Corporate control of our global food system is not in the interests of people or the environment. Fewer and fewer corporations control more and more of our food chain.
Their interests are in making money, not feeding people good nourishing food. We need to establish a strong food democracy to halt the steady march of corporate agriculture.
This interview includes Claire Bleakely, president of GE Free New Zealand and speaks about her trip to China where she heard world class scientists at the International Conference on Ethnic Food Cultures and Food Safety, (held in Kunming, China,) present on a broad range of topics from ethnic and cultural values of food, to the evidence of harm caused by genetically engineered (GE) foods.
Claire went as a delegate from New Zealand along with Organics NZ Brendan Hoare, and Professor Jack Heinemann.
Professor Jack Heinemann from Canterbury presented a 50-year comparison of agricultural methods in the US and Europe that shows the introduction of GE plants has impacted negatively on yields, diversity and pesticide use across America.
HOWEVER: Tim Lynch and Lisa Er begin the programme with a discussion about the reasons for the DEMO 4 DEMOcracy this Sunday the 1st of September.
Almost a dozen demonstrations from Keri Keri to Christchurch will be held this coming weekend to protest the continued loss of democracy in New Zealand.
September 1st (the first day of Spring) is DEMO 4 DEMOcracy day, which will see family-friendly rallies throughout the country, inviting people to march under the banner of their choice, but in solidarity against the corporate take-over of our country, and New Zealanders’ blatant loss of sovereignty and democracy. Ten days of activities will continue the nationwide protests until September 11.
This initiative was launched only a month ago by Kiwis Connect For a Positive Future and has already convinced over 760 members and a large following on Facebook that it is time for “Human Need not Corporate Greed.” Much stress has been placed on the protests being peaceful, but not necessarily quiet: A suggestion to bang pots and pans has arisen following similar successful demonstrations in Argentina, Turkey, Canada and Iceland.
The perception that this country has the least corruption and the most transparency globally, no longer rings true to many people. While voicing concerns to government, numerous issues are not being addressed – from the GCSB and asset sales to oil drilling, mining, the TPPA and GMO’s & GE to low wages. For information on the TPPA (Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement) go to
Kiwis Connect aims to build awareness amongst the public about these issues and it is intended to keep the Facebook main page even after the event. It is not pushing any political party but is about building awareness of the issues that are damaging this country - and looking at how to correct them.
The organisers hope New Zealanders will be united in integrity and peace, holding a banner for positive change for the good of everyone.
Further information can be found at;
This programme is sponsored by
Please join DEMO 4 DEMOcracy Sept 1st! at 2pm, across NZ
We are Rallying and Connecting Kiwis, Nation Wide with the issues affecting the future of our communities, such as the corporate control and the erosion of our democratic rights and sovereignty. We stand for the basic principles of democracy, sustainability, social justice, and environmental integrity.
Nearly every sector in NZ is under intense pressure from either Government inaction or its overt and covert collusion with corporate entities, especially its dismissive attitude to a society requiring authentic leadership and statesmanship as well as a level of genuine care and concern.
Our Government is shrewdly laying siege to the NZ environment and people, under the increasingly shrill mantra of 'we have to make more money' by exploiting and extracting anything and everything. The earth our great sustainer as you know is under relentless assault, even as we intuitively realize we are at multiple tipping points within the magnificence of the straining biosphere.
With the state sell off of public assets, insidious security and intelligence breaches, super secret trade deals like the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement, corporate encroachments and lobbying, secret military accords & harmonization of Laws with the USA, we the citizens of NZ are on the back foot.
Low wages for workers, corporate infiltration into city councils, pharmaceutical corporations advertising directly on TV. No labeling of food sources, ingredients & processes, plus additional chemicals in municipal drinking water, failure to keep city air clear, unsafe food (GE and GMO's) unsustainable farming, destructive mining, corporate take-over of education, health and prisons & public services and the TPPA to bind it all in, all have the common theme of locking down our collective future.
And more and more issues are being thrown at 'we the citizens.' Not to mention the Fukushima radiation continuously spewing into the Pacifist ocean, our deep blue Pacific that laps our shores, with every Government acquiescing and remaining extremely silent, including No Nuke groups.
If we do not come together, and intelligently organize and unite the country by calling the government to account, it will only accelerate and get far worse!
We do not need prophetic statements to tell us where this is could all go.
The 1st of September Nationwide rally aims to cover all of the many issues that people see as important concerns and that are both affecting their lives as well as our countries future, especially our kids.
( Downtown Queen St Auckland
New Zealanders Intelligently Committing to Organise for our Common Future