources without satisfying our material desires. He has linked current GDP growth with various happiness surveys and found the more we grow our national wealth, the less happy we become.'
This interview covers areas of where innovation needs to be encouraged with more readily available financial resources, tax incentives (and disincentives) as well as better planning and know how.
Also, the perceived leadership especially from the higher echelons of Government needing to language far more of the basic attributes of community and what we are leaving for our children's future.
For example, NZers are working longer and harder than we were 6 years ago but in Germany there are laws keeping work to 35 to 37 hours a week, and yet their profitability is better and according to Christoph, a German worker works about 400 hours a year less than NZ. That equals 50 days, and as Germany is doing economically very well, where is NZ putting its focus and what is it that we want to ‘grow?'
Is over arching media, a big intrusive programming machine, telling us to buy this, think that, go there, try these, making NZers spend beyond their means? Like; Buying Now, to Save? ‘And New Zealanders are right at the top of that list – our credit card debt is one of the highest in the OECD.’
We are being manipulated by TV, yet in Northern Europe there are laws outlawing certain types of TV advertising in front of children of a certain age.
Subjects this interview covers, our Government instead of being servants of the people, are pushing other agendas? Being business friendly at the expense of the environment, and sustainability, not encouraging organics, a cleaner and greener country and that the TPPA the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement is not being looked at or even acknowledged within the academic arena?
Christoph’s favourite quote comes from British ecological economist Tim Jackson: "Our problem is we are persuaded to buy things we don’t need, with money we don’t have, to make impressions that won’t last, on people we don’t care about." That’s it in a nutshell.
An interesting insight to how universities in NZ are positioning themselves in the narrative of commerce and community and how humans should live in these very rapidly changing of times. Especially, with increasing corporate dominance of our country and what this may mean for our common future.
Robina McCurdy: Community development facilitator, Organic gardener, Permaculture Educator, Land-use designer and Food localiser.
One of the best known permaculture teachers in NZ, Robina has taken her innovative approach to South Africa and into their schools the 'Permaculture curriculum' and assisted large numbers of people to become more self reliant and sustainable in growing of gardens and food production. Especially in squatter settlements, which have been funded by the NZ High Commission, where she trained up teams so as to make herself redundant, which is totally in opposition to todays economic ways which wants you to become 'dependent on the system.’
Starting young on an organic market garden in Christchurch, in an extended family in Harewood planting and harvesting was a joyful thing with aunties and uncles and cousins and the experiencing and knowing of community and connection with the land, and in particular the feeling that this was perfectly normal and not a rare event, and this 'connection' never left her.
Robina, has for the last 30 years lived in the Tui Community, a land co-op and charitable trust next to the Able Tasman National Park in Golden Bay, growing their own food and that, by extension the land has become embodied within her, and at very deep levels. To co-exist with wild life as well, all within an overarching cosmology that is embedded in Permaculture. Being a true marriage of the environment and the needs of the people.
Working in co operation with nature … then once nestled in, can start with growing food, then shelter and housing, community etc … a food forest.
She is now touring NZ with Earth Care Education Aotearoa where she is finding many gardens and groups across the land doing superbly and quietly working with the earth which she enthusiastically calls our taonga.
Working with Susie Lees and Politics of food security
http://localisingfood.weebly.com - they are assisting with understanding rights and responsibilities and ‘No to GE’ and what laws and legislation we need, to keep the community and grass roots organizations growing etc. Plus, being aware of the TPPA the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement and what impact it would have on this country as a top down agenda …
She uses the metaphor that NZ farming has at present diverged into two differing streams running down different sides of the mountain. One is organic, dynamic, free flow, non chemically driven, smaller families, nature friendly, soft on the earth and giving back to the environment, whilst the other is top down management, big business, exploitative, industrial, chemically driven, profit at all costs, energy and resources intensive that pollutes degrades and denatures the country. Exporting … our soils, our water …our natural resources … our taonga …
This signals the dichotomy of what we as a nation are doing with big money as the driver of the latter, and though bringing in huge monetary volume, is very short term thinking with no long term sustainable outlook.
Topics also covered:
The great turning that Joanna Macy calls where ethical consumption, the slow food movement, calculation of food miles, our ecological planetary footprint and the other … based on both fear and disconnect from Papatuanuku, our physical sustainer (no blame or no judgement) where everything is seen as up for grabs to pillage and take, and giving nothing really back being just a gigantic resource snatch.
Also covering the spiritual dimension in how we live and be and do in the moment trusting in living in the now, that what we manifest for the betterment of the whole takes us forward into the new paradigm in hand with how our ancestors and how our tipuna would like to see, being a natural and more cohesive world that comes into being.
This inspirational interview covers a wide realm of what is happening across the land of NZ at a grass roots level, and will leave you in a very optimistic frame of mind to get out and work the soil and grow both yourself and your community, your own healthy sustenance.
Robert, from the far North in North Auckland is a vegetable grower who decided back in 1997 and with one other founded the Whangarei growers market. This market is the largest and oldest market of its kind in New Zealand and by many accounts is one of the most thriving growers (farmers) markets in the country, attracting between 4500 to 5000 shoppers every Saturday morning.
It is a 'David vs Goliath' success story that has enabled growers once on the brink of ruin, who were sick of the supermarket chains squeezing their returns, reorganized themselves and broke free. The market has grown by word of mouth and social networking and does absolutely no advertising to sell direct to the public.
This interview covers the challenges faced, the food that is produced, virtually all spray free, and moving towards more organic, fruit veggies, dairy, meat, fish, honey and is a place where relationships develop between suppliers and the public.
This is a place for small to medium growers to sell their produce, based on a set of simple principles that do not allow in the big boys and is a superb example of community coming together for mutual benefit.
GE Free Northland is also covered in this interview.
Glenn, a New Zealander, has just returned from Schumacher College in Devon in the UK which runs courses around sustainability, using a transformative approach in helping organisations understand and find solutions.
In this interview, our planet is personified by referring to 'her' in her ancient name as Gaia, and is mentioned as science and reality combine, with ancient knowledge we realise that of all the major planets in our solar system, only Venus has a female name, yet the ancient Greeks 2,500 years ago had a name for 'mother earth' and they called her Gaia, 'from her all things issued'.
The many cycles of life on our planet, either cycle through the ocean or have contact with it as it's a gigantic dynamic system, in many ways the blood stream for the planetary body, which is 3.5% salt which in a uncanny way mirrors the salt percentage in the human body.
This interview covers the wholeness of our ocean planet, in that all oceans are interconnected.
The ocean is the life blood of our planet.
We have until now, only explored 1% of the deep ocean. This could be likened that possibly only 1% of the worlds population has explored the depths of their own inner realms, the psyche. (Greek for soul).
How do we take action to reclaim the ocean treasures of Kai Moana 'food from the ocean'. Can we embrace Rahui, the Maori word to 'lock away an area so that it can regenerate.' Back in 1981, NZ was in many ways leading the world in marine reserves, but that is no longer the case today.
With top down solutions from Government this can have a tendency to absolve the populace from responsibility by leaving it up to 'somebody else' to fix the problems for them. Yet now with Government wanting to cash up on the natural environment will it actually act, or instead ... not lead at all?
For the sake of future generations it is 'we the people' that need to take a leadership roll.
Learn that 'industrial' fishing has nothing to do with feeding people. The worlds major fishing fleets are owned by a very small number of families and a large percentage of fish caught goes for fish meal, pet food, fertilisers and other products and not actually feeding people.
This has grown out of control to include the totally destructive practice of bottom dredging by trawlers.
Recently the Japanese Government subsidized their Whaling industry by around US$30 million.
Listen from a Gaian perspective how plankton forms and gives off a spore (DMS) that seeds rain clouds on the micro level and that we have these giant repositories in the form of mega fauna, the great whales of the macro world. With their acoustic communication through the water to telepathic communication that includes some of Rupert Sheldrakes recent understandings.
