Imagine a country where there is balance between the rich and poor, and no one goes without the basic necessities of life; where the environment and nature support life without harsh pesticides and chemicals.
Imagine a place where crime and violence are progressively diminished as people move to understand the consequences of their actions and take full responsibility for themselves. Unconditional love would be the foundation for all we do and we would not afraid to express that.
This is the vision of The Awareness Party.
The Awareness Party is a brand new ethical political movement - not a party - formed to vision a better future, and to work with issues of the day, initially in New Zealand, but ultimately as a model for the world. It is based on the conscious awareness of the truth of life on this planet and intended to harness people power to create change. It acknowledges that we are one people on one planet and what affects one affects all - therefore we need to care for our home, Earth, and for each other.
To achieve this vision will not be easy, and the founder, Lisa Er, advocates the model stated by American engineer, author, designer, inventor, and futurist, Buckminster Fuller:
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.
This political movement describes the current political systems as operating with no understanding of the relationship between consciousness and matter. However there is now a shift involving humanity’s deepest knowing and understanding of ourselves and our universe.
So The Awareness Party is committed to operating within the context and understanding of the inter-relationship of all things.
Therefore all future policies or responses will be based on the following 7 Founding Principles:
The Awareness Party describes itself as environmentally deep green but also strongly values and support science and business when working from integrity. They are highly suspicious of big business and the banking system and are looking at financial alternatives and community currencies.
It’s time to take notice! In the past, people suffered in order to give us a say in how our lives and our countries are run. If we turn our backs on that right we will be in serious trouble. As Edmund Burke said, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
The Awareness Party has developed a set of Awareness’ with the intention that they become a discussion forum at Awareness Parties and in small community groups. The purpose of these awareness’ that they have developed, is not to give the answers, but to raise the questions.
The 7 Awareness’ are:
An informal celebration of the launch of this movement is 11 am, Saturday November 13th, in The Garden Room, Grey Lynn Community Centre. All welcome. (Koha for expenses.)