What is it that compels a very fit and energetic octogenarian, to come back to NZ for a visit to give talks and share his insights across the Auckland region?
From the NZ navy, to the police to a farmer who went into local politics for 6 terms and realized that we should NEVER allow more than 4 terms maximum as any more than this and you lose your enthusiasm, energy and panache.
Saw town planning become so restrictive and that produced the growth of bureaucracy.
Realised in the 1960s that it was not National or Labour but 'the system' that was wrong, where Social Credit offered another viewpoint around finance and economy, he stood at different times against Bill Birch and also Winston Peters and Colin Moyle.
Always pushing the envelope he owned a health store in Australia and then 'moved on'. What motivated him was he did everything because he wanted to see how he could help people.
As a farmer he used to kill his own animals for meat and states that fat on meat is so important as it helps digest the protein, and that it is imperative that we have fat on our chops or whatever. Same for raw milk, it is essential that it is raw as pasteurized milk destroys beneficial bacteria along with the bad ones and destroys enzymes essential for nutrient absorption.
But there is an organization called the 'Organisation of Food Protection.' He says it is a mighty force, and he attended the last conference of 2,500 people, comprising of the manufacturers of instruments needed for testing things, the bureaucrats, the microbiologists and the lawyers who want to sue the farmers for various infringements etc. Evidently, Governments worldwide are looking to this organization for advice.
They want to sterilize every food, which entails the destruction of all enzymes etc too. What Geoffrey noted as a visitor, that they are opposed to raw milk being available to people as a choice. Fortunately, California and some other states in the USA allow raw milk as well as in Europe where it is sold via vending machines. Also now in NZ's South Island.
Some of the Subjects Covered:
We must be able to have choice to eat and consume genuine foods that give us energy dense nutrition and that greens are so necessary for iron for our body.
Too many people today are anaemic due to a lack of minerals in the soil, due to incorrect farming methods. Biological farming being the new innovative answer.
Also, that magnets and magnetism has an untapped future in the growth and yield of plants and its affects on the soil in general.
That cadmium in market gardens in Pukekohe is frightening … (and throughout NZ). That Clean Green NZ is being compromised?
Soy comes in for criticism because it it is being linked to a thyroid issue and that iodine needs to be absorbed through the skin to offset this, best get good advice from a doctor, health practitioner, or naturopath first.
With changes to the chemistry of the environment men are growing larger breasts in the USA and are having to engage in breast reduction surgery because of the estrogen in soy.
Imperative to keep family farms in NZ. Corporate farms are always driving the bottom line, and thinking chemicals always to increase output.
Use of pendulum or divining rod, especially for children to learn how to use a pendulum so that they can quickly test to see if the food they are about to eat is good for them.
An exceptionally interesting interview that covers a wide range of health matters and life experiences by an exceptionally strong and vibrant 87 year old with much wisdom to share.