Imagine hundreds of earth conscious communities networked across our nation by goodwill (and fiber optics) being embedded in both the rural sector and urban environments, that have their own currency, of both Green Dollars and Time Banks.
These all linked by localised computer networks (but also without computers) that if you are short of NZ hard currency you can still earn, trade and be innovative business people and entrepreneurs. Where volunteers actually get paid, and there is no lack or want.
Starting from a background in organic gardens, permaculture, and community projects over the past 25 years, Laurence has sought key levers for change.
In the early to mid 90’s he founded the Environmental Business Network drawing more than 500 companies into its membership under his leadership, (the network later became the Sustainable Business Network). In this time he worked with people like Anita Roddick of The Body Shop and Dr Karl Hendrik Robert founder of The Natural Step.
Advocating community solutions led to Transition Towns and Living Economies -as movements. In conjunction with AnewNZ he runs 'The Bank of Real Solutions' a clearing house of community success stories which runs the by-line, ‘Out-thinking the problems because we can.’
He believes our barriers to a sustainable future are not from a lack of ability but from systemic corruption and cowardice, but most of all – a lack of imagination.
He lives in Golden Bay with his wife and 3 daughters and is enthusiastically involved with several community projects
In the age of globalisation, community is the anecdote ... and 'possibility is the new currency'. Want to belong and feel part of a greater, more coherent organism - where the synergy of people is based on working and playing towards the benefit of the whole? Then in the worlds of Bruce Lipton "work towards shaping and creating community".
Transition Towns:
Living Economies:
The Bank of Real Solutions: