The Auckland Super City is almost here! Are you excited?
Well, guess what? It’s not a done deal yet and there is still time to stop it. What the main stream media won’t tell you is that the Auckland Super City is a multi-national corporate “grab” of over 28 Billion Dollars’ of New Zealand Assets.
Here is the scurrilous little secret that you are not being told:
A possible, 112 council services will all end up being privatised. What does this mean? Major multi-national corporations will be running Auckland. In fact, Auckland will expand all the way up to the Rodney District there will be no accountability nor will there be any one local in charge. Profits? All going offshore.
Let’s look behind the curtain shall we? Two years ago 850 million dollars was spent with private contractors and the ratepayers cannot find out where exactly the money was spent.
Where is the transparency in local government? Where is the Accountability in Local Government? Why is New Zealand doing this?
Who is Penny Bright? Courageous ‘Penny Bright’ – Is an Anti Corruption Campaigner and Whistle Blower.
Penny Bright has been arrested 22 times after being (unlawfully) denied speaking rights at Auckland City Council, mainly on matters relating to water, it is 21-1 to her (defended herself - no legal training), and 4 District Court Judges have acknowledged the 'Public Watchdog' role - so that is why she describes herself as a 'judicially recognised Public Watchdog' on Metrowater, water and Auckland regional governance matters.
Penny has also been described in the NZ Herald as an 'anti-corruption campaigner' in the fight for more transparency and accountability particularly at local government. Penny Bright helped to set up the 'Stop the Supercity' group - which is totally opposed to the attempted corporate takeover of the Auckland region to run it 'like a business, by business - for business'.
Pivotal to this perceived corrupt supercity corporate coup are Auckland Regional Water Services - which are being set up for privatization.
The Corporate Agenda has been for years to set up one 'Big Auckland Water Company,' the contract out (Privatise) the management and operation of Auckland Regional Water services to United Water, 100% owned by the biggest water multinational in the world, Veolia!
Like a giant octopus, United Water (Veolia), who established a base in Papakura in 1997, has been slowly extending its covetous corporate tentacles - and now have 7 contracts in New Zealand.
United Waters?
To encircle, and privatise water services of the entire Auckland region, so that the income stream flowing from the pipes that citizens have already paid for, can flow into the bank accounts of Veolia's shareholders. Situated, we don't know where!
Proposed changes to Local Government Act 2002 (Amendment) Bill, currently before Parliament, would make it easier for such privatized water contracts, by extending the maximum contracting term from 15 to 35 years, and giving more power and control to private companies over our New Zealand Services.
Today we are in need of a massive and rapid local and global mind change that redefines the contours of a new worldview based around a deep integration of the material and spiritual worlds.
Across all disciplines, cultures, businesses in every aspect of our being we are being confronted by the urgency and necessity to instigate positive enlightened change... And things are now beginning to shift.
The need to unite and embrace new systems of thinking and doing is now paramount, that within the web of life that we are embedded in, there is no separation as we work towards oneness.
We are noticing that: "Things are getting better and better ... worse and worse and faster and faster...”
And we also know that it's our children and grand children's life that hangs in balance on what we individually and collectively do.
Hear about the new '100 critical shifts' in the coming 'Blue Economy' from metabolic materials in living buildings, such a painting buildings to absorb Co2, to mushrooms to eat and absorb nuclear waste. The increase of Wellness centers in the USA in the form of body, mind, emotions and spirit to promote full spectrum wellness
Innovative healing methods being used by heating the body to high temperatures prior to cancer treatment, break through's in power and a quantum leap in energy generation based on Zero Point Energy.
To artistic expression of 100s of participants from many countries individually singing in together in choir over the web, to tapping into our intuitive capabilities and the gift of going beyond time, and why 'equal societies' almost always do better.
Finally to how Paul Hawken sums it up with the millions of non governmental organisations and people like you, unifying as if under one banner to shift the paradigm from the old to the new ... and this is happening now.
Listen as Jeff Hutner explains that far beyond 'dysfunctional mainstream news', a new worldview is becoming manifest.
