Experienced holistic health practitioners Erica Lang and Liz Hart offer simple and effective tips and options towards relieving stress and experiencing optimal health.
Erica who uses a combination of Bodytalk and Counseling helps her clients with a wide range of health challenges. Her clients inevitably experience relief from emotional pain and stress , often feeling real transformational changes to their life.
Liz a local pioneer and teacher of Emotional Freedom technique explains how she helps her clients overcome long term health issues by helping modify unhelpful behaviors and attitudes. Liz offers empowering skills to self manage good health providing clients with tools for managing stress and pain.
This GreenPlanetFM program is sponsored by:
GLOBAL HEALTH CLINICS: 5 Anzac Street Takapuna North Shore City
Email: info [at] globalhealthclinics.co.nz
Phone: (09) 488 0208 (09) 488 0215
Web: http://www.globalhealthclinics.co.nz
Global Health Clinics use a creative blend of integrating contemporary and
alternative methods together to bring about greater well being or the
healing you have been seeking.