James’s aim is to bring community based grassroots organisations into fruition at the same time optimising conscious choices as to how we work and meld together as self actualised team members.
He sees an immediacy in doing this.
He brings people together to mesh them into a team, by using practical components including self reflection and meditation so as to have real grounded intentions. Be it through engineering to horticulture, he works to share skills and create products.
However, his message is that to make things happen we have to do them at grassroots level - here and now. His local project up in central North Auckland on the East coast is that in 18 months time he will show people that they can come and start working immediately as a localised opportunity in action. He maintains that if the community is not on board with their heart it simply does not happen, as he found out when working up in Shanghai, China for a year and that another important quality is that we have to be an active part of our community with no separation. To be inclusive is so important.