Renowned for her ability to ‘cut through the crap’, Kathy is a parenting author with a unique writing genre, that blows the cobwebs off antiquated ideologies, while engaging the reader with entertaining realism – including comprehensive explanations of each age stage of childhood development; getting to the bottom of the good, bad & ugly with pharmaceutical medications; effective natural health remedies and healing therapies; nutrition as you've probably never seen it explained before; and phenomenal enlightenment into fully grasping our children's innate individual personalities.
Kathy describes OH GROW UP as being about “parenting with spirit” – strength, guts, soul – whatever “spirit” means to you.
The result is a truly remarkable eclectic fusion of ordinary old-school middle-of-the-road methodologies, combined with extraordinary old-age-new-age philosophies … including Parenting’s 21 Golden Insights, 21 Magical Secrets, and 21 Universal Principles.
Listen to a warm-hearted interview, where an experienced mother laughingly shares important information on connecting with your children and feeding them the healthiest food and drink available, especially enabling men to participate in hands on upbringing of children.
Kathy Fray - Mother, Author and Midwife