Then to Glenn's experience of being enveloped within a field and feeling of connection with a Humpback whale while diving in Tongan waters and what it represented from a spiritual standpoint and our connection to what is sentience?
However circumstances were such we did not get to talk about the Pacific Ocean gyre garbage patch and now the Southern hemisphere Pacific gyre nor that the oceans were becoming acidic due to the increase in C02 being absorbed from the atmosphere.
This is an interview of a man who has a deep love for nature, the oceanic mass that surrounds our planet and his connection with all biota.
Glenn Edney and the scientific understanding of oceans and looking at ways to manage marine resources.
What really went on in Iceland?
Iceland was the first of the economies to collapse in the increasing list of countries affected by the corrupt banking system.
After most people lost their savings, how did the people of Iceland survive? How have they moved from a complete financial collapse in 2008 to a successful functioning "local economy”?
After the collapse on October 2008 actor, singer and gay rights activist Hordur Torfason planted himself outside parliament. Every day for a week he stood in the same spot and asked the people two questions. The first, do you know what has happened in this country? The second, do you have any ideas about what we can do about it?
By gauging opinion on the streets, and through innovative social media, he devised three demands which reflected the people’s immediate wishes: the government should resign, the board of the financial supervisorial authority should resign, and the board of the national bank should resign.
Within three months and in extremely cold and wet conditions, Torfason inspired thousands of people to take intelligent action resulting in radical change in Iceland’s government and economy. All of this was achieved peacefully.
Top economists are now saying Iceland is showing the way: While many countries within the Eurozone have bailed out the bankers and 'made the public pay the price' Iceland let the banks go bust and actually expanded its social safety net.
Nobel prize-winning economist Joe Stiglitz noted: “What Iceland did was right. It would have been wrong to burden future generations with the mistakes of the financial system.”
Is it as rosy as it sounds, and what might happen in the next election?
Yet, why is mainstream media so very quiet about what happened in Iceland?
Hordur Torfason tells his story and explains that there is still much work to be done.
For details of Torfason’s 'extensive' March 2013 New Zealand tour go to:
See also www.facebook.com/HordurTorfasonNZTour.
Patricia Ranald, PhD of Sydney, Australian spokesperson for the Australian Fair Trade and Investment Network.
Interviewed on the underlying challenges of the secret TPPA, the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement and how it could adversely affect Australia.
(And NZ).
The TPPA originally started with NZ, Brunei, Singapore and Chile, but they have since been joined by the US and Australia and five other countries. US corporations are setting the agenda.
Australian civil society groups want the TPPA text to be made public and debated in Parliament before Government signs any agreement.
Why? Because they already have a Free Trade deal with the USA. They have had no economic benefit and are importing more from America than they export. For example, Australian sugar farmers did not get any additional access to US markets.
The US wants to include in the TPPA special rights for foreign investors to sue governments for damages in international tribunals if a law or policy harms their investment. This can undermine democratic health or other regulation by governments.
For example, Philip Morris the tobacco corporation is using an obscure 1993 Hong Kong-Australia investment agreement to sue the Australian Government for damages over its plain packaging legislation. They are persisting with the case despite the fact that the Australian High Court found that tobacco companies were not entitled to compensation for legitimate public health legislation.
These tribunals do not have the safeguards of national systems. The proceedings are secret, arbitrators can be an arbitrator one week and an advocate the next, and there are no precedents or appeals, leading to inconsistent decisions.
The general consensus is that these tribunals are biased in favour of corporate investors.
The US corporate agenda is seen by a growing number of Australians as tying the hands of Government. This can prevent present and future governments to regulate in many important matters, like access to medicine, keeping current environmental laws in place, health regulations, having 'No GE' labelling on food and not opening up essential services to international investors.
The Australian slogan is “Fair Deal or No Deal for the TPPA”
So far, there is no agreement that fundamental labour rights will be included and enforced in the TPPA. These are the freedom of association, the right to form unions, the right to collective bargaining, no forced labour, no child labour and no discrimination in the workplace. Without enforceable labour rights, increased trade can lead to a race to the bottom on working conditions.
Finally, we see that the Australians are fighting the same battle for their sovereignty as we are here in NZ
http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PO1303/S00033/tppa-academic-slams-report-pm-used-to-claim-35bn-gains .htm
Listen to a very potent and passionate appraisal of the forthcoming 2nd Holistic Cancer Congress in Auckland which continues as a World First for its integrative approach to cancer therapies and diagnostics.
With presentations from Dr Bruce Lipton PhD, Ian Gawler, Dr Thornton Streeter DSc, Dr Robin Kelly, Dr Nicky Baillie, Liz Hart, David Holden, Phil Kerslake, and Peter Chaplin – each top experts in their own right. If you need to know the very latest information on cancer, and all approaches to its prevention and treatment, you must attend this Congress!
Today, many people are being shocked to find that they have a form of cancer or a family member or friend has become afflicted. Modern mainstream medicines use of some very invasive methods, with varying success, has compelled many people to seek other more natural ways to heal and recover.
This Holistic Cancer Congress follows on last years ground breaking 1st Congress where numerous presenters receive rapturous, standing ovations as they offered up not only hope but results.
David also gives a very lucid assessment of the new holistic technologies that the team at Global Health Clinics in Takapuna have brought to NZ. High-tech equipment can now track 'aura' energies and actually photograph energy 'chakras' and give virtual instant data readouts, that have been approved by the US FDA. This technology can also check blood for quality, parasites, viruses and all manner of tests.
He then introduces the numerous therapists and their various and integrative skills within an extensive range of holistic modalities that is extremely impressive for NZ and shows just how talented this growing team of many years of experience, are capable of.
So much so that their level of expertise has shifted holistic integrative and complementary medicine to another level of efficacy, where energy medicine and a whole new way of seeing the human body is acknowledged in a 21st century context.
The world of relating to human health is changing fast and we need to equip ourselves with new knowledge from the basics of taking in of the best quality, air, water and food, plus rest, exercise, sleep, inclusive of close family ties, warm relationships and minimising stress.
A very comprehensive interview of the leading edge of Holistic Health, that will educate you to a far broader understanding of why people are consciously choosing the natural path to optimum health and wellbeing.
Controversial figure Ken Ring is the only long range weather forecaster in the country. He has been predicting weather for over 15 years and in this interview he explains the differences between his system of prediction, using lunar orbits, seasonal cycles and by examining historical weather trends, as opposed to conventional weather forecasting via observation from satellites.
"No guarantee of 100% accuracy is claimed. Sciences that depend on nature's patterns are never exact despite best intentions," Ken says. He predicted this summer would be drier than normal for most of the country.
He highlights the politics of why it suits weather forecasters to get it wrong! Indigenous peoples and farmers have been aware of the moons influence on weather for years, but its influence is ignored in mainstream forecasting.
Ken challenges the generally accepted reasons for climate change and says the system is too big and powerful to be greatly affected by human activity. He also tells the story of the politics behind global warming science.
By observing and studying the earth, the sun, and the moon Ken has developed a system of earthquake prediction where it is possible to tell an approximate date when the moons pull on the earth is likely to create quakes. He explains the earth’s tide. Whenever the sun and moon are in line with Earth, such as during a full moon or a new moon, the tidal effects, are greater. It is during these times that Earth experiences most of its earthquakes.
A former maths teacher, he is the author of over 30 books on weather and climate in New Zealand, Australia and UK, including his New Zealand Weather almanacs produced every year since 1999. He also runs the Predict Weather website and consults to a wide range of local bodies, event organisers and corporates in three countries.
For the past five years Ken has been long-range consultant for Channel Seven, Australia's largest TV network, appearing monthly on their prime-time show, Today Tonight, and they have just renewed his contract. Whether you agree with Ken or not, you are likely to find this interview full of interesting perspectives.