As the pace of life gets faster and faster and days appear to rapidly recede behind us, NZers appear to be like possums at night time staggering in the middle of the road mesmerized and caught in the glare of headlights of a fast coming vehicle, not knowing what is happening and therefore not appearing to take any action.
Will the possums wake up in time and do the correct thing by taking action to control their own future, ... or ...?
Plus, what is the table talk at cafes, restaurants, bars and lunch times around NZ? Is the populace happy and even ecstatic with how we the people are governing ourselves? (Yes or No?) That in fact the talk of both town and country people is that there is nothing at all to be concerned about, with our Democracy, Governance and Sovereignty? That we can safely leave everything in the hands of the Act Party who in this escalating drama of tension, play the bad cop in the National Party scenario of being the good cop?
Listen to young independent voices talk about the need to be exceptionally alert to what is happening and the necessity to NOT get our news from mainstream media that is intent on jamming sensationalistic insular drivel into our homes 24/7.
But instead, be adroit and astute by accessing our own news via the web, uTUBE, videos, DVDs, network parties and spontaneously showing up at events and friends places.
Starring Vincent Eastwood ... who is Mr News and part of the NZ’s very independent alternative media. His web site:
On You Tube at:
Vincent has been doing this media for over 18 months and he is about to launch a syndicated radio show from New Zealand but also heard in America. He has a natural talent and can take complex issues and simplify them.
Dana Louise Stewart ... Researcher of Raw food, our polluted food system, planting fruit trees and the future of New Zealand. She is very up on what is really happening in this country and is not afraid to speak the truth in an eloquent way.
Dana is the Producer of the independent film Real N' Raw and is also the founder of a charitable trust called Fruit for Our Children. Web:
Martin Adlington ... is an environmental artist and fast becoming an expert on "consumerism" and on the massive waste of consumption.
Martin has developed his media presence and now has Auckland University supporting him to make an independent film about recycled art and dumpster diving.
How come little Nuclear Free NZ, safely situated in the South West Pacific has become the focal point of Government agendas that were in most cases, not signalled at the last general election? Is this the way to ACT?
From out of right field NZers find themselves on the back foot as the Government maneuvers to place restrictions on the electorate and their freedoms, or on the other hand loosens them for exploitation.
Some see these actions as a blitzkrieg when most people are struggling to hold jobs, pay bills and give their children a good loving quality of life.
We are being asked to make submissions if we disagree with the agenda however, most find they are too tired at the end of the day to attend meetings, research their submissions and attend rallies to show solidarity.
Thus, the perception is that the Government is deliberately wearing the constituents down, but worse are only allowing 'we the people' a very short time span to respond back to the government.
Is this not strange? NZ has in most cases carried the moral high ground in local and world affairs, we have been seen as a fair country, an honest player, but where and who are the politicians who will stand in integrity and carry the flame of honest virtue working for the betterment of the community and the whole?
There are 120 elected servants in Parliament, who will stand up to be countered? Watch this space!
And where are the Civic Elders, the Pillars of Society?
"Full Spectrum Dominance!" These below are some concerns that NZ is under pressure from:
DEMOCRACY: With the disbanding of 7 local Councils in Auckland by central Government as well as Environment Canterbury ... where is this heading?
Inclusive of this are 'we' going to experience:
1) More Genetic experimentation and possibly food grown throughout Aotearoa?
2) The Australian TGA and CODEX Alimentarius being enacted to stop natural health practitioners producing products and selling them here. Note: originally many National MPs supported health freedom, but the NZ bureaucracy is still forcing this agenda, compromising some genuine National MPs word.
3) Caving in and allowing whales to be killed globally because we are fearful of the Japanese yen?
4) The Security and Intelligence Bill being foisted upon a basically peaceful country which already has very secure borders?
5) Having overseas mining corporations extract minerals from conservation land, with minute royalties going to the NZ people?
6) Foreign Investment and countries overseas buying land into NZ, when NZers are not allowed to buy land in certain countries that are allowed to buy here.
7) Community owned assets like the airport and Auckland water being readied for sale to overseas ownership or 'contracted' to them for up to 35 years at a stretch.
8) Privatization of Prisons.
And more...
