We have all been birthed onto this planet and from our first breath our journey has been one that I would like to think, of being wanted, loved and that our parents and siblings make family life one of connection and joy.
She also says that there is an increasing understanding of new holistic preparatory methods, that once the prospective ‘first' mother-to-be, educates herself (along with her spouse) major positive changes eventuate. This translates to attending advanced prenatal class etc, (prior to birth) that from then on - virtually every birth becomes so much easier. That over the hours, days, weeks and months every aspect of motherhood, becomes so much easier for both baby and mother - making parenting very satisfying and fulfilling.
She mentions that in the current obstetric system 50% of first time births for mums are dramatic and traumatic - however when we add up the C section and also the instrumental delivery rate - this is what happens.
That any woman who are not fully engaged in their pregnancy - having too much happening in their life - (yet still think that they are engaged), but they are not fully engaged - like get really focussed and engaged and get as much information about pregnancy so that when the time of the birth happens - that it a fantastic beautiful, wonderful birth - everything goes better.
The enjoyment of feeding is better, the baby is thriving - virtually no post natal depression - the husband and partner are wrapped -everything just works better - everything flows in what Kathy calls the ‘cascade of normalcy’ -
She states that the Number 1 priority for the baby is:
The safest, most kindest, most gentlest birth. (Listen to what is often said next)
Mum’s to be - you need to quit work early if you can! It is important to be rested and relaxed
(we did not get around to soft nature sound or soothing music for the baby in utero …
Gold standard for mums doing part time work to 28 weeks and not working from 32 weeks This always turns out better for the mother - listen
Working to 38 weeks is definitely not the way to go.
Eating - the big one is for mothers is to avoid food poisoning - this Kathy says is what it is all about. Listen - Fresh, organic,
Mothers milk and the magic of what it does. Listen
Baby be fed breast milk for the first 6 months - has all the antibodies and goodness for babies intestines.
Formula - very technically advanced now …
Though no colostrum, be it a mouse, a goat or a whale - because we are born with our intestines sterile.
The need for us all to be aware of the inherent goodness of mothers milk.
China Visit
Kathy talks about her last months visit to China of 1.4 billion people, where there are 400 million millennials in there 20’s and 30’s. That each year 17 million Chinese babies come into the world.
China is relaxing its 1 person policy to that of a 2 child policy - yet, with no welfare system available, the children as they grow older become aware of filial responsible for ones parents …of taking care of them in their retirement - getting an education and working is incredibly important over there. That child has 4 grand parents and 2 parents who have an investment in that child. Plus a respected hierarchy within the family - they still have strong Confusion values.
Kathy states that:
China in 10 to 15 years time will be a world leader in child birth and all things related to babies coming into the world?
Acupuncture is incorporated into their practices as well as traditional Chinese herbal medicine. This is happening here too as we modernise obstetric care in NZ, with both acupuncture and homeopathy utilisation.
Topics covered included water births
Especially when it was first introduced in the 1980’s and water births need to be divided into 2 parts - one water labour and 2 water births.
Labouring in water is good thing approved though the jury is still out in relationship to water births.
Other subjects covered is learning to squat - for assisting easy births. Most women in the developing squat to do many chores and thus are able to give birth easier due to the practice of opening their pelvis more.
Questions that ‘I’ did not get around to asking.
What was not covered was that certain Amazonian Indians continually pass their babies from mother to father to grandmother to grandfather to aunt to uncle back to the mother and around all the other relatives in the tribes - so that the baby is so secure and at peace - that heart beats of different family member as well as energy given off is automatically sensed by the growing infant that some infants rarely have to crawl because they are always in some loving family members arms.
Not to use microwaved drink or food especially in plastic containers - even if approved as being microwave safe.
What are indigo children as well as rainbow and crystal children - (Very evolved souls).
Kathy’s Web site