His website is www.predictweather.co.nz
Most places in New Zealand have fluoride in the water, but is it dumbing down the population and making people ill? Fluoride expert Dr Paul Connett, professor Emeritus in Chemistry from St Lawrence University New York USA, says “Yes”.
For years health experts have been unable to agree on whether fluoride in the drinking water may be toxic to the developing human brain. Extremely high levels of fluoride are known to cause neurotoxicity in adults, and negative impacts on memory and learning have been reported in rodent studies, but little is known about the substance’s impact on children’s neurodevelopment.
In a meta-analysis, researchers from Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and China Medical University in Shenyang for the first time combined 27 studies and found strong indications that fluoride may adversely affect cognitive development in children. Based on the findings, the authors say that this risk should not be ignored, and that more research on fluoride’s impact on the developing brain is warranted.
Dr Connett questions the appropriateness of considering a miniscule amount of improvement in tooth surface above the importance of the brain.
When the fluoridation of water began, there was little evidence for its long term safety (as for GMOs) and since then little attempt has been made to monitor its health effects systematically. Because there are so many unanswered health questions, fluoridation of water must be considered an ongoing experimental procedure, and as such it is a violation of the Nuremberg Code, which forbids experimentation on humans without their informed consent.
In Europe, nearly all countries have never fluoridated their water or have ceased doing so. Yet the incidence of tooth decay has declined just as much as in those countries that practice fluoridation. This fascinating interview with Dr Paul Connett, will raise alarm bells about many aspects of the mass medication of the population by fluoride and he challenges us to do something about it.
Details of Dr Connett’s New Zealand Tour can be found here - http://www.fannz.org.nz/paulconnett.php
Check out this previous GreenPlanetFM interview on Fluoride with Mary Byrne and Mark Atkin of Fluoride Action Network.
This GreenPlanetFM programme is sponsored by The Awareness Party.
The Earth talking to Humanity via Sten Linnander
Sten's quest in life is to understand how we can reconnect with the living world around us and take our rightful place as conscious participants in its evolution.
Prior to the year 2000, Sten kept receiving messages that he refused to believe, and it took him over a decade to come to terms with the information that he wrote down, and now has published it.
The challenge of not wanting to believe that the Earth (she) was actually talking, or whispering to him, caused him to question why he picked up these messages 'inside himself.'
That the earths atmosphere can also be perceived as an aura and just as radio and TV waves can pass through the atmosphere from station to receiver, so can 'sensitive' people pick up information too.
Most Indigenous peoples globally acknowledge animism and inherently know that rocks store information, as in crystals.
That we too can program crystals ourselves when we understand certain principles that shaman and medicine healers know of AND that the earth embodies information stored in rock as well as crystals and 'wants to convey' far more information to humanity …
Sten states that in stilling ourselves and letting go into a deeper quieter countenance and listening to the Earth, the more autonomous we become, that in fact we do not lose our individuality - on the contrary we connect with a greater possibility and being …
The Earth's message to us is to walk the earth as if every step we are kissing the earth - in a sensitivity of being - we walk the earth the same way as we ride a horse. We do not ride on a horse we ride a horse and 'become one with the horse' - same for when we walk the earth not walk on the earth. Many indigenous people understand this fully.
Listen to Sten, talking of this epic tale of love making and earth intimacy…, like only a Swede can.
The Earth states 'it is a sexual being …'
The love affair between the Sun and Earth gave rise to life on this planet …
Taking time to immerse ourself in nature, by rivers, lakes, oceans, mountain top etc, just to get away from our everyday world and … listen and let go … and we start pulsating in resonance with the earth.
The Earth interacts with our dreams - and our need to be 'conscious' prior to going to sleep.
However the Earth says the greatest impediment for communication is that we humans do not believe that the Earth is alive.
When I asked him about a statement in his book that was headed, humans beings and the earth as having a joint goal; allowing and combining Freedom and Intimacy, 'listen' to an elegant answer to this question.
