Imagine New Zealanders being able to have easy access to a huge nationwide network of every health and healing modality available.
From Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Osteopathy, and Naturopathy, plus Massage, Aromatherapy, Iridology and Chiropractic. Today we have Alexander Technique, Bowen Therapy, Hellerwork and Rolfing plus Feldenkrais as well as the tried and true herbal elixirs, potions and tonics and many methods to detox us and eliminate poisons from our body.
Going further, we also have vibrational healing, like Bach flowers, and plant and crystal essences, and even colour therapy, plus medical intuitives and many variations of hands-on spiritual healing.
Why have so many methods of healing? Because the current allopathic medical model is failing us due to it’s near total emphasis on selling us drugs and pharmaceuticals and treating our body as a machine with no soul.
With 9,000 certified holistic health practitioners and healers in NZ, listen to how they are organising themselves into a vast community network to be able to efficiently and effectively play a critical if not a pivotal role in keeping us healthy and focusing on preventative methods and thus being at the ‘top of the cliff' and not the 'ambulance at the bottom of the cliff’.
This is where personal responsibility for ‘one’s health of one’s temple’ is taking us during these times of awakening to our body, mind and spirit.
GreenplanetFM 104.6 Thurs 8-9am 14th April
Jonathan Callinan The Wellness Directory
Expert Practitioners @ Your Fingertips