The list is growing, why is the National government steam rolling us with this agenda, when it has always been their stated aim to have as little government interference as possible?
These issues have to openly debated 'point for point' via local town meetings as well as TV but with a neutral host over the next 1 to 2 years, why the hurry and why give the electorate so little time to respond.
Are MP's not "our elected servants?"
With the recent announcement that the National Government of New Zealand will impose super city status on seven local councils over the greater Auckland area, this has caused concern to many people about the methods involved to bring this about.
One of the unique qualities of localised self governance is the closeness of community, cultural identity and many collaborative ventures between council, small business and neighborhood engagement plus area employment. And yes, we need more integrated transport, and other infrastructural systems, but not without community involvement with powers to act.
With the enforcement to super city status with $28 billion of community assets, such as the Auckland airport stake, (that was recently sold off by the smaller Auckland council) what does the future hold for keeping our community resources in public hands?
With participative democracy needed like never before, you are being asked as an Aucklander to break the spell of inaction and communicate with "our paid servants in Wellington" and demand more transparency and community liaison, participation plus feed back.
For those who missed the Aucklander 4-page extravaganza 29th April, here is the online resource (without pictures)
Lewis Williams of the Ngai Te Rangi lineage or whakapapa, (whose iwi or tribe is in the Central Bay of Plenty here in Aotearoa NZ), is chairing the development of the Koru International Network; a movement for indigenous and intercultural development, whose mission is human cultural diversity in support of bio-diversity … through the revitalization of indigenous worldviews within all cultures.
Lewis is currently based in Toronto Canada whilst this network is being established. Previous to that she was based at the University of Saskatchewan as an Associate Professor, of Native Studies.
In many ways indigenous people are the ones who have by far the closest intimate relationship with nature and the earth.
They did not go down the path of manufacturing, empire building, mass production, consumerism or private property but maintained an open relationship to the elements of the earth, and with all living things within the biosphere … often today keeping to themselves where possible but in most cases they have been overrun by Western man in his desire for either resources or markets as well as power. They see life as sacred and Mother earth as their sustainer.
Never before has so much pressure been put on these people globally, especially now as Western man and technology bear down on them.
You are invited to participate at a talking circle at the Hoani Waititi Marae, Glen Eden Auckland May 7th
WORKSHOP 9.30am – 4.30 pm, Saturday 8th May 2010, Boardroom, CCS Disability Action, 14 Erson Ave, Royal Oak, Auckland. Cost $50.00.
Lewis Williams - web:
Imagine all children graduating from school with a diploma as an adjunct to their other credentials.
What an empowering tool to embrace and carry, that like a torch of benevolence, can in the spirit of goodwill, eventually have NZ sending overseas thousands of emissaries of peace and conflict resolution to all countries on our diverse planet, to go and live alongside other peoples, get to know them, working alongside them … to … gradually … and skillfully with the adeptness of warm-hearted ambassadors … draw peoples and communities closer together to see that we have more in common with each other, than differences.
And that by sharing the method of "conflict resolution" through their mediation skills would draw us closer together towards a planet of peace.
And more so here at home in our communities across NZ, we would build more deeper friendships, there would be less violence across the nation and the country would have fewer divorces and broken homes and we would be more understanding as a country of all peoples and cultures both locally and globally.
Listen to how this innovative and ground breaking "Cool Schools" program sprang into being here on the North Shore and how via the support of the Peace Foundation it is enthusiastically being nurtured and carried forward by three passionate women of conscience and determination.
Conflict Resolution, the Reconciliation of Opposing Points of View, the building blocks of negotiating Relationships.
2012 - Mayan Calendar - What is it about?
We in the Western world have been influenced by the historical events of what came out of Greece and Rome, however, when London had only a few thousand people in 800 AD, Tikal which is now in Guatemala was an advanced civilisation of 80,000 Mayan people, with a fully written language and living in elegant, architecturally built buildings with a pyramid as their center piece.
Intrinsically integrated into their cosmology was an advanced calendar that has its culmination point in 2012.
So why did the Maya have as a focal point of their civilisation a calendar that they "built on" that has a prophetic date, when their civilisation basically collapses around a 1000 years ago, yet only in the last 30 years researchers uncovers a profound understanding that humanity is at a point of cosmic timing that states that we are at the culmination of our evolutionary cycle?
And when we look around our planet today, with the synchronistic convergence of ecological, economic, societal and warlike disorder, what are we to make of this timing?
Carl Calleman, is a serious scholar and researcher from Sweden, whose insights show that there is intelligence embedded in not only the Mayan pyramids as 'time keepers' but also in the universe itself, and that we as a humanity are on the threshold of a great awakening that if we are astute and open to possibility will open the door to opportunity, growth and "unity consciousness" never before envisaged by humanity up until this very moment!
This is an exceptionally positive and optimistic analysis and interview by a world leading scholar!
From the archives.
Sue Kedgley, is currently the Chairperson of the New Zealand Parliament Health Committee, a Green Member of Parliament for 10 years and her most recent book, is titled Eating Safely in a Toxic World.
Hear of how National and Labour collude to allow no country of origin food labels allowing 'junk' food to flourish which could eventually collapse the national health system with too many over weight and diabetic patients taking up hospital beds etc and the frightening fact that the government and health department know that this is what's going to happen and instead do nothing.
The interview also covers, food labeling, irradiated food coming into NZ, poor quality food in hospitals, retirement villages and prisons, diet and sugar drinks, deteriorating teeth, education to what is a good diet and political party politics.
Also, Codex and TGA effects from Australia where we get an insight to the state of affairs of Health across NZ and the way out, by growing our own vegetables in our own back yard.
Sue tells us as it is, in the way food is processed and consumed in NZ and the huge challenge around changing food and eating habits. Particularly, ways that empower the individual and family to once again take charge of our choices on what we can do, to get closer to our food source and become a strong healthy nation once again.
Elisabeth von Madarasz has trained as a Shaman since 1989 with the Foundation for Shamanic Studies (FSS, USA). She studied for over 2 years with Robert Morningsky and during a Vision Quest in Arizona her passion to master survival skills was aroused. Elisabeth is a Graduate of the Tom Brown Jnr. Survival and Philosophy systems and teaches workshops internationally.
Shamanism is possibly the oldest known system relating to the human endeavour to know and heal oneself, going back thousands of years we find the term emerged our of Siberia and is allied to witch doctors and medicine men / women. Shaman's conversed with nature and the forces both within and without, as everything is animated by spirit.
Very unorthodox to present day medicine and our Western cosmology, shamanism has a very unique understanding of our relationship to the web of life and to the oneness of being, from honouring of birth to the sacredness of death.
In 1998 Elisabeth founded the Academy of Shamanic Studies (NZ). She aims to teach Shamanism in a way that honours the cultural heritage of each person as well as the spirit and vibrations of the land. Elisabeth's vision is to share the ancient Shamanic principles of oneness and our interconnectedness, so we can live in harmony, love, honour and respect for each other and for all life forms.
Sometimes we just want to relax take a break, learn something different, go on a safari, go bush, to a retreat or ... possibly even a non typical experience of depriving our self of the usual.
This being the case, then try spending over a fortnight a mile deep down a canyon of rock walls of red, brown, yellow to white colours and a clear blue sky above, on a tribal adventure by river raft, with people you have never met.
Experiencing an adventure deep through the grand Canyon in the US allows thoughts and feelings to be caught up with, plus encounter and interact in a close intimate clan-like setting that over a very short time period, becomes more and more natural, allowing ourselves to shuck off city life and all the attachments of Western civilisation.
Understanding of how a river runs through aeons of time, the politics of water, the pros and cons of dams, of invasive species and native aquatic fish, and know that for many thousands of years the Indians lived in sacred ceremony throughout the area, and now today struggle with the western indulgences that induces diabetes, alcoholism, cigarette smoking and a loss of connection.
Listen to an experienced and well grounded river canyon guide articulate what it is like to support people in doing what they think is impossible and push the boundaries of their being as well as know that you have to do it yourself, but not necessarily alone.