Intimacy = In-to-me-I-see
Another statement in the book is called; RECAPITULATING THE PAST - he talks to this too.
And finally at the end of the interview Sten mentions that the Earth has a plan for humanity to build a device in which the Earth can speak to us, in our language and in images …and ultimately in voice …
And that 'time itself' is changing and we are just starting to perceive that this is happening.
I Am With You. The Earth Wants to Talk With Us
Celebrating Voices of the Sacred Earth; Feb 8,9 & 10th of Feb 2013
Kawai Purapura - Mills Lane, Oteha Valley Rd, Albany on the North Shore
With Jenny Cottingham, Dyana Wells, Te Ngako Ngaropo & Dr Jyoshna La Trobe
'Sacred Earth Festival' & Symposium & Gathering of All Beings
KIA ORA: You are invited to celebrate the sacred in a festive setting of community and sharing of gifts, knowledge, spontaneity and song within a context of expansive enjoyment and kinship.
We ask that you commit to something DIFFERENT this weekend and involve yourself by either observing, listening, or participating in open, light hearted discussion and join in an event that brings forth a collective of NZ's top story tellers; of Maori, metaphysical ecologists, healers, artists and indigenous ideals of how as one seamless organism we can anchor a vision of a bio harmonic lifestyle and community.
With a holistic understanding that integrates scientific principles people are awakening to the need to creatively build community into a dynamic field of possibility. And that 'cultural creative's' need to be communing together. By showing up at this event, this in-breath of connectivity will carry you deeper into your heart and the fabric of your being and, of all being.
Attending, speaking & workshops:
Presenters & Wisdom Keepers
Barry Brailsford MBE: Author and Storyteller
Barry, the vehicle for 'The Song of Waitaha', has spent much of his life researching, learning and sharing the history and ancient lore of the Maori and Polynesian people. He is an elder story teller of ancient times.
Makuini Ruth Tai: Aroha Ambassador For Peace and Kaitiaki Pa Manawa.
Makuini sees herself as an Aroha Light Language Scholar and linguist as well as an Aroha Ambassador for Peace and Goodwill. Being a bridger in languaging ancient lore - towards a more expansive understanding
Dr Richard Nunns QSM: Taonga Puoro (Maori Musical Instruments)
Dr Richard Nunns QSM is a living authority on Nga Taonga Puoro (Maori traditional musical instruments). He has been described as one of New Zealand’s most remarkable musicians.
Michael O’Donnell: Artist, Environmentalist, Storyteller Catalyst
Michael of Tarariki Pottery Paeroa is an artist, environmentalist, storyteller and catalyst. In his own unique way he has learned to walk the path of the old peoples of New Zealand and Ireland.
Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber: Matakite (Medicine Woman)
Franchelle is a New Zealander of Russian and Native American Cherokee descent, born with highly developed clairvoyant and healing gifts and comes from a lineage of medicine men and women.
Atarangi Muru: Maori ‘Hands On’ Healer, Lecturer
Atarangi is a Maori Healer and is affiliated to the Ngati Kuri, Te Aupouri and Te Rarawa tribes. She was raised in the small, remote, coastal community of Ahipara Northland.
Gary Cook: Researcher, Author, Temple Knight
Gary is a leading writer on the special nature of the mystic realms that are to be found in New Zealand and the South Pacific and leader of The Secret Land project. Showing his new video Friday Night called 'Voices of the Forest.'
Te Ngakooterangi
He will share knowledge around ” Revitalising the authentic spiritual power of the Tōhunga Ahurewa (Traditional Māori Spiritual Practitioners) in a modern world” (Masters thesis) – and “A new perspective towards reconstructing the traditional “Whare Wānanga” (Māori Spiritual Wisdom Schools) in a contemporary context” which is his PhD topic.
Ojasvin and Iris Davis: Grandmother’s Healing Haka
Ojasvin Kingi Davis is Maori from the people of Ngaitupoto, Ngatihine, Ngapuhi of Aotearoa, New Zealand. His bloodline and family traditions reaches back to the stream of Waitaha and Waiomu.
