Right from the start both of these very articulate communicators share their knowingness as to the challenges and opportunities to heal what is becoming the affliction of the human race. Cancer!
What I like about them is that ever since knowing them - they have been focusing on encouraging us to see our body in a new light - to see that we need not be a victim of our genetic make up and that when we look beyond, into the quantum levels of the subatomic realms - new possibilities come into being.
This requires a shift in awareness, in consciousness - that we are energy fields in a localised planetary field that is embedded in a universal energy field - is opening up new vistas of not only health and healing, but living, our philosophy in life and indeed - our cosmology.
If perhaps you are aware of what’s happening in the realm of health and healing, there are some exceptionally unique perspectives being offered.
Speakers at this symposium include leaders in their particular fields, from the United States, Australia and New Zealand:, Jack Tips ND PhD, Dr Allan Frankel MD, Ty Bollinger, Glen Gillard ND, Greg Fredericks NMD, Dr Robin Kelly MD, Prof Bill Watson, Katherine Smith, Jon Eisen and Kim Knight.
The International Holistic Cancer Symposium (IHCS) is a regular conference organized by health professionals, the purpose being to share scientific evidence-based research on cancer prevention, treatment, management and support, and providing knowledge that encompasses treating the whole person, not just cancer tumours. It is a resource for all those who are interested in an evidence-based holistic approach to cancer.
The IHCS is for Governmental Agencies, Medical, Allied and CAM health practitioners, Cancer Support Organisations and Cancer NGO’s and Cancer patient lobby groups.