Formerly of Stanford University USA, He enthuses us - that by changing our belief system, and letting go of fear we can cro-create and change evolution - and that knowledge is power and at a cellular level a minimum age of 140 years of age is within our scope.
The interview ranges over: working in groups in community, collectively with shared aspirations and creativity - we shape a positive future. Including, science and spirit, matter and energy fields, what is visible and what is not, everything being connected ... we are in relationship ... even if we don''t realise it!
Also, native indigenous peoples and a sense of connection with the hidden. Avatar is the telling of the myth that in so many ways is the reality of today, as we have become disconnected from the living earth and the subtle energies beneath our feet. Many essences one being?
Today, Gaia is is living scientific reality.
Listen to a spontaneous full-on expression of passion and joy as Bruce tells it ... as it is!
Project Lyttelton is a grass-roots organisation in Lyttelton, in the South Island of New Zealand, that is attracting wide attention both nationally and internationally.
Its numerous successful community-led projects mean it is both an inspiration and a model for other communities wishing to build community resilience and sustainability through innovative projects and collective creativity.
The organisation has embraced cutting-edge thinking to meet the challenges of a changing world. It is showing the way forward with community sustainability, using innovative methods to capture community imagination and help create a shared vision for the future.
Through projects as varied as Time Banking, a monthly newspaper, waste minimisation, energy initiatives, three seasonal festivals, community gardening and local food production, the Farmer‘s Market, educational courses, and collective visioning workshops, Project Lyttleton has made a significant contribution to the social, economic, recreational and environmental wellbeing of the Lyttelton community.
Imagine a whole country where the population has a dynamic relationship with their environment - that locally, directly feeds them with the most vital of sustenance - fresh healthy, organic produce – that they grow themselves.
Now visualize the largest NZ city with close on 20 co-operative urban gardens doing just that already, with the probability of an extra 100 plus clusters spread across the Auckland landscape in the next 18 months.
Community garden oases of verdant health that become the focal point for family, friends and neighbours to grow, meet and share in the spirit of goodwill.
What initially started with the Counties Manukau District Health Board to curtail the spiraling increase in diabetes has led to a pioneering approach to food growing and bettering ones health. This has been to enable local citizens to work in groups or singularly to learn and grow their own healthy food and exercise in a stress free setting to once again live more in tune with community and nature.
Listen to this exciting initiative and the profound possibilities of re-greening and gardening of suburbia and across the nation that in maximizing ones health, is also pulling many differing ethnic and cultural groups together to reestablish contact with the earth, community, share information and beat diabetes.
GreenplanetFM104.6 Thurs 4th March 8-9am
Around the curve in New Zealand (Part One)
Listen to Bruce Lipton talking about the ‘new edge of science’, his experiences in that realm and of the necessity for a massive shift in our belief systems to realize our connectivity to the invisible world, of energy fields, consciousness, quantum physics, the journey of our soul … of spirit, Avatar and specifically, that it is essential for humanity to come into alignment at a very deep level within nature - as community.
Following the current Darwinian line of survival of the fittest, winner takes all, is taking us all (if we remain a semi conscious species) to the abyss. Particularly when the current leadership and business model that is running the present reality has no relationship to the sacredness of being, let alone nature, the source from which we spring.
With the “new knowing” that we individually and collectively can actively shape a totally new paradigm and transform human endevour on this, our home planet - is the imperative of the moment! So let’s take an impassioned in-breath, let go of old thought forms and actively be this change.
“Is mining undermining the community in NZ and our global standing?”
Denis Tegg, the spokesperson for Coromandel Watchdog of Hauraki. A member of the group since the early 1980s, involved in all components of the campaign - bringing communities together, raising awareness, media, peaceful and non-violent direct action, political lobbying, etc. A lawyer, he lives in Thames.
Question: How is it that it only needs the Prime Minister and the Minister for Conservation to say yes to mining? No one else and no Act of Parliament is required!
Gold mining generates huge volumes of hazardous waste (tailings), which is dumped in a tailings dam. The gold is only a tiny proportion of the material extracted, less than 10 parts in one million.