Antion: Guitarist, Sikh, Sacred Sound Celebration
Antion: 60’s world-class guitarist of rock star fame, he was the first Kundalini Yoga teacher in UK and Europe in 1970, the first non-Indian to sing sacred Kirtan in India’s Golden Temple, and the first non-Hawaiian to be honored as a master of chant.
Elandra Kirsten Meredith: “Hawaian Chanting For Healing”
Elandra LMT, BA: is a Yoga teacher of 40 years, a 16-year director of a West Coast Yoga Center, author of five Yoga Manuals, midwife, and international founder/director teacher-trainer of her own healing work, Lomi Chi Holographic Healing.
Dr Jyoshna La Trobe: Composer, Ethnographer, Workshop Leader
Jyoshna is a composer, ethnomusicologist and international workshop leader who has authored over 25 albums of original and ethnographic albums. Jyoshna’s speciality is devotional music of India, and completed her PhD on “Kīrtan and Ecstatic performance in Bengal, India”, becoming the first westerner to gain a doctorate in Rarhi Bangla Kirtan.
Plus: Tania Batt, Lyn Kriegler, Jimi Dale, Georgia Wood, Shakti Band, Gus Simonovic, Brant Secunda, DJ Anirvan, Gamelan Padhang Moncar, Bhadrasena, Margaret-Mary Hollins, Daring Donna, Elisabeth von Madarasz, Nicky Hammond, Kereru, Kerry Strongman, Bill Watson and Michael Fleck plus many, many other musicians.
These are just some of the speakers, presenters, healers and artists that will be present from the 8th, 9th and 10th of February 2013.
Kawai Purapura - Mills Lane, Oteha Valley Rd, Albany on the North Shore
Ph 09 415 9468
Tickets Required.
Discussing his perceptions of our great sustainer our planet, the biosphere and a deeper look at sentience as well as animism, including new information that all minerals on earth are evolving and that essentially everything in existence is evolving.
Progressing the possible transition of our earth society awakening and embracing a broader awareness both on the inner and outer planes and actually shifting to become a high energy, synergistic, co-operative and co-creative society.
Called the Noosphere, Greek for 'MindSphere' that Teilhard de Chardin the visionary Jesuit, evolutionist envisioned, that humanity upon awakening to higher aspirations and virtues, 'consciously' break free from the inextricable economic, ecological and societal malaise that we face on earth today and enter a new realm of being.
As climate change becomes more obvious we humans have entered majorly into the equation and in 2,500 years have gone from 250 million people, to 7 billion plus.
Our economic juggernaut has now cut down huge swaths of forests, drained wetlands and swamps, sprayed chemicals over the land, (that end up in the ocean) then put tarmac, concrete and roofs over Gaia's breathing earth, built 900 million cars, 300 million plus motor bikes & scooters, a 100 million trucks and busses, multi thousands of airplanes and with the intensifying military and their wasteful vehicles that ...
Gaia's embedded natural systems of atmosphere, oceans, land-mass and forests, can't react in time to bring balance, and 'she' in this extremely short period of time is being totally overwhelmed!
Hence climate change exacerbated by frequency and weather modification, plus military experiments as well ... is making it too tough for her to bring her house and biological systems into dynamic order.
Having a fever, she oscillates from extreme hot to extreme cold endeavoring to bring about balance, and in a fever she becomes hot and dry, then instantly sweats and she floods. Then shivering cold spells to hot drought like periods again ... and again… Winds could be anything from burping to possibly flatulence. Boils and pimples akin to volcanic activity. In a fever of this magnitude - that we know of no outcome - all manner of strange phenomena happens and IT IS HAPPENING NOW!
Listen to a softer side of Tim as he shares his love for the natural world, of 'connection' and how we urgently need to face ourselves if we as an earth community are to 'come together' as a global family within the context of unity consciousness.
Tim's very old web site of 1996: http://www.ourplanet.org
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