The gold is extracted using cyanide, so safe storage of the mine waste poses a serious problem. Waste rock (overburden) that is not processed, as well as the highly toxic processed waste, is hazardous. Processed rock takes up several times more volume once extracted. The tailings stay toxic for thousands of years. The Newmont, Waihi Gold Tailings dam is on a massive scale of the hazardous waste that is generated – 40 million cubic meters.
However, it is more complex and serious than this.
Coromandel with its high rainfall, sensitive shellfish beds plus its Clean Green overseas tourist image if it starts mining, puts NZ's stature at risk, while the government’s supposed take of less than 5 million dollars per annum in royalties defies logic.
What can we as an aware, cohesive community do?
Listen to a clear and coherent 50 minute understanding of the issues regarding why we must never desecrate this land, and instead honour it for its natural beauty and diversity. PLUS learn some simple methods of how to take action.
Wade Doak is NZ’s equivalent to Jacques Cousteau having spent over 50 years as a aquanaut around New Zealand's coastline, interacting underwater with all species, researching the local ocean ecosystems, especially where the land meets the sea and the diverse interactions take place in these environments.
Author of a large number of books, films and documentaries, Wade is better known overseas than he is here in NZ.
Wade is also a world authority on dolphins having studied and swum with them in the wild and he has traveled extensively overseas sharing his knowledge on these most intelligent of creatures.
Yet, his knowingness on so many levels as to how the ocean systems work and the biota that inhabit them and the urgent need to lock away more areas as reserves and sanctuaries is now an important issue that Wade speaks passionately for.
As we gain a greater knowing that our planet is a gigantic living super system that connects all biota into a complex web of life, what are we going to leave future generations is foremost on his mind, as it is becoming for more and more people on this planet today. Listen to an engrossing story of contact with inhabitants of the undersea world.
Here in NZ we are in need of more electricity, we have around 40 dams on some of our largest rivers. These dams are up to 40 to 50 years old, with generators that are based on old technologies.
For some unknown reason, the NZ government and the engineers over the last 20 years have not talked about recalibrating the turbines to use higher gearing ratios and more refined hydrodynamic blades and rotational systems to extract another 30% to 40% plus power out of these numerous dams that let the water go after only partially extracting what energy it carries.
It is a scandal that we are not being innovative and reinventing ways to use this water that we have harnessed. Where are the visionaries, our brilliant ones, our clever engineers?
However, behind the scenes are gathering groups of people experimenting with high technologies going back as far as Nikola Tesla, Victor Shauberger to John Bedini & others, and what is happening is that experimenters all over the world are now sharing information needed to “open source” the technology of free energy.
Paul Larkin is part of a group, who wish to introduce breakthrough technologies that have the power to radically transform our planet & way of life.
Free energy motors devices & systems, use a small amount of input power to draw a larger amount from the surrounding environment ... impossible?
No ...
So long as the energy comes from somewhere this does not violate the laws of physics ... in fact several devices in common use already do this, including fridges, heat pumps & air-conditioning. We can also do this electrically….
By redesigning our technology we can create electrical devices such as motors & generators that collect “radiant electricity ”from the “Active Vacuum” or Ether.
There is no energy crisis ... there is a crises in consciousness!
All we need is the will & consciousness to create a new reality ... which eagerly awaits us.
These below are relevant web resources:
The new sciences quantum physics and epigenetics are revolutionising our understanding of the link between mind and matter, challenging established scientific theories and prompting a complete re-evaluation of life as we have known it.
The significance of this shift in belief is vast in that the original view led to the notion that we are victims of our biology. Whereas the ‘new’ sciences show that we are actually masters of our biology.
Bruce has taken his award-winning medical school lectures to the public and is currently a sought after keynote speaker and workshop presenter.
He lectures to conventional and complementary medical professionals and lay audiences about leading-edge science and how it dovetails with mind-body medicine and spiritual principles.
He has been heartened by anecdotal reports from hundreds of former audience members who have improved their spiritual, physical and mental well being by applying the principles he discusses in his lectures. He is regarded as one of the leading voices of the new biology.
Dr Bruce Lipton, author of the popular book; Biology of Belief, Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles, was awarded 2006’s Best Science Book of the Year.